
Pink Pear vs White Asscher for RHR

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Date: 7/8/2006 4:48:01 PM
Author: isaku5
Date: 7/8/2006 3:37:00 PM
Author: decodelighted
Date: 7/8/2006 1:04:30 AM
I think the pink looks costumey.

IMO - It''s practically invisible ... pinky/peachy skin tone. On the hand it looks like you''re kinda just seeing ''the halo'' and looking through the halo''s opening at skin beneath.
Hopefully not the case in person.

Decodelighted.....Not sure I get your drift????? Too pale to be considered fake????

The closeness in color to "skin tone" is what bugs me about the Pink Pear. Not enough "zing". Oddly blends in a bit on the hand. I quoted "diamondfan" because she seemed to be the only other nay=sayer of late on the Pink Panther front.

With your budget approx., in a pre-made piece, THIS vintage beauty is what I''d pick. In a heartbeat. Forget your cruise, you need a trip to NYC''s fifth avenune. (Though this piece is, I believe, in London)

Date: 7/8/2006 7:43:12 PM
Author: decodelighted

Date: 7/8/2006 6:11:46 PM
Author: isaku5
Is this worse than trusting someone whose workmanship I''ve never seen put a step-cut halo around the 2.26 asscher???

Will all due respect, have you seen the workmanship on the Pink Pear, or that vendor''s other work IN PERSON either? I wonder if the ''no return'' policy is just about the personal history involved -- or, perhaps, a measure based on how the piece appears in real life compared to online. Doesn''t sound like he has much confidence you''ll keep it.

I would NEVER agree to such terms no matter how badly I thought I wanted something. And the ''exchange'' policy doesn''t make it a whit more tempting. Especially if you haven''t previously examined the level of quality in person.
Thanks for the input, deco.....Are there any PS''ers out there who own and could attest to the quality of workmanship on DBL''s rings????

If I''m not mistaken, I think widget has a piece or two from DBL. Maybe she''ll chime in here.
And you mentioned on page 1 of this thread that there was no return policy due to sizing up to size 8 from size 5.5. That doesn''t make sense either. Unless it''s an eternity band, any ring should be sizeable up or down.
Date: 7/8/2006 7:50:03 PM
Author: decodelighted

Date: 7/8/2006 4:48:01 PM
Author: isaku5

Date: 7/8/2006 3:37:00 PM
Author: decodelighted

Date: 7/8/2006 1:04:30 AM
I think the pink looks costumey.

IMO - It''s practically invisible ... pinky/peachy skin tone. On the hand it looks like you''re kinda just seeing ''the halo'' and looking through the halo''s opening at skin beneath.
Hopefully not the case in person.

Decodelighted.....Not sure I get your drift????? Too pale to be considered fake????

The closeness in color to ''skin tone'' is what bugs me about the Pink Pear. Not enough ''zing''. Oddly blends in a bit on the hand. I quoted ''diamondfan'' because she seemed to be the only other nay=sayer of late on the Pink Panther front.

With your budget approx., in a pre-made piece, THIS vintage beauty is what I''d pick. In a heartbeat. Forget your cruise, you need a trip to NYC''s fifth avenune. (Though this piece is, I believe, in London)
Well, I think a few pages back I indicated that while I thought the pink pear was pretty, I just didn''t see it as an everyday ring. I think the asscher would have been more classy and classic. Although I''d be happy for someone to send me either one!
Date: 7/8/2006 7:57:32 PM
Author: lizz
And you mentioned on page 1 of this thread that there was no return policy due to sizing up to size 8 from size 5.5. That doesn''t make sense either. Unless it''s an eternity band, any ring should be sizeable up or down.
Lizz...Yep, it''s sizeable alright, but I interpreted David''s response to mean that he wasn''t eager to size it up FOR ME. Maybe, I''m taking this way too personally and should clarify several points on Monday before doing anything.
I''d get a 7 day unconditional return policy in writing or no deal. Tell him you have to see the ring before making a final commitment. Otherwise, he can just let the ring sit there.
Date: 7/8/2006 8:11:48 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
I''d get a 7 day unconditional return policy in writing or no deal. Tell him you have to see the ring before making a final commitment. Otherwise, he can just let the ring sit there.
I like your attitude, diamondseeker, and will follow your advice!!!!

Thank you again PS''ers for all your input. I will keep you updated.
We''re just looking out for you, Isabel! Good luck and let us know what happens!
Date: 7/8/2006 7:50:05 PM
Author: isaku5

Date: 7/8/2006 7:43:12 PM
Author: decodelighted

Date: 7/8/2006 6:11:46 PM
Author: isaku5
Is this worse than trusting someone whose workmanship I''ve never seen put a step-cut halo around the 2.26 asscher???

Will all due respect, have you seen the workmanship on the Pink Pear, or that vendor''s other work IN PERSON either? I wonder if the ''no return'' policy is just about the personal history involved -- or, perhaps, a measure based on how the piece appears in real life compared to online. Doesn''t sound like he has much confidence you''ll keep it.

I would NEVER agree to such terms no matter how badly I thought I wanted something. And the ''exchange'' policy doesn''t make it a whit more tempting. Especially if you haven''t previously examined the level of quality in person.
Thanks for the input, deco.....Are there any PS''ers out there who own and could attest to the quality of workmanship on DBL''s rings????

If I''m not mistaken, I think widget has a piece or two from DBL. Maybe she''ll chime in here.

$34,000 is a LOT, and you want to make sure you''re 100% happy with it. I have a RHR yellow ring from DBL, which I love, and the workmanship is wonderful! The polishing is just as good as my Leon Mege Princess. Granted, my RHR doesn''t have all the bells and whistles like the pink pear (no pave, no halo), but inside the basket is polished just as nice as my Leon. I have louped some rings (that includes some customed pieces) and often the metal isn''t polished like it could. Maybe I''m picky though..

Cute avatar
hmmm tough call...

i can't fault DBL for being a little leery with isaku due to previous history, but hello, no return policy at all on 34k? the exchange policy is cool but what if you don't want anything else?

i agree that i would try to negotiate something like a hefty restocking fee to cover all costs or something similar....that way DBL could be happy and you could be happy. restocking can be 10-15% or something. of course DBL wants the SALE of 34k not a restocking fee but i would imagine they'd rather sell the ring and agree to a restocking fee than just sit on the ring and hope someone else buys it. or maybe not...who knows.

i wouldn't go in there all fired up two have history and obviously he's still harboring some resentment. but if you really do want this ring, be prepared to negotiate and don't take it personally or get emotional. it's your hard earned money but it's his investment in the diamond and ring etc. just keep things respectful and see if he would agree to a restocking fee or similar if you return it. also a short return policy such as 5 working days after receiving the ring or similar. i would imagine you'd know right away if you love it or not.

as for the look of the ring or it's pale pinkness or whatever, i really love this ring....sure it looks a little cocktaily but it's rare, unique and just stunning and i like the idea of it better than the asscher project...but i would definitely negotiate a better policy for a return.

as a random side note, what is up with these vendors who get upset when you change your mind or decide to go elsewhere and get all agro and hold a grudge? that's why there is a return policy...get over it! you have to be professional about it and move on.
Wow... and you thought going with the pear was going to be the simple and easy choice? ::ironic giggle::

I wish you the best of luck in all of this... maybe the delay is a good thing? I''ll keep reading... really, good luck!
Gosh, I would not say that a 10-15% restocking fee would be fair to Isabel, either. She shouldn''t have to pay $3400 to look at a ring for a week! I think it is appropriate for her to pay something like $200 to cover the shipping both ways if she doesn''t keep the ring. But she should have the right to examine and promptly return rings until she finds one she loves.
Hi all...

I've got to disagree with Deco and DF here. I think it's a lovely delicate pink and certainly wouldn't look 'transparent'. It's a diamond after all, and should sparkle accordingly...

I do NOT think it looks 'costumey', but like a lovely RHR.

I think we all can agree that an affordable (to some) 1.5+ct pink diamond doesn't come around very often. It might be a very long time before another one comes around. If I wanted it, I'd jump through hoops to get it.

"Are there any PSers out there who could attest to the quality of DBL's workmanship?"

OK...I've purchased two items (so far
) from DBL. The first doesn't count (studs mounted in stock 14K wg), the second, he mounted my ruby for me in plat/18K YG. It's stamped "ROCK" which I think means it's his 'top o' the line' custom mounting.

I'm absolutelly delighted with it! But I must admit...I'm not as anal as some PSers. I've taken some closeup shots of it, so you can see the workmanship. I do this with some trepidation...please be kind to my baby!!

Special note: Sorry the ring is so mungy and dirty..I did this in a rush. The polish is beautiful. And I think these stones were a challenge to mount: The ruby is old, native cut, has a 'wavey' girdle, and maybe a slightly off center bottom. The sides are OECs, so who knows what challenges they presented.

Here goes:

Date: 7/8/2006 9:43:06 PM
Author: widget
I think we all can agree that an affordable (to some) 2+ct pink diamond doesn''t come around very often.
I might be wrong Widge ... but I don''t think a 2+ct pink diamond HAS come around
Wasn''t it 1.5-ish? I hope I am wrong about it looking transparent - pix are so tricky - which is why the ability to check it out in person is SO imp!!

YOUR pix, however, look great! It''s a different kind of piece, as you said -- but I wouldn''t think 2x about posting that beauty whenever & wherever you wish!
Oops! Thanks Deco...I goofed. I''ll go edit my post now.

I guess I''m confused about the ''transparent'' idea. White diamonds don''t look transparent (unless they''re rose cut or something) seems to a pink diamond would be even less likely to.

You''re right, of course...seeing it in person would help...

Snooper... Yes, 34k is a lot of $$$ to be gambling with. I have seen pics of your yellow and white RHR from DBL and I think it''s beautiful and to hear that the workmanship is excellent makes it even better.

Mara... I think negotiating positively is definitely the way to go. No way I''d go in "guns ablazing"
I have to agree with diamondseeker that a 10 -15% restocking fee is pretty hefty. I''m thinking $1500. + shipping and sizing. Sound fair??

Widget...Thanks for the great photos of your ring; the workmanship looks great. I would certainly love to own the pear and initially was "tempted to jump through hoops" to get it, but I really need to see the ring in person to spend so much. If David doesn''t want to negotiate terms by which I could do this, then I guess we''re both out of luck.

Cehra...Yes, I thought this was going to be easy. No such luck!! Thanks for your well wishes.
Date: 7/8/2006 10:17:01 PM
Author: widget
I guess I''m confused about the ''transparent'' idea. White diamonds don''t look transparent (unless they''re rose cut or something) seems to a pink diamond would be even less likely to.
Maybe this pix will show the optical illusion I''m referring to ... it''s not that I think the pink diamond actually IS transparent, or would look transparent against any other background other than rosy pink skin tone. My own skin tone is close to the delicate shell pinky/peach of the stone ... so on my hand, and in this hand pix the white diamond HALO, rather than the pink center stone is what stands out against the hand.

You''re right though - in person, there''s the sparkle factor that would clearly show that it''s not a pear shaped hole in the middle of a ring of diamonds.

On the "up" side ... it''s subtle! You know, in a glamorous way.

I vote for the Tahitian cruise
or why not a trip to NYC to hit up some serious jewelery stores. You''d get to try on a whole bunch of styles and see which one you really, really fall in love with.

I think your offer sounds fair. I hope they agree to take it.
I see what you mean about the pale pink seeming to blend with the model''s skin and the halo standing out.

I have very pale white skin FWIW and blush pink is my favourite colour. I "think" it would look great, but it has to be seen in person on my finger. Colours in pictures can be deceiving.
I think the ring is pretty (the pink pear). However, jmho, in the photos the pink is fairly light and I am not a huge fan of that style ring. While it is not my style, I can see the prettiness of it. It had a cocktail ring look to it, not a bad thing necessarily,but might be less wearable as an rhr on a more routine basis. Very dressy and less all around to me. I am a bit unclear as to what specifically Isabel wants, since the two rings are clearly so different. Again, just my opinion. Couple that with the fact that it is a nice chunk of change, she has not seen in person or tried it on to see if it looks good, and the vendor was not going to allow a return if she did not like it and there was question as to something inside the stone that might be considered a flaw . All around, just did not sit well with me...just weighing in. As to the opinion on style/color, just my .02, it is not something I would buy, but my taste is different and that is why Baskin Robbins has 31 flavors!

On a side note, I would pose to Isabel what is it exactly that you want? A rhr that is rare and uncommon or one that you love (could be both if you find it). Do you like pears? Do you like them on your hand? I would just be concerned about the tone of the stone, it may not look as great in person. Then again, if you love pink stones and pear shapes and halos, it might be your dream ring. As a linear/symmetrical stone lover (oval, cushion, emerald, asscher) I just LOVE the original idea. Since it is not for me and I am not paying, clearly you need to follow your heart on this. The price for the pink is not minor...are you going to love it? Whereas I got the sense you really love the asschers so I was just being frank about my thoughts...
Mrssalvo...Thanks again for saving me from Jacob the Jeweler! Unfortunately, the Tahitian cruise exists only in my dreams as does a trip to NYC. DH and I have been lucky to do a lot of travelling during our 43 years together, but I have never been to NYC and have always wanted to go. DH was there on his way to Florida when he was my DF.

Now I have physical limitations due to arthritis and therefore don''t travel far. Believe me, if I were able, I''d be on the first plane out of Toronto to NYC and visit David and the pear in person. Maybe Storm would send me a few of his "root canal" painkillers and that would do the trick. Hehehe.
Yes, diamondfan, I''ve done a real 180 degree turn between the asscher and now the pear - completely different, but both very appealing.

For my RHR, I was looking for something drop-dead gorgeous. I think both rings would fit into that category. I do like a pear shape on my finger as long as it''s a well-proportioned pear and I think this one is. The colour of pink I''d love it to be would be morganite-like with diamond sparkle.
Gosh, Isaku, it just seems like $1500 is a pretty high "restocking" fee. I guess if you''re O.K. with that, then that''s what you could negotiate.

I love pale pink too. It''s also my favorite color. And pink diamonds are just the BEST. The stone does look morganite-ish in color. But in that photo above, the stone looks almost dirty, not pink, but dingy? Is it just me? Don''t get me wrong. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this ring. I think it''s beautiful. I love pears, love pink, love halos, love melee diamonds. But, if I were you, I would definitely want to be sure I would love the color of this stone.
Isabel, I know you have put a ton of time in on this and you have had roadblocks and obstacles thrown at you from the day one. First, I want you to have what YOU want, and to wear it in good health and happiness. Two, I love pink and I love halos, so really, aside from my opinion, which is clearly just from my taste etc, I was just thinking about the bow tie issue AND not being able to return it if you are unhappy. So, if you can get the guy to agree to a return window and you get it in and on your hands, and love it, I think you are done. I have just loved the baguette halo, it is so Cartier and vintage yet so modern, and I do not think I would ever get tired of it. I could even see a colored stone in the center, how stunning would that be?! When I got my latest and last ring, my emerald cut, I wanted to do something I would love for a long time, so even though I love halos and split shanks I opted for tapered baguettes. (I was also worried that at the size my stone was, some of those settings would make it look fake or too blinged out). So, bottom line, as long as you love it, get it. Stop the frustration with the other project, or like KD said, that can be a project for down the road when all the ducks line up and you can get it made easily. Hey, how about a pink asscher (if there is such a thing) in the baguette halo setting!!! (the best of both worlds?) So, if the pink is still yours for the taking and IF he will let you examine it (pretty typical in e commerce I would think, so do what you can to get him to agree)...I think you are done! :)
$1500 is expensive for a restocking fee as is $3400 or whatever else is being thrown out there, but the alternative is NO refund policy OR an exchange only.

It really comes down to how badly one wants something. Unfortunately in this case it's just about supply and demand. There is only one ring like this that we know of really? 2c pale pink?! I don't know that we have ever seen something like that on PS. So...itt just remains to be seen what sort of negotiations can happen to make both happy.

Oh and as for the whole transparency or skin tone thing, pears are cut with high facet count like rounds and so this thing should be a bling bling pale pink machine, it's not like a big emerald where you would see more transparency through the facets....this thing should be very sparkly and I would think it should not look like there is a hole in the ring to the finger or anything. If it's cut well that is. Also, I would imagine the rose gold would help the color as well.
I just have to say for the record that I could never do business with this guy.

I would always have the business-deal way in the back of my mind and feel bad about the whole transaction.

Let''s say he agrees to the return policy with a $1500+ return fee. You get the ring. It''s gorgeous! But.... Welll...maybe the spread isn''t exactly what you wanted. Or the halo sticks up too much or too little. Or the pink tone isn''t just right and makes your skin tone look off. Or it is too pink. Or not blingy enough or too blingy or the melee look dull or the craftmanship off.

If it is a BIG negative, no problems I guess, you lose a lot of money but not a HUGE amount of money.

But MY fear is that your complaint is a little one, a little voice in the back of your head. a little doubt, and maybe something not big enough under the presure of a quick return period to make you stop dead and say NO, a concern smaller than the return fee pricetag, but a concern that will be there FOREVER, with the possibility of growing, with the possibility of getting huge through time when it combines with your little bits of resentment for the ABSOLUTELY PATRONIZING way David is treating you.

One return does not a bad customer make, Isabel, and you should not have to come crawling back to him with apologies and offers of huge amounts of cash to deem YOU worthy to do business-as-usual with him. Let''s not even mention the fact that I am horribly appalled that he would be miffed at you for cancelling a transaction within the proper timeframe because of your husband''s HEART ATTACK! Is he not human?

My overall feeling is that beyond the asscher and the pink pear, you just want something kick-ass gorgeous. A real show stopper. And if that is truly what you want, then IT WILL BE FOUND. These projects both have that criteria, but I don''t think they are the only drop dead gorgeous pieces of jewelry that could really make you happy.

Sorry to go on and on. It just really makes me beyond mad, that a salesperson could manipulate you like this.

Three cheers for voting on business practices with your wallet! You don''t have to put up with him.
Date: 7/8/2006 8:55:51 PM
Author: Mara

i agree that i would try to negotiate something like a hefty restocking fee to cover all costs or something similar....that way DBL could be happy and you could be happy. restocking can be 10-15% or something. of course DBL wants the SALE of 34k not a restocking fee but i would imagine they''d rather sell the ring and agree to a restocking fee than just sit on the ring and hope someone else buys it. or maybe not...who knows.

i wouldn''t go in there all fired up two have history and obviously he''s still harboring some resentment. but if you really do want this ring, be prepared to negotiate and don''t take it personally or get emotional. it''s your hard earned money but it''s his investment in the diamond and ring etc. just keep things respectful and see if he would agree to a restocking fee or similar if you return it. also a short return policy such as 5 working days after receiving the ring or similar. i would imagine you''d know right away if you love it or not.
This is great advice.....if this ring is what you want then go for it!
Date: 7/8/2006 6:11:46 PM
Author: isaku5
So the agreement I made with him regarding the pink pear ring is that I would pay by bank wire, not seek a refund under any circumstances and the ring wouldn''t be considered sold until my bank wire cleared.

Am I crazy to go ahead with this?????
YES. You are crazy to go ahead with this. I haven''t seen the rest of the replies in the thread so I will read them next but this makes me very upset! I don''t care if David paid his supplier or WHATEVER last time around - you ordered a ring, cancelled in the appropriate period....this is NOT a reason for him to sell you this ring under NO RETURN POLICY. This changes everything for me. I would never do this, especially not with THIS MUCH money, lovely ring or not.
Okay, wait wait wait just a minute here.

Can you purchase the ring and NOT HAVE IT RESIZED YET, that way it is STILL RETURNABLE, decide whether you want to keep it or not and THEN LET DAVID resize it? Sounds like a plan to me.
Date: 7/9/2006 9:51:10 AM
Author: wallermama
I just have to say for the record that I could never do business with this guy.

I would always have the business-deal way in the back of my mind and feel bad about the whole transaction.

Let''s say he agrees to the return policy with a $1500+ return fee. You get the ring. It''s gorgeous! But.... Welll...maybe the spread isn''t exactly what you wanted. Or the halo sticks up too much or too little. Or the pink tone isn''t just right and makes your skin tone look off. Or it is too pink. Or not blingy enough or too blingy or the melee look dull or the craftmanship off.

If it is a BIG negative, no problems I guess, you lose a lot of money but not a HUGE amount of money.

But MY fear is that your complaint is a little one, a little voice in the back of your head. a little doubt, and maybe something not big enough under the presure of a quick return period to make you stop dead and say NO, a concern smaller than the return fee pricetag, but a concern that will be there FOREVER, with the possibility of growing, with the possibility of getting huge through time when it combines with your little bits of resentment for the ABSOLUTELY PATRONIZING way David is treating you.

One return does not a bad customer make, Isabel, and you should not have to come crawling back to him with apologies and offers of huge amounts of cash to deem YOU worthy to do business-as-usual with him. Let''s not even mention the fact that I am horribly appalled that he would be miffed at you for cancelling a transaction within the proper timeframe because of your husband''s HEART ATTACK! Is he not human?

My overall feeling is that beyond the asscher and the pink pear, you just want something kick-ass gorgeous. A real show stopper. And if that is truly what you want, then IT WILL BE FOUND. These projects both have that criteria, but I don''t think they are the only drop dead gorgeous pieces of jewelry that could really make you happy.

Sorry to go on and on. It just really makes me beyond mad, that a salesperson could manipulate you like this.

Three cheers for voting on business practices with your wallet! You don''t have to put up with him.
I agree with this post. It''s definitely something that would bug me... but if I really loved that ring, losing it might bug me more. I''d really demand something... SOMETHING that could get it in front of me and I''m with the person who said $300. $1500 is still a lot of money to look at something
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