
Weekly Workout Thead 30th July till 5th August

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Feb 27, 2007
Happy Wednesday. I lost another 2/10 pound which put me in the minus 114 range. Yippee!

Kimberly, congrats for being in a good place with your maintenance. Work has been nuts this week, I am so looking forward to the weekend. Good idea to pick up some crafts to work on for relaxing. I like to knit.
Skippy, I am glad the lightning didn’t hit you. We had lightning hit a pole outside our house one night and travel in to our house. It turned on everything in the house and fried some of it. I screamed like a crazy woman! LOL. Thank you for the nice compliments about my progress. I appreciate it. I’ve had one of my tanzanite rings for about 6 years now and have never had any problems with it; the stone looks brand new. I hope you find something pretty if you decide not to get your ring.

Mara, yeah for smaller hips! I love how my weight keeps coming off too. I like that my scale weighs in tenths of pounds; it enables me to see even minute progress. I know the more I loose the longer it will take to see results.
Rod that is cool to know Tampa is the lightning capital of the world. I love to watch lightning. We used to get a lot of after thunderstorms here in the summer but we have been in a drought for about 10 years now so we don’t see them so often. That is awesome your car is almost here. I am sure you are very excited.
Lorelei, I hate when that happens. I hope your shoulder feels better soon.
Thank you, Haven. That is great you have reduced your body fat and are toning up so well. All your hard work is paying off. Yeah.
Neatfreak, sorry to hear you aren’t enjoying eating so much protein. When you are eating a lot of something I think it is hard to find the desire to eat more of it. Thank you for the kind words, it seems like it is coming off me really slow but I am impatient. I did loose 13 pounds in the last 2 months so that’s not bad.
Jas, I have wash and wear hair thanks to a body perm. I used to curl it every day but I hate to get up any earlier than I have to. I like the “night” life (which consists of wild and crazy things like reading PS, grading papers and watching TV). I’ll be anxious to hear what treats you get at Tru this weekend.
Have a great Thursday!



Oct 30, 2002
evening all!!

hee hee it's funny that you say you have a hard time eating protein neatfreak...i actually love it. for example tonite we went to a friend's going away party at a brewery...they have pretty good food. i was going to have a salad with walnuts, spinach, apple, shredded chicken, cranberries, but then greg was getting a roasted garlic burger and i thought hmmm protein. so i got the burger with mushrooms on top and black beans on the side and ate none of the bun and all of the burger and mushrooms and 1/3 of the beans. yum!! and snitched a few of greg's fries. hehe. we also got a buffalo chicken appetizer with blue cheese, one of my weaknesses hehe, and shared it. so i got a ton of protein tonite!! but i love meat actually...and always have. whether it's chicken, fish, or beef, i go in waves sometimes. but yeah it is hard sometimes to get as much protein as i'd like really have to have about 30 grams at each meal to get about 90-100 and it's harder to get it in breakfast and lunch unless you do meat or eggs all the time. dinner it's easy for me to eat meats but breakfast and lunch i don't always feel like it. so i have to be more creative! the south beach diet bars are very tasty and 19 grams of protein and 210 cals. and keep me full. but they do have the sugar alcohols and sometimes i think they bloat me and give me loud stomach bubbles. hehee. the last week i haven't been getting AS much protein as i was before since it was taking so much work to get that much...but i am still getting like about 90 on average which is better than 60 or whatever i used to get.

so anyway, when i got home from work i did a mini home workout which mostly consisted of jumping jacks and some leg work, i only had like 15 minutes. so i did 400 jumping jacks and some other stuff. then greg and i walked over to our friends' going away party which was 1 mile each a 2m walk. then when we got back to the house later this evening...i took portia out for a walk as well, since she hadn't been out really today...and we did about 1.5 miles. she had a great time too because i let her off leash in the park since it was deserted and she was racing around playing in the sprinklers, lol! she came in soaked, hehe.

then i had some marsala cream gelato *and* a bit of double chocolate soy frozen yogurt and now both portia and i are sacked out on the couch and greg is working on some nightmare presentation for tomorrow. almost bedtime...tommorrow is thursday! this week seems like it's going slowly, i think it's because i have so much to do before our vacation!! but it's okay, next week is relaxation time!!

kimberly, i hear you on trying to change the way you think about 'rewards' or similar or wanting to eat out...i like the idea of doing more casual things too but we just never actually seem to do it!! we get all caught up in 'oh this'll be super fun' and we end up being more elaborate most of the time when we have special events planned. it's funny because now that i eat more healthily in general, i tend to think more about where we can go on weekends to splurge. it's more of a treat than it used to be, but sometimes i wish i was more easygoing about it too.

anyway, nite all!


Nov 19, 2004
Hey everyone,

Can I join this thread? I''ve been pulling my hair out in frustration over a recent weight gain. I''ve been really down lately and compensated by gorging myself and gaining 6 pounds (over the last month). I know it''s not a lot but it must show a lot (I''m 5''1) because for the past 2 weeks, everyone has been giving me unsolicitated weight loss secrets!!! And I can''t zip up any of my jeans anymore
. So I''m on summer vacation and skulking around the house, refusing to go anywhere (mainly because I don''t have any clothes that fit....but oh my mind rebels at the premise of buying new clothes right now.)

I don''t have a plan apart from stop binging, workout and try to eat regularly. I skip meals all the time.

In any case, we''re having a 10 year high school reunion on August 18th. I know, I know, it''s a cliché but I would love to lose the 6 pounds and look the way I did in April. And fit into something which I already own.

Anways I''ve started getting really serious about this last friday. Although it seems as though I''ve managed to GAIN weight since last week so I''ve been reading all the posts for the past 2 hours trying to keep myself motivated.


Apr 30, 2005
" Course you can join AlleyCat!! We would love to have you, it doesn''t matter where you are at weightwise, all are welcome!


Jan 3, 2005
welcome allycat


Jun 15, 2006
Welcome, alley! So glad to have you. Sorry you''ve been down lately. Is everything alright?

Mara, I know exactly what you mean. Part of my initial weight problem was that I can turn any meal into a celebration ("Oh it''s the third Tuesday after I completed a big project I deserve a nice meal out!"). So when I decided to lose weight initially (6 years ago, wow!) I knew that I had to change that mentality. It''s still hard for me sometimes but over time I''ve managed to find a good balance. I definitely enjoy our two nights a week of eating out, whether it''s our local burger spot or a 4 course dinner but I''ve learned like everything it''s all about moderation (as have you!).

I need to eat breakfast and get to work.

Happy morning all!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/2/2007 8:09:39 AM
Author: allycat0303
Hey everyone,

Can I join this thread? I''ve been pulling my hair out in frustration over a recent weight gain. I''ve been really down lately and compensated by gorging myself and gaining 6 pounds (over the last month). I know it''s not a lot but it must show a lot (I''m 5''1) because for the past 2 weeks, everyone has been giving me unsolicitated weight loss secrets!!! And I can''t zip up any of my jeans anymore
. So I''m on summer vacation and skulking around the house, refusing to go anywhere (mainly because I don''t have any clothes that fit....but oh my mind rebels at the premise of buying new clothes right now.)

I don''t have a plan apart from stop binging, workout and try to eat regularly. I skip meals all the time.

In any case, we''re having a 10 year high school reunion on August 18th. I know, I know, it''s a cliché but I would love to lose the 6 pounds and look the way I did in April. And fit into something which I already own.

Anways I''ve started getting really serious about this last friday. Although it seems as though I''ve managed to GAIN weight since last week so I''ve been reading all the posts for the past 2 hours trying to keep myself motivated.
Welcome allycat!! Glad you want to join our healthy family on the WWT! Skipping meals is a BAD idea. It doesn''t promote weight loss. If anything, it does the opposite. When the body doesn''t get food, it thinks it''s being starved and the metabolism slows down to hold onto the calories to ward off starvation. Many of us here have found that eating 6 times a day, but smaller healthier (skip the fries and high caloric foods) portions actually does a better job of promoting weight loss. This coupled with regular exercise will help you achieve great results!!

Again, welcome and stick around and let us help you in anyway we can!!


Apr 22, 2004
Welcome Alley. Skipping meals is the quickest way to gain weight because you don''t eat proper nutritious meals, then when you are hungry, you just gorge on the easiest, most unhealthy things.

To all,
It seems I am stuck at 150 lbs.
I''ve been there for 2 weeks now, and with the heatwave going on, I''ve had to stop my daily walks. The over 90 degree temperatures and high humidity has made my weeping ezcema breakout so I''ve been stuck indoors.
Oh, the itch is killing me.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 8/1/2007 6:51:25 PM
Author: neatfreak
Hi all, it is hot as HECK here in Wisconsin, I hope you all are enjoying cooler days. For the next two weeks I still workout at the school gym which is NOT air conditioned. But FI and I are moving in two weeks and then the school gym is no longer convenient, so I get to join a real one.
I cannot wait. I went at 7:30 this morning and could only handle 1/2 an hour because of the heat. Ugh. Now I am waiting for it to cool down a bit so I can take the pup for a walk.

I''ve been trying so so hard to eat more protein, because I wonder if that is what is hindering my weight loss, but I just don''t like it! Now I remember why I was a veggie for so long, it''s because I don''t really enjoy eating much meat! But I did well, I had chicken and brown rice for lunch and a lean piece of steak with orzo pasta salad for dinner. Wasn''t horrible, but it just isn''t what I like. I don''t love beans or tofu either, so I am running out of ideas. Mara, I have NO IDEA how you can get in as much protein as you do! I am trying soooo hard and still only hitting 60 grams on a good day.

Marcy, congrats again girl! I don''t know how you do it, but your weight does just melt off of you...

Anyway, hope all of you in the Midwest have found ways to escape this unbearable heat...
Just the same as me, a lot of the time I have a hard time stomaching and choking down protein - protein can be pants for me...


Apr 30, 2005
Chrono, that must be miserable with the itchy eczema, I am so sorry you are having to put up with that, it must drive you mad.


Jun 24, 2005
Hi Everyone. Well I had a pantsy (hehe) day at work yesterday and went home, sulked so much that I gave myself ANOTHER headache, and went to sleep early.

Today is a new day, and a positive attitude can truly turn your entire day around. I have my gym bag packed and ready to go, so I am ready to go straight to the gym after I leave here today. I am going to try and run 4 miles, but that is dependent on whether there is no one waiting for the treadmills. If not, I will do what I can in my 30 minute allotted time and do my weights instead (which I do truly enjoy).

Stephanie - the buff brides book actually is pretty good. I think the recommendation for cardio is a bit low, but I think that has a lot to do with my training for races and what not. The exercises are a total body outlook, can be done with minimal equipment and the instructions are pretty clear. The actual book is a joke. The woman is not the most eloquent writer (not that I am, but I''m not writing any books over here!), and sometimes her motivational sentences are a little silly for my tastes!

Skippy - thanks for asking about my hamstring. It feels great right now actually - sore, but good sore, not HURT sore! Thanks for asking, maybe my laziness actually helped heal that muscle!

Hey Allycat! Welcome - this thread is awesome. Very motivational and supportive. I think you''ll do great!

I have to run for now, but will check back in later. It''s going to be a crazy weekend. My fi is going away for his bachelor party, and my shower is on Saturday and I''m running in a race on Sunday! I will be pooped by Monday! But they are all good things, and it will be fun for all. And yay presents (hahaha)!


Apr 19, 2004

I am in the same boat with protein! I like to eat a big protein meal in the morning after my workout to help me thru my day--but how many eggs can person eat??? And bacon and sausage isn''t really a "healthy" option on a daily basis....bars and drinks don''t really seem like "meals" to me either......

It has cooled off here, making exercise outdoors more tolerable.

Have a good day, ya''ll!



Jul 23, 2006
welcome allycat!!! 6 pounds isn''t a lot, but it does creep up and before you realize its out of out slow and eat healthy. don''t try to crash diet or skip meals because your body will crave food and you''ll be tired, cranky, and wind up gaining it back plus more. try to eat 6 small meals so that you don''t overeat at any 1 time. keep lots of fruit on hand as well as healthy alternatives to junk food and before you know it you''ll be zipping up those jeans.

i am having steamed chicken and string beans for dinner with some brown rice on the side. i''m going to squirt some fresh lemon over the meal as well for flavor. lunch was spinach dip on pita. and i''m having a pudding for an afternoon snack. i am going to work on legs and abs today. itsa scortcher of a day and i''m also going swimming, so some extra calories burned in the pool
. i can''t wait for the humidity to break so i can go walking in the park.

i hear ya kimberly...i have turned everything into a celebration these past 2 woke up---yay ice
chrono sorry about your eczema....hopefully it gets bettter...and many here have hit plateus only to lose 5 pounds all at once. keep up your hard work and it will come off again. try changing up your routine, sometimes its just the thing your body needs to burn fat


Nov 8, 2005
hi everyone! I''ve been lurking this thread lately b/c I''ve been busy with work and things, but wanted to say hey. I''ve been working out at least 5x week, and done a couple triathlons already this season. I am going to pick one or two longer running events this fall, probably half marathons to train for. I thought about doing a marathon but I really don''t know that its worth all the wear and tear on my knees.

I''ve been eating really well too. There is this frozen yogurt place near my work that has 10 cal per oz. I order the child size which is 4 oz so if the nutrition info is to be believed, I am only eating about 40 cals. I cut out the 100 cals or so of dessert that I used to eat after dinner, just to be on the safe side.

Do you guys know in general, with frozen yogurt, would you measure ounces by weight or by volume (like a beverage)? I know the cup is 4 oz in capacity, but what if it weighs like 20 oz?? Is that possible?

I lseemed to have ost about 2-3 more lbs FINALLY but the past few days it seems to be back, and I have no idea why, b/c I''m eating so well and exercising and everything. Measurements unchanged. Basically I am maintaining the 20 lbs I have lost but I REALLY want to see more progress. It''s frustrating how slow it moves for me.

For ppl who have trouble w/ protein, I really enjoy 1 egg with my bkfst. I just cook it plain in the frying pan while I make my toast or cereal or whatever. I try to get some fruit, an egg, and something with fiber to start the day out right. I love eggs and they are so easy to cook too. I also like seafood for protein. Not a huge fan of chicken and I only eat red meat occasionally (maybe once a week) b/c of the cholesterol. I do buy the extra lean. I love a good burger, steak or spaghetti sauce every now and then!


Oct 30, 2002
for those trying to consume more protein, here is a short list of stuff that i have found super helpful in my quest for more protein at relatively low calorie counts. also sharon, try the center cut bacon from oscar meyer, it''s only 50 cals for 2 slices and i imagine a fair amount of protein (maybe like 7-8g for a serving) and it''s not turkey bacon but the real pork thing! heehe.

anyway here is my protein list:

--egg white: 20 cals and 5g protein (i buy the egg whites in a carton and make scrambles with ~3 egg whites and a little cheese sometimes) can also boil whole eggs and pop out the yolk and eat the white in salads etc.
--2% cheese like mozz or jack or cheddar: 80-90 cals for 1/3 or 1/4c depending on brand and up to 8/9 grams protein (i usually just use a sprinkle so like 1/3 of that)
--1% cottage cheese: 80 cals for a serving and about 11g protein
--fage 0% yogurt: 80 cals for a 5oz container and 13 protein (or i think the 1% is 110 cals and like 16g protein?)
--luna bars: 180 cals and 10g protein (and 5g fiber)
--south beach ''meal'' bars: 210 cals and 19g protein (i eat these more than the luna bars) and 6g fiber
--south beach smaller ''snack'' bars: 140 cals and 10g protein and 3g fiber
--TJ''s egg white salad...comes in chive and onion and also a spicy flavor, LOVE this stuff. one container is 2 servings, 100 cals total and 14g protein and like 3g fat. stuff it in a toasted pita and it''s an awesome lunch. i eat like 5 containers a week. i like mixing the onion and chive and spicy one together for max flavor.
--turkey burgers: whole foods has these frozen diestel organic ones that are huge, 180 cals and 30g protein!! now that''s a protein punch for hardly any cals. i put some stinky cheese on top for a bit more protein and some extra flavor and eat it sans bun.
--TJ''s has these protein shakes in cans, i haven''t tried them yet but i picked a few up, double chocolate flavor, 110 cals and 20g protein. you can''t beat that and it''s a chocolate snack. they are in the protein powder section of the store, they are not refridgerated.
--light gelato: my fave brand (gelato massimo but hard to find) is only 120 cals per serving and it has 6g protein. not bad for a ''dessert''
--fat free milk: 80-90 cals per 8oz serving and something like 9-11g protein. use it in coffee, cereal etc.
--south beach frozen and fresh lunches/breakfast wraps etc. these do not taste that bad (but they aren''t THE BEST either) and they are typically around 240-300 cals depending on which item and anywhere from 15-25g protein.
--lean turkey meat: aka deli or similar, TJ''s sells it in thinly sliced packs. one serving (i think 3oz?) is 65 cals and something like 10g protein. pack it in a pita with some spinach and dijon yogurt for a quick and healthy lunch
--light wheat bread: 90 cals for 2 slices and 6g protein and 4g fiber, great for making sandwiches for lunch
--sara lee wheat mr pita: one half pita is 80 cals, 3g fiber and i think 4g protein. again great for lunching and not bad for bread.
--soy nuts: one serving is 3tbsp, 130 cals, 5g fiber and 10g protein. great for an afternoon snack but they are not that filling.
--kashi go lean cereal: one serving is 1c for 140 cals, 13g protein and 10g fiber and 1g fat. it''s the best high protein and fiber cereal i have found for the # of cals and serving size portion is large. i mix 1/2c with 1/2c corn flakes (50 cals) for a more ''tasty'' breakfast and throw some blueberries and strawberries on top as well. it''s a good way to get protein and fiber in the morning without having to use eggs since those do get old for sure!!
--morningstar veggie ''sausages'': these don''t taste the BEST to me (since i love real sausage) but they are 80 cals each and 10g protein. so if you want something diff in the mornings, add one of these to your egg and toast.

kind of a long list but that is most of what i have been using to help meet my extra protein goals. i watch cals too so i tend to try to get the most protein bang for the buck (and fiber too if possible, bonus!). lean cheeses, meats and dairies are the easiest and more healthy way than the ''doctored'' high protein bars and stuff like that...but i like to mix it up for sure.

anyway, onto my post!! welcome allycat...6 lbs i can see bothering you for sure, because you are so darn tiny! it must seem like more than 6lbs on such a small frame. kind of like when i gain 5 lbs not that many people notice because i already am tall with a more medium frame, so it ''disperses'' better. guess that''s a small blessing but i think it takes me longer to notice weight gain which is NOT good. on a smaller frame you notice it more and can do something about it right away. so kudos for joining terms of eating, do not skip meals. keep little snacks with you, like a luna bar if you have to, keep it in your bag all the time...i would also try to limit the bingeing, i know easier said than done, but i mentioned this on another thread...when you feel the URGE to eat something, think about why. are you actually hungry? or just want to chew on something? if so, start carrying around gum with you, or altoid sours for a quickie sweet 5 cal candy fix. i do this sometimes when i know i am not hungry but just want to occupy my mouth with something. if you ARE hungry, try to eat something that is going to be nutritionally sound vs just chocolatey (you can have both!! some of the luna bars are really good, and also i love 100 cal pria bars, in the peanut butter chocolate flavor, which is chocolate coating outside and pb rice crispies inside, yum) or sweet etc.

happy thursday all...this morning i had kashi go lean with corn flakes and almond milk with berries, coffee. i haven''t had a snack yet because i have been in meetings but i might do a pria bar soon. lunch is going to be egg white salad from TJ''s, with a pita and some sweet mini tomatoes, and the leftover beans and rice from monday.

i am taking a friend with me today on my hike, so we have a few options on what to hike depending on how she feels, we might do less hills or more hills etc. we shall see. but regardless i will get in about 5-6 miles today walking or hiking or both, taking a walk before lunch from work as well.

then dinner tonite will probably be TJ''s pizzas though i also have some marsapone raviolis from TJ''s i bought with some i might try to do those and then we can have TJ pizzas tomorrow or something. who knows. i have to try to get rid of whatever is in the fridge before our trip..and i am such an ''overbuyer''..yikes.

kudos to everyone who is working out and eating healthy, even most of the time is fabulous. i am having a good day today because i am wearing my skinniest jeans and they fit without giving me a hernia..woo hoo.
so i just have to stick with what i am doing, aka more protein, less carbs, less fats, more walking....i guess. we shall see. i am still experimenting and that reminds me i have to call that personal training place again since they never called me back. don''t they want my money?!?!


Feb 21, 2005
hello WWT! i am back home after my travels, and i am very proud of myself for making reasonably healthy choices while i was gone. i avoided all the sweet breakfast pastries both mornings and opted for half a bagel with a little peanut butter for protein and fruit on tuesday am, and a skim latte and multigrain flake cereal with fruit on wednesday am. lunch both days was half a sandwich with fresh green salad with just a little bit of dressing and a bit more fruit. i didn''t eat any cookies or brownies, yay. pretty good considering all the bad stuff they thrust at you all the time during these meetings! i also had a fab dinner with my friend on tuesday night.

today i had kashi go lean for breakfast and went out to sushi lunch with coworkers. i had about 1 and 1/3 rolls and feel comfortably full but not stuffed. tonight i am going out again and will try to stick to something relatively light. i would like to fit in a workout before dinner, but i also need to go home and change, so it will depend on what time i get out of work.

welcome ally! i am only 5'', so i know how quickly just a few pounds show on us shorties! i''m also have a tendancy to eat to comfort myself, and it can be hard to stop that sometimes. i keep low-calorie munchies on hand for those moments where i just have to eat something - sugar-free jello, pickles, and rice cakes are a few of my faves. i can have one or two of those and feel like i''ve satisfied my urge to eat without consuming a ton of calories. mara''s suggestion of gum is also a good one.

chrono, hope you''re feeling better soon.

danielle, glad to hear your hamstring is doing better. good luck in your race!

nyc, swimming sounds so great right now...

gail, i''m so impressed that you''ve done triathalons. go girl!

mara, the egg white salad sounds so good every time you describe it. i need to remember to look for it on my next trip to tj''s...


Apr 22, 2004
Kudos to your self restraint. I know those meeting: danish and juice, cookies, and the whole 9 yards.

About Kashi Go Lean,
Umm, do you guys have problems with the high fiber? I''m getting very bloaty and gassy and have many bathroom visits. Sorry if it is TMI. Perhaps this isn''t the cereal for me?


Mar 26, 2006
OK, the time has come to give Dee the kick in the a$$ that she needs to get back on track. I think my leg is healed enough to work out again (but tonight I have an inspection that doesn't even start until 6:30 so if I'm home by 9:00 it will be a miracle) and I that should go a long way toward my motiviation. For some reason I am an all or nothing sort of gal--work out and eat well; don't work out and do the bingy peanut butter cup thing. (Although I have only done that once in the past few months, so that is a definite improvement over more regular PBCupping, LOL.) And really I'm only a few pounds off my low, but the other day for instance I wore a pair of pants that a month ago was ready for the "too big" pile. Well, let's just say that they weren't, um, *too big* any more. (They weren't too small either, but still... )

Anyway, even though I haven't been posting I have been reading, and I owe you all a big message, but there are a couple of specific things want to say before I forget.

PG, I am totally a transactional exerciser and the HH is definitely a transformational exerciser. I go to the gym like I'm ticking something off my "to do" list for the day, and goes like it's the greatest thing that's gonna happen to him all day. For me it's all about "I exercise, I lose weight"; for him, if he doesn't go, he's so antsy and cranky. Really interesting perspectives--I'm glad you posted about that.

jas, we go to Coco Pazo, Wildfire, Bistrot Margot, and a lot of the Streeterville restaurants pretty frequently, as well as the ones on Randolph. We've also been to a bunch in the South Loop lately, but they can be hit or miss. Since we're so close we should make a point to get together some night and have a bit!

Mara, I'm glad you posted some protein options--that was really helpful to me. I noticed this morning that I had sloppy joe's for breakfast and I wasn't hungry at all the rest of the morning, and not even really when lunchtime rolled around. I'm definitely going to try some of the things on the list because I know protein keeps me full.

Finally, I had a talk with the founder of my company yesterday and made the observation that the only person I could see looking for a replacement for me was ME! He said that everyone is in a bit of denial, I was like, "Denial is a river in Egypt -- call a damn headhunter!" So *maybe* they will start looking a little harder and I can leave this job someday...

Happy Thursday all!


Apr 30, 2005
Great list, thanks Mara! I know I need to up the protein and that list will be helpful to me, thanks for taking the time to post it!


Nov 24, 2006

Gail, it is so good to see you and that you are working out and eating right, kudos!

Mara, yay for skinny jeans Miss Skinny! Mara, yay for a hike w/a friend. Sounds like fun!!!

Rod are you still having pants weather? We live by a huge golf course so if lightning is close a siren goes off; I always listen for the siren (I can hear it in my backyard) so then I go inside and of course if I hear or see a storm of course I go in. Thanks for worrying about me. What car are you turning in; you do buy lots of cars!! I hope the kitty's are keeping you busy and Charlie gets back soon. It is funny whenever hubby travels; I love it for 3 or 4 days and then I miss him tons!

Chrono, Hang in there, I was stuck and then bam a little while ago I lost 3 lbs at once. Can you do indoor walking at the mall or a tape?

Allycat, welcome


Hey Kimberly! That is so sweet your hubby went to your class to meet the kiddos. Thanks for the recipe!

Marcy, yay for losing weight! Thanks for the tanz info; now I am leaning toward a purplish sapphire. My gem project may be put on hold because my car needs work.

Hey, Lorelei, any sunshine?

Hey Danielle, glad you rested your hamstring so that you are much better. Kudos on the workout; yay for working towards 4 miles. I am cheeing you on that you do it!!!


Sharon, has it cooled off? I hope you are having fun biking!

NYC, have a great swim and I hope it starts to cool off.

DeeJay, nice to see you; hope your inspectionis quick so you can sneak a workout in!

Shortblond, kudos on eating healthy while traveling!

I went to Weight Watchers today and I was happy that i have been losing approx 1lb a week. I did my PT exercises yesterday and walked 3 miles last night and my knee is a little sore so I might take it easy today. Happy Thursday all



Dec 28, 2005
Oh Skippy (I''ve decided you''re really Skippy to me, not Stephie
), it''s actually embarrasing to say what I''m trading in. It will absolutely convince you all once and for all that Rod is absolutely loony bins. But, here goes (with my justification included), when I was laid off last September, I was driving a beautiful 2005 Mars Red Mercedes SL500. Fabulous car, but didn''t fit my needs in Raleigh, NC., where I found having a two seater convertibel didn''t help when I had to take people to lunch. So, I decided to trade the SL500 on a 2007 E350 four door sedan. It''s a wonderful car and did seem to fit life in Raleigh better, but had I known Raleigh wasn''t to be long in my future and I would be coming home to where my heart was in Tampa, I would have never gotten rid of my SL. So, I''ll be trading the E350 on the BMW Convertible and taking I''m sure a bath on the trade value versus what I paid. I know it''s crazy, but in my mind it eliminates the last reminder of the journey up north and puts me back in the type of car I feel is right for me in Florida. For lack of better words, it SO rights a wrong. So, that''s it. Anyone interested in a beautiful 2007 Mercedes E350, Black with Black and all the top accessories, such as rich Burl Walnut, Sattelite Radio and Navigation, and Every Premium Upgrade, with only like 4300 miles on the odometer?? Let me know if you are!!

Kudo''s on your workout and walk. Take care of that knee!

And yes, it''s beyond Pantsy today. The rains just won''t stop, which is so unusual. They say the moisture will pull north tonight and we''ll be back in our normal hot and sunny conditions tomorrow!

Gail, glad to hear that you''re doing well and your job''s going well too!

DeeJay, don''t be an enabler with your current company. If you don''t give them a concrete date that you''re leaving, they won''t find your replacement. Why would they, if they know you''ll stay until a suitable replacement is found? I know it may be hard, but if you are truly determined to make the transition, you need to define the timetable. Interesting comment about the type of gym person you and HH are. I guess I''m a combo. I''m transactional as it''s on my must do list, but I''m also transformational as I also feel it''s the greatest thing on my list!

Finally, thanks for protein list Mara. Like you, I don''t have any trouble consuming enough protein either. Yay, for feeling great in your skinny jeans. I''m wearing a pair of black slacks today that two weeks ago were borderline tight, but today are just perfect. And yet, I''ve not lost an ounce on the scale. It continues to show that I lose fat and replace it with muscle. I know you do too!


Nov 24, 2006
Rod, yes call me Skippy.
Also, since we have a Stephanie already I sort of get confused so Skippy is good. A few people on PS say I look like a Skippy too (not sure what that means but I am going w/the positive). hehe Wow, we looked at the E class before hubby got his SLK. That is a lot of cars and a lot of dinero, but if you can afford it why not; you deserve it!!! I understand wanting to start fresh; I have done something like that before but w/something different! I am excited for your beautiful new car is blue (my fav color)
, plus after seeing my neighbors 2006 BMW convertible I am drooling everytime you talk about it.
I was teasing hubby that he needs to get me one because they look like they might have 4 seats and if we have a baby ever then the baby get's its own seat and it is safe because it is a hard top. All very convincing right (I can dream right)?!?!?! hehe Actually in the next couple of years I will be getting a new car . . . either an Acura TL or smaller Lexus since my Saab has computer issues and I am sick of dealing w/it.

DeeJay, I agree w/Rod too! I was thinking I can't believe they aren't looking for your replacement. The HR Generalist needs to find someone! When you told me you were doing the looking I was in shock.

I am sort of hungry and I just ate so off to walk a mile so I will see if that helps.


Nov 19, 2004
Aww you guys are awesome!

KimberlyH: I''ve been working through lots of family issues, and working through it always included a bag of chips, candy or chocolate
I swear, I can eat that stuff all day. And cake occasionally.

Rod: I swear eating regular meals is my downfall. I can go a whole day without eating and then gorge at supper like 2 football players combined. But all week I''ve been forcing my self to eat three meals (or more a day).

Lorelei, Mrssalvo, Danielle, Skippy, Danielle: I joined slimfast online support community but it''s random buddies, so hard to make a connection (and I KNOW I can''t get through it if I''m not accountable to someone). So I think this will be better. Thanks for the welcome!

Chrono: I seems as though your body does get happy at a certain weight and stay there. I feel stuck with these 6 pounds. I think because for me they are 6 solid pounds (no water weight here unfortunately).

Mara, Shortblonde: I''m ridculously glad you all understand the short frame thing. Whenever I tell one of my friends that I gained 6 pounds they roll their eyes, because it sounds so insignificant. But 6 pounds on me is more noticeable then 6 pounds on someone who is 5''6-5''8. And being down to one pair of pants (that are hideously tight). It''s time to do something. My goal is to shop for a wedding dress at the end of the summer (before August 22). And I''m the kind of shopper that if I don''t feel good about myself, NOTHING looks good. So I want to put it off until it''s a postive experience.

How to deal with those late night cravings??? I notice I never binge in the day, just at night. I use the whole "Oh, I''m depressed lets eat everything in sight thing" Right now I seem to be able to control that urge with a popsicle, but every night it''s a battle.


Apr 30, 2005
Skippers, we have had a little sunshine.....

Ally, I know what you mean about the evenings being hard. My trick is to save something also for the evening to give you something to look forward to and to quell those hunger pangs! Perhaps a yoghurt or some fruit, a few nuts such as almonds, sugar free Jello, a little cereal such as Kashi Go Lean Crunch, I eat that dry without milk and it fills a hole and stops me wanting sweets!


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 8/2/2007 4:20:15 PM
Author: allycat0303

Mara, Shortblonde: I'm ridculously glad you all understand the short frame thing. Whenever I tell one of my friends that I gained 6 pounds they roll their eyes, because it sounds so insignificant. But 6 pounds on me is more noticeable then 6 pounds on someone who is 5'6-5'8. And being down to one pair of pants (that are hideously tight). It's time to do something. My goal is to shop for a wedding dress at the end of the summer (before August 22). And I'm the kind of shopper that if I don't feel good about myself, NOTHING looks good. So I want to put it off until it's a postive experience.
Ally, I am only 5 feet tall (not the absence of any *inches*) and ANY weight on a small frame like ours counts. I also understand the "no pants" thing, LOL! I swear, half my posts are about how I have to go buy new pants. As a matter of fact, if the weather isn't just HIDEOUS here tomorrow I plan on walking up to J Jill at lunch to look for (drum roll please!) some pants... !


May 9, 2006
I''m hoping that today will be funny...eventually. Right now, not so much.

The big plan for this morning was to begin the name change process (I got married 9 months ago, it''s probably about time). I have been keeping all my documents very safe...marriage license, birth certificate, passport. I quadruple checked the folder this morning before we walked the mile to the office. Yes, it was flirting with 90 degrees by then.

Somewhere between home and the soc. security office, my passport disappears. Gone. Poof. From the folder it had been in not 5 minutes before. DH retraced our steps. Nothing. We both walked the route AGAIN (92 degree by this time), looking in garbage bins, stopping in every store to see if someone had turned it in. Nothing.

Of course, it''s under my maiden name AND it has my OLD address on there. The address that, as of YESTERDAY, was a year old, so even if someone kindly mailed it back, it may or may not be forwarded. So now, instead of just changing the name on the passport by mailing it in, I have to do some wacko combination of name change-address change-lost my passport because I''m a dumba** change.

Normally, this sort of thing does not get me too down, because in reality, it is so not a big deal, but because I am a stress monster these last two days, I broke down in tears. Because it''s one more d***ed thing that should be easy but I manage (or fate manages) to make it harder. My luck, the old passport will magically reappear the day after I get the new one.

BUT the good news is that the SS card will be here in 2 weeks and that is the first of many steps. The BETTER news is that I have a wonderful hubby who did not lose his cool.

So my exercise for today was walking in the heat. A total of about 4 miles. What a gorgeous creature I was by the time we got home.

Anyway, eating today...Total Cereal for Breakfast, a homemade turkey wrap (those wraps have 13 grams of fiber!!!!) for lunch, and dinner is homemade mac n'' cheese (light!) and a big ol'' salad. Normally, in times like this when I feel my life is out of my control (and it probably always is) I gravitate towards sweets. Not today. I guess a five minute crying spell is better than a 5 minute shove-chocolate-in-my-mouth binge.

Lorelei -- hooray sunshine! I do the same as you -- I PLAN for a treat at the end of day and savor every last bite of it!

Allycat -- welcome. I hear you -- for me, great food is, literally, comfort. Like a hug. It''s also, for me, often a control issue...when things spin out of control (like today for me), I often would "gain control" by either eating ridiculously or by not eating, if that makes sense. I''m not saying that you do this, but it''s what I did (and why) when I was eating in similar patterns as you. There is nothing wrong with wanting to feel great about your body. The night cravings, for me, were because I had been depriving myself all day, rather than spreading out the calories. And, amazingly, I am finding that MOST days I exercise, I''m not as hungry (MOST days. Sometimes I''m ravenous, but I eat slowly at those times.)

DeeJay -- I''m in! Just don''t ask for ID.

Mara -- GREAT protein list. Thank you so much!

Kimberly -- are you nearing the finish line with all the work?

Skippy -- It sounds like you are doing so well! Keep it up!

Hugs to all! Tomorrow WILL be better.



Jun 15, 2006
Happy Afternoon Friends,

DeeJay, I''m an all or nothing gal, I totally get what you''re saying. Here''s your virtual kick in the butt.

I''ve thrown my back out....grrr! I''m taking a few days off from exercise so I can get things back in alignment.

We''re meeting a friend for dinner at our fave local Thai restaurant.

Have a great evening all.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 8/2/2007 6:05:54 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Happy Afternoon Friends,

DeeJay, I'm an all or nothing gal, I totally get what you're saying. Here's your virtual kick in the butt.

I've thrown my back out....grrr! I'm taking a few days off from exercise so I can get things back in alignment.

We're meeting a friend for dinner at our fave local Thai restaurant.

Have a great evening all.
Kimberly, Oh no!!! How did that happen?!?! Yes, please rest; you poor sweetie pie. I hope it gets better soon.

Jas, that is terrible you lost your passport. Gosh, I hope it turns up! That is no fun retracing your steps in the heat; so sorry! Glad you got a workout in
in a not so fun way!!!! Gosh, you sound like an awesome teacher so I don't think you have anything to worry about over the 4 months teaching a new subject!


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 8/2/2007 6:29:56 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 8/2/2007 6:05:54 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Happy Afternoon Friends,

DeeJay, I''m an all or nothing gal, I totally get what you''re saying. Here''s your virtual kick in the butt.

I''ve thrown my back out....grrr! I''m taking a few days off from exercise so I can get things back in alignment.

We''re meeting a friend for dinner at our fave local Thai restaurant.

Have a great evening all.
Kimberly, Oh no!!! How did that happen?!?! Yes, please rest; you poor sweetie pie. I hope it gets better soon.

Jas, that is terrible you lost your passport. Gosh, I hope it turns up! That is no fun retracing your steps in the heat; so sorry! Glad you got a workout in
in a not so fun way!!!! Gosh, you sound like an awesome teacher so I don''t think you have anything to worry about over the 4 months teaching a new subject!
We have water tables at school that are used for sensory, I picked one up yesterday to empty it without help and I think I just sent everything out of allignment. I have a history of back problems that started when I flipped a small pick up about 10 years ago, I need to be more careful. Stupid me!


Apr 19, 2004

Thank you Mara for a "protein list". I will check out the bacon you recommended, which puts me in mind to buy some more of that Freybe Canadian back bacon that is to die for.

Happy studying Miss Skippy--is it tomorrow or next Friday you write?

So sorry, Kimberly, that your back is giving you trouble.

Hello to ya''ll.......................

We have gone from 33 to 23 to 13 to degrees (C) in a week and today back to 29. I am confused. Is it marguaritas or hot toddies?? Whatever!

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