
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Austina, I’m sorry. You are smart to wait until there is a more pleasant outcome assured. To go now sounds like more of an adventure than anyone would knowingly take on.

Missy, hi. We posted at the same time. Now to read your post.

Tekate , EIGHT months?!

It’s a beautiful day here. The first really sunny day in three weeks. Smiles are returning to the faces.

@Jimmianne , I cannot believe the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre are closed. Our Brooklyn Museum is closed too. What times we live in and I know it is necessary. Hoping things improve soon and we can resume our lives as before. I already miss our museums.

Yay to the sun returning by you. Makes everything seem less awful when the weather is nice. Like it is a promise of good things to come...

Hope all is well and big hugs.


Mar 31, 2018
Quick check in to say hi..I’m packing up to go to Maryland...but it’s crazy how much I have to bring there. Everyone takes meds of some kind..I have to make sure my husband has stuff here..It’s mind boggling. When we were first married he had to go away for 3.5 months on submarine patrol leaving me with a newborn. He would be home 3 months and rotate like that for four years. It feels like it will be like that again...except no visits in between.
Hugs and love to everyone. I’ll talk to you tomorrow when I’m settled and my hubby leaves..:(


Jun 8, 2008
Quick check in to say hi..I’m packing up to go to Maryland...but it’s crazy how much I have to bring there. Everyone takes meds of some kind..I have to make sure my husband has stuff here..It’s mind boggling. When we were first married he had to go away for 3.5 months on submarine patrol leaving me with a newborns. He would be home 3 months and rotate like that for four years. It feels like it will be like that again...Except no visits in between.
Hugs and love to everyone. I’ll talk to you tomorrow when I’m settled and my hubby leaves..:(

Safe journey Joanne. (((Hugs))).


Jun 8, 2008
@Niffler75 hugs to you. I know how stressful this is especially with a young son who has special needs. I want you to know I’m keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and sending lots of love your way and well wishes. (((Hugs))).


Jun 17, 2009
Morning lovelies

So, we’ve made a decision, we’re not going. There have been 2 confirmed cases in St Lucia, (brought in by tourists) and they’re closing the schools. This means there’s bound to be a lot more undiagnosed cases, and let’s face it, if any of us get it, they won’t have the facilities to treat a major outbreak, and they probably wouldn’t treat us anyway. We think it’s only a matter of time before they lock down the islands, so we could get stuck there. We’ve going to discuss it with our friends shortly, as it’s still early morning here, but no amount of money is worth us getting ill or possibly dying.

We’re not going on a cruise, when the cruise company cancelled, we booked to stay at Sandals in St Lucia and Barbados.

@Niffler75 you will have to pay 20% VAT on the item before it’s released to you (at least that’s been my experience). Sorry you’re frazzled, I hope you have a less stressful day today.

They’re talking about getting the army out to ensure people stop the madness of stripping shops bare, and making anyone over 70 stay inside for the next 4 months.

Wishing all the other lovely NIRDIs good health and a peaceful day.

I'm sorry @Austina. I think you made the right call. Between travel restrictions and health concerns, just better to stay put. Sending you lots of good thoughts.


Jun 17, 2009
Quick check in to say hi..I’m packing up to go to Maryland...but it’s crazy how much I have to bring there. Everyone takes meds of some kind..I have to make sure my husband has stuff here..It’s mind boggling. When we were first married he had to go away for 3.5 months on submarine patrol leaving me with a newborn. He would be home 3 months and rotate like that for four years. It feels like it will be like that again...except no visits in between.
Hugs and love to everyone. I’ll talk to you tomorrow when I’m settled and my hubby leaves..:(

Have a safe trip @Mamabean. I know this is really hard, and you are doing all the right things. I hope David is feeling better.
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Jun 7, 2014
@Austina, Thank you for making this decision.

@mambean, I was so glad to hear you are going to Maryland. Are you doing ok now that the decipsi on has been made. You are doing all the right things and being cautious. Your family is lucky to have you. Knowing I am doing everything in my control is helping me feel less anxious. Does David seem less concerned now? Is Chris doing well? We too are just staying home now that the virus has hit so close to home.

Hey @Tekate, I’m glad all is well with you and am sorry the house is turning into a pain in the neck. It sounds like you have been having a ball with Auti. I love reading your posts. Yes, we certainly our in a pickle with all that is happening in the world. Scary stuff. if ever there was a time we needed leadership, it’s now,. One of my nieces is pregnant and due in August. They closed my grandniece’s school on Friday so that is keeping all of us a calmer. Thank you for thinking of me Kate.

I hope everyone is doing well and keeping their spirits up.


Jun 8, 2008
Just checking in and saying good afternoon girls. It's so mild here...60s and sunny. Had to go out for some supplies and fortunately the stores are stocked with food (whew) and even TP and paper towels so for those of you who are in short supply come to Brooklyn. Better yet hopefully you won't be in short supply soon. The streets are crowded and that is not great but I understand people wanting to get out and just be in the sun and feel fresh air on their face. But it is risky I agree. We did go for a walk despite the risk but again we stayed as far as we could from people and I did have to get Tylenol which I managed to find at a small drugstore. It was gone from the bigger chains like Duane Reade and CVS but the local drugstore had one bottle left and while it expires in September it's better than nothing.

Just got home and poor Greg's knee is swollen and painful so he's icing and Gracie Frances what an imp started chewing the frozen corn. Her appetite is freaking out of control lol. She is a sassy lassie with an appetite like Oliver's...OMG what did we get ourselves into :lol:

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@Mamabean hope you are having an easy trip and have arrived safely.

Hello to everyone else and hope you're enjoying this Sunday despite all the concerns and worries. My Aunt had some wise advice. She said we have to look at the glass as half full and see the bright side and appreciate all we do have and find laughter in every day. Praying everyone remains well and feels good and sending you all big (((hugs))).


Feb 24, 2017
She’s a little monkey @missy. :lol: Sorry to hear about Greg’s knee, hopefully the icing and rest will take the swelling down.

This is an update for @canuk-gal, we found on the Sandals US site this :

Please pass it on to your friends, because we sent an email to Sandals UK, telling them that we are very pleased to see that they are taking the health and safety of their guest so seriously, and as we are all in the ‘vulnerable’ category, we would like to take advantage of their offer. They’ve replied asking when we’d like to reschedule for, so hopefully we won’t lose all our money on the booking. BA have let us cancel our flights, and should be issuing us with a rebooking voucher in 48 hrs.

I hope you’ve arrived safely @Mamabean and are settled in for the time being.

Thanks for the good wishes @Calliecake & @junebug17, and hoping all the lovely NIRDIs are keeping safe and calm. We WILL get through this, just have to be prepared for the long haul, and wait to come out the other side. Take care lovelies xxx


Feb 27, 2007

@missy your boots do look fabulous but of course they are enhanced by the person wearing them. I kind of think the older we get the more at peace we are with ourselves and the world and maybe they reach a point where they think there is no sense getting worked up over things. My parents were news junkies so I am sure they knew what was going on in the world. My dad would have definitely done everything he could to protect my mom but probably wouldn’t have changed anything he did every day. I swear I need electric shocks on my fingertips to keep me from scratching my check or nose. I agree staying home all the time will be boring and hopefully none of us get sick. Glad you went for a lovely, long walk. I have heard many times sunlight and fresh air is wonderful for you with this virus. That is too funny Gracie wanted to eat some corn. I am totally with your aunt to look on the bright side and have some laughter every day.

@AV_ I am so sorry to hear you have a friend who lost someone to this virus in Italy.

@canuk-gal LOL to a knitted roll of toilet paper. I’d best get out some yarn and needles.

@Jimmianne is your weather nice there?

@Niiffler75 I have no idea about international shipping; but did you order that ring from ruby lane? I am sorry you had a stressful day.

@Mamabean I hate to hear the school is closed where David’s workshop is located. You do have mommy superpowers. Safe travels to Maryland.

@sarahb this thread is hopping anymore.

@Austina glad you are staying home rather than go on your trip. That’s great you can rebook your trip.

@Calliecake that is great news one of your nieces is having a baby in August.

Not much going on here. I lifted; most of it in dark. Our power has gone off twice today. The power company said lines were going down from icing. It did get above freezing so most of the ice melted. Snow isn’t in the forecast until Thursday evening. Woo hoo!!!

We rented Charlie’s Angels last night; it was better than expected. Marty is napping and watching some series downstairs and I am being lazy.

I might email Brittany at WF about some dangles. I would have leverbacks put on them rather than wires. WF has several .80 ctw pairs F color around 2K. I think this earring design would go well with my pendant. The pendant is from Stullers and they have drop posts that match the pendant but only for .10 ct diamonds plus they wouldn’t dangle.

Take care.



Apr 19, 2004

@Austina thank you for the notice. I'll pass it along. And FWIW, I am sorry your stress related to a holiday/travelling (or what should be a fun time). These are trying times for sure!

@missy what are the odds you adopted TWO food obsessed kitties! LOL I hope Greg feels better soon--pain sucks.

@Jimmianne my sister is flying home from a lovely vacation today--and they will self isolate for 2 weeks. Everyone living the same experiences these days...

Stay well NIRDI's!!!:wavey:

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Jan 3, 2020
@marcy Hi, our power went on and off overnight here too. Was woken up three times due to a beeping phone next to my bed! Grrrrr!
Yes I ordered the ring from ruby lane.
@AV_ I am really sorry to hear your news from Italy. Incredibly sad!
@missy Ouch, sorry Greg is sore today. Your new pics of Gracie are adorable. Mind you those class look sharp. Watch she doesn't give Greg some cat acupuncture!
@Austina How's things in your neck of the woods? I want to do a bit of shopping today and it had the buzz of pre Christmas panic buying and people getting stressed.
Has anyone heard .com @arkieb1, Hope you are ok.

Take care everyone x


Feb 27, 2007
@canuk-gal I hope your sister and family are fine from their travels.

@Niffler75 I can't wait to see your new ring.


Jan 3, 2020
@marcy Thanks! There is somewhat on another thread as to whether chrysoberyl can be that yellow or whether it could be a topaz. Either way I am looking forward to receiving it!


Feb 27, 2007
@Niffler75 you haven't got a "lemon" yet in your rings; so I am sure this one will be gorgeous too. I love how cheery yellow gemstones are (or to me anyway), they are like little balls of sunshine on your hand.


May 11, 2013
@missy what wonderful pictures! Gracie.. such a lovely name. I was sorry to read Greg's knee swelled up, icing up always helps, in fact icing anything swollen is a good thing. So glad it was a beautiful day for a walk yesterday. Was grey and ugly here. Today it rained most of the day. Mike is taking over buying our groceries now, seems a good thing. Last night we had Mike, Cara, Auti, Cara's brother and SIL and their little guy Asa, I'm sure I'm doomed because Asa and Auti are both daycare kids. Oh well time will tell. My roommate from college was a Wegman, she wasn't a granddaughter of the starter of Wegman's, but she was a grandniece, and for her 18th bday her dad gave her a nursing home! truth! I'd already once been around a really rich kid so being with her wasn't that bizarre, altho I will only say what my sainted Irish mom used to say "Catherine, money cannot buy class". xoxox tons of KateDust to Missy and family! and tons of love too.

@junebug17 sorry you didn't make your trip but am glad all is well with you and your kids! xoxox

@Mamabean how was the trip? you poor woman, back and forth... back and forth ... but I know both your homes are so beautiful and it's fun to be in 2 different places at times.. beach time! :) hope your Ashlee comes soon.. I will have to check SMTB. take care xxooxxoo

@marcy I am sorry you lost power, that sucks. Those earrings look beautiful and E color maybe! wow I hope you decide to buy them, good price btw.. Hope your knee is good, here's to no snow till winter 20-21! sending Kate dust! xoxoxoxo

@AV_ I am so sorry your friend lost someone in Italy, Italy's elders have been hit very hard I read, I should email my nephew again, he's outside of Venice. xoxoxo

@Calliecake all sounds good Callie girl, and a new baby coming in the fam? wonderful news Callie, stay safe girl! sending kate dust your way and lotsa love. xoxoxox

@Austina I know one son in the USA who's probably thrilled his parents are not going to the Caribbean! I am sorry your trip has to be postponed but am happy you and Colin are going to do the trip another time and am happy you are safe in England I gotta say Johnson seems to be doing quite a better job than Trump in being organized and caring. Could be all I read on the BBC tho too! xoxoxo

@Niffler75 dang about the power outage.. bad weather or just bad luck? cannot wait to see your ring.. xoxoxoxoxo (hope you are well and the son and partner are too!).

So tomorrow morning WAS my appt with my orthopedic surgeon for my right hip and right shoulder but they called this morning and said he just got back from Israel and he has to self isolate for 2 weeks, so I'm r/s to April 1st - we shall see. I am getting a cold and hope that is it, we did have 2 daycare kids here for hours yesterday. Rainy and chilly in Atown today. Mike is going to be buying our groceries from now until this thing passes.

My best friends DIL (sounds like telephone to those who remember that game from the 50s and 60s) she is a post PhD epidemiologist, she said that this is very nasty RNA virus. I didn't copy everything she said because my best friend isn't is as introverted as I am extroverted.. she usually tells me anything important 3 years after it happened.. i love her deeply and without her assistance in my life I wouldn't be here.

5) Just because few children exhibit symptoms, doesn't mean that they are not sick they are dirty little vectors who transmit the virus around. People with kids should remember this.

(she's childfree ha!).

so take that as you want.

onward to Tuesday!


Feb 27, 2007
@Tekate that is nice of Mike to do your shopping for you. I hope your symptoms are just a cold. Feel better. Sorry to hear your doctor appointment has been rescheduled. My knee is slightly better thank you. I am usually bending it when I walk. I lifted this morning and it’s usually pretty agitated after that for a day or two. i was honestly thinking the same thing about kids and spreading the virus. They closed our schools through April 6.


Dec 9, 2013
Tekate...dirty little vectors...that made me laugh. Thanks!
You must only have a cold. I won’t allow you to have anything else.

And Gracie the chow hound eating frozen corn. Missy your furchildren are a hoot! But then again I can find it funny because I don’t have to keep up with their dietary demands lol
I hope Greg’s knee feels better today. Was the swelling from over exertion?

Sharon, how nice to hear your sister had a good vacation, and I wish her well. And happy Monday to you!

Marcy, dangles rock. I love mine (Only JA not WF...WF would be uber !amazobling).
Go ahead, give us all diamond fever. It’s the best kind.

Hi Callie :wavey:

Mamabean, safe travels.

Niffler, you too are causing a bit of gem fever. What is the ring you ordered??

June, your ring is beautiful and looks so good on your hand. Does that ring have a thread?

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Aug 5, 2018
Good to be back to your good wishes!

There is a storm outside, cold (half of the 20ºC of last week) - the November rains might just have come! I am seeing allot of marginalist theory in the news (rates that are not rates, but they are easy & case studies are not typically public; I am happy to be in my storm) Not much changes in a township where only one street holds more than two people at the same time.

back to work - which is pouring in
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Jun 8, 2008
GM ladies and happy (I hope) Monday.

@missy your boots do look fabulous but of course they are enhanced by the person wearing them. I kind of think the older we get the more at peace we are with ourselves and the world and maybe they reach a point where they think there is no sense getting worked up over things. My parents were news junkies so I am sure they knew what was going on in the world. My dad would have definitely done everything he could to protect my mom but probably wouldn’t have changed anything he did every day. I swear I need electric shocks on my fingertips to keep me from scratching my check or nose. I agree staying home all the time will be boring and hopefully none of us get sick. Glad you went for a lovely, long walk. I have heard many times sunlight and fresh air is wonderful for you with this virus. That is too funny Gracie wanted to eat some corn. I am totally with your aunt to look on the bright side and have some laughter every day.

Not much going on here. I lifted; most of it in dark. Our power has gone off twice today. The power company said lines were going down from icing. It did get above freezing so most of the ice melted. Snow isn’t in the forecast until Thursday evening. Woo hoo!!!

We rented Charlie’s Angels last night; it was better than expected. Marty is napping and watching some series downstairs and I am being lazy.

I might email Brittany at WF about some dangles. I would have leverbacks put on them rather than wires. WF has several .80 ctw pairs F color around 2K. I think this earring design would go well with my pendant. The pendant is from Stullers and they have drop posts that match the pendant but only for .10 ct diamonds plus they wouldn’t dangle.

Thank you marcy. We need laughter and brightness no matter how dark it is and we will persevere and be OK. I agree with you too much news is not good right now. We have to know what is going on but anything more is too much...too overwhelming. And they are closing everything here now so that is a relief. Finally the mayor closed our schools and now restaurants etc. Yes it is hard for business owners and customers alike but we do have to slow down the progression of the virus so the hospitals and healthcare system isn't overwhelmed. Even if we all end up getting it we cannot all get it at the same time if we want to make it through.

Oooh cannot wait...would love you to get new dangles from WF. What a sweet treat that would be. Would look amazing with your pendant. Good for you lifting despite the power outage. You rock. You were not being lazy as you watched Charlies Angels last already did all your heavy lifting. Hope your power stays on and no more snow/ice for a long time.

I hope your work lets you go to telecommuting soon. Stay well. (((Hugs))) to you and Marty and all your loved ones.

She’s a little monkey @missy. :lol: Sorry to hear about Greg’s knee, hopefully the icing and rest will take the swelling down.

She sure is lol. Speaking of monkeys we are watching Outbreak on Netflix. Those monkeys in the movie are so freaking adorable. Of course our choice of movie is questionable given all that is happening but I couldn't help myself...we will get through this. I keep telling myself that. We will.

@missy what wonderful pictures! Gracie.. such a lovely name. I was sorry to read Greg's knee swelled up, icing up always helps, in fact icing anything swollen is a good thing. So glad it was a beautiful day for a walk yesterday. Was grey and ugly here. Today it rained most of the day. Mike is taking over buying our groceries now, seems a good thing. Last night we had Mike, Cara, Auti, Cara's brother and SIL and their little guy Asa, I'm sure I'm doomed because Asa and Auti are both daycare kids. Oh well time will tell. My roommate from college was a Wegman, she wasn't a granddaughter of the starter of Wegman's, but she was a grandniece, and for her 18th bday her dad gave her a nursing home! truth! I'd already once been around a really rich kid so being with her wasn't that bizarre, altho I will only say what my sainted Irish mom used to say "Catherine, money cannot buy class". xoxox tons of KateDust to Missy and family! and tons of love too.

So tomorrow morning WAS my appt with my orthopedic surgeon for my right hip and right shoulder but they called this morning and said he just got back from Israel and he has to self isolate for 2 weeks, so I'm r/s to April 1st - we shall see. I am getting a cold and hope that is it, we did have 2 daycare kids here for hours yesterday. Rainy and chilly in Atown today. Mike is going to be buying our groceries from now until this thing passes.

My best friends DIL (sounds like telephone to those who remember that game from the 50s and 60s) she is a post PhD epidemiologist, she said that this is very nasty RNA virus. I didn't copy everything she said because my best friend isn't is as introverted as I am extroverted.. she usually tells me anything important 3 years after it happened.. i love her deeply and without her assistance in my life I wouldn't be here.

5) Just because few children exhibit symptoms, doesn't mean that they are not sick they are dirty little vectors who transmit the virus around. People with kids should remember this.

(she's childfree ha!).

so take that as you want.

I am glad Mike is buying groceries and taking over for you there. That is very helpful. Sounds like such an amazing day you had with Mike and Cara and Auti and Cara's brother and SIL and Asa. You are not doomed but I do hope the kids aren't carrying any bad germs and I agree with @Jimmianne. All you are allowed to get is a cold. And not even that so stay well and strong sweet Great Kate!

Greg is OK, thanks for your concern. Just from all the walking and exercising he is doing for the knee. Sorry your weather hasn't been great and I hope it improves. It's nice when the weather is bright especially during these challenging times. I think our weather is not going to be good for the rest of the week...rain and cold. But that is good for forcing us to stay inside I guess. I am still concerned about food supplies. My internist told me last year that I needed to put on weight just in case I got sick because I would have no reserves if I didn't have some more weight on me and now I guess I might be in trouble...I just hope we can all get enough food during this time. I cannot believe I am saying this but it is a concern of mine right now. Sorry for the dark thoughts. Onward and forward and it will be OK.

I hope that 8 month prediction is overly cautious and it won't be that long or bad. Praying and hoping hard that it will be just a few months and manageable for all of us.

I am sorry about your orthopedic appointment being postponed and it looks like life might be on hold for all of us soon. I am concerned about that too because of some medical findings at my last exam that need to be followed up but we can only do what we can do and we have to make the best of it and hold good thoughts. So that is exactly what I am doing for everyone here. Greg also has a stent in since December that needs to come out but right now isn't a good time though he cannot keep it in too much longer or scar tissue will form around it making it very difficult to remove. Holding good thoughts and best wishes for everyone here and sending lots of love and hugs.

@missy what are the odds you adopted TWO food obsessed kitties! LOL I hope Greg feels better soon--pain sucks.

He is OK this morning I think. Thanks for your concern. LOL yes two kitties who like to eat but I wonder how much of that is learned behavior from Oliver...she doesn't growl over food like he does thank goodness. Nice your sister enjoyed a wonderful vacation. Glad you are all well and hope you stay that way and thank you for all you do to help your patients and the community. Please take good care of yourself and sending you lots of healthy dust and hugs.

@Slick1 how are you doing? How is your mood? Thinking of you and sending you big hugs and lots of love and stay well.

@Scandinavian hope everyone is remaining good by you. And that the madness hasn't taken over...that common sense and calm prevails. Hugs.

And Gracie the chow hound eating frozen corn. Missy your furchildren are a hoot! But then again I can find it funny because I don’t have to keep up with their dietary demands lol
I hope Greg’s knee feels better today. Was the swelling from over exertion?

Yes I think so. It swells often still and I just haven't mentioned it. Yesterday wasn't new per se with that. He still has pain and swelling but I think it is normal. All elective procedures and surgeries here have been cancelled. I love your photos. You cannot take a bad photo. LOVE. As long as our cats don't want to eat us we are good lol. Though if Oliver gets hungry enough I wouldn't put it past him...:errrr:

@missy Ouch, sorry Greg is sore today. Your new pics of Gracie are adorable. Mind you those class look sharp. Watch she doesn't give Greg some cat acupuncture!

Thank you @Niffler75 and she already did puncture his skin a few times...catapuncture. Treatment cost: free. ::)
How are you doing? How are you feeling? I cannot wait for you to get and enjoy your new ring. A bit of new bling brightens everything up. How is your son faring? Hope he is good and that everyone all over the world is calming down and behaving rationally and we will all be just fine. Just got to be smart about it and know we are in it for a while. Slow and steady. (((HUGS))).

@junebug17 hope you are feeling well and in good spirits. Hope your DS, DD, DH and brother are all hanging in there and doing A OK.

@AV_ so sorry about your friend. Sending you gentle hugs. Stay dry and safe from the storm and being inside is a nice place to be during a storm. XO.

@Daisys and Diamonds thinking of you and sending you good thoughts and hugs.

@arkieb1 hope each day you are feeling better. Thinking of you.XO

@Poodles4me hope all is well by you.XO

@sarahb hope the weekend was good and you and family are well. Hugs.

@springerspaniel you are in my thoughts and I hope you are doing well. Hugs.

@bling_dream19 how are you sweet girl? Thinking of you and hoping you and your DH and your mom and entire family are A OK. Hugs.

To all the other ladies I might have missed I am keeping you in my thoughts and hoping everyone remains well and strong and in good spirits. Hugs to you all and be well.

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Aug 5, 2018
@missy I feel the same about the rains - best time to be at a desk hearing the drumming on the roof over tea/cake/writing. I hope Greg knee is just calling for indoors time too. Then, yes, I hear that story about weight as well, if not often; just being rid of the chores of last winter must let you get some back [more often, I am politely asked if this is my usual - and the answer is 'yes'; I am fighting variations dilligently at the best pastry shop I know, just nearby & on my shopping way today],. O's table manners sound terrifying! I hope Gracie lives up to her name.

@Mamabean I did not realize that you have been left manning the fort so much ,( - you have it down to an art!

@marcy You are reminding me that not all earrings are studs.

@Tekate Everything gets potponed to April 1, of course! I am one of the dangerous youngsters around here.

@Austina I have missed all the news that are not gov announcements (that is to say, to be taken into accout regardless of whether they make sense or not; with four givs to take into account, there is enough already! They must have way more fun than us, in preparation for the Fool's Day.

@Jimmianne You are living in such a beautiful place! the stonework reminds the north of Spain - here, frankly, seeing is believing, I don't think stone walls were ever meant to stand for long - but be rebuilt often enough; intriguing. Happy to see the irises .)

@Niffler Thank you for reading my posts & for replying!


the sun is out & lunch over


Jan 3, 2020
@AV_ Hi, will always read although struggle some days to respond to everyone. Take care x.
@Jimmianne Oh beautiful photos as always! I have a 14k gold vintage chrysoberyl ring on the way. Will probably not be here for another week but is some to look forward to!
@missy We have a very grumpy Hershey here. We think the thyroid meds are upsetting her stomach a bit so are keeping an eye on her! Hope you are ok and Greg's knee is a bit better.
@Tekate Hi, hope your doing ok. My new ring won't be here for a week or so but will post pics of course!
@Mamabean Did you arrive safely. Hope you are ok!
Well the sun is shining here and the daffodils are looking beautiful. We have had lots of birds and squirrels in our garden today.
Trying to chill and not look at media reporting too much!
Much love to all my fellow PSer's. x


Jun 8, 2008
@marcy l know you’ll appreciate this. Good morning/afternoon @Niffler75 and @AV_
Hope Hershey feels better soon!



Mar 31, 2018
Good morning! We’re safe and sound...I feel so bad about not seeing my husband for a while. We’re going to watch our shows together.. He said he‘ll call me and we’ll watch it at the same time..I’m worried about him because he is so job focused..I’m afraid he’ll forget to keep a distance from people..and not wash hands as long as he should. We were having dinner here last night when he asked me what I would do if Scott wanted to come over. I knew it was because he thinks I would make an exception for Scott..I told him no...Scott could bring something to us and not have no...I have to catch up with you will read what you guys have been up to...and get back later..
I was up all night so kept Bailey up...The poor old guy is snoring right now..:lol:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning! We’re safe and sound...I feel so bad about not seeing my husband for a while. We’re going to watch our shows together.. He said he‘ll call me and we’ll watch it at the same time..I’m worried about him because he is so job focused..I’m afraid he’ll forget to keep a distance from people..and not wash hands as long as he should. We were having dinner here last night when he asked me what I would do if Scott wanted to come over. I knew it was because he thinks I would make an exception for Scott..I told him no...Scott could bring something to us and not have no...I have to catch up with you will read what you guys have been up to...and get back later..
I was up all night so kept Bailey up...The poor old guy is snoring right now..:lol:

Awww ❤️


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Thanks for the lovely photos @Jimmianne, they certainly are a bright light in an otherwise dull world.

Ooooo new earrings @marcy, we can all live vicariously through your bling project, and have something to look forward to.

We’re ok @Niffler75, I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday who is extremely worried as her husband has MS. They’re both over 70 and were worried they might not be able to go out with their dogs. I told her that going for a walk and keeping away from other people should be fine, and being in the fresh air will lift their spirits. I think the thing with what’s happening is that no one knows how long it’s going to go on for, making the uncertainty more worrying.

Hopefully your friends will be able to get their holiday sorted out @canuk-gal.

Glad you’re all settled @Mamabean, take care of yourselves, and lol to Bailey snoring. All of ours have been prolific snorers.

How’re you doing @AV_, getting through lots of work and keeping safe and well?

Lovely photos of your beautiful ring @junebug17, it really sits so well on your hand.

I‘m not sure if I’ve mentioned it before @missy, but when my friend had surgery on her foot, it kept swelling up for several months before finally settling. She was on her feet a lot, (she’s a hairdresser) and needed to work, so perhaps this will be the same for Greg. It’s still relatively early days, and he’s made such a great recovery so far. If I could give you some of my excess, I gladly would, we were just saying to Adam yesterday, that in the event of food shortages, we still have our winter ‘layer’ to fall back on!

I’m glad your son is happy to help you get your shopping, I just hope that people there will stop the madness of stripping the shops bare. I’m sorry your appt has been put back @Tekate but glad the Dr. is being sensible and not potentially exposing his patients. Yes, Adam is very glad we’re not going, I think he just feels rather helpless being so far away.

So, we went shopping this morning, because we’ve been running things down for the last 4 weeks. We couldn’t get in to the car park of our usual supermarket, but fortunately we have 4 others all within close proximity, so went to another. It was very busy, but they were well stocked with fresh good and meat. No pasta or rice to be had, tinned goods very limited, but we managed to get what we needed, so we’re ok for a while. They even had toilet paper, but as we don’t have immediate need of any, we didn’t buy any. I would like to think that other people wouldn’t be so selfish as to buy what they don’t need, but I’d be kidding myself.

I checked the St Lucia news, and as of tomorrow, they’ll be in lockdown, so we wouldn’t have been able to go even if we wanted to. We knew it was only going to be a matter of days before it happened, so just as well we didn’t go last week, or we’d be stuck. Colin had an email from BA saying our flight was going ahead, then he’s just had another saying our flight is cancelled, and even if we’d applied for a voucher refund, they’ll refund in full within 7 days, so that’s great news for us. Also means we may be able to claim on our insurance for he hotel now, rather than rescheduling. Who knows if they’ll still be in business when this is over.

Weather here is lovely today, and we’ve just been out for a walk.

Thinking of all the lovely NIRDIs @bling_dream19 @Daisys and Diamonds @sarahb @Slick1 @Scandanavian @Calliecake and any others I may not have mentioned, we’re going to get through this, it’s just a question of time. Keep safe and healthy. Xxxx :wavey:


Aug 5, 2018
@Austina Good guess. Granada & its worries seem another world.


May 11, 2013
@AV_ Oh to be a youngster once more! but do take care, Italy seems to really be a mess and you've a friend who's already lost someone. Hope you had a wonderful lunch! working is getting heavier? well if you all go on lockdown besides Netflix you can work! you are brilliant too :) xoxoxo

@Jimmianne ha! yes my friends DIL is a hoot she's 31 and the post doc work and fellowship/scholarship that she's been doing for 3 years if I remember correctly, made her sign a waiver saying that during her studying that she would NOT get pregnant since she deals in so many strange and scary germs, so they have put off having a baby at this time. She is brilliant and lovely. I always say where you live is bucolic but now it's idyllic! too! such lovely pix and so serene.. it's wonderful Jimmi and enjoy, decide on what to do with the kitchen? sending love Jimmianne, tons :) xoxoxo

@missy Good morning Missy the magnificent! thank you Missy so much for your kind and caring words. I am glad Greg is swelling up for overwork, he's the kind of man who will go the distance :) I am hoping as @Jimmianne commanded that this is a cold. Mike dropped our groceries off this morning so we are good! How are you feeling? I've been shopping on Amazon, normally I stay out of there since I buy! but heck, as the market goes down I'm doing my best to keep Amazon afloat!

@Niffler75 Hello girl, hope you are well and thank you for the info on your ring! it's always happy and eeek waiting for a new ring. I've decided that all the stupid old rings I have with little teeny diamonds are going to be taken out and made into one big circle, of course some of the diamonds actually light up so we shall see, at this point this won't be till the stock market rebounds! maybe years who nows.. how's the fam? xoxoxoxo

@Mamabean Hey! glad you made it aokay! it's lovely MB that you and your husband will watch together it's nice and a good thing.. Today Mike brought our groceries he said he will still come this friday as he always does, how to say no to my universe? I dunno, I'll let Dadster handle it! :) Bailey is gorgeous as usual, probably glad he's at his home again (as opposed to his other home!).. :) no need to catch up with me, nothing is new! :) sending love to you and the family and healthy DUST! xoxoxoxo

@marcy Hey! I hope they tell you to start working at home soon.. How's Marty's job going? I know weeks ago you mentioned a coworker of his was laid off. Sending healthy and warm vibes and lotsa love Marcy!! xoxoxo

@Slick1 hey, how's home teaching going? hope you are staying well girl! xoxoxo

@junebug17 staying well in NJ I hope, hope the DS and DD are good! any plans to abscond to SC to wait this out? sending love and health and hugs to you June. xoxoxo

@Daisys and Diamonds hope your neck of the woods is bearing up well and you and your family too! xoxoxo

@sarahb Hi Sarah, hope all is well with you and yours sending hugs! xoxoxo

Nothing new, nothing much of anything, everything is status quo here in Texas. xoxoxo to you all
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