
Now I really did it :((

GM lovely ladies! It is (I hope) terrific Tuesday.

@Tekate yes I love Patagonia. Very good company. They donate to good causes and they make great jackets. I own a few Patagonia jackets. Hope Chris loves his. We never got to put our tree up with Oliver and all the brouhaha that was happening so I am sad I missed that this year but yes taking it down was also good after having it up for a long while. I am glad the months are going by as I am looking forward to Spring already haha.

Wow a bill for 4K from the architect with no plans? No thank you. I am with you. Don't let John pay til you have them in hand and are pleased with them. SMH. My parents got cheated by a contractor they considered a "friend" and never saw that money again. It was 50K I believe. Yup don't ask. And they do not have money to spare. It was a crying shame and they didn't pursue prosecution because my mom believed his lies. And also felt badly for him. My parents are bleeding hearts. But I digress. Do not give him any money til you are confident.

Thank you for your too nice comments about me and I feel the same way about you. You make people feel comfortable and happy and that is a gift. Yes everything went well with his precheck yesterday-thanks for asking. It was a long day because they had him there from 9AM to 3PM. His surgery is scheduled later in the day than I like for a Friday especially at Noon but that's the time so I guess it will be OK. This surgeon only does complete knee replacements the third Friday of the month. Greg's close friend who is an anesthesiologist nurse practitioner and lives far away has some connections here so he contacted his connection at HSS and that person said they will make sure Greg has a stellar anesthesiology team. Let's hope so and let's hope the surgeon is on his game too. I hope everything is going well by you and that things are falling into place smoothly dear great Kate. Sending you big hugs and much love.

@marcy oh I hate to hear your winter is brutal but not surprised. And now I learned a new term. A lazy winter. Wind that goes right through you. Not fun. We are expecting snow here tonight and tomorrow. Just in time for my endocrinologist appt lol. I have to find my winter gloves and hats here. Since we have been back I haven't been wearing any of my winter gear here so must locate that before my very early appt tomorrow.

Greg's appt went well thanks for asking. How is Marty doing? How is work going? Is it a huge relief now that NN isn't there anymore? I imagine it is.

I worry why Oliver wants to eat all the time. My sister said it could be parasites but he tested 4 times parasite free but I wonder. He is gaining weight though so that is a good sign. He is wearing me out. Yesterday was crazy with feeding all the cats multiple times a day as Tommy and Fred eat very little at each feeding so I have to feed them all day but the Oliver goes crazy and I have to put him in his playpen but then I have to give him food too or it becomes unbearable here with the crying etc. I really don't know how this is going to play out. It's not a good situation. But we will figure it out. Greg's knee surgery is next week though so I am going to have my hands filled with stuff and I think it will be a challenging few weeks/months indeed for all of us. Warm hugs being sent your way.

@Mamabean yasss great solution! Hope the rest of your birthday was a wonderful day and that you enjoyed dinner out with your sweet hubby. Hugs and love.

@AV_ yes it is abysmal what is going on but I am used to it. Even living in NYC most of my life I was not really sheltered from anti semitism. It is everywhere but generally insidious which is just as if not more dangerous. It is pervasive throughout society. I don't try to understand hate of any kind. I am glad you can cook and bake simple things at least and yes it does go well with writing. Writing is so romantic an activity as is cooking and baking and yes eating. It is a nice way to enjoy the time. XO.

@Scandinavian one more week for your mom to get through and then hopefully she will be feeling much better. Sending you lots of love and hugs.

@Slick1 any new thoughts about the ring? How is your week going so far? Hopefully it is calmer and better than it was in December. Sending you warm hugs and lots of good wishes. XOXO.

@canuk-gal LOVE those asscher settings. TDF gorgeous. XO.

@Jimmianne hope you get to enjoy the next 10 days with your DD before she leaves for France. And ooh la la love the bling. Sigh and swoon and :love: over your new stack. DELISH. Hugs.

@Austina thank you and I am thinking of you and Dottie as well and sending you lots of love. Perhaps your Dottie dream was a sign. A good sign. I am glad you joined the gym and Pilates starts today. I just started my Pilates yesterday and am starting slowly. I hope I won't be in too much pain as it has been more than 8 months since I did Pilates. But slow and steady indeed is the way to go. Have fun today with your workout and your Pilates.

I prefer platinum too and if it weren't heavier I would want those for earrings too because of my sensitive lobes. Though antique earrings tend to be in yellow gold so I wouldn't want to change the authenticity of my earrings so scratch that lol. But yes I prefer platinum in rings generally and necklaces.

Good morning @junebug17 hope your week is going well. XO.

@Daisys and Diamonds how are you doing? Thinking of you. (((Hugs))).

Yesterday went OK but Oliver drove me nuts. I sure hope he settles down or I don't know what we will do. One day at a time. It was mild out yesterday despite a snow flurry coating the grass etc. We are expecting more snow today later. Should be interesting with winds gusts greater than 50 mph. @marcy I know, small potatoes haha. My new phone case came and I love it. Woohoo. @marcy not slippery at all and now just hope this klutz doesn't drop her expensive new phone.

Have a lovely day girls. Sending you warm hugs across the many miles. XOXO.

Sir Tommy looking so regal yesterday hanging out with me in the AM while I was enjoying my strong black coffee. Mmmmm small pleasures in life.


and finally yup. Truth. Cannot disturb the cat. :lol:

Screen Shot 2020-01-07 at 6.26.29 AM.png
Tommy :kiss2:
Hope Oliver does settle down! Poor guy. I hope you find out what’s up with him.
Tommy :kiss2:
Hope Oliver does settle down! Poor guy. I hope you find out what’s up with him.

Thanks @Jimmianne. I think the best possibility about what is going on with Oliver is that he is simply food obsessed due to his difficult beginning of life on the streets. Scrounging for food to survive. But it really is over the top. I mean I have to leave him in the playpen to give the other cats any peace. IDK how to make this situation better. But we are going to keep trying. It's all we can do. :/

He looks so innocent and sweet in photos. Well, he is innocent. None of this is his fault.
Screen Shot 2020-01-07 at 6.58.33 AM.png

How are your furry babies doing @Jimmianne?
Hey, Missy.
My DD has twin kitties we found on the street as babies.8AAAC1F1-B253-4CB4-9A73-371B200CA261.jpeg When we brought them home, the girl looked well fed, but the boy was thin and weak. The girl shows normal behavor, but the boy is still frantic for food all the time, even though now he looks well-fed.
I wonder if Oliver could use some of his restlessness to play with a complex interactive cat toy feeder in his playpen. Don’t know if you have tried that yet.

My “in the house” fur babies are good.
Not many left! two dogs, a parrot and a cat. Cat, parrot and one dog are elderly. Since Puff’s bunny companion died last week, I got her a robot that she enjoys yelling at. It allows her to have someone to scold. I am still the favorite Puff chew toy lol
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Happy BD @Mamabean !


Thank you @canuk-gal! Wow! Those are great prices! Decisions..decisions..
Hey, Missy.
My DD has twin kitties we found on the street as babies. When we brought them home, the girl looked well fed, but the boy was thin and weak. The girl shows normal behavor, but the boy is still frantic for food all the time, even though now he looks well-fed.
I wonder if Oliver could use some of his restlessness to play with a complex interactive cat toy feeder in his playpen. Don’t know if you have tried that yet.

Thanks so much for your suggestion @Jimmianne. We are tirelessly (haha well not so tirelessly as I am exhausted) playing with him using interactive toys to get his mind off food. And while we are playing it works but as soon as food comes out it's game over. As for the feeders Oliver just pushes the others out of the way. He is the dominant cat. I cannot believe it but he is. And with 4 cats everything is a bit more challenging.

I am glad your DD's rescuing of the twin kitties worked out well. How does she handle the food situation? Does she not leave food out because of the food obsessed kitty? My big problem is that Tommy and Fred need food out all day or they lose way too much weight that they cannot spare. So far I have not been leaving food out but it makes for an exhausting day on my part constantly putting food out putting Oliver in the playpen and then covering the food. All day long.
What a day! It was a Holiday [Epiphany] taken very seriously - all shuts down for the day here even more than back in the country [the subject is quite different & I did not realize until today out of chatting over the name of a cake: Torta de San Juan / Roscon de Reyes; I will likely keep comparing them for a week, at least.]

The draft I am working on looks good to send around & it is difficult to tell what this feels like - very, very, very good fun ,)



@missy I have heard some NYC news & thought of your going home to that ,( How can this be... Admitedly, I have met only two racists in my life - one admirer of 1930s anthropology of a certain color, the other a hater of Jews, both, astonishing creatures; the first time I thew up [after a round of mussels in Brussels - sweet & fatty, but indigest!], the second caught me on an empty stomach, I got bemused, as if having stepped in dung; yet, both idiots fealt properly exalted by ostracism ['martir' material?] That job, I did not keep.

Admitedly, I cannot cook either - I tend to like simple stuff [which means often unattainably nice ingredients, admitedly; else, long hours of cooking will make something of nothing!], it is great fun though: baking & stewing go well with writing - I'll let you guess where my home office is [i.e. I am not nearly bored eating ,) & it better be my own cooking.]


@Mamabean Happy Birthday! & many happy returns of diamonds ... If Libby ever becomes a side-stone, I'll want to see the middle!

[Digressing, three carats get the size right in not rounds - the kind of step cut I keep being told I shouldn't like - www & the other www ; there are a couple of straight squares at eight mm & squares do span a little more than a round of the same diameter]

I am rambling what comes to mind, but have lost track of NIRDI ,(

Starting the day at this silly hour!

@AV_ I LOVE those two diamonds! ! I saved the first one...The second one is so pretty...but the feather on the end is worrisome. I wouldn’t worry in a vs1 but in a SI1 I think I would be too nervous! Please keep looking! <3
Thanks so much for your suggestion @Jimmianne. We are tirelessly (haha well not so tirelessly as I am exhausted) playing with him using interactive toys to get his mind off food. And while we are playing it works but as soon as food comes out it's game over. As for the feeders Oliver just pushes the others out of the way. He is the dominant cat. I cannot believe it but he is. And with 4 cats everything is a bit more challenging.

I am glad your DD's rescuing of the twin kitties worked out well. How does she handle the food situation? Does she not leave food out because of the food obsessed kitty? My big problem is that Tommy and Fred need food out all day or they lose way too much weight that they cannot spare. So far I have not been leaving food out but it makes for an exhausting day on my part constantly putting food out putting Oliver in the playpen and then covering the food. All day long.

Missy, I feel your pain. Because you have to leave food out all day, it’s a real challenge. ALL my animals compete for food, but at least it’s a three times a day monitoring situation. Ugh. If I have a brainstorm for you, I’ll let you know! How long have you had Oliver???

PS. Not sure if my attachment was clear. The interactive toys are feeders, so you load them and it takes the cat a while to find and eat its food. I bought a couple of similar feeders for my dog, Issy, and she gets very focused hunting for the food. I don’t know how that would work for cats!
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Missy, I feel your pain. Because you have to leave food out all day, it’s a real challenge. ALL my animals compete for food, but at least it’s a three times a day monitoring situation. Ugh. If I have a brainstorm for you, I’ll let you know! How long have you had Oliver???

7 months or so. Thanks Jimmianne. Our life would be so much easier right now without him but I cannot bear giving him back to Elaine. Who knows what would become of him? Even though it would make our lives substantially better. I think this is making me miss Francesca even more if that is possible. Every day is seriously a struggle with Oliver. Every day since we rescued him. And none of this his fault. He is innocent but he is making our other cats lives miserable when he is free and out of the playpen. And I cannot keep him in the playpen all day. It's not fair to him. We are bringing Tommy to my sister for his thyroid follow up on Saturday and if it shows he lost even more weight because I cannot leave food out all day I am going to have some very tough decisions to make. :(
Hey, Missy.
My DD has twin kitties we found on the street as babies.8AAAC1F1-B253-4CB4-9A73-371B200CA261.jpeg When we brought them home, the girl looked well fed, but the boy was thin and weak. The girl shows normal behavor, but the boy is still frantic for food all the time, even though now he looks well-fed.
I wonder if Oliver could use some of his restlessness to play with a complex interactive cat toy feeder in his playpen. Don’t know if you have tried that yet.

My “in the house” fur babies are good.
Not many left! two dogs, a parrot and a cat. Cat, parrot and one dog are elderly. Since Puff’s bunny companion died last week, I got her a robot that she enjoys yelling at. It allows her to have someone to scold. I am still the favorite Puff chew toy lol

Oooooh you added photos! LOVE these babies. Awwwwww. They look like Francesca.
And haha on being the favorite Puff chew toy. You are a good momma!
Good morning girlfriends! I don’t know if you remember I bought a blue zircon halo a while back on IG? It hasn‘t moved through the DHL system since before Thanksgiving...I‘ve been trying to be patient...I finally told the vendor it must be lost and to please look into it. She was away over the she made a call in to DHL to search for the package. She is based in I thought it was held up in customs in the beginning...but this is not normal. She said DHL requested two weeks to search for the package..sigh..
I also ordered tourmaline drops from Cecile Raley a while ago and no updates. I have to check on that today...I forget what I order sometimes...Is she Yvonne Raley see mentioned around here?
Thnak you for all the birthday wishes yesterday. Also, thank you for putting up with my indecision about what to do with the mad money..I think I’m narrowing it down..
Good morning girlfriends! I don’t know if you remember I bought a blue zircon halo a while back on IG? It hasn‘t moved through the DHL system since before Thanksgiving...I‘ve been trying to be patient...I finally told the vendor it must be lost and to please look into it. She was away over the she made a call in to DHL to search for the package. She is based in I thought it was held up in customs in the beginning...but this is not normal. She said DHL requested two weeks to search for the package..sigh..
I also ordered tourmaline drops from Cecile Raley a while ago and no updates. I have to check on that today...I forget what I order sometimes...Is she Yvonne Raley see mentioned around here?
Thnak you for all the birthday wishes yesterday. Also, thank you for putting up with my indecision about what to do with the mad money..I think I’m narrowing it down..

Oh no @Mamabean I hope the blue zircon halo is found for you! Lots of dust going your way. And we are always here for you. Yay for narrowing it down but remember do not rush into any decisions. Take your time. Very excited for you. :appl:
7 months or so. Thanks Jimmianne. Our life would be so much easier right now without him but I cannot bear giving him back to Elaine. Who knows what would become of him? Even though it would make our lives substantially better. I think this is making me miss Francesca even more if that is possible. Every day is seriously a struggle with Oliver. Every day since we rescued him. And none of this his fault. He is innocent but he is making our other cats lives miserable when he is free and out of the playpen. And I cannot keep him in the playpen all day. It's not fair to him. We are bringing Tommy to my sister for his thyroid follow up on Saturday and if it shows he lost even more weight because I cannot leave food out all day I am going to have some very tough decisions to make. :(
@missy Can you find a home for him instead of giving him back to Elaine? Maybe a PS’er would take him? Your sister could put a flyer out at her practice. My vet has a resident cat that lives at the vet office...Is that possible at her office? Just throwing things out there...I’m sorry you have to make these hard decisions. You have to think of everyone too..xxxxoooo
@missy Can you find a home for him instead of giving him back to Elaine? Maybe a PS’er would take him? Your sister could put a flyer out at her practice. My vet has a resident cat that lives at the vet office...Is that possible at her office? Just throwing things out there...I’m sorry you have to make these hard decisions. You have to think of everyone too..xxxxoooo

Thanks for your suggestions Joanne! Yes I have thought about that but it is a huge long shot. My sister said forget it because everyone who wants cats has them (true) and he needs to be a single cat in the household or one with kittens already in the household. I believe going to a home with kittens would be his best bet.
So it's a tough situation. I have mentioned it here in the building where we live but again it is near impossible. I was so lucky to find someone to take my neighbor J's cats when she was dying. I mean lighting rarely strikes twice so....but it was a thought I had and I did implement what I could. Oliver is ours for better or worse as I just cannot bear to let him to go to a not good situation (and that would be giving him back to Elaine which is probably the only real option we have). Which we are not doing. I hope I can keep strong in my resolve.

You are a very kind person Joanne with all you have on your plate to be concerned about our situation. All the NIRDIs are kind and generous and wonderful and I so appreciate it. I would name everyone here but fear I would leave someone out so I won't but I appreciate you girls so much.
Oh no @Mamabean I hope the blue zircon halo is found for you! Lots of dust going your way. And we are always here for you. Yay for narrowing it down but remember do not rush into any decisions. Take your time. Very excited for you. :appl:

Thank you @missy! The way I solve making decisions is probably weird to some people...I obsess...thinking of options and talking it out all the time..Then I get to the point where I’m getting less frantic about it and can make my decision.The process is pretty quick though which is funny. I’m settling in to my decision. I’m leaning into starting new with Whiteflash..getting a size that will get me started...I’ll put it in a simple inexpensive setting if I want to upgrade the size. If I think I’m happy with the size and only want to upgrade the clarity and color..I’ll go with a more expensive setting. Libby will eventually get turned into a three stone. She will still be with me but have two friends...haha..I wouldn’t be in a rush to do that....I’ll just enjoy both for the time being.
Thank you @missy! The way I solve making decisions is probably weird to some people...I obsess...thinking of options and talking it out all the time..Then I get to the point where I’m getting less frantic about it and can make my decision.The process is pretty quick though which is funny. I’m settling in to my decision. I’m leaning into starting new with Whiteflash..getting a size that will get me started...I’ll put it in a simple inexpensive setting if I want to upgrade the size. If I think I’m happy with the size and only want to upgrade the clarity and color..I’ll go with a more expensive setting. Libby will eventually get turned into a three stone. She will still be with me but have two friends...haha..I wouldn’t be in a rush to do that....I’ll just enjoy both for the time being.

Sounds like a perfect solution and I think the way you make decisions is very logical and it works. I do it in a similar fashion. OMG if you knew how I obsessed over Bubbalah before I actually got her. 2 years I think and LOL @LLJsmom is a witness. She was there for me every step of the way. Such a good friend. You girls get it because we have all walked the walk.

LOVE your plan Joanne and fingers crossed for you!
Thanks for your suggestions Joanne! Yes I have thought about that but it is a huge long shot. My sister said forget it because everyone who wants cats has them (true) and he needs to be a single cat in the household or one with kittens already in the household. I believe going to a home with kittens would be his best bet.
So it's a tough situation. I have mentioned it here in the building where we live but again it is near impossible. I was so lucky to find someone to take my neighbor J's cats when she was dying. I mean lighting rarely strikes twice so....but it was a thought I had and I did implement what I could. Oliver is ours for better or worse as I just cannot bear to let him to go to a not good situation (and that would be giving him back to Elaine which is probably the only real option we have). Which we are not doing. I hope I can keep strong in my resolve.

You are a very kind person Joanne with all you have on your plate to be concerned about our situation. All the NIRDIs are kind and generous and wonderful and I so appreciate it. I would name everyone here but fear I would leave someone out so I won't but I appreciate you girls so much.

Thank you @missy..I can say the same for you...In the midst of Ringworm Gate you still were concerned about us all.
I was also wondering if there was a medication to reduce his appetite? I’m sure you thought of this though...
Thank you @missy..I can say the same for you...In the midst of Ringworm Gate you still were concerned about us all.
I was also wondering if there was a medication to reduce his appetite? I’m sure you thought of this though...

Oh that is a great suggestion. I will ask my sister but I have a feeling she will be against it but it doesn't hurt to ask...thank you Joanne! And keep us posted re the bling. I am here for you on and offline always!
@missy just on the offchance has he been neutered? probably has been... he's still a baby, when we got Salley (albeit she wasn't a puppy) they stated on her cage: "no kids" "no dogs" "no cats" "very agressive", she is NONE of those things after a year or so, she was just scared and been abused etc. I know that Ollie may not have the same background per se, but just a thought. ETA: my son has to medicate Poncho his dog when they go even on a drive, he's insane, I love him but that dog is 10 years old and he is such a teeny thing and he's got the GUARD gene 100X over.. xoxoxo

@Jimmianne hey! happy Tuesday.

@Mamabean can't wait to see all your new bling and boy you are a gem of a customer! and a very good mom to all and wife and friend. xo
Hello lovelies

What a dilemma @missy. Oliver is so cute but such a little devil! Tommy is looking in good condition, what a testament to your love and care that they’ve made it through this nightmare, although poor Fred‘s thyroid problem, I hope you can get it sorted out. When we got Harry (our last Sheepdog) he was very food obsessed because he was half starved when he came to us. I don’t want to be a downer, but he never got over it and always inhaled his food as though he hadn’t eaten for weeks. He was very greedy and would hover around us everytime we ate. Of course, we spoiled him rotten because of his bad start, so didn’t really address the issue. I don’t know if cats are different to dogs in that respect, but he may always be greedy and food obsessed. I think @Jimmianne ’s suggestion of some kind of food toy to occupy him while eating could help, it may be worth a try.

Good news that Greg’s pre-op was all fine, Colin was just asking me how he was. Good to have someone in the know who’ll make sure he gets the best possible anaesthetist.

I hate to hear your parents got cheated, the depths to which people will plumb, but I do believe in karma, so hopefully that person didn’t end up prospering from their bad deeds. How are your parents doing, I hope they’re both fighting fit after their recent procedures.

@Jimmiane, what cute little black panthers your DD has adopted. I :kiss2: your aquamarine, it’s a beautiful colour, and I’ve recently seen a milky aquamarine necklace, and it’s such an ethereal look, like clouds captured in a stone. I don’t think I have a jewellery style, because I seem to have so many different things, things I didn’t even think I would like, and I love them all :lol:

I’m glad you seem to have made a decision on what you want @Mamabean, sometimes having so many options is overwhelming. Did you see the side stones that MrsB is selling from her 3 stone? I’m not sure what size @Tekate ‘s ever is, but I think it might be around the size you’re looking for, and it’s certainly a substantial look in a beautiful elegant, simple setting.

Your weather is brutal @marcy, it must be hard getting the motivation to leave a nice warm bed to get up and go to work.

Nothing wrong with simple food @AV_ we are eating lots of soup at the moment, had leek and potato for lunch, and I’m making chicken fajita soup later. It’s extremely filling and we love it :lickout:

We are such enablers @junebug17, do you have anything in mind you’d like so we can ‘help’ you choose :mrgreen: ?

What exactly is the architect charging you $4000 for @Tekate? He doesn’t seem to have done anything you want yet, so that’s a lot of money for a consult, I wouldn’t pay either till he comes up with the plans.

Went to Pilates this morning, oy it was hard work, and I dread to think how much I’m going to ache tomorrow, but I’m starting at the gym tomorrow, so hopefully all that stretching will have done me some good.

Dull and miserable here today, but we can’t complain, it is winter after all!

Have a terrific Tuesday lovely NIRDIs :wavey:
@Austina John says: :) we have a contract with him and he wants the bulk of the money upfront and as we progress with the plans we will be paying less every time.. So far he's drawn 2 pix, one that included everything we wanted but was way too big and 5.5 baths are tooooo much for me. It was very modern, I like modern but not THAT modern. :) then we got the 2nd one and it was much more of what we want.. moving a room here to there and getting rid of a bathroom.. we need a CAD, when I get one I will send you a copy so you can see it, everyone I can contact on email I will send it too, everyone's opinion is important to me. Hey Austina, Cedar Fever is terrible right now, you left at a great time, I'm sure you have been here when it's at its peak.. John is in misery, again. It has never greatly bothered me, nor has it now, but boy he's knocked out.

Soups! yum.

Ah ok, so he has actually done some work @Tekate. I know when we met he’d come up with ideas which you weren’t happy with. Yes please to seeing the plans, I love looking at houses and floor plans.

Luckily, the only allergies I have are penicillin and paracetamol, so things like pollen and cedar don’t affect me at all. Poor John, I know that Kim and her sisters have cedar allergies and it’s miserable.
Hi girlfriends! I got my mad money gift early at dinner! He gave it to me with my salad! I can definitely buy a ring! :appl:
Now what to do!????:think:

Yay so exciting for you Mama! Happy Birthday! Hope your day was wonderful! can't wait to see what you decide on. I hope your husband is feeling better and finding some relief. Hugs to you.

@missy I hope the case you picked is perfect. The most important thing for me in a phone case is that it’s not slick. Some of them shoot out of my hand like a bar of soap. I have small hands anyway so I don’t need help dropping things. Yes, perfection is the enemy of good and that is exactly what I should remember with this heart diamond. I wear this ring a few times a month and it’s always about the heart and nothing else. I’d rather save money to spend on my next sapphire ring. I totally understand about buying mugs; Marty has so many of them I can’t get them all in the cupboard so I always tell him no you don’t need any more mugs. To me it sounds like next summer you’ll get 2 dishes of ice cream a day. Works for me. Wow you lucked out on traffic yesterday getting back to Brooklyn. No worries about knowing what to take with you between places more shopping. Even when we had our 5th wheel we’d make several trips to the nearest town because we forgot something. I chuckled at the picture of the 3 cats resting; was Oliver plotting his next trick and the other 2 plotting revenge?

@Jiimmianne your bands are gorgeous. You find the best stuff. They really show how great diamonds look in rich yellow gold.

@Tekate darn that Chris is leaving; at least it is so easy to keep in touch these days. I am going to do my lifting shortly. Marty wants me to back off to 25 pounds on presses; my left arm is angry; then slowly work back up. My knee reminds me frequently it doesn’t work much anymore but I am hanging in there. Overall my legs are stronger and can take more. That is a good thing.

I have all the Christmas decorations packed up. Marty is “stalled” though. The bottom section of the tree has a huge section of lights burnt out. I think it’s time for a new tree. He spent close to 2 hours trying to find what is wrong. It’s supposed to keep lights going even if a bulb is burnt out but last year we found if more than 10 were burnt out in a string it wouldn’t work. It’s over 8 years old maybe it’s time for a new tree.

Tough day / week for a friend of mine and one of my employees. A friend of mine lost her dad to cancer on Friday and one of my employees called me a while ago to tell me her husband died this morning. He’s 61 and she’s 58, their health has been bad for years so I thought they were quite a bit older. She had kidney cancer about 12 years ago; she beat it but only has one kidney. They recently found a 2” mass in her remaining kidney. Tests were kind of put on hold over the holidays but she has that to deal with as well. I feel so bad for her. They gave their house to his daughter and granddaughter to live in and moved to the farm her FIL owns. It’s about 35 miles out. The FIL died about 6 months ago. What an overwhelming situation for her.

Take care.

So sorry to hear that Marcy. You are so kind hearted and I am sure you are helping your friend so much.
@Tekate I’m so sorry you are missing your former house. It will take time but you will grow roots..It takes me a good three years to get comfortable and feel settled in a new home. If you can..take many trips back to visit friends. After a while you may not feel as connected to the old house. I actually still make trips back to my former house in NJ. We had some really happy memories there...some bad..but I always felt a connection to that house..I had a full glass door in my living room..that looked on to my garden..The big thing then were fabrics in large cabbage roses. I had drapes in pink and green cabbage roses on a cream background....It sounds horrific but they were beautiful. I felt like I was sitting in my garden. The best compliment I ever got for that house was a friend said my house felt like a hug. I never had that same feeling again living in any other house...It was I understand you missing your home. You are a special person that I can feel through your words...I wish you all the best in your new home..Take pics!
@missy It must be hard to be in New York without Francesca. I was so happy you were able to get back there now that the kitties are doing well..I didn’t think that it would bring memories of seeing her there. :(
How’s your toe healing? I cringe thinking about it..How often will you have to go back? I’m assuming he will have to cut it as it grows..
Ollie is so adorable...He’s like a two year old child! Haha
Is Greg able to go out and about? Does he have any pain?
@junebug How was your weekend? Did you go anywhere? It rained and was super cold this whole weekend...We mainly stayed inside. I put up new curtains in my tv room in Maryland..The houses in the historic district are sooooo close to each other. The neighbors can look right in the tv room because they are above us and can look right in watching us watch tv! I felt like I was in a fishbowl..I bought tier curtains in a blue toile pattern and hung two above and one below on the same window so I can open the top for light if we are sitting on the couch..but have the bottom tiers closed so I don’t feel like they are breathing down our necks...When it gets dark I close the top pair so they don’t watch our tv with us..I like space...My husband isn’t bothered by it...I am..
@marcy I’m sorry about your friend’s dad and employee’s husband..How horrible that she now has a tumor in her other kidney.
You are so disciplined with your lifting..I think about you when I’m lugging all my heavy groceries up the hundred steps into the Maryland house. I think how easy it would be for you..Then I just think you’re younger than me so that’s why! :lol:
@Calliecake You must enjoy your new grandniece..How often are you able to see her? I hope you enjoyed your weekend..
@Daisys and Diamonds You sure cooked yourself a feast with the turkey and trimmings! It sounds like you had a nice visit with Melanie. I’m glad you think she looked good...It sounds like you made a nice meal for everyone..
@bling_dream19 How’s married life? That’s a good idea to sell your hubby’s house since he moved into your house...It must be sad to give up the beach house...but you can visit a lot.
OMG..I almost lost this whole lost. It’s happened to me before. It just posted it without me sending it so that’s it for now..
Hugs to you all! xxxxoooo

Married life is great! Basically yesterday was back to reality and back to work. The house is a mess between the wedding, Christmas, moving dh stuff here, unpacking suitcases. So, we are definetely busy but it feels good to be together doing normal life. It felt weird yesterday because I'm so used to living by myself. It's a bit of an adjustment. And being married, means I'm not on phone at night lying in bed nor in the morning lol! It's better for my sleep that's for sure but I'm missing my friends and my bling lol!
@Mamabean I'm over the moon thrilled for you!!! ❤❤❤ There aren’t enough exclamation points lol to show how happy I am for you!!! Stunning stone ❤❤❤ Congratulations Sweet Joanne!!!!

Enjoy a nice hot long shower, you’ve earned it!
Hi NIRDI’s! I hope you are all having a great weekend.

@missy oh no that Greg couldn’t get your phone working. That is crazy Apple and Verizon weren’t helpful and hard to deal with. I’ve only set my phone up myself a few times and never had any problem. Hopefully it works fine now and you love it. We did not have our meeting last night; I was distracted by the jigsaw puzzle we started. I can’t leave those things alone. I am glad to hear your toe is doing better but yes all of it including the needle sounds very painful. Hopefully he comes up with and easy and painless procedure in a few months to eliminate that problem permanently. Darn to be waiting to see what both of Greg’s doctors want to do; don’t you wish they’d just confer with each other then let you know what they decided? I saw some of those disposable hand warmers today at the sporting good store and thought of picking up a few of them. I hope you settle in comfortably at your other home in Brooklyn. Beautiful picture from your last ride.

@Austina beautiful heart pendant. It looks very sparkly. I wore my heart pendant yesterday after seeing your picture. Sorry you were so sleepy. I hope you are all rested up now.

@Scandinavian I hate to hear chemo is so hard on your mom; it is a nasty process for sure. Hoping her next round isn’t awful for her. That’s good to hear your grandmother is doing better.

@AV_ oh no the almonds haven’t bloomed yet. I hope they are just late and you’ll get some. I used to stay up really late but I’m usually in bed by 11 pm now.

@Tekate you have been very. busy. Evan and Autie are cuties. I am sorry you miss NE and your house, once your new place gets built and you are settled in hopefully you’ll feel more are home. Trust me we have enough snow to share with everyone. We were near 50 today- a few things started to melt. Tomorrow’s high is 32 though so it’s going to freeze right up again. I am so glad you are getting in a lot of family time.

@Mamabean nice you didn’t catch anything over the holidays. I try to avoid sick people when I can. We call our friend’s kids little petrie dishes. I hope your DH is feeling better. How exciting you can buy a ring with your mad money. And Happy Birthday - ddi I miss it? You deserve mad money for sure.

@canuk-gal I am with you on eating out all of the time. Sounds like a good idea to me. Don’t you love those snow squalls? We had hurricane 2 force winds for several days so most highways are closed with blizzard conditions. Joy.

@Daiisys and Diamonds I am glad to hear Melanie looks good. Darn the kids didn’t eat much; my parents made us at least take a bite of everything especially when we were at someone else’s house. Of course that was decades ago. I picked up an extra set of cutlery on black Friday last year - I got an 8 piece set with serving pieces for about $60. I keep it in a baggie with they Christmas dishes. I comes in handy. I hope you and Gary are rested up now.

@bling_dream19 sounds like a fun trip to NYC. Gorgeous pink sapphire. Yes, you guys will miss the shore but IMHO putting money into a mortgage rather than rent is a good call. Our first place sold for $500 more than we paid for it (we were there less than 4 years). Our second place we lived in for about 17 years and we sold it for almost double what we bought it for; our current house has already gone up in value so I can’t complain.

We headed to Jared’s this morning driving really fast as we went by any semi’s - we are having hurricane 2 force winds again today. Aak. Anyway, I did buy the .80 heart diamond. Going from a .50 to .80 didn’t look dramatically different but I know it will look a bit larger on the ring. I took my little ASET viewer and it wasn’t the greatest cut diamond but the one I traded in wasn’t either and I really enjoyed it. I am kind of concerned about the tint. I could see it for sure probably because all of my every day diamonds are E or F. I don’t mind warm diamonds and it generally looked white in the store. We will see when I get it. They didn’t have a head for that size heart in the store so they are ordering it in and Marty will pick it up for me next weekend. I thought of having them order in an E diamond I liked online but it would have cost me almost $450 more and it was a smaller diamond. It’s an occasional RHR so I think this one will be fine.

We headed to Marty’s favorite sporting good store next. We got some Yeti coffee mugs for Marty and I picked up a Yeti lunch bag for me. Then we had lunch at a BBQ place. We stopped at our favorite kitchen store again and Marty got one of the new Nespresso (Breville) coffee makers that does both K-cups and espresso. He’s all excited. Getting one of those coffee makers off my countertop made me happy.

Since it was near 50 hear today I ran my car out to top off the gas tank. I took down the Snoopy village on the mantle. Marty is napping and I think I’ll make popcorn for supper.

Take care.

Thanks Marcy. I can't wait to see your heart diamond! Yes really struggling with the where to live thing but everyone is right here - better to put money into mortgage (or bling lol) instead of rent. Hope you're having a great week!
GM lovely ladies and happy Big and small dog Sunday.

Thank you dear Marcy. And hopefully yes the new phone works. I haven't had an opportunity to use it as a phone and truth be told I am enjoying my old phone out of the case right now lol so using that on wireless. It still works on wireless so in the house I have been using my old phone. I ordered a case and we will see. I wanted a protective clear case and I am not sure but after watching lots of video reviews I chose the Catalyst Impact Protection (never heard of it before) and hope it does the job. It was between that and the Mous Clarity and ultimately I chose the Catalyst because the Mous has black edges and I didn't want that. Though I was tempted by the Catalyst colors of blue and red for the buttons and the edges but went with clear all around. Hopefully it will be protective (I am as you know a klutz and want to keep my $1350 phone purchase safe) and not be too ugly.

Ooh yes to the heart. So excited for you! I bet it will be gorgeous. I always remember perfection is the enemy of good (enough) and beautiful so there you have it. I think you made a great choice without breaking the bank. Nicely done. Lunch sounded delicious too and yes to the Yeti coffee mugs. I feel bad because Greg wanted to purchase mugs from Jimmy's ice cream shop and I was like do you really need those and now we are back in Brooklyn and I wish I had let him get them. Oy. Nice you got that coffee maker yummmmmm. It is the small things that make us happy at times. We aren't so difficult to figure out. Diamonds, coffee, cats (for me), and unconditional love from our DHs and hopefully good health. Easy peasy.Wow to it being 50 degrees F by you. Sweet! Thanks for asking about my toe. Uh oh but not going into it now. It really is always something it seems. Stay safe with your cuckoo changing weather and hope it is more calm and nice than not. Have a wonderful Funday Sunday Ms. @marcy lovely lady. XO.

@Tekate you are such a love. And great and wise and wonderful.

Greg sends his love too.

There is no need to apologize for not being able to keep up here all the time. This thread is crazy fast at times and you have had quite the whirlwind of activity. I am glad your house sold fast but yes I can see how challenging that would be getting alternative housing set up and ready.

I hear you on change and if it brings any comfort often change works out for the best. I get it. I would miss the change in seasons too but you are getting so much more than you are giving up and there is always travel and visiting others where there are seasons so it's not as if you cannot enjoy the seasons on your terms. I often wish I could have a bit of winter and a bit of summer and more spring and fall and now you can make it happen whenever you want (once things settle down of course). I am sorry you and John are dealing with Cedar allergies and I hope relief comes soon.

Thank you for all your caring and kind thoughts and wishes and love and haha I cannot believe you wrote that because my good friend M said the same thing about anon horribilis (sp?). Good bye to 2019 and hello to a wonderful and magical 2020 for us all. XOXO.

@bling_dream19 wow I love that you got to visit NYC and also got a beautiful gem. As for visiting DBL and IDJ- sorry you missed them and next time if possible I can join you and we will visit Alex at Parks fine jewelry too. Thank you for all your kind wishes and love and right back at ya. It is challenging figuring out where one should live forever but maybe it can help knowing whatever you choose doesn't have to be forever. Just a stepping stone for a few years or more and you shall see. Change is inevitable and often it is for the better. I agree putting money into a mortgage is preferable to rent almost all the time. IMO. I am sad you are leaving the shore but hoping you will still come and visit. I love Ocean Grove so much. We are going to have an ice cream dilemma next summer because once Days opens what are we going to do with Jimmy? Not going to worry about that now though lol I have enough on my list of concerns. This isn't going on that list. Anyway dear friend welcome back and it will all sort itself out. I promise. And the honeymoon phase can last forever. Insist on it. Each day with our loved one(s) a gift indeed. Congrats on all the amazing things in your life new and old and hugs to you and your DH. XO.

It is good to be back but last night was a bit bittersweet for me missing Francesca as this was the first night back here without her. She died at the beach and the last time we were here overnight she was with us sleeping curled up in my arms. I won't lie. My heart hurts so much still missing her. :(

I go back and forth where I want to be. It all depends. If Greg and I remain in fairly decent health I could be at the beach full time. But if we don't remain in good health well I prefer being here. We can walk almost everywhere and our doctors are not far and we have a full service building which is nice. But the beach house offers so much too. I wish we had lots and lots of money because then we could keep both forever if we so chose. Though managing two homes is not easy but as long as Greg is willing to do it I am OK with that. But it is not fun making the trip with all 4 cats and so many belongings after 8 months of being at the beach house. Though yes the trip yesterday was very easy with no traffic so we lucked out. Took us an hour and a few minutes to get back to the Brooklyn home. Cannot complain about that. I didn't take all my new winter clothes back with me but I was tempted haha. Another pain of 2 homes is not knowing if what you want to wear/have is in the right home. But minor irritations at best. Not important at all.

I hope you enjoy a beautiful Sunday morning and afternoon and evening and that the day is full of promise and joy and that your weather cooperates. Hugs to you @AV_.

Speaking of weather how is the snow by you now @canuk-gal ? Hoping your weekend is enjoyable and that all is well. And blingy too. No more cycling for us for at least 4 months now that Greg is on schedule for knee replacement in less than 2 weeks. I hope the time goes quickly and that he recovers easily and fully and it is nice being back here. Lots of things to do but we are back and will do them in due time. Hugs to you Sharon and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

@Slick1 SWOON!!!!!!!!!! Did you share here yet? I have to search because I need more photos. And all I can say is now you have me wanting a 3 stone lol. Have a wonderful rest of your blingy weekend dear girl. XO.

@Scandinavian continued healing vibes being sent your mom's way. Less than 7 weeks to go and hopefully chemo and cancer free. Hugs to you and your family.

@Austina we are back and it was the first night here without Francesca. It was hard. How are you doing? I am thinking of you and Dottie and also @junebug17 and Zoe.
I love your new heart. Hope you are enjoying a good weekend.

@Mamabean ooh so excited for you. Any ideas what you are going to start searching for with your new found cash? When is your birthday again? And yes to remaining healthy during the holidays. How is your DH doing/feeling? Hugs.

@Daisys and Diamonds how are you? Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend. XOXO.


Leaving you with a photo from last night. Blurry because it was dark in here but here are 3 of our 4 cats just hanging out. It was a rare calm time believe me and most of the night was not so chill. I wish.

Screen Shot 2020-01-05 at 4.42.15 AM.png

Have a happy big and small dog Sunday lovely ladies. XOXO.

Thank you @missy your post was so sweet. And YES next time I would love to go DBL, IDJ, and PFG with YOU! That would be soo fun!!! And yes, you are very right. Change is inevitable. One step at a time. I think we will always be back to visit OG and we will always be back to Jersey to visit family, which means a trip to NYC will occur as well lol. I agree with @A_V 2 icecreams per day is the answer to your "dilemma" and that is so sweet Jimmy gave you the keys, I can see why - you and Greg are just awesome and the most trustworthy people every. Hopefully you can keep both houses - best of both worlds. NYC and the beach - doesn't get better imo. Thinking about Greg and upcoming surgery - I think he's going to sail through it. I hope your toe is better. I actually somehow broke my big toe nail pretty low and I am hoping it doesn't turn into an ingrown. It def hurts to walk a little bit.
We will be back in Jersey in the next few days as my brother in law lost his battle to cancer yesterday. He was a really good man and many hearts are broken. Thanks for everyone's kind words and prayers.
Hugs and love to all.
@Tekate I’m so sorry you are missing your former house. It will take time but you will grow roots..It takes me a good three years to get comfortable and feel settled in a new home. If you can..take many trips back to visit friends. After a while you may not feel as connected to the old house. I actually still make trips back to my former house in NJ. We had some really happy memories there...some bad..but I always felt a connection to that house..I had a full glass door in my living room..that looked on to my garden..The big thing then were fabrics in large cabbage roses. I had drapes in pink and green cabbage roses on a cream background....It sounds horrific but they were beautiful. I felt like I was sitting in my garden. The best compliment I ever got for that house was a friend said my house felt like a hug. I never had that same feeling again living in any other house...It was I understand you missing your home. You are a special person that I can feel through your words...I wish you all the best in your new home..Take pics!
@missy It must be hard to be in New York without Francesca. I was so happy you were able to get back there now that the kitties are doing well..I didn’t think that it would bring memories of seeing her there. :(
How’s your toe healing? I cringe thinking about it..How often will you have to go back? I’m assuming he will have to cut it as it grows..
Ollie is so adorable...He’s like a two year old child! Haha
Is Greg able to go out and about? Does he have any pain?
@junebug How was your weekend? Did you go anywhere? It rained and was super cold this whole weekend...We mainly stayed inside. I put up new curtains in my tv room in Maryland..The houses in the historic district are sooooo close to each other. The neighbors can look right in the tv room because they are above us and can look right in watching us watch tv! I felt like I was in a fishbowl..I bought tier curtains in a blue toile pattern and hung two above and one below on the same window so I can open the top for light if we are sitting on the couch..but have the bottom tiers closed so I don’t feel like they are breathing down our necks...When it gets dark I close the top pair so they don’t watch our tv with us..I like space...My husband isn’t bothered by it...I am..
@marcy I’m sorry about your friend’s dad and employee’s husband..How horrible that she now has a tumor in her other kidney.
You are so disciplined with your lifting..I think about you when I’m lugging all my heavy groceries up the hundred steps into the Maryland house. I think how easy it would be for you..Then I just think you’re younger than me so that’s why! :lol:
@Calliecake You must enjoy your new grandniece..How often are you able to see her? I hope you enjoyed your weekend..
@Daisys and Diamonds You sure cooked yourself a feast with the turkey and trimmings! It sounds like you had a nice visit with Melanie. I’m glad you think she looked good...It sounds like you made a nice meal for everyone..
@bling_dream19 How’s married life? That’s a good idea to sell your hubby’s house since he moved into your house...It must be sad to give up the beach house...but you can visit a lot.
OMG..I almost lost this whole lost. It’s happened to me before. It just posted it without me sending it so that’s it for now..
Hugs to you all! xxxxoooo

Oh and your drapes sound beautiful @Mamabean! And what a compliment that your jersey house felt like a hug. That's the best compliment.