
Caring for the elderly.

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Nov 24, 2006
We took my mom out to eat tonight to celebrate her doing so well; this is her second time out! We said a little toast to her success!
My 2 year old nephew was soooo excited to see grandma (my mom)!! It made me smile big.
As we were walking out she tripped so we still need to watch out for her but she is doing so well, thanks for asking Linda.

Linda, I am glad you helped you mom and her sister and glad you were there to help w/her visit. You are such a good daughter, sending you a huge hug dearest Linda
How are you doing??

Ellen, I am sorry, how frustrating, sending you a hug too!

Lisa, how are you sweetie?

Diamondrocks, how is your grandma?

Turtle, your mom???

Everyone else??? Sending everyone good thoughts

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Skippy: So happy to hear your mom is doing well. Watch out for those trips, don''t want her to fall now.

Ellen: Oh my, now she wants more supplements?? I hope my mom doesn''t start doing that, but my mom doesn''t listen to any voice of reason. She is so stubborn. I hope I am not like that when I reach 81.

Seems all older people are like that, I remember my grandmother being super stubborn and my grandpa wasn''t.

Anyway Ellen, wish you could take away her cc''s.

Hope to hear soon, how every one else is doing.



Nov 24, 2006
Thank you Linda,
How are the grandboys? I bet they are a joy to everyone!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Tee Hee Skippy!! They are WONDERFUL!!!! I can''t tell you how much I love these little guys
. We are leaving Thursday morning and coming home Monday. We are taking them camping again. This time to a different spot. This one is gorgeous. There is a huge lake that they can go fishing and it also has a swimming pool.

Here is the link

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hey how come the link didn''t work??? Poo, I must have done something wrong.


Nov 18, 2004
I am back from Nantucket. Had a blast!! Going back in 10 days, but enjoyed spending lots of time with my kids, Neices, nephews, and all our fun friends up there. We were out every night, seeing everyone. It's such a magical place.

My parents did drive us nuts while on vacay. It's all about their house we bought from them in FLA, Del Ray. I didn't want to buy their house. But Hubby loves the house, it's on the water, blah blah blah. I felt that after we bought Nantucket, that's enough for us. But my Dad was in a pickle financially, so hubby bought it. Well the house is great but needs some work, new kitchen, new tile, new paint, etc.. It's an investment property, will rent it out. Already have a tenant for the season.

Mom is a heavy smoker. The rugs had to go, the painting had to be done. Well A friend of my parents went to collect some things for my mom to send back here. Sees that a lot of construction is going on. Calls my Mom, Tells her that we are ruining her house!!

Mom was crying her eyes out. Hubby takes the call from them, explains what we are doing. The house will just be improved, nothing drastic. He tries to get me to get on the phone with them....

I said out loud so they could hear.... You sold the house to us. That's it end of story, turn the page, close the book!! I said I am on vacation, so am going back to my book.....
You have to understand,. I was against buying it. But since we did, what we are doing will only improve it. And hello, we got them out of debt. Like can anyone say thank you?? I am so over this. Ugggh.
Plus I took care of their in laws, my grandparents with NO help from them. They move back here, dump everything on me, and I am like are you kidding me?? It's great that I had time away. I really got to take it all into perspective.

Ellen, Linda, Skippy and diamondsrock, I have a ton of catching up to do, so until I catch up, I pray all is going well for you gals. Hugs to you all!! If I missed anyone, please forgive me, I am so out of the loop......


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/21/2008 11:04:55 PM
Author: Linda W
Tee Hee Skippy!! They are WONDERFUL!!!! I can't tell you how much I love these little guys
. We are leaving Thursday morning and coming home Monday. We are taking them camping again. This time to a different spot. This one is gorgeous. There is a huge lake that they can go fishing and it also has a swimming pool.

Here is the link
Linda Ahh, grandkids and kids in general are good for the soul!hehe I think that is why tonight was so cute, my nephew just loves his grandma, that sweet special bond they have!
i bet your grandkids are the same way, they just love Grandma Linda
Sounds like an awesome trip; I am so excited for you all, you will have a terrific time! Are you making their favorite meals? hehe

Kaleigh, you are so right, good for you telling them how it is, you need to do that. The house sounds lovely and that was super sweet to help them out that way.
I am glad you had a great vacation and had a break for yourself; you deserve it

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Yes Skippy, they are making a list of what they want for breakfast, lunch and dinner again, ha ha ha ha ha. They crack me up. They are so darn cute!!!

Geez Lisa, what a busy body that friend of your parents is. Couldn''t she tell that improvements were being made to the house. Oi vey!!! I am so glad you are going back in 10 days. More relaxing for you.


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 7/21/2008 11:44:57 PM
Author: Linda W
Yes Skippy, they are making a list of what they want for breakfast, lunch and dinner again, ha ha ha ha ha. They crack me up. They are so darn cute!!!

Geez Lisa, what a busy body that friend of your parents is. Couldn''t she tell that improvements were being made to the house. Oi vey!!! I am so glad you are going back in 10 days. More relaxing for you.
Oh Linda, yes!! What was this friend thinking?? It went so badly. I don''t know who this friend is, but boy would I love to have a chat with her,. hehe.


Jan 13, 2006
Skippers, I am so glad to hear your mom is out and about and doing well!!
She is definitely on the road to recovery, good news! And thanks you.

Lisa, I know how you feel. But I'm sure they got really attached to the house, and still feel it's "theirs". So, it may take some time for it to all sink in. I'm sure they'll get over it.
But I'm glad you got a break and had a great time!!

Linda, thanks. Yes, to take away the cards would be great, but, we're just not there yet. So, whatcha gonna do?

And I have to say, you sound like such a phenominal grandma. I meant to say this awhile back in this thread, but got sidetracked. I can really feel through your posts just how much you love/enjoy those kids, and it warms my heart. The relationship between kids and their grandparents can be so special. I wish my kids would have known that with their grandmas, but they didnt. Hubby's mom had 23 grandkids, so that explains why there, plus she was up in age with ALZ by the time they could really appreciate her. And my mother, just didn't want anything to do with them, her only grandkids. Sad.

So kudos to you grandma!!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Thank you so much Ellen!! I simply adore those two boys. They are my heart. They crack me up every day, the things they come up with. They, along with my daughter, are living with us now which is great for me and DH. She is separated from her hubby. So they have been with us for a year. Before that, they bought the house across the street from us. Made it really ease to walk across the street to see those babies

They are talking about getting back together now and if they do, I tell ya, I will go through the "empty nest" syndrome all over again.
The boys call me Nana, but their favorite is Nana Banana HA!!!!

At night, they love to crawl in bed with DH and I and watch TV. That is, until they start fighting or smacking each other, then it is off to their rooms and into bed.

I was close to my grandparents too and I still miss them. My daughter is really close to my mom too.

It is a shame your mother didn''t want to be close to your sons. There is nothing in the world like the closeness between a grandmother and her grandchildren.

Hugs to you, my friend and can''t wait to meet you one day.



Jan 13, 2006
Date: 7/22/2008 2:56:58 PM
Author: Linda W
Thank you so much Ellen!! I simply adore those two boys. They are my heart. They crack me up every day, the things they come up with. They, along with my daughter, are living with us now which is great for me and DH. She is separated from her hubby. So they have been with us for a year. Before that, they bought the house across the street from us. Made it really ease to walk across the street to see those babies

They are talking about getting back together now and if they do, I tell ya, I will go through the ''empty nest'' syndrome all over again.
The boys call me Nana, but their favorite is Nana Banana HA!!!!

At night, they love to crawl in bed with DH and I and watch TV. That is, until they start fighting or smacking each other, then it is off to their rooms and into bed.

I was close to my grandparents too and I still miss them. My daughter is really close to my mom too.

It is a shame your mother didn''t want to be close to your sons. There is nothing in the world like the closeness between a grandmother and her grandchildren.

Hugs to you, my friend and can''t wait to meet you one day.

So true. I was lucky to know this.

And thanks Linda, I can''t wait to meet you too!


May 5, 2005
Hi everybody!

Ellen, that would drive me nuts about all those supplements. That sounds like a lot of stuff for her to be ingesting. Doesn't she get a stomach ache from it all? Not to mention the cost.... Yikes!

Linda you sound like a wonderful grandma! I think it's so great the boys are so involved with you. You are creating wonderful memories for them. My mom is not so involved with my son and it's disappointing, so Ellen I know how you feel. (She's not much involved in anything due to her depression but that's another story.) DH's parents, on the other hand, are very involved with him and just took him on a week long roadtrip this month to visit family out west. They always have showed so much interest in him and it's been wonderful. He is their only grandson (on my side as well, actually) so he gets a lot of attention from them. Plus they are very active, always on the go, so it's usually not boring for him to spend time with them!

Skippy, awesome about your mom, but have her be careful about tripping! I remember when I broke my toe, as I was healing, it seemed like I stubbed it 5 times a day or whacked it on something. You don't realize how many times a day you knock into things, etc...until you need to be careful! I'm glad she is doing so well.

Lisa, I agree that neighbor is quite a busybody. I'll tell you, when some elderly people (I'm assuming she was elderly or retired?) stay home all day they watch absolutely EVERYTHING that goes on in the neighborhood. I've seen this several times and sometimes it's been an issue for me, like I"m being watched
. It's like entertainment for them. She should have kept her opinions to herself, though. That was uncalled for. She had no idea what you were doing over there. Sounds like you had a great vacation and I agree, that was super nice of you to buy the house to help them out. It's your house now, so they need to stop worrying about it and let it be yours! Sometimes you just can't please people no matter what you do!

My grandmother is doing very well - the zoloft seems to be helping. She's been under the weather with a stomach bug (I think I have it as well), so we haven't been to visit her friend in the nursing home, but plan on going this weekend. Her friend wonders where she is if I don't bring her on Sundays! I usually bring my reading and it's a decent time to unwind and catch up on my magazines, so it's pretty good for me, too. It's been quite hot here and very humid, but she has been keeping indoors, which is great because she has been known to overdo it in the heat and end up in the er with heatstroke, so I'm glad she is being smart this summer so far anyways. Since we've both been under the weather, I haven't visited her as much lately, but do call each day to check in. I'll see her tomorrow after work.


Nov 24, 2006
Diamondrocks, I hope you and your grandma feel better soon, sending you a get better hug! You are so sweet to take her to see her friend on the weekend. It has been hot lately, stay cool and drink lots of fluids, and hope you 2 cuties feel better soon. thanks for your sweet words!

Linda, I can tell you are such a fun and loving grandma; plus I love to here your stories, they are super duper cute!!! I bet they just adore you! I love it that they are already planning their meals, I loved my grandmas! One of my grandmas would make the best bread, yum!

Lisa, I am glad you are enjoying your vacations, and the fun times, you deserve it! I agree that wasn't nice of the neighbors.

Ellen, I am sorry, I agree it is frustrating and I wish your mom were closer to your boys. Sending you a hug!

Thanks dear friends for all the sweet cheers for my mom, you all or so sweet! I am so happy too for her; many thanks!!! Yippeee!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hi everyone

Just wondering how everyone is doing.



Jan 13, 2006
Hey Linda!
I have been wondering the same.

Nothing new on my front, mom's still searching for the holy grail of health supplements.
And I got her an appt. with a neuro guy here in town, not that she needs one, but she thinks she does.
So at least that cuts out the hour drive to the other guy.

How are things on your end?

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hey Ellen

You made me laugh this morning. Your mom is such a character. Wonder what the neuro will have to say?

My mom is doing OK. We are going to see her this weekend. She went to the Dr. last Wednesday and everything is the same, so she hasn''t dropped any more points, which is good.

Love, me


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 8/4/2008 12:14:10 PM
Author: Linda W
Hey Ellen

You made me laugh this morning. Your mom is such a character. Wonder what the neuro will have to say?

My mom is doing OK. We are going to see her this weekend. She went to the Dr. last Wednesday and everything is the same, so she hasn't dropped any more points, which is good.

Love, me
Well, that's one word for her.

He probably won't have anything new at this point, as it's just a new pt. appt. to get her established (and she just saw the other in April). Then she should have no need (hopefully) to see him again until next April when it will be the one year anni of being diagnosed with ALZ. I'm sure then he'll do the same test on her she's been having done for years that plots her mental status, which ultimately led to her diagnosis.

I'm so glad to hear your mom seems stabalized at the moment, good news! I hope you have a really nice visit this weekend.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Has your mom changed at all, or is she the same?? My mom keeps saying she hopes she is still here by Christmas. I keep telling her she will be.


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 8/4/2008 12:36:04 PM
Author: Linda W
Has your mom changed at all, or is she the same?? My mom keeps saying she hopes she is still here by Christmas. I keep telling her she will be.
I would say she''s about the same as in April, no real change.

And that''s exactly what I would tell your mom too.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hi everyone,

Just checking in to see you everyone is doing. Hope everyone is doing well.

Yesterday was horrible, we attended my girlfriends husband''s funeral. He died on Wednesday of a sudden heart attacked, he was only 55. She is like a lost little girl and my heart just breaks for her.

On Sunday we went to see my mom and my brother was there, she threw a whopper at us. Now I am sure, some of you will thing this is fantastic and great, but my bro and I do not, tee hee.

She has decided she does not want a Celebration of Life Party like we had for my dad. We had it at their house and had friends of theirs there, plus my friends and my bro''s friends.

She has decided she wants us to go to Disneyland. OMG!!! Of all the places to go to.

First of all I told her. It is too hot, too crowded, DH will not go anywhere where there are crowds. I can''t walk for any length of time because of the bad neuropathy in my legs. Heat makes it twice as bad. My arms, legs and face go numb and tingle. Her answer to that was. Have DH push you in a wheel chair. Which I replied NO!!!! My bro told her, he also hates crowds, heat and doesn''t want to do that either.

We told her it would be great fun for my daughter to take the boys to go and her
DH if they are back together by then.

Her reply to bro and I. Stay at the Disneyland Hotel all day and swim and have room service. We said what fun is that!!!

Her reply to us is. If we don''t do as she wishes, we don''t get part of her money. OMG, I told her to keep it!!!

I am sorry to vent, but my patience is about running out. Are Bro and I being unreasonable because we have no desire whatsoever to go to disneyland?

Linda the whiner


Nov 24, 2006
Oh Linda, I am sorry that is tough, is there a resort nearby that might be fun? That is cute you mom wants to go to Disneyland. I will pray you all come up with a good solution. I am so sorry about your friends hubby; I can''t even imagine what she is going through! You are a good friend for being there with her.

Ellen, how is your mom?

Lisa, how about you?

My parents are well; I am praying my dad lives for awhile longer so in 4 yrs I can give him a HUGE 80th birthday party!!!!! I gave him a huge 70th bday party so I am praying for the same thing!


Nov 18, 2004
Oh Miss Linda,
I am sorry about your girlfriend, what a huge loss that must be.... I am glad that she has YOU for a friend, tough tmes ahead for sure.

Now about your Mom, this celebration of life, can you tell us more.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Skippy and Lisa,

My mom won''t be going to Disneyland, this is AFTER she has passed away. She said we have to go, or we don''t get part of her money. That is why I told her to keep it. She is starting to have control issues.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 8/17/2008 10:58:58 PM
Author: Linda W
Skippy and Lisa,

My mom won''t be going to Disneyland, this is AFTER she has passed away. She said we have to go, or we don''t get part of her money. That is why I told her to keep it. She is starting to have control issues.
Oh gosh, I didn''t mean to say it was cute; I thought it was for before. . . I didn''t realize after. Oh I am sorry; I will keep you all in my prayers.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006

A Celebration Of Life, is when a person doesn''t want a funeral. That is what my dad requested. Everyone was at my parents house. We had it catered and everyone ate had margaritas, visited and talked about my dad. There were pictures of him all over the place.

At first my mom wanted this too, but Sunday she changed her mind. After she passes, if my bro and I don''t go to Disneyland, she will give part of her money to my daughter. So I told her to go ahead. I don''t like contolling issues, especially when she knows my health problems, regarding, walking and heat and NO wheelchair for me.


Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Date: 8/17/2008 11:00:53 PM
Author: Skippy123
Date: 8/17/2008 10:58:58 PM

Author: Linda W

Skippy and Lisa,

My mom won''t be going to Disneyland, this is AFTER she has passed away. She said we have to go, or we don''t get part of her money. That is why I told her to keep it. She is starting to have control issues.
Oh gosh, I didn''t mean to say it was cute; I thought it was for before. . . I didn''t realize after. Oh I am sorry; I will keep you all in my prayers.

Tee Hee, that is OK Skippy, it is rather funny. I can''t wait to see what Ellen has to say.


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 8/17/2008 11:03:48 PM
Author: Linda W

A Celebration Of Life, is when a person doesn''t want a funeral. That is what my dad requested. Everyone was at my parents house. We had it catered and everyone ate had margaritas, visited and talked about my dad. There were pictures of him all over the place.

At first my mom wanted this too, but Sunday she changed her mind. After she passes, if my bro and I don''t go to Disneyland, she will give part of her money to my daughter. So I told her to go ahead. I don''t like contolling issues, especially when she knows my health problems, regarding, walking and heat and NO wheelchair for me.

Oh my, well glad you spoke your mind. I am so sorry. That''s not an easy thing to deal with. I would hope that she''d allow you to do something that you are comfortable with... Life isn''t always easy is it?

All my best to you Linda. I know you are really going through it. Sucks at times doesn''t it? Glad we have this thread. Hang in there sweetie!!!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Thank you Lisa,

Sometimes, I wonder what she is really thinking. Now she could have said Hawaii or something ha ha ha ha. Maybe she will change her mind, who knows. Geez,

How are your parents.???



Nov 24, 2006
Date: 8/17/2008 11:06:18 PM
Author: Linda W

Date: 8/17/2008 11:00:53 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 8/17/2008 10:58:58 PM

Author: Linda W

Skippy and Lisa,

My mom won''t be going to Disneyland, this is AFTER she has passed away. She said we have to go, or we don''t get part of her money. That is why I told her to keep it. She is starting to have control issues.
Oh gosh, I didn''t mean to say it was cute; I thought it was for before. . . I didn''t realize after. Oh I am sorry; I will keep you all in my prayers.

Tee Hee, that is OK Skippy, it is rather funny. I can''t wait to see what Ellen has to say.
You mean to tease me about the word cute! You are such a gem Linda!!!
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