
Weekly Workout Thread 13th Aug till 19th Aug

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Dec 28, 2005
Thanks for the kind thoughts, prayers, love and willingness to move in with us and share our view and kewl rides!!!

It was a really nice and sunny day, until just when I was leaving for the gym. That's when the skies had to open up and rain on my beautiful clean car. Hmmmmppph. But, I went to the gym (even though I was tempted to bag it and go wipe down the car) and I'm really glad I did. Since I may not (likely won't) go tomorrow night, I pushed like a madman and worked out for over 3 hours. I started with my core, back extensions, roman candle (it's an incline you do forward extensions on, which can be really hard right after doing reverse back extensions, which is why I do them), then crunches, then and I don't know what it's called, but you put your arms in a cradle and you're elecated off the ground and you pull your legs up to your chest umteen dozen times till your stomach mucsles hurt, then I do 100 situps on an incline. That's about 25 minutes right there. Then I do my leg routine, about another 25 or so minutes, then I do 75 old fashioned pushup, and then I just run all over the gym doing all sorts of upper body (arms, chest, shoulders etc) workout using some machines and some free weights. This also includes the unassisted dips and chinups I keep working on. I get right in there with the younger big boys and I hold my own and sometimes even do better than they do. Finally, I ended my workout with my usual 35 intense minutes on the elliptical. Tonight I burned over 600 calories in 35 minutes, traveled nearly 5 miles and kept at 93 or more RPM the entire time. Rod is a sopping wet mess by the time this is all over.

Then, I came home and couldn't stand the fact that my new baby was so dirty, so I went into the garage level of the condo and wiped the car completely down. We can't be driving a brand new 'dirty' bimmer now can we??!! No, of course not.

I'm just sitting here going through work email and personal mail too. Will be heading to bed soon. I didn't sleep well last night. I guess as my procedure get's closer, it's more on my mind. So, I just can't wait for this part to be over. With all your prayers and well wishes, I'm sure I'll be fine. But even if I'm not, I know your prayers will help me get throuth whatever is ahead of me.

Oh, on the Charlie car front. Turns out he's getting one of the only available new coupes in the country. Supposedly there was a war over that car between multiple dealerships this morning, but the fact that we were the first in the country to put down a deposit meant that the car was our's! It landed at the Vehicle Processing Center (VPC) today and is scheduled to arrive at our dealership one week from today. Charlie's pretty excited and I'm excited for him.

Sleep well everyone!!

PS: DeeJay, yes one arm is always going to be dominant over the other. That's where free weights come in really handy. There's no way with equal weights in each arm, the dominant arm can work harder than the weaker arm. Try doing some arm free weight routines and you'll feel and see a difference.


Oct 30, 2002
hey all!!!

lol re: the whole comatose candy know it.'s just crazy how these places and meetings operate. i told the guy who ran the meeting that next time i'd like to see some FRESH FRUIT and/or salads on the menu as well. sheesh! or they just have to come out to CA where we can take them out for real food hehe.

we are actually out visiting our ASP vendor/partner...and it's a small area of the midwest so food here is not super healthy or all that fabulous either. today for breakfast they had eggs, hash browns and bacon catered in! i had bacon with just the meat part eaten, no fat...some eggs, and a tiny bit of hash browns which were not great. oh and they had donuts so of course i had to have .. umm two. lunch was BBQ from some local bbq place which was quite good but jeez. i had a small corn, a massive cornbread muffin with some butter, a chicken breast with no skin, and literally two spoonfulls of corn slaw and beans. lots of water. then by 3pm i was in massive chocolate mode after some seriously brain powered meetings all day long. literally we worked all through lunch on strategy for the program we are discussing while out here and this has been a seriously mental intense two days. so as soon as i heard they had an ICE CREAM VENDING MACHINE in the break room, my boss and i were out of there in a flash and down the hall. it was funny because they also had hostess cupcakes, my big pleasure, so we got one of those (we wree going to split them) and then we each got a drumstick ice cream. so funny because i noticed after the fact that the drumstick was reduced fat. WHO KNEW?? i only ate half anyway. and i was so not into the cupcakes after that. the funniest thing was that my boss wanted to make sure yesterday that the horrible candy would still be around today but when we came in someone had taken it all!! she was so sad. i was secretly relieved.

then we come back to change at the hotel then meet the gang at a local bar/restaurant for dinner. ate outside which was so nice after being cooped up, but man. appetizers for dinner. literally ALL BAD FOR YOU stuff. AND then we all shared 4 desserts. of which i had my fill of big time.

afterwards went to a local mall to walk around a bit and they had this store, von maur, which was kind of like a nordstrom in terms of what they carried. i found the CUTEST items there, a free people super soft hooded thick loosely knitted cardigan with one button tie, some joe's trouser style super soft jeans, a junior off the shoulder tissue thin patterned soft rose tshirt, the most awesome basic black crossover tank dress that will be great for wearing the rest of the summer then layering for winter, and a cute cropped cream colored knitted chunky cardigan. oh and a beautiful pair of silver filigree leaf earrings and a chunky silver bracelet. $500 later we are all heading back to the hotel. i felt like a sow while trying on clothes but was happy to see that stuff all fit me normally at least...but man i feel bloated from all this eating.

now i just did some work, caught up on email, and i am going to head off to the gym again. i may be eating for 20 but i am at least working out too. this morning i went when i got up and ran/walked 1.75miles on the treadmill. i am going to head down now to the gym (loosely used term, tiny room with 3 machines), and do 45 min walking on the treadmill just to get some extra activity in. sitting all day is sooooo hard for me. and i am mentally spent but not tired yet. my boss said i was obsessed with working out, i told her hello look at all this stuff we are eating. what else i am supposed to do anyway, sit in my hotel room? might as well get some activity in!

our meetings were supposed to finish today but we have a bit more to cover so we are finishing tomorrow morning then have a few breakout sessions...WHEW. my flight leaves at 5pm but i will be done by noon, so hoping to maybe hit up the mall as there were some shoes i didn't get to try on i can walk around then too. thankfully tomorrow AM we are doing the hotel breakfast which is actually a quite nice continental breakfast, so i can have a light n'fit yogurt, an egg, and 1/2 a toasted bagel...nice and simple!!

i can't wait to get home but i'm sad because greg is going to be leaving on a trip tomorrow night...literally we will pass each other in the airport and be able to spend some time together while he waits for his flight (since we'll be in the same terminal and i will already be in the secure area)'s so sad but true. so then i will be alone til sunday...typically i don't mind when he travels but the timing is just so rotten right now because i am kind of homesick. oh week we will REALLY appreciate each other. and the few days alone gives me some time to decompress and also get back into my routine and not worry about anyone else.

sounds like everyone is having a pretty good DJ re dominant arm...Rod i'm keeping positive thoughts for you, skippy, holy moly miss, 4 fiber one bars? i once ate two and that made me feel sick enough, can't imagine four! anyway, better run off and get some more activity in to combat those two drinks and desserts i had at dinner.
man i can't wait to get home...kashi go lean is calling my name.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!
I dropped another 6/10 of a pound this morning. Yeah!

We just got home a little while ago from the inlaws. My MIL made cheese / bacon quiche for supper; based on her recipe I figure my little piece was between 350 to 600 calories; I am not sure. But it was good. I had a small piece of buttered bread with it.
Mara, it sounds like they are feeding you well, not healthy but well. Aak! It sounds like you had quite a shopping spree. Woo hoo!
DeeJay, yeah for being back on your mission again.
Kimberly, LOL about “breakfast dessert”. I am surprised I never used that one before. I agree with you; books are items to be coveted. Great idea to eat only twice a day on vacation.
Skippy, I hope your legs feel better. Thanks for the nice compliment. I think it’s harder to stay focused on a diet on vacation because it is so far from your routine. Also, you usually eat out every meal. Watch out for those wasps girlfriend!
Linda, congratulations on loosing ½ pound. Yeah! I hope you enjoyed your Mexican lunch.
Rod, I will be thinking about you on Friday. Good luck! Tell Charlie congrats on getting his new car. Way cool!
Jas, thanks for saying the best part of me remains. You dinner sounds marvelous, it would be strange to be the only people in a restaurant though.
Tdiddy, it sounds like you’ll be having great food at the shower this weekend. Your run today sounds “hot”. Good for you getting out there and running though.
Monarch, sorry to hear your day didn’t go so well. I know you’ll be right back to your usual routine tomorrow.
Well, I most get my booty to bed or I''ll be tired tomorrow. I don''t think I''ve slept more than 6 hours a night since last week. It''s catching up with me (or I am really bored at work and the MIL house and that would explain all the yawning).


Nov 19, 2004
Ok. So I''ve decided I need to stop weighing myself everyday. I think the fact that the scale isn''t moving at all is bringing me down, so I''m going to try once every second or third day. I''ve been eating well, and working out everyday, so there''s not much more I can do. I''ve always worked out, but I''ve incorperated some new elements. I used to do 30 minutes of cardio with 20 minutes of light weight training and 5 minutes abs etc. (6 times a week) I''m pretty consistent with that. Now I''ve added a bunch of exercises for the tighs and my rear end. These are my serious problem areas. So been doing that for about 2 weeks. I''m not losing weight yet, but I am CONVINCED my rear is less...shall we say mobile? I don''t know if it''s actually true (my tight-are-you-fat-jeans seem to have loosened up a bit in that area.) These are my barameter jeans which I only use to see how I''m really doing. Put them on, take them right off. So that''s what I''m sticking too.

Mara: The retreat sounds like crazy temptation round the clock. But at least they have a gym, and at least you''re sweating it out. Damage control. A lesser woman would have just eaten...and eaten...


Feb 27, 2007
Allycat, I think the fact your pants are looser is a great indicator of your progress. I think I''d weigh in only one day a week; of course I''m not a good one to give advice on that because I weigh both morning and evening.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kidsl!

Thanks all for the discussion about my goofy dominant arm issue. I will take the free weight advice and see if that makes me feel like I'm working the other arm enough. (Sometimes I feel so stupid when I ask these things!)

Tdiddy, I was in a Carabou the other day with one of my girlfriends who is addicted to their Heath Bar Toffee Cooler (with whip cream no less -- a SMALL is over 500 cals!!!) and there was some reduced fat banana bread that looked good. I was looking around the counter for some sort of nutrition guide because I've seem them in various places at the cashier's stations and finaly I asked one of the people working behind the counter. The upshot was that they didn't have any sort of nutrition info but a lively discussion ensued on what items were tastier than others. I thought two ladies were going to come to blows over the cinnamon streusel muffin with white chocolate chips versus the cinnamon roll popover. Some people are SERIOUS about their breakfast pastries, LOL!

Rod, sorry you new baby got rained on!

Marcy, mmmmm--quiche! We actually have some tiny little ones in the freezer that we bought for a party one time and never made. The other night I was just poking around to see what we had to nibble on and I looked at the cal count on those as a lark. They were like 60 cals EACH and when I say they are petite I mean they are PETITE. Oh well.

Ally, good for you on the looser jeans!

Monnie, one day ain't gonna kill ya. You're back on the wagon and yesterday is behind you.

Mara, that used to be my beef too when I would attend a lot of corporate events--all bad snacks and no fruit or anything like that. And I don't have willpower of steel, so of course I would give in eventually. And what a great shopping spree!!


Feb 17, 2007
Ally, I wouldn't even weigh yourself every few days. Limit yourself to once a week because it is making you anxious. Also, did you take measurements of your body before you started? I notice that although I have only lost a few lbs total since I started my quest, I have toned up considerably and lost quite a few inches. It's a much better indicator of progress than the scale IMO. But again, only do that once a week too. You can't expect to see progress daily.

Sorry for the lack of check ins guys! It was moving week for me, but we're in our new place, which is sooooo much nicer than our old place, and I can't wait to get everything unpacked. I'll update more later!


Apr 30, 2005
Hey all, just nipping in from the land of pants weather, it is flipping well raining again but I think I would rather have that than the revolting humidity poor Dee! I hope things cool off for you.

I had computer * issues* this morning, so I did an hour workout a little while ago, so not bad.


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

Alley, it''s a really good choice not to weigh yourself every day if it''s making you nutty, and it clearly is. Our bodies really struggle to lose weight when we only have a bit left, they tend to cling.

Marcy, my mom is a funny lady. She is thin but a total sweet tooth.

Mara, sorry they aren''t offering you better food choices. I would be frustrated. Sounds like a great shopping trip though! Have a safe trip home.

Neatfreak, glad the move is complete, have fun unpacking!

Lorelei, we desperately need some of your rain, wanna send it my way? Is DH still home?

Empanadas were really good last night. Worth the few hours they take to make. Not sure what I''m doing today, food and exercise wise. I''ll check in later.


Apr 30, 2005
* sending the rain* your way Kimi! Yep, Hubby should be around for a while now with luck!


Nov 24, 2006
Greetings and Saluations on this fine fine Morning! I walked 4.5 miles this morning. I was so sluggish today and I might end up taking a nap today.

I also am meeting friends for lunch and dinner; eek. I hope to find some healthy things or eat smaller portions.

Marcy, thanks; I will stay away from the wasps. Yum, to cheese and bacon quiche. Yay for losing 1/2 lb!!!

Kimberly, I hope you guys get rain soon!

Mara, wow, that is a lot of yummy junk food. Thank goodness you go home soon; that will be sweet to visit Greg in the airport. I am sorry he will be gone so long.

Rod, thinking positive thoughts for you. I like that you keep the BMW clean, wow, I am glad Charlie got the last BMW!!!

Hey Allycat; hang in there! I also agree w/Marcy that the fact your pants are looser is a great indicator of your progress.

Hey Dee! Yay for doing free weights to balance you out.

Hey Neatfreak!

Monni, I always get blue or in a little funk around TTOM. I hope you have a sunshine happy day today!!! Best wishes for a better day. Hope you slept well too. Sometimes when I don't get enough sleep I have a crappy day.

Lorelei, yay for the workout; glad you computer is up and running. Yes, please send rain to Kimi; those Cali's need it bad!


Apr 30, 2005
Skippers I am sending rain Californiawards with all my might!

Mara, good for you with all the effort you are putting in, sorry about you and Greg having so short a time at the weekend, hang in there girl!

Yes, blinking computer, I had to dismantle it and reboot to get Pricescope and I don't know what I am doing....

must have done summat right though as here I be!


Aug 17, 2005
Happy Thursday all, and congrats on the new car, job, and lost pounds!

This week has been a good one eating and activity-wise. Have logged 3 workouts since Monday, which is great for me. One thing... I see that some of you WWTers burn 500+ cals on your machine workouts. How the heck do you do this??? I barely get to 300 cals for 45 minutes on the treadmill! I mostly powerwalk, with a speed of around 3.5-3.7. I monitor my heart rate reguarly, and it's always above the "recommended" number. But I would LOVE to see that cals burned number go up! I guess I just need to get my endurance up so I can sprint/jog here and there. Or are some machines just more efficient than others? I'd like to try the epiltical, but it just looks so intimidating.

Hubby and I leave for Maui tomorrow, and can't wait! We're planning a couple of active things during our short stay, and we also hope to get some relaxing time in. He's had a stressful couple of weeks at work- there's been rumors of layoffs and it was finally confirmed yesterday that they're cutting 2500 heads in the next month or so. No news yet on which depts will be affected (He's a scientist in R&D) If he does get laid off, then we'll certainly have to move out of L.A as there's no other biotech company here. We'd really like to stay put, but are OK with moving- as long as we stay in California. So, please send fairy dust our way! Mahalo!

Kimberly- THANKS for your Maui restaurant recommendations. The menu at Mama's looks delish. If we were going for a longer period of time, then we'd certainly hit it up. But it looks like we're planning on staying on the west side of the island, exploring from Kapalua down to Wailea. Mala looks good for brunch on Sat, and I'm super-excited about my bday dinner on Sunday at David Paul's. Will let you know what we think.


Feb 17, 2007
Charger- I really question the ability to burn so many calories in such a short period of time too. I asked my trainer about this yesterday, and he said that often the elliptical machines highly overestimate the calories you are probably burning. I have NO idea why, but he said that it appears that those machines are worse offenders than the treadmills, which he thinks are pretty accurate. At least at my gym, but he said each brand is totally different, which is completely true! I tried two different ellipticals at my gym, at the same intensity, for the same time, and one said I burned almost a 1/3 more calories than the other. Just doesn't make sense.

I mean if I go hard on the treadmill and go at the same intensity on the elliptical, with my HR in the SAME ZONE, if the machines are right I burn almost twice the calories on the elliptical. It just doesn't make sense to me...

Anyone else have insight into this?


Nov 24, 2006
Neatfreak, I heard something similar to you. I hear as long as your target heart rate is up then running will burn the most, the stepers next, walking and biking. I just do what I enjoy and then push myself little by little!

Mauai, woweeee! Have fun! Sending PS dust Charger!


Jun 15, 2006
Charger, Happy to have helped a bit. Enjoy your trip! Scary news about DH''s job; I''m sending lots of fairy dust your way!!

As for the calorie counting on workout equipment, my guess is they aren''t very accurate, especially at the gym. I don''t rely on it as a marker, I simply make sure my cardio workouts last a minumum 30 minutes, but aim for more. I stopped tracking time and calories burned (beyond the 30 minute mark) because it was making me a bit crazy and my philosophy is any exercise is better than none.

Speaking of workouts, I just spent some time on my elliptical. YAY! I''ve been feeling rather lazy during my time off, have only worked out twice this week
so I''m really glad to have done something!


Oct 30, 2002
i totally agree re the machines, so many of them are off one way or the other. this treadmill here at this small hotel gym totally tracks low in my opinion. aka i power walked last nite at about 4mph+ for 45 minutes and it only said i burned 175 cals but i went 2.7miles. that''s more like 230 cals or so for my weight in general. i typically just think 100ish cals for each mile so it might be more, but who knows, but 170? seems so low, my heart rate was in the fat burning range though. and yeah some machines show you crazy amts of calories. DJ always posts that her elliptical for 65 minutes is like 710 cals or something, that is so high, i don''t think i have ever been on an elliptical that has burned that much for me even if my heart rate is high and i''m sweating and panting. so i always do question the #''s...and try to take something that sounds reasonable. HOWEVER i do agree with kimberly''s version of how to track...just exercise for 30 min + most days if not 2x a day at 30 minutes at a decent heart rate level (you can''t be not even breathing hard) and you will reap the benefits. my trainer was telling me that you continue to burn at a higher rate for up to 3 hours after you work out so i have been trying to do 2x workouts a day for 30 min each or so just to get that extra burn and rate up higher. but bottom line is something is better than nothing for sure!!!

ally i totally agree re: not weighing yourself daily. i actually went on a scale boycott because the scale just doesn''t work for me all thta well. i can drop 3 lbs one way or the other in a week and it messes with your head.

lol lorelei have to tell of our EMEA counterparts came out here for this strategy program meeting and she has the uk accent and we were totally asking her to say things for us ahhaa. we kept saying things were PANTS, thanks to you. she said rubbish a lot. and we were cracking up because who knew that ''backend'' was a bad word in the UK?!?!! we say it all the time in our business to mean the technical aspects so every time we said it she would get wide-eyed so we started using it to tease her haha. she also said someone was ''thick'' which we have now adopted as our new word of the month...heehe. oh and she denounced all our american desserts as too big, fatty, rich. wah! hehe. i was so jealous, since the pound/dollar ratio is so off, everything she bought was like half price...clothes shopping at half price?! hehe.

anyhow last nite i did a few miles on the treadmill at a speed walk. this morning i decided today could be a day off working out esp as i plan to eat more healthily!! breakfast was a light n fit small yogurt (40 cal one not 60), 1/2 a toasted bagel with thin cream cheese, and a hard boiled egg, mostly white only. for lunch i was on my own so i went to panera out here and got a turkey sandwich with mustard, a cup of chicken noodle and a fruit cup. i didn''t eat the bread on the sandwich. i have a luna bar and a pria bar for the plane if necessary and an extra fruit cup from panera too.

hope all are doing well. DJ i am sure you will have those 6 lbs off in no time. i can''t wait to get home...i am just working in the lobby of my hotel for a bit as i can''t get access at the vendor''s office then i think we are going to mall of america (ha ha) for an hour or two before the flights. but i am going to try not to spend too much more money hehee. i am totally feeling burnt out at this point and will sleep like a baby tonite at home, yay.

have a great rest of the day all!


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 8/16/2007 2:00:11 PM
Author: Mara
DJ always posts that her elliptical for 65 minutes is like 710 cals or something, that is so high, i don''t think i have ever been on an elliptical that has burned that much for me even if my heart rate is high and i''m sweating and panting. so i always do question the #''s...and try to take something that sounds reasonable.
Mara, I''ve often though it was really high too. I use all three machines at my gym and the numbers are pretty consistent, but it always seemed (sadly) like too many cals to me. My average heartrate is usually around 155, although I do certain intervals when I go well into the 170s, and sometimes even the low 180s. Who knows--I''m just so damn happy when I get off that thing that I''ll take any number it gives me!

Charger, I often burn 500+ in 65 mins on the treadmill, which is probably pretty consistent with your 300 in 45 minutes. What incline and pace do you go at? I try to do about a quarter each on inclines 15, 8, 5 and 1, and a speed of 3.6 mph.

Neatfreak, congrats on the nice new place! And don''t forget, unpacking burns cals!

Lorelei, "revolting" is right. This is SOOOOO disgusting.

Kimi, someone told me that the restaurant we''re going to on Sunday night has good empanadas so now I have something to look forward too. YUM!

Stephi, I''ll be trying the free weights tonight. With any luck I won''t drop one on my head or anything like that...

I was going to do the treadmill tonight (and really dreading it because of how bad the shinsplints were last time) but then I remembered that I''m reading this really good book (total trash--some espionage murder mystery thing, but it keeps my attention) so maybe I''ll try reading that on the bike to see if it make the hour go by quickly.


Apr 7, 2006
I think you guys should all get these and wear them to an international PS get together

ETA: the text from that page follows:

Slang from the U.K. is just cooler. You know it's true. It starts so innocently -- you order a Newcastle, maybe -- and then, before you know it, you're asking where they keep the "torch" in your office and telling your assistant you'll be right back after you hit the "loo."

It's okay. We understand. It's just a way of freshening up your day-to-day vocabulary. It doesn't make you a poseur. It certainly doesn't make you Madonna or anything.

You just have to make sure you're not busting out terms that everyone's already heard and gotten sick of or stumping for slang words that no real British person actually says. (Quit trying to make "fetch" happen. It's not going to happen!) "Knickers" may be commonplace, but there's still room for "pants"! No, not in the sense of "underpants" (though, yes, we know, that's what British people call their *****). Across the pond, "pants" is like "a$$": "That show is pants; I can't believe you like it!" know, forget all that. We just think it's funny to have the word "Pants" on a shirt.



Aug 17, 2005
hey guys: thanks for "weighing in" on the cals burned thing. i have to not get so fixated on that number, and just do my thing.
DJ- i usually powerwalk at 3.5-3.7 mph. incline is at 2.0 (?). My total time powerwalking is usually around 37 minutes as I do a 3 min warm up and then a good 5-7 minute cool down (i sweat like a piggy!). My average heartrate is about 135. Mind you, I really just started exercising **reguarly** (at least 3x/wk at he gym) last week! My regular activity (walking around the block and so) wasn''t cutting it.


Jun 15, 2006
I want that tee, ellaila!


Jun 15, 2006
We''re going out to dinner tonight to a restaurant called Miami Grill that''s food is influenced by all of the cultures that are part of, well Miami of course!

Have a great evening all!


Mar 26, 2006
Just back from one of the goofiest workouts I've ever had. I rode the bike for 30 torturous minutes (which actually weren't that bad from a time perspective because I had an interesting book with me, but I just could not get my butt comfortable on that hard plastic seat) so I figured I would move to the other type of bike for the last 30 minutes. My feet kept slipping off the pedals on that one so I went over to the treadmill but I didn't have my ipod with me because I figured I would be reading the book. I tried to read and walk at the same time, but eventually I gave up and just walked. I did do a total of 500 cals *according to the machines* (but who really knows how many cals it was given the conversation we're having about the counters!) and then some free weights for my arms. Oh well, better than a sharp stick in the eye I guess.

Now I'm eating perhaps the grimmest thing on the the planet. The HH buys me various things at the grocery store that he thinks I might like (bless his little soul, and since I HATE to go grocery shopping I should not complain one iota about what he brings home--but I do sometimes, LOL). Well, he got me some Progresso soup that is supposed to be zero Weight Watchers points. OK, first of all I'm not doing WW, but let's juts go with the concept of zero points for a second. For something to be zero points it is zero GOOD. Are you with me? Plus it's all a trick; there are two servings in the can and if you only have one serving it IS zero points the way WW calculates, but if you have the whole can it is THREE points. Not one, not two, but THREE. That's why I hated WW; they use some funky new math that I could just never get my arms around. Plus, who eats 1/2 can of soup?? The first half of a can of soup in my opinion is just the appetizer to the second half of the can.

BUT, the real reason I'm eating this (and believe me I knew it was going to be grim before I ever popped the can open) is that it's only 120 cals for the whole thing and that will leave me some wiggle room for THE CHOCOLATE CHIPS COOKIES MY HUSBAND IS BAKING. There is some sort of function at his work tomorrow so he's *baking cookies*. Most men bring a contribution to group events like that in the form of a bag of potato chips. If he's really a thinking sort of guy there will be dip with those chips. Not my HH! Full fat, full sugar, kneaded with his very own hands (let's hope he washes them first!) home made cookies. This marriage is both a blessing and curse for me...

ROD, I'm thinking of you. I hope all goes well tomorrow and that your results come back quickly and showing no issues whatsoever. Big hugs outgoing to you.


May 9, 2006
DeeJay, I do adore you!


Dec 28, 2005
Just a quick checkin! I'm remarkably calm about tomorrow. I just want the D@^! thing over with. Then, I won't get the test results until NEXT Thursday, but at least I already have an appointment scheduled with my urologist to get the "news." Anyway, thanks for your thoughts, prayers and loving thoughts. You all mean a lot to me. I wish I could meet and thank each and every one of you. My life's been a rather odd rollercoaster since last September and you've all been there with me, encouraging me and giving me comfort. Thanks SO MUCH!

Today was actually a good day at work. My new team of interns keeps getting better and better and they're now making actual hires, far my bosses are pleased with what we're doing. Of course I work in an industry that what you did last week was nice, but they want to know what you're going to do this week, so we have to continue to make a positive contribution. Which I feel confident we will.

I'm loving my new BMW more and more and more every day. I just can't get over how solid, wonderfully poised and intuitive the machine is to drive. I come home every night and clean the windows and wipe the wheels. It didn't rain today, so not much wipe up needed.

Charlies car did hit the port today. It's supposed to be in Tampa at our dealer no later than Wednesday. Since I can't work out next week, we'll likely pick it up whatever evening they say it will be ready. Charlie will gladly miss a workout to get his new car!!

Oh and about the calorie count for machines. I doubt the calorie burn is too accurate, but at least for me, it's completely consistent and my feeling is as long as I continue to increase the amount of calories burned by working harder in a shorter period of time, I'm making progress and helping my body become more efficient and ultimately leaner.

I'll be off all day tomorrow as my procedure's at 7:00 AM. Yuck, and they say I'll want to come home and get some sleep, but then supposedly, I should be better by the afternoon and they even said it was OK for me to have my regular Sushi Friday night. So, hopefully tomorrow won't be as bad as I've been anticipating. Anyway, I'll check in sometime in the afternoon and let you know Rod's alive.

Thanks again everyone! If my arms were long enough, they'd hug you all at once!


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 8/16/2007 9:15:41 PM
Author: jas
DeeJay, I do adore you!

Thanks jas -- likewise!

We really do have to arrange some sort of dinner or something since I think we live all of about 1 mile from each other. But we are NOT going to whatever that restaurant was the other night where you occupied the only table until 8:00...


Nov 24, 2006
Dee, you crack me up w/the points. Now the big question what is the name of the soup; I need to get me the zero point soup. hehehe

Rod, sweetie, lots of prayers and good vibes outgoing. I will think of you tomorrow. Hang in there friend; we are all here sending out the good PS dust for ya. Big hug for ya and sweet dreams tonight. Glad your interns are doing awesome; they have a pretty awesome teacher!!!!


Aug 17, 2005
Rod- Sending you a ton of PS fairy dust. I''m rooting for ya, hun!


Aug 17, 2005
Date: 8/16/2007 9:15:41 PM
Author: jas
DeeJay, I do adore you!
same here. your post made my day!

I can just taste that choco chip cookie- YUM

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hi all,

Well I didn''t post this morning, because I was disgusted with myself. I gained a pound back!!!! UGH
Probably eating too much salt in the Mexican Food. Yes, I ended eating waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many chips and salsa. I tried, Honest I did. I am a sick and weak person.
I just can''t help myself. I have absolutely no self control when it comes to THAT food.

I did well today, so we will see what the scale says tomorrow. I know I should only weigh myself once a week.

Rod: You will be on my mind all day tomorrow. I just know you will be A-OK
DJ: You crack me up. Have you had the Hostess new 100 calorie cupcake snacks?? They are really good. You get 3 mini cupcakes. They are about the size of a quarter, but they are good, ha ha ha ha ha.
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