
Experts in reading ASET images and IDEAL scopes,help to see if the stone has obstruction !

Thank you @sledge ! You are awesome ! I think you found such a passion in diamonds and I am more than sure that your life and profession somehow connected with physics/math. You glow from the screen when talk about numbers:)) ;)2 I finally reach “ mind clean “ state of mind and now can connect to the stone and start enjoying it . I took it to different location : outside, to the store ,sunny weather -rainy weather . It behaves great everywhere ! Color wise , I cannot tell them apart :my GIA H and I . Maybe they right when talking about that AGS little bit soft on color (saw ags J and it was too yellow from the side ,like dark )

I am glad that you have now reached a mind clean state and can now just enjoy the stone. Each time I check on this thread, I look at your pics and it really is rather stunning. You did so good. :cool2:

Also, thank you for the kind words. If you had told me a year ago I would be on here talking diamonds and rattling numbers off I would have called you crazy. But you are right, the bug has bit me and there is a real passion inside. I never knew it existed and this community has been a great outlet for it to grow and develop. I genuinely enjoy the math and "nerd" stuff and constantly trying to educate myself.

I have used math and physics quite a bit in my career, so I guess in many ways it was a natural fit. Not to mention just being forced into situations where you have to just figure it out even though you may not have the most perfect information.

What I enjoy most is helping people. And talking diamonds allows me to do that, so I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to participate in so many discussions.
@TreeScientist bravo :appl::appl:
That someone is paying attention to that degree makes this all worthwhile. :appl::appl:

I would use the word "indication" rather than hack.
It is a little picky about lgf%
40.8 works with a wider range of shorter lowers..
You remind me of me, 15 years ago in my diamond journey but your much nicer.

My advise, never stop learning and have fun!
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@TreeScientist bravo :appl::appl:
That someone is paying attention to that degree makes this all worthwhile. :appl::appl:

I would use the word "indication" rather than hack.
It is a little picky about lgf%
40.8 works with a wider range of shorter lowers..

True, but within the range of LGFs that most MRBs are cut (74-81%) this "hack" works quite well. ;)
Your welcome, looking forward to more pictures!!!!!! If you remember @Karl_K when you post the ring because I dont get around to show me the ring that often.

Thank you for sharing the logic on your preferred diamond proportions. We all have slightly different tastes but I understand how that factors into the equation. Since originally buying my own tastes have changed and I would have bought my fiancee a different stone if I could get a re-do.

Also, thank you for sharing that link. I will do some reading. ;)2

I hope you understand the 40.6 pavilion isn't bad by itself. The other proportions come into play as well, most notably the crown angle. Putting a 34/40.6 together wouldn't have the same result as your 35/40.6. This is what @Karl_K means when he says everything has relationship to one another. You can change one variable and it affects quite a bit. This is why I have started including a "angles must be complimentary" statement when I list ideal proportions to search.

The 35/40.6 is quite lovely and fairly popular. It pairs a steep crown with a shallow pavilion which is complimentary. That key word again, complimentary. It was some of other images that gave concern, but those have been been talked over and concluded they were bad angles, etc that gave a worse appearance than the actual stone represents.

Since I did not write the HCA I am not familiar with the logic, but I do know you have to enter crown angle, pavilion angle, table % and depth %. In short, it's taking all 4 of these values and making calculations and assumptions about what the stone could potentially represent.

At the end of the day, the HCA tool is useful but it's nothing more than an elimination tool. Meaning if it's less than 2 then the stone is worth a closer look. If it's greater than 2, you should probably keep looking. Yes, it also says most stones between 1-2 are preferable for e-rings...the key word here is most. However, the HCA tool lacks additional sophistication to be more than a check before proceeding onto review of advanced images & in-person examination.

You did things right when selecting this stone:
  1. You narrowed the field to those stones with ideal proportions.
  2. You then found a stone that had complimentary proportions.
  3. You ran the HCA tool for elimination.
  4. You requested and analyzed the images.
  5. You decided to purchase and examine the stone in person.
  6. You have determined the stone is as beautiful as your ACA.

I cannot answer for Serge, but his company OctoNus is located in Moscow so I assume he is also located in Russia. ;)2
Thank you @sledge ! You are awesome ! I think you found such a passion in diamonds and I am more than sure that your life and profession somehow connected with physics/math . You are so passionate about all the numbers
Your welcome, looking forward to more pictures!!!!!! If you remember @Karl_K when you post the ring because I dont get around to show me the ring that often.
I will update this thread with pictures when it’s done :rolleyes2: Thank you again!
Another thing worth mentioning, seeing as it hasn't been covered yet. As @Karl_K mentioned, a true 40.6 pavilion angle works with just about everything between 34-35.5 CA and won't cause any obstruction issues. The problem is when one (or multiple) of the pavilion mains drops below about 40.45. This will result in obstruction issues.

A quick "hack" to get a better idea of where a GIA-rounded 40.6 pavilion angle actually lies is to look at the pavilion depth. A true 40.6 pavilion angle, in the complete absence of a culet (more on that in a minute), will resumlt in a pavilion depth of 42.8%, which will be rounded to 43%. Thus, if the pavilion depth of a GIA diamond is 43%, then the diamond is almost guaranteed (like 99% certainty) to have an average pavilion angle of 40.6 or above. On the other hand, if the pavilion depth is listed as 42.5%, then there's a high likelyhood that the mean pavilion angle lies somewhere between 40.5-40.6. Now, this is not always the case, because even if the culet is listed a 0%, there still may be a culet up to about 0.1%, so that could throw off the measurements. But if the pavilion depth is listed as 42.5%, THIS is when you need to start being cautious of obstruction issues.

Your diamond has a 43.0% pavilion depth, meaning the average pavilion angle is almost certainly between 40.6-40.7, and the pavilion mains are likely fairly uniform judging by the symmetry of the arrows in the IS image. So it is highly, highly unlikely that any of the individual pavilion mains would drop below 40.5, let alone 40.45.

TL;DR version: You having nothing to worry about in the obstruction department. The ASET was just poorly aligned, which resulted in those blue areas. Your diamond is beautiful. :)

Just in case you needed even more "mind clean" reassurance. ;-)
Wow @TreeScientist that’s amazing information for me to get more reassurance in my pick ! Where do you get all this information ?:) I was also trying to google and I guess read all the threads to educate myself . It’s amazing new world for me too :) Thank you for opening a new door !!! I remember you picking the engagement ring for your girlfriend:):rolleyes2: hope she enjoys the trueasure you haunted for her !:)
I am glad that you have now reached a mind clean state and can now just enjoy the stone. Each time I check on this thread, I look at your pics and it really is rather stunning. You did so good. :cool2:

Also, thank you for the kind words. If you had told me a year ago I would be on here talking diamonds and rattling numbers off I would have called you crazy. But you are right, the bug has bit me and there is a real passion inside. I never knew it existed and this community has been a great outlet for it to grow and develop. I genuinely enjoy the math and "nerd" stuff and constantly trying to educate myself.

I have used math and physics quite a bit in my career, so I guess in many ways it was a natural fit. Not to mention just being forced into situations where you have to just figure it out even though you may not have the most perfect information.

What I enjoy most is helping people. And talking diamonds allows me to do that, so I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to participate in so many discussions.
World becomes a better place with people like you ! Never let anything in life dim your inner,most precious diamond ——your ❤️
Thabk you Serg!!:) я подозреваю что вы тот русский гемолог ,про которого все тут говорят :)) Я из Беларуси :) приятно ,что наши люди тут тоже есть ❤️ Вы навкрное находитесь в России ,так ?:)
Добрый день, я русский , не гемолог, что живет в Финляндии, а находиться сейчас в Тайланде .
A much warmer place :-)
OctoNus is in the academic zone close to Moscow State Uni. When I first visited they were in one of the towers of MSU, near the mineralogy division, with the tiny round porthole windows.
Sorry I’m abit late to the conversation and it was pretty heavy reading in the link @Serg sent.
Newbie qs:
If we were to divide aspects of the diamond to brilliance, fire and scintillation
Is there a set of ratios which emphasis more on one over the other? For eg if I was after a diamond with more fire, what ratio or parameters should I be looking for
For eg if I was after a diamond with more fire, what ratio or parameters should I be looking for
In a round an oec.
Asscher in a square.

You can shift around a little bit of what percentage of lighting the diamond leans towards fire but if you want big change you have to change type.
Добрый день, я русский , не гемолог, что живет в Финляндии, а находиться сейчас в Тайланде .
Аааа!!:))) здорово !!:))) спасибо за полезные советы и рекомендации :))) мне интересно , вообще в России , так же люди задаються пропорциями и много задают вопросов когда собираются покупать бриллианты ?? Или у нас это бизинесс только начинается ??
A much warmer place :)
OctoNus is in the academic zone close to Moscow State Uni. When I first visited they were in one of the towers of MSU, near the mineralogy division, with the tiny round porthole windows.
Thank you Garry for stopping by ! Can you plz tell me your thoughts on the diamond I have picked ? It confused me in the beginning when I plugged in all kind of “ideal” parameters of the stone , but got score of 0.8 on your HCA tool with possible obstruction issues in diamond . We ruled it out and I am keeping the diamond , but I would love to hear your opinion too :)))
Thank you Garry for stopping by ! Can you plz tell me your thoughts on the diamond I have picked ? It confused me in the beginning when I plugged in all kind of “ideal” parameters of the stone , but got score of 0.8 on your HCA tool with possible obstruction issues in diamond . We ruled it out and I am keeping the diamond , but I would love to hear your opinion too :)))
I would love that stone.
The answer depends on you and your eyesight too though. If you can focus and enjoy looking at it from 6-8 inches then its a problem. If your eyesight is more 'average' then its a full of fire diamond with great brightness too.
shallow girl gif.gif
this might help
Hahaha I love how her face expression changes :lol: when I bring it very very close ,much closer than 6 inch to my eyes I don’t get that full black/ dark stone . Just little bit in the center , but the same my super ideal stone does with the score over 1.
Sorry I’m abit late to the conversation and it was pretty heavy reading in the link @Serg sent.
Newbie qs:
If we were to divide aspects of the diamond to brilliance, fire and scintillation
Is there a set of ratios which emphasis more on one over the other? For eg if I was after a diamond with more fire, what ratio or parameters should I be looking for

A number of different cuts gives much bigger Brilliancy-Fire-Scintilation ratio variety then the range of parameters of any single cut.

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A number of different cuts gives much bigger Brilliancy-Fire-Scintilation ratio variety then the range of parameters of any single cut.

Thks. The pict paints 1000 words
Аааа!!:))) здорово !!:))) спасибо за полезные советы и рекомендации :))) мне интересно , вообще в России , так же люди задаються пропорциями и много задают вопросов когда собираются покупать бриллианты ?? Или у нас это бизинесс только начинается ??

I do not know any big difference between Russia, USA, India, China in Cut Performance consumer demands . May be in USA and China there are a little bit more % consumers for round cuts with high level symmetry. Consumers have not information about Cut performance ( specially for fancy cuts) world wide . It is very difficult to prepare cut performance education course and trainings( a lot of customs problems) .
I wonder how many:
1. diamond dealers
2. retailers
3. diamond cunsumers
know that GIA only grade the cut quality on round diamonds
I wonder how many:
1. diamond dealers
2. retailers
3. diamond cunsumers
know that GIA only grade the cut quality on round diamonds
I cannot speak for dealers , but as a regular customer , I had no clue about anything in diamonds. And it took me many years(while I was in kind of maternity leave with my daughters-when I was tired of reading about how to raise a child -cure rash - breastfeed- I needed a switch to something different :))))) so I got into diamonds and finally found the answers and philosophy behide them : why most of them cut so ugly,why so deep,why some of them even don’t sparkle. I think that ppl who are really passionate about diamonds and cut the same amount as ideal cut stones . Only 1% . From all my friends and family , I am the only one who cares o_O. To them all of them look the same and the cheaper the better .they don’t wanna waste their time and spend hours understanding proportions -angels-scores . But I guess if we are interested in something, it drives us to learn more and make us excited. I don’t regret a minute I spent here on pricescope learning about this phenomena-diamonds :cheeky::love:
I would love that stone.
The answer depends on you and your eyesight too though. If you can focus and enjoy looking at it from 6-8 inches then its a problem. If your eyesight is more 'average' then its a full of fire diamond with great brightness too.
Garry ,while you are here , what’s your perfect proportions? What kind of parameters work best for rounds?
Garry ,while you are here , what’s your perfect proportions? What kind of parameters work best for rounds?
the answer is I disapprove of the anal approach of so many people on PS. There is a huge range of great proportions. HCA captures them.
I like 41+ with -32 and boggish table for earrings and pendants, I like steep crown shallow pavilion smallish table for rings. etc
the answer is I disapprove of the anal approach of so many people on PS. There is a huge range of great proportions. HCA captures them.
I like 41+ with -32 and boggish table for earrings and pendants, I like steep crown shallow pavilion smallish table for rings. etc
So then do you approve my 35/40.6 combo for ring ??:))even though it’s under 1 and under desired measurements for ring ? To my eye it’s amazing stone : and those huge colored flashes !! :love:
I think its lovely. I think a 3-stone is a classic design and I love them. But, if you want to add some rubies and like vintage rings, you could add a row/cuff of rubies between the center and side-stones, then more on the shank. Image this with one row of smaller rubies and your side stones.


A ruby shank could also embrace the diamonds like this.

Cecile Raley on Etsy has lots of nice melee. You could also use red spinel if you like a more red-red color.


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So then do you approve my 35/40.6 combo for ring ??:))even though it’s under 1 and under desired measurements for ring ? To my eye it’s amazing stone : and those huge colored flashes !! :love:

I wrote: "I like steep crown shallow pavilion smallish table for rings." That's what you have GB :-)
I think its lovely. I think a 3-stone is a classic design and I love them. But, if you want to add some rubies and like vintage rings, you could add a row/cuff of rubies between the center and side-stones, then more on the shank. Image this with one row of smaller rubies and your side stones.


A ruby shank could also embrace the diamonds like this.

Cecile Raley on Etsy has lots of nice melee. You could also use red spinel if you like a more red-red color.
Thank you Rocky !!!!:)) I was waiting on your expert opinion on the diamond :) You have been so helpful to others and me ! And thank you for your ideas about the ring design, but I am more classic /modern look girl but who knows where the jorney will take me . I changed my mind over ring designs a couple of times this year :lol: hope it’s my last remake and I will be in peace with myself for at least a couple of years.