
Could this be The One?

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Wow!!!! Gorgeous ring, and great pics!!!
Thank you Agent for your compliments.

Mat. I will have to work on this photo resizing thing. I will try what you suggest a bit later. Thanks SO much for playing with me.
I gotta go now back later tonight,
Kisses (smooch)

Oh my gosh Joni your ring just took my breath away! It is absolutely stunning and I know you must be thrilled to pieces!!! Your pictures look great.
Wow, Joni! Amazing ring! I love how the round center and pears just flow together. It''s gorgeous!
WOW..........CONGRATULATIONS. IT''S ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!! May you wear your new rock in the best of health and spirits!!!

Hi Sundial! You have been great with all of you help here at pricescope. Your other avatar showing your E-ring inspired me to try to capture the look of the arrows in the photos. Your new avatar is just darling.Is that a Jack Russell? Great photo.

Sunkist Thanks for your compliment. I am pleased with the workmanship that Facets did on this ring. I can hardly wait till Honey officially presents it to me. We are going out some place fancy tomorrow night to celebrate. I am guessing that he will propose with the ring sometime tomorrow.
Hey Rod!
Thanks Man! Back at ya! Cheers!soon I''ll be gazing at my rock trying to keep my eyes on the road. Be well Man,
Oh Miss Joni...anything new you would like to post.
That''s beautiful!!!!!!! Congrats on the beautiful stones and setting! I love it!
good morning here is one with more fingers (and colors ) showing.
Thanks Jelly!
Also I will try to get whole hand to fit plus I want to decide on eternity band vs/ my 5 stone looks wise. maybe you can help me decide.

ejoni_wandering jew.jpg
Here is a shot with the eternity band Isaak(Facets) had this in stock in my size so I am trying it out the stones are set with no gaps and the prongs are really invisible in person.
1.62 ct size 4 1/2 for reference.

what do you think?

hereare all 3

ejoni_all 3.jpg
silver arrows and more color

did this work? Hand shot?

color sparkles?

I see arrows!!! Love both of those eternity bands! And yes my new avatar is our Jack Russell terrier Haley.
with 5 stone

Sundial Haley looks sweet all snuggled up and still. Is she a jumper?
the 5 stone we already own I have been wearing that as engagement ring till the this ring was completed. So many here at pricescope have the eternity band since Isaak had it in my size I wanted to check it out. Which do you prefer?
Date: 4/21/2006 9:14:59 AM
hereare all 3
Oh my Miss Joni, love this shot! I think I prefer the slightly thinner band with your ring, but the 5 stone does not look bad by any means. Have you considered a plain plat band?
Mat Great Idea!
Do you think that would make the ring Pop more? what diameter do you think 2mm? The Band on this Ering is about 2mm but tapers thinner to the point of the pear. What do you think?
If it were me I would try a 2mm band, I think it would allow you to focus on how stunning the ering is, especially since you have that stunning 5 stone already to give you that extra shot of bling on the days when you need it.
If it were me I would wear either the smaller diamond band with it or as Matatora suggested a plain one. I would wear that gorgeous five stone you already own as a right hand ring. It''s all good! (And yes Haley is a jumper but we have a large fenced backyard for her to vent her energies!!!)
Whole hand

Whole hand.

Thanks for the input Mat and Sundial!
I agree with you both. to me the 5 stone is a bit large for the Ering . I will get to wear the Ering by itself till June25. I have a Whole 30 days to decide on the eternity band- (Thanks Facets!) Any Ideas for who to source the 2mm Plat?
I will get my nails done before tonight when I expect honey will present the ring. I am not wearing it yet but honey is at work so we can play!
I love this shot

Last one

Signed Pieces carries wedding bands, you may want to call Issak and ask him which of their bands he thinks would look best with your ring.
Thanks Mat,
Isaak said He didnt have my size in stock.
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