
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Nov 17, 2004

Lauren, I am so sorry to hear. Talk about scary! I hope your surgery goes well today and that you are on the mend mentally and physically asap. HUGS! Thinking of you...


Jul 8, 2006

LTP: I am so very sorry. ;(


Nov 18, 2004

I'm so very sorry to hear about your ectopic.
Sending you thoughts and prayers for a smooth surgery and that the dr is able to save your ovary.


Nov 10, 2006

LTP and KTF - so sorry to hear of your losses. I can relate as I miscarried at 8 weeks last summer. :(( I started a thread regarding TTC after a loss Maybe it will help if you read it.

Also, for LTP - the poster tiffanytwisted had two ectopic pregnancies (she doesn't post much on the TTC thread anymore), but if you read through her posts, they may help you as well.

You're both in my thoughts and prayers!


Jul 22, 2007

LTP~ I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Lots of prayers for a quick recovery and hugs to you. I know it doesn't help now, but there are lots of women who have an easy time getting preggo with one ovary. My cousin had an ectopic and lost her ovary. She now has 6 children! (and her DH only has one testicle!) Dust for a successful pregnancy in the very near future!


Jan 13, 2005

Oh Lauren, I'm so very sorry to hear your news. :(sad My heart hurts for you. I am very glad that this was discovered before it became dangerous to you, and I pray for smooth surgery (hopefully ovary-sparing!!) and quick recovery for you. I hope you're resting comfortably at home by now, and that W is taking good care of you (I'm sure he is. :)) ) Big big hugs to you.


Apr 4, 2008

LTP, so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope they can save your ovary...may angels watch over you and your DH during this difficult time. I also wanted to send you reassurance about how many brave women I know who have lost ovaries yet went on to have children quite easily after going through ectopic pregnancies. I am so glad mostly that you are OK and that it was caught in time. (((hugs)))


Mar 2, 2004

I'm absolutely overwhelmed by all of your well-wishes, ladies. Since Thursday, I've been reading through the comments, and they have brought me so much comfort, especially reading of your early loss experiences and other successes after an ectopic pregnancy. Thank you so much for your words, because I truly believe they helped.

As for me, I think some of your dust worked. The pregnancy actually was in my tube and not my ovary. so my doctor was able to save the entire right ovary and only took a small section of the right tube. Because they had thought it was in my ovary, my doctor chose to go in as a laparotomy and not a laparoscopy, so I'm really feeling the effects of the surgery today. I hadn't had many of the emotional moments I expected to have until yesterday, so I think my heart will need a lot more healing than I had expected.

Thank you again, for the links, the experiences, and the positivity toward the future. As much as I never want to experience this again, I think that how we've reacted to it has helped solidify that this is the path W and I want to continue upon, despite the potential for another ending like this. So, we'll wait until we've had enough time to heal, and move on when we're ready.

I'm only wishing for a happy and healthy 9 months for the rest of the July BFPs!!!


Feb 11, 2010

LTP - I was so sad to read of your loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your DH. I'm glad that you were able to get some positive news in the saving of your ovary. I hope for a speedy physical recovery and time for emotional healing for you both.


Aug 15, 2010
HI Ladies

Hi Ladies,

First off, my wellwishes and thoughts to LTP!

I thought I should jump in and introduce myself. I have been reading and lurking this board as I got a BFP 3 weeks ago! I think I am about 7 weeks. I have been obsessively poas every few days and think I am going a little crazy thinking about all of the 'what ifs'. My first appointment with my doctor isn't until next week. Its helped me a lot to read all of your stories so thank you! No one in real life (besides DH) knows yet so I feel like I am keeping this big secret and it feels great to tell someone! I have been having big time cravings for sushi - any thoughts on indulging while preggo? I have read mixed opinions. We finally went to our fav place last night and I made sure to avoid anything high in mercury and stuck to mostly cooked rolls.

Dust and happy days to all!


Jun 18, 2006

You are a complete sweetheart! Thank you for taking the time to congratulate me despite your difficult day. Many prayers sent your way.



Oct 4, 2007

LTP I am so sorry for your and W's loss you both will be in my thoughts and prayers - sending you massive hugs and well wishes for a speedy recovery I am so glad despite everything the doctors were able to save your ovary. Even in this sadness it sounds you both are in a good place to begin the path towards healing - take care


Oct 30, 2002

Lauren, I am so sorry for your loss but glad things went as well as can be expected during the surgery. Hope that healing is swift both physically and emotionally and hope to see you back in this thread soon. Take care of yourself.

Mela... I love sushi and my OB told me basically if you have a fave place and you have never gotten sick there, then chances were slim you'd get sick during those 10 months. But she was like use your judgement...don't try some new place while pregnant obviously! I had sushi about maybe 5x while preggo. Potential is food poisoning from the raw fish and compromise the baby through being sick. Though, there are so many things people can get sick from--sushi is just one of them AND if you go to a quality place then the risk of FP shouldn't be higher than eating eggs or steak etc etc.


Oct 4, 2007

Welcome Mela :)

I have had mass craving for sushi as well but have not indulged just yet - I have been contemplating making my own :errrr:

My doctor said to avoid it however in saying that the girl who sit next to me at work eats sushi often and she has not said anything bad about it I think at the end of the day it comes down to what you feel comfortable with - I think Mara offered awesome advice stick to what you know :).

I have been MIA in this thread lately for a few reasons here and there but mostly by the time I get home, eat (cause I am starving) and read everyone's PS posts and my FB by the time I get around to posting I just want to crawl into bed - 730-8pm is the new cool bedtime apparently :razz: - that and I have had a few things to contend with :/.

I have some exciting news - I finally have an OB first appointment is at 15wks - from what I have read on here things around prenatal care seem to be a little different in OZ compared to the US - here you first meet your ob generally around 12 wks but he is on leave atm so that is the earliest appointment I could get and he comes highly recommended and is meant to be one of the best so I am happy to wait - better then my doc's recommendation on OB cause they were easy to get into :rolleyes: she told me essentially not to even bother with the one I booked cause he is apparently virtually impossible to get into.

Speaking of doctors has anyone changed there general care provider during pregnancy? I have seriously spent years trying to find a good doctor to no avail and I thought this one would be okay and she is expensive - doctors are generally free here but I pay $60 a visit to her which half gets rebated but she is really not very helpful - yet I can't seem to find a good doc - catch 22 really.

I find this doctor does not answer questions - essentially any concerns I have are met with well it is highly likely to miscarry in first trimester -which thanks captain obvious I already knew - this comment in itself does not worry me it is just the fact if I have a concern her answer is generally - it is up to you to assess the risk and decide and if your going to miscarry there is nothing we can do anyway.

I told her I had some mild spotting for a few days around when my period should have come usually - got the above response however was told I could go for an US and repeated above quote again - very not helpful - thankfully the spotting stopped and I still had preggy symptoms and I didn't have the US cause I figured it stopped should be okay.

And this might be TMI but on the honeymoon DH and I DTD and then I started bleeding afterward (lasted about 2 hrs)- in foreign country where people don't speak English as there first language this is scary come back and tell the doctor and ask about the risk of attempting to DTD again or should we not and got the same crap as above - it is up to you... seriously WTF can you at least tell me what may have caused this at least!!!!!

I just feel like I can not get a straight freaking answer about anything and that my pregnancy is not being taken seriously cause I am still in early days and at this point I am hanging out for my first OB appointment I guess to bombard him with questions and hope for an answer.

Would you change doctors - even though I have tried and tried to find a decent one so far to no avail or just stick it out and hope it changes?

Sorry for the massive whinge - this is one of the other reasons I have not posted - I hate to be such a bleugh poster but I think it is just getting to me.

On a positive note DH was such a sweetie yesterday I had a hormonal meltdown and was in tears and being a righteous cow and he stood by me and hugged me - I am starting to feel really sorry for him he gets so loaded on

Thanks for letting me post that - feels like a relief to get that off my chest

on another positive note 15 days until my next scan :)

softly softly

Jun 13, 2007

Delurking in this tread to say how sorry I am to hear of your loss Lauren.


Jul 8, 2006
Re: Re:

Deelight said:
And this might be TMI but on the honeymoon DH and I DTD and then I started bleeding afterward (lasted about 2 hrs)- in foreign country where people don't speak English as there first language this is scary come back and tell the doctor and ask about the risk of attempting to DTD again or should we not and got the same crap as above - it is up to you... seriously WTF can you at least tell me what may have caused this at least!!!!!

I just feel like I can not get a straight freaking answer about anything and that my pregnancy is not being taken seriously cause I am still in early days and at this point I am hanging out for my first OB appointment I guess to bombard him with questions and hope for an answer.

Would you change doctors - even though I have tried and tried to find a decent one so far to no avail or just stick it out and hope it changes?

How annoying! Do you have to 'change' Dr.'s outright? Can you not just 'see' another one and try him/her out? I would find it difficult to stay with such a non-reactive Dr. Medicine is not a magic 8 ball, and you deserve answers not one-liners. Sorry D.


Feb 11, 2010

Welcome Mela! Happy to have you hear. :))

Deelight - I too am sorry you're having a hard time getting answers from your doctors. I would definitely consider exploring other practices, but it sounds like you have tried to do that already. I think it's important to feel comfortable with the amount/level of detail of the information you are receiving from medical professionals, especially during this time when we all have many questions. I hope you are able to work out a suitable solution!

I think I'm around 6 and a half weeks. Since I have such long cycles, if you went by the date of my LMP, I would be closer to 10 weeks. Therefore, we had our first appt last week. It was fairly simple - just gave me a lot of forms and paperwork that we will need over the course of the pregnancy and then they did an ultrasound to see how far along I may be. I took my chart along and my doctor confirmed that it looks like I did not ovulate until cd 40 or so. I was happy that she was willing to look at my chart and use it as a guide for dating. The ultrasound showed a yolk sac but no heartbeat yet. She let me know upfront that it was probably too early to see a heartbeat so not to worry at all. It was great to see the perfectly round yolk sac sitting in the uterus. We go back this week for another ultrasound to check for the heartbeat and confirm dating. I should be almost 7 weeks by then.

The nausea hit about 4 days ago and I've been pretty miserable. No vomiting, but just constant all day nausea. Ugh. I'm trying to stay positive about it. I have a call in to my doctor today to ask about the B6 and Unisom combination. I'm trying to keep small amounts of food on my stomach pretty much all the time but it's becoming difficult since I really don't want to eat anything. I just have my fingers crossed that it doesn't get too much worse!

Hope you all are doing well! Looking forward to hearing updates from all the newly pregnant ladies!


Nov 25, 2008

LTP- So sorry to hear about your loss. I hope that you are able to heal physically and emotionally and will be ready to try again.

KTF- I am so sorry to hear about your loss as well, same holds true for you, that you are able to heal both phsycially and emotionally and TTC again when you are ready.


As for me- I was on vacation in the Bahamas last week where it was hot and humid and then I got hit with all day morning sickness. I was so miserable that when I came home I took a unisom that night, and I have felt pretty good since. I don't know if it was the one dose that did it, or it was that it helped me sleep (something I had not done in over 2 weeks) and now I'm feeling much better.

I get waves of nausea at times, but overall have felt much better since the 1 good night sleep.

I went to my first appointment on Friday. After reading all the different ways that OB/GYN practices are set up I am really really appreciating my doctor and his practice. There are 5 (I think) doctors in the practice but we only see "our" doctor each visit. Each appointment is set up with them. However, depending on when you go in to labor and end up delivering if it is at night or a weekend you can have any of the doctors in the practice deliver. Each doctor has a medical assistant that is who we call first with any questions, who will relate them to the doctor etc. Ultrasounds are done in the office by an ultrasound tech (who is hysterical). My initial appointment I had an ultrasound, then met with the doctor in his office for about 30 minutes (health history, overview, questions, etc), then had an exam, pap etc. I was there a really long time. The next appointments won't be as long as this first one.
On Friday I was measuring 1 day behind my FF EDD which is good and there was a heartbeat of 117, which was exciting, so as of today I am almost 7 weeks! While nothing can be set in stone and bad and sad things do happen, my doctor did say that the miscarriage rate after you see a strong heartbeat goes down to 1 or 2%. My next appointment is in 5 weeks where I will have another ultrasound.


Oct 4, 2007

thanks Steal and Brooks I think I just needed to vent more then anything - I might see if I can find someone else - time to doctor shop again LOL

Brooks I found with my nausea the best thing I could do was nibble on rice crackers - I was fairly lucky with the morning sickness I just felt nauseous but have managed to only throw up twice in the whole pregnancy. One of my friends had the worst morning sickness and she suggested having rice crackers beside your bed so before you even get out of bed having a snack - another preggie workmate suggested the same thing that might be an option worth a shot I say - it does get better :). I will say early days fruit was really easy for me to eat - especially pineapple - YUM.

wellinsm YAY for a lovely trip in the Bahamas shame you were feeling sick though but if it is getting better that's awesome :) and congrats on such an awesome U/S nothing like seeing the heartbeat congrats :)

Completely unrelated (thankfully no can see me or they would think I was a nutter :razz:) promo's for Masterchef kiddy version just came on TV I keep pointing my belly towards the T.V and telling the Speggie (our nickname for the LO from when we found out and it has stuck- half sperm, half egg LOL) to pay attn so they can make mummy some yummy food :) these kids are cooking some amazing things for being between 8-12.


Nov 17, 2004

Lauren, just wanted to say that I am so glad that everything went as well as we could hope. Thinking of you and W!!


Jul 10, 2006

LTP, I am so sorry to hear about your news. So sorry for your loss.

I am checking in at just over 6 1/2 weeks here, and I have to say I am feeling pretty good. My chest is starting to hurt, I was wondering when that was going to happen since I heard it was quite common. No nausea, so happy about that! I hope it doesn't come. Still getting very tired around mid-afternoon, and I feel like I have to literally drop everything to lay down on the couch or bed and flip on the TV. I so am not a couch potato, but I understand I need my rest whenever possible. Trying not to over do it.

Shout out to all the other mommies to be, hope you are all doin' well :wavey:


Feb 11, 2010

This thread has been so quiet lately! Hope you all are doing well.

Wellinsm - Hope you are continuing to feel good! Your doctor's office sounds great. Seems like mine is set up pretty similar. The nurses have been so wonderful at calling me back and answering any questions. Congrats on seeing the heartbeat! That is so special.

Deelight - Thanks so much for the MS remedies! I think I'm trying them all these days. Have you decided anything about your doctor?

Rosebud - Hope you're doing well and the MS is staying far away. :))

AFM, I'm a little over 8 weeks now. Crazy how fast and slow it seems to go! We had another ultrasound just before 7 weeks. We saw the heartbeat (124) and the measurements looked great. She adjusted the EDD by one day so it now falls on my DH's birthday. :)) I have been feeling pretty miserable for almost three weeks now. Still no vomiting, but just all day constant nausea. I had to take the zofran one day to make it through work but I'm trying to get by without it as much as possible. I'm still taking the B6/Unisom combination everyday. Not really sure how much it's helping, but I'm willing to try it. We have another appt scheduled in a little less than 3 weeks. I'm just hoping and praying that everything will still look good. Definitely hard to not worry sometimes!


Jul 5, 2010

Just wanted to bump this thread up :)

I'm nearing the end of the 5th week, so it still feels like there's an eternity left before our first appointment. I really hope everything comes out ok, but I keep reminding myself that if something does happen there is nothing we can do about it. So, just tryin to relax, eat healthy, and get lots of sleep :) How are the rest of you doin out there!


Apr 13, 2008

Hey RT! Since i'm like, 3 days further along than you, I can totally relate to what you are going through! I feel like it will be FOREVER until I "feel" pregnant... I have a little bit of nausea in the morning (no actual sickness, just a random wave or two) and I get REALLY sleepy (like someone has drugged me), but other than that I don't feel pregnant at all. Apparently my little popple (that's what i'm calling it till I know what it is) has an early heartbeat! It was really cool to hear and see it. I don't have another appointment until Oct 11, so I have to just hang in there and be patient till then!


Jul 5, 2010

You're lucky! I get to go in on oct. fill out paperwork :rolleyes: And then a week later I get to go in for my 8 week appt. What a crock! I wish I could hear the heartbeat, it would make me feel so much better!

The only symptoms I've having is some headaches, cramps, EXTREMELY sore boobs whenever I wake up from sleeping and sometimes in the middle of the day and peeing constantly. I also have been having really bad cravings for spaghettios :wacko:

I was looking back and saw you had implantation bleeding. I did too and it scared the crap out of me at first but then I called my doc and felt a lot better :)


Apr 13, 2008
Re: Re:

random_thought said:
You're lucky! I get to go in on oct. fill out paperwork :rolleyes: And then a week later I get to go in for my 8 week appt. What a crock! I wish I could hear the heartbeat, it would make me feel so much better!

The only symptoms I've having is some headaches, cramps, EXTREMELY sore boobs whenever I wake up from sleeping and sometimes in the middle of the day and peeing constantly. I also have been having really bad cravings for spaghettios :wacko:

I was looking back and saw you had implantation bleeding. I did too and it scared the crap out of me at first but then I called my doc and felt a lot better :)

I'm sure your little guy (or girl) is snuggled in and doing fine. ::) I'm still so nervous that i'll wake up one day and just not be pregnant anymore... I think it's normal. I'll probably feel that way until I can feel it move, or at least have a baby bump. :rodent:

The only reason I got to have an ultra sound so soon is because I was having some slight cramping and bleeding and they wanted to be sure that everything was ok... Otherwise i'm sure I would have had to wait a few more weeks! :errrr:


Jul 5, 2010

Well I'm glad everything was fine!
I'm ready for the bump stage, this whole inbetween and feeling fat thing is not for me lol


Dec 16, 2007

BUMP for moxie-moo and Ryan Claire! I might join the chat too, but since it is my second lap around the pool I must admit I feel much more Zen in these early weeks that I did last time. Not more confident, just less worried. Whatever will be will be and all that I guess.

Ryan Claire

Dec 2, 2009

Dreamer thanks for bumping the thread... hopefully me you and Moxie can start to use it more. Especially if DC and maybe Lili will be joining us.

How are you ladies? Any symptoms or funny stories yet?

I am doing ok at 6w4d. Until this morning I was actually feeling pretty good. I've had trouble sleeping and some major bloat, but my ovaries are still pretty large from the injectables. No m/s though. Unfortunately I fainted on the subway this morning, which I think was a combination of being over heated, dehydrated, and these crazy pregnancy hormones/blood pressure changes. But still not a fun experience. I will have to keep water and snacks on me at all times.

I had my first ultrasound last Friday though... got to see the little bean and hear the heartbeat. It was 111bpm which was right on target for that early. It was awesome :) Makes me feel a little more comfortable in really getting excited about this pregnancy, although I can't wait for January to get here and for the first tri to be over. I go for a follow up us in about 2 weeks and then I will be released to my OBGYN.

Not sure if the picture will load but I'll try.

Let me know how you ladies are doing? Dreamer, glad the 2nd time round is not as anxiety producing. It's tough!


Jul 8, 2006

RC: :love: Thank you so much for posting your little bean - it must be surreal to have his/her first photo. I have been waiting patiently for you to post over here. I am soooo excited for you. Did your DH get to go to the appointment with you? Scary to have fainted, make sure you take good care of yourself. Did you call your Dr. about it? Good idea to keep the snacks handy. :))
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