
The Running of the (IDJ) Jackets, the Sequel - 2012!!!


Nov 25, 2002
Many of your remember the Great Jackets caper back a few years ago during which many of us PSers went on a jacket-buying frenzy - I was in that group. It was a fun time, and I really thought it was a one-time event. (Silly me).

However, Cellentani (who wasn't around then and therefore didn't have jackets yet) singlehandedly sparked a new jacket furor. When I saw her new 3-pointer jackets from ID Jewelry, I was SMITTEN and immediately began dreaming up ways to justify them! Mara (never the one to miss anything good) joined in the stampede, too, and we were both fortunate to finally pick them up during our recent NYC trip last week.

These jackets are TO DIE FOR in person - incredibly well cut stones with unbelievably good lobe real estate coverage! All of us have the 3-pointer jackets; mine (and Mara's) both fit 5mm stones.

Knowing these would be ready, I recently sourced these lovely sapphires and had them set while we were there. I also left behind a beautiful pair of tanzanite studs and a pair of mandarin spess studs to fit these too, and my existing tsavorite studs already fit them as well.

(I just saw miss Stargurl78's thread with the pearls - HAVE to get pearl studs too now - dammit!)

These were *incredibly* reasonably priced for the presence they bring, and I've already gotten a TON of compliments on them this week from my non-jewelry friends. Definitely a score! I cannot recommend these highly enough. :-) Poor Yeuketiel is doing well keeping up with the onslaught thus far, I might add, and was the picture of graciousness - didn't even show the slightest amount of fear with 4 crazed PSers standing at his counter! LOL



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From bottom to top, these are Celle's (with 4mm diamond), mine (with sapphire), and Mara's (with 5mm OECs). YUM!

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The sapphire pairs are so striking! Love them!

Ohhh, ohhhhhoooohhhh lala. :love: She shape of the jackets, are very inviting!

That said, I am very am envious of your sapphires: I am looking for a pair...oval or cushion (9mm)...but very pale blue...NO luck! But I love your pics nonetheless.... :appl:

Wow, they look stunning with your sapphires!
Gosh, I never thought I'd be an jacket girl, but these pictures are making me feign for a pair to dress up my plain old studs! Beautiful!
I just LOVE them with the sapphires!!! Love the contrast of the blue with the sparkly white! So do your sapphires measure 5mm? Cellentani's and Mara's are of course stunning too but obviously I'm biased towards these jackets :wink2:
Dang you, now I want a pair of jackets AND several colored stone studs to go with them!!! Going to be in NYC in June....rubbing my hands gleefully in anticipation! They are gorgeous!!
Yum, those are gorgeous!!!

beautiful ! now you have all convinced me to get these jackets for my studs ! the only problem is my studs are 5.5 mm 0.60 ct each so which size should I get ?

and can you please let me know he diameter of the jackets ? I have small ear lobes ,I want to know if 2 or 3 pointers would fit , Thanks.
Wow, I really love them with your sapphire studs! Don't get me wrong, the diamonds are gorgeous too, but the contrast is really fantastic! So funny that you all attacked Yeuketiel! :cheeky:
Thanks, everyone - glad they are a hit with you all too!

Stargurl78, yes, my sapphires are 5mm sapphires.

Jeweln, Mara put stones in these that were 5.5m, and they also fit. We were using basketless 4-prong martini settings, which makes the stones sit down lower into the jackets. The 5mm stones nestled in for an almost flush fit with the jackets; the 5.5mm stones sat up a bit more but still fit and diminished the airline.

Taylor, those are the jackets; it's just that the ones pictured are much smaller stones. Those are .24 ctw, and with 32 stones, that's probably .007 pointers. Ours are 3-pointers, total of 22 stones for ctw of .66. But the structure of the spoke/hub looks the same as ours, so I'm certain these are them.
Absolutely stunning aljdewey!! :love:
Wow those are amazing!!!
Oh bot, oh boy! Those jackets are calling my name....okay, and I admit, the sapphire studs, too! Gorgeous, each and every one.
aljdewey|1334238681|3169197 said:
Thanks, everyone - glad they are a hit with you all too!

Stargurl78, yes, my sapphires are 5mm sapphires.

Jeweln, Mara put stones in these that were 5.5m, and they also fit. We were using basketless 4-prong martini settings, which makes the stones sit down lower into the jackets. The 5mm stones nestled in for an almost flush fit with the jackets; the 5.5mm stones sat up a bit more but still fit and diminished the airline.

Taylor, those are the jackets; it's just that the ones pictured are much smaller stones. Those are .24 ctw, and with 32 stones, that's probably .007 pointers. Ours are 3-pointers, total of 22 stones for ctw of .66. But the structure of the spoke/hub looks the same as ours, so I'm certain these are them.

aljdewey....thanks for the info. I am going to contact IDJ now. And now I want sapphire studs too!!! :roll:
Ooh, saw those on Mara yesterday (I think!) Funny, I thought she had a pair before? Either way, they were beautiful!
I :love: your new jackets! They look stunning with your sapphire earrings. I would never have even considered wearing jackets until .... NOW! I really like them - congratulations!! :appl:

Can you tell me about your sapphire earrings - how big are they, where did you find them? I really love sapphires and would like to find a nice pair of medium blue stones for earrings. I've looked at various vendors recommended on the colored stones forum but so far, I haven't had any luck (possibly because I am hoping to find some in the 6mm range - there seem to be more available in somewhat smaller sizes).
TravelingGal|1334241690|3169245 said:
Ooh, saw those on Mara yesterday (I think!) Funny, I thought she had a pair before? Either way, they were beautiful!

TGal, you did see these on Mara yesterday! LOL

We did both have jackets before, but they were the WF jackets that were much smaller diamonds. We both got the WF jackets a few years ago, but neither of us wore them very much because the stones were much smaller and just didn't add the oomph that these do.

When I'm home tonight, I'll put up a comparison photo.
Iris, these are 5mm sapphires that I purchased at an Intergem show. Native cut, but still reasonably well cut and fantastic color.
Those are so pretty...I so wish I could wear studs but I've got floppy stretched out holes. ;(
Aljdewey, I remember the diamond jacket craze!! I got myself a pair of bead-set diamond jackets back then. I've been housing my trusty 1.2ctw GOG studs in them, and wearing them to bits.

Thank you for posting such incredible pictures of the beautiful jacket trio. It made my day :)

Seeing these new jackets with the scalloped curvy edge makes me want a pair now too! It's floral and feminine and the diamonds look so alive. Especially with your sapphires; très chic!!! Reminds me of Princess Diana's sapphire earrings.

Would these jackets match diamond studs that have been set in yellow gold bezels? I have a pair of 1.6ctw studs that I'm thinking of putting into the jackets meant for 1ct stones. Will it look funny?
aljdewey|1334244665|3169293 said:
Iris, these are 5mm sapphires that I purchased at an Intergem show. Native cut, but still reasonably well cut and fantastic color.

Thank you for the information on your beautiful sapphires. They are a fantastic color!
Aljdewey, do the diamonds in Cellentani's jackets look larger than the ones in both yours and Mara's or are my eyes just going cross-eyed from staring at that pic? Maybe the diamonds in hers just look larger since her stud is a tad smaller? I feel like the stones in mine don't look as large as I thought they would, especially when looking at the ears shots in my thread vs the ear shots in Cellentani's thread:
stargurl78|1334256045|3169419 said:
Aljdewey, do the diamonds in Cellentani's jackets look larger than the ones in both yours and Mara's or are my eyes just going cross-eyed from staring at that pic? Maybe the diamonds in hers just look larger since her stud is a tad smaller? I feel like the stones in mine don't look as large as I thought they would, especially when looking at the ears shots in my thread vs the ear shots in Cellentani's thread:

Her aren't smaller - they are 3-pointer stones as well, but there are 9 stones per jacket in her pair (versus 11 in mine/mara's) to compensate for the smaller circumference of her OEC studs.
BEAUTIFUL! Now I REALLY want jackets...oh, and sapphire studs as well. ;))
Those jackets are beautiful, but, oh my gosh, I love the color of those sapphire studs!!! Earring jackets are definitely in my future! My only other option is to back away from pricescope.
Just when I thought my (overly full :Up_to_something: ) wish list was complete.

Now I NEED these too! :naughty: :bigsmile:

Thanks for sharing everyone! :wavey:
Wow. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant.......