
Now I really did it :((


Oct 30, 2016
Hi NIRDIs. I’ve been thinking about you all a lot lately. It’s been about 7 months since I posted in NIRDI and I’ve only been back looking at PS boards in the last few weeks. It’s been a roller coaster and I’ve missed chatting with you all.

DH, kids, and I moved to Scottsdale, AZ forDH’s job. We paid two mortgages for 7 months (grrrrrr) and I had a devil of a time finding a job since I’m not licensed here. I finally found the perfect opportunity and started in February with a major hospital system doing exactly what I want to be doing. Finances were horrible until I got a job and sold my old house (last week).

I thought we were in the clear and things were starting to really look up. Then last night I ended up at the ER because I thought I was having a stroke (at 43, ha!) and it turned out I’m having seizures and am told it’s likely due to a growth in my hypothalamus near the base of my brain. As of today, I cannot drive, am working remotely what with COVID and all. And really feeling defeated. Work is 40min away and public transportation is not an option but figuring out how to get to work is a necessity.

I’m just venting.Thanks for listening. Anyone have any experience with epilepsy/brain tumors/neurosurgery? Hope everyone is well.



Feb 24, 2017
I’m so sorry @Keeliamira, what an awful time for you all. Sending love and good thoughts that you can get your health all sorted out and that everything else settles down and makes your life easier.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi NIRDIs. I’ve been thinking about you all a lot lately. It’s been about 7 months since I posted in NIRDI and I’ve only been back looking at PS boards in the last few weeks. It’s been a roller coaster and I’ve missed chatting with you all.

DH, kids, and I moved to Scottsdale, AZ forDH’s job. We paid two mortgages for 7 months (grrrrrr) and I had a devil of a time finding a job since I’m not licensed here. I finally found the perfect opportunity and started in February with a major hospital system doing exactly what I want to be doing. Finances were horrible until I got a job and sold my old house (last week).

I thought we were in the clear and things were starting to really look up. Then last night I ended up at the ER because I thought I was having a stroke (at 43, ha!) and it turned out I’m having seizures and am told it’s likely due to a growth in my hypothalamus near the base of my brain. As of today, I cannot drive, am working remotely what with COVID and all. And really feeling defeated. Work is 40min away and public transportation is not an option but figuring out how to get to work is a necessity.

I’m just venting.Thanks for listening. Anyone have any experience with epilepsy/brain tumors/neurosurgery? Hope everyone is well.

Oh @Keeliamira I am so sorry :(

I don't know anything about epilepsy/neurosurgery but can understand how you are feeling going through so much and finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and getting life back to order and then this.
Have you found a neurosurgeon you like? Someone who can really help you understand your options and help you figure out what is your best path?

Sending you so many good vibes, healing dust and good thoughts and gentle hugs. We are here for you however we can be to listen you and support you and just here for you. {{{Hugs}}}.


Jan 3, 2020
@Keeliamira :wavey: So sorry you are not well. I have experience of brain surgery. I had a suspected prolactinoma that turned
out to be an arachnoid cyst. I had a shunt out in over 13 years ago.
I remember the feelings of shock just after diagnosis.
Happy to help/ support in any way I can! =)2 x


Jun 8, 2008
Lol I wish I could write down for the police all the reasons I want to leave my house. It would be a novel. What’s happening now is not quite what I had in mind for a vacation :)
What they gave us is a form letter. You have to check off each box and sign that you understand what each thing means and agree to it.
Things like ...only leaving the house for food...only walking near your own house.
Then you have to write your exact address and your birthday.

I guess If they find me wandering too far from home, they’ll figure out my age and assume I’m just a harmless demented elder. That’s gotten me out of a jam with the police here before. Two minutes of talking to me at a driver’s license checkpoint last year and they sent me on my way shaking their heads. The are really quite nice to clueless old ladies. The secret is to act as clueless as possible .:lol:
But this time if they catch you too far from your house you get a fine.

Not the same thing but we just got a text from the Mayor that we are supposed to stay home but for food, drugstore etc. And we are not supposed to visit the ER unless we are severely ill (which makes sense all of it really). Just not great news overall.

And yes acting like a clueless old lady works. More power to you @Jimmianne. I think that will be my next move should I be stopped by a police officer. Thanks for the idea. ::)

Honestly @missy, what the hell is wrong with people? We’d like to think that a national (& international) situation would bring out the best in people, but it seems to be the reverse. It sounds like the day from hell having to deal with the crazies at Costco. Glad you managed to get supplies and back home without further incident. Sorry to be macabre, but on seeing the notice I thought Dead On Arrival :shock::lol: We’re watching the new Fox series of War of the Worlds, pretty grim, but hey ho.

IDK what is wrong with people. SMH lots these days. See below.
Hugs to you and Colin and Adam and Kim.

So my friend M and I went out after I came back from PT this afternoon and we were walking having a good time and wham a cyclist grabbed her pocketbook. She is insisting it was an accident...he whizzed by so closely and she moved her arm not seeing him (he was on the sidewalk!!! GRRRRR) and her bag fell on the front of his bike. So weird. Not sure if he did it on purpose or if it was an accident as she thinks it was. If it was an accident he wasn't aware because he didn't stop. So that's that. Luckily she only had her keys in the small bag. He won't be pleased if he is a criminal haha. No ID or anything. Whew. But still disconcerting and we are living in uneasy times. Greg just left to try finding me 3lb dumbbells but I am thinking that isn't a great idea. He insisted though. And the PT appointment I had at HSS (recommendation to me by the President of the NOF) was canceled just now. All non essential services canceled or rather postponed. I say canceled because my estimate is this will be for at least 4-6 months. Oh well. Gotta roll with the punches and adapt. The therapist called me herself to cancel and she said to just keep active and moving. LOL easier said than done if we have to stay confined to our home.

@missy OMG a drive to NJ for supplies. :eek2:How far is that distance wise? I am trying to book some online food deliveries and the next available slots are in 11 days. So my hubby will probably pop out for any essentials at night.

I had a suspected prolactinoma that turned
out to be an arachnoid cyst. I had a shunt out in over 13 years ago.
I remember the feelings of shock just after diagnosis.

Hi @Niffler75 Glad you came through that ordeal A OK. How scary that must have been and yes a shock too. So glad it is over and you are doing so well.

Re food delivery: There are no food delivery slots available for as far as they are booking it out. Crazy right? I am glad you can get delivery. We are not supposed to leave the house after 8PM here (a loose curfew so far) so grocery shopping has to be done earlier. Sending you hugs and good thoughts and calming vibes. XO.

Omg...One more busy family member would tip me over the edge! :lol:

OK well I will take that as a maybe then :lol:

PT went well. My therapist showed me some loose weight exercises using 3lb weights. Unfortunately I only have 5 lb weights (and 8 and 10 lbs) at home so went searching for 3 lb weights online with no luck for getting it this week. So Greg left just a few minutes ago to see if they have it in stock at target which is about a mile away. He is walking there. I don't know if sending him out is the stupidest idea ever given all that is going on here. I just don't know. I also don't know if we should stay here or go to NJ and I sure hope they let us out of the state should we decide we have to go to NJ.

Leaving you with 2 photos of me doing some PT exercises. It's harder than it looks. Or at least for a weakling like me. :oops:

This one works the legs.
Screen Shot 2020-03-17 at 3.03.41 PM.png

This one works the back and arms I guess.
Screen Shot 2020-03-17 at 3.04.04 PM.png

And lots of dumbbell exercises too today. I cannot remember all of them but Greg took pics to help us remember. The therapist only had a printout to give me of 2 of the 6 dumbbell exercises she showed me. I don't know how older people (like me) are supposed to remember how to correctly do the exercises.

That's all girls. Have a good night and see you tomorrow. Hugs.


Mar 31, 2018
@Keeliamira I‘m so sorry this is happening to you..I know you had your plate full already when you bought your new this. Life is definitely not fair...Hugs


Feb 27, 2007

@Jimmianne it is so pretty there. Beautiful flowers. I’m on the fence whether to spend about 3K on earrings right now but I might at least get an estimate on them. Good cover to act like a clueless old lady; we all know you are far from that.

@AV_ oh no for having a storm. We are expecting a blizzard starting tomorrow night. I would miss seeing sunrises and sunsets for sure. I always try to look.

@missy Costco sounds like a nightmare. Our shelves are still bare. Albertsons last night looked like the day before Thanksgiving. Marty stopped later and said they had no milk, bread, meat and very little produce. Thanks, I totally like the Snoopy staying in bed. Too funny watching Outbreak. Timely topic. Nice you have good balance. Smart move to cancel the pub crawl. You can use pennies to make up weights; I don’t remember how many per pounds but I am sure you can find it on line. I am glad they gave you some lifting to do at home. That is awful about M’s pocketbook; hopefully it was an accident. My purse always seems to stick out a bit and catch on things.

@Niffler75 How nice your daffodils are in bloom. Our grass, trees and perennials are all still dormant.

@Mamabean I am glad you are safe and sound. Good idea for you and DH to watch shows together at the same. Bailey won’t go hungry. I am sorry you will not be with so many of your family for a while; thank goodness we can all chat online and see each other now. Hang in there! I hope you are sleeping better. I am sorry to hear Chris is in detention. That is too bad.

@Austina I am still debating on those earrings. I did mention them to Marty last night and he didn’t say anything. I worry about both of our jobs with what is going on but then hey I’m helping get some money back in circulation. I did order some baby blue tennis shoes. I feel bad for your friends and the husband that has MS. Good idea to suggest going for a walk. I suggested the same thing to my friend who is self-isolating herself and totally freaking out. Glad to hear you were able to get some food, the hoarding is really becoming problematic. That’s great you can get a refund from BA. Yes, sadly my part of the world has gone crazy as well.

@Tekate so far Marty is at least in conference calls every day. Many of them already work at home so that is good. So far we are still required to come in to the office. Once I assess the height of the snow drifts outside Thursday morning I may say I’m working from home. I’m not concerned they’d fire me which gives me some leverage. Or not – who knows? I tell you the stores are crazy right now.

@blingdream19 thank you for thinking of Marty and I. Generally I would say my job is stable but it relies heavily on live sporting events which are non-existent right now. Marty is the last man standing in his position so hopefully they continue to need him. It is worrisome for sure. That Costco pendant is pretty. Thanks. Oh no for sleeping in. I worry about the internet becoming overwhelmed with so many people working from home.

#canuk-gal nice you had beautiful blue skies yesterday. What a treat. Definitely good advice, keep calm and handwash on.

@sarahb oh no you are getting a cold. Get better!! I totally can identify with your garage; I swear we could build a sandbox out of what has dropped off our cars the past few months. It’s never warm enough to clean it out either. I haven’t seen a star in weeks but it’s not for lack of trying. I’ll keep checking though.

@Keeliamira that’s great you got a job doing exactly what you want. Good deal finally selling your other house. Oh no to having seizures. Can they control it with medicine or will they remove the growth? I hope you find a way to get to work. Big hugs to you!

So we are still working in the office but now have a daily meeting with our director. People are crazy and worried here too. A blizzard starts tomorrow evening. I will self-isolate on Thursday and Friday if it’s bad.

Take care. Wash those hands. Yes, my OCD means I wash my hands a lot anyway. A dermatologist actually has nagged at me for washing my hands too much – mostly because they are always raw and split from being dry.



May 11, 2013
@AV_ wow clam risotto, sounds delicious, do you use parmesan cheese? You have tons of work, you always seem to be on the cusp and perfect so you will do it all girl. Now I want risotto! hope you are having a nice sleep AV! xoxoxo stay well.

@missy Chris told me that all he does is go to the local deli and pizza joint! he's good, Dan and Anne's kids are off lockdown except that St Ann's is doing tele-school, the girls dad and step mom and 2 sisters and 1 brother are under confinement since he has the virus, not sure if his wife and their kids have it, but I'll hear. The ex had to go up to Stamford to get a test though, could not get a test in Manhattan.. ugh. I think for people in the city to go to Costco it's more of a trek than for the suburbanites, here I can go to at least 3 Costcos pretty easily. Mike bought us apples and told us to eat them to be healthy :) I'm on my 50th HS reunion committee to be held in June in Danbury, CT of course I think we should cancel it NOW, but the head of the committee thinks we should wait to April, he used to be a VP at Dow Chemical and he acts like he rules :) he says things that other people don't get, but lucky me worked at IBM and TCI and I have heard it all.. I like him but what a PITA. I'm sorry Missy that these medical issues of OP have has reared its ugly head.. I know exercise does build bone. John and I bought the special kind of face masks back when SARS come about so we have them if we need them. Doctors cancelled my 2 appts for March, not heard about the Derm yet, but I am sure I will. Looking forward to a well country, I am hoping so sincerely if we all contain ourselves that we can minimize any horrible numbers of deaths etc. I do agree with AV Missy in that our bodies to want to be at a certain weight.. so be good to Missy and do what they tell ya! xoxoxoxo mucho love to you and Greg and kids.

@sarahb Hi Sarah! you do have a wonderful hubster. all our schools here in Travis and Williamson county here in Tx are on spring break this week, and they will announce soon if they wil reopen or just start online.. this subdivision we rent in has sooooo many little ones it's great but I try to keep my 6 foot rule if I am outside. Does your son work at Costco? My older son (32) worked at Costco back in 06, he was making then 15$ an hour then, he'd just graduated from HS in 05 and he was a little snot so he got the job at Costco and then they laid him off in January after XMAS, he was so full of himself he didn't know it was just a seasonal position, Mr Smartie Pants, anyway he's a lead computer programmer for the state of Texas now, took him 9 years to get a degree :) but he's happily married, with his baby girl, and he got over it.. EVERY time I go into Costco I think of him :) stay healthy and sending hugs xoxoxoxo

@Mamabean ohh MB I am so sorry your time away from your family hit you so hard, I know how you felt in a way. You are such a good mother, wife, daughter, granny YOU ARE.. yes you can facetime and did you now if you use Facebook and your son or family member(s) have an account too than you call do visual calls through their messenger app, that is how I face time with Chris, he has never downloaded the Duo app used by android phones that we all have (except Cara but I don't facetime her we just text).. so that may be a possible way for you and people to see each other.. :) try to get some sleep puleeze.. you and Missy and everyone worries and takes care of others before themselves so you take care of MB I am so thrilled to read that Chris is doing VERY well on his program Joanne, makes a mom's heart sing.. xoxoxoxo

@Niffler75 Sorry your sons meetings with the teacher were cancelled but as mom's we know it's best to keep our kids as sick free as possible.. and online will work I'm sure, my husband said its as though the world is being forced to educate online which may speed things up in that direction after the virus recedes. who knows, maybe! sending hugs and health to you mom, xoxoxoxoxo

@Austina I so hope that your May trip will not be pushed back.. that would be so sad, safety first I know but I am hoping May is too far out to think it might not happen. Smart to pay by CC for a vacation for sure.. Sandals is huge, Mike and Cara went to Sandals in Jamaica for their honeymoon and were supposed to go to Sandals st Lucia! this past Oct but since they are putting all their money into buying a house the Sandals vacation has been put on hold but they put a downpayment so I think they have 10 years to Sandals again. take care, hi to Colin, Adam and fiancee, keeping fingers crossed to see you in May! xoxoxo

@Jimmianne Well not much of a vacation but it's rural there (or looks that way) so if the polizi have nothing else to do but herd their wonderful elders and charge them then I say, act demented! :) more pix! it's so beautiful.. hope you are well and having some good French bread and cheese and lotsa wine. xoxoxoxo and a huge Kate hug.

@Keeliamira Whoa.. I hope all is well soon.. I'm happy it wasn't a stroke at 43! you've had one helluva last 7 mos.. others may have told you already but @cflutist had brain surgery oooh maybe 3-4 years ago.. she is of course a flutist and she recovered nicely, you could shout out to her. I am sending good thoughts and happy thoughts and healthy dust for a quick find out what this is and getting the right med or surgery if you need it.. I'm sorry this happened, as Missy always says "we are here for each other" keep in touch PLEASE. xoxoxox

@marcy Hey, things sound status quo for you and Marty which is good! has Marty had to close the gym?? yes we have to continue to wash our hands. sending you hugs and love Marcy girl. xoxoxo

nothing new, nada, we are doing old NYTimes crosswords to pass the time. Mike said he will food shop either Friday or Sunday.. I face timed Auti and sang itsy bitsy spider and she was mesmerized.. love that sweet little baby.. have a great evening everyone and you guys in Europe get sleep! xoxoxo


Jul 20, 2012
@Keeliamira, am so sorry to read your post re your diagnosis. I can only imagine what you & your family are going through right now. On the plus side, you now have a diagnosis, and a point to begin treatment to get yourself on the road to recovery. I know its so hard with so much hitting you at once, but please try to keep your mind in a positive place right now. I firmly believe positive thinking goes a long way to support your ability to recover & get through this time of your life. Hang in there, & please come to the thread. This is a great group. Sending ((hugs)) & dust to you!


Jul 20, 2012
@missy I can't believe that guy on the bike didn't stop!! Come on... when you ride a bike you are acutely aware of that bike & everything it comes in contact with. I'm with you, how could he NOT know he snagged her purse? Grrrr, not nice at all, Mr Bike guy!

I see an endocrinologist for my bone health. (She also monitors my Hashimotos & thyroid levels.) The Dr that did my femur surgery wanted me to see a bone Dr, because back in 07 when the sarcoma was removed, I was entering Osteo-pinia. The gal I go to lives around the corner from me.

A few years ago, she wanted me to start one of those osteoporosis drugs you see on TV all the time. I can't remember which one it was, but that particular drug had side effects which included a propensity for jaw osteonecrosis & other issues. Well, combine that with my sarcoma history, lets just say I wasn't interested.

So we started on a patch of low dose estrogen. Her theory was to trick my body into thinking it wasn't in menopause, and to hang on to the bone mass instead of shedding it. And wouldn't you know, it's been successful. My bone loss has stabilized. I really work hard to eat the right foods, take my vitamins religiously, work out with weights and so forth. My last scan was good.

I don't have spinal involvement like you've described--and I was so sorry when I read that. But glad to see you've begun some PT using weights--keep at it too, it will definitely help.

I do have to be careful to balance out my swimming with weight sessions, because you have next to no bone stress when you swim. And I have to swim due to that hip injury, (you know--the one that brought me to the NIRDI thread!) its the only way I can get really good cardio in.

I started my weight training back in 08, so its been almost 12 years. For lighter weights, if Greg can't find any, you can always order them on Amazon. I'll be watching your progress on this front. I was also thinking, once you are comfortable with the weights & your capacity/capabilities, you can always order a weight lifting book for OP, just a thought. Hang in there sis. XOXO


Jul 20, 2012
@Tekate Yes, he is going to college, works at Costco, & loves it. But what kid wouldn't at $15 an hour. I must say, they really treat their employees well though. He's geeked when he gets time & a half on Sundays--and with everything I've seen thus far, I think its a good environment for a young (read: still learning about work) person. Be well Kate! :wavey:


Oct 30, 2016
Oh @Keeliamira I am so sorry :(

Have you found a neurosurgeon you like? Someone who can really help you understand your options and help you figure out what is your best path?
I haven’t found a neurosurgeon yet...I’m still very early in the process. I have an EEG Thursday, in-depth location-specific MRI Monday, and am meeting with two neurologists Wednesday. If I have what they assume (and the historical/prior testing/symptomology is lock step) it’s complicated by the fact that it’s extremely rare and almost always only affects kids so there is not that much info on adult outcomes or treatment other than anecdotal. Fortunately, the job I took is at one of the best brain specialty hospitals in the country (thank God for small favors). They even have a group that specializes in treating this. Right now, I just need to get through testing and get more definitive answers.

@Keeliamira :wavey: So sorry you are not well. I have experience of brain surgery. I had a suspected prolactinoma that turned
out to be an arachnoid cyst. I had a shunt out in over 13 years @Keeliamira that’s great you got a job doing exactly what you want. Good deal finally selling your other house. Oh no to having seizures. Can they control it with medicine or will they remove the growth? I hope you find a way to get to work. Big hugs to you
And @marcy
Not sure yet on controlling it with meds. My secondary concern is cognitive deterioration...I’ve already noticed it and it’s not thought to be reversible. :confused2: I’m tending to think they will recommend surgery as this particular type does not respond to anticonvulsant meds. The surgery options are scary...while there are a couple that are non-invasive the one with higher success (like 70%) takes three years to see full results. The others involve various versions of entering the top of my head, going down between the two sides of my brain, and addressing the growth while avoiding damaging my optic nerves, and often results in diabetes and adrenal dysfunction on the low end, due to location.
I'm sorry you went through brain scariness too. Glad to know I’m not alone.have you had any lasting impacts?

Whoa.. I hope all is well soon.. I'm happy it wasn't a stroke at 43! you've had one helluva last 7 mos.. others may have told you already but @cflutist had brain surgery oooh maybe 3-4 years ago.. she is of course a flutist and she recovered nicely, you could shout out to her. I am sending good thoughts and happy thoughts and healthy dust for a quick find out what this is and getting the right med or surgery if you need it.. I'm sorry this happened, as Missy always says "we are here for each other" keep in touch PLEASE. xoxoxox
Thanks Kate. And thank you for the info on @cflutist. I will do my best to keep you posted. I love reading about what everyone has been up to. If I don’t respond to everyone’s check-ins all the time please know I read every single one and am thinking about all of you. My brain hurts constantly and I am super fatigued. I’m pretty sure I’m having pretty constant electrical brain misfires and it’s wearing me out.

@sarahb @Mamabean @Austina thank you. Thank you, each of you fabulous NIRDI’s for your messages, dust, etc. I love this little PS group.


Feb 27, 2007
@Tekate it sounds like Chris has his meals all lined up; now to get some internet, huh? That is pretty cool you can do live conference calls on FB. That’s pretty nice. Marty has not closed his gym; he has wipes everywhere and people wipe everything down before they use them and after they are done with them. He has antibacterial soap in the bathroom and it’s up to the clients if they want to come in to lift. My friend that is absolutely freaking out is one of his clients and she won’t go in right now; I tried to talk her off the ledge but doubt I got too far. Her husband has the option of working at home or going in to work and so far he’s going in to work. I gave her 2 assignments - take a walk every 2 hours and write a list of the 100 coolest things about Marcy. She’s sent me 3 so far and none of them are very nice. Ha Ha. Marty got a new project to work on today so that’s good news. That is so awesome you serenaded Auti with Itsy Bitsy Spider. You know I’m singing it now.

@sarahb that is so awesome low dose estrogen and diet stopped your bone loss. Marty will be excited to hear another lifter is on my diamond thread. That’s great your son likes working at Costco.

@Keeliamira good luck with all of your tests and I am relieved to hear you work at one of the best brain specialty hospitals in the country. My question on medicine was based on my initial thoughts about controlling seizures, I wish it was possible that worked for you. The surgeries do sound scary; I am glad you are in good hands. I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts.

We had a confirmed case in town. Schools are closed until April 6 then will re-evaluate. Most restaurants are only open for takeout.



Nov 19, 2014
Hey NIRDIs - I am so sorry so many are dealing with such devastating issues on top of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please take care of yourselves.

For my mental health well being I am trying to stay off the Internet and social media (PS) for a while. I check the Canadian news sites, concentrating on local. My husband keeps me posted while trying to keep me calm. I have had an immune system disorder for 35 years so I am self isolating. I always used to joke that if there ever was a pandemic I'd be one of the first ones to drop. Not so funny now :cry: .

DH had to go the vet clinic today and grocery store but beyond that we plan on staying in for as long as possible. We have a furniture pick up and drop off tomorrow but we will leave some things outside and they will only have to come in for the large items. It should be in and out in less than 10 minutes. We will wipe down the new furniture wearing gloves and leave it in another area of the house for awhile. Later in the week I have a medication delivery. That will be the extent of my contact with anyone for awhile unless there is an emergency.

We are keeping busy spring cleaning and I'm getting back into baking. I am making healthy whole grain muffins and cookies to freeze. DH does the cooking and I do the baking. I am going to get back into making fashion jewellery as I find it very relaxing. I have a ton of supplies in my basement. I am hoping to make a bunch of items so I can donate them to pet shelters for them to sell, once things settle down. For me the fun is the creativity and joy in making items to give away. We are also re-watching all our favourite tv shows and movies while snuggling with our 3 furbabies. Thank goodness we have some exercise equipment at home. And once it is less slippery outside I'll go for walks outside.

@Keeliamira - I am so sorry you going through this. Hugs to you!

@missy - I love Gracie. She is such a little sweetheart. Thank goodness the ringworm issue is over and Greg's surgery is behind you.

@Austina - I am so glad you are not travelling to St. Lucia.

@marcy - I am inspired to get out my little free weights. They may only be a few lbs but I have to start somewhere.

To the other NIRDIs - hang in there!


Jan 3, 2020
@Keeliamira Yes I had some cognitive deterioration. Unfortunately I was left for nearly 2 years by doctors who did not carry out appropriate tests to diagnose but that's a whole other story. ::) I had one of the largest arachnoid cysts my surgeon had ever seen. It was squashing my pituitary and optic nerves and was the size of an orange. My neurosurgeon was fantastic!
After surgery I was diagnosed with moderate brain injury. I had some speech therapy and physio. One doc said I may never return to work.
Within a year I had returned to nursing. :mrgreen2: I changed speciality as the brain injury can make me quite fatigued. I went back to university and got my masters.
I have had to adapt some things that I do still but am mostly ok.
The worst effect I had from the surgery was nausea. For a month after surgery i felt like i was seasick, really unbalanced on my feet. :shock: But it did settle.
Fantastic news you are close to a specialist team. Please just allow yourself some time to digest the news. Write a list of questions for appointments and get someone to take notes you can read after.
Please check in and let us know how you are! ((hugs)) xxx


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls. I will try posting here later. I am very tired and just a bit down so just wanted to say good morning and hope everyone is doing as well as possible under the circumstances.

@Niffler75 so glad you came through that terrible ordeal. (((Hugs))).

@Tekate so glad your kids and family are A OK. Glad Chris has all his meals lined up. Thank goodness. And yes to John taking care of the food shopping in a couple of days. He is a great DH! Glad you have crossword puzzles and other things to occupy your brain. I am not one for Crossword puzzles. Too hard for my weak sleep deprived brain. Sending you hugs and love Great Kate. XO.

@Keeliamira sending you lots of good wishes and glad you have a top team nearby. XO

@Poodles4me I am glad you are staying safe and being smart. And yes staying away from the internet (which Greg wishes I would do mainly PS since he is upset it is upsetting me reading about PSers food shortages and such) and not listening to the news too much. Lots of well wishes and hugs being sent your way.

@marcy it was inevitable. I don't think any area will remain untouched by this virus but time will tell and I do hope I am wrong. I can't believe you might be getting another blizzard. Maybe start working from home no matter what your boss says. It seems the prudent thing to do, Stay safe. XO

@sarahb so glad you are successful in your OP treatment and yay for not having it anymore. Long may that continue. And it gives me hope too. (((Hugs))).

@Mamabean much love and good wishes going your way. How is David handling all this? How's your mom doing? How are you feeling? Hang in there and hugs.

@Austina hope all is going well. (Almost) Everything here is closed. XO.

@bling_dream19 how are you doing dear? Hope all is quiet and calm by you. Hugs.

@Slick1 how is your DD? When will you know if she can come home? Hugs.

@Scandinavian glad all is good by you and may it stay that way. XO.

@junebug17 hope all is good by you.

I am sorry if I left anyone out. You are all in my thoughts and I am sending hugs to each and everyone of you. XO.



Jun 8, 2008
Thank you @Niffler75 on our way to PT. Then waiting to hear from my podiatrist. Toe issue again. Sigh.
See you later. And hugs.

@Jimmianne good morning. How are you? XO


Feb 21, 2019
Morning friends! I know this is a really tough time. My husband is not quite understanding we have to stay home for 2 weeks. I finally got my dream and I get to stay home for at least 2 weeks! I have been praying for the gift of time for a long time and I'm really grateful for this time. I don't think I'll get bored as I have tons to do. I will also be pretty busy working virtually and today is the first day.
@missy I'm so sorry to hear your toe is bothering you. Hopefully your doctor can help and you are not in pain. Just look at Bubbalah, your dh, your friends and family and that will make you feel better. Sending you lots of love and hugs friend.
@Mamabean you are so sweet that you go back and look at my rings. I'll post more pics soon I'm sure because they brighten my day too!
Shout outs to everyone and hugs. Going to take a walk and start working. Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!
Leaving you with a pic of Irish pin my mom gave me to wear on my wedding day and somehow it didn't get pinned on anything so I've been wearing it all March for SPD 20200314_201636.jpg
And I made shepherd's pie for dinner yesterday 20200315_211508.jpg
We are 1 and I'm freezing the other 2 and plan to give one to my parents whenever we can see them again.


Jul 20, 2012
@missy & @marcy, re my OP: I didn't mean to send the message that my OP/bone loss made a hard stop due to the hormone patch. Rather, the rate of bone loss has lessened enough to not put me on a more aggressive medication. Yikes, so sorry!!


Mar 31, 2018
Stopping in quickly because everyone is so needy over here..haha They have my undivided attention because we’re all in close quarters...Bailey included.
I got an email from David about Ashley. He said he had to send some employees home..but he and a few other people were still working. He hopes to finish my ring soon and will send pics. He knows to send it here instead of Pa..I told him not to worry..and to take his time...I felt bad that he’s probably overworked with less employees. I hope I love this ring because I can’t send it back for any tweaks for a long time. I trust that if it isn’t right he would tweak it six months from now if it needed it..He’s the best..


Jan 23, 2016
Good afternoon ladies!
I'm okay, and I'm praying that you are too! Desperately trying to get some work down before all projects gets cancelled and the whole market effectively shuts down over here. This b**** virus really spreads fast here in the Nordics. Please stay safe! We have pretty much isolated ourselfs, trying to be extra careful due to my mother and grandmother being in the "risk group" for this thing.
Tons of hugs!!!


Mar 31, 2018
Morning friends! I know this is a really tough time. My husband is not quite understanding we have to stay home for 2 weeks. I finally got my dream and I get to stay home for at least 2 weeks! I have been praying for the gift of time for a long time and I'm really grateful for this time. I don't think I'll get bored as I have tons to do. I will also be pretty busy working virtually and today is the first day.
@missy I'm so sorry to hear your toe is bothering you. Hopefully your doctor can help and you are not in pain. Just look at Bubbalah, your dh, your friends and family and that will make you feel better. Sending you lots of love and hugs friend.
@Mamabean you are so sweet that you go back and look at my rings. I'll post more pics soon I'm sure because they brighten my day too!
Shout outs to everyone and hugs. Going to take a walk and start working. Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!
Leaving you with a pic of Irish pin my mom gave me to wear on my wedding day and somehow it didn't get pinned on anything so I've been wearing it all March for SPD 20200314_201636.jpg
And I made shepherd's pie for dinner yesterday 20200315_211508.jpg
We are 1 and I'm freezing the other 2 and plan to give one to my parents whenever we can see them again.

It looks delicious @bling_dream19! I didn’t think you could freeze mashed potatoes. Have you done it before? Yummmmmm...


Mar 31, 2018
I've never frozen mashed potatoes but I think it'll be great! I'll let you know in a month or so when we eat the other pie lol!

Please let me know! It looks soooo good!


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Honestly @missy, I think we should declare NIRDIland CV free. There’s enough doom and gloom everywhere else, we don’t need to bring it here. I’m sorry you’re having problems with your toe again, it never rains but it pours. I’m keeping everything crossed you can get an appt to get it sorted out. I’m sorry about your friend, being a cynic, I don’t think it was an accident your friend got her bag snatched.

I really don’t think we’ll be able to visit anytime soon @Tekate, who knows how long this situation is going to run, and it’s going to take time for things to get back to normal. The May trip is only about 6 weeks away, and I really don’t think this will be over by then. We’re very disappointed, but it is what it is, we just want everyone to be well, then we can reschedule. At least being retired, we can visit whenever and not tied to holiday times.

You can definitely freeze mashed potato @bling_dream19, I’ve made plenty of shepherds pies in the past and frozen them, so yours will be great when they’re ready to be eaten. Glad you’re looking forward to 2 weeks working from home.

Good to hear from you @Scandanavian, and glad you’re keeping yourselves safe.

You’ve really been through the mill @Niffler75, what a relief you made it through and got to adopt your little boy.

It’s a good idea not to read too much @Poodles4me, we’re in an overload situation and it’s not good to get too overwhelmed by it all. We’re restricting ourselves to watching 1 news broadcast a day.

Hopefully Marty will be able to keep the gym open during this crisis @marcy, As Missy say, it’s inevitable that there’ll be new cases everywhere.

Thank goodness you’re in the best possible place @Keeliamira, I’m keeping everything crossed you get the tests done and then go on to have a successful surgery. I’ll be thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way.

Hi @sarahb I’m glad to hear you’ve had good results with the low does oestrogen which has helped your OP.

We went to the driving range this morning, as the bays are all separate and you don’t have to have contact with anyone whilst there. We did stop off at the supermarket on the way home, but honestly, there was nothing we wanted so it was a wasted trip.

Adam and Kim faced timed us earlier, and I always start the conversation by saying “We’re still alive” :lol:

Wishing you all good health :wavey:


Oct 30, 2016
@Keeliamira Yes I had some cognitive deterioration. Unfortunately I was left for nearly 2 years by doctors who did not carry out appropriate tests to diagnose but that's a whole other story. ::) I had one of the largest arachnoid cysts my surgeon had ever seen. It was squashing my pituitary and optic nerves and was the size of an orange. My neurosurgeon was fantastic!
After surgery I was diagnosed with moderate brain injury. I had some speech therapy and physio. One doc said I may never return to work.
Within a year I had returned to nursing. :mrgreen2: I changed speciality as the brain injury can make me quite fatigued. I went back to university and got my masters.
I have had to adapt some things that I do still but am mostly ok.
The worst effect I had from the surgery was nausea. For a month after surgery i felt like i was seasick, really unbalanced on my feet. :shock: But it did settle.
Fantastic news you are close to a specialist team. Please just allow yourself some time to digest the news. Write a list of questions for appointments and get someone to take notes you can read after.
Please check in and let us know how you are! ((hugs)) xxx
Oh my goodness that sounds terrifying @Niffler75 !! I feel like I’m in a horrible holding pattern right now. I just got a call from the neurologist who was supposed to go over my MRI results with me next week and apparently Mayo is cancelling all “nonessential” appointments of any kind. My test is still on, but who knows when or how I’ll get the results! :eek-2: I’m going to try to get a copy of the disk when they test me so I can give it to my general neuro at least.


Feb 27, 2007

@Poodles4me I am glad you are self isolating; I don’t think it’s a bad thing to avoid listening to the news or media’s frenzy. Good idea to make your own bread; I was going to do that myself. Hopefully the yeast I saw in my cupboard isn’t out of date. That’s great you enjoy making fashion jewelry; it sounds fun. You have some fun and relaxing things lined up. Nice you got out your free weights. I told Marty several of the ladies in my diamond forum are using weights. He smiled.

@Niffler75 oh my gosh that is a huge cyst in your brain. I am glad they finally took care of it for you. That’s great you are generally doing okay; I am sure you worked hard to get there.

@missy I hope you got in a nap today and are feeling better. I don’t think it’s a bad idea to stay away from news; Greg can fill you in if there is something out there. We get blizzards through May so I guess this one is no surprise. A thunderstorm was going on when I got home tonight. Lightning caught my attention after leaving the gym. Of course that means the wet ground will be icy in the morning after it freezes and turns to snow. I hope you can get your toe taken care of very soon.

@bling_dream19 beautiful Irish pin your mom gave you and your Shepard’s pie looks delicious and yes they come out of the freezer fine.

@sarahb thanks for the clarification; that’s even better you only needed a low dosage since the rate of bone loss had lessoned.

@Mamabean I chuckled that everyone is so needy there; I get that as well. That is good David will get finished with Ashley soon; I hate to hear he let employees go. Scary times.

@Scandinavian sorry to hear the virus is spreading so fast there. Your mom and grandmother definitely need to be kept away from people. Stay safe.

@Austina I hope you and Colin can still visit in May. Marty still has his gym open. He has wipes out and washes everything down at night. I actually stopped by after work and lifted. One of his clients was lifting. She and I wiped down the benches and chairs before we left and Marty cleaned the bars off. Good idea to go to the range today. I keep hoping the hoarding will stop and the shelves will be stocked again. It’s crazy. Great way to start the call with Adam and Kim. We’re Alive!!

@Keeliamira I hate to hear they are canceling non-essential appointments; they are doing that here too. That’s good they are still doing your MRI and you can get the results to your general neurologist.

My boss was grumpy today; joy. I stopped by Marty’s gym to lift - I lifted 93 pounds 15 times. Woo hoo. Marty picked up us supper on his way home.

Take care.


Jun 17, 2009
bling_dream 19, your shamrock pin is gorgeous! It's good you have lots of things to keep you busy while you're housebound. I had to smile at the comment about your dh - my husband has been having a little trouble wrapping his mind around staying in too but he's coming around. Restaurants closing has helped a lot with that lol. Thanks so much for your nice words about my ring. It's made by Victor Canera, I bought it off his website. The oval is 1 carat, F VS1. I never did a thread about it but there are some pics on this page (scroll down more than halfway)

@Jimmianne, thinking of you and hoping you're doing well with the new restrictions. I know this isn't the vacation you had planned, and I hope you're comfortable and being good to yourself. Thank you for the compliments on my ring - the above link has a few more pics of it. Your pictures of France are absolutely beautiful.

@missy, it's good the pub crawl was cancelled; obviously the right thing to do! Food stores are crazy and very busy places these days. Good luck with your weight-bearing exercises. I understand your reasons for staying in Brooklyn for now and maybe after your appointments and when you feel ready the beach might be a nice option, just for a change of scenery. I'm glad the CBD oil seems to be helping you, it does sound like there might be something to it...yes, let me know how you make out with it, it might be something my brother would find helpful. I hope you were able to get some rest and that tomorrow is a brighter day for you.

Such cute pics of Gracie - She's such a sweetie.

@Tekate, funny you should mention SC...we're thinking of heading there, we'll see. I'm sorry you have a cold and I'm wishing you a very speedy recovery. Good to hear Chris is doing well. I know you miss him very much. FaceTime is such a great thing and I'm glad you can interact with your adorable granddaughter. Very sweet of Mike to be getting your groceries for you, what a great son you have there.

@Scandinavian, so good to hear from you. Glad to hear your mother and grandmother are doing ok. Sending good thoughts to you and your family. Take care of yourself.

@Niffler75, I hope things are going a little more smoothly for you now. Very glad you're enjoying some sun and nature, sounds lovely.

@Austina, I'm glad things fell into place with the financial aspects of your trip and you can reschedule. I'm sorry about your May trip. Nice that you and Colin went to the driving range; I'm sure the fresh air did you good.

@Calliecake, so exciting to hear that your niece is expecting! Thinking of you and your family during this stressful time and I hope you and your dh are doing well.

@AV_, I am really sorry your friend lost someone to this virus, very sad. I'm glad you are safe and sound. Your last post made me very hungry! Please take care.

@marcy, the dangle earrings you're considering are beautiful! Snow is a very good reason to self-isolate. Sorry your boss was so grumpy and hopefully he cheers up by tomorrow. Very nice on the lifting!

@canuk-gal, thinking of your sister and hoping she handles the self-isolation well. Wonderful that you've been enjoying some sunshine and a walk.

@sarahb, glad you are doing well and it sounds like you have things well organized. Chicken soup sounds wonderful! Sorry you have a cold and I hope it is a mild one and passes quickly.

@Keeliamira, I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis and other worries, life can be so challenging and now there's this virus to contend with. Sending you lots of good wishes that everything works out for you and your life gets more peaceful and calm soon.

@Mamabean, I'm sorry you won't be with your husband for a while. Great idea to watch shows together. And I know it's hard that you won't be seeing other family members. These are very difficult times. Bailey looks so cute and very much at home. And what a sweet kitty. So sorry Chris is in detention, what an unfortunate thing to have happen. Sending you lots of good thoughts...please be good to yourself.

@Poodles4me, sounds like you have a lot of good things planned to keep you busy. Making fashion jewelry sounds like fun and being creative is very rewarding. And great idea to sell what you make for such a worthy cause.

Things are good here. A little stressed at times but overall doing ok. Dh and I have been staying in for the most part. We did venture out to Costco for some frozen items...I'm kind of confused as to how much food to have on hand and felt better having a little extra. I puttered around the house, watched Netflix and checked in with my sister and brother. They're doing well. Kids are good too. DD is already going stir crazy; she's working on some kind of wood wall hanging. Dh and I went for a walk around the neighborhood and that's about it.

I'm thinking of everyone during this really hard time. I know people are struggling with tough situations and I'm sending all of you love and hugs.
Last edited:


Dec 9, 2013
bling_dream 19, your shamrock pin is gorgeous! It's good you have lots of things to keep you busy while you're housebound. I had to smile at the comment about your dh - my husband has been having a little trouble wrapping his mind around staying in too but he's coming around. Restaurants closing has helped a lot with that lol. Thanks so much for your nice words about my ring. It's made by Victor Canera, I bought it off his website. The oval is 1 carat, F VS1. I never did a thread about it but there are some pics on this page (scroll down more than halfway)

@Jimmianne, thinking of you and hoping you're doing well with the new restrictions. I know this isn't the vacation you had planned, and I hope you're comfortable and being good to yourself. Thank you for the compliments on my ring - the above link has a few more pics of it. Your pictures of France are absolutely beautiful.

@missy, it's good the pub crawl was cancelled; obviously the right thing to do! Food stores are crazy and very busy places these days. Good luck with your weight-bearing exercises. I understand your reasons for staying in Brooklyn for now and maybe after your appointments and when you feel ready the beach might be a nice option, just for a change of scenery. I'm glad the CBD oil seems to be helping you, it does sound like there might be something to it...yes, let me know how you make out with it, it might be something my brother would find helpful. I hope you were able to get some rest and that tomorrow is a brighter day for you.

Such cute pics of Gracie - She's such a sweetie.

@Tekate, funny you should mention SC...we're thinking of heading there, we'll see. I'm sorry you have a cold and I'm wishing you a very speedy recovery. Good to hear Chris is doing well. I know you miss him very much. FaceTime is such a great thing and I'm glad you can interact with your adorable granddaughter. Very sweet of Mike to be getting your groceries for you, what a great son you have there.

@Scandinavian, so good to hear from you. Glad to hear your mother and grandmother are doing ok. Sending good thoughts to you and your family. Take care of yourself.

@Niffler75, I hope things are going a little more smoothly for you now. Very glad you're enjoying some sun and nature, sounds lovely.

@Austina, I'm glad things fell into place with the financial aspects of your trip and you can reschedule. I'm sorry about your May trip. Nice that you and Colin went to the driving range; I'm sure the fresh air did you good.

@Calliecake, so exciting to hear that your niece is expecting! Thinking of you and your family during this stressful time and I hope you and your dh are doing well.

@AV_, I am really sorry your friend lost someone to this virus, very sad. I'm glad you are safe and sound. Your last post made me very hungry! Please take care.

@marcy, the dangle earrings you're considering are beautiful! Snow is a very good reason to self-isolate. Sorry your boss was so grumpy and hopefully he cheers up by tomorrow. Very nice on the lifting!

@canuk-gal, thinking of your sister and hoping she handles the self-isolation well. Wonderful that you've been enjoying some sunshine and a walk.

@sarahb, glad you are doing well and it sounds like you have things well organized. Chicken soup sounds wonderful! Sorry you have a cold and I hope it is a mild one and passes quickly.

@Keeliamira, I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis and other worries, life can be so challenging and now there's this virus to contend with. Sending you lots of good wishes that everything works out for you and your life gets more peaceful and calm soon.

@Mamabean, I'm sorry you won't be with your husband for a while. Great idea to watch shows together. And I know it's hard that you won't be seeing other family members. These are very difficult times. Bailey looks so cute and very much at home. And what a sweet kitty. So sorry Chris is in detention, what an unfortunate thing to have happen. Sending you lots of good thoughts...please be good to yourself.

@Poodles4me, sounds like you have a lot of good things planned to keep you busy. Making fashion jewelry sounds like fun and being creative is very rewarding. And great idea to sell what you make for such a worthy cause.

Things are good here. A little stressed at times but overall doing ok. Dh and I have been staying in for the most part. We did venture out to Costco for some frozen items...I'm kind of confused as to how much food to have on hand and felt better having a little extra. I puttered around the house, watched Netflix and checked in with my sister and brother. They're doing well. Kids are good too. DD is already going stir crazy; she's working on some kind of wood wall hanging. Dh and I went for a walk around the neighborhood and that's about it.

I'm thinking of everyone during this really hard time. I know people are struggling with tough situations and I'm sending all of you love and hugs.

Thank you for the link, Mme Junebug. I realize that I don’t know you in person, but not only is that ring very beautiful, it seems quite suited to you! Lovely and feminine.
VC is such a master, not an atom out of place : )
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