
Weekly Workout Thread 12th Feb till 18th Feb

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Jul 10, 2006
Date: 2/13/2007 4:07:38 PM
Author: JadeLeaves
Good day!

I bought the calorie king calorie book, and just wanted to ask, for those of u taking vitamins or fish oil capsules, do you account for the calories in those?

For example, I take 3 fish oil capsules a day, and that''s 60cals!

Basically I have left that out in my calorie tracking spreadsheet, and I have still lost weight, so is it impt that I add that to my daily intake?

No exercise today, but I have lots of running around to do as we leave tomorrow, and I''ll be running around like a mad chook trying to get everything done, so hopefully that will be my ''exercise'' for the day :razz:

I am committed to putting in an hour on the cross trainer tmr morning, and that should put me within 500cals of my goal for the week which I can fix up when I get to the hotel.


ETA: Welcome Michelle!
JL: I don''t incorporate the fish oil in my caloric intake, I was wondering about this too. I only take one a day, however. If you''ve been losing weight w/o recording it, I''d say you''re doing just fine!


Jul 10, 2006
Date: 2/13/2007 4:39:21 PM
Author: Mara
yeah DJ it is pretty interesting. so when i am feeling like i NEED to eat something sweet, i am going to try to do that whole first few bites thing and see how i feel before eating the whole thing. i kind of like the idea of spacing out dessert, hahaha.

welcome your day is really regimented with eating!! i am a little less strict but i reached my goals so now i am just maintaining as well. i also work out a fair amount as do most the wwt''ers...we''re kind of crazy sometimes about our exercise, lol! anyway hope you have fun here!

went to lunch at the bakery place and had 1/2 turkey sandwich with no mayo and no cheese and 1/2 salad with greens, cranberries, bleu cheese and walnuts. i got the dressing on the side and poured off as much of the oil as possible which was like 1/2 the container! crazy amounts of oil in those dressings. and i feel like you can taste the flavors better by using less oil and more of the balsamics etc. so it was pretty yummy. oh and i got 2 vday cookies for tomorrow hehee.

dinner is going to be this amazingly simple looking recipe i saw in a mag at the''s basically a 1/2 tbl of butter where you sautee shrimp...and then add a 1/4c white wine and this mccmormicks garlic and herb seasoning spice...and then let it simmer til everything turns pink. then serve over a bed of wild rice. i am adding broccoli to the shrimp since we have some in the fridge...and greg is getting his on wild rice but *I* am going to be crazy and experimental with the shirataki noodles and mix my shrimp and broccoli in with them instead of using rice. then we have banana cream pudding for dessert..mmm!!
Mara: banana cream pudding sounds amazing!! that might be a new thing to try this week at the grocery store!!!


Oct 30, 2002
rosebud, i also added this to my post on the other page but it was afterwards so you might not have seen it, so here it is!:

"rosebud...the sparkpeople range is supposed to apparently give you a bit of leeway so you don't feel too pidgeonholed into one number, aka 1500 and then you stress out if you eat 1600. so the range is a comfort zone where supposedly you can still reach your goals by the date you listed. now i always stayed near the bottom of my zone for the most part rather than the top of and it worked out okay. i also recently did this calorie calculator thing (i posted it last week, the link etc) where i can actually manually write out my whole day then calculate how many calories my body needs to carry out every activity. so i was able to find out what the # was and i noticed it was like 100 cals more than what my SP range started at. so i am using the low end of the SP range still to maintain."

oh and the banana cream pudding is seriously yum. it's sugar free, fat free jello, just mix 1% milk and chill for an hour and whala, 3 servings for 100 cals each. SO GOOD!!!!


Sep 8, 2006

Rosebud (and all),

I went to a trainer/dietician (not at my gym) who charges to set up a plan for you....Anyway, he told me my running was a problem and that I was burning muscle so decreasing my metabolism. I stopped running as much and am using the ellipse more. I also should probably do weights before cardio, but this never seems to happen


When you ask doctor''s about this (and I have run the gamut of thyroid checking, bloodwork, etc) they tell you you are not overweight so do not worry - Yes, not overweight, but I want the 5 pounds off! argh!

So now that I want to work out 5 times a week, I come up with issues. As I asked last week about volunteering or networking or social commitments – ie family, friends, this circumstance just came up today. I did my 5K on Sunday, Sunday I did the ellipse for 40 minutes and weights. I took off last night due to being really tired. Well, I want to go the gym today but my husband is speaking at one of the organizations we are involved in and now I would love to see him speak. But that would only give me tomorrow and Thursday to work out since I usually don’t work out on Friday. I almost always do Saturday and Sunday.

So that would be Sunday, Wed, Thurs, Sat – And tomorrow is VDay – argh! And I have hours and hours of Tivo to catch up on – and now I can add AI…

, oh, and laundry and cleaning...etc, etc, etc

How do you all handle these unexpected change of plans so to speak? Do any of you do any business networking, or organizations in the evening? Oh and as stated I work till 6 pm so getting home to workout and then to see my husband is out of the question – the meeting begins at around 6 pm I believe.

Thank you in advance,


Apr 24, 2004
Date: 2/13/2007 4:38:15 PM
Author: Rosebud8506
I think that is fabulous JadeLeaves, that you have lost 11 lbs in 5 weeks
That is great inspiration!!!

Thks Rosebud! It is everyone here who provides the inspiration and motivation for me to haul my a** to the gym 3 times a wk. I salute those of u who does more workouts per week!

My goal is to get down to my wedding weight at 130 pounds, and I have abt 20 pounds to go. Hubby reckons that I shouldn''t aim for that because he thought I was too skinny then. I am 1.68m - is 130 pounds too little? I really don''t think so!

Re: Fish oil - I was so bummed out abt the ''hidden'' calories, but it''s good for me so I am going to continue taking it!


Sep 8, 2006

1.68m...what is that in feet? I guess I can look it up....

Oh, and your baby is the cutest ever! I love that collage! He is so smushable

Congrats on your weight loss! Honestly, that is a fear of mine after having kids - trying to lose the weight when I can''t even lose it now.



Jan 20, 2006
Date: 2/13/2007 5:31:55 PM
Author: JadeLeaves

Date: 2/13/2007 4:38:15 PM
Author: Rosebud8506
I think that is fabulous JadeLeaves, that you have lost 11 lbs in 5 weeks
That is great inspiration!!!

Thks Rosebud! It is everyone here who provides the inspiration and motivation for me to haul my a** to the gym 3 times a wk. I salute those of u who does more workouts per week!

My goal is to get down to my wedding weight at 130 pounds, and I have abt 20 pounds to go. Hubby reckons that I shouldn't aim for that because he thought I was too skinny then. I am 1.68m - is 130 pounds too little? I really don't think so!

Re: Fish oil - I was so bummed out abt the 'hidden' calories, but it's good for me so I am going to continue taking it!
Jadeleaves I take fish oil too 3 caps and I AM NOT going to include this as i am not including my incidental running around in my exercise total so I figure it will cancel out

I too want to be 130 pounds and I have 16 to go. My sister recently turned 50 and her goal was to be 50 kilos and she made it! But I think it is too thin for me even though we are the same height 170 cm.
I like to quote Catherine Denevere the beautiful french actress who says "After 40 you choose the arse or the face"
. I would rather have a more rounded face that looks less haggard than a trim trim backside. But having said that I am determined to get back to a size 10 (American 6 I think) so that's my inspiration.


Oct 30, 2002
1.68m is 5'6" right?! i had to look it up.

130 lbs for 5'6" is not too thin at all in my opinion. i am 134 and 5'7" and even if lost another lb or two i'd probably look basically the same visually.


Mar 26, 2006
Back from an hour on the elliptical to the tune of 660 cals. And as of right now I''ve taken in 1345 cals, but the happy hubby got some giant juicy white grapes from the grocery store so I''m sure I''ll have a cup or so of those for a snack after I talk to my client in a few minutes.

ROFL, Katebar, "After 40 you choose the arse or the face" !!!


Jul 10, 2006
merrijoy: that is pretty much what I heard this morning at my Doc. They didn''t mention anything about me being a few extra pounds heavier than what I was last year, (I''m just guestimating that I was at least 7 lbs lighter at my last year''s check up), so I am assuming that I am still "healthy" in their eyes. Damn those 5-10 lbs!!! I am still within my 151 range, and can not seem to get below 150. Boo

I think I consumed closer to my high range in calories today. I was very snacky, and nothing was satisfying. Good thing tomorrow is an elliptical day. That''s good to know why sparkpeople gives you such a wide range, that way you don''t freak out if you''re approaching the higher (like today
) I tend to use it as my "calorie dictionary" in terms of checking out calorie content on certain foods to add to my spreadsheet.

Mara, I''m trying that pudding this week - that sounds yum yum!!!


Feb 21, 2005
i''m in the 5-10 pound range too. i''ve taken off about 6 since early december and wouldn''t mind losing just a few more, but i seem to be stuck here. i know it''s made a difference in how i look since some shorts that were a little snug last summer fit loosely when i tried them on tonight (yay!), but i would still like to drop just 3 or 4 more pounds. baby steps...

no gym for me tonight cause we got tons of snow and the roads are icky. but i did go sledding with my friend, so i burned a few calories hiking up the hill multiple times!

i haven''t felt like eating much at all the past few days (unusual for me in the colder weather), so i''ve just barely been at 1200 calories yesterday and today. i figure my appetite will return soon...

off to get my pumpkin muffins out of the oven!


Dec 28, 2005
As many of you know, I lost a LOT of weight. But, I had a lot of weight to lose. I was sedentary, a smoker, fat and completely out of shape. So, I started working out. At first 6 days a week, then I finally settled on working out 5 days a week. Lord knows you guys have heard about Rod and his 5 workouts all the time. And I went from nearly 240 lbs., to 172 pounds. My waist went from over 40 inches to 32/33. My body fat went from 33% to 15%. I eat very healthy. I do allow some indulgence''s. As my friend Mara has pointed out many times, it''s important to treat yourslef to those treat''s that make life more fun (but I''m still afraid to eat Pizza - LOL). To deny yourself everything is just too much. But, while you indulge, indulge without overdoing it.

So, what''s my point? For me, I''ve completely stopped losing weight. In fact, I work out harder than I ever did and my diet is pretty much what it''s been for the last 18 months and I''m gaining weight. Now, I''m not gaining a significant amount of weight. But over the last 2 months, my weight has gone up nearly 5 pounds, which after a year and a half of losing weight has been somewhat surprising. My pants don''t fit tighter and I look better in shirts (and even without shirts -
), but unless I want to starve myself, I''m not sure I can lose any more weight. So, I''ve stopped weighing myself everyday. The scale is an EVIL MONSTER and I just can''t let it get me down anymore. I exercise. I eat healthy. I''m as good as good can be. So, I''m just no longer worrying about my weight. And when I go for dinner, I eat bread with real butter if I want it. I''ll even eat some (not all) of the potatoes (if they''re good). And if I want a bit of dessert or a Tart Cherry Scone from Panera, by gummit, I''m going to have one!!

Sorry for the diatribe. But after reading many of this week''s threads, their is fear about losing weight. I was there. I''m not there anymore. And as long as you eat healthy and work out hard, you shouldn''t be there either.

So, here comes the workout part. It was a long day. I didn''t leave work until after 6 and since I wanted a salad for dinner, I stopped at the grocery store to pick up one before hitting the gym. And it was cold and dreary with a lot of cold rain. So, it would have been very easy to just take my salad and go home and curl up with Sakai on my lap and eat my dinner at a normal hour, like most other people. But, I know I can''t NOT go to the gym. So, I went and I worked out hard. I did all the things you know I usually do, so I won''t bore you with the details, but I''m glad I went. And when I came home, I had my salad with a slice of toast and Smart Ballance spread, 3 squares of Lindt Dark Chocolate, and an Organic Fuji Apple.

I hope you had a great day. Even though the weather was lousy, and I miss my stuff in my beautiful condo in Tampa and nothing seems to be happening on that front, I worked hard, I worked out hard and I enjoyed my salad, toast, chocolate and apple. I hope your day was as satisfying!!

Your Friend Rod

PS: Welcome to the WWT Michelle. Sounds like you''ve come to terms with your weight issues. Good for you!!!


Oct 30, 2002
sounds like everyone is doing pretty well! for those 5-10 lb gals, don't despair! it can happen, i am living proof. i was reading a fitness mag tonite and it was talking about plateaus and also things you can do to inspire weight loss etc. it said what we already know basically...but it said don't cut calories back too low (it said don't go under 1500 in general) and to work out more/harder/more intensely. i was able to eat 1600-1700ish cals per day on average and workout 5-6x a week to the tune of 2000-3000 calories and i did it. in fact i wanted to lose 10 lbs but i ended up losing 15+. so it can be done! just stick with it. and try to shake it up sometimes. i know we all have our favorites, but i think that our bodies get used to the food we eat too. and it doesn't 'work' for us anymore. when i did that detox was when i started seeing the scale move, maybe it was eating totally different things than what i was used to at the time and overdosing on fruits, veggies, rice etc that triggered it, getting out of the food rut or something. who knows. but keep trying different things. and don't get discouraged. for those of you who work out, track your body fat. for me that is pretty inspiring, to go from 22 to 20 to 19 even if the scale is staying the same means that my body is still making positive progress.

i felt a little snacky today too..sometimes it just happens! went to the gym and burned 530 calories on the elliptical in 60 minutes. then went over to the store and picked up some goodies for work tomorrow for vday etc, bringing cupcakes and cookies into work tomorrow for the engineers and stuff...i have been daydreaming for days about getting a donut for breakfast tomorrow and having a decadent day as a splurge, but actually i'm not really so into the donut for tomorrow after all. i mean i am still thinking about the donut, lol it's been a while, maybe 6 months or more. and both greg and i love donuts (we bonded over them when we first dated!). but i know tomorrow i'll have a cupcake (yellow cake with white frosting!) and probably a valentine's cookie...and while i already have a light lunch scheduled (LC chicken marsala 140 cals) and a banana muffin and some item of yogurt or fruit for healthiness...i also know we are going out tomorrow night for a very yummy dinner and i don't want to OVERindulge..and not be able to really enjoy...taste bud wise.

so kind of like what rod was saying, indulge but don't go crazy. and mentally i thought, yanno i can have the donut this weekend! and i don't have to pack 'indulgences' into one day and hold off on others. i want to be able to appreciate that donut.
also i got some fresh cinammon raisin bread today at the bakery and i think i'd rather have 2 pieces of that toasted up with some fiber one than a donut actually!! and it's probably more healthy, hee.

the scale also said i was 1 lb less from last week..actually 2 lbs after my workout, but it tends to move up one and back pretty easily with water weight...and honestly i figure it'll go back after tomorrow's splurgies... HAH.

so dinner tonite...highly was a quick 5-10 minute shrimp dish that i saw in a mag. greg LOVED it. he kept raving about it while eating it. and it's so easy. hehee. for dessert we are sharing a banana cream pudding, as we're both pretty full so we don't want one each like originally planned.

here's the recipe for anyone interested!!

Garlic Herb Shrimp and Broccoli
12oz shrimp
1 tbl butter
2 teaspoons McCormick garlic and herb spice mix
1/2c white wine
1c chopped broccoli florets
serves 2; 290 cals per serving.

serve with 1c wild rice OR your choice of rice or pasta etc.

i actually served it to Greg with 1/2c wild rice for him and i used the famously discussed previously Shirataki noodles i got from TJ's...they were 40 cals for the whole bag. and while they are pretty tasteless on their own, they work great as a low-cal noodle alternative for a dish like this with the shrimp and broccoli. so i was pretty jazzed and they are substantial. while I like wild rice, it does pack a fair amount of cals (340 for 1/2c) and since greg is trying to regain his 8 lbs i figured it'd be perfect for him. hehe.

hope everyone had a wonderful day and is going to have a GREAT day tomorrow!!! if you are splurging...enjoy!


Dec 29, 2004
Evening everyone!

So I was watching AI and then was pooped. Came up and before I read any other thread, I opened up this one. Sure enough, I trudged out of my chair hauled my booty to the gym. An hour and a half and probably 650+ calories plus. Man, you guys are great for inspiration (or guilt...depending on how I feel). So two workouts so far this week!

Dinner was chicken stuffed with goat cheese and artichokes. I have been eating cereal for brekky but definitely don''t stay as full as I do with something higher in protein (we''re out of Kashi go lean so I''ve been eating honey bunches of oats). I really wanted Fage yogurt and was psyched they had a few left at TJs. I was going to leave a couple for the next Fage fan but got greedy and took them all. When I got home, I had not one Fage to my name...yup, I had put them in someone else''s cart. Greed never pays.

So anyone mentally do fun variations on the elliptical? I use the precor one and I do all kinds of funky little things in segments to make time pass. Wondering if I am the only one.

So dinner tomorrow is going to be a big one. 4 course meal. Anyone have any v-day strategies for not making the day completely go to pot? I''m thinking a high protein, low cal breakfast followed by a big veggie salad with only balsamic or something. Celery sticks and carrots will be the snacks throughout the day. Then dinner...which will blow the cal count through the roof.
I stepped on the scale earlier this week and I don''t think Wed weigh in is going to be good tomorrow...but you''d better believe I am weighing in BEFORE dinner!

Thanks everyone for continuing to work hard and being encouraging!


Oct 30, 2002
TG i always love this thread!! it's the one i check the most on PS no matter what time of day. i always love reading about people's days and what they ate or did for workout..hehe. it is definitely inspiring for sure. i love food too so i always love when people talk about yummy stuff they tried or new snacks. awww and man that sucks about the fage. how did you put it in someone else's cart entirely?!

my plan for tomorrow is to just relax. i know i will eat some crap...but i also am going to have my fiber one cereal (along with fresh cinammon raisin toast), i'm taking a banana nut muffin to work as well, i'll probably drink a 60 cal smoothie, and i'll probably eat a banana or some type of fruit. so i'm at least getting my typical healthy stuff in. lunch is a 140 cal LC so i'm keeping that light. and i'm planning for vday office snackies..and our huge dinner, and tomorrow will be about a 500 extra calorie day over what i typically eat but i don't really care. that's 500 cals! that's one extra workout, if i was still losing weight. for me it's not so big of a deal now to do 500 extra one day because i know i'll probably eat lighter the next day...or whatever. but i have the extra cals my maintenance. but if people do splurge and get all crazy, just add another workout in for the week! you can only do what you can...but you still gotta enjoy life right?!

shortblonde you inspired me when you said you were making your pumpkin muffins so i dug out that recipe and checked it out. i made some additional modifications now that i have acquired additional muffin-making knowledge since last time (i swear i can recite muffin recipes in my sleep and calories along with them!) and also armed with my new brown sugar splenda blend...and the muffins are in the oven right now. i sub'd applesauce for the oil (a huge thing i have learned recently which works also for subbing for butter, applesauce is seriously versatile), cut back the oat bran a tad (i was running out), sub'd my sugar blends and sweetleaf for the sugars, and used 1% milk instead of buttermilk. so these muffins are 89 cals each! i'm so jazzed. 1.2g of fat and 3.2g of fiber, 4g of protein. so they will fill my muffin cravings til this weekend very nicely. and the recipe made 12 big ones. bonus!

OH and i upgraded my muffin baking to include the silicon baking muffin cups...i was hemming and hawing and then finally said oh why not because my friend had some heart shaped ones and she LOVES them, they just pop out and clean up easily and no mess. plus greg is happy because now he doesn't have to clean the pan every 4 nights, lol.

so here's the modified recipe for anyone interested. my mental goal is always to get the muffins under 100 and a lot of times it doesn't make it...aka its 110 or 130 or something so this time i was super jazzed to see 89. fun!

Pumpkin Spice Bran Muffins: Modified
• 1 15 oz. can pumpkin: 140
• 2/3c oat bran: 260
• 1/2c applesauce: 50
• 1 egg white: 20
• 1 cup white whole wheat flour: 400
• 4 tsp. pumpkin pie spice: 35
• 1 tsp. baking soda: 5
• 1 tsp. baking powder: 0
• 1 tsp. vanilla: 10
• 1/4c 1% milk: 30
• 3 tsp brown sugar splenda blend: 60
• 3 sugar substitute packets aka splenda/sweetleaf: 0
• 2 tblspoon flax seed: 60

Preheat the oven to 375°F. In a large mixing bowl, combine pumpkin, applesauce, sugars and egg white. Stir in the milk. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, oat bran, spices, baking soda and baking powder. Fold the wet mixture into the dry until just mixed. Do not overmix.

Scoop the batter into a greased pan or silicone baking cups. Bake in the preheated oven for 30-32ish minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the center
of a muffin comes out clean. Remove the muffins from the oven and allow them to cool in the pan for five minutes before taking them out of the pan to finish cooling on a rack.

12 muffins: 89 cals each; 1.2g fat; 3.2g fiber, 3.6 sugars, 4g protein, 20g carbs, 171g sodium, 154g potassium, 100% vitamin A


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 2/14/2007 2:32:36 AM
Author: Mara

TG i always love this thread!! it''s the one i check the most on PS no matter what time of day. i always love reading about people''s days and what they ate or did for workout..hehe. it is definitely inspiring for sure. i love food too so i always love when people talk about yummy stuff they tried or new snacks. awww and man that sucks about the fage. how did you put it in someone else''s cart entirely?!

My initial knee jerk answer is to say in a hee-haw bassackwards kind of way "Cuz the carts look the same." But the real answer is that I am a greedy Fage blind MORON. Never go into TJ''s causes blackouts and Fage cart dumping errors.

I gotta post some more recipes and what not...but I''m too busy deciding which recipe to try at the moment. Thanks to all who posted.

Speaking of muffins, I have been debating on whether I want to try to make some. I don''t have a muffin pan, so that is the deterrent of the moment. Which muffin recipe posted is the fav of you muffin fans?


Apr 30, 2005
Welcome to the thread Michelle

No workout for me last night, but I should be able to this evening.


Apr 24, 2004
katebar - good point abt the incidental exercise!

mara & merrijoy - yeah 5 ft 6" 130 pounds. I don''t think that''s too skinny, but goal-wise it seems like an achievable figure, so I''m going to aim for that and see how i go!

DJ - you totally rock on the elliptical. I can only manage about 530max in an hour on the elliptical. I think I''m going to step it up a little tmr morning and see how I go.

TGal - I switch the workout every 5 mins to add some variety to my cardio on the cross trainer too! It makes it more interesting, but man, sometimes it just about kills me! Also, my fav muffin recipe so far is the Banana Berry Muffins which Mara posted. I think it was her colleague''s recipe adapted from joy of baking. The choc ones were really easy, but they are better as a backup for when I have a sweet craving. I tend to bake a batch of muffins twice a wk now and I freeze half of them, so I have a variety on the go!

Happy V Day everyone!


Mar 26, 2006
Well the scale gods must have heard me complaining these past few weeks because for my Wednesday morning weight in I''m down two pounds from last week for a total of 11. Woo hoo!

Today for breakfast I''m having my absolute favorite bagel, Natural Ovens whole grain and onion, with fat free cream cheese (270 cals, but totally worth it to me!), lunch will be 200 cals of Progresso soup, I have a granola bar and grapes for a snack, and the happy hubby is making dinner tonight. It''s something out of one of his French cookbooks called "Peasant Chicken." It''s basically chicken that you roast in a pan with vegetables in a red wine sauce. (Sounds like coq au vin to me!) And I''m planning on a hard workout tonight beforehand to get me ready for dinner.

Fortunately the blizzard seems to have ended here and it was about 20 degrees for my walk it. It was kinda pleasant! (Yah, I know, living in the miserable midwest has skewed my weather perspective, LOL.)

Happy VD!!!

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Just checkin in. I had a great 20 minute boxing session with my instructor on Monday.
Also learned a few new Jujitsu moves. It''s been a year now and I''ve really benefited from
learning Brazilian Small Circle Jujitsu. It gets your mind off stress and you focus on learning
new techniques. Funny thing. I can learn and absorb only within the first 20-30 minutes of a one
hour session. Then it''s harder to focus and remember the techniques. My instructor says that
he has another "older" student who has the same problem. It''s not worrisome, just peculiar.
Have a happy day everyone


Aug 3, 2006
re fishoil, i think this and similar products like falxseed oil, etc are probably the only supplements that have calories. also those chewable calcium chocolate things. oil is oil, so a 1 gram pill will have 1 gram of fat in it, which is 9 calories.

meredith, i''m also trying to lose 5-10. well, 10. i''ve been working out 5x a week and counting calories for a few months and i''ve only lost 3 lbs. however, counting calories doesn''t mean limiting them that much in my case. i''m 26 and 5''8.5" and i have a pretty fast metabolism, so it''s hard for me to eat less than 1700-1800 cal a day. i try to keep it in that range, but about every other day it''s more like 1900. i just get really cranky if i''m hungry, and i love good food! so i''m okay w/ the slow weight loss. i lost alot of weight (20 lb) in college too doing the same thing--running 35 mi a week and occasionally not eating that much for a few days. although i don''t think i ever went below 1000 cal a day!

it''s funny, i just remembered this for some reason--there was this slightly creepy professor at my law school who is a runner and we were talking about that my 1st semester and he said to keep running and exercising, b/c law students have a tendancy to get "office bodies" from just sitting at a desk studying all day. i was like "i''d NEVER let that happen to me!" but it only took 2 years, and he was right.

well, i guess i''m not getting that job at the big law firm, but i''m actually secretly relieved. who wants to wear a suit and heals every day? i have an interview today at a private school as a preschool assistant. it''s only in the afternoons, so i don''t have to give up my 2 hr gym sessions every morning. wheee! plus, preschoolers are way more fun than attorneys. people are just soo weird though. i almost want to make up a pretend resume and act like i never went to law school. what''s the big deal??? it''s just school! i feel like hester prynn!


Jul 23, 2006
not only is it snowing....but its v-day
...mmmm chocolate...anyways i''ve maintained my weight this week so thats good....managed to lose a few ounces....tonight i''m cooking grilled chicken marinated in a kind of italian herb dressing with tomatos and low fat mozzarella on top with veggies on the side. and i''m going to have wine with my chocolates of course


Oct 30, 2002
sounds like everyone is in a chipper mood this morning. happy valentines day!

lorelei here's my silly Q of the day (am i modeling myself after miss DJ now?!) you guys celebrate Vday over in the UK??? if so what are you guys up? what is everyone up to here in fact? any super special plans? we are going to dinner tonite to this fab place that we live within walking distance to, it's kind of a shishi kinda fun trendy place but the atmosphere is amazingly laid back. we have gone there for dinner on a weeknight before and we are always like we HAVE to come here more. so for vday i was looking on opentable at avail places and saw this one and thought OH! yeah lets go there. we can walk there and home and they have amazing cocktails, plus the food is always divine. they have prix fixe tonite or regular menu so we'll see. but i'm excited especially for us not to have to drive anywhere good. that's a huge bonus because vday can be crazy!

breakfast this morning is a 1/2 sized bowl of honey bunches and fiber one, along with 2 slices of cinnamon raisin toast (omg, in heaven) and coffee. snackies all day but lunch is going to be LC chicken marsala and veggies for 140 cals. i might have steak tonite for dinner but we'll see what else is on the menu! definitely a salad in there somewhere for some fresh greens.

in terms of fave muffins really depends on what you want to eat or make. aka i like bran muffins, i buy them even when we are out at starbucks or a coffee shop. i really do actually like them. so i have a bunch of fun bran muffin ones i like. but if you want something that can double as a breakkie or treat and still be 'good for you', make the chocolate pumpkin easy ones. the blueberry buttermilk ones that jade is talking about were really yummy too but my problem with those is they were like 160ish cals i think and i couldn't stop eating them!! they weren't satisfying for me to just have one. i found the same thing with the fat free krusteaz. i really liked those but i wanted to eat 2! whereas all the bran ones i make, one is enough because it's got so much going on with it. but really i haven't had a muffin recipe that i DON'T like because i make stuff i love, aka pumpkin or applesauce or chocolate or similar. so what's your fave kinda spice or taste?

i've gotten so 'efficient' at making muffins now that i can whip them up within about 5 minutes then they just bake, i put away the ingredients, and whala done. i make them 1-2x a week depending on how many we eat on the wkds or how many i take to work. i love having them around for sure.

my coworker made her bf a cake last nite for his bday and she's supposed to bring me a piece today too, lol. it's a martha stewart cocoa chocolate cake. so i'm interested to try it. definitely glad i didn't have the donut for this morning after all lol. greg is all excited about going this wkd to get a donut, i felt kind of guilty, like i make him all deprived or something, my poor darling. hehe.

random fitness note, i read in a mag last nite that be sure you are counting everything you put in your mouth during the days. this is kind of related to the fish oil calories thing. it was saying that this one nutritionist dr had his patients put everything they thought about putting in their mouth that was not a MEAL or a scheduled snack into a baggie and carried it around with them all day. he said it's amazing what people pop into their mouth and forget to track. he said one lady had 1000 cals worth of 'stuff' in her bag at the end of the day. yikes. so just try to remember to add things like supplements (my emergenC packets are 25 cals each, i have 1/2 to 1 a day typically), any 'bites' you take off hubby's plates, snacks here and there etc if you are doing tracking to get the most accurate picture.

so here's my weigh in stats: not much has changed which is good...but my hips are still shrinking a tiny bit, which is FINE with me because they are my most 'curvy' area...aka the place where pants want to stick and not be worn correctly. i'm loving that they are continuing to move a bit. it took forever for my hips to start shrinking originally, i think my waist was i was very happy to see them go down when they started (they were about 40" back in june/july!)

weight: 133/134
height: 5'7"
bust: same as last week (35?)
arm: 9"
waist: 27"
lower waist: 33.25"
hips: 36.6" (i said this because it's between 36.5 and 36.75!)
thigh: 20"


Mar 26, 2006
Mara, speaking of muffins, do you think it would be OK to add some shreaded carrot and chopped walnuts to the pumpkin muffin mix? If so, how much of each would be reasonable to put in? I'm just obsessed with this idea and if I'm gonna have the happy hubby make 'em I better get the request in early 'cuz he's leaving next week for another ski trip...

And LOL about the question of the day -- I've been pretty good since the last stupid one about why your heart doesn't hurt the day after a big workout, ha ha! (Although I do have a couple brewing that might make their way into a near future post...


Oct 30, 2002
Date: 2/14/2007 11:11:45 AM
Author: Dee*Jay
Mara, speaking of muffins, do you think it would be OK to add some shreaded carrot and chopped walnuts to the pumpkin muffin mix? If so, how much of each would be reasonable to put in? I''m just obsessed with this idea and if I''m gonna have the happy hubby make ''em I better get the request in early ''cuz he''s leaving next week for another ski trip...

And LOL about the question of the day -- I''ve been pretty good since tha last stupid one about why your heart doesn''t hurt the day after a big workout, ha ha!
Yeah add whatever you want! One thing I have found about muffins from looking online, there are thousands of recipes so almost anything goes. For adding carrot and walnuts I would add about 1/2c shredded carrots and maybe 1/4c *ground* walnuts (they disperse better into the batter so you don''t just get like one little chopped walnut in each muffin). you can add more walnuts but it''s 200 cals for 1/4c ground, so a little goes a long way in the recipes for me. I used 1/4c in the banana ones and I wanted more but not sure if I am willing to sacrifice cals, lol. That''s like another 15 cals per muffin just for some extra walnuts, hehe. Flax seed also gets you a ''nutty'' taste so if you add that AND walnuts you are in business.

The pumpkin spice modified recipe I posted actually took longer to cook, like 35-40 minutes and then I toasted the bottoms later (i know it''s kind of weird but i like it better when things are crunchy)...the pumpkin is such a moist DENSE ingredient, adding something like carrot and walnuts might help it out a bit.

And honestly I don''t know if I needed that 1/4c milk either, so I might leave that out next time.


Jul 6, 2005
Good morning ladies.

Hubby and i are not celebrating valentine''s day with presents because we''re going to PARIS at the end of march
however, i did get him a pair of heart boxers from old navy that i basically forced him to wear today
and we''ll make a nice dinner.

sounds like most people are doing well and for those of you that are frustrated by stagnant weights -- hang in there!

i''m really excited because i have broken the 140 barrier and i''m down to 138.

When i started my get-in-shape routine, i was at a sorry 167. yikes! fortunately, my body carried the weight pretty well - though i was definitely overweight.

my original goal was 136 - but i''m thinking that 130 would be even better
i''m 5''5" but for right now i''m just going to be happy about being under 140.



Apr 30, 2005
Yep, we do celebrate V day here Mara, but it doesn't seem to be such a big thing here. I haven't had anything as Hubby has been away for the past couple of weeks....

I will try for a gentle go on the treadmill later, my delightful back is sore again, probably because I had a flat tyre and couldn't drive the car to a garage with it like that, so I had to use a foot pump - OW!

Happy Valentines all and enjoy your meals and choccies!


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All,

So after eating a pound of french fries last night I was not looking forward to weighing in this morning. I ate 1700 calories, but those fries are still resting in my tummy! So here''s my weigh in:

Week 6 Week 7
Height: 5''5" Height: 5''5"
Weight: 133 Weight: 133.2
Bust: 32.5" Bust: 32.5"
Waist: 27.25" Waist: 27.5"
Lower Waist: 33" Lower Waist: 33"
Bicep: 12" Bicep: 12"
Hips: 38” Hips: 37”
Thigh: 21.25" Thigh: 21"

I''m hitting my plateau, but that''s okay because I''m feeling good, eating really well (sans french fries) and just am proud of myself the achievements I''ve made so far.

For all of you who are fretting about those 5-10 lbs. I can totally relate but please remember that you are already doing better than 2/3 of Americans who are overweight. Don''t get so caught up in those lbs. that you can''t see the overall benefits of working out and eating right.

We''re going to an Italian restaurant tonight for dinner. It''s a favorite and we haven''t been there in more than a year (because it''s just so bad for you good!). I''ll eat light today and then get back to business as usual tomorrow.

Lorelei: I must be having sympathy pains, my back started spasming last night and I had to take a flexeril to get comfortable and sleep. I hope you start feeling better soon!


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Kim - sending out healing vibes to you too! Backs are a pain...


Feb 21, 2005
wow, lulu, 30 pounds down! that is really impressive, congrats.

i make a batch of pumpkin muffins about every 10 days and can pretty much make them with my eyes closed. they are definitely my faves. i have been using applesauce in place of the oil for the last couple batches as well. but i like the buttermilk - i think it makes whole grain stuff fluffier than regular milk - and i can''t use splenda as it gives me tummy troubles. i will have to check out those silicone muffin pans, they always look so silly in the, i bet they would be really good with the carrots and walnuts added.

they are feeding us lunch at work today, and i have no idea what it is...hopefully i can find something healthy-ish to eat!
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