
99.2% of recent US Covid deaths were unvaccinated people


Mar 23, 2013
The Delta variant is being compared to the chicken pox in regards to how easily it is transmitted. If 25% percent are opting out of wearing a mask, that is a huge problem.

The percentage is probably higher than what I see at stores now. I will take it over nothing! We are all vaccinated but I'd prefer not to get sick.


May 15, 2014
The percentage is probably higher than what I see at stores now. I will take it over nothing! We are all vaccinated but I'd prefer not to get sick.

Yes it’s better than nothing but we generally don’t spend 6 or 7 hours in a store in close proximity to those maskless people. If I had a school age child, wearing a mask, I would not want them sitting near an unmasked child all day long. That would make me very nervous.


Mar 23, 2013
Yes it’s better than nothing but we generally don’t spend 6 or 7 hours in a store in close proximity to those maskless people. If I had a school age child, wearing a mask, I would not want them sitting near an unmasked child all day long. That would make me very nervous.

I think every family needs to make that decision for themselves. There are so many considerations that go into attending virtual school, homeschooling and financial issues that go into the ability to afford a private school that may have a mandatory mask policy.

In our situation, we do shared custody. This is not my biological child. He is with us 50 percent of the time.

He did virtual school for the last year and a half and fell terribly behind. He has taken a year and a half of Spanish and does not even know how basic vocabulary, as well as falling behind in math, science and English.

He started high school this year. Doing another year or two years of virtual school for this particular child, when he has already fallen behind, was simply not an option for him academically.

All of us work full time as well, so it is very difficult to monitor a virtual student attending when they are a teenager. Because we all work full-time, we do not have the ability to stop work and homeschool him either.

Private schools in our area that may have mask policies which are good schools, usually have tuition that starts about $18,000 per year and goes up to about $30,000, which unfortunately is not within his biological parents budget.

Do I think it's a perfect situation? No, but I think it's a better alternative than him continuing to go to online virtual school and continuing to fall behind to the point where he cannot catch up.

The private school option with the mask policy would probably be the best, but the tuition for private schools here is quite steep and I think is out of reach for many people.

I think it's a hard decision for parents and there is no perfect answer.


May 15, 2014
@elizat i wasn’t suggesting home or private school as I certainly understand the challenges of both. I just think that public school should have a mask mandate. I know everyone doesn’t agree on this issue and I know some states don’t permit it. I am just stating my opinion that there should be one.


Jun 8, 2008
I know this is going to sound authoritarian to some but what is the big deal about having a mask mandate if it saves lives?

Why put one's children and others at risk?

If you send your child to school now for their safety and the safety of others masks should be worn. And worn properly. IMO.



Aug 29, 2014
I know this is going to sound authoritarian to some but what is the big deal about having a mask mandate if it saves lives?

Why put one's children and others at risk?

If you send your child to school now for their safety and the safety of others masks should be worn. And worn properly. IMO.

I agree with you, but I'll share some of the reasons I've heard - varying from legitimate to downright crazy.

-Masks dont work to protect you (they also dont really believe in a-symptomatic transmission, so they dispute that part too)
-Masks are more dangerous than the virus (somehow they dont protect from a virus, but force you to ONLY breathe in CO2, thus putting you at risk?)
-Kids need to learn facial cues as part of socialization (prob the only semi-legit one)
-Masking is child abuse (???)
-It's just the flu


Jun 8, 2008
I agree with you, but I'll share some of the reasons I've heard - varying from legitimate to downright crazy.

-Masks dont work to protect you (they also dont really believe in a-symptomatic transmission, so they dispute that part too)
-Masks are more dangerous than the virus (somehow they dont protect from a virus, but force you to ONLY breathe in CO2, thus putting you at risk?)
-Kids need to learn facial cues as part of socialization (prob the only semi-legit one)
-Masking is child abuse (???)
-It's just the flu

The masses are asses


Jan 3, 2013
There are a couple exceptions IMO on mask wearing for teachers of young, disabled and ELL children. When they are learning language and how to read, seeing the teacher’s mouth and facial expression is really essential.
Otherwise, mask up!

I am dreading returning to work in no AC/fans and face masks, but do it I will.


Sep 10, 2003
Saw this gem on FB this morning:

Screen Shot 2021-08-18 at 10.23.45 AM.png


Mar 22, 2017
There are a couple exceptions IMO on mask wearing for teachers of young, disabled and ELL children. When they are learning language and how to read, seeing the teacher’s mouth and facial expression is really essential.
Otherwise, mask up!

I am dreading returning to work in no AC/fans and face masks, but do it I will.

I think you make a valid point about some students needing to see the teacher's mouths. Even in those cases, though, there are masks that have a clear plastic panel right in front of one's mouth, and then the filtering material around that, that allow others to see the wearer's mouth and read their lips. It's not going to provide the same level of filtering capacity as some other types of masks, but if the teacher wearing it is vaccinated, it should be plenty to prevent them from infecting students, and will reduce their own exposure some - possibly even enough to reduce their own exposure dose below the threshold needed for infection.
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Mar 22, 2017
What so many are failing to comprehend, or care about, is that it really isn't "every parent decides for their child." That's not how it actually works out in reality. If a large enough number of parents send their kid without a mask, and if teachers and staff have been stripped of the authority to enforce mask-wearing for the kids whose parents DO want them in a mask, then those kids whose parents want them in masks will NOT be in masks. Because.....they're kids.

I've read stories from SO many desperate parents over the last couple weeks, since schools started again in various areas. They've spent months to a year-and-a-half having their kids wear masks, getting them accustomed to them. They've spent all kinds of money finding masks that their kids find comfortable enough and still work, and that the kids will get excited about - favorite colors, neat designs, sparkles, favorite cartoon character, etc. They've spent hours and hours talking to the kids about how important it is to wear it and keep it on the whole time. Invariably, though, their kid comes home the first day with it stuffed in their pocket, unworn but for the first hour at best, and NOT because it was uncomfortable to wear. It was because too many other kids weren't wearing them, and they didn't want to be "different" or risk being bullied (and the teachers had been stripped of authority to have them put it back on). Because that's how kids are. There's a reason why kids don't drive, don't make their own medical decisions, don't decide what all their meals are, can't vote, can't buy alcohol or cigarettes, etc. They're not equipped to make rational decisions about their own well-being or follow through on instructions in an atmosphere with no adult enforcement, yet that's exactly what all these people are demanding happen. That is exactly what politicians, school boards, and anti-mask parents are doing. They might as well hand all the children - including other people's children - keys to their cars and send them out on the highways.

Frankly, even IF some kids keep the masks on, as transmissible as Delta is, if enough of the other kids aren't wearing them and the masked kids aren't vaccinated, their masks won't help them that much. There's a world of difference between a person putting on a well-fitting, well-filtering mask for a half-hour to hour trip into a store once a week, where they are in mostly an open and decently ventilated setting and can avoid clusters of others and proximity to unmasked people for the most part, and 20 or more kids being forced to sit multiple hours a day every day, day after day, in a much, much smaller space with what is usually poor ventilation and a lot of vocalizing all day and the unmasked kids getting in their faces. That is a level of exposure that is analogous to what our frontline medical workers are exposed to. They have N95s - a level of filtration we don't even have for kids - and they still got infected far too often, and far too many became severely ill or even died.

Then of course, in reply to those who claim "kids don't die of COVID": 1) look only at the stats for the last month or two, when Delta became predominant, and you'll see a different picture; and 2) don't ignore the kids who end up as long-haulers, and may be looking at an entire lifetime of disability (in a country that is outright cruel in its treatment of the disabled), which was already running around 12%-15% of the kids infected by the native and Alpha variants, and will almost certainly rise with Delta.

I'm sorry - I know I'm preaching (mostly) to the choir. I had to vent. This is excruciating to watch. I'm feeling a level of rage, emotional pain, and despair that I didn't even know was possible. I thought the US cruelty to children, and willingness to use them as objects for political gain, couldn't get any worse than what we saw happening to them at the border by intention. I guess I was hopelessly naive.


Jun 23, 2005

More to debunk the notion that only the elderly need to be concerned about this......​

More than 5,000 Florida students isolate or quarantine because of a school district’s covid-19 spike​

A Florida school board is set to hold an emergency meeting this week to consider a mask mandate as more than 5,000 students and hundreds of employees in its district are in isolation or quarantine because of a surge in coronavirus cases and possible exposure.

Hillsborough County Public Schools, which includes Tampa, said Monday that 5,599 of the district’s students and 316 of its staff were either in isolation because of a positive test or in quarantine after coming into close contact with someone who tested positive.
The meeting Wednesday comes as the district’s case count, which stands at around 730, is nearly 20 times higher than it was at the same time last year.

“We’re at that place,” the board’s chair, Lynn Gray, told the Tampa Bay Times. “It’s unavoidable.”
Tanya Arja, a spokesperson for Hillsborough County Public Schools, told The Washington Post on Tuesday that the district is following quarantine and isolation guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Florida Department of Health. The CDC recommends that people should quarantine for 14 days after their last contact with someone who tested positive, while those in isolation should be at home at least 10 days since symptoms first appeared.

The meeting will cover mitigation strategies “up to and including mandatory face coverings for all students and staff,” according to the district, which is one of the largest in the country. The Hillsborough County district had about 220,000 students in the last school year. If enrollment rates were similar this year, about 2.5 percent of the district’s students were homebound as of Monday because of outbreaks.

Florida is in the midst of a record-breaking stretch of coronavirus cases, averaging more than 21,700 new cases, according to data compiled by The Post. With more than 16,800 Floridians hospitalized for covid-19, the state accounts for nearly 1 in 5 of the nation’s total hospitalizations.
An analysis by The Post last week found that more than 10,000 students and staff across 14 states have been exposed to the virus this school year.

A mask mandate in the district would violate an order from Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) prohibiting schools from requiring face coverings. After initially threatening to withhold school officials’ salaries if they resisted his anti-mask rule, DeSantis recently backed down, saying school officials pushing for masks should be responsible for the “consequences of their decisions.”

Some parents worry Florida schools aren't doing enough to protect their kids from the coronavirus as Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) doubles down on his mask mandate ban. (Drea Cornejo/The Washington Post)
The Biden administration last week offered federal funds to school administrators in Florida if the governor made good on his threats. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona wrote in a letter to DeSantis and Richard Corcoran, the state’s education commissioner, that the U.S. Education Department “stands with these dedicated educators who are working to safely reopen schools and maintain safe in-person instruction.”

If the board enacts a mask mandate, it will join a handful of other state school systems that have defied the governor’s order. Officials with Miami-Dade, Florida’s largest school system, said it would join other school districts Monday in requiring masks for students when classes start next week. Miami-Dade County Public Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho noted that when the mandate is official, students could opt out only for medical reasons.

Hillsborough County resident Amy Nell is one of the Florida parents suing DeSantis, contending that the governor’s restriction on mask mandates and other mitigation measures will risk the health of people in the state, including children resuming class in the fall. Nell told The Post last week that she had received daily notifications of new cases in the first four days of school.

“It’s nerve-racking to expect that call or text from the front office every day that more kids are sick, and that at some point, we will undoubtedly have to quarantine,” Nell said.

The scheduled meeting in Hillsborough County will come days after several educators in Broward County died of covid-19 within a 24-hour stretch. Addison Davis, the superintendent of Hillsborough County Public Schools, tweeted over the weekend that the district hoped the community would continue to practice safety measures to help protect students.

“We’re going to make sure we still follow every statutory requirement, all the legal ramifications,” Davis told MSNBC last week. “But at the same time show that sensitivity with covid in our community and put mitigation strategies to be successful.”
The mask requirement being considered in the Hillsborough County district would be effective through at least Sept. 3, officials said.

“The most important thing is the welfare of our children getting this virus,” board chair Gray said to the Times. “That’s my major concern, and that’s it.”

@aljdewey - Off topic but good to hear from you! Have often wondered if you are still around - nice to see that you are! Hope all is well with you and yours!


Sep 10, 2003


Nov 25, 2002
Remember that guy I mentioned? The Radio Talk show host who said he wished he could attend mask-burning parties and who advised listeners that they didn't need to get the vax unless they felt at risk?

You know.....the guy who said he had a 'very low risk' of getting COVID and 'way less than 1% chance of dying from it'? The guy who mocked the vax with a parody of the song Taxman called 'Vaxman'?

Lest you think I"m unsympathetic, think again. My heart literally breaks for what he's put his wife and his family through during the past six weeks, and for the lifetime of second-guessing they will live with. While I'm sure he saved his families' lives (since they all ran out to get the vax once he got sick), it's a damned shame he wouldn't save his own.


May 14, 2021
Everyone in my household has already had covid. It was, as is typical for healthy folks under 70, a mild event for us all. Why, with risks of survival at almost 100%, should any of us risk the heart damage associated with vaccinating those who’ve already had covid?
Sorry, but this is basically demanding young people assume needless risks just to save old people, most of whom will survive covid anyway. (Frankly, most elderly are at far greater risk behind the wheel of an automobile than they are from covid, but I don’t see anyone clamoring to deny drivers licenses to octogenarians.)

This effort to try to pit the vaccinated against the unvaccinated is one of the uglier moments in the history of this nation.


May 14, 2021
Thousands of deaths from the vaccine? Source?

P.S. Facebook isn't a source.

Yes, Facebook isn’t a source, and snark isn’t a useful way to discuss serious topics.

My source is the CDC, which is reporting: “During this time, VAERS received 6,789 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.”



Apr 30, 2005
... My source is the CDC, which is reporting: “During this time, VAERS received 6,789 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.”

Picking out that one sentence from its context is misleading.
Here's the whole paragraph from your link.

  • Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 357 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through August 16, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,789 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines. However, recent reports indicate a plausible causal relationship between the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and TTS, a rare and serious adverse event—blood clots with low platelets—which has caused deaths pdf icon[1.4 MB, 40 pages].
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May 14, 2021
What??? Near 100% survival rate? Seriously have you not heard that MILLIONS have died from covid? Or you can visit your nearest hospital and have a look.

Yes, in a world filled with BILLIONS of people, approximately 4,400,000 people have died. Many of those deaths were probably avoidable, too, had there been greater effort placed on therapeutics.


Oct 30, 2018
Yes, Facebook isn’t a source, and snark isn’t a useful way to discuss serious topics.

My source is the CDC, which is reporting: “During this time, VAERS received 6,789 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.”

The CDC reports shows that the vaccine also has a near 100% survival rate, which most people, including the most elderly, would survive anyway. Let's say covid has a 99% survival rate, that's still lower than the survival rate of vaccinated individuals getting the vaccine, so what is the issue?


May 14, 2021
Your statement is misleading.
Here's the whole paragraph.

  • Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 357 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through August 16, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,789 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines. However, recent reports indicate a plausible causal relationship between the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and TTS, a rare and serious adverse event—blood clots with low platelets—which has caused deaths pdf icon[1.4 MB, 40 pages].

Funny, but seemingly NOBODY has died of the good old fashioned flu since the covid hysteria was whipped up. Yet, you think the statistics on VAERS-reported deaths are dubious numbers? I guess you’ll believe what you want to believe.

[Uh-oh, I suggested the response to covid is hysteria. I guess that means I can expect more irritated responses from people who prefer to deflect numbers like 4.4 million deaths GLOBALLY and the 6,789 deaths reported to VAERS.]


May 1, 2009
Yes, in a world filled with BILLIONS of people, approximately 4,400,000 people have died. Many of those deaths were probably avoidable, too, had there been greater effort placed on therapeutics.

I typically ignore trolls and will do the same to you too.

If anyone near and dear to you dies from covid, pls remember what you stated today.

To be clear, not wishing death to you or anyone.

Wait - you have all of 7 posts? Can I suggest that we all stop feeding the troll?


May 14, 2021
The CDC reports shows that the vaccine also has a near 100% survival rate, which most people, including the most elderly, would survive anyway. Let's say covid has a 99% survival rate, that's still lower than the survival rate of vaccinated individuals getting the vaccine, so what is the issue?

What’s the issue? For starters, it’s that studies haven’t been done on the risks of covid-recovered people receiving the vaccination. And for the majority of people, covid survival rate is more like 99.98%. Which means there are some of us who think the risk-versus-benefit of receiving the vax cannot be justified.


May 14, 2021
I typically ignore trolls and will do the same to you too.

If anyone near and dear to you dies from covid, pls remember what you stated today.

To be clear, not wishing death to you or anyone.

Wait - you have all of 7 posts? Can I suggest that we all stop feeding the troll?

Wow…I came to pricescope because I like the bling, and fairly recently went through my own big bling purchase. I stumbled on this topic tonight, and commented. That makes me a troll? Or are you just upset because the World Health Organization’s report of 4.4 million deaths across the whole planet seems anti-climactic to all the hysteria and shutdowns of the past year?


Sep 10, 2003
Sorry, but this is basically demanding young people assume needless risks just to save old people, most of whom will survive covid anyway.

We old people aren't too fond of selfish entitled gray matter compromised younguns either.


Sep 10, 2003


May 14, 2021
We old people aren't too fond of selfish entitled gray matter compromised younguns either.

So you believe young people should assume unknown risks to protect sickly, old people. Got it. Apparently, no sacrifice of people with their whole lives ahead of them is too great if it means more 80-somethings can eke out another year or two.

Maybe it’s the mom in me, but I believe we older people need to care more about younger people, to prioritize the value of their lives.

That said, I’m gonna go take care of my health right now, since sleep is elusive for me tonight, by getting in a good workout. Because health and fitness go hand-in-hand.


Sep 10, 2003


Oct 30, 2018
What’s the issue? For starters, it’s that studies haven’t been done on the risks of covid-recovered people receiving the vaccination. And for the majority of people, covid survival rate is more like 99.98%. Which means there are some of us who think the risk-versus-benefit of receiving the vax cannot be justified.

Let's say the survival rate is as you stated, 99.98%. That's about the same as the vaccination survival rate, so I don't see all the fuss about vaccination deaths which is apparently "so many people" where covid death was "only 4.4 million people". What about those who haven't gotten covid? It seemed like you don't think they should be vaccinated either, when there is virtually no difference.

For covid recovered people, perhaps talking to a medical professional that you trust and ask if they have any statistics on reaction to vaccination would clear things up.
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