
Spinel, diamonds, blue pearl, upgrades, remakes....three lovely projects now finished!


Aug 18, 2013
Hi @diamondseeker2006 - and thank you for the anniversary wishes! 36 years and counting....

I think my three-stone project proves that all sorts of different sides can look fabulous, so long as they're set in the way that flatters them. I remember years ago you helping me out by showing me various combinations of sides, and I particularly loved the .4/1/.4 ratio. This isn't *quite* that (it's .31/1/.31), but it's not bad and, coming up from .2/1/.2, is probably as large a jump as would have kept me comfortable with the new design. And just to put this out there in the universe...I don't see me changing it in the future. I loved the last one, I love this one even more, and I don't see a way of improving on it. I'm also out of finger real estate. It doesn't go *quite* side to side on my finger - but I only see a tiny bit of yellow gold shank, and I *want* to be able to see some band, so this is it for me.

And THANK YOU for your sympathies on photographing colored stones. My word, this one is giving me a hard time. In real life, she's sublimely purple in most lights, and was sold as a purple spinel - but most of my home is either yellow, coffee or greige inside, and those colors don't do a purple gem stone any favors!

And I'm glad you like the pearl. We're going out for our anniversary dinner Saturday next week and I intend to wear it with a black dress and jacket. Ithink it should look very nice - that necklace was made for black. :))


May 11, 2012
Congrats on all 3 new pieces and your anniversary!!!! I particularly love the proportions of the three stone, it's elegant and makes a grand statement at the same time. And welcome to what I like to call, "the black hole money void/pit of spinel ownership". One spinel is never enough...... well that''s my theory :)


Aug 18, 2013
Awww - @bling_dream19 - you should definitely have a three stone! Did you see dmack's beautiful new upgrade? YUMMY! And thank you for the well wishes re the mammogram results - it was a big gulp, then a big exhale, a big grin, then a reminder to myself that I can stop worrying about it now! :wavey:

Hi there, @RunningwithScissors. :)) I really like the new sides (I'm wearing it right now and have been admiring it in between the last sentence and this one!) It's such an elegant, substantial look, and it fits my finger *perfectly*. it really is all in the curve.... Do you have any idea who you would get to make your 3 stone, if you did one? There are a few people who *always* seem to get it right. And - you're dead right: I change my jewelry multiple times a day. What can I say? I'm fickle! :mrgreen:

@Queenie60 - thank you. Having found a sizeable lump, I do wonder if radiologists realize, in general, just how traumatizing the whole process is - even with an all-clear result. You find a lump - you wonder if you have cancer - you wonder, if you do, how far advanced it is - you go for a test - you sit in the waiting room, waiting to hear if it's a great big nothing or if you're dying or if it's something in the middle - you hear it's a big nothing - you go sit in your car and shake for 10 minutes, then limp home to try to recover till next time. It's an emotional roller coaster. Hideous - especially having already had cancer last year, and having been diagnosed with 'maybe Lynch Syndrome'. I mean - seriously - this if big, important stuff. And it's tough. If that's a regular process for you, you have ALL my thoughts with you. oxo


Aug 18, 2013
Ooooh - @winnietucker - that is a crown I will GLADLY wear! :mrgreen: Thank you!

@arkieb1 - how are you? And how are things in the God-zone, aka Australia? Thank you for the good wishes - it was, as always, worth celebrating. :)) As for spinels...what fresh hell is this?? I did one. Did another one. Did two more. Looking now at numbers 5-through a zillion! The colors are just too delicious!!


Apr 6, 2005
Thank you so much, @Catmom! I just finished looking at your family pin shot! It's lovely to own beautiful jewelry, but I really do gain almost as much enjoyment ogling the pieces of others as I do ogling my own! And your pin collection is the perfect example of this. I can't tell you how much pleasure I've had, enjoying your critter collection! So very beautiful!

Thank you, @kathley! DKJ really has knocked it out of the park time after time after time. The prong work on the spinel ring, for example, is just divine and so full of character! And thank you for those kind wishes; 36 is a whole lotta years!!

Hi @Queenie60! I love the idea of my pieces being tasteful! Thank you so much for that! :wavey:

Thank you so much mrs-b! I'm very happy for you regarding your results. Now you can relax and enjoy your next 36 years and your gorgeous bling.


Mar 15, 2018


Best news ever on PS!=)2
@Taylorbug! - thank you! And yes, I agree with you - the new proportions are even better. Let's be honest tho - is a row of diamonds EVER bad?? :mrgreen:

Thank you so much, @alene - I'm loving my new pieces, and we had a lovely day. :))

Thank you, @EllenS1 - I think they're going to be SO beautiful. Well, I *think* they are. I'm hoping to have at least one of them in the next 2 weeks, and the other one in 3. Maybe sooner - we'll see! And just by the way - I love your new, tiny ECs! :wavey:

looking forward to seeing them! And thanks mrs-b - I’ve never had ECs before- they’re tiny but oh so cute!


Apr 29, 2019
Hi there, @RunningwithScissors. :)) I really like the new sides (I'm wearing it right now and have been admiring it in between the last sentence and this one!) It's such an elegant, substantial look, and it fits my finger *perfectly*. it really is all in the curve.... Do you have any idea who you would get to make your 3 stone, if you did one? There are a few people who *always* seem to get it right. And - you're dead right: I change my jewelry multiple times a day. What can I say? I'm fickle! :mrgreen:

Glad you are enjoying all your lovelies! I think its really fun to be able to change our jewelry during the day if the mood strikes. I love "dressing for dinner" by putting on a little extra bling. Sometimes that just means putting on my e-ring if it was a day I was painting and not wearing it, other days it means adding my CZ tennis bracelet (I have one that I'm living with to see how I like the size while saving up for a real one.)

No, I haven't given changing my e-ring setting any serious thought yet. I'm not 100% convinced I want a 3 stone. I very much like them, and sometimes I play by putting my studs on either side of my ring while wearing it to simulate the look of a 3 stone. That's a lot of fun! I do like a "wall of bling" look but I also like the sleek modern look of simple solitaire. First world problems! If I do decide to go with a 3 stone in the future, I will circle back to you to get recommendations for benches. I adore Victor's work, and he has a 3 stone that I really like, but I don't think he'll set three diamonds not sourced by him and I'm hooked on CBIs for larger MRBs.

Anyway, for me, changing my e-ring is further down on my list than a couple other projects like increasing the size of my studs and a tennis bracelet. So, any changes will be a few years down the road. But its always fun to imagine!


Aug 18, 2013
Hi @EllenS1 :)) I'm not sure how long till they're done. I'm thinking one will ship this week - probably the end of this week. They're a bit different and full of memories, so it will be really good to have even one of them! Having both will cross a major project off the list!

@RunningwithScissors - solis and 3 stones are a very different look and hit different parts of the brain. Without trying to be funny, my best advice, if you like the look of a three stone, is to have both, because neither one will scratch the itch for the other. If your soli isn't large enough for you, aesthetically, and you have studs you think would work with it, I'd work on getting the new studs first, then make a three stone with your soli and current studs. Then - start a new, upgradable project that you can work on over time. For me, that will be my very last ever project. When I start on my upgradable solitaire, you'll know - she's done. That project will give me something to work on for the rest of my life, while still being ostensibly done. Like - everything will be wearable, but I'll still have one last piece I can keep upgrading to keep myself connected to jewelry and vaguely occupied, without feeling like I still have five thousand projects to go!

And I know you didn't ask my opinion - but somehow I just sort of disappeared into my own head for a second there! Sorry, RWS! :wavey:


Jul 12, 2015
Congratulations on your smashing new pieces AND your flying colors mammogram report as well, @mrs-b!! I am so thrilled for you on all counts! I absolutely ADORE your new three stone with the pumped-up side stones, and your other pieces are divine as well! :love:

Sorry for the delay in chiming in; things have been ridiculously hectic lately as my husband and I are balancing working from home AND managing three young children who are all doing virtual school this fall. So although I am late to the party, I just wanted to let you know how excited I am for you with your mammogram news and your fabulous new bling... what a perfect combination! You are truly a force to be reckoned with, and you are always such an inspiration to me!! I hope these pieces bring you all of the joy your heart can hold, as you deserve nothing less, ant thank you for sharing them with us!


May 22, 2002
Congratulations on all your pieces. You have a discerning eye for details that some of us don't think about. LOL Love the 3 stone & think you made a great choice going for larger sides rather than upsizing your centre stone .15mm. I did just that because the opportunity arose that I could, & although I can visually appreciate the tiny size bump, but $12K? Nope. You made a great choice. The pearl piece is beautiful & teared up a bit. My mom was into hearts & her birthstone is pearl. She would have rocked that necklace as lovely as you do. The spinel is gorgeous. I usually pass on the dark purple/grey stones, but now I'm going to have to give them some attention. LOL

Happy belated Anniversary. Here's to 36 + more years! :clap:

Most importantly, I'm very happy to hear your tests are negative. So so happy to hear. :))


Nov 19, 2014
Happy 36th Anniversary @mrs-b! And I am so happy to hear your test results are negative. You have been through way too much already.

I love your new 3 stone ring (actually all your jewellery). The proportions on this one is amazing. You are correct about the tilt and angles. It is not easy to get right. What I love about your jewellery the most is that all your pieces are timeless - classic and very elegant.


Oct 24, 2012
Congratulations @mrs-b! 36 years is amazing!! I'm so glad the results came back NORMAL. What a wonderful word and what a relief! So happy that you so many lovely bling pieces to celebrate such worthy events and news!

Btw, love the proportions of your three stone. Really. Just amazing. I'm in the bigger sides camp as well. For forever, I have loved three stones, but somehow didn't feel like most of the ones I saw on PS were for me since most people seem to favor small sides. I have just come to realize these past several months that I LOVE the bigger sides. I love that "wall of bling" look and am very comfortable with it. Your larger sides are FA-BU-LOUS. :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: Love them. If you happen to have more pics hiding in your cell phone, please post away...


Jul 8, 2020
Ah! Late to the party. Firstly, congratulations on the test results, and best wishes for future health and many more happy anniversaries to come after this 36th-year-celebration.

The pearl drop is intriguing, baroque, shimmering. Quite a tone. I was going to ask what the diamond cuts were in the heart, then I kept scrolling and saw it was an antique piece. Aha! So that explains why I thought the sinuous lines looked Edwardian. The ruby makes for a pop of contrast and the whole is very elegant.

The claw prongs and rounded outline of the halo wrapping around the cushion spinel contribute an understated sort of gleam. I like it, and as a platinum aficionado, that is a great piece of bling. I know what you mean about photographing a moody stone being difficult...I actually sent a similarly moody sapphire away to be set this year because, I realized, I could not appreciate it much indoors. It had to go in the yard or the car with me to really shine. And, likewise, your spinel impresses me: a complex mélange of color that is rewarding, deep, and on occasion frustratingly inconsistent.

The three-stone ring must be blazing. The stones are so white and precise, yet, flow together softly as a group. Not an easy feat. Your thought process had me plugging the dimensions for side stones I have indicated I wanted for some three-stone rings progress. And, hmmm, granted 2 are actually colored stone centers so not applicable, but: my diamond range would be about .23/1/.23 - .31/1/.31. Thank you! When the time comes I will be better equipped to request which ones will look right in pictures for approval. 8)


Aug 7, 2013
@mrs-b - If you’re ever up for it, I’d love to read a thread about the iterations of your three-stone, and how it has evolved and changed through the years with the turns and bends in the road! I’m sure we’d all love to read a picture journey if you have the time and inclination to have it all down in one thread!


Aug 18, 2013
@carbonfan - what a lovely post - thank you so much! After 2 horrendous years, I cannot TELL you how GREAT it was to get an all-clear on something! Finally!! And 2 years is also about how long I've been going back and forth on my three stone! I'm hugely chuffed with the changes and I love the new proportions. Something about the new sides has taken it from a substantial ring to a force with which to be reckoned! You wouldn't think the new sides would make that much difference - but they do! And that grey spinel is keeping me busy with daily (daily, I tell you!!) photo shoots, trying to capture its beauty, which still eludes me.I'm enjoying the attempt, tho, and enjoying my new bling in total. I'm a very lucky woman. :)

@ccuheartnurse - I'm a real eagle eye for jewelry, and I think I would have spotted the increase in size. But the new sides have changed the diameter of the head of my ring by 1.8mm, and I DEFINITELY see *that*! I think I'm done fiddling with it now; it's 5ctw and it's time to say "Enough". And - re the pearl necklace - my birth stone also is a pearl! I love that necklace - it's just a bit different, and it's large while still being delicate. I'm sure it will get many happy years. Just as soon as the new matching earrings arrive.... :mrgreen: (yes - really!)

Hi there, @MJ_Mac! :wavey: Thank you for your kind wishes and also for the very kind words about my jewelry pieces! On a three stone, tilt angle is everything, and I do feel as tho this one is right on the money. It hugs my finger beautifully, which is exactly the look I like best in a three stone -proportions notwithstanding. I do aim for timeless - I hate the idea of these things going out of date, so I tend to keep my designs very clean. I've found that the very best way to avoid having to upgrade for fashion's sake is to keep it clean and simple in the first place. Frills and furbelows go out of date - good, clean lines do not, and it's a standard I keep in mind whenever I design anything.

And yet I will shortly take receipt of the two frilliest, most details charm bracelets in the world. So there goes my own aesthetics standards!! We'll see how I go.... :))


Aug 18, 2013
Hi @LLJsmom :wavey: Yes, sometimes 'normal' is so far beyond normal it's hard to express! I am so relieved by this result!

I took a couple of photos, but they were pretty ordinary. So in the end, I decided to make a little video. Unfortunately, Youtube has such poor resolution, it doesn't show the beauty of the original video - and I'm sure PS will downgrade it again, but there you go - this is the best I could do.

And this one just because... :)



Aug 18, 2013
On Sunday, to celebrate Labor Day, my god daughter asked me if we could have a tea party. I said - of course! - and here we are. :)) I used my very favorite Alice in Wonderland china made by Whittards in England, and we had home made fudge brownies, celery sticks stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped in prosciutto, fresh cherry flummery, mangoes and blackberries with greek yoghurt, hot french bread with smoked salmon et al and egg salad, champagne and a pot of herb tea. All fresh - all made by me!


And here are two of my very favorite people toasting all hard working people everywhere - in this case - me!



Aug 18, 2013
Thank you for all your kind wishes, @asterismdispersion :wavey: I am firmly of the belief that almost every ring on the planet should be a three stone, so you'll get nothing but support from me re making your colored gems three stone settings! Is this something you're seriously considering? I'd love to see them!

I'm loving the spinel more and more as time passes, but I'm actually considering re-doing the band into a plain rose gold band. I feel like it would bring some warmth out in the stone, and purple and orange is one of my all-time favorite color combos. So I'm thinking of going this route; I think it would look fabulous. We'll see, tho.

As for the necklace - I love everything about it. I love its originality and I LOVE its color combo. That blood red ruby with that cool, blue pearl is just delicious to me! Looking forward very much to wearing it this Saturday!!


Aug 14, 2009
@mrs-b, I'm not sure how you consistently time your threads such that I add my first contribution on Page 5, but... (Yes, I just blamed you for my own tardiness :lol:)

I've got so much to catch up on!! Back after work!


Aug 18, 2013
@mrs-b, I'm not sure how you consistently time your threads such that I add my first contribution on Page 5, but... (Yes, I just blamed you for my own tardiness :lol:)

I've got so much to catch up on!! Back after work!

@yssie -

Laughing here - I...apologise?

I've been dreading you seeing that I enlarged the sides on my three stone - I know how committed you are to small sides! Frankly, I took your silence as meaning "Hmmmmm, H...."

On the up side tho, I'm currently doing a pair of opal and diamond drop earrings in rose gold. The crystal opals are of medium color at best, but I think I'm going to like them a lot! But they definitely DONT have strong colors, so I wouldn't get too excited about seeing them. They should be very pretty and they'll almost certainly be the only opal earrings I ever own, so they'll be special for that reason, if nothing else.

And I think both charm bracelets will come end of next week.

AND I've been working on setting a pair of lovely silver blue Tahitian pearls a friend of mine gave me - :wavey: - so I'll be interested to hear what you make of those. They'll go with the blue pearl necklace in this thread. I hope you like them!

Frankly, tho, since I saw your new bangle - and then the photos of it with the earrings - I've realized I'm only kicking around in the shallows. I doubt I'll ever do more, tho, as my jewelry collection is nearing completion....


May 24, 2016
@mrs-b, Such a pleasure to see your face, full of grace and warmth just like your collection. Also, I am just imagining you wearing a charm bracelet on each hand and waving them like pom poms! Congratulations on your happy health news!


Apr 28, 2014
I also don’t know how I’m so late to the party! It’s been tough working from home with a little one running around and to be honest I thought this was an old thread that was bumped until I realized the post date :lol:

First I want to say that I’m sooooo happy your results are normal!!! Congratulations!!! Health is most important, the rest of your post with all of your beautiful tweaks and additions are just added bonuses in life. Loooove the new sparkles and your 3 stone is even more fabulous (how that’s possible, I don’t know!?). Hope you’re at a point to sit back and enjoy your amazing collection with your wonderful DH, god daughter, family and friends for a lifetime! Sending you lots of hugs!


Oct 24, 2012
:D:D Tea Party!!! What a lovely idea brought to fruition. You outdid yourself! Hope you and your loved ones had a wonderful time. Thank you for the videos and eye candy. Your three stone is everything. Yay!!!


Aug 18, 2013
@KristinTech -

@Alex T started this thread back in 2018 (man, how time has flown!) and on this page, starting from the second post down, there's the story of how I got to where I am now. It doesn't include my very latest 3 stone iteration, but it's the one before this one, which is, ostensibly, the same ring anyway.

I re-read it myself when I looked it and - wow - has there ever been some twists and turns! I hope this is what you had in mind. :wavey:



Jul 27, 2019
hooooooo-wheee! The proportions on the 3-stone are beautiful.


Aug 18, 2013
@luckyblackcat - thank you so much! However, I have to new charm bracelets will be a little bit different to the norm. I'm *really* looking forward to receiving them and showing you all where I landed! I think the pom-pom effect, however, might be off the table! :dance:

Hi @ac117! How are you? Things here are good and I'm reasonably well as of today (ie yesterday was rough with a pretty hideous Crohn's flare, but today is better). I'm chomping at the bit to get some of my next pieces, but this week is overly optimistic. Hoping next week is a go! I still have 4 pieces on the cooker with DKJ, but then it's time for a rest. Aaaaahhhhhh! (That's my bank balance exhaling!)

@LLJsmom - we had a wonderful tea party! It was all very refined with lovely linen and great food, and we were all on our best behavior! And I have to agree with you - this iteration of my three stone is the BOMB, BABY!! :mrgreen:

Thank you, @itskcc - I'd love to act all humble and wot-not - but I think you're absolutely correct: it's beautiful!

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Hi @LLJsmom :wavey: Yes, sometimes 'normal' is so far beyond normal it's hard to express! I am so relieved by this result!

I took a couple of photos, but they were pretty ordinary. So in the end, I decided to make a little video. Unfortunately, Youtube has such poor resolution, it doesn't show the beauty of the original video - and I'm sure PS will downgrade it again, but there you go - this is the best I could do.

And this one just because... :)


This video really shows the perspective better than the still shots - it looks gloriously huge & sparkles beautifully!


Nov 21, 2014
All beautiful pieces!

I have to say, I agree with you about choosing the side stones for a 3 stone ring to look at the proportions and the curve is definitely a detail that is often overlooked.

When I was planning my 3 stone I definitely insisted that it wasn’t going to be 3 stones in a row, like a straight line that I have seen in so many rings. Mine had to have a curve to accentuate the importance of each stone.

You have great taste, wonderfully executed pieces and truly timeless classic pieces.
Enjoy and congrats on your anniversary and good health!


Jan 29, 2012
Project 1 of 3.

Well, I ummed and ahhed for literally years about upgrading the center stone in my three stone. In the end, I decided another $12k for .15mm was just nutty. So...I replaced the sides with something a little larger. I stayed with super ideal cuts, F color, VS2, and went from sides that were 2 x .61 F VS1, so 1 x .95 F VS2 and 1 x .96 F VS2. My center stone is an F VS2, so we've got some nice flow going on! :))

It's not precisely a 'wall of bling', but it certainly looks more substantial on the finger, as the sides have gone from 5.45mm to 6.35mm, and the change in proportions is definitely noticeable.

Altho I love tiny sides, I actually prefer what I now have. The center stone is still clearly THE center stone, and the ring hugs the finger even better than it did before. It's a little more traditional than previously in its proportions, and I love that. It's just the most stunning ring!




That is absolutely stunning and it sure looks like wall to wall coverage to me. :drool: :love:
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