
Yoo hoo Yssie! Metal question for you :-)


Jan 30, 2013

Of course if anyone else has opinions please chime in!

I love my YG set, however as I work to get the dream stone and setting I realize I would like more options for stacking than the YG E-ring provides. I am seriously considering 18k unplated WG...possibly halo. Anyway, I would love to be able to wear YG and RG with it. One of your previous posts stated (and I am not quoting here) that you liked your UPWG ring with YG but not with RG. However, your dbty bracelet (that I covet) has 14kRG with 14k UPWG. I assume those look good together. I am wondering if the 14k makes the difference here? I would love your opinion on this!

Thanks! :bigsmile:
Well I"m not Yssie but I do have an unplated 18k WG ring from SK. It does look very good with yellow gold, it blends really well together. It's subtle and soft- I personally really like the combo. But when I put it up to a penny the colors seem to really clash. I'll take a quick pick later this afternoon to show you if you want. Also to just add my skin tone is really light and yellowy so rose gold in general is not typically my cup of tea.
Thanks SB!

That is what I suspected. I really like RG too....although it blends with my skin, it has a very soft feminine feel I really enjoy. I feel like right now I am locked into YG since I really dont like YG and RG together. Since Yssie's bracelet has a RG and UPWG I am hoping she has the secret of that pairing.

I would love to see the pick! :D
valmanin|1378151401|3513645 said:
Thanks SB!

That is what I suspected. I really like RG too....although it blends with my skin, it has a very soft feminine feel I really enjoy. I feel like right now I am locked into YG since I really dont like YG and RG together. Since Yssie's bracelet has a RG and UPWG I am hoping she has the secret of that pairing.

I would love to see the pick! :D

It's too dark right now to take a picture but I will first thing tomorrow once the kids are out the door. I'll do a line up of my unplated WG, penny, PLAT and 14k YG. I already have it out on the counter so I won't forget!
I honestly like platinum best with rose gold and think you can wear any colors with it. Yenny wears a thin rose gold band between her platinum 3 stone ring and platinum band, and I think it looks gorgeous. I think mixing creamy color white gold with rose doesn't work as well, personally. I'll see if she has a picture anywhere.

SB621|1378166898|3513747 said:
valmanin|1378151401|3513645 said:
Thanks SB!

That is what I suspected. I really like RG too....although it blends with my skin, it has a very soft feminine feel I really enjoy. I feel like right now I am locked into YG since I really dont like YG and RG together. Since Yssie's bracelet has a RG and UPWG I am hoping she has the secret of that pairing.

I would love to see the pick! :D

It's too dark right now to take a picture but I will first thing tomorrow once the kids are out the door. I'll do a line up of my unplated WG, penny, PLAT and 14k YG. I already have it out on the counter so I won't forget!

Thanks! :appl:
diamondseeker2006|1378169567|3513763 said:
I honestly like platinum best with rose gold and think you can wear any colors with it. Yenny wears a thin rose gold band between her platinum 3 stone ring and platinum band, and I think it looks gorgeous. I think mixing creamy color white gold with rose doesn't work as well, personally. I'll see if she has a picture anywhere.

That is so gorgeous! I suppose I could wear my original E-ring which is set in plat. if I want to wear RG. I really think I will like the creamy WG better with my lower colored stone (well, don't have a new one yet, but assume it will be lower colored).
Hi Val!

I love metal talk :bigsmile: I'm running around tonight, but just wanted to let you know that I caught this thread and I'll reply properly when I'm back to my computer tomorrow!!
Yssie|1378172059|3513786 said:
Hi Val!

I love metal talk :bigsmile: I'm running around tonight, but just wanted to let you know that I caught this thread and I'll reply properly when I'm back to my computer tomorrow!!

Thanks Yssie! :D
Here ya go.

Rings Left to Right:

18k WG (double shank), PLAT, 18k WG unplated, 14k YG and then obviously the penny since I don't have anything that is RG.


SB621|1378216267|3513948 said:
Here ya go.

Rings Left to Right:

18k WG (double shank), PLAT, 18k WG unplated, 14k YG and then obviously the penny since I don't have anything that is RG.

Wow! Thanks for doing that SB. This is the second time you have taken a pic for me like this. I really appreciate it! :D I really do like the look of the 18k unplated...although I can see it doesn't look fabulous with the penny.

Do you like the look of your 18k unplated with Venice? You don't need to take a pic...just wondering your opinion.
valmanin|1378216985|3513953 said:
SB621|1378216267|3513948 said:
Here ya go.

Rings Left to Right:

18k WG (double shank), PLAT, 18k WG unplated, 14k YG and then obviously the penny since I don't have anything that is RG.

Wow! Thanks for doing that SB. This is the second time you have taken a pic for me like this. I really appreciate it! :D I really do like the look of the 18k unplated...although I can see it doesn't look fabulous with the penny.

Do you like the look of your 18k unplated with Venice? You don't need to take a pic...just wondering your opinion.

Look at my thread about my 3 stone SK ring. The diamonds in there are lower then Venice. They are EGL O/P but to me they are Q/R in color. Anyhow the unplated WG really blends with lower colored diamonds. The contrast is a lot less and it definitely brings out the ivory color. I love it on my 3 stone, but not with Venice for some reason.

Anyhow this is a craptastic photo I happen to have on my computer right now. The rings are next to each other but will give you a visual.

Sorry for the late reponse! We just got back from vacation and you know how that goes - the laundry list of things that NeedToGetTheSecondYouWalkInTheDoor...

You already know how much I adore white gold so you know I'm completely biased, but I'm super excited that you're considering it!! I love stones showcased in metals of similar colour - the creamy/light yellow J-O/P range is especially beautiful in creamy gold, I think, it's antiquey charm and comforting warmth and certainly assured uniqueness... and there are so many alloys to choose from! The downside, of course, is that buying new pieces in matching metals can be that much harder, depending on which alloy you pick - I've embraced the idea of having one or two design elements made in a different readily-available metal (yellow gold, platinum) so that finding complementary pieces is easy even if an exact match isn't possible without going custom!

So to actually answer the question... I will admit to having really (bizarrely) strong feelings on mixing metals. I'm sure that comes through sometimes - possibly in ways that I didn't intend! You know how in primary school art class you had to pick two primary colours and paint a whole picture using only the colours in-between? For whatever reason I'm a bit like that with mixing stones and metals: I LOVE mixing colours in gradients, like white-yellow, or yellow-pink, or pink-white, but I'm not a huge fan of putting white+yellow+pink all in one, if you know what I mean? Only my bizarrely impassioned specifications thesis includes the colour of the stone as well - so an icy white diamond in a rich YG setting paired with a RG band just wouldn't work for me. I know a lot of people feel differently - that's just my personal preference!! And given that very strong preference I have NO idea why I so desperately covet the Cartier Trinity bangle, but... that's beside the point too :halo:

I have a pink diamond half-eternity in RG that I loved wearing with my "white"-white diamonds in platinum, but I don't like it at all next to my creamier unplated wg pieces because the diamonds are light pink and putting yellower metals adjacent totally washes them out. I used to wear my threestone with a 14k RG spacer and loved the look - they aren't great pics but they do show the colours a bit, I think?


My dbty works for me because the stones are right about the same colour as yours (the cushions are Ns and the pear is an L/M) and so the pale yellow metal (unplated Stuller 14k WG) and the pale yellowy stones match perfectly, and with the RG chain it's a lovely yellow-pink combo... if they'd been "white" diamonds I'd have stuck to plat for the bezels. I posted this pic in Rosebloom's thread recently - the middle five are all different alloys of 18k unplated WG, the far left is plat and the far right is 14k YG, and the 14k unplated WG bezels in my dbty are pretty much dead-on for (D)


I just had a piece made by Mike of RDG in NZ and it's three different 18k alloys that span the white-yellow scale - one alloy of 18k WG that's just this side of icy white, another alloy of 18k WG that's pale yellow, and 18k YG. I decided after getting it that I'd like a plain band as well but couldn't find anyone who would cast in the first whiter 18k WG alloy, so I got one in the yellower 18k WG alloy from e-weddingbands instead (embracing the multi-metal design thing!) :bigsmile:

Your current ring with Mr. Right Now is GORGEOUS!!!! I know the stone isn't quite right for you but in terms of just stone and metal colour it really is exquisite. I think the colour combo with an unplated WG would be stunning too, especially if you stay in the J+ creamy/ivory/warm-ish diamond range (and halo it?)... but then, I love halos in non-white metals. I do think finding the right alloys will be the hardest part - Sarah's pic shows some of the issues really well, actually! I only have a handful of rose gold rings and they're all super almost-a-tad-bluish *pink* 14k, and a little 18k RG chain that's a much more subtle coppery colour... I personally think with icy white metals like plat and whiter WG you can go with both "cool" bluish-pinks or "warm" peachy-pinks equally well, but the yellower/"warmer" you go with unplated WGs/YG the better "cool" RG fits. The icy whites look great with the penny on the left but yeah, the warm unplated WG and the chain, not so much :sick: But I think my very-white 18k palladium-WG from DBL works with both "warm" 22k YG (alloyed with copper) and "cool" 14k RG, they're just very different looks...

Yssie, :appl: Thank you for that thoughtful and detailed response. It just doesn't get better than that.

I am going to need to read it about 4 more times to fully soak everything in.

While me and Mr. Right Now have never truly bonded, I do LOVE my setting and I love it stacked with all different type of bands as long as they are not RG.

I will say that the 18k YG looks makes MRN look amazing and white 85-90% of the time, the rest of the time the stone starts to take on more body color tint and blends with the YG...not as lovely. Note, I do LOVE warmer stones, but this goes a color that is just not pretty imo. So, I am thinking that a UWG setting will be more neutral with the lower color stone, but retain the soft look I like. I recently tried on some RG and decided I loved it too so I hatched a plan.

1. Get new stone that I love (which may prove to be the toughest part).
2. Set it in UWG...maybe with a halo (although the melee color will come up as an issue I will have to deal with).
3. Stack generously with EITHER YG or RG depending on my mood and the rest of my jewelry that day.

Now, that will only work if I like the pairing with RG and it sounds like from your post that will have to do with the particular alloy. It sounds like 14k RG will be a better bet in general than 18k (although I know they will vary by vendor).

Have you ever seen 18k UWG from ERD? How about 14k RG from ERD? Wondering if these would go.

Gah, just when I thought I couldn't get any pickier! :lol:
No problem! I glad my rambling was helpful ::)

I LOVE your setting too - I really, really do! It's suave and romantic and sexy :love: But... I'm not too surprised that you don't love it with RG - I think RG of any karat/alloy is just inherently a more subtle colour, whereas rich 18k YG tends to be more LookAtMeLookAtMe and just overpowers RG. I definitely agree that a paler, less saturated yellow like a 10k YG or the right alloy of unplated WG is more likely to suit that particular need :sun:

Mike of RDG has talked about how he plates the insides of prongs when setting white stones in non-white metals - it's a brilliant solution to the problem of stones picking up metal colours, especially w/ old cuts that do pick up light from many angles... well, it solves the problem of the stone actually picking up colour, but it doesn't change the fact that from further away a warm stone in a warm setting is going to look "warm" overall, which is my favourite look but may not be something other people like! But from your description of liking a neutral, soft look it sounds like we have similar tastes on that front...

Yeah, I lied - finding the stone is the hardest part!! :bigsmile: But once you've got him (or her)... I think he/she will sorta tell you what colour(s) the setting should be. I know what you mean re. melee and apparent colour - that's another of those quirks I personally would have a hard time getting past, mentally, BUT I think melee set in non-white metals tends not to stand out w/ that bright white dot effect the way melee in platinum does. And I think the stones will be small enough that you'll get to that "overall warm look" with much less distance than with a bigger stone - I would bet on admiring your ring on your finger sort of distance - just because you're not seeing one tiny stone at a time but the overall effect of melee + surrounding halo metal, if you know what I mean?

I haven't seen ERD's white gold unplated but if you can get info on the exact composition of the 18k I might have something that matches, or close to it - I've seen/owned a sorta ridiculous variety of 18k WG alloys at this point. I don't have as much experience with 14k though.

Oy, we're PSers, we're supposed to nitpick :devil:
SB621|1378221888|3513994 said:
valmanin|1378216985|3513953 said:
SB621|1378216267|3513948 said:
Here ya go.

Rings Left to Right:

18k WG (double shank), PLAT, 18k WG unplated, 14k YG and then obviously the penny since I don't have anything that is RG.

Wow! Thanks for doing that SB. This is the second time you have taken a pic for me like this. I really appreciate it! :D I really do like the look of the 18k unplated...although I can see it doesn't look fabulous with the penny.

Do you like the look of your 18k unplated with Venice? You don't need to take a pic...just wondering your opinion.

Look at my thread about my 3 stone SK ring. The diamonds in there are lower then Venice. They are EGL O/P but to me they are Q/R in color. Anyhow the unplated WG really blends with lower colored diamonds. The contrast is a lot less and it definitely brings out the ivory color. I love it on my 3 stone, but not with Venice for some reason.

Anyhow this is a craptastic photo I happen to have on my computer right now. The rings are next to each other but will give you a visual.

Thanks SB! That's fantastic! I am going to peruse your 3 stone ring post now. Then I will probably end up drooling over Venice again.
Yssie|1378243663|3514164 said:
No problem! I glad my rambling was helpful ::)

I LOVE your setting too - I really, really do! It's suave and romantic and sexy :love: But... I'm not too surprised that you don't love it with RG - I think RG of any karat/alloy is just inherently a more subtle colour, whereas rich 18k YG tends to be more LookAtMeLookAtMe and just overpowers RG. I definitely agree that a paler, less saturated yellow like a 10k YG or the right alloy of unplated WG is more likely to suit that particular need :sun:

Mike of RDG has talked about how he plates the insides of prongs when setting white stones in non-white metals - it's a brilliant solution to the problem of stones picking up metal colours, especially w/ old cuts that do pick up light from many angles... well, it solves the problem of the stone actually picking up colour, but it doesn't change the fact that from further away a warm stone in a warm setting is going to look "warm" overall, which is my favourite look but may not be something other people like! But from your description of liking a neutral, soft look it sounds like we have similar tastes on that front...

Yeah, I lied - finding the stone is the hardest part!! :bigsmile: But once you've got him (or her)... I think he/she will sorta tell you what colour(s) the setting should be. I know what you mean re. melee and apparent colour - that's another of those quirks I personally would have a hard time getting past, mentally, BUT I think melee set in non-white metals tends not to stand out w/ that bright white dot effect the way melee in platinum does. And I think the stones will be small enough that you'll get to that "overall warm look" with much less distance than with a bigger stone - I would bet on admiring your ring on your finger sort of distance - just because you're not seeing one tiny stone at a time but the overall effect of melee + surrounding halo metal, if you know what I mean?

I haven't seen ERD's white gold unplated but if you can get info on the exact composition of the 18k I might have something that matches, or close to it - I've seen/owned a sorta ridiculous variety of 18k WG alloys at this point. I don't have as much experience with 14k though.

Oy, we're PSers, we're supposed to nitpick :devil:

Who me? Nitpick? :Up_to_something: :naughty:

I do feel like I would really like a warmer diamond set in 18k unplated with a halo...I think I might REALLY like it actually!

Thanks for the complement on my setting! I do love it. And your 3 stone? Unbelievable! :love:
I love this thread!! I feel like I just went into information overload with Yssie's comments and I have reread them several times now! :geek: Seriously I bow down to you girl! :appl: :appl: :appl:
This is a semi-thread jack... but I'm doing it anyway. Has anyone seen Single Stone's unplated white gold? How white/yellow is it? I'm considering it to go with the O/P diamond I'm still working on convincing the boy I really NEED. Historically I've been a platinum girl, but I wondered about the white gold with the warmer diamond. :wink2:
My AVC three stone and wedding band was done by Single Stone in unplated white gold. It's gorgeous and utterly perfect w/my L/M stones.
nowicanseethemoon|1378335000|3514617 said:
This is a semi-thread jack... but I'm doing it anyway. Has anyone seen Single Stone's unplated white gold? How white/yellow is it? I'm considering it to go with the O/P diamond I'm still working on convincing the boy I really NEED. Historically I've been a platinum girl, but I wondered about the white gold with the warmer diamond. :wink2:

I tried on a SS unplated WG ring while in NYC a few weeks ago. I thought it was lovely...very soft and antique didn't strike me as yellowish but it was next to my 18k YG so that could have been why. I think it would be lovely with the O/P. Are you still considering the OWD stone?
valmanin|1378343123|3514684 said:
nowicanseethemoon|1378335000|3514617 said:
This is a semi-thread jack... but I'm doing it anyway. Has anyone seen Single Stone's unplated white gold? How white/yellow is it? I'm considering it to go with the O/P diamond I'm still working on convincing the boy I really NEED. Historically I've been a platinum girl, but I wondered about the white gold with the warmer diamond. :wink2:

I tried on a SS unplated WG ring while in NYC a few weeks ago. I thought it was lovely...very soft and antique didn't strike me as yellowish but it was next to my 18k YG so that could have been why. I think it would be lovely with the O/P. Are you still considering the OWD stone?

Packrat - your ring is gorgeous and I love the white gold. It looks very white.

Val - thanks for your thoughts. I really love that OWD O/P (still working on the guy - he's worried that it's too big! :eek: ) and am trying to decide which metal I would prefer it in. I am really intrigued by the antique look of the WG.
Just adding a few more pics ::)


A - PT950/Ru
B - 18k WG (custom piece) from DBL, exact composition: "Palladium-WG" - don't know exact alloy
C - 18k WG (custom piece) from RDG, exact composition: [75% Fine Gold] [17% Palladium] [5% Pure Silver] [3% Platinum]
In-person the RDG alloy (C) looks slightly warmer than (B)
D - 18k WG (stock piece) from e-wb, exact composition: ?
E - 18k WG (custom piece) from WF, exact composition: [75%AU] [9.8%CU] [9.8%NI] [5.22%ZN]
F - 18k WG (custom piece) from e-wb, exact composition: [75%AU] [16.5%CU] [4%NI] [4.5%ZN]
In-person (F) is slightly yellower and pinker than (E), especially under fluorescents
G - 14k YG

RG is 14k:


And what I meant about the light pink diamonds - the stones in the larger eternity are F/G ACAs and you can *just* see a hint of colour difference, but next to yellow lower coloured stones like the Js in my Ering my eyes recalibrate the pinks to "white" and the Js to "murky-browny" :sick:





Yssie, I don't know if you will find this thread again, but if you do...good news is I found THE diamond. Yay! :appl: My SMTB thread is here for reference:

Which brings me to some more UWG questions for you or anyone else who cares to chime in.

1. As I drool over the photos of you UWG ring, I begin to wonder "would it look like that on my skin tone?" I wonder if it just looks so good on you because of your gorgeous olive skin. Have you ever seen your ring on a friend with a different skin tone? How did it look? I could kick myself that I didn't try on some of the SS WG that I saw while I was in NY. grrr. My skin is hard to describe...I'm generally fair with pink undertone, but tan easily if that makes sense. I think RG kind of blends in with my skin, but it still looks soft and pretty.

2. I am thinking of doing a solitaire...not sure exactly what style yet. I feel like I have only seen UPWG in either very antique style (which is not my style) or very elegant/swoopy (which I love) style like your 3 stone. I am wondering if a simple solitaire would just look like the plating wore off. Does that make sense? Something about a more "designed" ring says "I'm meant to be this color?" Am I crazy thinking this? Would it look good in all styles?

3. I am wondering about 14k UWG. How subtle is it (in general...I know different alloys make a huge difference). Wondering if it would give me more stacking options with YG and RG and also more versatility with other jewelry, but still have a warmer more antique lace look.

Okay..I think I got all my questions out.

1. my skin? 2. UWG and styling? 3. 14k worth it or not?
I just found this picture which I think illustrates not only my skin tone, but why I feel in love with RG as well as YG. While in NY I found this gorgeous necklace. You can see it next to my YG rings...not good. I would like to be able to mix and match without ever wearing YG and RG together.

Not sure if you are still reading this Val or Yssie, but Val, I am also wanting to set my M stone in UPWG, and like yourself am thinking solitaire. But have the same concerns as you:

1 - how will it look on my olive skin in a solitaire? I too have only seen UPWG in elaborate settings.

2 - I like to get stacking bands in plat to go with my other solitaire and wonder if it will look good with UPWG?

Would anyone have pics of 18k UPWG set against platinum or WG?

Hope you see this Val! :wavey:
ringcat|1385542621|3563767 said:
Not sure if you are still reading this Val or Yssie, but Val, I am also wanting to set my M stone in UPWG, and like yourself am thinking solitaire. But have the same concerns as you:

1 - how will it look on my olive skin in a solitaire? I too have only seen UPWG in elaborate settings.

2 - I like to get stacking bands in plat to go with my other solitaire and wonder if it will look good with UPWG?

Would anyone have pics of 18k UPWG set against platinum or WG?

Hope you see this Val! :wavey:

Hi ringcat! I just looked this thread up for reference on something else and saw your post! Sorry I didn't see it before.

I would think UWG (in general...of course there are many different alloys) would look lovely on olive skin. I actually found a local jeweler who had a few UWG pieces. I tried them on and was quite underwhelmed at how they looked on my skin tone. Kind of ho hum...blended in. :| But, I don't have olive undertone is more pink.

What kind of solitaire are you thinking of? For some reason I really feel like most metals lend themselves more to certain designs. In general, though, I think UWG would look nice in a would be more subtle (ie. have less contrast with your M color stone) than platinum. It would be an overall softer look. Would you like that?

I had a platinum band on when I tried on the UWG. I wasn't crazy about the look together. The platinum made the UWG look kind of dirty or off. But, next to YG it looked warm and beautiful.

Would love to hear more about your project. Good luck! ;)

Hopefully Yssie will see this and chime in for you. :D
valmanin|1386123634|3567061 said:
ringcat|1385542621|3563767 said:
Not sure if you are still reading this Val or Yssie, but Val, I am also wanting to set my M stone in UPWG, and like yourself am thinking solitaire. But have the same concerns as you:

1 - how will it look on my olive skin in a solitaire? I too have only seen UPWG in elaborate settings.

2 - I like to get stacking bands in plat to go with my other solitaire and wonder if it will look good with UPWG?

Would anyone have pics of 18k UPWG set against platinum or WG?

Hope you see this Val! :wavey:

Hi ringcat! I just looked this thread up for reference on something else and saw your post! Sorry I didn't see it before.

I would think UWG (in general...of course there are many different alloys) would look lovely on olive skin. I actually found a local jeweler who had a few UWG pieces. I tried them on and was quite underwhelmed at how they looked on my skin tone. Kind of ho hum...blended in. :| But, I don't have olive undertone is more pink.

What kind of solitaire are you thinking of? For some reason I really feel like most metals lend themselves more to certain designs. In general, though, I think UWG would look nice in a would be more subtle (ie. have less contrast with your M color stone) than platinum. It would be an overall softer look. Would you like that?

I had a platinum band on when I tried on the UWG. I wasn't crazy about the look together. The platinum made the UWG look kind of dirty or off. But, next to YG it looked warm and beautiful.

Would love to hear more about your project. Good luck! ;)

Hopefully Yssie will see this and chime in for you. :D

Hi Val,

Thanks for seeing this and posting. I have been following the thread on your Tiffany Lotus inspired setting. Your stone is just amazing!!!

I have a 2.07 M AVR that I am trying to set. I think UPWG would work for me. Hubby likes the colour of Yssie's 5 stone 18UPWG-palladium alloy. I think I would like to go UPWG too. At first I was looking at 18kUPWG nickel, but now I am also considering palladium 18kUPWG. However, my concern is matching bands to it, and I havent found a way round it yet.

I do find what you said about "The platinum made the UWG look kind of dirty or off" to be true. So, now I am thinking perhaps at 18kUPWG nickel may be better. It is more akin to YG.

LOL! I am still very confused and conflicted as to what to do.

For a setting, I am looking at Vatche U113 type settings but with a comfort fit band, instead of tapered knife edge. For now I think I am after a semi-temporary setting. I want to get to know the stone first before I do something elaborate with it. The other reason is I think I may want to upgrade in about 5 years too.

For a band, I love the this JM band of Coati's:
and I love this stack:

So, I think I will get the solitaire and JM style band to match in the UPWG, and then with my other stackers, I may be confined to plat if I want to wear them with my other rings too.

I have to say I love that set of coati's. But I already have bezels and I would like a prong set solitaire this time.

Thanks for spotting this Val. I hope Yssie spots it too.