
Weekly Workout Thread 28th Jan till 3rd Feb

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Jan 8, 2007
Happy new week to everyone!

I am having a tough time getting back on track with my WW points. I don''t really go over board, but I am definitely straying. I am going to stop at whole foods today and stock up on veggies and fruit for the week and some lean protein. I have been good with the treadmill though and I worked my way up to 40 minutes last night, so I am going to try to m ake 40 minutes my minimum instead of 30 minutes. But I am SO sore in my arms- I carried my friends baby for maybe 20 minutes yesterday and I am so sore in the armpit/shoulder region!!!! I better get to some weight training before I have children hahahaha

Does anyone have a good recipe for marinating chicken? I really like chicken terriyaki, so maybe something similar (a sweeter, but not too sweet, type of sauce)


Nov 24, 2006
We got a maybe 1 inch of snow and it super icy out so they cancelled school today; I bet the little kiddos are happy. It was so windy last night I thought the roof was going to blow off and it is suppose to be windy again today. I guess there are lots of accidents out because of the ice.

Tonight is muscle hour so I am looking forward to that! I guess I will stay in today until it is time to go to the gym because hubby and I switched cars since mine does better in the snow.

Marcy, yay for eating only a little bit of pizza, sorry it made your tummy hurt. Yay for your walk on the treadmill; sorry about the knee, hope you are stretching after your walks.

Ladypirate, I love love love Santa Barbara and your red tiled roofs, StateStreet and the best steamed clams at SB Shellfish Co, yum! I am so jealous, it is beautiful out there; I am in Albuquerque, NM. I love it here but wish we had the ocean. Glad your dinner was yummy; broccoli is my favorite veggie

Lorelei, hope your wrists get better. I love military press. hehee Wanna do squats for me; we can trade

Kimi, how are you feeling? I hope you are getting better.

Monnie and Rod, sending good job finding vibes out to you; you two are bright and will find something (I am praying it happens soon). Have a great workout!

Golden, you have 35 extra points in addition to the regular ones; I am sure you are doing better than you think. There are a bunch of recipes in the Healthy Thread Mara started ----->

Have a great day all


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

My satellite connection went down yesterday morning and is just finally working again. So I didn't get to report that I had a great, normal workout yesterday. HOORAY! I made eggplant lasagna for dinner last night, it was yummy.

I'm off again today (no jobs, so strange!) and will be working out again. I'm not sure what the plan is for dinner. We had play tickets for last Tuesday, the beginning of the 2008 season, -- YAY! -- but I was sick so we need to make up our night, which means perhaps we'll be going out tonight? I'll have to check with J.

Welcome, somethingshiny! We're not dieters, as many WWTers have already mentioned, we like our food too much. Glad that you're joining us and enjoying yoga.

Lorelei, I'm so glad Jazmine is doing well.

Monnie, so proud you haven't picked up a cigarette. Hard not to do, I know!

Rod, so sorry you aren't sleeping.

Skip, I saw Atonement and loved it. Really amazing. I still have a runny nose but overall am feeling better.

I'm hungry,time for breakfast.


May 9, 2006
Hey all! Just want to stop in and cheer for everyone''s health! Go you guys!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday all!

I am slightly "out if it" this morning. For some reason I woke up at 1:00 and was STILL awake when the HH''s alarm went off at 5:00. I did fall back asleep after he went to work, but then the cleaning lady showed up at 7:00 and that was the end of that.

Never made it to the gym yesterday but I went this morning already. I''m glad to have it over with, but I felt kind of in a daze on the elliptical, and I noticed at the end that I burned about 30 cals less than usual according to the read-out. Oh well, I went.

Today I have to clean up the disaster otherwise known as my office (preferably before the cleaning lady makes it down to the first floor or she will clean it FOR me and I will never find anything again), and in the afternoon I have a final walk-through for a house that I NEVER in a million years thought was going to close. Plus, I would like to wrap up the negotiations on another house deal today but for some reason the developer is so slow about getting back to us... not to mention my clients aren''t exactly speedy in this process either. Dammit people -- negotiate FASTER!!

That''s all for now. Going to take the monsters for a long W-A-L-K while it''s still nice out. Our temperature is supposed to drop literally 40+ degrees by tonight. Yikes!


Apr 19, 2004

HI gang! Hope everyone is fairing well. Very busy week here.

Today is the first time I have been back on the bike in several days--and no gym for me either, the weather is prohibitive. I''d hate to get stuck somewhere in these frigid temps altho I do miss my "river" runs.. I rode on my ususal tension and some stretching/resistence. Not terribly exciting.

Keep well folks!



Nov 29, 2004
I did 30 minutes on the elliptical today during lunch!


Sep 26, 2006
Appletini, I''m so amazed by people who can work out during lunch and then go back to work. I''m so slow...if I do half an hour on a cardio machine, then I have to stretch (10 minutes, minimum), then shower (10 minutes), then get dressed (10 minutes), then make my way back to work. That''s over an hour. When do you eat?! How do you do it? Maybe my shower-prep time is not streamlined and I need some tips.

Skippy, drive safely! Enjoy muscle hour tonight.

Kimberly, I love eggplant lasagna! I''m looking for a good moussaka (spelling?) recipe. I think it is a mediterranean eggplant lasagna without the pasta. I had some at a restaurant, without meat, and it was DELICIOUS. So if you hear of any vegetarian, pasta-less eggplant lasagna, let me know! I think it was you that introduced me originally to that eggplant lasagna recipe. I saw Atonement also--I''m a sucker for beautiful cinematography. Some of the shots in that movie are so memorable and just breathtaking.

DeeJay, good for you for making it to the gym this morning. I love hearing stories about your houses.

Canuk-gal, hooray for getting back on the bike! As long as it is safe, sometimes going to the gym in yucky weather is the best because no one else is there!! My gym is usually so crowded!

golden, I know what you mean about holding babies. I was feeding my nephew a bottle during Christmas Eve, and I was like, "oh my goodness...this is HARD!" My arm tired out so fast!

Hi Jas! I hope you''ve been weight-lifting...see above message to golden. Haha.

Lorelei, what are preacher curls, and military press?

marcy, I love the pendant in your avatar. Is it new? How are the workouts on the treadmill going? And yes, let''s spend together!

Today at work, we had our last department sponsored lunch for now (next one is in 9 months). Hooray! I am super sore in the shoulders and my core, otherwise I would have eaten more. HAha...thank goodness I didn''t. I''m really glad there won''t be any more lunches. Some of the people who have worked here for many years say that the department used to give extravagant lunches every day, but they stopped because they realized the department had gotten much heavier. Today was Italian food. I took mostly salad, some olives, one cube of cheese, some salami (oops!), a small piece of lasagna, a piece of eggplant. Not terrible, but not great either. I have to go sparkpeople my meal now. Ta ta!


Jun 15, 2006
Had a great workout this morning, yay! I know this because J came in towards the end and said "Wow, you''re quite the exerciser today!" then waved his arms around, claimed he''d done his exercise for the day and walked out. What a goof.

Apperantly we weren''t the only ones who missed the play last week due to illness and rain. We''re going to make up our night on Thursday, so we''ll be eating at home tonight.


Apr 30, 2005
Hey CJ!

Preacher curls are where you rest your arm on a support so it is straight out in front of you, with your palm facing inwards. You then use a dumbell to bring the arm against your shoulder and back out again.

Military press is a sitting up bench press. You sit on the bench and push the bar with weights over your head so that your arms are straight up in the air and back again, that one is tough!


Jul 22, 2007
I finally completed a crazy-difficult pose in yoga today. It''s a plank pose with one leg, and then you do a push up while still having only one leg (the other resting on top of it). DH''s jaw dropped. mine did too.


Mar 19, 2007

After a hiatus from my all-spin-all-the-time schedule (which none of you were aware of because it was so dull that I never mentioned it...
), I am back to yoga and running. Which only bears mentioning because I am so out of practice with both that it is as if it were the first time I attempted either discipline. BLEH.

HENNYWAY, my legs hurt.

And that is all.

Hey Lor, I think I'm going to read these weekly dealios from now on, so as to soak in your inspirational words o' the week. I'm glad you were able to quit smoking! That probably took even more discipline than it's taking me to get my butt on Ye Olde Treadmill some mornings.


Feb 21, 2005
hello wwt!

not too much new to report today. i had steel-cut oatmeal for breakfast, a tj''s cheese tamale and carrots for lunch, and am sipping a skim latte as an afternoon snack. i think dinner is either going to be salmon with brussel sprouts and rice or edamame dumplings, plus some fruit and fage for dessert. i am also planning to go to the gym after work, and i think i will run for a bit and then do the elliptical.

have a good one. :)


Nov 29, 2004
Date: 1/29/2008 1:35:16 PM
Author: CrownJewel
Appletini, I''m so amazed by people who can work out during lunch and then go back to work. I''m so slow...if I do half an hour on a cardio machine, then I have to stretch (10 minutes, minimum), then shower (10 minutes), then get dressed (10 minutes), then make my way back to work. That''s over an hour. When do you eat?! How do you do it? Maybe my shower-prep time is not streamlined and I need some tips.
Honestly I never thought I would be one of those people when my company merged my new builing has a gym in the basement and a lot of other people go during lunch.

I take a rinse shower (neck down) and then depending on the sweat level put my hair into a ponytail or bun(if I have to wash it), and then eat my lunch at my desk and "work" (read ps, etc) during that time. Also my boss is fairly lax on time so it all evens out in the long run.


Oct 30, 2002
yay something shiny for your yoga pose!! i do pushups in plank pose with hands resting wide on an unstable surface (bosu ball upside down) but i haven''t tried one leg yet. it''s all about core stabilization, that''s how i am finally seeing a multi-pack on my belly. well on non-carb heavy days hehee.

afternoon all! i''ve been reading but lazy about posting. nothing super exciting really anyway. typical daily life activities. dinner last nite was TJ''s pizzas. met with my trainer for an hour and we did 30 min of pilates and 30 min of resistance core circuit with a bit of arms and glutes incorporated. this morning my butt is less sore but still sore! today i am going to the gym downstairs for 30 min on the elliptical, cardio day. tomorrow is a day off.

today for lunch i walked over to this new pizza my heart (big chain out here with thin crust slices) and got a greek salad and a slice. sbucks for their new 90 cal skinny mochas...LOVE these things. walked to get lunch yesterday too (steak tacos) so it feels good to get out in between bouts of rain and walk around a bit. tonite we''ll have leftover mushroom beef red meat sauce from sunday''s ziti and pair it with some type of high fiber and protein pasta. easy dinner!

re: working out at lunch, i think about it but it''s just easier for me to wait til after work then go down and not worry about time. i tend to zone out while working out or doing circuits or whatever so being on a schedule would be a drag. though my schedule is flex so i could go down in afternoon then come back and work longer or whatever. but i also tend to not want to get sweaty then back into my clothes...i''m a shower girl for sure and we have one downstairs but it''s in a restroom kind of environment, so not into that.

sb isn''t it a drag to be around those people who don''t ever have to watch anything they eat? i work with a gal like that and i''m so jealous inside watching her get a full fat eggnog latte or whatever when i am here with my 90 cal skinny mocha. oh well. maybe in my next life i''ll get lucky.
i am sure there are people who look at me with all the desserts i like to eat and think ''why can''t i be like that''...but i just try to work it off as best as possible!! i think the grass is always greener on the other side, regardless of what size you are!!

lorelei, your workouts sound like fun missy. keep it up!! i love doing weights and my muscle resistance ball stuff. kimi, glad you are feeling better, fab on the workout. hope everyone else is having a good day. rod and monnie, sending you positive career vibes. hang in there!


Dec 28, 2005

I slept better last night (drug induced), but still woke up not feeling well and a little achey, so I decided to not go the gym today. I'm also just plain depressed and need to get out of this funk. I'm sure I will, but I hate when life is so unsettled and lord knows we've had more than our share of unsettled life the last two years. I did a little job searching this morning (nothing new on the horizon), had some lunch, went to Sbucks and sat under the oak and it was sunny and pleasant. Then I just came home and crawled under the covers with the kitties and slept for about 3 hours. I'm not a good napper, so knowing I was able to sleep 3 hours does mean I'm fighting something. I feel a little better tonight and am determined to go to the gym tomorrow for sure. That's enough whining from Rod.........

Welcome somethingshiny. Your first post was fun to read! I hope you find much support and guidance here, like I do EVERY day! I ditto what other's said. I don't diet. I eat healthy foods and exercise a lot.

Also hello to you too Juliana!!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU CJ for helping spend your money often to keep the economy going so Monnie, Mr. Monnie, Rod and Charlie might find new jobs soon!! And a BIG good for you and FI for being smoke free for 15 months. Quitting smoking is one of the toughest things I've ever done and more than 2 years later, I still crave them......especially during stressful time, like now.

Sorry your weightlifiting session was "pahnts" Lorelei. You might want to try wrist braces to avoid any pain or injury there.

Brrrrrrr, an inch of snow Skippy?? Combined with strong winds and Rod could not handle the windchill for sure. I hope you make it muscle hour and enjoy yourself!!

I'm glad you had a good workout Kimberly. Enjoy your time off as I'm sure you'll be called to teach real soon!

Hey Jas, I hope all's going well with your pregnancy!

Hey DeeJay, I usually don't go outside the WWT, but I saw the thread about the Deamon and the treamors. Is everything OK there? I hope so. And, don't you just hate it when you wake up at that hour and can't go back to sleep. Happens a lot to me.

Hey Sharon, I guess it is quite cold up there. Glad you got to ride the bike at least.........stay warm!

Yay for 30 minutes on the elliptical at lunch Apple! Like CJ said, I am amazed that people can work out at lunch too.

I'm sorry Pizza upset your tummy Marcy. It's been a long long long time since I had a slice of Pizza. Yay for 150 calories burned on the TD!!

I hope you had a great workout at the gym SB!!

Like Mara, I also do pushups on an unstable surface as well as doing them military style and one legged too. They've done wonders for my pecs!!

I voted in the Florida Primary this morning. Look's like Hillary is winning big time and good for her. I'd like to see a woman president and since this forum is almost exclusively ladies, I'm thinking you all might agree??!! I'm sorry the Democratic National whatever, took our delegate votes away as punishment for holding the primary before Feb 5th. It just doesn't seem right to me.

I guess that's about it. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day all around and I do make it to the gym.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I hope you had a great day. Today was the warmest day we''ll have this week and it was about 24 degrees. Where are you springtime in the Rockies?
Lorelei, sorry to hear you are dreading some of your weight training. I know my wrists would be screaming too. I have very weak hands and wrists. The military press sounds rough, I remember watching my DH do that at the gym and I thought it didn’t look fun at all.
Appletini, I love fresh fruit; your dressing sounds like a great addition to it. That is great you have a gym at work and have time to exercise and get back to work.
Golden, yay for increasing your time on the treadmill.
Skippy, it sounds like a great day for everyone to stay home. Ice can be so dangerous. I am not doing a lot of stretches before and after the TM but will start doing that. My knee is feeling almost normal again tonight but I think I will focus on 30 minutes on the TM instead of speed or distance.
Kimi, I am glad to hear you had a great workout yesterday. I am glad to hear you are feeling better. Your husband is too funny – I like his exercises.
Hi Jas. I hope you are feeling well.
DeeJay, yay for going to the gym. Sorry to hear you had a short night. The wind kept waking me up; our air conditioner had something flapping on it. If my DH was home I probably wouldn’t even have heard it. I heard the temperatures were going to be dropping in your part of the country. I am certainly tired of the cold and wind here.
Sharon, yay for getting in some time on the bike. Stay safe and warm.
CJ, your lunch at work sounds good. They used to do a pot luck at work about once a month but participation dropped off so they have one about once or twice a year. My heart pendant is not new I just thought I’d use it for Valentine’s Day. I am glad you like it; I’ve had it for a few years. I plan on buying something tonight – I need a new winter coat and that actually fits me.
Somethingshiny, my knees and legs hurt just thinking about your new pose. Woo hoo to being able to do it.
Julianna, yay for being back on your spinning, yoga and running. Sorry your legs hurt.
Shortblonde, I hope you had a great time at the gym tonight.
Mara, it is not always fun to be around people who can eat anything and not gain a pound. I agree the grass is also greener on the other side. I am glad you got in some nice walks.
Rod, I am sorry to hear you are feeling blue today. I know something good will come your way, just hang in there. I hope you get in a great workout at the gym tomorrow. My stomach is feeling fine today and my knee is much better. My DH wants me to stay off the TM for a few days since my knee got stiff last night. I will try 30 minutes on Friday night.
Have a great evening.


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 1/29/2008 11:09:05 PM
Author: marcyc

Kimi, I am glad to hear you had a great workout yesterday. I am glad to hear you are feeling better. Your husband is too funny – I like his exercises.
Marcy, I wish you could see him. Sometimes he just comes in my office/workout room and mimics the arm movements of my elliptical (sort of like rowning), today he was flailing, arms flying every which way with a look of intent on his face. He cracks me up.

We had veal and snow peas for dinner, so yummy. The last two days I''ve eaten almost exaclt 1500 calories (each day), I''m hoping, and working really hard towards the extra pound or two will come off over the next few weeks. I haven''t weighed myself since last week, pro''ly a good thing as I''ll only be frustrated (my clothes all fit just fine but I just don''t feel right)! We''ll see what the scale says tomorrow. Maybe I''ll skip it for a week as I have returned to cal counting. It really does seem to make such a signifcant difference in my weight to keep tabs of what I eat. I don''t enjoy the prospect of doing so forever, but it''s better than the alternative.


Feb 27, 2007
Kimi, your husband sounds so much like mine. My husband teases me and mimics me all the time. He makes me laugh a lot. I am sure your pound or two will come off soon. I am resigned to keeping a close eye on calories the rest of my life. I bought a mini molten lava cake from the bakery in the grocery store last weekend and the lady was trying to get me to buy 2 of them. I said, no we were going to split it because it''s less calories. She said I could afford to eat my own cake. I told her if she knew what I used to look like she''d know why I can only have 1/2 of a little cake.


Jul 22, 2007
Yeah, so, I''m not going to be doing push-ups on an unstable surface. The thought makes my nose want to bleed. (and there is no "pack" of any kind visible on my abdomen. Just a tattoo and a c-section scar.)

I''m glad to see so many yogis here. Which brings me to a question...
I am very flexible, and now that I''ve started yoga, I''m even more flexible. (we''re talking legs behind head stuff ) So, sometimes the "instructors" on TV are doing a pose and I can go further than them. But, am I supposed to? Like when you''re laying forward in swan pose, I can fully flatten my body over my front leg but the instructors don''t/can''t. advice?

I can''t believe how disciplined you all are. 30-60 mins a day is all I can manage. Then, I make cookies. Chocolate chip today.

Oh, and thanks Skippy for the link to Mara''s healthy eats thread. I really need to try a bit more healthy food, and much less pasta and potatoes.


Feb 27, 2007
Somethingshiny, you made me laugh at the thought of doing push-ups on something unstable. Sounds like something I''d try. You rock for being so flexible. Mmm for baking cc cookies. I might bake some tomorrow night to take in to work Thursday. My team keeps whining that I "claim" to bake great cookies but they see no evidence of it. I thought it would be funny to buy the slice and bake heart cookies. They actually aren''t bad and I''m less likely to indulge.

I''m off to bed. Laters.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 1/29/2008 3:06:21 PM
Author: Julianna

After a hiatus from my all-spin-all-the-time schedule (which none of you were aware of because it was so dull that I never mentioned it...
), I am back to yoga and running. Which only bears mentioning because I am so out of practice with both that it is as if it were the first time I attempted either discipline. BLEH.

HENNYWAY, my legs hurt.

And that is all.

Hey Lor, I think I'm going to read these weekly dealios from now on, so as to soak in your inspirational words o' the week. I'm glad you were able to quit smoking! That probably took even more discipline than it's taking me to get my butt on Ye Olde Treadmill some mornings.
YAY!!!! Jules is joining the thread - whoopee!!! Thank you for your compliments on me quitting smoking, it was tough but well worth it!

I always think with exercising, the hardest part is actually climbing aboard the treadmill, elliptical or whatever it is you use. One of my favourite tricks is that I make myself go out there are do just 20 mins, then 9 times out of 10 I always do at least half an hour! On the rare occasion I don't then at least I know I did something, so this works well for me and some of the others!

I did 50 mins on the treddy last night and weights tonight.

Thanks Mara, I will keep at it, I am commited now!

Rod, I will look into some wrist braces. Hang in there friend!

Marcy, funny how fast I have learned to dread some exercises! Next week we will have completed the first 3 week cycle, so we will change exercises, I hope to goodness the military and overhead presses aren't among the new ones!


Mar 20, 2003
Hi all,

I got my lab results from last week''s trip to the doctor, and I was right, I had a new bacterial infection (branhamella/moraxella), so I went from strep to a bacterial sinus infection. DH pointed out that I seem to know my body well, and I think that''s a result of being in shape. When I was out of shape and generally worn down/moody, I wasn''t so able to tell when something was amiss. So I''m really glad I asked for another batch of antibiotics (yes, they work on this new bug too) when the doctor was sort of, "Well, we could maybe do another round . . ."

Sunday and Monday nights we ate out with friends. Sunday night was an impromptu birthday dinner with friends who are big drinkers . . . 3 bottles of wine. So I didn''t feel that great Monday. Luckily I didn''t overeat, mainly because it was a last minute trip to an expensive restaurant so I only ordered an entree. Monday night''s dinner was family style and the perfect amount of food and a much more reasonable amount to spend on dinner.

So yesterday afternoon I planned to do an hour Firm weights video, but I kept putting it off. First I was hungry, then I had to take my antibiotic (which lists dizziness as a side effect -- when I first started taking it, I would lose my vision upon standing up), so then I was dizzy and kind of nauseated. Luckily that passed, and around 9 p.m. I thought, well, it''s kind of late, but there''s no time like the present. So I worked out until 10:20 or so. I had a bit of trouble falling asleep but slept much more soundly than I normally do.

I''m almost finished that cookie cake! This might explain why I am 2 pounds above my usual weight. It could also be all that wine from Sunday. My weight fluctuates anyway, so I''m not worrying too much about it. 2 pounds below this all my size 2P work pants were getting loose, and I really don''t want to have buy a 0P wardrobe too, so if I stay at this weight that''s fine.

I''m hoping for a run this afternoon, maybe a short one if I am sore from last night.


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 1/30/2008 12:47:49 AM
Author: somethingshiny

I''m glad to see so many yogis here. Which brings me to a question...
I am very flexible, and now that I''ve started yoga, I''m even more flexible. (we''re talking legs behind head stuff ) So, sometimes the ''instructors'' on TV are doing a pose and I can go further than them. But, am I supposed to? Like when you''re laying forward in swan pose, I can fully flatten my body over my front leg but the instructors don''t/can''t. advice?
shiny: I''m no expert, but I have been practicing yoga for three or four years (usually in a class setting) and I''d say the answer to your question is: definitely yes. If your body folds that way, do it. Otherwise, you''re holding yourself up, and that''s kinda the opposite of what''s supposed to be going on. Swan and pigeon and so on are almost surrender-typey positions, you have to relax into them and see how far you can get.

If I was teaching class, I''d NEVER be able to lay all the way over my front leg (or put my legs behind my head), my hamstrings are super non-flexy. They hate me. I''d be like "ok everyone bend over your left leg..." and then hope noone was looking to me to see how it''s done.
BUT, I can get back into plow with no problem, whereas many people can''t get their toes on the floor back there.

So. Bend away! Be proud of your bendiness!

lor: 50 minutes? FIVE ZERO? Sheez, I can''t take more than 35 or so before I want to fling myself right off of the thing. With great fervor. You''re right about the hardest part being getting your body and the treadmill in the same vicinity. I have to drive to see my favorite treadmill, so the worst part (aside from the 5:00 wakeup) is the COLD winter air as I make a mad dash for my vehicle.

rod and marcy: Thanks for the lovely welcomes.
Rod, I am envious that you live where it''s warm most of the time (or all the time?) and hope you feel better soon. Though, a 3 hour nap sounds fantastic, sick or no!
Marcy, good luck with that knee. My right knee is my mortal enemy, so I understand.


Apr 30, 2005
Hehehe...Julianna, 50 is right! I normally use the treddy and watch a complete episode of something on DVD, they normally average about 50 mins! It goes quickly if you have something good to watch. I am currently enjoying an old British drama series called Upstairs Downstairs while I am treddying! That is really pants that you have to drive to get to your treddy, I am so lucky having mine at home.

I also had a hibernating butterfly keeping me company on my workouts in our little gym, but he died....


Nov 29, 2004
One thing I forgot to add yesterday...I got a call while I was typing and lost my train of that on days when I work out during lunch it give me a boost of energy that helps to get through the afternoon....especially if I have an afternoon meeting.


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

Julianna, forgive me for not welcoming you yesterday, so glad to have you join us!

Lorelei, I agree, I always have something to watch while on the elliptical. TV is a great way to push through a good exercise session.

So the calorie tracking thing makes a huge difference. My weight is down to 127.0 after just a few days of doing so. I''d been hangin'' out in the 128s for a month. Crazy business, but it works, so I''ll stick to it, again. I think I snack more than I realize I do. Not the number of times but in terms of portions.

I''m working today, my usual school. It''s a good thing as I get stir crazy being home so much, especially because I am on a hiatus from school until student teaching gets resolved (which should be soon, like in the next 3 weeks). It''s been a few years since I''ve worked full time and gone to school, which will be what I''m doing once I start. I''m trying to gear myself up for how I''m going to make sure I exercise too. I''m thinking the best plan will be to put a gym bag together and go straight from school to the park next door and run for a bit on exercise afternoons before I even make it home. If I do come home I think I''ll end up getting sucked into school without taking time to exercise, not a habit I want to get into, especially not for the 3 months I''ll be doing both.

Better go eat breakfast. Have a great day!


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 1/30/2008 8:28:14 AM
Author: Lorelei
Hehehe...Julianna, 50 is right! I normally use the treddy and watch a complete episode of something on DVD, they normally average about 50 mins! It goes quickly if you have something good to watch. I am currently enjoying an old British drama series called Upstairs Downstairs while I am treddying! That is really pants that you have to drive to get to your treddy, I am so lucky having mine at home.

I also had a hibernating butterfly keeping me company on my workouts in our little gym, but he died....
AHA! Might I suggest the BBC miniseries adaptation of Pride and Prejudice that was released back in the mid-90's? It is fan-friggin-tastic. I know you'd love it. I think the episodes were around 55 minutes long, too, which would enhance your 50 minute treddy time!
Or perhaps some Monty Python's Flying Circus, though you'd probably laugh so hard you'd fall off the edge, which would not be cool.

Thanks for saying hi! I'm very happy to be here, hope I can leeeean on you folks for some badly-needed support.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 1/30/2008 9:56:13 AM
Author: Julianna

Date: 1/30/2008 8:28:14 AM
Author: Lorelei
Hehehe...Julianna, 50 is right! I normally use the treddy and watch a complete episode of something on DVD, they normally average about 50 mins! It goes quickly if you have something good to watch. I am currently enjoying an old British drama series called Upstairs Downstairs while I am treddying! That is really pants that you have to drive to get to your treddy, I am so lucky having mine at home.

I also had a hibernating butterfly keeping me company on my workouts in our little gym, but he died....
AHA! Might I suggest the BBC miniseries adaptation of Pride and Prejudice that was released back in the mid-90's? It is fan-friggin-tastic. I know you'd love it. I think the episodes were around 55 minutes long, too, which would enhance your 50 minute treddy time!
Or perhaps some

Thanks for saying hi! I'm very happy to be here, hope I can leeeean on you folks for some badly-needed support.
Oooh would that be the one with Colin Firth playing Mr Darcy???
I would slip on the treddy with all the drool....


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 1/30/2008 9:57:47 AM
Author: Lorelei

Oooh would that be the one with Colin Firth playing Mr Darcy???
I would slip on the treddy with all the drool....
That''d be the one! When I was in college in freezing Idaho around the time the miniseries came out, we had a TV and VCR but no TV signal (or car to escape the area), and my roommates and I would make brownies every weekend and watch it for hours and hours. One of them had taped it right off of the television when they were home on break. Mr. Darcy sustained me through many a long semester....*siiiigh*
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