
Weekly Workout Thread 15th Oct till 21st Oct

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May 9, 2006
Hi all. Not pregnant. Part of me feels like Rizzo at the end of Grease, sitting all up on the ferris wheel, screaming at Kenicke. Part of me is sad. But seriously, had I actually been pregnant, that kid would have popped out wearing a suit of armor, considering all the BC we''re using.

Still losing weight like crazy. I think that the pill just was messing with my system.

I feel like a real bad PSer cuz I just can barely find time to update you on my fertility! And really, who needs to read about that. I long for the time I can write to each of you again!

Off to my FIFTH meeting of the day! (and it''s only 9:30!)

JAS and her uterus that is available to rent out.


Mar 26, 2006
Zipping off to take an investor around the south side in a few minutes but just wanted to pop in. Probably no workout today and I somehow just managed to have a 410 cal breakfast (
) but I''m going to stop at the grocery store when I drop my client off and stock up on some good things. The HH is out of town until late Friday night so I''m on my own foodwise for the next few days.

jas - sorry to her you''re not preggers, but LOL on the suit of armour!

Will check in more later.


Jun 15, 2006
Hope you have a successful day, DeeJay.

Jas, I missed your posts about wanting/trying/thinking you were pregnant, so sorry you aren''t.

I had a great workout this morning! WOOHOO! My elliptical missed me.

John''s making some stir fry pork thing for dinner at some crazy low calorie amount like 250 cals per serving. We''ll see how it turns out!


Nov 24, 2006
Kimi, I like that your ellip missed ya; that was cute! Great job!

Jas, you will get preggo next time. Whooo hooo for losing weight!

DeeJay, I hope you sell the apt to that man! Sending selling vibes your way!

Lorelei, yay for doing the elliptical!

Marcy, so sorry you had to work late. I hope you get done early tonight!

Mara, are the arms extra sore?

Welcome Steph!!!!

I just got back from my 4 mile walk. The beef stew smells good; I just added extra peas just now. I have left over grilled chicken breast so between both those yummy items for dinner and lunch I am set. Have a wonderful Tuesday all! P.S. I have been measuring and weighing all my food and that really helps keep me in line!!! heehee
Talk to you WWT friends later!


Nov 8, 2005
Jas, I wasn't sure from your posts what the situation was but I hope you are feeling OK about how things turned out. I may have missed something but did you say that going off the pill is helping you to lose weight? I am thinking about going off the pill and using another method but not sure... last time I tried that my skin broke out. I would kind of like my body to do its own thing though and not be so reliant on hormones... and if it helped me lose weight, well, all the better. Still thinking on that one.

I hope everyone is having a good day. I was over by whole foods earlier and stopped off for an early but kinda big lunch - small serving of chicken, some veggie lasagna and some grilled veggies, and am still full! I also had some fage and pumpkin butter for a snack. I'll probably have a light dinner since I had more lunch than usual. Oh, I also had some chocolate covered raisins - really yummy.

I don't want to skip the gym but I think it has been a week since I have taken a rest day so I should. Maybe I will go for a long walk or an easy jog instead. My dogs would appreciate that!

ETA I have been drinking a ton of water the past few days and I feel so much healthier!


Nov 8, 2005
I forgot to say welcome to Steph72276! I have to ask, are the numbers after your name your b-day? Welcome to the thread! Your story is really inspiring!


Mar 16, 2005
Thanks for the warm welcome all! No, the numbers are actually just the ones that randomly came up when I signed up for AOL many years ago...I guess I was the 72,276th
"steph" to sign up for AOL! But you are not the first to ask that, and it is not that far off from my age! I really should get a new screenname though!


Nov 8, 2005
Steph, ha ha 7.22.76 is the b-day of someone I know, is why I asked! That''s funny! I saw your pendant on your other thread and it is beautiful! We are almost pendant twins - I have a .40 in the same martini setting. I love mine and wear it every day!

I am so inspired as to how you lost all the weight post-baby in a healthy way. I gained some weight after college and when I got married, and have lost about 22 lbs. I have about 20 lbs to go, well, 30 would get me to a GREAT place but 20 would be fine! It is a VERY slow journey for me as anyone on this thread can tell you - it seems like I do the right things but it just takes forever for the scale to move! Just today I had some bloodwork drawn at my doctors to test thyroid and things, to see if anything could be going on there. I showed my doctor my calorie tracking and exercise log and she was surprised that I am having so much trouble losing weight, so we will see if that turns up anything. I''m actually looking pretty good these days aside from the entire belly/torso area, if I told people I was like 4-5 months pregnant I am sure they would believe me based on the belly!


Mar 16, 2005
Hi, Tandog...thanks for the compliment on the pendant...I really love it and it is very special to me since it came from my great grandmother!
Yes, it is very hard to lose the baby weight. You see all the stars who seem to drop their baby weight after like 3 weeks and then you feel like a failure when it takes forever to come off. The things that seemed to make the most difference for me was when I started tracking my fat/calories daily and also watching the sugar intake...I used to have a huge sweet tooth but learned in really eat sugar in moderation. I also started trying to balance out my day so if I was going out to eat for lunch I would try to have a salad or lean cuisine for dinner or vice versa if I knew I was going out for dinner. Just like today. I had to go to the mall and my son wanted to eat at chick-fil-a in the food court. I did make a good choice of a grilled chicken sandwich on a whole wheat bun, but I caved in and had french fries on the side. So tonight I am making a turkey breast with squash and asparagus to make up for it. So I really believe it is all about balance...nobody can keep up a deprivation diet forever. The closer I get to my goal weight, the slower it is.....the past few months I have only been losing about a pound a month. Oh well, at least we''re going in the right direction!


Mar 20, 2003
Steph, welcome. What an inspiring story! I couldn''t exactly do the math, but I figure you must be very close to your goal weight now, right? Awesome!

Jas, I just wanted to extend sympathy for the part of you that is sad at not being pregnant, but I know part of you is relieved too.

OK, I did my Firm video this afternoon, and tonight I''m making rice and beans with bell peppers. We had a nice dinner last night on our backyard bistro table and it looks like we''ll squeeze another night out of it before the weather gets too cold.

Sometimes the new digital scale that I bought to make sure my old needle scale wasn''t crazy goes down to 115.5, but then I''ll get on the old needle scale (which granted is hard to read what with having to count notches between the multiples of ten, and it''s also on this weird slant that was probably the result of a problem the previous owner couldn''t fix during the bathroom remodel) and it will appear to say 118 or so. My instinct is to trust the new digital scale over the slanted old-school scale, and 115.5 makes my BMI 19.5, which is on the low end. However, my husband agrees that I don''t look gaunt at all. My thighs have lost a little bit more recently but are still just over 21 (skinny thigh) and just under 22 (fat thigh) inches. My other measurements are waist 27.5", hips 33.5", and arms 10". I don''t think any of these measurements are ridiculously thin, right? I''m 5'' 4.5" for reference.

I''ll try to get a picture taken, but I think this is one of those cases where the BMI is a guide, not the be all and end all. Because I know women who are rail thin, and I think I look strong and not gaunt, and I have to buy curvy pants, so obviously I''ve got a modest amount of junk in the trunk.


Mar 26, 2006
Today was successful in that of the 14 properties we drove by the investor wants to view 5 of the buildings in depth, so we''ll see what comes of it. What came of lunch however is another story... We ended up in Greektown after all that driving around, and Greektown just ain''t Greektown without the flaming cheese, LOL. I was going to ignore that it even existed, but he wanted some, and believe me if you''re going to spend a couple mill you want to share the flaming cheese, well, OPAH!! Then I had half of a gyro wrap and about four bites of the rice with the crazy orange sauce (what IS that sauce anyway?). Dinner was 200 cals of soup and a bowl of grapes.

Tomorrow I''m pretty much free so I''ll go to the gym, and I did stop at the grocery store on my way home so I have some low cal foods in the house that I actualy want to eat.

Speaking of low cal, Monnie, how was the stir fry?

Stephi, did you cook the beef stew in a crockpot or on the stove?

TanDogMom, is pumpkin butter sweet? I''ve seen people mention it on here but I''m not exactly sure what it is.

PG, go with the new scale!

Welcome Steph!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
I inched closer to being down another pound this morning. Woo hoo!

Lorelei, sorry to hear you are having pain in your hips. I hope it goes away soon but do take it easy for a day or two.
Mara, glad to hear your arms weren’t too sore this morning. I did enjoy my last brownie but also enjoyed my slow churn tonight.
Kimberly, that is great only gaining ½ pound on your vacation; that is like nothing in my book. Yeah for the great workout on the elliptical.
Jas, thanks for the update. Congratulations for continuing to loose weight.
DeeJay, I hope one of your showings today pays off.
Skippy, I only had to grade papers online tonight and there was only 1 lab turned in. It was an easy night. Tomorrow I have a campus class again but it’s a short lab so I should be home in an hour or two. Yeah for walking 4 miles. I hope your stew is as good as it smells.
TanDogMom, I hope you got to take your dogs for a walk tonight. I am sure they’d love it. I was full from lunch too so I had a baked potato, some cottage cheese and a few almonds for supper. I hope your blood work checks out fine.
Steph, your pendant is pretty. I love chick fil-a too but if I eat there I have the small nuggets; it’s a good thing I only eat there once every few months. You are so right it all is about balance because we wouldn’t be able to deprive ourselves of things all the time.
PhoenixGirl, I would trust the digital scale (especially since it is lower). Congrats on your BMI being so low.
Have a great evening.


Mar 16, 2005
Thanks again for the welcome from everyone! I think the motivation is working already. I didn''t get to go on my morning run this morning because my son was up in the middle of the night (he is potty training and needed to go at 3 am.) and I was trying to get him laid back down in his room and I ended up falling asleep in there for the rest of the night! I didn''t wake up until I heard DH leaving! So anyway, I decided to go tonight after dinner instead of just saying oh well and waiting until tomorrow and now I feel so good that I did it. I really take working out as "me time" now and I don''t feel guilty about it anymore like I did when our son was first born. I finally realized I will be a better mom and wife when I take care of myself, so I let myself have that 30 min. or so everyday to devote just to me! Have a great night everyone and thanks for the motivation!


Jun 15, 2006
Phoenix, I know a woman who is 5'3 and 110 lbs., her BMI is 19.5. She has the most amazing body, lots of curves and muscle definition. Definitely use the BMI calculator as a guideline, not the be-all-end-all. If you're pleased with where you're at, in a healthy way, not an obsessive way, and your husband agrees that's what matters. My husband serves as a great gauge for me. He has a tenant who has lost a ton of weight and when he said she needed to gain a few lbs. she noted that it was very amusing that all the women in her life tell her she looks great and all the men she knows say she's too think. I found this very intereseting. Regarding the scale, if you're unsure about accuracy measure a free weight. I used a 5 lb. weight to determine which scale in my house is correct (we have 2).

Dinner was amazingly good for 250 calories a serving. It was stir fry served w/o rice. I'm very full and it's definitely a recipe we'll try again, I'll have to post it on our recipe thread.

Have a great night all.


Dec 28, 2005
Sorry for being absent since Sunday. Work is just craaaaaaazy and I just don''t have the time to check in during work ours it seems. Last night was a long one, but the usual Monday night Sushi, Frozen Yogurt and Sbucks coffee. But it was such a pleasant evening, we didn''t get home until well after 10 and we had some home things to attend to, so I never got to read everyone''s posts until just now.

Yes, Mrssalvo, DHW is a bit far fetched, but I just get a kick out their antics. Next week the gay couple moves to Wysteria Lane, and I''m interested to see how that''s handled. I saw Terri Hatcher''s interview on Jay Leno and she said her character, Susan says about every faux pas on the planet. Should be funny.

Gail, I keep a tub of raw, natural fresh almost and organic raisins in my desk. Anytime I feel a little snacky, I eat just a small handful and it keeps me satisfied. Plus the almonds are packed full of healthy fat and protein.

Glad to see your walks are continuing Dear Skippy. You keep it up and you''re going to the hottest babe in New Mexico for sure (as if you aren''t already!!).

Jas, I was sorry to see that you''re not pregnant. Maybe with the stress of that awful job, now wasn''t the best time to add morning sickness to your ''uber'' fun schedule! If you and hubby are trying to have children, I''m sure it will happen for you. And, what a lucky child you will have!!

Monnie, I countered Gail''s recommendation of the G35 in your who''s who (sorry Gail). I truly hated my G with a passion and just couldn''t recommend it to you.

Welcome to our healthy and supportive family Steph! I hope you find as much joy in the friendships and support we have for each other on this thread!

Oh MY DEAR DeeJay!! You had me laughing out load with your being locked (not) on the roof and the laundry pile. I can so see Bill sealing the tile floor then putting the stained clothes in the washer. I would have likely done the same thing, which is why I''m not allowed near our washer. That, I''m afraid is Charlies territory!! I hope your investor buys something that includes a huge commission!!

So, today was as usual a really busy day. I do prefer busier days as they go by faster, but man, I barely have time to breath. I didn''t leave work till just before 6, but I headed to gym and had a really strong workout. This week is our two year anniversary since Rebuild Rod began and we joined the gym. Tonight, I saw the sales person who sold us memberships and he remembered the day we came in the gym and he said he thinks Charlie and I are such inspirations. I thought that was a really nice thing for him to say. He also said that of all the people he''s ever sold a membership to, we were, in his opinion the ones who might have come once or twice, but would have likely never continued. Shows how you shouldn''t judge a book by the fat around the middle. But really, when I think about it, I''m not really sure why we found the motivation at this time in our lives, but I''m truly grateful we did. Plus, I like how I look for the first time in my ENTIRE life and when I see myself in a tighter fitting t-shirt or even without a shirt at all, I can''t believe that''s my image. Not that I''m completely happy with my body, because who ever is? But when I see pictures of myself 5 or 10 years ago and compare them to myself now, I''m very pleased indeed.

Charlie''s taking the day off tomorrow and treating himself to a day at the beach. He has a lot of unused vacation time he needs to use. Then we''re going to go to our favorite diner for dinner and I just won''t have a gym night tomorrow. But I''''ll be back in full force on Thursday.

I hope everyone''s having a good week so far. I''ll check in again tomorrow night. Sleep well everyone!


Oct 30, 2002
lol kimberly, i totally agree that it's interesting what the men think. greg lowballs my weight by like 15 lbs based on what he thinks i look like visually compared to what he knows he weighs. just last nite i was moaning about my sore arms and he gave me an impromptu arm and shoulder massage and he was exclaiming about how tiny and 'birdlike' my arms and back was. i was like HELLO i'm STRONG!!! and he just laughed. so yeah i guess to seems like they always think we are too thin! whenever he can see my bones it bothers him...hehe.

PG...sounds like you are happy with where you are which is the important thing! i am 5'7" and when i was 128 everyone kept telling me i was too thin. i was thinner..and probably not very muscular either. so i am happier at about 135 with the muscle tone i have now...and still wearing most of the same clothes i wore at 128 (except maybe not my absolute smallest items!)... so it all works out with whatever we feel is right for our own bodies...which is the awesome part!!

yay for a yummy low cal dinner kimberly. miss DJ what is flaming cheese?!?!

worked out at the gym at work, did elliptical for 20 min and the treadmill at a walk/run mix for 15 minutes for 375 total cals. came home and made dinner, which was 96% lean ground beef with 2% cheddar and flaxseed bread toasted as a bun...with ketchup, relish, dijon mustard. and made coleslaw with a bag of it and light mayo, apple cider vinegar, honey, celery seeds and ground mustard. yummy and quite healthy. dessert will probably be 0% fage with better n peanut butter.

have a great evening all!!


Feb 27, 2007
I got my astronomy / halloween presentation ready for our meeting Friday. It’s pretty short as there isn’t much information on it. Maybe I’ll drink first so I’ll talk more. Ha Ha.
Steph, that is wonderful you make sure to have some me time everyday. That is so very important.
Kimberly, that is a great idea to check the accuracy of a scale. Your low cal supper sounds great.
Rod, happy 2nd anniversary of rebuilding Rod. That is so wonderful how much you have changed in 2 years. Congratulations.
Mara, it is interesting how people see us so differently than we see ourselves. I just did a new photo of myself and can see a definite difference since September 20th.
I hope everyone had a great day. Sweet dreams.


Mar 16, 2005
How''s everyone doing this morning? I had my Kashi cereal this morning with 1% milk and a banana and coffee with sugarfree creamer. I seem to go through phases with food where I''ll eat the same thing everyday for breakfast for a while and then switch. Before this, it was scrambled egg whites with cheese and canadian bacon. Now I am so sick of eggs, I can''t even look at them...does anyone else do this? I''m about to go do my weights to work out arms, legs, chest and abs. I try to do strength training on the days I don''t run. Anyway, everyone have a great day!


Jun 15, 2006
Happy 2nd anniversary of being uber-Rod (and you know you are!).

Mara, J stopped by a friends'' house and they were talking about eating out. She and her hubby were on their way to the same Mexican restaurant they''d eaten at 3 other times last week. J told her that we don''t eat out a lot because I''m pretty cautious about what I eat (I think it''s relative and we eat more than enough! he''d like to do so every night). She commented that it made no sense for me to watch what I eat that I must weigh all of 115 lbs. which is just too funny. J was like "I don''t know what she weighs," even though he does, he must be trying to protect my womanly secrets. ha ha ha

Marcy, I''m sure your presentation will be fantastic.

Steph, I''m so glad the motivation is working for you already! My alone/exercise time definitely makes me a better wife and student.

The low-cal dinner must have been what my body needed, for the first time in 2 months I weigh less than 127 lbs. The scale kept hovering between 127.2-127.8, this morning I am happy to say it reads 126.6. I know, I know, it''s minor, but it just feels better.

I''m working today. Haven''t seen my kidlets in a while should be fun. Have a great day all!


Feb 27, 2007
Good morning. I am now minus 129 pounds - Yippee!!!

Steph, your old breakfast sounds really good to me since I eat cereal for BF 5 days a week. I can''t eat bananas except once every 3 months - they are one of the many foods I''m allergic too. Rats, I love them too.

Kimberly, woo hoo for weighing less this morning. Congratulations. Thanks for the kind words about my program. Some of the sounds I found from space sound pretty spooky so I thought I''d turn the lights off and play them first.

Have a great and healthy day!


Apr 30, 2005
Yay Marcy!!!

I am going to try tonight for a workout, hip pain is better but still lurking, so I will bypass the leg extensions I think.

Treadmill is still pants, but the chap at the company where we bought it has been terrific with helping us out! We await another new part to see if that fixes it. I think the guy at the treddy co is getting cheesed off with pants treadmill and is desperate for it to roar into life!


Mar 26, 2006
Just back from the morning walk with the monsters. Ug--this whole HH out of town thing really gets me in the AM!

For some reason I have a burning desire to go over to Caribou and just sit down and have a cup of coffee. I don't even have anthing compelling to take with me to read/do, I just want to go. Starbucks is closer, but I don't like their little cafe area as much, plus Caribou has an outdoor patio that might be nice this morning. They also have free wi-fi so if I get a new laptop I could even *work* over there if I wanted to. Hmmm... I wonder if I feel the beginning of a new morning routine coming on, LOL.

Date: 10/16/2007 11:10:02 PM
Author: Mara

miss DJ what is flaming cheese?!?!
Mara, you just haven't lived if you haven't had saganaki! They take a thick (like 1/2"+) slice of some sort of soft white greek cheese and put butter and lemon and some kind of alcohol over it and light it on fire. OPA! When the fire goes out you're left with a salty tangy crust and soft hot cheese in the middle. Sheer heaven!! (One word of caution: If anyone in your party is of the highly hairsprayed variety this might be a dangerous thing to order.)



Nov 24, 2006
Morning all! I weighed myself this morning, well remember last week I was upset I gained 1/2 lbs well I lost 2 lbs this week (yay) so that really helped so next time I won't fret. I think I am in a good place now; I am just measuring and weigh my food and counting calories/points and doing lots of walking. I lost a total of 7 lbs so far so I am going to think about 1 lb at a time or else I get overwhelmed. Hey the best news is that I fit into a pair of jeans;
I still have about 20lbs to lose but having jeans to fit into makes me happy!!!

Last night I really wanted to finish my tote but didn't. I actually made a mistake but I am debating if I can live without it being perfect or if I want to rip out a section of the thread and fix it (oh what a dilema)!! hehee As soon as I am done with the tote I am going to make a beautiful window treatment for the front window (I posted pics of the the kitchen wnidow when trying to figure out pendant lights). I think I will do a bright yellow or red material with some flowers in the pattern. I am excited for making that next time; I bought the pattern and my teacher said it should be a good one for me.

Well I am going to look for some material today, do some studying like always and go for a nice walk!!
You guys are right the walking is working in combo w/healthy eats!

Dee, I hope you sell those apts!!! Hey, now your talking; I love cheese. I never had greek cheese, yum! We have some greek restaurants but I never seen that on the menu. Dee I put my beef stew recipe in the healthy recipe thread and yes, I make it in the crockpot. I love easy cooking! Did you go out for coffee?

Gail/TDM, yay for a walk w/the dog!

Steph, you and your little boy are so cute! I wish I had your cheek bones. Glad you got a workout in early before hubby went out to work. How old is your little guy? I saw in your other thread that you are getting your ring in Atlanta. My ring is from Solomn Bro in Atlanta and my SIL lives in Savannah. I love Savannah; it is so beautiful! I don't know if you live out that way but that area is gorgeous; I love the trees w/the spanish moss (so cool)!

PG, great job on doing the firm!

Marcy, Yay friend for another lb!!!! Whooo hooo; I am glad you got home earlier last night! The stew was yummy! I posted the recipe out there in the healthy recipe thread. hehe

Kimi, yes, I would love to hear your stir fry recipe!!! We make a yummy stir fry w/beef, broccoli, onions and the a teriyaki seasme seed sauce. I am praying for a successful surgery for your friends baby. How is school? The kids? Yay for the weight loss!!!!! KUDOS!

Rod, I am sorry you are working so hard. You have such a great attitude; I like that you don't fret and just look at the positive!!! Rod, your words are so sweet; I could give you a big hug (you make me feel like a million bucks)!! I bet you and Charlie are the hottest men in Tampa w/all your great workouts! Happy 2 yr anni! Cheers to your health!

Mara, yay for the gym workout! I love that you eat healthy yet you don't deprive yourself. Your burger and fage sound yummy! Yay to calcium!

Lorelei, I hope your hip gets better soon.

Happy Hump day all!


Mar 16, 2005
Hey are too sweet! Way to go on your weight loss! I am getting my original stone put into a 3 stone Ritani setting (the same one Rainydaze had for a while). I did buy it in Atlanta because that is where I grew up and that is where my jeweler is and they have a trade up policy, so I traded in an old pendant for the new three stone. My husband''s job moved us to South Florida recently, so I will have to go pick my ring up when I am in Atlanta visiting family for Thanksgiving. I love Savannah, it is such a pretty place, but I have only visited, I always lived in the northern suburbs of ATL. I love love love Solomon brothers....always a fun place to visit as they have a million settings and I just love your ring! Oh my little boy is 2 but will turn 3 in November. We actually share a birthday so that is pretty neat. My husband is going to be on business in Orlando, so we are going to go to and make it a long weekend and take him to celebrate at Disneyworld:) I need to try out your recipe....I love to use the crockpot!


Dec 9, 2002
hi all....

no loss this week.....darn..........

i need lunch ideas that throw together fast........i.e. no cooking...(newborn survival) ideally things my picky toddler will eat...


Nov 24, 2006
Steph, oh neat! Thanks for your sweet words; you are super sweet too! That will be a fun trip to Atlanta since you get to see family and pick up your new ring; how exciting! Also cool that you both will have a birthday soon! I enjoyed reading your Weight loss journey. It is always fun and interesting to hear what works for others; great job!!! How exciting about you all going to Disneyworld, I hope to go there someday.

Hey ya Diver! Do toddlers eat low fat cheddar cheese melted on broccoli? I am loving Cabot brand 75% reduced fat cheddar on veggies. I found the western bagel and it is only 1 point; I think you can find that at Albertsons! I bet you will lose next week! How is Delaney? I bet she is getting so big and beautiful!


Jun 15, 2006
Hi All,

Today has been a good/normal work day. I''m making dinner and things are same ol'' same ol''.

Skip, work is good, the kids are fantastic. I hadn''t been at my usual school in about a week and when I walked in one of my favorite kids (who am I kidding they''re all my favorites) said "I missed you Miss Kimi!"and gave me a huge hug. So sweet. I''ll let you know when baby has his surgery. Thanks for being so considerate! Way to go on more weight loss, so excited for you!


Mar 26, 2006
Sometimes all your plans just go right out the window... I was going to go over to Caribou for a cup o' joe this morning and then work out, so I just went upstairs and threw my jeans and a T-shirt on (didn't even shower!) and on my way out the door my phone rang. It was my investor guy and we started talking about an empty lot and all the sudden we got curious about who owned and I couldn't find the info on the assessor's or treasurer's websites so I thought well I'll just zip over to City Hall and check the public records. The lady at the desk said, look, it's obvious you're going to spend a bit of time here (this is my 4th trip to the recorder of deeds office in the past few weeks), just go use one of the computers and you can look up all the stuff you want (customer service at its finest, LOL). So I walk over to one of the computers and I don't have clue frickin' one about what to do, not even how to log on. As I turn back to get some sort of instruction from The Year's Best Customer Service Agent some guy says, "Whatcha lookin for?" I tell him my plight and he gives me a down and dirty tour of the city's record system. Within 5 minutes I was looking up all sorts of crazy things! He also told me about a city program that might turn into a windfall for my investor--I could have kissed this guy!

So by then it was well after 1:00 and I thought, oh, I'll just stop by and see my old office friends since the building was right next to City Hall, and then I'll go home and work out. Next thing I know I'm eating a big fat cheeseburger with my best office girlfriend, and then going to Macy's to help her find a new purse.

Then I came home and was on my way up to change so I could go to the gym when a client called and asked if we could see some houses on Saturday so I did the mad scramble to find things and make calls.

And then my investor called again and I ended up talking to him for a LONG time about the numbers on the buildings we're seeing tomorrow.

And then... It's now. I have not been to the gym. I STILL have not had a shower. I have not eaten anything for dinner (that cheeseburger was huge, and I did have a banana and a fiber one bar for breakfast). I did manage to trim the stems on my flowers. Oh yes--that's a crazy story! So yesterday I got a call from my office that someone had sent me flowers. I figured it was one of my happy clients so I went over and picked them up. The card read: "Congratulations on being among the first Chicago Association of Realtors Members to pay your 2008 dues plus PAC. We are grateful for your continued support and look forward to servingyou in the new year." Let me get this straight... I pay a bill that's been sent to me and the recipient sends me flowers? Where's that GIANT bouquet American Express owes me each an every month?!?

Anyway, sorry for the mostly non-workout post in the WWT. Somehow it just didn't happen today...

Kimi, awwww--that's sweet about the kid missing you!

Stephi, does the Cabot cheese melt OK? That's always my big problem with no/low fat cheese is that it gets all gritty and gluey when you try to melt it.

Diver, I got one word for ya: PB&J!

Steph, can't wait to see pics of your new ring!


Jun 29, 2006
DeeJay: LOL on taking the "long way" to the gym today. Happens to me on the weekends a lot

Skippy: WOHOO on fitting into your jeans, girl! For me that is like the ultimate measuring stick. I have a pair of jeans for fat days and a pair of jeans for the time I was the most fit (That I want to wear again). What pair of jeans I can wear on a given day can make/break my mood. That''s awesome on your progress!

Steph: Love your avatar - very cute pic of you and your son. And congrats on committing to making time for yourself to stay fit.

Tonight I started a new strength routine at the gym. One of the trainers put it together for me and it was SUPER annoying b/c his handwriting was terrible. All I could make out were the weight numbers. On top of that my sister wanted to join in and she is a little scattered with her focus. I like to get in and get out and with her it takes so much longer....and everything is a compromise. i.e. skip the planks but do ball crunches instead. I finished up with 30 minutes on the elliptical and then rewarded myself with getting a pedi after I showered up and changed. I have a feeling I will be sore tomorrow. It heavily focused on abs and I was feeling the burn for that.

I had a fairly terrible day food wise....hehehe. I have to confess I hit up McD''s for a fish sandwich. I haven''t had one in years and was craving it like it was being discontinued or something. I recovered well tonight though. I had a tuna wrap made with tuna, lite mayo (Really dry), lettuce, and a whole grain wrap. It was super big, so I ate half. Getting that McD''s fix will cover me for another year. There are certain foods that I rarely crave and once I get my fix I am done with it for a year before I crave it again. Fortunately McD''s is one of them b/c it really made me feel like a slug afterwards.

Have great nite all!


Nov 8, 2005
we have some darned sweet people on this thread!

Rod, congrats on 2 yrs!!! That is awesome. I am so happy for all you have achieved. Now, onto some car talk. Well, you have owned the cars in question, and I have only test driven them (I didn't say that before) and enjoyed riding in my friend's G35 but.... I have to say the G packs a real punch. It includes so many things that you have to pay a lot extra for on the BMW, felt (to me) more luxurious inside... and still costs less I believe. From what I have read reliability has improved quite a bit. Plus they are so sweet looking and fun to drive. At the moment it tops my wish list, with the BMW in spot #2. Of course we don't *need* a new car, so will likely be on the wishlist for quite some time!

Dee Jay your new career is off to a rocking good start! I am sure you will get into a new routine and enjoy all the variety to your days. I used to love going to Caribou when I lived in Chicago. I used to go to the one near Michigan and Chicago to study, so that's the one I always picture when you mention it. It was also a great place to people watch. That was so long ago! By the way I saw an article syndicated in our newspaper recently about pet friendly realtors, syndicated from the Trib. I was sort of wondering if you would be in there (of course I have no idea if Dee Jay is your real name so I might not have recognized you anyway). It would have been cool to see a pic of the Demon Dog in print! Kind of a random article :)

So tonight I tried a new class at the gym, step class. I've done step before but not in a while. I was able to keep up, do everything, and I didn't find it that hard! I am trying to mix up my workouts more and this was a great change from my usual routine. When I got home I made fish tacos with grilled mahi mahi, avacado, tomato, light sour cream, black beans and a bit of cheese on a tortilla. It was great! Now I am off to walk the dogs. Yesterday was supposed to be a rest day so I walked/jogged with the dogs at an easy pace for 45 min. They are fun jogging buddies but also a pain since they are always getting tangled up and barking at everyone else we pass.

Have a great night everyone.
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