
#TBT What a long strange trip its been (to AVR/VC484 combo)


Jun 18, 2012
I have been quite the journey to finally find the right engagement (and wedding) ring for my fiance and hope I don't poor you to tears about my journey (no doubt you will go straight to the photos if I do). It all started with getting mesmerized with GOG AVCs, which led me to eventually purchasing a 8 main cushion diamond from James Allen. I am documenting my insanity below, and the reason for my heading from a Grateful Dead song… its been long, strange twists, but ultimately, profoundly rewarding!

Round 1
I got caught up in halo-mania with cushions and live close by to Victor Canera, visited him, and saw his sample of the Emilya. No doubt gorgeous, but the height of the basket didn’t appeal to me, and the thinness of the shank with pave (though captivating and utterly amazing!), concerned me as not too practical. Although the diamond was nice, I wasn't enthralled with it. Back went the diamond to James Allen.

Round 2
Next I got caught up in the GOG Octavia. The asscher cut was appealing and unique. I put a diamond on hold. I wrestled with the decision, considering different ring options but none appealed to me enough, and combined with the small spread of the Octavia I decided to release the Octavia so now again back looking for the next big thing.

Round 3
I had seen a ring on Leon Mege's website. Actually from even before Round 1 started, and after a conversation with Peter at Leon Mege, had the ring, five stone emerald, sent to me. It was a beautiful ring, but felt that the spread of the diamonds and the price didn't feel right, so back it went to Leon. (As a side note, I mistakenly thought we were splitting the cost of shipping, so consider this option carefully as it cost me over $300 in FedEx charges just to look at the ring.. .not recommended!).

Round 4
Wouldn't you know it, but after months being on GOG site, I never looked at AVRs? Probably because I wanted a stone more unique than a round diamond. I knew about Old European Cuts, but was never even curious enough to open up one of the pages with AVRs on their site, since I had a special foundness for the AVCs. But lo and behold, when I finally looked at them, I was blown away! And more enthralled than I had been with the AVCs.. I thought the AVCs were gorgeous but maybe too pricey for me, and not completely in love with the Maltese Cross in the middle. But those AVRs...are absolutely perfect! The facet pattern is AMAZING, and a flower pattern in the middle... who could ask for anything more? So now I seemed to have found the diamond cut! I considered various options and my budget and ended up with a 1.76K SI2. The diamond has a crystal that reflects, but only picked up by a microscope or loop. I was looking more for SI1 but without much other options, pulled the trigger on the diamond.

Round 5
Now, what was I going to do with this beautiful AVR? I found a Beaudry setting that I thought would go perfect with it, and purchased it in the wee hours of the morning online. Since the side stones were E-F I had some concern with a K color diamond center, so wrestled with that and in the end, returned the setting (I know, I am insane, anyone up to Round 5 likely qualifies for this!).

Round 6
Now I have to give kudos to Dreamseeker2006, as it was her postings a while ago turned me on to the Van Craeynest 484. She likely also introduced me to the AVRs... I honestly don’t remember how I stumbled upon those. So the AVR with the 484 seemed like a match made in heaven, and it was actually one that DS has considered seriously as well. I didn't hesitate as I'm from California, love Art Deco period that this ring is from, and have a great appreciation for quality, craftsmanship, and now the virtually lost art of die struck rings. I did likely get one of the last sets of 484 engagement rings/wedding bands made in San Francisco, as when I ordered it a few weeks ago wasn't sure of the interruption that would occur with the move. The pair arrived then end of last week and I couldn't be happier.


As info, we did see a 484 with 1 carat at Emerson & Farrer and I didn’t like how the combination well. Having said that, I was somewhat concerned after I order the rings (484 and matching wedding band), that maybe the 1.76ct was too large. When I got the ring back here is what I think. The top view of the ring hides the first 2 side stones more than I would like, but the diamond's diameter spreads the claw prongs setting out wonderfully, and the overall look and feel of the ring is smashing! I am thinking the sweet spot for this ring may very well be around 7.5m (mine is 7.75m), but I don't think my fiance will argue that the diamond is too big ;)

As for the AVR, I am amazed on how white the K color is in most lightning environments. I had it appraised by Patrick Davis, and he thought it was a J, which he said it looks like because of the medium flouresence. It just goes so well with the platinum ring. I asked Larry at VC about putting a K color diamond into the 484 platinum and he recommended it. In his words, "K color is pretty white." Sometimes reading threads here you get a much different perspective. So those considering K or J, I think many will be happy with the color if wanting a "white" diamond. One other thing I should mention is that when the lightning is low, the diamond has an amazing champagne color to it. I actually like that look the best in this antique setting, it's really wonderful!

So for your viewing pleasure, a few poor quality photos I took with my camera, as unlike the rest of you pricescopers, not sure how to take close up photos like I have seen your do so well on this site…hopefully they look good enough and I did the diamond/ring justice.


What can I say, but... *drool*!

That is modern antique perfection!
That's gorgeous. Nice job! :-)
Oh WOW!!! It's perfect :love: :appl: :love: We need a million more photos!!
That combination is amazing! Just a stunning ring - you have a very lucky fiance!!!

:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: Fantastic! You do great job! Congratulations!
Very pretty! So interesting that the size of your diamond may be close to what DiamondSeeker is looking at as well! This will give her a good idea of what it might look like!

You did a beautiful job - do you by chance have a hundred more pictures to show us?? :appl:

At any rate, can't wait for hand shots - beautiful!!
Ok! We need more pics! Pleeeeeaaaase! So pretty! I love it so much!!!
Oh that is gorgeous!!!

6th time perfect - it really is perfect :love: Please do post some more handshots!! And a request for a couple of profile pics :bigsmile:
How gorgeous!! :love:
Absolutely beautiful! I love the stone and the setting-- just perfect. Please post more pictures, including profile ones :appl: :appl: !
Very pretty! Diamondseeker is going to love this!
Wow! It is stunning!!!! :love: :appl: :love:
That is one beautiful diamond, and it looks so white and lively. Looking forward to some hand shots! :love:
Thanks everyone for the nice comments! I wish I was better with the camera... Im considering getting some professional shots of the ring so hopefully that happens and I can post those.

Yes MissGotRocks, I know Dreamseeker had been looking at the 484 but from what I remember she was leaning toward a custom ring maybe by Victor Canera instead of the VC484? I saw Victor's work, and my favorite was the Sophia, but at that time my diamond (James Allen cushion) was just too small for that style.
mom2boys|1350947370|3290474 said:
Very pretty! Diamondseeker is going to love this!

Oh my gosh, MissGotRocks and mom2boys are right!!! Gorgeous!!! :love: :love: :love: This is amazingly helpful in more than one way! You got the setting that was one of my top contenders right along with a diamond very close to the same size as the one I am considering (1.8 cts., 7.8mm). And, I was worried about the low I color in that setting but you have a K that looks good! Lucky you to find one with fluorescence!

I loved reading your journey and the fact that you ended up very much in line with my thoughts! And again, it is just most helpful for me to see a stone this size in the setting. I love the shot face up in the blue box much more perfect could it be!!!

We really do need more pictures! When are you proposing? I hope SOON!!! Then we'll need some hand shots! A side shot would be nice, too.

Naturally I think you did a fantastic job! :appl: And I am really glad I checked this part of the forum before going to bed!

(Did you get the small or large wedding band to go with it?)

(Yes, my other option was to get Victor to make an antique style ring. It would be different than all the rings currently on his site. The main reason I would go that route is because I dearly love his french cut wedding band. But since I don't have unlimited money, I may not be able to do all that!)
Thanks DS!!! Any help I could be to you I will do my best! Official proposal is a ways away as she is overseas now working so hand shots need to wait a few months before she returns.

I wasn't sure what was going on with Van Craeynest and the move to Redlands so wanted to get these made in San Francisco. Also, there was a lot said about that move and switching to hybrids, but Paul Emerson told me a few days ago that he decided that he wont be making hybrids, but instead start a new affordable line that is cast, along with keeping these very same die struck rings. Thats great news as all the machinery to make die struck rings will soon be on its way to Redlands, and continue something that I dont think is done anymore like this in the US or Europe. I like the idea that these were made in San Francisco, where the company started, and where I lived and went to college. :twirl:

I ended up with the small wedding band, as Paul convinced me that was the way to go, and really steered me away from the large one. He also mentioned it was best to have them made at the same time, as the worker that does the chasing, etc, would do the best job doing both at once.

Btw, I do prefer the old style AVRs compared to the new. I think both are wonderful, but I prefer the larger table as it makes the flower facet pattern larger. It also gives you a bigger spread. I see that there is a 1.91J AVR in the new style with a spread slightly smaller than mine (1.76), so you are really paying a premium for the new style based on carat weight to get the same spread. I do understand the nostalgia and beautiful look of the smaller table and higher crown on the new cut (stats more like OECs), while these older style AVRs are more reminiscent of the transitional cut, which is likely the diamond more used in these rings (1930s/40s/50s).

You should take my advice with a grain of salt, based on my journey to end up with the AVR, so there are many better people on here wiser than me! And thanks for all your posts that helped me finally decide on what it was that I should have been looking for all along!
Exquisite ring! That is an absolutely perfect combination :love: :love: :love:
I think you made a beautiful choice! As a very indecisive person myself I can relate to going down many different roads but when you end up with something this amazing at the end it was all worth it :appl:
Only two photos!!!! Are you kidding me? Need many many more photos of this beauty. Side views, outside shots, and of course, hand shots.
I do understand why the hand shots will have to wait. It is a beautiful ring and I am sure your girl will adore it!
That IS amazing!
veronaitalia|1350965707|3290631 said:
Thanks DS!!! Any help I could be to you I will do my best! Official proposal is a ways away as she is overseas now working so hand shots need to wait a few months before she returns.

I wasn't sure what was going on with Van Craeynest and the move to Redlands so wanted to get these made in San Francisco. Also, there was a lot said about that move and switching to hybrids, but Paul Emerson told me a few days ago that he decided that he wont be making hybrids, but instead start a new affordable line that is cast, along with keeping these very same die struck rings. Thats great news as all the machinery to make die struck rings will soon be on its way to Redlands, and continue something that I dont think is done anymore like this in the US or Europe. I like the idea that these were made in San Francisco, where the company started, and where I lived and went to college. :twirl:

I ended up with the small wedding band, as Paul convinced me that was the way to go, and really steered me away from the large one. He also mentioned it was best to have them made at the same time, as the worker that does the chasing, etc, would do the best job doing both at once.

Btw, I do prefer the old style AVRs compared to the new. I think both are wonderful, but I prefer the larger table as it makes the flower facet pattern larger. It also gives you a bigger spread. I see that there is a 1.91J AVR in the new style with a spread slightly smaller than mine (1.76), so you are really paying a premium for the new style based on carat weight to get the same spread. I do understand the nostalgia and beautiful look of the smaller table and higher crown on the new cut (stats more like OECs), while these older style AVRs are more reminiscent of the transitional cut, which is likely the diamond more used in these rings (1930s/40s/50s).

You should take my advice with a grain of salt, based on my journey to end up with the AVR, so there are many better people on here wiser than me! And thanks for all your posts that helped me finally decide on what it was that I should have been looking for all along!

I am just very happy that my posts were useful for someone besides myself! :)) Paul had sent me the sample of the large wedding band, but I told him it was too large, so I am glad he recommended the small one to you. I think it will be beautiful!!!

I actually just had that 1.91 J new style cut here to look at because my 1.8 was sold temporarily. While it was beautiful, I did love the original cut more. You have certainly learned a lot about diamonds on your journey!

I also wanted my ring made in San Francisco just because of the history, but I couldn't help that someone unexpectedly bought the diamond I wanted RIGHT near the deadline of making the order! Thankfully a larger diamond came in that the other person preferred, so "my" diamond was sent back. But my understanding from Paul is that the craftsmen who made yours will be making them in Redlands, so I will be getting the same ring just made in a new shop! This is just part of the history of Van Craeynest, and I am thankful someone cared enough to buy it and continue the line!

Please do take a side view picture when you have a chance, since it will be a long time before you can propose! If I knew that ring was waiting for me, I'd be coming back NOW!!! :lol: Be sure to get the ring insured or put it in a safe deposit box in the meantime!
WOW WOW WOW your ring is spectacular! :love: :naughty: :lickout: :love:
How beautiful!!! I agree that I'd love to see many more pictures - especially a profile shot. You selected the very finest quality diamond and setting and the result is exquisite. Wow!
Simply stunning! Beautiful combination!!
Thanks everyone again for all the great comments, they are all really appreciated!!!!

Somehow by reading the threads I get the impression that more pictures are needed. :wink2: Will try to do that soon! I know that there are so many amazing diamonds and rings on this site and can see them in your posts to me (in your profile picture) so it makes your comments that much more special.

DS, hope that 1.8ct I AVR ends up being your dream diamond, especially because now its been released back to you. I hope it's every bit as white as you want it, and know that is an individual thing, so I am really pulling for you that it all works out to your satisfaction!
Geez, what a long journey! And what a beautiful ending the journey has brought! I love the beautiful pattern, and the setting is perfect for the AVR!! :appl:
veronaitalia|1351039945|3291123 said:
Thanks everyone again for all the great comments, they are all really appreciated!!!!

Somehow by reading the threads I get the impression that more pictures are needed. :wink2: Will try to do that soon! I know that there are so many amazing diamonds and rings on this site and can see them in your posts to me (in your profile picture) so it makes your comments that much more special.

DS, hope that 1.8ct I AVR ends up being your dream diamond, especially because now its been released back to you. I hope it's every bit as white as you want it, and know that is an individual thing, so I am really pulling for you that it all works out to your satisfaction!

Thank you so much! :))
DS, here are the profile views you asked for. Hope this is what you wanted!


Very nice! Thanks so much! I honestly can't believe that diamond is K color! Can you see the culet of the stone at all? It isn't touching metal is it?
The way the head is designed, it is really impossible to tell whether it touches the metal or cant really see into the point of the diamond from the side, but that doesnt mean it could be touching, it's just how the head is designed. I know Larry at Van Craeynest told me that Paul Emerson's setter in Los Angeles does a great job and better than who he previously used in San Francisco.