
"The Bachelorette" thread

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Feb 15, 2007
Date: 6/22/2009 2:07:04 PM
Author: beau13
Date: 6/22/2009 12:49:50 PM

Author: Catmom

Just thought I''d let those of you who like Michael know that he went to high school with my daughter and she''s says he''s a complete and utter @ss in real life.
Who''s Michael? I guess he didn''t stand out to me, I didn''t even though there was a ''Michael'' in the running!

I think I''ll pass on the show this evening, and take my dad out of his hospital room for some fresh air instead!!

Beau--I hope your dad is okay. I''m sorry to hear he''s in the hospital.


Mar 25, 2008
Oh goodness beau I had no idea. Hope your father is doing well very soon.


Jul 6, 2007
Date: 6/22/2009 3:32:27 PM
Author: Haven

Date: 6/22/2009 2:07:04 PM
Author: beau13

Date: 6/22/2009 12:49:50 PM

Author: Catmom

Just thought I'd let those of you who like Michael know that he went to high school with my daughter and she's says he's a complete and utter @ss in real life.
Who's Michael? I guess he didn't stand out to me, I didn't even though there was a 'Michael' in the running!

I think I'll pass on the show this evening, and take my dad out of his hospital room for some fresh air instead!!

Beau--I hope your dad is okay. I'm sorry to hear he's in the hospital.
Thanks Haven, Dreamgirl, ladies!
Unfortunately he's not okay...they gave him days, maybe weeks, when they admitted him on May 14th. Then..they told us he had maybe a month or two, put him on the Palliative care floor, and had him on a waiting list for the hospice (10 beds there, for those with 0-3 months left). THEN..about 5 days ago, they told us he was leaving Palliative care (most people only leave to go to the morgue), and that he seemed to have more time than the docs initially thought. (Talk about emotional roller coaster). NOW (15 minutes ago), the nurse called me (because dad wanted her too, because he was scared). Apparently he was shaking quite a bit, and the nurse couldn't get a O2 reading on him
, and they did an ECG, and the doc was there, and ordered more tests. So..I guess I will head to the hospital now, to see what's going on. It's been a long 6 weeks, visiting the hospital everyday (sometimes twice a day), but I know he appreciates it, and there's no where I'd rather be. He's an awesome man, would give the shirt off his back for anyone who needs it, very compassionate, and a real fighter. If anyone can defy the odds, it would be my dad! I hope Jillian can find a man like him..she'd be blessed! I will check out the thread tomorrow to see what happened on tonight's episode. So...keep the thread on track...(I don't need prayers, or "dust"..etc), just wanted to explain what was going on, since a few members seemed genuinely concerned. Again, this thread is about Jillian and her men, so I'm hoping someone will fill me in on who gets booted, and what excitement (if any) happens in tonight's episode.


Mar 25, 2008
Yeah you certainly need to be there for him! My boyfriend was sort of going through the same thing with his grandma (very close to her) who is still ill. She had a stroke in March and they didn't think she would make it. So FF flew up there to be with her and was in the hospital with her for 2 weeks all day every day he was up there. They moved her around so much from one room to another, from one recovery place to another and now she's in a nursing home unfortunately.

I'm sure you father is in more comfort knowing you are there with him. I send my thoughts and prayers out to you and your family! We will keep you informed on the show, no worries


May 8, 2009
440 Im currently watching this weeks episode. Wes is SUCH a scumbag!! I mean, I know it makes good tv... but you''d think the producers or SOMEONE would tell the girl about this guy she''s falling for! Maybe Tanner will step it up this week and actually let her know... rant end.


Nov 13, 2007
This show is a complete joke... It's obvious she wants Wes, and it's actually comical that she can't see any of his BS.


Sep 4, 2007
Ugh. She is so dense.

I think Jake will be the next Bachelor. I''d watch


Apr 21, 2008
Date: 6/22/2009 9:42:56 PM
Author: meresal
This show is a complete joke... It''s obvious she wants Wes, and it''s actually comical that she can''t see any of his BS.

yea seriously!! im embarrassed for her!
and did he seriously come out and say he''s only there to promote his (awful) music?!?
is this guy for real? are they paying him to say this stuff?


Mar 25, 2008
Date: 6/23/2009 12:11:39 AM
Author: Namaste

Date: 6/22/2009 9:42:56 PM
Author: meresal
This show is a complete joke... It''s obvious she wants Wes, and it''s actually comical that she can''t see any of his BS.

yea seriously!! im embarrassed for her!
and did he seriously come out and say he''s only there to promote his (awful) music?!?
is this guy for real? are they paying him to say this stuff?
Who knows!!! I can''t believe he says that to the camera. I can''t believe she doesn''t notice that about him. BTW, I don''t understand how this will promote him when he only comes off looking like a total jerk.


Nov 20, 2007
I''m beginning to think she was told to keep Wes for ratings and to keep the interest level in the show high.
In the beginning I thought she was a fairly smart cookie - but now, well, I''m not so sure.
and what is the deal with Wes'' hair? It always is a total freakin mess.
Jake was too Boy Scout for her, which in the beginning of the show, I would have said that was the kind of guy she wanted,
guess not.


Mar 25, 2008
Yeah out of all the seasons of the Bachelor/Bachelorette, I'm most disappointed in this season. Jil doesn't even seem to know what it is she really wants so she just plays kissy face with everyone. How can she not see that Wes is there to promote himself? Did you see the promo when he takes her to his hometown? He shows her his band and they play? You've got to be kidding me right?

I'm interested to see what Jake has to tell her about Wes when he shows up. And I'm still curious if Ed is coming back or if all that 'rumor' was just Jake coming back to talk to her...

But yet I still watch.


Apr 6, 2006
Date: 6/24/2009 12:40:01 PM
Author: bebe
I'm beginning to think she was told to keep Wes for ratings and to keep the interest level in the show high.
In the beginning I thought she was a fairly smart cookie - but now, well, I'm not so sure.
and what is the deal with Wes' hair? It always is a total freakin mess.
Jake was too Boy Scout for her, which in the beginning of the show, I would have said that was the kind of guy she wanted,
guess not.
I am starting to think all these shows are staged and rigged for ratings. It really takes any enjoyment away from watching. It's one thing to watch real people doing real things. But to think the audience is being played and is too stupid to figure it out is insulting. It's like the Mellisa brake-up. Planned events for ratings. I think I am done with reality TV.


Jul 27, 2005
I talked to a friend of mine who writes TV dramas & she said it was the most staged episode ever. Notice how half of what Wes said was off-camera ... where you saw shots of the other guys "reacting" to him, rather than him saying stuff. Probably was recorded much later, after the fact, after the producers decided how to script his story. And I wonder why only Wes was allowed to "wander" back to her private train car *while she was asleep*? Don''t you think they keep these guys segregated? Why was there a camera on her while she was ASLEEP! S-t-a-g-e-d. Snore.

Let''s predict:

Jake comes back -- tells the "girlfriend" secret about Wes (as seen on preview teaser)
Ed comes back & proposes? That would be weird right? Out of nowhere? After one date? But that''s what they''re implying
Who is the flop in the bedroom? Wes? Because he''s not actually into her? That would be "logical" based on their random fake storyline. And a way for us audience member to feel avenged re: the dasterdly Wes! (Where we''d just feel embarrassed if it was Jesse or Kiptan or the Realtor guy)


Nov 20, 2007
Date: 6/24/2009 1:31:31 PM
Author: decodelighted
I talked to a friend of mine who writes TV dramas & she said it was the most staged episode ever. Notice how half of what Wes said was off-camera ... where you saw shots of the other guys ''reacting'' to him, rather than him saying stuff. Probably was recorded much later, after the fact, after the producers decided how to script his story. And I wonder why only Wes was allowed to ''wander'' back to her private train car *while she was asleep*? Don''t you think they keep these guys segregated? Why was there a camera on her while she was ASLEEP! S-t-a-g-e-d. Snore.

Let''s predict:

Jake comes back -- tells the ''girlfriend'' secret about Wes (as seen on preview teaser)
Ed comes back & proposes? That would be weird right? Out of nowhere? After one date? But that''s what they''re implying
Who is the flop in the bedroom? Wes? Because he''s not actually into her? That would be ''logical'' based on their random fake storyline. And a way for us audience member to feel avenged re: the dasterdly Wes! (Where we''d just feel embarrassed if it was Jesse or Kiptan or the Realtor guy)
Was it actually said that the bedroom flop was a male? Maybe Jillian just wasn''t into her date that night ? I probably missed the hook when it aired.


Jan 29, 2007
I know I''m chiming in a bit late (just watched my tivoed episode) but all that I have to say is that considering her lack of judgment during the rose ceremony, I''m not surprised that she''s had problems finding a life mate.

She kept Wes and the cokehead breakdancer but sent Jake home? What a dummy. I am truly not surprised that she''s not married yet - some people are just gluttons for punishment.


Mar 25, 2008
Oh crap! I forgot all about Michael (the dancer)

He seems too immature for her and needs a girl more his age. But then again, if Jil picks someone like him then maybe she IS really confused about what she wants and IS even immature for her age too...


Mar 25, 2008
Yeah what''s with that bedroom flop? I''m confused by that...


Feb 15, 2007
I find Jillian less appealing as a person the more I see of her.
I adored her during the last Bachelor with what''s-his-name--the boring guy who dumped the adorable Texan for the giant-eyed boring girl. I can''t even remember anymore.
Now she just seems shallow and confused and, well, a bit unintelligent. What a disappointment. I used to love watching this show.

I hope Jake is the next bachelor, he''s such a sweet guy, and HANDSOME. I bet they''d have girls pounding the door down to get a shot at dating him.


Feb 15, 2007
Did anybody watch tonight? What do you think?
What''s the deal with Wes? Any sleuths know the truth about the girlfriend rumor?

I thought Michael''s exit interview was really sweet. He''s so young and innocent, and he said the most precious things.

I''m still over Jillian, though. She is about as deep as a birdbath.


Apr 21, 2008
AHHH I''m soo excited Ed''s back. He''s my fave fave fave!!

and Wes makes me want to Puke.
I thought he was slimy from the beginning.
What is wrong with her?! How can ANY woman find this creep attractive


Mar 15, 2006
I find very little admirable qualities in any of the characters in this show.


Aug 16, 2007
I''ve never bought into the "authenticity" of this show, but last night''s show finally just totally turned me off. I feel like the show has gone from a little scripted drama to being insulting in how dumb they think viewers must be.


Jul 6, 2007
I totally missed last night show..I was entertaining 18 women (business party) that wrapped up after 10pm!
I did however want to say that Melissa Rycroft (the lady Jason sent home at the finale of the Bachelor) announced her engagement to Ty, this morning on GMA (and on FB). I wonder if she has a ring to show off?
My son tells me I didn''t miss much last night, but that Ed returned. I wish I could have seen Jillian''s face when she found out.


Jun 16, 2005
What annoys me is the way she squeals everytime she sees one of the guys.


Nov 13, 2007
Last night was such a joke... I think my jaw hit the floor when they actually had Jake call TANNER for some kind of approval. LOL. Please.
I secretly think that one of the girls at the "family" dinner with Wes was his girlfriend.
I love how Kiptyn''s mom didn''t take any of her lame crap at first, I wish she would have held up longer though. When she asked her , "What will you do that will improve my son''s life and make him a happier person." and Jillian replied, "I''ve had to work hard for my happiness." What does that mean?!

Anyway, did you all hear that Molly and Jason are going to be on GMA on Thursday morning. I wonder if they are announcing an engagement as well??


Jul 27, 2005
Guess I wasn''t sorry to see Jesse go ... as I FF''d through his & Kiptyn''s dates. YAWN. This girl is sooooooo dumb. As my friend said: why wouldn''t she ask to meet this "Laurel"? They''re in his HOMETOWN afterall. And did you notice that there were NO MEN in Wes''s world. They''re all like him & took off at the first sign of trouble -- or had #2, #3, #4 waiting in the wings. Blech. And how WEAK was it that she''s looking at him & groveling "So, if you''re the one at the end you''ll at least DATE me??"

VOMITORIUM. Huge arching waves of HURL!

One minute she''s all "He f''d it up" and "I wanna quit the show & give up" and the next minute she''s like "Please please please say you''ll at least date me"??????


May 18, 2008
Date: 6/30/2009 11:16:00 AM
Author: decodelighted
This girl is sooooooo dumb. As my friend said: why wouldn''t she ask to meet this ''Laurel''? They''re in his HOMETOWN afterall. And did you notice that there were NO MEN in Wes''s world. They''re all like him & took off at the first sign of trouble -- or had #2, #3, #4 waiting in the wings. Blech. And how WEAK was it that she''s looking at him & groveling ''So, if you''re the one at the end you''ll at least DATE me??''
We had the same exact thoughts last night. I was watching it waiting for them to go meet Laurel or at least waiting for Laurel to show up at his mother''s house.

I also thought it was weird that no men were there. Is his dad in his life??


Nov 13, 2007
Date: 6/30/2009 11:26:23 AM
Author: fiery

Date: 6/30/2009 11:16:00 AM
Author: decodelighted
This girl is sooooooo dumb. As my friend said: why wouldn''t she ask to meet this ''Laurel''? They''re in his HOMETOWN afterall. And did you notice that there were NO MEN in Wes''s world. They''re all like him & took off at the first sign of trouble -- or had #2, #3, #4 waiting in the wings. Blech. And how WEAK was it that she''s looking at him & groveling ''So, if you''re the one at the end you''ll at least DATE me??''
We had the same exact thoughts last night. I was watching it waiting for them to go meet Laurel or at least waiting for Laurel to show up at his mother''s house.

I also thought it was weird that no men were there. Is his dad in his life??
Maybe he''s the only one with a conscience, and refused to lead an unsuspecting girl on, just to further his son''s career. Though, I doubt it. At this point, she deserves every ounce of hurt he dishes her. When they were at the bar, where he played, when they were talking afterward and she was groveling, did he not say "I''m done."? Am I the only one that heard that? She is choosing not to hear or see any of his signs. Like you said Deco, groveling.

She is starting to remind me of the "best friend" that everyone has had at somepoint, and had to finally ditch. Constantly searching for great guy, constantly choosing loser, and then always crying to the friends that tried to warn her, "I just don''t get it. Why would he do this to me?"
At least Jillian will have an entire season of "signs" to look back on when she goes home crying adn single.


Jul 20, 2007
I''m completely convinced at this point that ALL of this Wes element is SCRIPTED. As dumb as she OBVIOUSLY is, it just didn''t make ANY sense how she reacted when Jake came to talk to her.

- "Jillian, I have something to tell you about Wes".
- "He''s here for his CAREER, right? Oh, he''s GAY? What? Just tell me......"

Here she had made that HUGE fuss over "WHO HAS A GIRLFRIEND?" earlier - ANYONE in their right mind would have said FIRST THING: "Wes has a girlfriend, doesn''t he?" She''s a moron but she''s not unconscious........ this part is SO fake I don''t know WHAT is real about the show now. Plus, WHY does she like him so much anyways? (she keeps going on and on about how much she LIKES him) There is NOTHING between them! He sings songs to her? That''s it!

I woke my DOG up when she gave Wes the rose instead of Michael! LOL. I was so mad. I didn''t like him much at first (kind of annoying) but you could tell he was REALLY into her. Go find yourself a cute little dancer Michael..... Oh, and what''s with all of this "Ed really broke my heart"? Seriously? It took her a while to "get over it"? Um, he was going to LOSE HIS JOB, honey. You really think you''re ALL THAT? I thought that whole guilt trip she laid on his was ridiculous....... Argh - it''s making me so mad.......


Jan 7, 2009
Date: 6/30/2009 11:26:23 AM
Author: fiery

Date: 6/30/2009 11:16:00 AM
Author: decodelighted
This girl is sooooooo dumb. As my friend said: why wouldn''t she ask to meet this ''Laurel''? They''re in his HOMETOWN afterall. And did you notice that there were NO MEN in Wes''s world. They''re all like him & took off at the first sign of trouble -- or had #2, #3, #4 waiting in the wings. Blech. And how WEAK was it that she''s looking at him & groveling ''So, if you''re the one at the end you''ll at least DATE me??''
We had the same exact thoughts last night. I was watching it waiting for them to go meet Laurel or at least waiting for Laurel to show up at his mother''s house.

I also thought it was weird that no men were there. Is his dad in his life??
Soooo THRITTO to this!!!! UGH!! She seemed so weapy and desperate! Begging for a guy who obviously has a girlfriend and is on the show for his own gain!!

This is LAME!
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