
Weekly Workout Thread 12th Feb till 18th Feb

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Mar 26, 2006
Date: 2/14/2007 12:41:04 PM
Author: shortblonde

i make a batch of pumpkin muffins about every 10 days and can pretty much make them with my eyes closed. they are definitely my faves. i have been using applesauce in place of the oil for the last couple batches as well. but i like the buttermilk - i think it makes whole grain stuff fluffier than regular milk - and i can't use splenda as it gives me tummy troubles. i will have to check out those silicone muffin pans, they always look so silly in the, i bet they would be really good with the carrots and walnuts added.

Do you use the same amount of applesauce as you would oil or is there some magic conversion in quantity?


Jul 30, 2006
DJ -- I used the same amount of applesauce as I would have used for oil... the next time I doubled that... MUCH more moist and flavorful... YUMMY!!

Hope that helps : )


btw... how''s Demon Dog??


Oct 30, 2002
SDL you will get there!!

So one other fitness factoid I read last nite (I seriously LOVE reading these mags on the elliptical, talk about inspiring!!) burn about 10-15% extra calories from your raised metabolism after working they were saying if you do a 500 cal workout then you burn about another 50-75 calories in the few hours after the workout. The harder the workout the more you'll burn afterwards. It mentioned you do this 3x a week (workout 500 cals) and you can burn up to an extra 10k calories per year, aka 3 additional lbs just by working out originally. Not bad eh?! I thought that was a fun fact.

Lorelei sorry to hear you aren't feeling well...and awww hubby is away?! That's sad!! Greg is going on a skiing trip at end of this month for 4 days and I am already thinking about how quiet and lonely the house will be!

Kimberly did you ever get your body fat tested? Just curious to see if it's continuing to go down even though you are plateauing a bit on the scale.

SB...the silicone muffin pans are interesting, at first I was liike oh what a gimmick but they work FAB. the muffins literally just pop out after they cool off and they are dishwasher safe. You just put them on a cookie sheet, you don't even need a muffin pan. It seems like I can't get 'as big' of a muffin size out of them though as I can using the pan so we'll see. Last nite was my first time using them so I have to experiment a bit.

LOL i brought in my cupcakes and cookies and everyone was like oh my gosh ! one guy is like no i can't ruin my diet (he is trying to lose weight for his anniversary in 2 months)...i was like come on it's v-day. so today i am the 'bad stuff' pusher i guess. it's probably pretty funny because everyone knows i really don't eat crap like that and here i am bringing it into the office! hehe.

congrats lulu on your continued progress!! kim those french fries sound good!

oh and for applesauce, i use 1/4c in place of something like a tablespoon or two of oil...i have found that applesauce adds a TON of moisture to them and sometimes too much makes them too moist for me...or you just cook them longer.


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 2/14/2007 12:57:02 PM
Author: Aurelia
DJ -- I used the same amount of applesauce as I would have used for oil... the next time I doubled that... MUCH more moist and flavorful... YUMMY!!

Hope that helps : )


btw... how''s Demon Dog??

Thanks for that info -- since I don''t cook these substitution things are a bit baffling to me and I don''t want to tell the happy hubby the wrong thing because I''ll end up with a batch of *bad muffins* (if there is such a thing, LOL).

And The Demon is good (thank you so much for asking!). When the happy hubby gets back from skiing we''re going to start seriously looking for a sister for him. A couple of good candidates have passed through the anti cruelty society it the past few months, but with the HH gone so much right now the timing was bad.


Dec 29, 2004
OK, a weird weigh in this week. Gained 2.2 pounds over two weeks ago BUT the measurements are pretty well the same. In fact, my thighs have gone down ever a tad. I have a tiny little mole where I measure on my thigh, so I know it''s a precise spot.

Two weeks ago:
Weight: 140.4
Bust: 36.5
Waist: 33
Hips: 39.5
Thigh: 22
Arm: 10

This week:
Weight: 142.6
Bust: 36.5
Waist: 33
Hips: 39.5
Thigh: 21.8
Arm: 10

So I guess it''s good that I do measurements, or else I''d have to wonder!

Anyhoo, thanks for the tips on the muffins! I love all flavors...choc, pumpkin, berry, etc. I think I will try the pumpkin ones because the berry ones sounds scary in the sense that it''s hard to stop at one. I LOVE muffins and cake-like stuff which is why I have been staying away....


Jul 30, 2006
Date: 2/14/2007 1:03:04 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Thanks for that info -- since I don''t cook these substitution things are a bit baffling to me and I don''t want to tell the happy hubby the wrong thing because I''ll end up with a batch of *bad muffins* (if there is such a thing, LOL).

And The Demon is good (thank you so much for asking!). When the happy hubby gets back from skiing we''re going to start seriously looking for a sister for him. A couple of good candidates have passed through the anti cruelty society it the past few months, but with the HH gone so much right now the timing was bad.
DJ -- I always get a kick out of hearing about HH cooking for you... my FI is the same way though I''ll bake now and then.

Sounds like fun to find the Demon a sister... and good to wait until the "perfect" one comes along...
Maybe Demon Dog
will get an Angel Dog

Hope everyone else is doing well!!



Apr 19, 2004
Date: 2/13/2007 5:31:55 PM
Author: JadeLeaves

My goal is to get down to my wedding weight at 130 pounds, and I have abt 20 pounds to go. Hubby reckons that I shouldn''t aim for that because he thought I was too skinny then. I am 1.68m - is 130 pounds too little? I really don''t think so!

I don''t think so either!

Well, I am glad not to report that shovelling snow was part of my workout today--first time in over two weeks!!....I watched the Wedding Crashers while I worked out today---good laugh and good distraction.

BTW, after my gastro/colonscopy testing of last week, the biopsy came back showing H. Pylori--the bacteria common in 30% of the population and main cause of gastric ulcers. Luckily a short course of antibiotics will clear that bug up and my pain will go bye bye!

Enjoy your Valentined Day everyone!

BTW Rod--I know you love dark chocolate--have you tried any Coppeneur?



Jun 15, 2006

I''m so glad the results of your tests are positive!


May 1, 2006
Sounds like everyone is doing fantastic! Happy Valentine''s Day!

Oh my goodness I am so sore today. I went to my step class yesterday, but she changed it up a bit. Has anyone ever used a BOSU? It''s basically a half-dome -- flat base of plastic on one side and a rubberized dome on the other. My gym got these a few months ago. I''ve used them in a few different classes, and they''re a really versatile piece of equipment. Yesterday she had us do about 15 minutes of "normal" step aerobics and then for the second half of class we did parts of the same routine on the BOSU. Let me tell you, keeping your balance on those things requires core strength (thought of you, Rod!

After the step class we had a 30-minute upper body/core strengthening class, and spent lots more time with the BOSU. We did lots of different things, but the ones I remember most were the planks and push-ups. These are done with the dome side down, so you hold the edges of the plastic base. The exercises are made more difficult because you''re trying to maintain your position/balance on the BOSU. But the exercise that really got me were the side planks. These are done with the BOSU flat base on the floor, and your elbow on top of the dome. Then you ''dip'' your hip (while maintaining proper alignment) up and down. Ouch! My obliques are so sore today -- it hurts when I cough! But I love it. I know I worked out hard. It is great to switch up the routines and exercises ~ this particular instructor is very good at coming up with things to keep it interesting. As soon as you think you''ve ''mastered'' something, she throws something completely different at you the next week.

Today I have had a small bowl of cereal with skim milk, a yogurt, and a piece of cheese pizza
(it was free at a seminar I had to attend ... and I was hungry and didn''t want to wait an hour for my LC meal ... but I only had one slice!) Tonight for dinner we''re making the shrimp linguine recipe that is on the recipe thread along with a spinach salad. We''re going to watch Little Miss Sunshine tonight ... I''ve been wanting to see this movie for a while now.

Exercise today will be a 45-minute step class and then some time on the elliptical ... probably another 20-30 minutes. It will be a cardio only day, as my muscles are really sore and need to recuperate. I''ll return to strength training tomorrow.

I''m still maintaining my weight at ~113-114 lbs (weighed in last night at 113.6). I do need to redo my measurements, though. It''s been a few weeks.

Welcome, SDL! It sounds like you''re on a great path to attain your goals. You''ve already done fabulously ~ hang in there! Sometimes weight loss is sloooow and takes patience ~ but doing it the healthy way makes it all worth it! (Over the past three years I lost about 20 pounds ... but during the first few months I didn''t drop a pound ... then I dropped some weight ... then stayed there ... then dropped some more. I continued on like that for a while, and now I am pretty much where I think my body is happy.)

Hope everyone has pleasant, romantic evenings!


Jul 25, 2006
Wow, 5 pages into this thread already, and I haven't gotten to see it yet. I had to take a break today and jump on PS for a quick break - you guys are always so great to read, and I usually love helping people on RT trying to find rocks when I can - I like to try to jump on during the day to check things out because it breaks things up and actually helps to keep me going. I have been thinking about you guys, and I hope all is going well. I feel like I have really gotten out of 'the loop' lately. I am enjoying my fiberone bars, and have given several to the dieticians around here - they have added the (now empty!) packages to their supply of containers to demonstrate to people ideas of things to eat, so thanks to you guys more people will learn about these yummy fiber bars! I am tired. I am assuming responsibility for a department and between that and the university suddenly realizing they want the latest packet of my 'creative activity' (read publish or perish), I am ready to pop. Having trouble sleeping. Exercise always helps me to ultimately relax, but sometimes when you are tired it is really hard to motivate! I think things will calm down soon as I make adjustments, (I hope!) I did go for a run yesterday morning which was nice, and made it to the gym Sunday, and a run that was cut short Saturday because I just lost steam, which really disappointed me. Will try to make it tonight, but still with a long day ahead. I will think of you guys when the day is over, and use that to encourage myself to go and be healthy!
(okay, well go to be healthy, but I also get to read my US Weekly and In Touch and Star magazines at the gym only - I only allow myself to do that there so that I will want to go there to read them!

ETA: Happy Valentine's Day!


Jul 10, 2006
Happy Valentine''s day everyone

I went to the gym this morning and practically slushed & skid around in my little car, but it was so worth the trek!!

I did the elliptical for 630 cals. I am trying this new thing where I increase a level incline for each minute 1 - 20 and then back down again. It really does work other muscles rather than just my heiny! The lower incline is just like cross country skiing and totally works those quads and hamstrings, even my calves are a bit sore.

I''m going to try this routine at least once a week.

Today, I''ve tried to eat on the ligher side with a whole wheat english muffin and an egg for breakfast, and then cottage cheese with pineapple for lunch since I know I will be probably going all out for our V day dinner tonight.

Have a great rest of the day!


Oct 30, 2002
hehe so at lunch i went with my coworker over to this specialty choco place and got a few large truffles for greg and 2 marshmallow hearts. oh and 2 chocolate covered strawberries! probably the healthiest thing in there lol!

between breakkie and lunch i had a small vday cookie, a pumpkin muffin, and the last banana muffin. i just had a late lunch a little while ago which was my 140 cal LC..and then i had about 1/2 a vday cookie (larger diff one that i got yesterday). so now i am stuffed! i still have a cupcake and some chocolate cake that my coworker brought i am like i don't know if i can get to either of those. but i'm sure i will try.

if i get home with enough time i will take P out for a 20 min walk to at least get some activity going today...even though it's my day off. oh i have also started doing the stairs at work about 2x a day...we have 6 flights and i walk from our floor to the bottom then climb all 6 flights then come back down to our floor and go back to my office. it's a nice 5 min-ish break and it gets my heart rate up, i can definitely feel it! so on days i don't work out i like at least feeling like i'm doing something healthy-ish. hehe.

hope everyone's day is going well!!


Apr 24, 2004
Actually I meant the banana berry ones Mara, not the berry buttermilk ones, but I think the only difference between the 2 is that one uses applesauce, the other buttermilk.

lorelei - sorry to hear about your back. hope u feel better soon!

canuk gal - good to hear about your test results!

TGal - the berry muffins are quite filling, and I can never have more than 1 at a single sitting!

Ok I am off to the gym now and then coming back for frantic last minute packing and we''re off to the airport. Woohoo!!

Have a lovely valentine''s day everyone!


Oct 30, 2002
oh yeah JL many muffin recipes i can''t keep them all straight. i do love my coworkers banana berry ones too. and yes they are filling and she uses the whole wheat flour so it''s got fiber!

sharon i forgot to say, it''s great they found a potential source of the pain for you! of course not so great that you have the HP but at least now it can be fixed. i have been feeling much better as well...darn stomachs!


Dec 29, 2004
Just came back from bristol farms for vday dinner shopping. What''s on everyone else''s menu?

We actually invited a friend to crash our vday dinner. He''s bringing over a pretty nice bottle of wine (Jarvis ''93 somethingrather) so that''s cool. We are also opening up a bottle of Rockfords (Australian) 1999 Black Shiraz. I love sparkling red, which we don''t have much of here and it''s perfect for valentine''s day.

I know what I am about to list is SO counterproductive to our usual healthy eats, but I love talking about food and would love to know what everyone is having!

Our meal is:

Start off with cheese, olives, etc.
1st course - scallops wrapped in bacon (only 1 each)
2nd course - penne with vodka cream sauce (very small amounts)
3rd course - Bristol Farms choice dry aged (they recommended it over their prime cut) NY strip steak, baked potato and caesar salad (thank goodness for that light girards)
Dessert: assortment of carrot cake, lava cake and coconut cake. that I am looking at this, I''m really scared for my calorie count! Fortunately TGuy and I are splitting a steak so I only bought two - which is just as well because they cost about 25 bucks each. I can go get a prime steak at a restaurant for that price!


Dec 29, 2004
Jade, I just wanted to say safe travels!!!


Oct 30, 2002
lol TG i know this whole day is counterproductive for me but that''s okay!! tomorrow is a new day.

for dinner tonite they are doing a prix fixe 4 course or regular menu, so not sure what we''ll get but in the past we have had wonderful crab cakes, steamed mussels, amazing new york strip, they have GREAT thin shoestring french fries, their burger is amazing...which is funny, i love a good gourmet burger. but i''m interested in seeing their prix fixe menu. oh and they have chocolate souffle with raspberry sauce which is one of my faves. but honestly i might be sweet-ed out by tonite! i just ate a tiny bit of chocolate cake that my coworker brought in and now i am like more sweets. so i better lay off. lol.


Dec 12, 2006
Well I haven''t been able to exercise regularly these last 2 weeks. Last week the 1 treadmill was so busy it took 6 tries to get on it!! But with persistence I was able to work out twice for 60 min each time- elevation 15, pace 3.7-4.2.

This week really hasn''t been any better. I did work out today for 60 min same as above and it was so nice!! I know that I won''t really see any results at the rate I''m going so I really need to ramp up the number of times I do something each week. Hopefully the next hotel will have more options.

Mara and Rod- thanks for the polar heart rate information. I looked at the ladies F series this weekend and I really liked them. My only concern is that they are rather large and I have a very small wrist. I guess I won''t find out how bulky it is until I try it and at least it will give me the info I''m looking for.

Everyone here is so inspiring. Reading all your posts literally makes me jump up and run to the workout room. I''m really trying to watch the caloric intake despite eating every meal out. I''ve taken several of your suggestions and gotten some great high fiber snack foods. All Bran came out with these wonderful crackers that are delicious!!! They also have some great breakfast bars.

Keep up the good work!!!


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 2/14/2007 5:17:07 PM
Author: Mara

sharon i forgot to say, it's great they found a potential source of the pain for you! of course not so great that you have the HP but at least now it can be fixed. i have been feeling much better as well...darn stomachs!

Thanks Mara, Kim & JadeLeaves! Too bad wine doesn't cure these ailments--it would have been gone a long time ago

P.S. everyone enjoy their lovely dinners out--everything sounds scrumptious!.



Jun 15, 2006
The restaurant we''re going to will probably have a shorter menu than usual but this is most likely what I''ll be having:

Starters: Bread, Caesar salad (it''s the best caesar I''ve ever had)
Entree: gnocchi in marinara sauce, baked w/ mozerella cheese
Dessert: ??? something good, that''s for sure! Maybe tiramisu
Drinks: Wine for me, huby doesn''t like it

TG, sounds like a fun evening with lots of good wine! Nice of you to let your friend crash.


Aug 3, 2006
my weight and measurements are all the same as last week...hopefully next week i''ll have something to share.

we''re not really into vday, but on the 15th my fi usu brings me some flowers or chocolate. it''s sort of sybmolic for us. we both believe in practicality over sentiment, and since that stuff is 1/2 off the day after, i get twice as many flowers or twice as much chocolate!

i''m making split pea soup tonight so we''ll see how that goes.


May 14, 2006
woah Ive lost a lot of inches after being sick

Last week
4th week
Height 5ft 4 1/2"
Weight 189 lbs
Arm 13 1/2 "
Bust 37"
Waist 32"
Thigh 25"
Lower waist 39"
Hips 45"

This week
5th week
weight-havent been to the gym as still on antibiotics
Arm 13"
Bust 35.5"
Waist 31"
Thigh 24.5"
Lower Waist 37.5"
Hips 44"

On a better note though, after all the pain killers, I finally have my appetite back so D and I just went out for a really nice dinner. I had caesar salad for starters, organic chicken pot au feu for dinner and a champagne and lemon parfait with fresh fruit for dessert....mmmm... appetites definitely back!! Havent eaten properly in 4 days so didnt mind eating everything today!!

Hope you all have a good valentines day!


Jul 25, 2006
Thanks for the chuckles guys - I got to scan through this weeks thread now - I also had a crush on Donny Osmond. I used to love the Donny and Marie Show, and used to dream of being on it. Forget David Cassidy (although I really liked him on Hardy Boys) - I had a HUGE crush on his brother Shawn - I had his albums and sent letters covered with lipstick kisses to his fan club ... not sure why I never got a reply

I used to have this lunchbox which said "Disco" on it and had people dancing all over it. It was really cool and the older kids were actually impressed with it. It actually made me feel special when they liked it!
I was also the kid who didn''t get chosen for teams until the end, when they were ''stuck with me'' because there was no one else. As sad as it was at the time, it really was sort of a character builder (don''t you hate it when people tell you things like that? it can be so hard to go through at the time) - I think it really did make me more sensitive to others as I got older.
Rod - great post, very inspiring story! Your experiences will enable to you help others, such as your friend at work (when he finally decides he is ready), because he will know that you understand.


Jul 25, 2006
Deej - I do some form of exercise 5-7 x a week. I have found exercise to be really amazing for sense of overall wellbeing. When I first really started exercising, I had to push to make myself go, now if I don't go often enough, I can get sort of grouchy.


Mar 26, 2006
So I figured that V-Day was as good as any for a hard butt workout and I cranked the incline on the ellipticals and did an hour for 652 cals. I'm gonna be sorry tomorrow!

The happy hubby made "chicken in a pot" for dinner. I have to say (but not to *him*, LOL) not one of his best meals. It was... OK... but he's proeduced some truly spectacular things from this cookbook so I was not really impressed. (I did eat it though!)

He surprised me with pumpkin muffins--not just the new version but both a bath of the old and the new to compare (that's just the kind of person he is!). But the surprise part was that he got heart shaped muffin pans. How cute!

And I surprised him with a box of Godiva truffles, which I at one of and am now not going near again! (They weren't the best truffles I've ever had, but they were better than a sharp stick in the eye, to quote my great grandmother!)

Hope everyone had a wonderful V-Day dinner and I'll look forward to reading about all your wonderful food adventure tomorrow!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 2/14/2007 1:36:58 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 2/13/2007 5:31:55 PM
Author: JadeLeaves

My goal is to get down to my wedding weight at 130 pounds, and I have abt 20 pounds to go. Hubby reckons that I shouldn''t aim for that because he thought I was too skinny then. I am 1.68m - is 130 pounds too little? I really don''t think so!

I don''t think so either!

Well, I am glad not to report that shovelling snow was part of my workout today--first time in over two weeks!!....I watched the Wedding Crashers while I worked out today---good laugh and good distraction.

BTW, after my gastro/colonscopy testing of last week, the biopsy came back showing H. Pylori--the bacteria common in 30% of the population and main cause of gastric ulcers. Luckily a short course of antibiotics will clear that bug up and my pain will go bye bye!

Enjoy your Valentined Day everyone!

BTW Rod--I know you love dark chocolate--have you tried any Coppeneur?

I haven''t Sharon. Is it Canadian chocolate? I''ve never seen it here, but it''s not a name I would necessarily look for, but now I will! Thanks


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Team PS!! First Happy Valentines Day to all my PS Friends. Hugs and Kisses and Wishes for long and healthy lives!!!

It''s funny how buying a couple of diamonds over a year ago turned into a daily fitness check in. Like Mara commented, this is the thread I check every single day. I don''t really spend much time on Rocky Talky. Not that I''ve lost interest in diamonds, but with the significant changes I''ve had to make in my life (losing my job, getting a new job, relocating to NC), it''s this thread that has helped me the most. You''ve all become my friends and confidants. And I so enjoy hearing about your successes and I hope you we all stay around forever and help each other grow old in the best of health possible.

It was just another day for us. We decided Valentines day really isn''t a big deal to us, so we had a normal day. I had my normal high fiber cereal with fresh berries and fat free milk. We had a birthday lunch at work, but instead of eating the fattening foods they were serving, I went out and got myself a nice healthy salad and I did NOT eat the birthday cookie. They got a few of those huge platter size cookies and they''re too doughy-lard-like to me, so it was easy to pass on that.

Then, we had our normal workout at the gym. It was actually pretty nice, because there were way less people at the gym, since it was Valentines day. So, I was able to do more than a usual work-week workout. It was more like what I could do on a weekend workout. To keep my heart rate in a higher range (so it doesn''t just go down 50% after about 15 minutes) on the ellitpical, I''ve learned I need to push the level up several notches. In addition to burning more calories, I''m pretty sure it''s helping my legs out too!! I realized tonight when I got to the leg portion of my workout, I''m up to 210 pounds on weighted squats (the machine you sit on and push back)!!

Kimberly: Don''t let the plateau get you down. It happens to everyone ho works out regularly. The body will fight hard to maintain a certain level. Plus, I''m pretty convinced that colder weather makes our bodies either retain more fluids or our metabolisms slow down to naturally put our bodies in build fat mode because naturally, our bodies should need extra blubber to stay warm during the cold months. Just a hypothesis mind you, but it does seem that it''s happened with both myself and Charlie, even though we work out hard and eat healthy.

Jeff: Sorry man. That wasn''t a cool comment from your trainer. Do NOT let his comment bother you. Did you read my post earlier in the week where I read that even us old farts can still build muscle just as well as younger guys? So, you keep on working out!

Tomorrow we''ll have our 3rd workout in a row. Then you know what Friday means - SUSHI!

Your friend........Rod

PS: We bought some of the Kashi frozen dinners as an alternative to Lean Cuisine. Have any of you tried them? Neither of us think the ones we''ve had were very good. Tonight I had lime cilantro shrimp and it was just odd tasting to me. So, if you haven''t tried them, my advice would be to just pass. Sorry, if you''ve had them and you do like them.


Oct 30, 2002
whhheeee so dinner was amazing! we chose from the regular menu since the prix fixe was too limiting...and shared fresh crab cakes and a warmed arugula and frisee salad with bleu cheese, roasted bacon and vinaigrete which is super yummy. then i had the new york steak and greg had a manicotti..their steak is always really awesome, and tonite did not disappoint. we also ordered a side of their specialty herb tossed yummy. with a buttermilk dip sauce.

i also noshed hard core on wheat bread with butter...their bread comes from this bakery nowhere near here but it's wonderful. the wheat is stone ground so it's a very fine taste. i also had two of their specialty martinis for tonite which was a raspberry martini with lime and a scoop of orange sherbert...seriously yum. and so strong, hahaa. i had to ask for the 2nd one to be slightly less deadly. we didn't get dessert since greg got a box of truffles from schurra's and i also got us some things from there today as well so we have a serious amount of specialty chocolate at home....haha. so we walked back home and made some espresso and then snacked on double dipped chocolate covered cherries (yum), and a few of the truffles.

the funniest thing is that i was not really 'hungry' when i got there i basically ate everything i was served. and greg was cracking up because i kept eating the bread after my steak and the fries were done, the bread was so good!! he's like 'aren't you full yet'...but i wasn't!! finally about 10 min after we stopped eating i was full, but not painfully so. hehe.

so we walked there and walked home which was fun...and totally easy..we loved how easy it was for vday this year! hope everyone had a wonderful day...whether you celebrated or not. it was really nice to break up the week and do something different...and take the time to get out of the 'weekday' regular grind, and appreciate each other and have some fun together!!

it's back on the healthy wagon tomorrow, even though i never ate my cupcake from today...and we have a bunch of truffles. i figure we'll eat them slowly over time...they are pretty rich so we can easily share one of the dark ones with liqueur as a dessert a few nights a week.


Dec 29, 2004
Oh my god, Rod, you''re a better person than I am on this v-day. Tomorrow I am eating grass.

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