
Now I really did it :((


Jun 7, 2014
@missy, I hope you are enjoying your day with Greg. I’m so glad things are going in the right direction (even if it’s slightly) with your finger.

@Mamabean, I’m sorry about your DIL. I’m sure this is a hard time for all of you. It sounds like you have a lot in your plate. Please remember to take care of yourself too. Your home is beautiful. Anyone would feel peaceful in the room you posted. Lighter interiors show dirt quicker but with Bailey’s fur you may be better off getting a lighter color. I haven’t contacted my dentist to set up my appointment yet. After reading here, I’m scared to death to get implants. I’m only 5’2”.

@Sandeek, Thinking of you and hope you are doing well.

Austina, Be glad you know about Kim’s family being late, Kim sounds like she will be a wonderful DIL and your relationship with her sounds so nice Austina. There have been many times I’ve read your comments about your time with Kim and wished my MIL and I would have had a relationship like you have with Kim. Remind yourself of all her great qualities if she is late on her wedding day. You are both very lucky.

@Tekate , It sounds like your physical went well. I’m so glad I’m not the only one that loves all diamonds. You aren’t kidding about aging. I was at the point where I was focused on just being so grateful that nothing hurts me and my BP and cholesterol are good, then Matata posted the pictures of herself from the wedding and now I’m feeling really crummy about looking in the mirror again.

@junebug17 , Both stones look beautiful. Which do you prefer? The oval looks gorgeous in the pictures and the halo looks beautiful. I love ovals so you may not want my opinion. Your DH is a great guy Junie. I’m glad you had a great time with your sister looking at the wedding pictures. That day goes by so quickly. Don’t worry about DD being late for her own wedding. It’s the one event in her life that can’t start without her. Thank you for understanding about the car. I’m sorry if you read my rant.

@av, When is the party?

@marcy , Oh no about the box chain. You are so lucky you didn’t lose the pendant. When will you get the new chain? Did you decide on the earrings? I would love a show and tell with all the NIRDI together. Is Marty feeling any better? My DH came down with the same thing yesterday and feels bad today.

My grandniece and I went car shopping yesterday. We had a great day together. Only two coupes have seats that will work for me.


Jan 3, 2013
Hi all! Making it quick as it’s been a long day!
@missy so so happy to hear that David is pleased with your finger’s progress and that it seems to be getting better. Albeit slowly. So frustrating to hear that it could take so much longer to completely heal. I am thrilled you are able to wear Bubbalah on your right hand. You look adorable in your favorite ‘hood. Can’t wait to get to know the area with DD. =)2
@Mamabean I love your soothing living room! I hope all goes well with your DS’s visit and your travels along the northeast corridor. Be safe!
@junebug17 oh how exciting! I do like your bling choices, but that moval is delish! And then you can set any way you wish. So versatile and different and gorgeous. Can’t wait to see what you chose. You can’t go wrong with either. :love:
@Austina I am super impressed with your multiple moves and clean outs. DH and I have sort of kept put. We don’t do change well. And how exciting, this next one to be close to your son! Yay!
@Calliecake Thinking of you and hoping you have come to a decision about your teeth. Have you been able to revisit the new car situation? Hope you are feeling more at peace and what a wonderful dealership to allow you to return the car. :dance:
@Tekate how are you? Great to see that you had a good Dr visit too. Always happy to get those visits done. Such a relief. How are you feeling lately? Still on the antibiotics? Thinking healing thoughts for you. :kiss2:
@marcy I do hope you’re enjoying your new pendant. Has spring arrived for you yet! No more snow right? =)2
I am sorry if I am missing anyone.
I saw my infectious disease Dr today. I love him. He spent an hour with me. Blood work is fantastic, infection #’s way down. Keeping me on meds for the stomach crap (:lol:) to keep my symptoms at bay. Secretly hoping it’s gone, but too afraid to come off completely. We will wean me off, in fact we have started to now along with the IV going on. Major PITA is the amount of time I have to spend infusing. It takes two hours now to finish the bag. Twice a day! :eek2: So I am rising at 5 am to finish before school to come home and hook up again. I want my life back :oops2: But this is what I must endure to be well again. It’s going on a year of this fight next week. I would be lying if I said I was happy right now. But, still I put my crooked happy face on and face the world. Thank you for listening and being there NIRDIs.
Off to bed ((Hugs)) to all:kiss2:


Feb 27, 2007

AV, sorry to day after is sort of let down but hey look at what you accomplished.

Missy, I am glad you can start OT and your finger is a bit better. I hate to hear it could take so long to heal all the way. Your outing looks fun and yum to having some ice cream. I will probably order my earrings this week. Marty doesn’t really care one way or another. Gorgeous pictures of Bubbalah and HRH. I am delighted to hear the shot is helping Francesca.

Kate, sorry to hear the doxy is making things worse for you and cholesterol is high. Glad to hear your appointment went well. I’d hate to hear what my report card would be in a wellness check. Evan looks sweet and cute. I am glad John loved his A4. I am a total Audi fan; I do miss my red A6.

Mamabean, I am so sorry to hear about losing the baby in early pregnancy. I hope they try again. i’m with your DH on candy and junk food - strange i eat it most often at work. I have not watch hoarders but I have sure seen some bad places. Good idea to just start cleaning things out. I love the idea of donating clothes to a senior center. Your blue room is beautiful and peaceful. I am glad you feel so comfortable when you get home. You certainly have a lot going on in your life. Hi Bailey! Good luck with David’s check up. How exciting you ordered some diamond huggies. I can’t wait to see them.

Junebug, I am glad you enjoyed the pictures but darn that it got your sister going. That is too bad the photographer missed some family shots. That is why you always make a list. One of the weddings I took pictures at was total chaos and I had an awful time getting her family rounded up for photos. Glad to hear resetting the modem fixed your internet problems. How fun to be shopping for some new bling. That halo ring is very pretty and I always like marquis diamonds. Decisions, decisions.

Austina, Marty is always obnoxious. He put a pack of chap stick down my shirt at Walgreens tonight that I had to dig back out. I figured they’d be pulling me in the back office for shoplifting. My new wheat chain should arrive Friday. My dad always said being old isn’t for sissies.

Callie, I couldn’t believe that chain came apart on me. It’s just like the one I have for my CBI pendant. Sorry to hear your DH came down with the crud. Marty’s crud is a little better tonight; his back not so much. I am sure you had fun car shopping with your grandniece. Darn that only 2 coupes had seats that worked for you. Marty was impressed the Mercedes dealer refunded you money.

Sandeek, I am enjoying my pendant. I got the quote on the earrings today. I will probably order then but debating still. I am delighted to hear your blood work is fantastic and the infection is down. I hope those infusions are nothing but a bad memory soon. Big hugs to you.

Work was awesome today - my boss was out and my negative nelly was out - a win win. We went out for supper then picked up some of those icy hot packs for Marty to try on his back. He plans on trying to lift tomorrow. He is hurting all right. I did ask him if he wanted to get me those earrings for my birthday. He said just get them if you want them. He was teasing me about my “birthday ruse.” I like the idea of having the matching set but then you can never see my earrings. The diamonds would be only .12 carats so not very big. The quote was $1025; i thought it would be around there. Knowing me I’ll order them.

I am using my old laptop. Still missing spaces. It was close.

Take Care.


Aug 5, 2018
@Calliecake Good question. I have not set a date this week as I am following up on some correspondence. Then, there is the Catholic Easter - a two week break in practice. TBA.

@Mamabean About free time: I need it when I do not have it & don't when I do - so just as well that the calendar sets some dates for it: the weeks of the 14th & the 21st & the 28th - over the Catholic and the Orthodox Easter. It is impossible to not keep the first - the town will be on the streets; & I will certainly be keeping mine Friday afternoon to Monday afternoon. I asume people will be answering my letters & this sort of work, serious as it is, fits between the holiday doings.

Then, I am asking to have little free time between mathematical & experimental crystallography; the usual is to pick one thing to stare at: empty paper or labworks jumble .(,) - & I cannot take them apart so it will be interesting to make this - work (pun intended).


The colour of your walls is the light blue wash I always want in anything appropriate - the sky of bright days & little stones .)

@Sandeek Good to hear your patience is not for nothing. The last mile of such a long illness - I can't even think what it is like .(((

@missy I hope your finger gets painless enough to joke about asap!


Just starting the day


Aug 5, 2018
@Sandeek I might remember that you were looking for a dress somewhat along these lines - www ; would it suit you in any way?

[pleading 'not guilty' of its price]


Jan 3, 2013
@Sandeek I might remember that you were looking for a dress somewhat along these lines - www ; would it suit you in any way?

[pleading 'not guilty' of its price]

@AV_ Ohhh! Thank you so much for thinking of me! That dress is along the lines I was thinking. The pattern is very pretty! I will explore it more later! =)2 And haha, to my patience. It is a virtue, no? :P2

@Calliecake Many thanks! I am so happy you went looking at cars again! You’ll find your dream car yet! I’m anxiously awaiting the end to this nightmare. ♥️
@marcy how exciting to be thinking of the earrings too! I can’t wait to see what you do! Hope work is going well! ❤️


Aug 5, 2018
@Sandeek It is a virtue... YOURS! .)
I am patient only with some things: eleven years of research [not uncommon for the type of problem - but WTH!] but tend to quit other kinds of pain given half a chance - or a hundreth of a chance. Health - I guess there is no choice ,((

off to cofefe


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls!

@junebug17 in case you missed it on the previous page (this thread moves sooo fast) That Moval is MOVALicious :kiss2: but of course you get what you love but if my vote means anything (not that it should :P2) I LOVE that Moval. Chunkalicious delight. OMG Moval me please.

@Sandeek I am overjoyed to hear of this wonderful news. Keep it coming, keep it coming. I am glad the ID doctor is on top of this and weaning you slowly off the meds and praying the infection is gone and stays gone. :pray: So looking forward to seeing your purchase and girrrrl we are twins. Edgy sophisticated twins. Never too old.:bigsmile: Speaking of old 2 hours twice a day is getting old and I am sorry the doctor couldn't make it go faster but soon you will be done hopefully with all of this. You are well on your way and when that day arrives we need to have a big old celebration! I am also very much looking forward to you and your DD exploring the area and I hope she really loves it here.

@missy Thank you! You look adorable in that hat and mittens..My husband doesn’t feel the cold..and shovels snow in a sweatshirt...I bundle up like you! It’s so nice you love where you live..but how could you not love Brooklyn..:love:

Thanks you sweet @Mamabean that is very kind of you to say. I love wearing hats. They are so soft. I hope though winter hat weather is soon done and we can enjoy some lovely Spring temps. What's going on with your garage project? Almost done?

I ordered diamond huggie earring from David last if I didn’t buy enough stuff lately..They will be subtle...The diamonds will be a little bigger than the diamonds in my cushion halo..:appl:I don’t wear hoops but I wanted little huggies..My mom bought me a pair for Christmas but the diamonds are way too small...It just looks like white gold...but there’s little bitty diamond chips in there..
I’m off to watch I don’t know why I watch that show..It makes me want to clean..:lol:

Ooh I bet those huggies are going to be fantastic. I love huggies and used to wear mine almost all the time. So easy and blingy to wear. Please share with us when they arrive.:love:

I never watched hoarders. I think it would be hard to watch but maybe I will see what it's about and if I find it interesting. The only reality shows I really like are Survivor and Real Housewives lol. It is a guilty pleasure for me. Those women are outrageous and just generally unlikable but somehow I am drawn to watching despite their unlikability factor.

@Sandeek I might remember that you were looking for a dress somewhat along these lines - www ; would it suit you in any way?

[pleading 'not guilty' of its price]

Ooh that's beautiful :love:. So elegant and sophisticated and lovely... but we have to try finding @Sandeek a more affordable gown...need the extra $$$ for bling (and moto jackets :Up_to_something:).

@missy I hope your finger gets painless enough to joke about asap!

Aww don't worry, I can joke about it now. It's the best medicine after all.


@marcy that marty is a keeper for sure. Get the earrings whenever you want. Yasssss! And birthday ruse :lol: our men know us so well. Ouch to him wanting to lift today though. Hope it goes OK. Glad work was enjoyable yesterday without that negative nellie (I guess I have something in common with her sadly as I am a nervous nellie :oops2: :P2) and without your boss there. Sweet. Yay to enjoying your pendant.

@Calliecake I did very much enjoy the day with Greg. It was also decadent having a day like that in the middle of the week but :shhh: don't tell anyone.:cheeky: We also walked to where I would be getting OT (about a 25 minute walk) and I have to say I do not love the area but it will be OK as Greg will be going with me each time. I just hope I don't need too many appointments there. First of all they don't take my insurance (story of my life lol) and second of all I am tired (forgive me @Sandeek because compared to you I have no business complaining) of going to doctors etc. and just want my time off to do things I enjoy doing. I know you get it. How is J feeling this morning? I hope you get to enjoy the day with him. Your niece is so well behaved. A sweetheart.

So today is a cloudy windy day but I am hoping to get outside and go for another walk with my dh (first day with no doctor appointment this week LOL) and it is a wash hair day so Greg will be washing my hair. The excitement never ends.:lol:

@Mamabean I don't know if you can make them out but I found a photo with my huggies that I used to wear all the time.


Happy hump day girls. Have a lovely Wednesday.:wavey:


Mar 31, 2018
@missy Those earrings are gorgeous...You guys exude happiness together...I LOVE it! My earrings will be much smaller..almost like the diamonds in the halo in my avatar..I think they’re 1.6mm..They look big there but I don’t know how to take realistic size photos..He gave me a quote for that size and a little bigger...I went for the little bigger..Yours look wider and more blingy! :love:
I watched the Kardashians yesterday..I was on my iPad and didn’t want to get up to change the channel...I never watch reality shows except for Hoarders but I can see where you can get drawn in. I watched Chloe give birth...:lol:My daughter-in-law watches one of the Housewives realty shows..She says she enjoys the ridiculousness! I also like to watch The Hauntings and similiar scary ghost shows..I guess I do watch more reality shows than I thought..:think:
@ringo865 I’m going back on posts so I can eventually read everything and came upon your photos of when your hubby shaved your head. Way to take the power back and show those follicles who’s boss! You have a nicely shaved head..That pixie cut looks really good on you. I hope you continue to feel well after your treatments..Your husband sounds like a riot and lots of fun..I’m sure he makes you smile a lot despite all the challenges you’ve been given. :kiss2:
@Calliecake I do decorate with Bailey in mind..His hair is everywhere...I try but it’s a losing battle. In Pa I have Cherry floors that I had stained brown because I wasn’t a fan of the red tone..I love dark floors but never again...My floors in Maryland are antique oak and they are it hides a lot of Bailey’s hair...Of course when we walk near the little balls of fluff..they will float up and fly...I can’t win..
Please keep us up on your car because I would love to see what you decide.. I read someone has the Porsche Cayan..and they loved it..but I think that one is smaller and I don’t think Bailey would fit in the back. Does anyone have the Cayenne? I basically have to find one that’s low enough for Bailey to jump into.
@Jimmianne The photo of the wedding is amazing...I want to go to France so badly. Did I read you have a home there and will eventually move there permanently?
I’ll be back later..I’m bringing Bailey in to be boarded because I’m leaving tomorrow morning for David’s doctor visit in NJ. It’s not like a regular kennel..It’s for “the furry elite!” Haha...I get him the senior package where they play with him one on one..and then has play group twice a day..and a busy bone stuffed with peanut butter once a day..He’s a momma’s boy but he doesn’t even look back at me when we get there. They take his leash and he’s ready for fun! He sleeps for days when I pick him up..:lol: I’ll miss him but it’s only for two nights...I won’t miss his snoring!
Last edited:


Aug 5, 2018
@missy Thank you for the green light on joking about - hardening, restricting skin ... - kind'a gorry www , but I don't think there is pain involved.


I hear you about the dress - I am seeing similar items at every $ - $$$$$ but nowhere too often. It'd sure work with a biker jacket!


Mar 31, 2018
Ok scratch the Porsche Cayenne! Too expensive!!!!:eek2:


Jun 8, 2008
@missy Thank you for the green light on joking about - hardening, restricting skin ... - kind'a gorry www , but I don't think there is pain involved.


I hear you about the dress - I am seeing similar items at every $ - $$$$$ but nowhere too often. It'd sure work with a biker jacket!

I think almost anything works with a biker jacket :cool2:

And of course I always enjoy reading your thoughts uncensored. I’m in a bit of pain but at this point I’m used to it. There are to the great majority more days with discomfort bordering on pain than without unfortunately. Hoping this isn’t my new “normal” rather just a short term (albeit longer than I’d prefer) blip on my life radar. :pray:

And the skin continues to harden...
But my heart is ever soft never to harden against the goodness and love of my friends and family.

That video is freaky but beautiful!!!


Jun 8, 2008
Ok scratch the Porsche Cayenne! Too expensive!!!!:eek2:

Car. Point A to B. More for bling. Of course YMMV and there’s no right or wrong. Individual preference all the way and viva la difference! I’ve always admired a beautiful car. :love:


Mar 31, 2018
Car. Point A to B. More for bling. Of course YMMV and there’s no right or wrong. Individual preference all the way and viva la difference! I’ve always admired a beautiful car. :love:
Missy I’m initial impaired! I’m still trying to figure out Francesca’s initials...What does YMMV stand for? :oops:


Jun 8, 2008
Missy I’m initial impaired! I’m still trying to figure out Francesca’s initials...What does YMMV stand for? :oops:

Your Mileage May Vary

I’m surprised I know that but I guess after more than a decade on PS some of the abbreviations have rubbed off. :oops2: :lol:


Mar 31, 2018
Your Mileage May Vary

I’m surprised I know that but I guess after more than a decade on PS some of the abbreviations have rubbed off. :oops2: :lol:
:lol-2::lol: I would have never guessed that one! The Cayenne is more than a Range Rover..WOW
@av I watched that video bug eyed! REALLY creepy! :lol-2:
  • Like
Reactions: AV_


Mar 31, 2018
Hi girls..I saw a sapphire on Loupe Troup by Mamapants..I never heard of her before and looked at the names listed on the bottom of the Pricescope page and don’t see the name. Is it safe to purchase from someone you don’t recognize? I changed my email to one that doesn’t have my last name..but it’s not the one I through PayPal to make payments. That one has my name..Of course if I purchase something I would give them my email. I buy everywhere but Loupe Troup has me stumped and I don’t know how much protection there is if I don’t know the person from here. Thanks!


Jun 8, 2008
Hi girls..I saw a sapphire on Loupe Troup by Mamapants..I never heard of her before and looked at the names listed on the bottom of the Pricescope page and don’t see the name. Is it safe to purchase from someone you don’t recognize? I changed my email to one that doesn’t have my last name..but it’s not the one I through PayPal to make payments. That one has my name..Of course if I purchase something I would give them my email. I buy everywhere but Loupe Troup has me stumped and I don’t know how much protection there is if I don’t know the person from here. Thanks!

I think as long as you use PayPal (and not family and friends but the regular PayPal) you should be protected. I always use my Am ex on PayPal as extra protection as if there is a problem Am Ex will do what is right by you.

Can you ask her for references regarding people she has already sold things to?

Looking forward to seeing your potential new purchase. You're on fire girl. First the ring, then earrings and now this. Sweet.:love:


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Thank you @Calliecake, I am glad Kim and I get on, I had absolutely nothing in common with my MIL, who was old enough to be my grandmother. I always felt she resented me for taking Colin away, as she expected him to look after her in old age, which of course, wasn’t going to happen once we got married. She would make snide digs at me about everything, until I told her I had no intention of spending my life being a brood mare. We always make sure we are on time, or even early, so other peoples lack of promptness annoys me :lol: Did you and your niece find anything suitable yesterday?

Have you made any decisions @junebug17 I think both would be fantastic choices, but you know I’m partial to a marquise? What a lovely DH, you thoroughly deserve being spoiled.

That’s so reassuring that Bailey runs off wagging his tail when you drop him off at the Doggy Hotel @Mamabean . We are so lucky we’ve found a great dog sitter who loves Dottie nearly as much as we do. It makes it easier for us to travel as much as we do, I couldn’t go otherwise, I’d be too worried to enjoy myself. Safe travels with David tomorrow, I hope the appointment goes well. Have I told you how much I love your ring, it’s really beautiful and I can’t wait to see your new hoops :love:

What fantastic news @Sandeek, I’m so happy for you. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of this ordeal, and you’ll soon be done with the infusions and fighting fit again :dance: This is our 6th home, what can I say, we’re gluttons for punishment? We always intended to be here forever, but Adam asked us to move to Austin, so of course we said yes.

Marty is a devil @marcy setting you up to be collared for shoplifting :mrgreen2: How’s he feeling today, hopefully better if he’s intending to lift? Go on, order the earrings, you know you want to :whistle: Woohoo on having a stress free day at work, I hope today was just as good.

Definitely time to give your brain a rest @AV_ you don’t want to wear it out! :mrgreen: That’s a beautiful dress you found, classic yet slightly vintage looking.

Glad you enjoyed a lovely day with Greg, I don’t know, but somehow we enjoy doing things more during the week than the weekend now we’re home all the time. Good news that Greg will be able to go with you for your OT appointments, hopefully, once they show you the exercises, you won’t have to go to the offices too often. I think you’ve probably had more excitement than is good for one person, so a nice quiet day sounds perfect. :D Your buggies look lovely, time to dig them out and wear them again.

Colin had to have an emergency dental appointment this evening, he thought he’d lost some filling, but it turned out, it was actually a piece of tooth. Fortunately, Jav, our dentist was able to sort it out, so it’s all fixed now.

I was baking this afternoon, a lemon drizzle cake. One of our neighbours has started a FB group for the road, and has invited people round tomorrow morning, so I offered to take a cake. Poor Colin was being tortured, because he wanted a piece, but of course, couldn’t have one :lol:

Well, that’s been our excitement today, it’s just one long adventure :lol-2:

Big wave to all the lovely NIRDIs :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Hi guys, just Checking In. I have the flu and am quickly going downhill into fuzzy flu-coma land, but I accomplished a lot here before it got too bad and wanted to report in.

How's this for one week?!
Bought a plot of land to build a garage for a car
Bought the car

Easiest car purchase ever. When I went to the garage in the village they had only one "city car" on the lot. This is a good car if you have a larger back up for freeway road trips and live in a place where most of the vehicles are small. Anyway, I love it. I bought an SUV last fall, but I hate sharing with the kids and coordinating schedules, so now they can have it.
I'll be independent, they can leave as much junk as they want in the SUV and I won't get frustrated lol.
And, Finally something small enough to navigate the tiny village roads! Psyched!


Mar 31, 2018
I think as long as you use PayPal (and not family and friends but the regular PayPal) you should be protected. I always use my Am ex on PayPal as extra protection as if there is a problem Am Ex will do what is right by you.

Can you ask her for references regarding people she has already sold things to?

Looking forward to seeing your potential new purchase. You're on fire girl. First the ring, then earrings and now this. Sweet.:love:
Ah..I messed up my account when I changed my now it says it’s taken. I give I just asked them to delete my account so I can start over..Edited to say they fixed my email for me...but I decided if I get a’s not now and I’ll get it through someone like Jeff White. I’ll only buy from people I know on here..@missy I bought so much it’s crazy..I need a hose
I have a beautiful band I would love to share but I made a huge boo boo. I thought the band was an antique and asked David Klass to make it for me with a little change..but afterwards saw it was still available..I feel terrible so I can’t share it here on Pricescope..I feel so guilty. I’ll email you the photo..:oops: It’s so pretty..
Last edited:


Feb 27, 2007

AV, I hope you enjoy some downtown with the upcoming holidays You deserve it.

Sandeek, I hope you are having a good day. I am really debating the earrings. I want them but you know there are those recent expenditures I've had impersonating drunken sailors and all.

AV and Sandeek, if patience is a virtue; I have none. LOL.

Missy, that co-pay joke is spot on and probably out of date since co-pays these days are generally higher than that. I thought the "ruse" bit was a good line. I am leaning towards just telling Brittany to go for it. I've been wanting more dangle earrings since I sold or gave most of them away. The one thing stopping me is I could get something with more diamond on it in that price range; however it wouldn't match my pendant. I am glad but not surprised that Greg will be going with you to your OT appointments. He is a wonderful husband to you. I can totally see why are you sick of doctors. Your huggies look great and love the flashback photo of you and Greg.

Mamabear, I love huggies too. I have a pear of j hoops in WG that are 1/2 ctw which I wear sometimes. I had huggies and oval diamond hoops but they went in one of my jewelry liquidation sales. Wish I'd kept those oval hoops now. A couple of us have the Porsche Macan and it's a lower SUV. I love mine. Bailey's elite retreat sounds like a great place for him to stay while you are out of town. I think you are pretty safe to use PayPal. I believe they are helpful getting back your money if is it a scam or something like that. Do tell us more about the sapphire.

Austina, it is nice that you and Kim get along. I get along better with my FIL than my MIL. She is nice enough but nosy and a bit snooty. One of my favorite stories about her is they were selling their house they had here in town and a friend of mine and her husband were looking for a place to buy. My friend showed up to have a drink with us and my MIL overheard her say they'd been looking for house and my MIL says "oh we have a place for sale but you probably couldn't afford it." How could she possible know what price range my friend could afford? Ooh a vote to order those earrings. Thanks. Marty didn't seem better this morning. I think his back hurts him more than he is willing to admit. I tried that conversation of yes I get you can push yourself and lifting may help but pain does tell your boby not to do things to hurt itself. I am sure I saw those words floating off to space out the other side of his head. I have no room to talk though, I am rather stubborn myself. I am enjoying my second day of work without those 2 same negative people. Loving it. Oh no to Colin losing part of a tooth. I am glad to hear it is fixed already. Lemon drizzle cake sounds divine. Have a piece for me. Nice to have a neighborhood gathering and FB page. Our neighborhood has one too. I am an admin on it and have the power to reject people and posts. Whahaha.

Jimmianne, hi! Oh no to getting the flu. Glad you accomplished a lot before you get sick. Now rest up and take it easy. Your car us so cute and love the color. Will the garage be at your place? I can see you zipping around in your car. Sweet.

I used my emergency speed method today to get through all of my reports at work. It's a secret but I made macros that compares schedules with events and elminates duplicates - leaving only things I need to check out. Sweet. My 4-5 hours worth of pulling and studying reports can be done in less than an hour. It's my fail safe in case I am really short handed or they cut people in my department. How smart I'll look when I get the work of 5 people done in an hour.

It's rainy here today. Marty wants to know when we moved to Seattle.
Take care.



Jun 17, 2009
@missy, I'm so glad you're wearing Bubbalah! I'm sure it lifts your spirits to see that gorgeous sparkle. Francesca looks so pretty too. :love: Lovely pics of you in your winter gear, and how great that you have fun things to do and places to go right outside your door. Love that about city living. What a great pic of you and Greg, and your huggies show up beautifully! Hopefully you won't need too many PT sessions, and it's great that Greg can go with you, especially if the area is a little iffy.

I agree, that moval is absolutely gorgeous! My only hesitation is the finger measures 10.40 x 5.08. According to that website diamb, the oval alone (without halo) has 56% more face-up size than the moval.

@Mamabean, sounds like you have a lot going on in the next few days, and a lot of traveling, please take care of yourself and be careful. Your living room in Maryland is absolutely beautiful :love: I'm so glad it brings you peace and comfort to be there... I can see why! LOVE that shade of blue. Such a great idea to make your son's appointment a "mini-vacation", I'm sure it makes the whole experience more pleasant and less stressful. I'm really sorry yesterday was such a sad day for you, (((hugs)))

Oooh your huggies sound beautiful! And I adore your new cushion halo, it is just gorgeous.:love: Please don't feel guilty about the band, you didn't do anything intentionally!

Yes, after I posted I was wondering if it was smart to post the link to the moval LOL - but I'm still on the fence and don't want to rush it, so if someone else gets it I'll be ok with it.

And wow, you found a great place to board Bailey! It's like he's on vacation too lol. Such a relief knowing he's in good hands while you're away. He is such a beautiful pooch!

@Austina, LOL, yes, I had a feeling you'd like the moval lol! My concern is it might not have enough finger coverage...I could see if Erica could come up with a halo setting for it. Your lemon drizzle cake sounds SO delicious. I feel Colin's pain LOL.

@Tekate, Steven has a completed ring for sale, he has a video of it on his's on LT too. the engagement fell through so he's helping the guy sell it. but the center diamond isn't graded and is showing a little color in the video... So I'm not sure what I'm getting. His work is beautiful and it would be wonderful to have a ring made by him...just wish the stone was graded.

@Calliecake, I'm glad your grand niece kept you company while you were car shopping! I'm hoping you saw a car you liked. I was all set to buy the moval this morning and then started thinking it's too small lol. Sorry your dh isn't feeling well, I sympathize, I had a bad cold a few weeks ago and felt just awful so I know how lousy he's feeling. I hope he's feeling better soon.

@Sandeek, thanks for weighing in on the ring! I can't decide so I probably won't by anything lol. Fantastic news about your blood work! I am so sorry the infusions take that long, and it's understandable you're feeling worn out and down from all you've been through this past year. Sending lots of comfort and support to you, hang in there, you will get through this. (((HUGS)))

@marcy, yes, decisions is right! I'm having so much trouble I might not get anything. I do hope you go for the earrings, they are so pretty and it's really nice that they match the pendant. Ugh, so sorry Marty's back is still bothering him, sounds like it might be a good idea to rest it, but I don't think he's looking at it that way LOL. You came up with such a great idea for saving time doing your reports, I am impressed! Nice that you are having a few easy days at work. LOL to living in Seattle! I hope the rain stops soon, it can get depressing after a while.

@av, that dress is gorgeous!!! :love:

@Jimmianne, oh no to having the flu, please take care of yourself and get well soon. My gosh, you've been busy! LOVE your new car, sounds like it is perfect for your needs :clap:

We're having a nice time here, the weather was a little better today so we walked on the beach. Will probably go out for a bite to eat. Zoe and I are heading home tomorrow, dh will stay for his golf outing.

Thanks to all for the input on the rings! I guess I need time to mull it over some more haha.

Have a good night everyone!
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Feb 27, 2007
Junebug, I a, glad it was nice enough to walk on the beach. Sweet. Yes it’s true I have cut out pictures of jewelry and tried them on. It can help you make up your mind. Goofy but helpful. Have a safe trip heading home.


Feb 27, 2007
I just emailed Brittany to say let’s order those earrings.


Jun 8, 2008


Aug 5, 2018
@Austina You bet! I am still scared from the lows of November-December and it was such luck that I could take the time to be exhausted. I do not care to be a drifting weed in my free time either... Easter comes just in time! I am counting work hours for once & not that many - just to deliver everything. Eh... party: th 9th or the 10th, TBA. Things will get serious after.

This morning, Instagram threw a good idea at me: www - so here I am, led around by the nose .)


Aug 5, 2018
@jimmyanne From where I am standing, it looks like you are getting yourself a new life. So am I.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls!

@junebug17 Nice that you enjoyed walking on the beach yesterday. I totally get it re the moval. If it is too small it isn't good. Though would you consider a halo or bezel and would that add enough diameter for you? Just thinking out loud here. I will keep an eye out for a gorgeous but larger moval for you. Have a safe flight home and good luck to your dh and his golf competition.

@Sandeek hope you enjoyed a good night last night and have a good day today! Sending you (((hugs))) and healing vibes.

@marcy woohoo we are getting earrings! Umm I mean you are getting earrings.:cheeky: Nice going using your emergency speed method to get through all the work you had to. Sweet. How is Marty doing? Did he lift yesterday? Tell him we are all rooting for him to be completely better and ready for that competition next weekend. Hahaha yes it feels like Seattle here often as well. Do you know that NYC gets as much rain as Seattle? Just different in that we don't have an almost constant mist that Seattle does but just the total amount of rain is very similar. Have a good day at work today Marcy.

@Mamabean aww sorry it didn't work out. No worries though. There is more bling where that came from and that piece was just not meant to be. I agree with you. The joy and love of having furbabies in one's family far exceeds the annoyance of having pet hair all around and scratched up furniture. One has to choose either a house filled with joy at having fur babies in the family or a clean sterile home without pets. I think we are all on the same page.:bigsmile:

@Austina yum to lemon drizzle cake. Making me hungry at 7AM in the morning for cake lol. Sorry about the tooth emergency for Colin but glad it was a simple fix. And that you got an appointment right away. Cannot wait for you to move to Austin as that is much closer than where you live now. Purely selfish reasons of course but I do think you would love living here.

@Calliecake how is your dh feeling today? (((Hugs))).

@AV_ how goes it? Any updates?

@ringo865 hoping you are doing well. Thinking of you.

@Keeliamira hello there. Hope you are having a good week and have some good news to report soon.

@canuk-gal hope you are having some nice spring weather and sending you hugs across the miles.

Hope you are feeling better today @Jimmianne

We had a great day yesterday. A long walk and it was beautiful out. Just beautiful. And I got my hair washed woohoo. Greg has been washing my hair in the kitchen sink for over a month now lol. Never did we imagine it would be for this long. He's a pro at it now.:cheeky:

Goofy photo of our walk yesterday. I was wearing a big floppy hat because it turned out to be a sunny day (prediction was for cloudy) and I did not want to apply sunblock due to my finger. Isn't that forsythia tree pretty?

Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at 7.03.19 AM.png

This afternoon I have my initial OT session. Hoping it goes well. I am a little nervous lol.

Leaving you with a lovely photo of the beach by us in NJ.

Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at 7.03.31 AM.png

Have a lovely day girls! (((Hugs))).
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