
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Dec 16, 2007

Well I told her and she is happy for me, of course. She is going to try to find someone who wants to do the course for only 1 year, 2 tops, so I can do it after that. No guarantees unfortunately. But oh well, them's the breaks.

DCGator I see you around, any updates?


Aug 15, 2008

Hello ladies,

Sorry for my prolonged absense, but work and some other stuff has been wretched :knockout: . In any event, I am still here and will get onto catching up with all of you.

Moxie - I am sorry for the continued naseau, but at least your little peanut is growing strong! I am also very sorry to hear about your friend, how very awful. I hope that she is able to heal quickly and get back to TTC soon. So, do you have any other symptoms, or is the m/s overwhelming?

Mrs - Did you start your search for an OB yet? I don't know where you are, but depending on location, some of those practices have waits to get into. You might want to try asking around to some of your female work colleagues (if you are comfortable) and ask them where they go. You can also troll the web for reviews of different practices. Either way, good luck finding an OB! Have you felt any other symptoms, or still sailing along?

RC - Glad to see you back in here. I bet you can't wait for your 2nd ultrasound and to graduate to the "big girl" doctor. I think our RE's have very similar protocals. Mine wanted me back between 6-7 weeks for my first ultrasound, then another two weeks later, than I get to graduate too! Can you imagine how much your little bean has grown in the past two weeks? I can't wait to see the pics :bigsmile: Question about your symptoms, do they seem to wane in and out like strong to mild, or are the pretty consistent? I feel like mine kinda surge at night, and are relatively quiet during the day. Do you also get the uterus streching sensation. I feel like I have it all the time, lol.

Dreamer - I am sorry about the teaching position. I really hope that they will just find a temporary replacement for you and that you can teach the class again in the following year. Please let us know how your talk goes. Updates for me to follow...

Modern - Are you ready to stick your toe in here, or still lurking?

Blen - How are things going on your end? You feeling any symptoms yet?

Lili - How are you feeling sweetie? Anything happening body wise?

AFM - My blood test had some very good results; my beta was up to 802. So, my doc and I were both very happy with that. I did ask about the possibility of multiples, and they said that they aren't thinking about that quite yet, but will look into it during the first ultrasound, which will be in only 10 days. Gah, the waiting! I really am so excited to see my little ninja turtle on the big screen! :bigsmile: After that ultrasound, I will go in for one more between 8-9 weeks (I think) and then they will release me to the normal doc. Otherwise, for some of the first time mommies (and I guess the 2nd time ones too), has it really sunk in for you guys yet? On the one hand I am soooo excited about carrying around my little turtle and want to scream it from the roof tops, but other times (less often), I get a bit nervous. I do just try to sweep those thoughts out of my head though, and stay positive. Both DH and I talk to the turtle though, so hopefully its listening ;-) As far as symptoms, I continue to have the big bb's, the uturine streching sensation, the random bouts of extremem fatigue and the frequent urination. I do notice that my symptoms kinda come and go though. Does anyone else notice that. At a certain point, I would almost prefer the m/s because then I would know that the little turtle is growing, but I know we are all different, so I just have to roll with it. Anywho, sorry for the long rambling me post, but just dealing with some of the 1st time mommy issues. I will stop my whinning now and just enjoy turtle hanging out inside me :mrgreen: .

I hope everyone continues to progess well!


Apr 26, 2008

Just a quick :wavey: to say I guess I am ready to join you guys. So excited but a bit nervous as well. Guess that is normal!

Dreamer: sorry about the position, but good that they are going to try and make it work for you. You seem to balance career/home life well and I expect this will be no exception.

DCG: LOVE the beta increase! So excited you will have an u/s in 10 days. I am glad to have another newbie to go through this with!!!

MRS: How are you feeling? Hope you are able to relax a little bit, though easier said than done for sure!

Moxie: Hope the nausea is better. I have heard ginger chews like candies and tea, either peppermint or ginger can work well. The good news is that nausea is a GOOD thing, it means the hormones are working!

Blen: :wavey: Sorry for the marignal excitement from some of the family :( How old is your LO? Does it feel much different this time around?

Lili: I was so touched by your story and I am so happy for you and your DH. I hope the baking is going well!

AFM: I made an OB appt yesterday. I have friends that had a great experience with a doc in the hospital where I work and I am going to see her. Of course, over the phone they made my 1st appt based on my LMP 10/18 which makes my due date 7/25/11, but I KNOW when I ovulated thanks to FF and I have long cycles, so I think my due date is more likley 8/11/11! They want a first appt between 8 and 10 weeks but I think I will be just under 7 weeks at my appt and I am hoping with the date discrepancy, I will get an ultrasound then. DH and I are over the moon excited, but trying to be cautious too. I agree with you DC, I want to scream it and tell everyone, but my gut tells me to keep it quiet. The hard part is that my mom and dad who I really want to tell are abroad until the 10th of December and there is NO way I am telling them over the phone. I guess DH an I will keep it to ourselves. However, I am supposed to meet 2 of my best friends for "happy hour" tonight, so I am struggling to figure out what to do... I keep hoping I can get there first and order soda water with lime as I think I might tell them before 12 weeks, but I can't imagine telling them before my mom!


Mar 7, 2010

Congratulations to all the new preggos!

DC, I'm SO happy for you and excited for you to get your US. The waiting can be soooo hard but it will be worth it! I had the uterus stretching/cramping feeling a lot in the beginning too. I'm thinking you might have twinsies in there from your 3 little piggies :) I was super nervous and was not fully accepting or comfortable that everything would be ok for a long long time, which I do not necessarily recommend, but it's understandable.


Dec 16, 2007

Great news DC!

Modern In your position I might call back and fibber mcgee about your knowledge of your LMP. "Oh, wait I can't remember?!" I think the early dating ultrasounds are most accurate when done pretty early, cannot recall exactly, but somewhere in the 6 week range. Without that, the "risk" is that they will not trust your charting -- most will not give a hootenanny about your charting -- and then you will have an EDD much earlier than is warranted by your actual ovulation. Also, early on they could get funny about you measuring "small for dates" or any number of annoying things that you do not need to deal with. Anyways, I would push for an early dating u/s to ensure accurate dating. It will avoid some hassels -- Oh, but do not be dismayed if the docs/nurses are sort of pessimisitc at the first u/s either. Based on your LMP they may say your baby is measuring behind, seen it on other forums and it is very dismaying. So no matter what, keep in your heart the knowledge that you charted and you know when you ovulated and let that arm you against any pessimism. But me, I would advocate and push to get medical documentation to back up your charting. You would be surprised at how important your due date is during your pregnancy, and how much it can matter to how they track you and also how they treat you as you near the end.


Nov 18, 2004

I'm surprised that your gov't health insurance cover the NT scan.
Thought for sure that it is given how wonderful Canada's health and maternity plans are,
and especially when it is even mandated here in the States (well at least for CA).
I didn't realize how expensive these prenatal tests are....I guess u/s are not cheap.
Hope your work insurance covers it as half a grand is a huge sum -- and a great amount for baby necessities.
Bummer about your course and having to let your news out at work.
I hope they get a temp for now and let you assume the position when you get back from your maternity leave.

Sorry m/s is hitting you hard.
Some just get it bad, but the good news is that there is an end in sight.
Sorry to hear about your friend. I hope she is recovering and healing.
Did you make your announcement? ^.^
How did the family take the wonderful news?

Sorry that not everyone was as enthuse about the news.
I guess not everyone gets excited over baby annoucement, but we are super excited for you, your Dh and George.
That's a great age gap between siblings too.

:appl: :appl: for the great betas! Wow...I see multiples.
Yea, the wait for that first u/s is worst than the 2WW, and it is harder when you have little symptoms.
I didn't have any w/ any of mine. Felt as normal as can I was pretty anxious about the first scan.
Less than 2WW to go ^.^

Good luck w/ the scan Friday.
At that time, your little one should be a bigger glob w/ little stubs ^.^

Wow...keeping your secret that long?
When is your first appt?

Congrats again.
I understand the need to tell your parents the good news in person and at the same time and before anyone else.
Good luck w/ your "happy hour".

Good luck to each and every one of you.
Lots and lots of sticky dust to you all.
I'd love to go through this journey w/ you ladies, unfortunately it doesn't look like that's going to happen.
Please excuse my absence for while.


Apr 26, 2008

Thanks dreamer for the advice about the dates. I am hoping the ob will at least listen to my thoughts about my dating but we shall see. The good news with my dates is that I will be seen earlier than I think I should be based on my lmp which will he a good time for an ultrasound for accurate dates. I have heard 7 weeks is ideal. I appreciate the heads up about maybe others thinking the pregnancy might not be growing well if dates are off so I will keep that in mind. I think most people are not as aware of their cycles as we are so docs usually dismiss them. we are the lucky few to have. So much info!


Jun 27, 2006

Hi All,

I haven't read through this whole thread so it may take me a while to catch up. I posted on the Pregnant thread before I realized this one existed, but I guess this applies better to me! I go through periods where I don't quite believe this is real, so "barely" is sort of what I'm feeling!

But I guess 7 BFPs don't lie! (I did the first three before I told DH, then he wanted to go out and get different brands in case the first ones were "bad", and use different pee...)

What did everyone else do about telling people? I told my parents and my brother and sister-in-law right away. I don't know when to tell my friends, but it's going to be pretty obvious with all the holiday parties if I don't have a drink. I wonder if I should just tell those people who will be watching me, at least so that they won't be going around starting rumors.

When did you all go to the doctor? As I posted on the other thread, I'm not 100% sure on my dates cause I'm an idiot and don't really keep track of that sort of thing. I think I'm somewhere in the 5-6 week range though. I want to make the appointment at a time that DH and I can both go in case they decide to do an ultrasound, but due to our schedules that probably won't be for a couple weeks. I figured it wouldn't make that much difference - if something is wrong, something would happen before then or finding it out a little later wouldn't hurt. But my mom keeps saying I should go in immediately.

What symptoms did you all have? I was feeling totally 100% normal aside from a nasty cold that's been hanging on up until this morning. I was fine when I got up, but I felt a little queasy mid-morning. I don't know if it was just because of a hot room though. And today my lower abdomen has felt kind of sore.

What are you guys eating? I'm normally pretty busy during the day so I usually skip lunch, but I feel like that's bad now. I bought some yogurts and some crackers to make peanut butter crackers so I'll try that tomorrow. I've cut out most caffeine except for a cup of green tea in the morning. And I cut out artificial sweeteners too though I don't really know if there's a good reason for that.

The worst part of the whole pregnancy thing so far has been cancelling our trip to England/Scotland this summer. My brother and sister-in-law live out there, and we've never gotten the chance to visit them. We'd almost bought the tickets to go out there, but obviously can't go now. But I just heard from my bro this morning that he is now thinking of coming to visit us in the summer so that they can meet the baby! So that's pretty exciting.


Dec 16, 2007

Basil If you are unsure of dates that is the only good reason to go in sooner rather than later. Early u/s are more accurate in that way (I posted about this to Modern about two posts up). As to eating, eat often and eat lots ;)) You will find you cannot get away with skipping meals soon enough. Nausea means low blood sugar. I find I have to eat about every 3 hours. Depends on the person though. We told our parents and a few close friends, no one else. I don't want to share more than that until about 14 weeks.


Jul 12, 2008

lili, I'm hoping that you aren't really leaving us here and that all is well with your pregnancy despite the fact that your u/s suggested the fetus's growth is not sufficient. hang in there, hun!


Feb 27, 2006

I don't have enough time to properly respond to everyone individually before bed, but thank you all for your excitement over my pregnancy, LOL! I mentioned to my mom that she was the only one who seemed excited, and she was kind of shocked.

DD - Ugh about having to tell so early. At least it sounds like it was taken pretty well!

Basil - Congrats!! I've been trying to eat fairly normally for me, which is generally relatively healthy, but have really been concentrating on counting fruit and veggie servings to make sure that I am getting enough. I am also trying to eat at least something every 3 hours, because if I don't I morph into crazy Godzilla woman. I am still having my 1 cup of coffee a day. A few months ago, I weaned myself down to 1 cup from like, um, 4, so this is a big improvement.

DCGator - that is great about the betas! And your excitement is kind of contagious. :bigsmile:

Lili - thank you for your kind words. I am sorry to hear your update, and will be thinking of you.

AFM - Still not too much going on. A bit tired, but not as much as last time and part of it could be G's bad sleep lately. Although I feel like the tiredness got bad around 6.5 weeks last time, so I may still be a bit early. I have a bit of preggo brain though: I've been having major problems adding single-digit numbers. I work as an analyst... Not good. Oh, and one of the dates I gave earlier was wrong because I was having issues counting to 4 or 5- I am now 5w1d along.

The pregnancy feels very different going through this for the second time. I'm generally feeling much more relaxed - like whatever is going to happen is going to happen, no need to worry about it - and the changes feel a lot less significant. Last time I felt ENORMOUS with the bloating, but this time I'm kind of like, eh, baby is the size of the tip of a pen, and I am nowhere near the whale I am going to be by the time all this is through. 8)


Dec 16, 2007
Re: Re:

Lili HUGS to you, hoping for the best.

Blenheim|1291260625|2784803 said:
The pregnancy feels very different going through this for the second time. I'm generally feeling much more relaxed - like whatever is going to happen is going to happen, no need to worry about it - and the changes feel a lot less significant. Last time I felt ENORMOUS with the bloating, but this time I'm kind of like, eh, baby is the size of the tip of a pen, and I am nowhere near the whale I am going to be by the time all this is through. 8)

Yes, I fell like that too. Sickish the same though.

I am 7w 5d.


Apr 26, 2008

Lili: I am so sorry. Hugs to you. ETA I just saw the results of the possible discrepant ultrasound. I will be thinking of you until the next ultrasound. Hopefully the dates are just off.

Ryan Claire

Dec 2, 2009

Lili - so sad to read your update :cry: . Truck loads of t&p coming your way. Please take good care of yourself and let us know how things are going when you are ready. Big hugs!


Aug 15, 2008

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing well with your little baby bellies.

Lili - I am so very sorry my dear. I sincerely hope that you just had your dates wrong, especially since AF didn't come when you expected. Can I ask how many weeks they expected you to be and what you measured at? I will keep you and your family in my prayers and continue to hope for a miracle from your little bean. SUPER HUGE ((((HUG)))). Please do let us know what happens with the next ultrasound.

Modern - Glad to see you over here. And I am very glad to have another 1st timer here too :)) Congrats on making your first appt. I bet that will be so exciting to see your LO on the big screen! Are you having your DH come? That was the first "rule" I made; that my DH has to come to all my ultrasounds (at least the early ones). He said he had a dream the other night that I knew the sex of the baby and didn't tell him, and I said as long as he comes to the ultrasounds, he won't have that problem, ;)) That's a bummer about your parents being away. I had to tell mine via phone because I won't see them until Christmas time, and there was NO WAY I could wait that long. I did stash some cute grandma/grandpa onsies at thier place though, so I just had them open those as they way of telling them. It worked out pretty good, if I say so myself. So how did last night go, did you have to spill the beans, or is your secret safe? Btw, you can always say you are taking antibiotics, so you aren't allowed to drink. Or you can do the headache thing too...just a thought.

Catluver - Thanks for sharing your experience. I think I have just made peace with my feelings (for the time being) and just hopping my little ninja turtle will be ok. I am just going to focus on the exciting part of being pregnant and am going to bask in that :mrgreen: . As for the multiples thing, I guess we will find out in a bit more than a week :o

Basil - Welcome to the JBP thread, we ar eglad to have you join us :wavey: As a first time mommy, you've got good company with me and Modern. I'm sure we will all have bizillion questions, :rolleyes: . That is too funny about your DH thinking the tests were broken, how cute. It's your call on telling your friends, etc, but do whatever you feel comfortable with. I am debating who to tell as well, but I am thinking it will go on a need to know basis first. There are a few non-family members who know about the pregnancy, but mostly those who were following my IUI drama. As for when to go to the doc, I would also go sooner rather than later, especially if you weren't expecting the LO. But, call your doc and see what they say. My symptoms so far have been giant BB's, lots of peeing, and the frequent uterine cramping/stretching. I have the occasional naseau, but it seems to be brought on my certin foods, rather than anything else. As far as the eating, I would try to eat every few hours and I would also cut out the green tea, since I heard that is not to good for us preggos. I have heard a little coffee is ok, so I don't think you need to nix it completely. That's a bummer about having to cancel your trip, but that's really nice that your bro will come to see you guys. Maybe once your LO is bigger, you can go visit them :))

Blen - Glad to hear that fatigue isn't that bad this time round. Mine seems to come in waves. Sometimes all I want to do is sleep and other times, I'm fine. I have noticed that I do get sleepier much earlier and need to go to bed by like 10. Yeah on being 5 weeks! I am going to be 5 weeks tomorrow, so I am right behind you. :bigsmile:

Dreamer - How did the chat go? That's great that you are almost 8 weeks. I can't believe that you are that far along. It seems like just yesterday your were showing off your BFP's on the TTC thread.

RC - Fingers crossed for a great 2nd ultrasound manana. Please share your baby's pics once you get em.

AFM - I am rolling along here and am looking forward to being 5 weeks tomorrow! One month down, only 8 more to go, :tongue:. I have stopped trying to over-analyze my symptoms, and have settled down a bit. I am now just trying to enjoy my first pregnancy and delight in reading what my little ninja turtle is doing each day in my baby journal. I know it may seem a little wacky to start documenting so early, but I really want to capture the wonder of this whole experience. Anywho, I hope you all continue to grow your little munchins, and I look forward to hearing more as the weeks go on.


Dec 16, 2007

Caffeine Technically we can have up to 300mg per day before the risk of miscarriage and low birthweight becomes significant.

A cup of Starbucks coffee has about 100mg.
12 OZ of coke has about 50mg.
I think Tea is in the 75mg range.

DC I posted on the previous page that my conversation with my chair went fine. She is excited for me. She has kids herself.


Sep 18, 2010

I'm so sorry to read your news. I'll be hoping beyond hope that dates are just off. Thinking of you and your family in the meantime, and of course wishing you all the best.


Jul 12, 2008

hi ladies,

basil, welcome! Like others have suggested, I think you should try to get to the dr sooner than later. With my first, my cycles were really irregular so they had me come in pretty early to do an u/s to determin how far along I was. bummer about cancellingyour trip but you can always go another time. I hope you continue to feel relatively well!

modern, so glad you've joined the thread. I hope you had fun at your happy hour last night despite the inability to drink. in the future, when you're presented with a situation where there's alcohol but you don't want to tell anyone, perhaps you could just get a glass of wine and just nurse it vvveeeeeeerrry ssssllllloooooowly? that's my plan this time around since I expect to have a number of holiday parties I'll have to attend and I figure no one will really pay that close attention to how fast I'm drinking. Also I've heard that one glass of wine isn't harmful.

ack! gotta run - will catch p with everyone else later!



Jun 27, 2006

Thanks for the welcome, everyone!

DC - What's the reasoning about green tea and pregnancy? I knew about caffeine but most sites I looked up said that green tea only had ~25-30 mg of caffeine per cup. I did buy some decaf green tea to make in case I feel like having more than 2 cups or so, which should still be way under the limit. Is there anything else dangerous about green tea? I suppose I could switch to herbal but I kind of like the idea of the antioxidants and all. Congrats on being 5 weeks!

Mrs and Dreamer - I called the doctor today, the one my friend recommended that a lot of people in our circle have been to...the girl on the phone didn't seem particularly concerned about me not knowing exactly the date of my LMP and wanted me to wait until 8 weeks from my guess. Then she offered me appointments on the two mornings of the week that I really can't they are supposed to call me back tomorrow with some other options for some other people in the group. I guess I can switch after the first appointment if I don't like who I end up with. I guess I'm weird, but I'm happy to wait another few weeks. I hate going to doctors (ironically), so I'd rather have fewer appointments than more. Especially since it won't make a difference really - they can't do anything at this stage one way or another.

Anyone have any ideas for some fun virgin holiday drinks? My mom makes this awesome cranberry-infused vodka that you mix with tonic and lime and I'm wondering if I can adapt it to just make a cranberry syrup without the vodka?


Feb 27, 2006

DD - Sorry about the sickish. Boo.

Caffeine - I had also heard those figures. I figure 1 cup a day is good, because then I am able to have an extra cup or two following bad sleep nights (G's been teething lately) without it being an issue. :D

DCGator - That is really cute that you are already journaling. Especially if it (they?!) is a "she", I bet she'd love reading that one day.

Mrs - We did the trick last weekend where DH and I both got a glass of wine and then kept switching when no one was looking, so that he drank it all but no one noticed I wasn't. That's also a good one, if you have someone you can do that with at any rate. I am personally okay with a small glass of wine later on, but not in the first tri. So much is developing right now.

Modern - hope the happy hour went okay!

Basil - I am not sweating the fact that I can't get in for a first visit until 11 weeks for exactly the reason you mentioned, but I am also pretty sure about my dates. Hmmm. Maybe a different staff person may be more receptive to working you in earlier?


Dec 16, 2007

basil I am with you and hate doctors too ;)) but my suggestion about getting the early u/s for dating is actually to avoid doctors later on. In my experience, the due date matters *a lot* for how you are treated in the last weeks of your pregnancy and even if it is off by 5-8 days it will change things dramatically in how closeley you are monitored, how quickly doctors start talking about induction, how worried they are about meauring small or large for dates etc etc. There was some ambiguity about my dates -- a dsicrepancy between my charting based due date and the date predicted by my 11 week u/s, and I found the whole thing supremely annoying and would rather have avoided it. So that's why it is good to have that early u/s to get your dates right.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: Re:

Blenheim|1291342013|2785729 said:
Mrs - We did the trick last weekend where DH and I both got a glass of wine and then kept switching when no one was looking, so that he drank it all but no one noticed I wasn't. That's also a good one, if you have someone you can do that with at any rate. I am personally okay with a small glass of wine later on, but not in the first tri. So much is developing right now.

Good trick Blen!

I don't drink so it is easy for me. The tougher thing I am dealing with is explaining why I am cancelling meetings because I am feeling sick :knockout: Not important ones, just meetings with students, but bleh I hope this passes soon.


Apr 28, 2008
Re: Re:

dcgator|1291342557|2785744 said:
Just a quick drive by because I am falling asleep as we speak.

Basil - Here is some of the reasoning for skipping green tea:

Basically, it inhibits the absorption of folic acid, which is very necessary for the baby, especially early on.

Yep, I'd skip the green tea, Basil, at least in the first trimester. Folic acid is really critical for your little one during this time.


Apr 28, 2008
Re: Re:

Dreamer_D said:
There was some ambiguity about my dates -- a dsicrepancy between my charting based due date and the date predicted by my 11 week u/s, and I found the whole thing supremely annoying and would rather have avoided it.

But you knew your ovulation date with Hunter, right? Did the doctor not believe you? I know the exact day I conceived so at the first appointment, I just fudged my LMP date a bit.


Jul 12, 2008

hi all,

Blen, that's a GREAT trick - thanks for sharing. Good work getting your coffee intake down to one cup a day!

DD, so glad to hear your dept chair received your news well and that she's going to try to find someone who will only want the position temporarily. Sorry to hear your having to cancel meetings though - hope you feel better soon.

basil, that's frustrating that the appointment times available conflict with your schedule. I hope you're able to find a time to be seen sooner than later. I know you're wanting to wait, but like DD said, it may prevent more appointments later.

dcg, yay for having one month down! I love how you told your parents about the pregnancy - you were so forward thinking stashing those onesies!

RC, I hope your u/s goes well today! I'll be thinking of you!

Moxie, how are you feeling?

lili, I'm still sending you good vibrations. I hope you're okay.

AFM: All's well here. I called an OB a friend of a friend recommended and made an appointment for Jan 4th. My daughter's pedi gave me some names of OBs as well so I may look into them as well. I'm glad to have an appointment scheduled though.

Still feeling well - no real symptoms other than slightly bigger BBs and some bloating and LOTS of wacky dreams. I think I've relaxed a little bit which is good.

I told my best friend about the pregnancy and she was so excited. It was realy nice. Still planning to wait until Christmass to tell DH's parents and other family members.

hope you all have a great weekend!


Jul 21, 2008
Re: Re:

basil|1291338122|2785646 said:
Anyone have any ideas for some fun virgin holiday drinks? My mom makes this awesome cranberry-infused vodka that you mix with tonic and lime and I'm wondering if I can adapt it to just make a cranberry syrup without the vodka?

Coming of lurkdom to suggest a mocktail for holiday parties! I love tart stuff (like cranberry anything) and I often make a cocktail that is grapefruit vodka, cranberry juice, and tonic (or soda... I can never remember which one it is... probably tonic water). Its refreshing and delicious if you like tart stuff. So why not do grapefruit juice, cranberry juice, and something sparkling?

Ryan Claire

Dec 2, 2009

Dreamer – sorry about having to tell your Department Chair and losing out on the chance to teach the course this year. Hopefully the replacement prof will only want the class for a year. Sounds like m/s has set in… hopefully you can relax and enjoy a long winter break off from school.

DC – glad things are going well and your third beta was so high. Yeah 5 weeks… I love reaching these week milestones. I have the fruit tracker thing, and I love graduating to the next fruit. I believe week five is an apple seed! You ask about my symptoms and they definitely ebb and flow throughout the day… usually peaking at night and occasionally mid morning. They definitely don’t seem to be on any set schedule like some women I know. I felt uterus stretching sensations the first couple weeks but that has petered off a little.

Modern – I hope you get your early ultrasound! It will be a big relief and as people have said, the dating seems to be very important for your prenatal care. Were you able to keep mum at the happy hour with your friends? I definitely understand wanting your mom to know before your friends…

Blen – sorry about the baby brain already setting in… hopefully once you are out of the 1st tri you’ll get your adding skills back  So glad the 2nd time around is more relaxed for you… I am hoping that is the case cause this first time through I feel like a bundle of nerves.

Lili – still thinking of you… sending lots of hugs and comfort.

For you 2nd timers – how old are your kiddos and do they have any idea what’s going on or what it means that they will be big bros or sisters?

Basil – welcome and congrats! As for your dr. appointment, if I was not with an RE first, my OB would only want to see me between weeks 8 and 10… But every OB is a little different. Hopefully you can find a doctor that can working with you and your DH’s schedules. My DH has been at both early us, which was a huge comfort, but I don’t think he will be going to my regular OB appointments. Sorry about cancelling your trip to Europe – definitely a bummer but hopefully you can reschedule for after your LO has arrived. For Thanksgiving my parents had some tasty sparkling juices (pomogrante and peach) that looked like Champagne and was very tasty... I'll try to find out the brands but I am sure there are plent.

As for symptoms: I have big sore boobs, ms that ebbs and flows throughout the day, fatigue, and bloating… lovely stuff :) I have also had a few days of beige/brown spotting that my doctor said not to worry about.

As for eating: No caffeine or artificial sweeteners if I can avoid it… I don’t eat much meat and I am normally a pretty healthy eater, but I must say I am not at all interested in veggies (particularly salads - blah) and definitely am craving cheese and carbs – like pizza and cream cheese and bagels. I have been eating waffles, oatmeal, or bp&j for breakfast; black bean burritos, bagels/pizza, or egg white, turkey bacon and cheddar cheese sandwiches (from Starbucks… mmm) for lunch, and frozen dinners (pasta with veggies, stir fry) or refried bean, salsa & cheese for dinner… I snack on crackers as well as strawberries and cantaloupe and drink a couple small glasses of Calcium and Vitamin D fortified Orange Juice. I know I eat too much pre-packaged foods, but I have very little incentive to cook these days. (Plus DH works late and I am only cooking for 1).


As for me, I am 8w1d and officially a raspberry according to my fruit ticker. We had our second ultrasound today and the little bean is still growing with a strong heartbeat of 169. It’s only 16.5mm – hard to believe but it’s even got little tiny arm buds already. Its tail is almost gone, so I guess we shouldn’t be calling it a tadpole anymore. I did get DH a really cute tadpole onsie and ornament for Christmas though… could not resist : )

I feel like we are breathing a little bit easier and beginning to believe that there might be a real baby joining us in July. The all day nauseous feeling also serves as a ever present reminder.

I am finding we are slowing sharing the news... My sister had a miscarriage in January at 8 weeks, so we knew it was definitely a real possibility but I already told my close friends and family. One, they were all pretty up to speed on our IUI attempts and betas and two, I am sure I would tell them if I miscarried so I figure why not share the good stuff… but that is just me.

I'll try to post a pic - but they are usually too small or too big... let's see how this goes.



Dec 16, 2007
Re: Re:

Laila619|1291366189|2786105 said:
Dreamer_D said:
There was some ambiguity about my dates -- a dsicrepancy between my charting based due date and the date predicted by my 11 week u/s, and I found the whole thing supremely annoying and would rather have avoided it.

But you knew your ovulation date with Hunter, right? Did the doctor not believe you? I know the exact day I conceived so at the first appointment, I just fudged my LMP date a bit.

I did know my ovulation date which was tw odays later than my LMP date, but my 11 weeks u/s put Hunter's due date 1 week ahead of that! Because charting is an art not a scienced and because Dh and I had sex for 10 days, including the 8 days prior to ovulation, it was possible I got pg earlier. So when I was monitored later in my pregnancy for various reasons, they were checking size and ended up changing my due date when I was 38 weeks to make me 39 weeks instead! Hunter was born on the u/s based due date. My point I suppose is that the uncertainly added a lot of hassel at the end, and I was uncomfortable with that uncertaintly because I did not want my due date too "early", increasing the odds of induction in my mind.

RC Hunter is 22 months and knows nothin' about nothin' ;))


Dec 16, 2007

RC I too have been craving a lot of carbs :knockout: The all day nausea is a real bore, and the only thing that makes me feel even rmeotely better is eating. It does not last long, but while I am actually stuffing my face I feel ok :rolleyes: Pizza is my ever-present love.
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