
Weekly Workout Thead 30th July till 5th August

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Nov 8, 2005
hi everyone and thanks to those who welcomed me back - skippy, rod, marcy, and I know I''m missing someone - thanks!
I''m definitely lurking and keeping on track even though I don''t have as much time to post these days.
Yesterday and today I didn''t feel like going to the gym so I did some weight training at home and went for really good runs around the neighborhood both days. Even though it''s been really hot here, I''m enjoying spending some time outside. Today we went for Indian food for dinner which cancelled the run I''m sure but at least I got it done. I have been into everything mango flavored this summer!

Have a fun and healthy weekend all! Danielle good luck on your race! Is this another 5 miler?


Feb 27, 2007
Hello friends and fellow WWT’ers.
Happy Weekend.

Kimberly, I am glad the stretches are helping. I would like to correct myself and congratulate you on your 6 year lifestyle change. You’ve certainly done an excellent job at changing your life.
Rod, I too made a lifestyle change but I view my diet as part of that entire package.
Welcome back princess. It sounds like you are getting in a lot of exercise. Yeah.
Mara, the miniatures 3 Musketeers are about an inch square. I got 25 calories right off the bag and confirmed it at which says they are 24 calories. Maybe you were looking at the fun size bars. I eat milk chocolate too; I’m not that much of a fan of dark chocolate. I think it is wonderful how many ways you work in some kind exercise. Right now I feel good doing my gardening and walking as much as I can. Until I weigh less I hate to put much strain on my already bad knees and feet. Good luck with the trainer this weekend.
Chargergirl, it sounds like you were able to eat healthy on the road. Yeah! I am very anxious to hear about WF.
Lorelei, I hope you had a great workout outside. The weather must not be too pantsy today. Woo hoo!
DeeJay, yeah for going to the gym today and to hear your scar is ready for activity. I guess it’s a good thing you have a replacement to train at work; too bad she may not be the best person for the job. I think that you are just so good at your job that you’ll be hard to replace.

Neatfreak; it sounds like you found the ticket to firming up those ab muscles. All right!
Skippy, I hope you aced your test. I want to see Bourne Ultimatum this weekend too. I’m glad to hear it’ll keep me on the edge of my seat. I do enjoy finding clothes that fit me now.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Take care!


Jul 23, 2006
Hey mil just bought me a box of fiber one bars in costco yesterday. i love those bars. check in the section that carries crackers and stuff, thats where she found them.
neatfreak i second the pilates. it really works. at 1st i didn''t feel like i was doing much, but the next day i knew it was a workout.
wooohooo rod...can''t wait to see pics of that hot "rod".
welcome back gail!

i cant wait to see the bourne identity skippy....i usually sneak healthier snacks in...i know not good, but i don''t like to get popcorn in the theater after my friend told me she saw mice in the machines after they closed(she worked there)
. since then i''ve always brought my own snacks.---big pocketbooks

i am taking today off from my workout. i plan to have grilled chicken over salad for dinner with balsamic vinegar. i may throw in some chopped zucchini as well. the weather is still hazy, hot, and humid...its supposed to break soon, but definately not soon enough. have a great weekend all!


Mar 20, 2003
Well, I''m still plugging along. I just did the Firm video from the original Fanny Lifter set, Cardio Sculpt, and every time I do it I realize it''s harder than the others. I just don''t do it that often because two years ago when I got in shape that was all I did, so it''s a little boring to know the whole thing by heart. But the other videos don''t push me like this one unless I do a solely upper or lower or ab workout, and it''s hard to have time to fit in all those individual workouts.

Yesterday I walked about 7 miles (1.2 of that was to the drycleaners and back; the rest was exercise walking). I''m trying to make the most the time I have left this summer. I also knew I''d have a big dinner last night.

Last night was our wine club meeting. It''s with three other couples. Everyone made fun of me because they were pretty unanimous in liking the expensive stuff and disliking the cheap stuff, whereas I was the opposite. But hey, better for our pocketbook, right? We had lobster flown in live from Maine that morning, which was really good (we hire a cook so it doesn''t have to be too stressful for anyone). I tried Dom Perignon for the first time and could definitely pick it out versus the $40 bottle (still don''t think I''d spend even $40 on a bottle of champagne, but the good stuff was tasty). Anyway, I''m sure I overdid it eating, but the club only meets four or five times a year so I guess that''s ok.


Oct 30, 2002
morning all! welcome back gail...good to see you are still lurking! marcy i think i must have been looking at the fun size, wonder where you get the inch square ones, i haven't really seen them at stores? then again i try to stay out of the candy aisle hehee. too much temptation! pg your dinner sounds yummy.

just had breakfast, the typical kashi go lean, corn flakes, berries, coffee. i'm going to get ready for my appt in a few minutes and walk over to the fitness place...hopefully i like it and the gal and i feel like i can get positive guidance there. then greg and i will go for our 5m saturday hike (uh oh rod it's a routine!!). after that i have a mani pedi and then plan to come home and pack and get things ready for tomorrow morning....water my plants etc. we are going to the fair tonite with my youngest sister (who's now 16, talk about making me feel old sometimes!)...they are saying this might be the last year of the fair as the attendance has been declining for years and they tried all these different marketing tactics to try to get people interested but the bottom line is that it's old fashioned, there aren't as many kids interested as there used to be, and it's totally when we go, i feel like i am walking back into a time warp with girls with big 80's hair, lots of spandex...eyeliner, woo hoo. but we just like going and having this funny experience once a year. plus i mean, fair food, need i really say more?? we get a bunch of junk, my fave is corndogs and garlic fries, with lemonade. greg gets a big pickle, and sometimes we get ice cream or fried dough for dessert. walk around a bunch, gawk at the people and other various items, take a few rides...and then head back home for a shower.

so anyway that's the plan for this evening but we want to be back not too late so that we can finalize everything and get to bed at a not too late hour...we typically leave the house for palm springs at about 6am. it's literally get up, roll out of bed, throw stuff in car and head out. it's a 6.5 hour drive when we do it that way...whereas if we left a few hours later it would take us probably another hour to get there with additional traffic. i always say we can sleep once we get there, by the pool!!

i wanted to get a 2nd bikini but i just don't think i'll have time to get into the stores, though i am so tempted as i know that all the stores are having clearance sales right now. oh well! i have a few bikinis already so its not like i really NEED another one. hehee. i just like them.

we'll be gone til thursday and i am so excited. i am getting a massage on monday, a scrub on tues and then greg and i are having a couples massage on wednesday for his birthday. this trip is my gift to him, but i also got him some fun cigars for smoking on the trip as well, and i plan to have norma's...the SUPER tasty breakfast place we eat at onsite (it's like norma's in NYC, the chef came from that one to PS and cooks there now)...make something special for him on his birthday or put a candle in his pancakes or something cute and fun that morning. i booked all our restaurants for while we are there...sunday night is the only 'play by ear' night depending on how we feel...but i made ressies at 2 favorites we have eaten at in the past (citron is very popular, posh fresh kind of place but their killer dessert is warm cookies fresh out of the oven, omg divine, they give you three types) and also for his birthday we are trying a new place, an austrian upscale restaurant that actually serves schnitzel and various other items that greg will LOVE.

every morning we eat breakfast onsite, the restaurant is amazing...and their menu and food is to die for. i attached it here so you guys can see where exactly the 5 lbs i will be adding on during this trip will come!!! seriously, every morning it's like a 30 minute discussion on what we should have. we have 4 breakfasts there but seriously it's not enough. we have a few favorites (crunchy french toast) but everything we have ever tried has been amazing. and they make fresh smoothies every morning and give you sampler glasses to try with your coffee, super fun. my main thing will be to try not to overeat because i love the food so much...because then i end up with a big bloated belly just in time for us to go hang at the pool hahaa. not appealing!

anyway i'll stop waxing poetic...i'm excited to be returning for some R&R with greg. he turns 39 this year so i have to try to make him feel young. hehee. oh on the plus side, this place has a small gym that thankfully you don't have to pay for to use...and we plan to use it daily...i actually plan to use it 2ce daily, once before breakfast for elliptical type work and once before dinner for a daily 3m walk on a treadmill...because literally our days consist of getting up, eating, laying by the pool where we eat and drink, and then napping, then having dinner and rinse and repeat...hehee. so a bit of extra activity will be good for us i think. it's just too hot outside to do anything else.

so feast your eyes on our fun breakfast menu....whee!! vacation time.

normas yummy menu.jpg


Apr 30, 2005
Devonshire cream eh???



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday all! I did the treadmill for 65 mins this morning to the tune of 562 cals. It's funny; no matter whether I do the treadmill or the elliptical I'm always all gung hu at the beginning, then I have an enthusiasm lull in the middle, and by the end I feel like I could go forever again. If only I could even out the *excitement* for all 65 mins, LOL.

Tonight the HH is making something that involves collard greens. I've never actually seen CGs before, but for some reason I had it in my head that they would be more like spinach. Instead they have these HUGE green leaves on them, which the HH has been keeping upright in water since yesterday (like you do with asparagus stalks to keep them fresh) and every time I seem them I (a) marvel at their size, (b) remind him we live *north* of the Mason-Dixon line, (d) wonder what the hell he's going to make with them, and (c) hope whatever it is I don't hate it.(!)

NYC, thanks for the tip! Was it mixed flavors or all of one flavor? (Of course even having these in the house is a little dangerous because I like them so much... )

Marcy, thank you for the nice compliment about my work! I am sure though there are plenty of people who can "replace" me... I just hope this person is one of them. (Yikes!)

Mara, that breakfast menu is just TOO MANY good things to choose from--YUM!

Gail, I love Indian food too. Check out the cals for different things on line and you will be surprised that some stuff is not as bad as you think.

Stephi, LOL on the workout craziness!!

Kimi, hope you're feeling better today.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 8/4/2007 1:33:23 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Happy Saturday all! I did the treadmill for 65 mins this morning to the tune of 562 cals. It''s funny; no matter whether I do the treadmill or the elliptical I''m always all gung hu at the beginning, then I have an enthusiasm lull in the middle, and by the end I feel like I could go forever again. If only I could even out the *excitement* for all 65 mins, LOL.
That is how it is for me, I have to keep making little deals with myself to keep at it!!


Mar 26, 2006
LOL Lorelei; I have to keep making little deals with myself too to raise the incline every time during the interval cycles! "Common Dee! You can do it! You LOVE the way it feels on your butt when you get it up to 10! Let''s go girl! If you just finish all 65 minutes you can have some sloppy joes when you get home!" (Like I *wasn''t* going to have the SJs regardless?!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 8/4/2007 1:45:28 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
LOL Lorelei; I have to keep making little deals with myself too to raise the incline every time during the interval cycles! 'Common Dee! You can do it! You LOVE the way it feels on your butt when you get it up to 10! Let's go girl! If you just finish all 65 minutes you can have some sloppy joes when you get home!' (Like I *wasn't* going to have the SJs regardless?!
Hehehe...It is hard on the old butt with the steep incline, I would rather have something sweet than sloppy joes as a reward - is it that "Manwich stuff' ? My Hubby likes it....


Mar 26, 2006
Lorelei, the *gourmet* HH would never allow the Manwich stuff in the house unfortunately (I really like it!). He makes his own, so I guess they''re not really "Sloppy Joe''s" becauase I''m sure that''s some sort of trade name, but that''s what we call it. It''s also great on pasta and scooped up with potato chips. Doncha love multi-purpose food?!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 8/4/2007 2:08:59 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Lorelei, the *gourmet* HH would never allow the Manwich stuff in the house unfortunately (I really like it!). He makes his own, so I guess they''re not really ''Sloppy Joe''s'' becauase I''m sure that''s some sort of trade name, but that''s what we call it. It''s also great on pasta and scooped up with potato chips. Doncha love multi-purpose food?!
The HH''s own sloppy joe mix is probably far better than the MANWICH stuff! I must say, I gag whenever I see my HH open a tin of it and snarf it down - yuck! But we were on the phone earlier and we were laughing about how I am with ground beef, I won''t chew it as I am afraid of biting into bone or gristle ( I have food * issues*) so the Manwich stuff does not appeal.


Feb 27, 2007
Wow, did I start off the day bad.
I decided for breakfast to bake the canned cinnamon rolls (150 cals each) and ate 2 of them. That wasn’t horrid because on weekends I do splurge and eat something different for breakfast. Then I met my parents for coffee break and my dad bought a donut for me to split with my mom. I ate my 1/2 and now I figure I’ll be buzzing all day and of course I’m really hungry now because all I’ve eaten so far is JUNK. After DH is done with his golf game we are heading to Colorado to see a toy hauler trailer that came in and to go to the outlet mall for me to look at a few clothing stores. I think I’ll pick a steak house to eat at today because a sirloin and baked potato will be filling and not too horrid on calories. I would never have cooked myself the cinnamon rolls for BF if I’d know my dad decided I needed ½ of a donut. Rats! (Zut!) Oh well, I’ll be walking a lot today so that will help burn off those sugary calories (same as regular calories but they are sweeter – ha ha)
Hi Gail. I am glad to hear you are working out and running. I have been walking the malls and department stores this week for my exercise. It is fun to shop and burn calories too.
NYC, it has started to cool off here which is nice. I hope you get a break in the weather soon. It actually feels like fall in the morning and evenings already. Yuk, to the popcorn story. That would cure me of eating popcorn.
PhoenixGirl, it sounds like you are walking and working out a lot. Yes, sad to say the summer is winding down. My classes start August 22nd so I am going to be a slacker until the 14th then get busy. Your wine club evening sounds marvelous and tasty.
Mara, the small candy bars are called miniatures; I see them in pretty much all of our stores so you can probably find them. I know what you mean about trying to avoid that isle in the store. Enjoy your vacation and the breakfast menu made me gain weight just reading it. It does sound terrific though.
DeeJay, I am glad you had such a terrific workout. I am sure after taking it easy while your leg healed that it really felt good to you.
DeeJay and Lorelei, it’s good we can get ourselves to do something by making deals or having a reward at the end.
Lorelei, I think I’d starve to death if I didn’t eat ground beef. It is certainly one of my most used / eaten ingredient. I’m deathly allergic to turkey, chicken bothers me but I can eat it about once or twice a week; pork breaks me out and makes me itch so I really have to eat beef most of the time. I don’t know if I want to know what issues you’ve had with ground meat.


Oct 30, 2002
lol Lorelei I thought of you when I saw the Devonshire cream...I have not tried the lemony griddle cakes but I just might have to!! their granola is made on premises and is SOOOOO tasty but probably soooo many cals. and the crunchy french toast is coated with rice crispies then baked THEN coated with caramel and butter. die for. i have drool now.

just got home from my meeting with the fitness facility, i am really excited. they have a nutritionist that meets with clients as well and she wants me to meet with her, have her test my body fat and have me give her my logs of food and all that and have the gal scrutinize them. she said this woman is wonderful and is very ''scientific'' about food and what your body needs to be it''s top.

she also totally gets that i just don''t want the basic personal training stuff, i don''t need anyone to tell me to work out or tell me it''s calories in and out. this gal was so spot on with what i need, she said, that is the easy stuff. you want optimization for your workouts and eating to get your body to be the best it can be. she also said something i had been thinking, which is at my level now, it''s NOT just calories in and out. i want to build more muscle, not really lose weight necessaily, i want to redistribute my weight and look even more fit. she also said for someone like me that pilates probably wouldn''t be THAT helpful because i already have a fair amount of visible toning going on in my body, and she said it does absolutely nothing for fat burning.

so really educational...and they offer these classes in their facility...kickboxing, a 30 minute quick fit class she said was awesome AND they are doing this Zumba class which is like this latin jazz dancing thing and she said it''s soooo fun and the instructor has lost a bunch of weight and toned up doing it herself! i can get 3 classes for $20 (above and beyond the other charges which is fine) so i am totally going to try it when i get back from my next 2 weeks of travels.
anyway we''re off to hike now...but i am jazzed about my meeting...and the upcoming nutritionist meeting and laying out my ''program'' for making my body even better than it is now. she was also very congratulatory about me getting myself to the point i am at with no real assistance so that was nice...hehee..validation is always nice.

happy saturday afternoon!!


Jul 23, 2006
hey deejay...there are 30 bars in the box and they are all the chocolate ones
. just what i need

anyone have a good rice and beans recipe?


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 8/4/2007 3:17:36 PM
Author: NYCsparkle
hey deejay...there are 30 bars in the box and they are all the chocolate ones
. just what i need
Sign me up baby! (The chocolate ones are the only ones I like, and I'm sure they're a helluva cheaper by the crate at Costco than they are one small box at a time from Walgreens!) I know what you mean though--I'll have to get the HH to lock them up and only dole out one a day or else I'll end up eating too many because they are so good...


Mar 18, 2007
Oooooooh I fell off the wagon badly yesterday. I did walk a ton downtown (I am back in the town I go to school in, a really cute small-ish town in VA with an adorable downtown), but I doubt that makes up for everything I ate. It''s bad enough I don''t even want to admit it. BUT I think if I do I''ll feel...not better, just more responsible for it. Gotta take the good days and the bad days. Sooo...I had a fruit smoothie for breakfast (vanilla yogurt, strawberries, bananas, and orange juice) and a bowl of Cheerios. It was lunch and dinner that were the problems. Lunch was (and I wish I was kidding) a scoop of ice cream and a Dr. Pepper. For dinner I had a pulled pork sandwich and skim milk. I love our local barbeque place because they only give you the pork and you decide how much sauce goes on, so I only put on about 1/3 of what I was given. After dinner was when the real problem happened: movie time. BF and I bought Zodiac and some candy...too much candy. I got kind of annoyed with how much we bought, so after dinner I portioned it out to one portion of Dots, one of Milk Duds, and under half a serving of Hot Tamales. Still 450 cals, plus a 12 oz. orange soda. I felt so gross afterwards, and my stomach hated me.

So, knowing my weakness for sweets, I begged BF to hide them. And, after having searched the apartment (how many calories did that burn, I wonder) I can tell you he hid them WELL. So I gave up and went to Petsmart to walk dogs. Every weekend I go down to Petsmart and walk the dogs that are up for adoption. Most of the people there know me, so I take out the bigger dogs and let them jog and play a bit and get them out of their cages for a while. It''s good exercise for them, great visibility (their personalities change so much out of the cage), and I get to play with dogs!

Sloppy joes for dinner tonight. We got the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook the other day, so I''ve had a lot of fun playing house and picking recipes and grocery shopping. I''m sure the novelty will wear off soon, but for now it''s a good time.

How''s everybody''s weekend been?

Neatfreak, isn''t pilates amazing? I''m looking for a cheap class in my area, because I''ve never been able to go consistently. I also want to find a yoga class. I''ve got a heart condition, and a friend of my family with the same problem said yoga really helped her. Just 16 days until the gym opens! I can''t wait...


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 8/4/2007 12:29:28 PM
Author: NYCsparkle

i cant wait to see the bourne identity skippy....i usually sneak healthier snacks in...i know not good, but i don't like to get popcorn in the theater after my friend told me she saw mice in the machines after they closed(she worked there)
. since then i've always brought my own snacks.---big pocketbooks
NYC, Yay fro going to see Bourne Ultimatum; enjoy! Also, kudos on healthy snacks.
I love Fiber One bars; in fact a little toooooo much.
I should look for them at Costco, thanks for the info!!

Dee, yay for another workout. I too start off great, then tired. Also, I feel like if I don't exercise for 45 mins or longer why do it. I understand the all or nothing too. hehehe My hubby loves collard greens. They are big but then cook down smaller. They aren't my favorite but they are suppose to have lots of vitamins and minerals and very southern.

Rod, what are the 4 easiest core excercises for beginners?

Kimberly, how is the back?

Mara, your trip sounds like it will be fun. I thought you were already there, but I guess I was wrong. hehehe

Marcy, the cinnamon rolls aren't bad if you just did 2 and watch what you eat the rest of the day. Enjoy your walking

Princess, my thinking is out of sight out of mind. Try and make your house safe w/o all the junk food, then you don't go searching for it. Good job portioning out your snacks.

Tonight I will go for a walk and then tomorrow morning we are meeting friends for breakfast so I may splurge a little since this place has the best breakfast burritos. Happy Saturday all


Jan 3, 2005
Happy HOT sat. all. I did my usual magic mountian hike today. we we got close to the stairs we saw 4 deer about half way up them. 2 of them were so tiny, like 1/4 of the size of Zoe. We started heading toward them and got within about 30 feet until they ran off. it was really cool. I keep thinking I need to always bring my camera. last week there was a double rainbow..such a magical spot there. then we went to starbucks, sat outside and just roasted even at 8:00am. Took the kids for a long day at the pool and are heading to some friends for a BBQ for dinner. Tomorrow is the last day of the tax free weekend so we''re heading to the mall to do some back to school shopping. TN has 2 tax free weekends a year where there is no tax on school items, clothes and computers. It''s a nice time to stock up.

mara, your trip sounds wonderful and I''m sure you and Greg will have a great time. we''re in the process of moving and I told hubby once we get settled I''m treating myself to a spa day, the whole works, I sooooo need it and your 2 massages next week sound divine!!! maybe I need to up my request to 2 in a week too

deejay, glad you got a workout in and I love sloppy joe''s too, even the manwich kind, but the rest of my family doesn''t like it so I don''t make it any more. i''ll have to see if you can get HH''s recipe.

marcy- love, the miniature''s but I ended eating like 10 so I don''t buy them either, and the milky ways are my favorite in those tiny sizes. don''t beat yourself up too hard on the cin. rolls and donut. i''m sure you did walk it off and you deserve the extra little treat now and then.

skippy, lorelei and anyone else I missed...i hope everyone has a wonderful sat. night!


Feb 17, 2007
Hope everyone is having a nice day! We had a tag sale here this morning with a number of our neighbors. It was pretty good, we sold $150 worth of junk and the local charity is coming to pick up the rest. We got rid of SO much stuff before our move so that was great.

Today is going to be a splurge day to end all splurge days. Well, not really actually, I'm doing pretty well calorie wise for the day, but I DID eat 2 donuts for breakfast! They were from the local kosher bakery here and they were heavenly. Well worth it if you ask me.

Going out to dinner with a few girlfriends tonight and maybe seeing a chick flick. I did a lot of heavy lifting this morning, but I need a day off from the gym otherwise after my pilates workout yesterday! Ow!


Jun 15, 2006
Happy Saturday All. It sounds like everyone is having a great weekend, with yummy treats included! Yay for treats!

I was up several hours last night cuz of my stupid back so I ended up taking a Vicodin that''s left me quite foggy. I slept until 9:30 this morning, unheard of in my world! We''re having dinner to celebrate our 1st anniversary tonight at the same place where we got married (they aren''t open on Sunday''s so we''re a day early). Not much else to report in my world. I''m just taking it easy and looking forward to a delicious dinner. They have a new chef who won an award from Food and Wine mag, so it should be fun!

Have a great rest of your day, friends.


Nov 24, 2006
Kimberly and J have a Happy Anniversary and wonderful dinner!!!

Mrs. Salvo, have a great barbecue! Hey Neatfreak


Aug 17, 2005
Good Evening, all!

I''m soooo happy to be home. Being gone this entire week was a real drag.

I was hoping to get out today and do something active, but i''ve been super-lazy and spent the day on the couch reading. I did get out for a 1/2 hour walk to TJ''s as our fridge is empty. So i haven''t been a complete bum.

Just finished dinner (salmon & asparagus) and am enjoying a nice glass of shiraz. yum!

NYC- thanks for the tip on Costco & the fiber1 bars. i"ll have to check it out!
Phoenixgirl- your wine club meeting sounds fun! hubby and I like to host wine dinner gatherings every other month or so.
Mara- that menu looks delish, and a bit familiar. is it from the parker?
DeeJay- my hubby is also "goumet". i like doing things easy in the kitchen, and he''s all about "the harder the better!"
Marcy- i''m sure you''re back on track by now. your sugar-fest doesn''t sound too bad!
Princess- don''t beat yourself up too much. it sounds like you did a ton of walking, which is great!
Skippy- enjoy that bfast burrito. YUM!
MrsS- here''s to massages! 2 in one week would be divine!
Neatfreak- congrats on the successful garage sale. they''re a ton of work, but are so rewarding!
Kimberly (and John)- HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!

Our trip to see the trailer was in vain; they sold it yesterday. We did go look around the outlet mall though and I bought smaller size jeans and undies as well as a new robe. The robe I’ve been using is HUGE on me now so I decided it’s time to get something new. I only looked at one jewelry store and the sales lady was admiring my pink sapphire ring but just had to tap it with her acrylic nail, I just hate that. I’m always tempted to smack someone that touches the jewels. Of course my DH likes to do it too because he knows it drives me CRAZY.
Mara, your trainer sounds really helpful with very sound suggestions. That is great they will have your meet with a nutritionist too. I am sure you are looking forward to starting you new program when you get back from your travels.
Princess, that is really neat that you go take the dogs out to play and for a walk. That is so nice of you.
Skippy, I did okay the rest of the day on food. We had dinner at Lone Star so I had a steak (brought home more than ½ of it) and a baked potato. We had a small ice cream cone after shopping then I had a few baked lays a little while ago when I got hungry. We walked a ton shopping and then when we got home I carried a bunch of clothes out to the trailer and changed the sheets out there. I think I walked enough today to counter any thing I ate. Have fun at breakfast tomorrow.
MrsSalvo, how cool you got to see some deer this morning. Don’t you hate that when you have a great photo op and no camera? I used to leave a disposable camera in my car but never used them so I quit. I like the miniature Milky Ways too. Amazing as it seems to me; I can stop at one. I would say chocolate candy and hot baked cookies are my biggest downfalls for something I’d likely overeat. I don’t bake cookies at all right now but they sure sound good. I think I did walk off any extra calories today.
Neatfreak; that is awesome you got some $$ for you unwanted junk. I am rounding up some of my “big” clothes to go give to a local charity. I hate to just throw them away. Have fun at the movie.
Kimberly, have a very Happy Anniversary and I hope your dinner is marvelous.
ChargerGirl, you deserve a super-lazy day. I need to get back to my Harry Potter book. I didn’t do too bad overall for the day; but I sure ate differently than I normally do.
Well, I am very achy from doing so much today and pretty sleepy so I think I’ll get ready for bed.
Have a great Sunday!


Oct 30, 2002
mrs salvo, along the hike that we do, we also see deer, since it''s a preserve they are protected. you can literally walk right by them, aka as close as a foot and they just stare at you. they are really used to people, it''s pretty cool. we also see wild turkeys and other random wildlife. there are also mountain lions up there but i think they mostly stay away from humans.

so we did our hike today...actually went a bit farther so i think we did like 5.5miles if not a bit was SO warm up there today, i was sweating up a storm. then came home, had some scrambled egg whites with tomatoes and a bit of 2% cheese in a half a whole wheat pita and 1/2 a protein drink and then went off to get a mani pedi. while there i felt kind of hot and tired and i think i may have needed more water, so i drank some more...and then walked over to this used bookstore that is like 3 blocks from my mani pedi place and got some new books for our trip. went over to pick up greg from where he stores his power wagon in this garage he rents, picked up my sister from home and came home....packed for a bit and then we went off to the county fair! i guess attendance has been low the last 5 years or so and they were saying this might be the last year!! which makes us sad so we hope that''s not the case. we looked at the animals and ate some goodies...a foot long corn dog for me (lol!) which i shared a little with greg (though he had his own corn dog), a few garlic fries, and some lemonade was my dinner. SO tasty. then we walked around and people watched, went on a few rides, and then headed home.

took portia for a walk around the block and let her play in the park...saw this couple with a dog we haven''t seen in a while (we turned them onto going to palm springs so we were talking about how we were going)...and then took showers, packed, and now am having some yummy light gelato as dessert before finishing up getting ready for tomorrow and then BED!! i think we ended up walking about 7ish miles overall with the hike and then out and about and the fair etc. so i definitely got some great leg usage today hehee. and YES marcy i will so be looking fwd to getting to work with the trainer when i return from my vacation and then biz trip. they didn''t take measurements now but i wish they had because i am sure they will change over the next 2 weeks.

we leave tomorrow morning bright and super early...when we ''drive'' places we give ourselves the food allowance to have things we love but rarely ever have, like mcdonalds breakfast and in n''out burger for lunch hehehe. so we are excited, the last time we had sausage mcmuffins with egg i think was almost a year ago! and in n''out has been at least 6 months. it''s the most ''fresh'' of the burger fast food places so it''s really not that bad which is good.

kimberly hope you had a great anniversary dinner! marcy and mrs salvo i also have the problem of eating like 10 mini candy bars so better to have none at all hehe. cg, yep that is the parker menu, have you eaten at either the normas in palm springs or nyc? both have the same menu basically for brunch/breakfast, we love it!! neatfreak i hear ya re: the donuts, they are really worth it for sure hehe. skip enjoy your breakfast burrito, hehe.

have a great week all in case i don''t get to really check in at all on the trip, i might lurk and read a few times as i plan to log on for work and check email but other than that...think of me drinking frou frou fruity items by the pool and gorging at breakfast. whee. have a fabulous rest of the weekend everyone and wishing everyone a happy and healthy week!


Nov 24, 2006
Morning!!!! I went for about a 3.5 mile walk this morning. I walked up the house and heard no birds like I normally do so I look up and there was a big hawk. I have seen them but not in my backyard.

Mrs. Salvo and Mara, you are luck to see deer on your hikes. All I see is giant jack rabbits, lizards and roadrunners. hehe
Mara, that breakfest is fricken expensive; I think I saw $18 for an omlet. Wow! Today I am look forward to eating at the Frontier w/some friends! This place has the best breakfast in town.

Rod, I missed ya yesterday
. Hope you are doing well!

Chargergirl, glad you had a great trip!

Marcy, I found that McDonald's sells a low fat vanilla cone for 150 calories and I think 3 or 4 grams of fat. I was so sad my TCBY was gone but looked up the calorie info on McD's cone. Yay for your walk; sorry the RV was sold. Another one will come along.

Happy Anniversary Kimberly and Mr. H!!!
How was your dinner last night?

Happy Sunday all


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Everyone......sorry I was MIA yesterday, it was a super busy day. With Charlie visiting family, all the normal weekend chores feel squarely on my back. So sorry I made you sad Skippy!! It was SO busy that I didn't even make it to the gym, which is a never happens thing for me. So, I'll make up for it today with an extra hard workout. Actually, it probably wasn't a bad thing to have 2 days off from the gym anyway.

Yesterday, I also had an appointment to have my car appraised. The used car part is a couple blocks down the street from the new car dealership, so I arrived at the appointed time, they looked at my car for all of about 12 seconds and said "sure is a clean trade." I guess they'll let me know what they're willing to give me tomorrow. Then I decided to go up to the new car place and wander around. I've actually never spent much time at this dealership, so I'm wandering around in the blistering hot sun and wondering where all the new cars were? There weren't any outside. So, I went in the dealership where I ran into two really good friends who had just purchased a brand new BMW X3 and they had just finished signing papers and they said they wanted to go upstairs and wander around the new cars and asked if I wanted to go. Turns out the new cars are kept on this huge covered desk upstairs, so when new cars arrive, they're kept away from the harsh sun and elements. So, we get upstairs and it's just amazing. Every kind of BMW is lined up by Series and you can just walk around at your leisure looking at colors, options and stickers. Finally, we get to the last row and I notice that there's a Montego Blue Hard Top Convertible sitting there and I wander over and I thought, wow, this person ordered the same two tone color interior I did. And I start looking at the sticker on the window and I thought, wow this person ordered the exact same options I did. And then it hit me. THIS WAS MY CAR. By now a salesperson had come over and when I told him what I had ordered, he commented that the car was delivered late Friday afternoon after my salesperson left for an extended weekend and she didn't know my car was in. IT'S PURDY!! I must have stood there for 1/2 hour staring at it. WOO HOO.......I can't wait.

Then I went a bought a new cell phone. My new car has Bluetooth, but there are only a handful of phones that are supported, so I got one of those. Nothing exciting, just the newest generation Razr. From there I went and had a lobster dinner to celebrate. Had my yogurt and then wound up sitting with a big group of people at Starbucks till after 10 PM last night. It was actually a lot of fun. To end my day, I got in the spa and took a leisurly swim in the pool.

So, it wasn't a workout day for Rod, but that's OK, it was a good day for sure.

Mara, have a great vacation. The breakfast menu looks terrific. Yay on getting a trainer.

Skippy, if you ever got the book I've recommended so often (Core Performance Essentials by Mark Verstegen), it list all sorts of core exercises, all of which you can do at home. Situps are probably the easiest core exercise to begin tightening the core muscles. I don't recall if you go to the gym or not. If you do, see if they have a back extension machine. That's really good for the core and I do a lot of planks which are detailed in the book above. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Happy Anniversary to Kimi and John. I know you two are a fantastic couple!!

Sorry, if I've missed anything else. Have a great Sunday all!!


May 9, 2006
Good morning all! I am still in a food coma from yesterday...although the wine (as normal) gave me a 1/2 pound water weight that''ll take a day or two to come off, I figure I''m still doing well with the shaping up! I just LOVE how the water weight gloms on in about 2 seconds, then takes 2 days to come off. Thanks water weight. I''ll remember you in my book.

Did the Batliptical yesterday for a whopping 265 calories, which, for me, is a lot, as my stamina is still building. I''m up to a big ol'' 26 minutes
But that''s better than the 15 I started with this summer!

Last night''s dinner was one of those things I''ll remember forever. DH and I had a bunch of gift cards and AMEX checks from the wedding, so we thought we''d try out TRU, which is an uber nice place here in the city.

We started out with a glorious champaigne, and then did one of the tasting menus. I don''t remember everything, but here''s what I recall...and can recreate from the website, which is not complete(warning -- vegetarians please leave the room)

A spoonful of Peeky Toe Crab, Eggplant, Honeydew, Green Tomato Vinaigrette, Mustard Oil -- really intense...a spoonful is enough.
Selection of Sashimi-Grade Fish served with soy sauce and WHITE soy sauce, which I''d never heard of!
Ricotta "gnocci" with a basil puree and some sort of foam (The foam! The foam! I started to wonder if Marcel from Top Chef was in the kitchen)
There was this rabbit consume that, although it sounds nasty, was REALLY REALLY good.
Hawaiian opakapaka (which is basically red snapper) -- we ALWAYS seem to have this appear on menus, from when we started dating...when we went to Mexico, we gorged on red snapper ("huachinango") love it. It was AWESOME here.
Squab in cherry sauce with a lentil type thing (I''m so descriptive. I should write menus) -- I''ve never had squab and it was a yummy taste combo of chicken and steak.
Then like, a million dessert courses, each of which was a biteful or two.

All this with wine.

The cool thing was how much theater is involved at this place...they bus the tables in what can only be described as a choreographed dance...everything is removed by 2 people at exactly the same time in grand, swooping fashion. But it wasn''t stuffy. A lovely evening.

I would have been happy rolling into bed at that, but DH''s sister and her husband stopped by for a drink and we stayed up pretty late chit chatting. I feel closer to my SIL than my own sister. If you know anything about my family history, which I yammered on about during the wedding tsunami last summer, you know that I really need a sisterly relationship in my life!

So this morning, I''m a little dehydrated, but totally not over stuffed. Ususally after a big night out, I like to keep it mellow, food wise, the next day, but tonight I''m going out with DH who is entertaining a client with Thai food. Any low-cal recs?

Skippy -- I am so envious of your walks...they sound so tranquil and energizing at the same time!

Kimberly -- Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!

Mara -- have a great trip and be sure to share the decadant breakfast details

Marcy -- whoo hoo on the robe and I hope you gave that sales girl the look of death.

Charger -- time to recharge! I''m tired for you!!!!!

Neatfreak -- way to go on the decluttering! It''s so liberating!

Waving to everyone else
-- I''ve just been typing for too long and i have a house to clean up and work to do! Best wishes for a loving Sunday!


Apr 30, 2005
And then it hit. THIS WAS MY CAR. By now a salesperson had come over and when I told him what I had ordered, he commented that the car was delivered late Friday afternoon after my salesperson left for an extended weekend and she didn''t know my car was in. IT''S PURDY!! I must have stood there for 1/2 hour staring at it. WOO HOO.......I can''t wait.



Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

Thanks for the Happy Anniversary wishes! It was fun to revisit the spot where we were married. J had sea scallops veal two ways and strawberry shortcake for dinner; I had an endive salad with walnuts, pears and black truffle vinaigrette (and delicious sweet beet balls, I usually hate beets!), filet mignon, pureed cauliflower and brocollini in a red wine demi sauce and for dessert a miniature molten chocolate cake with pink peppercorns and carmel sauce. It was a delicious meal!

Rod, I''m so excited you got to see your car, Rod.

Bummer about the trailor being sold, Marcy.

Enjoy your trip, Mara. You and Greg should already be on the road.

Your meal sounds wonderful, Jas. Yummy!
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