
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Goldfish crackers...:lol: They come in different flavors...Pizza flavor is David’s favorite! I’m still laughing..omg
ADAAE671-1F5B-444D-867D-7848E1289DB8.jpeg 2B70302E-44B9-4CAB-9181-DECCB0FF35D1.jpeg

All of a sudden I have a craving for goldfish Oh @Mamabean! LOL (((Hugs)))


Jan 3, 2020
:wavey: Hi everyone, well it's morning here in the UK the day after increased social distancing measures have been put in place. I hope everyone in ok and trying to keep their spirits up.
We are not doing much today but are getting out for a walk and some fresh air.
My husband has been designated an essential worker so for now is continuing to go to work but I sincerely hope he can reduce hours and do some home working.
Sending best wishes and hugs to everyone. Please take care and I will check in later. x


Jun 8, 2008
:wavey: Hi everyone, well it's morning here in the UK the day after increased social distancing measures have been put in place. I hope everyone in ok and trying to keep their spirits up.
We are not doing much today but are getting out for a walk and some fresh air.
My husband has been designated an essential worker so for now is continuing to go to work but I sincerely hope he can reduce hours and do some home working.
Sending best wishes and hugs to everyone. Please take care and I will check in later. x

Hi @Niffler75 it is eerie here. Feels so strange. So far many people are still outside (as of last night as it is early morning here right now) and well it almost doesn't feel real. But it does feel real.

My sister and her DH are essential workers so they are both working full time still and have a greater chance of being exposed to the virus and my sister is taking the kids with her Mon-Fri to work. Ugh. I hope your DH and my sister and BIL can reduce hours soon and remain safe.

I vacillate between being calm and being anxious. Yesterday I spoke with a good friend and started crying. It's challenging but just taking it one hour at a time right now.

Sending you big hugs and lots of good thoughts. (((HUGS)))


Jun 8, 2008
Picture of the day


Breathtaking. I sort of miss the snow right now. Crazy but true. Stay safe and be well Scandi and lots of love and good wishes to you and your family. XO.


Jun 8, 2008
Glad you managed to get another session in today @missy, and yum to the ice cream, that was really kind of the store to get some in for you. That’s great that you got your parents signed up for the breakdown service, one less thing to worry about. Spring has sprung here too, but some really warm weather wouldn’t go amiss.

We have had a little good news, in that we’ve got the refund from BA for the St Lucia/Barbados flights, but will have to wait for the refund on the cancelled May flights.

We had the tyre people come today, and he said we didn’t actually need all 4 replacing, couldn’t understand why the garage said we did. The front tyres definitely needed replacing, he did those, and has authorised a refund on the rear 2, which he said still have plenty of tread. The electrician came and changed the thermostat on the orangery floor under heating. I asked him to go straight around the side of the house and let himself in so he didn’t have to have any contact with us, as he has to be careful of getting ill as he’s a sole trader.

I stayed up till after midnight trying to book and click and collect slot, and there still aren’t any right up till 10th April. I’m not sure how on earth we’re supposed to stay in when we have to go out to get food. Oy!

I have a friend coming round soon to collect Dottie’s towels, her doggie is expecting puppies next week, at least 7 of them, and she needs as many towels as she can get. I’ve told her I’ll leave them on the doorstep for her.

We’ve been out for a walk, because we can’t stay cooped up in the house another day, and it’s very quiet out.

That is a concern. Getting food. There are no food delivery slots open at all. The only way to get food here is to go out and get it. I spoke with a good friend yesterday and she advised us to stay in as much as possible and go to the market as infrequently as possible. Scary times truly. But just one day, one hour at a time. That is all we can do. I am glad you are getting out for walks. I feel the same. I need to get outside if possible every day and just take a walk. Practicing social distancing of course. But in Brooklyn (where we have the most cases of anywhere) it isn't easy. Glad you are donating Dottie's things to your friend and good luck to her dog having puppies. Hope it goes smoothly. Yay for getting a refund on the trip. I was hoping that would be the case and would have been shocked if it wasn't the case. These times are unusual and unprecedented but that was the only thing that made sense. Speaking of sense glad the electrician did what he had to and didn't have to come into contact with you and glad you took care of the tires too. Stay well and (((hugs))).


Jun 8, 2008
Happy Caturday Saturday!

@missy that is SO sweet your DH got your sister triple A! You all are very kind and generous. I have had triple A probably since the age of 18 and I think I've gotten my money's worth lol and sometimes :angryfire: for cars breaking down. But I haven't had to use it in years thankfully :appl: And of coarse now my hubby is on the plan! I love that your grocer got you icecream. You have a lot of people looking out for you and in your corner. We are weight vest sisters! I love it because I can go out for a walk and put the vest on and not worry about a bra lol because it covers things up :lol: I am with you on worrying about parents. I hope your parents are ok and I am praying everyone stays well.

And I have exciting news....I bought @mrs-b beautiful diamond pear last night! I'm so excited :appl::love:It's a .79 I gorgeous pear that I plan to set in a pendant.

Thank you so much @bling_dream19 and I hope everyone you love stays well too. Yay for using your sauna yesterday. How relaxing. I feel better knowing my parents now have triple A. We didn't realize they gave it up and it was a no brainer to get it back for them. When are you expecting the diamond pear? I cannot wait to see it in a pendant. How beautiful will a pear pendant be. :love:
Stay well and big (((hugs))).


Jun 8, 2008
Yesterday both Greg and I had our final PT session (for who knows how long but my guess is at least 6 months) and all our doctor appointments were canceled. Including Greg's molesafe of that suspicious mole. I got him an appt with the derm oncologist next week but we aren't sure it is the best idea to head into the city to NYU hospital to see him. Not sure of what to do yet. And of course if we get sick then we cannot go anyway.

Thomas had me take photos of him doing some new exercises he gave me because my memory isn't good (especially now) and there were no online examples. Here is one new exercise. I already forgot them all lol.

Screen Shot 2020-03-21 at 7.28.50 AM.png

I like using the resistance bands and just have to remember to keep my back straight and in neutral as best as possible.

Then we went home and I did some more exercising as did Greg and then later we took a little walk making sure we stayed as far away from others as possible. Which is challenging here. Then I had a good phone convo with a friend though I started crying in the middle of it but I am on edge. So my emotions fluctuate from calm to not calm but I am maintaining a sense of calm as best as possible. I am an anxious person by nature-Type A (and my blood type might be type A too which is bad but I don't remember for sure and neither does Greg remember his blood type) and under the best of circumstances I can be anxious so this is a test for me to remain calm. And I am going to do the best I can and I know many of you are stressed as well. But I am sending so many good thoughts to all of you and gentle hugs. I still feel we will all get through this scary and surreal time. We will. (((HUGS))).

Can you spot my new bling?

Screen Shot 2020-03-21 at 7.35.10 AM.png

Happy Caturday Saturday lovely ladies and big hugs to all of you.


Jun 8, 2008
@Slick1 hope all is going OK and I am going to message you...I want to know what is going on re your DD. (((HUGS))).

@AV_ how are things by you? Does a sense of calmness prevail I hope. XO

Dear @Tekate great Kate, I know you must be worried sick about your kids especially your Brooklyn family members...sending you so many hugs and well wishes.

@Daisys and Diamonds sending you lots of good thoughts and hugs. Hope all is well.

@Mamabean how are you and David and your mom doing? Are you hanging in there and feeling OK? Sending you calming vibes and gentle hugs.

@junebug17 thinking of you. Gentle hugs.

@Jimmianne bonjour. How are you doing kiddo? Sending you lots of love.

@sarahb (((hugs))) and love. Hope everyone is well and stays that way.

@Keeliamira I am keeping good thoughts for you. Please check in when you have a chance. (((Hugs))).

@Poodles4me hope you and family are well. Thinking of you. XOXO.

Apologies to anyone I left out. Sending you all warm thoughts and gentle hugs.


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

It’s only natural to be emotional at the moment @missy. I’m not someone who usually worries unnecessarily, but I’m struggling at the moment to remain positive. I felt particularly bad yesterday, so we decided to have a CV day, no news, no talk, and trying not to even think about what’s going on. I think there are times we just need to distance ourselves from it.

Glad you had your PT session and great idea to get photos of what to do, so you can maintain the correct position for the exercises. I can’t zoom your photo to see your bling :(

Have a great weekend @Niffler75, I’m actually going to order some outdoor games because we’ll go stir crazy if we can’t at least be outside for some of the time. We play Baggo Beans on the ship, so I’m going to order that, as well as a putting hole, so we can practice, even though our grass is far short of a putting green!

I found an online butcher in Scotland yesterday, so I’ve ordered from them and the meat will be delivered in 2 weeks, so that’ll be fine. I feel a bit better now as long as it arrives.

My friend collecting the towels told me of a local fruit and veg delivery, and although they’re closed till tomorrow for future orders, I’m going to try them too.

We’re feeling very humbled that 2 of our younger neighbours contacted us today to ask if they can get us anything, one was going shopping so we’ve asked him to just get us one bottle of milk, only if it’s not on ration, and he gets everything he needs for themselves.

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing ok and staying safe and healthy, I’m thinking of you all, and hoping that this will be over sooner than predicted. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
I can’t zoom your photo to see your bling :(

Oh I'm sorry, I wonder why the zoom isn't working? If only all problems were so easy to fix. Here ya go.


We’re feeling very humbled that 2 of our younger neighbours contacted us today to ask if they can get us anything, one was going shopping so we’ve asked him to just get us one bottle of milk, only if it’s not on ration, and he gets everything he needs for themselves.

That is so kind of your neighbors and gives me hope. We all have to pull together and help those less able to do for themselves. Now it is critical.

And yes, I agree a news break is critical for our emotional well being. I am sending continued positive vibe and lots of love your way. Scary times but we will persevere and we will get through this. Supporting each other the whole way. (((Hugs))).


Feb 21, 2019
Oh I'm sorry, I wonder why the zoom isn't working? If only all problems were so easy to fix. Here ya go.

Screen Shot 2020-03-20 at 8.20.33 PM.png

That is so kind of your neighbors and gives me hope. We all have to pull together and help those less able to do for themselves. Now it is critical.

And yes, I agree a news break is critical for our emotional well being. I am sending continued positive vibe and lots of love your way. Scary times but we will persevere and we will get through this. Supporting each other the whole way. (((Hugs))).

I saw it Missy that is gorgeous!! Tell us more :love: its such a bright iridescent blue I love it! Can't wait to hear more deets! Hang in there Missy. My heart is breaking for you. I know you are in a tough place being in Brooklyn. One day at a time. I know you're taking all precautions. Hugs to you.


Jun 8, 2008
I saw it Missy that is gorgeous!! Tell us more :love: its such a bright iridescent blue I love it! Can't wait to hear more deets! Hang in there Missy. My heart is breaking for you. I know you are in a tough place being in Brooklyn. One day at a time. I know you're taking all precautions. Hugs to you.

Thanks so @bling_dream19. I am concerned but hoping for the best and being as safe as we can be. We must get groceries as no one has delivery time slots available. I keep trying. We can limit it to shopping once a week or maybe once every 2 weeks I’m not sure. If we get sick and we’re down to few supplies we would be in dire circumstances. So that’s my rationale for once per week trying to have a few weeks ahead just in case. Plus cat food is being limited so we really have to go once a week. Chewy doesn’t know when they’ll be able to ship. But I digress. How are you? I hope you and your mom and dh and entire family are doing as well as possible. This is hard for everyone. My heart goes out to everyone struggling right now.

I got it at Enso rings. Recommended by @Tonks. I ordered 8 more rings from them lol. 3 for Greg and 5 more for me. Oops I guess I’m hoarding rings. :lol:

They’re silicone and so far super comfy and I can safely lift weights etc with them on so yay.

Look at how cute. I got matching penguin rings for Greg and me.


Stay safe and be well and I’m sending lots of love. ❤️


Feb 27, 2007
Day 1: House arrest. Slept in - didn't have anything to do or anywhere to go so why not? Marty cooked us breakfast. Silently wished he was as OCD as I am about washing his hands. Let my mind wander that nothing is safe. Decided I will wait to order my WF dangle earrings imaging the COVID germs that could be on them, the packaging and the FedEx box they arrive in. Wished I’d stocked up more on chocolate, yeast, flour, sugar, definitely toilet paper and wondered when I’d be brave enough to venture out in to the apocalypse and try to get those things. Then let my imagination run wild wondering how many people have touched those things before I put them in my germ infested shopping cart. Next I considered the ramifications of using serious cleaner on our granite countertop - germs or eventual countertop replacement? Reflected on how many days it took Jack Nicholson to go CRAZY in The Shining and wondered when I’ll start typing “All work and no play makes Marcy a dull girl.” :lol:


Jun 8, 2008
Day 1: House arrest. Slept in - didn't have anything to do or anywhere to go so why not? Marty cooked us breakfast. Silently wished he was as OCD as I am about washing his hands. Let my mind wander that nothing is safe. Decided I will wait to order my WF dangle earrings imaging the COVID germs that could be on them, the packaging and the FedEx box they arrive in. Wished I’d stocked up more on chocolate, yeast, flour, sugar, definitely toilet paper and wondered when I’d be brave enough to venture out in to the apocalypse and try to get those things. Then let my imagination run wild wondering how many people have touched those things before I put them in my germ infested shopping cart. Next I considered the ramifications of using serious cleaner on our granite countertop - germs or eventual countertop replacement? Reflected on how many days it took Jack Nicholson to go CRAZY in The Shining and wondered when I’ll start typing “All work and no play makes Marcy a dull girl.” :lol:

At least you are maintaining your wonderful sense of humor @marcy!!! That’s critical. Thanks for making me laugh. (((Hugs)))


Feb 21, 2019
Thanks so @bling_dream19. I am concerned but hoping for the best and being as safe as we can be. We must get groceries as no one has delivery time slots available. I keep trying. We can limit it to shopping once a week or maybe once every 2 weeks I’m not sure. If we get sick and we’re down to few supplies we would be in dire circumstances. So that’s my rationale for once per week trying to have a few weeks ahead just in case. Plus cat food is being limited so we really have to go once a week. Chewy doesn’t know when they’ll be able to ship. But I digress. How are you? I hope you and your mom and dh and entire family are doing as well as possible. This is hard for everyone. My heart goes out to everyone struggling right now.

I got it at Enso rings. Recommended by @Tonks. I ordered 8 more rings from them lol. 3 for Greg and 5 more for me. Oops I guess I’m hoarding rings. :lol:

They’re silicone and so far super comfy and I can safely lift weights etc with them on so yay.

Look at how cute. I got matching penguin rings for Greg and me.

Screen Shot 2020-03-21 at 7.08.13 AM.png

Stay safe and be well and I’m sending lots of love. ❤

Oh I LOVE the penguins soo cute! That will brighten your day and bring a little novelty along with some fun leggings!
I think you're being wise to take all precautions and when you do go out to limit to once per week. I woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat and couldn't sleep for a while worrying if I got it. I'm sure I'm not the only one 2nd guessing every physical symptom. I feel great so I think its just my mind lol.
Ok back to bling! We are enso sisters along with @Tonks And I'm sure many more! I got these shortly after we were engaged and I was trying to understand thickness of bands and ease my cookoo mind while we were waiting for my ering to be made which is 2.4mm thick. I love these rings! I love the heart and if coarse got some for my hubby, I think a different brand though. He loves them too! 20200321_123314.jpg 20200321_123342.jpg


Jan 23, 2016
Oh I'm sorry, I wonder why the zoom isn't working? If only all problems were so easy to fix. Here ya go.

Screen Shot 2020-03-20 at 8.20.33 PM.png

That is so kind of your neighbors and gives me hope. We all have to pull together and help those less able to do for themselves. Now it is critical.

And yes, I agree a news break is critical for our emotional well being. I am sending continued positive vibe and lots of love your way. Scary times but we will persevere and we will get through this. Supporting each other the whole way. (((Hugs))).

New bling! Spot the bling must be a true NIRDI hobby going forward lol. Please provide daily challenges for us :kiss2:


Jan 23, 2016
Hello lovelies

It’s only natural to be emotional at the moment @missy. I’m not someone who usually worries unnecessarily, but I’m struggling at the moment to remain positive. I felt particularly bad yesterday, so we decided to have a CV day, no news, no talk, and trying not to even think about what’s going on. I think there are times we just need to distance ourselves from it.

Glad you had your PT session and great idea to get photos of what to do, so you can maintain the correct position for the exercises. I can’t zoom your photo to see your bling :(

Have a great weekend @Niffler75, I’m actually going to order some outdoor games because we’ll go stir crazy if we can’t at least be outside for some of the time. We play Baggo Beans on the ship, so I’m going to order that, as well as a putting hole, so we can practice, even though our grass is far short of a putting green!

I found an online butcher in Scotland yesterday, so I’ve ordered from them and the meat will be delivered in 2 weeks, so that’ll be fine. I feel a bit better now as long as it arrives.

My friend collecting the towels told me of a local fruit and veg delivery, and although they’re closed till tomorrow for future orders, I’m going to try them too.

We’re feeling very humbled that 2 of our younger neighbours contacted us today to ask if they can get us anything, one was going shopping so we’ve asked him to just get us one bottle of milk, only if it’s not on ration, and he gets everything he needs for themselves.

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing ok and staying safe and healthy, I’m thinking of you all, and hoping that this will be over sooner than predicted. :wavey:

Nice neighbors! And younger is better according to the statistics, so I suggest you use them for all your shopping :whistle:


Jan 23, 2016
Today’s picture lol heard you might need some :lol-2:


Jan 23, 2016
Breathtaking. I sort of miss the snow right now. Crazy but true. Stay safe and be well Scandi and lots of love and good wishes to you and your family. XO.

Miss you honey! From mine to yours also! At least you have good health insurance! So you will be fine no matter what! And bored. Probably bored no matter what too! Lol. Sorry. How is a Greg cooping with work in all this mess? Home office? Hugs!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIIRDI’s! Hope you are all doing well in these trying times.

@Jimmianne I totally loved your goldfish story; our minds work the same way. Yes, Marty is posting ideas for things to do at home and I think he made videos. His 78 year old lady is faithfully doing things and posting on their Slack thread. She is lifting books, jugs of water and plans no walking once the snow and ice melt. Bless her heart she is very dedicated. Good idea for you to do the 10,000 step program. Marty’s Fitbit one time had a major glitch and put down steps for his flight from Denver to Atlanta; we never figured how that happened but it was impressive. I only noticed it because I tied his Fitbit to points at Walgreens; it netted us something like $5 credit woo hoo!

@missy the uncertainty of everything is quite worrisome. Our minds can certainly take us down dark paths; I am hoping house arrests don’t last long. That is s once to help out that gentleman in your building. That is awesome Gracie and Oliver play together now. Sorry they are still little chow hounds (okay kitties). I hate to hear your parents had dropped Triple A; I always say you only need that when you don’t have it, right? It is hard knowing how to help your parents and Greg’s mom yet not expose them to things. I am sorry your sister and BIL have to go to work. I hate to hear Greg has a suspicious mole that needs checked. Hopefully you can get in somewhere in a few weeks. Nice you got some ice cream. I totally loved seeing some gorgeous signs of spring; thank you. I see snow out of my prison cell. That’s great Thomas made videos for you; they are so helpful. These are trying times for sure and definitely an emotional rollercoaster. Nice new blue band; and the other ones you ordered are great. I ordered Marty their moon and constellation band for Christmas; sadly it was painted on and worse off already.

@bling_dream19 sweet to have the cherry blossoms blooming. I can enjoy them in pictures and not sneeze. I am glad you enjoy working from home. We finally got permission yesterday. Marty’s day job is work at home or travel so we’ll both be here. His gym will remain closed until the local / state rules change. I am so excited for your pear diamond; that will make a perfect pendant. I’ll go see if I can find her post on it. I’m a sucker for hearts; I love your silicone bands.

@Mamabean I can easily believe you walk that much a day; you do a LOT every day. My favorite flavors of goldfish are parmesan and original. I ate a few at work yesterday and since I’m OCD I put some in a coffee filter and used a plastic fork to pick them up. I’ll gladly send you some of our snow.

@Scandinaviian I am more anxious than normal for spring to set in. Good idea only taking one furbaby for a walk at the time; some of your chases have not sounded like a fun time; although I am sure they had a blast. Furbaby #1 (I believe anyway) looks ready to take of any minute in that pretty picture.

@Austiina Marty took me to work yesterday and we can start working from home on Monday. Yes, exercise and strength training seem to help your immune system. One of the coaches Marty chats with on line though (mid 40’s) was patient #3 in Missouri to get this. He is now home and quarantined from the rest of the family. He told Marty is awful. He was traveling and at some conferences in late February and early March. Glad you have new tires; it’s good to be safe with those. I hate to hear your pick up food option is so far out. I was looking at ordered groceries to pick up and right now the first opening is Monday. We are okay but will need to get some things soon. That’s nice you got your refund from BA. How nice of some neighbors to reach out to you. Trying times bring out the best and worse in people and I optimistically believe there are more good people than bad.

@Niffler75 is the work your DH does something he can do from home? I know a lot of people still have to go out and work. Keeping him in my thoughts. Enjoy your walk.

We finally got permission to work from home starting Monday. 2 of my 5 employees are choosing to go in to work though. My boss is scheduling 2 meetings a day that we all dial in to participate. I’m bored already. I did wipe down our countertops, light switches and door handles. Then washed those cloths by themselves.

Take care.


May 11, 2013
@missy how's things with you, Chris got his internet but now that you all are in place he's sort of stuck home. He said he couldn't find bread at his grocery store so I bought him a breadmaker on Amazon, unfortunately Amazon has no bread flour or yeast :( hopefully he can find something in his area to make bread. Kate is hunkered down, Danny is hunkered down so that is that. I heard from Kate and Dan's Dad, he's in Buffalo with bros and sister there so he's good. Nothing new here, we aren't on lockdown but we cannot have gatherings of more than 10 and we were supposed to have a big cul de sac party etc so that is a bummer but I did make brownies! so there is that.

How's the toe, I have to read on further you probably talked about it. Greg's knee swelling go down? what an amazing time huh Missy the Marvelous, would you ever have thought we would see this world? not me. Very painful to read about and see.. How's your mom and dad? I will have to read further as I said, how's your sister and girls? goodness it's crazy.. I'm gonna post this one and continue to read. xoxoxo love you girl.

@Scandinavian Greetings from Georgetown, TX USA how's your weather? hope everyone is doing well with you Scandi. xoxox

@AV_ what beautiful pix, I hope you have a great evening, it's about 7:45 pm where you are I think so enjoy the evening! I'll take a jam recipe anytime! sending Kate dust xoxoxoxo

@Mamabean isn't it amazing what your husband is doing! I know you worry about him.. he's a lucky guy.. I saw a pix of goldfish when I scrolled down to post this message, it's pretty bad when Amazon is now allowing vendors to rip us off :( sending Kate the GREAT dust to you and love. xoxoxo

@marcy to my mind, most bosses never EVER want you to take a day off :) eff them. Sorry Marty had to shut down the gym for a few weeks, but his care of his customers is really showing Marcy! he's got them working.. sorry about the Colorado people coming in! a real bummer! so you take care and sending tons of kate dust and love your way.! xoxoxo

@bling_dream19 hey! nice vest girlie! :) hope you are holding up, how's things in Jersey? sending kate dust and LOVE to you and yours! xoxoxo

@Jimmianne Hey, you may have posted further ahead, my former nephew in Venice cannot leave his house without a NOTE saying why and where he was going.. he said so many people are dying :( in Italy... take care and text anytime. sending love girl and happy Kate dust to you! xoxo

@canuk-gal Hey sharon, hope all is well with you, I read we are all supposed to have warmer than average spring temperatures (what a surprise), so maybe you are warming up? hope so girl. sending Kate dust! xoxoox

@junebug17 Hey June :) I've got to read ahead but I hope you guys are all doing well and heading to SC in one way, the more rural we are the better I believe in this case, but I HAVE BEEN WRONG! many times.. sending you Kate love dust June, and hugs xoxoxoxoxoxo

@Daisys and Diamonds Hi girl! hope you are doing well and surviving the heat, we are do for our heat coming up soon in Texas.. take care and sending Kate dust and love! xoxoxo

@sarahb Hi Sarah! sending healthy, Happy, and loving dust to you and yours! xoxoxo

@Calliecake what a clusterf huh Marcy? if it wasn't so scary I'd laugh. Hope everyone is doing well in your area, hope you are staying healthy and your nieces are too! sending love Marcy! and Kate happy dust !!! xoxoxoxoxo

@Austina I hope it's over by September.. I miss you! but I am SURE Adam misses his parents very much.. our kids grow up and become men but there's always that little light in our hearts where they are our little guys..sending you love! Kate dust and happiness! hi to Colin! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

signing off to read and eat some lunch. Mike has a fever and a sore throat, he says it's allergies but I dunno, he's staying in his room but Cara is required to go to work on Monday.. If they both get sick then I have to take Auti, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it for now!

Bought Chris a bread machine on Amazon but bread flour and yeast are sold out! he said his local store had no bread or peanut butter.. he's a 'guy' :)

bbl hopefully.. gonna watch a movie! not sure what tho..

Peace, LOVE, Good vibes, Healing vibes and dust and to those who believe may God bless you and yours.. I'm not fatalistic or anything but I am a big believer for fighting for what I believe in and in peace and love so there ya go! that's me.



Dec 9, 2013
Missy, if you do get snow, here’s hoping it’s snow-lite and pretty.

Anyone else here feeling lethargic? I can’t quite figure out a reason to get up and get moving. I caught three snails in my iris garden last week and have been too lazy to take them down to the park, so they’ve been in my kitchen, in a jar of course, eating lettuce for the past few days.

That’s making think about the goldfish again : > )


Jun 8, 2008
Missy, if you do get snow, here’s hoping it’s snow-lite and pretty.

Anyone else here feeling lethargic? I can’t quite figure out a reason to get up and get moving. I caught three snails in my iris garden last week and have been too lazy to take them down to the park, so they’ve been in my kitchen, in a jar of course, eating lettuce for the past few days.

That’s making think about the goldfish again : > )

Yes, I am still in bed reading PS and eating (theme of the days...we are going to run out of food too soon if I keep eating so much !) breakfast. I am trying to get motivated to get up and workout and get that out of the way. I am not loving doing "weights" I write in in quotations because I don't think the 3-6 lbs I am doing is considered weighty at all lol. But baby steps right?

Anyway sending you and the other girls here lots of motivating dust and good energy and well wishes.
Theme of 2020 is One Day At A Time (((HUGS))).


Jun 8, 2008
GM lovely ladies and happy Sunday.

@missy how's things with you, Chris got his internet but now that you all are in place he's sort of stuck home. He said he couldn't find bread at his grocery store so I bought him a breadmaker on Amazon, unfortunately Amazon has no bread flour or yeast :( hopefully he can find something in his area to make bread. Kate is hunkered down, Danny is hunkered down so that is that. I heard from Kate and Dan's Dad, he's in Buffalo with bros and sister there so he's good. Nothing new here, we aren't on lockdown but we cannot have gatherings of more than 10 and we were supposed to have a big cul de sac party etc so that is a bummer but I did make brownies! so there is that.

How's the toe, I have to read on further you probably talked about it. Greg's knee swelling go down? what an amazing time huh Missy the Marvelous, would you ever have thought we would see this world? not me. Very painful to read about and see.. How's your mom and dad? I will have to read further as I said, how's your sister and girls? goodness it's crazy.. I'm gonna post this one and continue to read. xoxoxo love you girl.

Love you girlie. So yeah I had part of my toenail removed again this time the other side of the big toe left leg. In January he removed the left side toenail of the left toe and the other day he had to remove part of the right side of the left toenail. And he didn't use a needle due to too much scar tissue so he just froze it. Hurt like the you know what. The fun keeps coming. It hurts a bit still. Hoping it heals well as we may not be able to travel to NJ now.

I am glad Chris got his internet back. That is something. I am sorry bread is nowhere to be found. Crazy. Smart you got him a breadmaker and hopefully the ingredients can be located at markets or online soon.
Greg is doing OK thanks for asking. Mom and Dad OK too. Praying everyone stays well. I am very very anxious for their well being. My mom has no immune system left. She is super vulnerable and of course my dad is 86 with underlying conditions (high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, asthma to name a few) so I am stressed but trying to take it one day at a time and hope for the best.

Sister and BIL working full time and sis is taking the kids with her to work. Both sister and BIL are considered essential and cannot stay home.

Oh no about Mike and his sore throat. How is he doing today? Sending lots of healing dust and good vibes his way.

Yummy to making brownies. I can almost smell and taste them from here and dayummm they are good.

@missy the uncertainty of everything is quite worrisome. Our minds can certainly take us down dark paths; I am hoping house arrests don’t last long. That is s once to help out that gentleman in your building. That is awesome Gracie and Oliver play together now. Sorry they are still little chow hounds (okay kitties). I hate to hear your parents had dropped Triple A; I always say you only need that when you don’t have it, right? It is hard knowing how to help your parents and Greg’s mom yet not expose them to things. I am sorry your sister and BIL have to go to work. I hate to hear Greg has a suspicious mole that needs checked. Hopefully you can get in somewhere in a few weeks. Nice you got some ice cream. I totally loved seeing some gorgeous signs of spring; thank you. I see snow out of my prison cell. That’s great Thomas made videos for you; they are so helpful. These are trying times for sure and definitely an emotional rollercoaster. Nice new blue band; and the other ones you ordered are great. I ordered Marty their moon and constellation band for Christmas; sadly it was painted on and worse off already.

We finally got permission to work from home starting Monday. 2 of my 5 employees are choosing to go in to work though. My boss is scheduling 2 meetings a day that we all dial in to participate. I’m bored already. I did wipe down our countertops, light switches and door handles. Then washed those cloths by themselves.

Wait, so the design peeled off on Marty's constellation ring? Darn. Yes the uncertainty is something for me that is hard to live with but live with it we must. So maintaining calm (because of course we can only control how we react/feel to what is happening and cannot control what is happening sadly) and taking it one day at a time. I hope I can continue to help others and as long as we stay well we will. Even if that means multiple trips shopping to get my elderly neighbors food. It is the only way. Greg has a woodworking mask he brought back from his workshop at the beach. I don't know if I will wear it or not. I just looked at it yesterday and I hate anything touching my face. But I guess if I have go to the market for my neighbors and the trips put me at greater risk maybe the mask can help mitigate that risk? I know nothing about masks but started a thread about it to see if PSers who are knowledgeable will chime in and share their info with us.

Woohoo to being able to work from home. Finally. That must be a weight off your shoulders.
Why are 2 employees going to go in to work when they can work from home?
Hugs to you and Mr Marty @marcy.

Miss you honey! From mine to yours also! At least you have good health insurance! So you will be fine no matter what! And bored. Probably bored no matter what too! Lol. Sorry. How is a Greg cooping with work in all this mess? Home office? Hugs!

Miss you sweet Scandi! Hugs across the many miles. I am not yet bored. Greg is definitely not bored. He is working on our new canopy design. I have limitations now re sitting down and getting up due to my OP diagnosis so he is redesigning the canopy on the bike so I can get off and on it without bending my spine. Lots to do here plus work for as long as that continues fingers crossed. Hope you are staying engaged and happy and well despite the circumstances and thinking of you and your mom and grandmother. How are they doing? (((Hugs))).

Oh I LOVE the penguins soo cute! That will brighten your day and bring a little novelty along with some fun leggings!
I think you're being wise to take all precautions and when you do go out to limit to once per week. I woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat and couldn't sleep for a while worrying if I got it. I'm sure I'm not the only one 2nd guessing every physical symptom. I feel great so I think its just my mind lol.
Ok back to bling! We are enso sisters along with @Tonks And I'm sure many more! I got these shortly after we were engaged and I was trying to understand thickness of bands and ease my cookoo mind while we were waiting for my ering to be made which is 2.4mm thick. I love these rings! I love the heart and if coarse got some for my hubby, I think a different brand though. He loves them too! 20200321_123314.jpg 20200321_123342.jpg

Aww I LOVE your rings! They look great on you and what pretty pastel pink. And love the heart. I also love that you and your DH wear Enso rings together. Sweet. We are bling sisters and Enso sisters and well we are sisters at heart. Sending you hugs and love.

@junebug17 continued good thoughts for you and your lovely family. Hope everyone is well and stays that way. Extra good vibes being sent to your brother. I hope he is managing under the stressful circumstances. Hugs to all of you.

hello lovelly sparkly NIRDI ladies
you are all in my prayers right now

stay safe, stay healthy and stay apart ;)2

Thank you Daisy and same here right back at ya. XOXO.

@canuk-gal how are you doing on the front lines? Sending you lots of love and good wishes. Stay strong, stay well.

@Austina sending you lots of love and good wishes and hoping all is well. Adam, Kim, Colin and you stay well and this will pass. In a few months? In 8 months? In a year? IDK when but it will pass. We just have to hang in there. (((Hugs))).

@Niffler75 how are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? How is your DH doing? How is your son feeling? Does he know what is going on? I think of you every day and sending good thoughts and well wishes and hugs your way. We are here for each other and every little bit helps. I believe staying strong and positive has a lot to do with our overall well being and sharing and getting out our concerns and finding support here can be so helpful. (((Hugs))).

@sarahb continued hugs and love being sent your way and lots of well wishes.

So yesterday was another day that went fast despite not doing much of anything lol. Worked out -elliptical and weights and Pilates. Then washed my hair (oh so exciting lol) and then had a nice long convo with a girlfriend (love you) and then Greg and I went out for a short walk as it was a gorgeous day. We stayed away as best as possible from people. So many people here. Definitely more dangerous here than in the suburbs. But we crossed the street many times to get away from others. Sad situation to have to isolate from others. In a way it takes away the human in humanity. We need connection to survive. But it is only temporary. Challenging nonetheless.

Then we went home had dinner and continued watching The Outsider (I don't love it but Greg is enjoying it...I find it slow) while I browsed PS and then it was bedtime. Another day went by without doing anything much and went by fast.

Stay well, stay strong dear NIRDIs. (((HUGS))).

Leaving you with a cheerful and beautiful photo from our walk yesterday. Hello Spring. Magnificent Magnolias are starting to bloom here.

Screen Shot 2020-03-22 at 8.35.53 AM.png


Jun 8, 2008
@Mamabean how are you all doing? Keeping you in my thoughts every single day. (((Hugs))).

Here is a mockup of Greg's redesign of the canopy.

It lifts up from the captain's seat so the whole thing lifts up so I can get out and in without bending my back.

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