
"The Bachelorette" thread

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Nov 20, 2007
Date: 6/30/2009 9:16:35 AM
Author: beau13
I totally missed last night show..I was entertaining 18 women (business party) that wrapped up after 10pm!
I did however want to say that Melissa Rycroft (the lady Jason sent home at the finale of the Bachelor) announced her engagement to Ty, this morning on GMA (and on FB). I wonder if she has a ring to show off?
My son tells me I didn''t miss much last night, but that Ed returned. I wish I could have seen Jillian''s face when she found out.
Ironic that Melissa is engaged to a man named "Ty". Wasn''t that Jason''s son''s name


Jul 6, 2007
Date: 7/2/2009 5:44:25 PM
Author: bebe

Date: 6/30/2009 9:16:35 AM
Author: beau13
I totally missed last night show..I was entertaining 18 women (business party) that wrapped up after 10pm!
I did however want to say that Melissa Rycroft (the lady Jason sent home at the finale of the Bachelor) announced her engagement to Ty, this morning on GMA (and on FB). I wonder if she has a ring to show off?
My son tells me I didn''t miss much last night, but that Ed returned. I wish I could have seen Jillian''s face when she found out.
Ironic that Melissa is engaged to a man named ''Ty''. Wasn''t that Jason''s son''s name
Yes, Jason''s son was named Ty as well. Melissa actually dated her fiance Ty, before the show, and Jason, but they split up, and then reunited after the show. Guess they just needed a break!


Apr 21, 2008
OMG we were in hysterics during her date with wes...
did he really say
"that bird has no foot - what is wrong with me??"


Jul 12, 2007
Wow, that episode was sure a lot of fun!

Reid is a soy grande! yay! my favorite from Starbucks! lol lol

Wes is the ultimate sleaze, but we all new that except for Jillian. It was so obvious he wanted to go home. You would have thought from his behavior that he wanted to talk people out of buying his albums. Doesn''t he know that there are a majority of women who listen to country music (at least on the radio)? And guess who''s watching the Bachelorette.....

At this point, I think Ed is going to be the one. She can''t keep her lips off of him.


Jul 6, 2007
Date: 7/7/2009 4:23:41 AM
Author: heraanderson
Wow, that episode was sure a lot of fun!

Reid is a soy grande! yay! my favorite from Starbucks! lol lol

Wes is the ultimate sleaze, but we all new that except for Jillian. It was so obvious he wanted to go home. You would have thought from his behavior that he wanted to talk people out of buying his albums. Doesn''t he know that there are a majority of women who listen to country music (at least on the radio)? And guess who''s watching the Bachelorette.....

At this point, I think Ed is going to be the one. She can''t keep her lips off of him.
It was!! Finally getting interesting! I guess Wes is at home now..getting lots!! I can''t believe he turned to the guys and said that at the rose ceremony. It was shocking to hear him say (in the limo)...that he''s the only bachelor in history to make it to the final 4..with a girlfriend, then bad mouthed Reid. I can''t believe what he said a few times thoughout the show!! WOW ! I don''t think he''s got much of a music career now..who would buy his music, OR date him?? Strange fella!
I think she will end up picking Reid now..but I''m kinda hoping she goes for Kiptyn..something weird (other than his looks) about Reid.


Jan 29, 2007
Honestly, I don''t really like any of the guys that are left, and I don''t think that Jillian is all that. I think that the best guy on the show was Jake, and she sent him home. I also think that she was right that he was probably out of her league. This may sound a little mean, but my husband said this about Jillian, "She''s got a great body but a below-average face, and she seems totally needy - she''s just an average girl. I can''t honestly imagine that any of those guys can''t do better than her at home in their regular social circles. I can''t ever imagine dropping my career and travelling across the country to compete over a girl like that. It''s not like she''s Alicia Keys or anything." (DH loves Alicia). Maybe it''s a little harsh, but I think it''s not that far off-base. I doubt that she will be engaged at the end of the show, and if she is, I bet 100-1 that the relationship is over in 6 months.


Jan 7, 2009
Date: 7/6/2009 10:24:52 PM
Author: Namaste
OMG we were in hysterics during her date with wes...
did he really say
''that bird has no foot - what is wrong with me??''
Ha ha! I was totally laughing when he said that!! Then spilled his drink...ha ha ha!! What a tool! I hope no one buys his stupid CDs. And, I''m starting to feel bad for this Laurel girl. I can''t believe she''s with such a douche!


Dec 3, 2008
This may seem petty, but since her looks were already brought up, I am going to admit that I am often distracted by Jillian''s nose. I think her face would be really beautiful if she had a nose job. Her body is already amazing.

As for last night''s episode, I am really starting to wonder if all the stuff with Wes was staged. I am starting to feel really disappointed in this show. My guy, who usually loves watching it with me, said "At least there aren''t many episodes left".


Jun 16, 2005
I really like Kipton (not sure of the spelling). But again, hate her squealing when she sees the guys!


Mar 25, 2008
I CAN''T STAND Wes and I''m so happy he is gone. I listened to a radio interview he did where he claims they "edited" things he said. Ok then but how do they edit what he said "Gettin some when I go home" at the rose ceremony and then laughed there after? What about in the limo when he said he''s the only guy in Bachelor history to make it to the top 4 with a girlfriend? That wasn''t edited I saw his lips move. What a flipping idiot. I''m glad she finally woke up and saw what a waste he is.

Otherwise, I now feel like Ed is up to something. Do any of you get that feeling?

I can take or leave Kypton. Who I really LOVE is Reid. I think he''s just a doll and if I were her, I''d choose him. He makes her laugh but he is also sensitive. I don''t know why Wes had to make some stupid comment about Reid. I think Reid is great. Plus he looks like Matthew Perry. Anyone else notice that?

Lastly, so do you all think maybe the guy who ends up in love with her (she doesn''t choose) and goes with someone else only to choose him and find out he doesn''t want to be with her? I have a feeling she chooses Ed but then Ed tells her he doesn''t want her. Meanwhile whoever guy #2 the one who really wants her. So she just ends up all alone.


Feb 15, 2007
I really adore Reid, I think he is wonderful in so many ways.
But, that''s probably because he really reminds me of my fabulous DH.

I don''t care for Jillian at all anymore, so I hope she doesn''t choose Reid because I think he''s better than her.


Mar 16, 2005
I agree. There is something not quite right with Ed, but I can''t really place my finger on it. I like Reid a lot after last night''s episode. I think he is really sweet and funny. Oh my gosh....Wes is such a flipping jerk. Did he really say they should go for the fantasy sweet? Did he just want to sing her his stupid song one last time? Ugh. I really hope no one is stupid enough to buy that jerk''s cd, what a loser!


May 31, 2007
Date: 7/7/2009 8:08:23 PM
Author: steph72276
I agree. There is something not quite right with Ed, but I can''t really place my finger on it. I like Reid a lot after last night''s episode. I think he is really sweet and funny. Oh my gosh....Wes is such a flipping jerk. Did he really say they should go for the fantasy sweet? Did he just want to sing her his stupid song one last time? Ugh. I really hope no one is stupid enough to buy that jerk''s cd, what a loser!
me too -- and I am so glad Wes is finally gone.
Did you guys see the end when Jillian was on Reid''s shoulders and they were trying to pick the orange from the tree? So cute.

How about the scenery?! I wanna go to Spain!!!!


Aug 28, 2008
Wow...I''ve refrained from commenting on this thread because some of the comments are so harsh! Considering no one actually knows Jillian and we all spend less than 2 hours per week watching her on a highly edited show, comments about what she does and does not deserve are...well, mean.

I am pulling for Reid. I adore his geeky charm.


Dec 3, 2008
sammyj, I don''t know if my post was one of the ones that disturbed you, but I really didn''t mean to imply that Jillian wasn''t good enough or pretty enough. I think she''s pretty, but I can''t stop thinking about the pictures I saw somewhere (maybe here on pricescope) of Angelina Jolie pre and post nose job. Angelina went from pretty to *stunning* after a nose job and I think the same could happen for Jillian.

I agree that Reid is a cutie and I also like his personality a lot. Dreamgirl, you are so right - he does look like Mathew Perry!


May 4, 2009
Now that Wes is gone I can finally comment on the show! I really liked Ed until they brought out the fantasy suite card.. Did anyone else notice the half bug-eyed/half weirded-out face he made? It almost looked like he didn''t want to go there, which seemed odd.. Or maybe it was just some clever editing? I don''t think Kiptyn (??) is really into Jillian.. Plus he seems too uptight and not very adventurous. I like Reid though.. he seems the most normal and like he''s really into her..

I''m so glad Wes is gone and that he showed his true colors to Jillian before leaving!


Aug 17, 2007
This episode was awesome, mostly for Wes''s hilarious comments. Did anyone catch his comment about being excited about being in Spain b/c one of his songs hit the charts somewhere in Mexico and therefore he really liked being around Spanish people? Or something equally as stupid. HILARIOUS!!! And the "that bird has no foot" comment- I literally spit out my water I was laughing so hard. Genius.

Jillian is cute, and she looks great in clothes. I don''t think she''s "gorgeous" but I bet she is much prettier in real life. Not everyone looks great on camera. That being said, it doesn''t seem like a lot of these guys are really that into her. Reid does, and Jake and Michael did. Something is off with Ed, and Kiptyn seems like he "likes" her but isn''t in love with her. She and Reid have the best "easy" chemistry and I hope she picks him.

I have a hard time "believing" this show, so I just watch it for entertainment value.


Jul 23, 2007
Okay, was tonight''s episode the most awkward ever? That scene with Jillian and Ed was just weird!


Feb 15, 2007
I LOVE REID!!!! He is the best guy there, and I hope he finds the perfect girl for him when he leaves.
She totally made the wrong decision.


Jul 12, 2007
What was she thinking????!!! And Ed and his *ahem* problem that now the entire country knows about! This is the the most bizarre bachelorette yet....


Aug 31, 2005
Date: 7/13/2009 11:20:53 PM
Author: Haven
I LOVE REID!!!! He is the best guy there, and I hope he finds the perfect girl for him when he leaves.

She totally made the wrong decision.

I think she will regret getting rid of Reid too...but he should have really opened up. Maybe they''ll make him the next bachelor


Aug 16, 2007
I liked Reed much more than Kiptyn, but knew she would send him home since he was so hesitant to open up and seemed so put off by the idea at a proposal at the end...but I also think that''s her problem, she seems so set on getting a proposal at the end that she doesn''t care if it''s rushed or anything. Reed seemed to have the right idea, that he and Jillian were great together but it was too fast to rush into a lifelong commitment.

I do think Jillian''s best choice is Ed even though the fantasy suite didn''t go as she had hoped. Part of me wonders if he just didn''t want to sleep with her because she had just slept with 2 other guys. They definitely seemed to have chemistry during the earlier parts of their date! She and Kiptyn just seem so boring together.


Jul 27, 2005
I probably shouldn''t comment as I fast forwarded through the entire episode just to see who "pooped out at parties" (vitameatavegeman, anyone?) but I have to say I was VERY uncomfortable watching Jilian confront Ed about "things" not "feeling" as they thought they would. Ewwwwww. And did he tell her he loved her & wants to propose on a *videotaped message* instead of in person. Also: Ewwwwww.

I guess if I think they whole thing is staged I should just stop looking for "real" moments, huh! When, in fact it just keeps looking more & more hokey & storyline-driven with every passing week. So who thinks Reid shows up on the finale & proposes? Setting him up to be The Bachelor! She must go off with Ed since he''s the one with all the storyline stuff happening ... have to leave, come back, can''t stop thinking of you, overnight fantasy date, party pooper, oh but I LOVES you, ed lets talk, ed rescues crying damsel. All of this for her to pick ... Kyptinietintin? Would be weird.

Also, Ed''s too boring to be The Bachelor. I''m so sick of this show. And, no, I don''t wanna see Jason and Molly roll around in the sand with Ty & pretend they love each other. Blerg.


Nov 10, 2006
As for the scene with Ed and Jilian, the poor guy had TV cameras in the room during their romantic time together. Anyone would clam up if there was a TV camera in front of your face when you''re trying to get your groove on!
The whole thing is awkward enough and then to throw cameras in your bedroom - no wonder he had stage fright!


Nov 10, 2006
Date: 7/14/2009 8:54:41 AM
Author: decodelighted
I probably shouldn''t comment as I fast forwarded through the entire episode just to see who ''pooped out at parties'' (vitameatavegeman, anyone?) but I have to say I was VERY uncomfortable watching Jilian confront Ed about ''things'' not ''feeling'' as they thought they would. Ewwwwww. And did he tell her he loved her & wants to propose on a *videotaped message* instead of in person. Also: Ewwwwww.

I guess if I think they whole thing is staged I should just stop looking for ''real'' moments, huh! When, in fact it just keeps looking more & more hokey & storyline-driven with every passing week. So who thinks Reid shows up on the finale & proposes? Setting him up to be The Bachelor! She must go off with Ed since he''s the one with all the storyline stuff happening ... have to leave, come back, can''t stop thinking of you, overnight fantasy date, party pooper, oh but I LOVES you, ed lets talk, ed rescues crying damsel. All of this for her to pick ... Kyptinietintin? Would be weird.

Also, Ed''s too boring to be The Bachelor. I''m so sick of this show. And, no, I don''t wanna see Jason and Molly roll around in the sand with Ty & pretend they love each other. Blerg.
Ditto! However, I can''t say I''m sick of this show because everytime I feel that way, I always find myself tuning into the next season.

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Date: 7/14/2009 8:43:22 AM
Author: Sabine
I liked Reed much more than Kiptyn, but knew she would send him home since he was so hesitant to open up and seemed so put off by the idea at a proposal at the end...but I also think that's her problem, she seems so set on getting a proposal at the end that she doesn't care if it's rushed or anything. Reed seemed to have the right idea, that he and Jillian were great together but it was too fast to rush into a lifelong commitment.

I do think Jillian's best choice is Ed even though the fantasy suite didn't go as she had hoped. Part of me wonders if he just didn't want to sleep with her because she had just slept with 2 other guys. They definitely seemed to have chemistry during the earlier parts of their date! She and Kiptyn just seem so boring together.
One would hope, right? I was thinking the same thing. The show is so heavily edited and/or scripted though, that we'd really never know!


Jan 29, 2007
I know that I''m in the minority here, but I''m glad that she sent Reid home. If it were me, I would have sent him home weeks ago when he confessed to his neurosis about germs. I can''t stand it when guys are squeamish like that. He struck me as the type that wouldn''t kill a spider if his wife asked him to. Otherwise, he did seem to have a good personality.

That said, I think that Ed is her best bet at this point, though I still think that Jake the Pilot would have been the best one for her overall. Ed may end up presenting some performnce issues down the road, but I''d like to give him the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe having cameras in the room gave him some performance anxiety.

I think that Kypton is out of her league, and I don''t think that he likes her nearly as much as she likes him. If she picks Kypton, the relationship is over in 6 months, tops.


Feb 15, 2007
The whole Ed scene was horribly uncomfortable--who can blame the guy? Sabine, I hope you''re right and he was way too put off about being the third fantasy suite date to actually get into it.

I agree that Kiptyn and Jillian just don''t seem right for each other. He definitely seems out of her league, although I wouldn''t say he''s very good looking, just more . . . cultured, maybe?

Vesper--It''s funny what you say about Reid, because he reminds me so much of my DH in so many ways, INCLUDING the germ thing. And yes, I AM the one who has to kill bugs in this house.
I love him more for his neuroses. That''s why I''m so drawn to Reid, though, he and my DH are so similar, especially their quirkiness.

I think the reason I just don''t care for Jillian very much is that she has this agenda to force these guys to profess their feelings for her, and to commit to things that any guy in his right mind would *never* be ready to commit to after only a few months of dating someone who is dating several other guys. The fact that Ed dropped the L bomb should scare her away, and that Reid isn''t ready should show her just how seriously he''s taking the whole thing.

She is so not savvy when it comes to dating these guys. She''s forgoing opportunities to have authentic experiences with them to instead force them to discuss feelings they probably aren''t ready to share with her. Blah. Can''t wait until next week!


Jun 12, 2008
Here's my 2 cents...

Jillian likes dark haired, olive skinned men...Jason was the same way...

The "performance" issue with Ed - I thought they had problems because they weren't as touchy feely -not because he can't get it up (can I say that?
). They oiled each other down, but I think that was it - my lord, did you see that "relaxing" outfit she came out of the bathroom in? Was she even wearing any underwear? Me thinks not... SHE likes to perform in front of the camera. Her authenticity has faded with every episode.

I was sitting there, being disgusted - day after day, the amount of different men's saliva being placed in her mouth...gross.

She'll pick Kipton (or however the hell you spell his name) because he has the most money.

She will NEVER, I repeat, NEVER, let Ed live down the fact that he "left her" for his job. 50 years down the line she'd still be screaming... "Yeah - leave me like you left me 50 years ago you bastard!" or something like that.


Nov 10, 2006
Date: 7/14/2009 1:03:23 PM
Author: Elegant
Here''s my 2 cents...

Jillian likes dark haired, olive skinned men...Jason was the same way...

The ''performance'' issue with Ed - I thought they had problems because they weren''t as touchy feely -not because he can''t get it up (can I say that?
). They oiled each other down, but I think that was it - my lord, did you see that ''relaxing'' outfit she came out of the bathroom in? Was she even wearing any underwear? Me thinks not... SHE likes to perform in front of the camera. Her authenticity has faded with every episode.

I was sitting there, being disgusted - day after day, the amount of different men''s saliva being placed in her mouth...gross.

She''ll pick Kipton (or however the hell you spell his name) because he has the most money.

She will NEVER, I repeat, NEVER, let Ed live down the fact that he ''left her'' for his job. 50 years down the line she''d still be screaming... ''Yeah - leave me like you left me 50 years ago you bastard!'' or something like that.
LOL!!!! Awe, poor Ed! I must admit I''ve been rooting for him and yes, last night''s fantasy suite scene was awkward to say the least (I still think he got stage fright in front of the cameras). BUT - was anyone else bothered by the super short shorts he was wearing when they were strolling along the beach after she met his parents?
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