
The two week club!


Jun 23, 2005
Stunning difference! Looks so much more balanced and the diamonds far outweigh the bezels now. Can’t wait for hand shots!


Jun 9, 2010
@sweetpea&babycorn Wow!! huge difference, and I am so relieved for you, because I am sure it was so stressful given the time and investment! I cannot wait to see a dedicated thread on SMTB!! Congratulations again!


Jul 28, 2013
@sweetpea&babycorn Such a big difference and the focus definitely goes straight to the diamonds! I can wait to see handshots. I think it’s beautiful!


Nov 4, 2009
Thank you all! Too many to quote but your positivity means so much to me! I get the ring tomorrow and will share pictures as soon as I can. I’m nervous and excited to see her. I definitely feel like I paid a high premium for this and shared with Sako my thought. He hyped her up a LOT but I don’t want to get my hopes too high.


Nov 4, 2009
ok it’s here. I’ve been sitting in it for a couple days and have super mixed feelings about it.

First off, it’s gorgeous! Sako did not miss a beat with the details, and this really is a fine piece of jewelry and artwork. Also, his dad’s recutting of the pears were marvelous and I think it compliments my OMC really nicely.

Here’s where the mixed feelings come in. It’s huge. I mean massive. And goes beyond the width of my finger. It’s so big that I don’t feel comfortable wearing it.

SO, I am going to reset it. In a Stuller bezel, likely through IDJ. I’m going to take out just the center stone, and hold on to this setting, perhaps set it with a gemstone as @Rfisher suggested before. While I never would pay this much for a RHR, it may end up being one because I really don’t see myself being able to wear this everyday but I also can’t give up the setting, it’s so beautiful.

So yeah that’s where I’m at which is why I haven’t started a SMTB thread.
Here are some pictures and videos I took:







Oct 19, 2013
It is gorgeous
and fwiw I do get what you mean about loving it but not for what it was intended for.

Going back to what I said earlier in this thread (or the other thread I moved the convo over to - can’t remember) I think the outcome possibly would have been different for you if the pears were cut to the size initially intended. Whether preserving the material weighed more in the cutters mind over the all over end result asked for aesthetic.

It is beautiful - can’t wait to see your end result for your ER and what you choose to do for the setting as a rhr.


Aug 14, 2018
ok it’s here. I’ve been sitting in it for a couple days and have super mixed feelings about it.

First off, it’s gorgeous! Sako did not miss a beat with the details, and this really is a fine piece of jewelry and artwork. Also, his dad’s recutting of the pears were marvelous and I think it compliments my OMC really nicely.

Here’s where the mixed feelings come in. It’s huge. I mean massive. And goes beyond the width of my finger. It’s so big that I don’t feel comfortable wearing it.

SO, I am going to reset it. In a Stuller bezel, likely through IDJ. I’m going to take out just the center stone, and hold on to this setting, perhaps set it with a gemstone as @Rfisher suggested before. While I never would pay this much for a RHR, it may end up being one because I really don’t see myself being able to wear this everyday but I also can’t give up the setting, it’s so beautiful.

So yeah that’s where I’m at which is why I haven’t started a SMTB thread.
Here are some pictures and videos I took:





Omg my jaw dropped. I was in the camp of “yes too much metal” but Sako had 100% redeemed himself. I think it looks amazing on your hand. I think you should give yourself some time to get used to it before deciding. It’s so beautiful.
Last edited:


Jun 23, 2005
It really is a beautiful setting but with a center stone of that size, fitting side stones gets tricky I guess. I do hope you find another stone for the center and can wear it sometimes anyway. Best of luck with the reset; I hope it can be quickly done so that you can wear your ring!


Jun 9, 2010
@sweetpea&babycorn just wanted to hop in here and tell you how gorgeous your new ring is!!! But I 100% hear you- you have to LOVE wearing it and given this is supposed to be your special reset project, you have to feel a certain way about it… I do hope the new setting will be a better fit. Nothing wrong with trying something different until something “clicks!” It’s what we PS’ers do best!!


Aug 27, 2019
It is gorgeous
and fwiw I do get what you mean about loving it but not for what it was intended for.

Going back to what I said earlier in this thread (or the other thread I moved the convo over to - can’t remember) I think the outcome possibly would have been different for you if the pears were cut to the size initially intended. Whether preserving the material weighed more in the cutters mind over the all over end result asked for aesthetic.

It is beautiful - can’t wait to see your end result for your ER and what you choose to do for the setting as a rhr.

I agree with this, I think if the pears were more the size of your inspiration ring things may have ended up a lot differently.


Feb 22, 2014
Yep, she’s a big mama jama but in the best possible way!
Eye popping gorgeous! Maybe give yourself some time to adjust? I agree the pears could be smaller, but finding something else (colored stone) to put in as a center stone is throwing more money at it and you don’t really wear rhr anyway. Will a single bezel solitaire scratch your itch?
Just some things to think about. Only you know what is right for you. In the meantime…WOW!


Jun 27, 2014
@sweetpea&babycorn I get it, and I was worried that might be outcome. Elation and frustration at the same time. Millimeters matter.
It is art; but if it isn't comfortable where it is, then I fully agree that there is nothing else for it to use as intended. I think you will get used to the size as a more occasional ring. It will make the ORTRTA(I just realized I don't know what the acronym is) of an exquisite and spectacular RHR and that's a particular lovely treasure to have.


Apr 17, 2006
ok it’s here. I’ve been sitting in it for a couple days and have super mixed feelings about it.

First off, it’s gorgeous! Sako did not miss a beat with the details, and this really is a fine piece of jewelry and artwork. Also, his dad’s recutting of the pears were marvelous and I think it compliments my OMC really nicely.

Here’s where the mixed feelings come in. It’s huge. I mean massive. And goes beyond the width of my finger. It’s so big that I don’t feel comfortable wearing it.

SO, I am going to reset it. In a Stuller bezel, likely through IDJ. I’m going to take out just the center stone, and hold on to this setting, perhaps set it with a gemstone as @Rfisher suggested before. While I never would pay this much for a RHR, it may end up being one because I really don’t see myself being able to wear this everyday but I also can’t give up the setting, it’s so beautiful.

So yeah that’s where I’m at which is why I haven’t started a SMTB thread.
Here are some pictures and videos I took:





Your ring is beautiful.

Are you willing to wear it as something other than an engagement ring? I had a super fancy ring that I loved but was a bit wide at the top. Like you it was also way outside my normal bling zone. It wasn’t very size-able but my go-to jeweler was able to resize it enough to wear on my pointer finger. Just an idea.


Dec 16, 2007
I’m sorry @sweetpea&babycorn , that’s so disappointing. It is a gorgeous piece. I wish it worked for what you were after now.


Nov 4, 2009
Thank you, all. Really. Truly.

I honestly feel so dumb over this project, like I was trying way too hard to get the perfect reset when maybe keeping things simple was the better way to go.

I received an extremely fair price quote for what I hope is a nice Stuller setting, and excellent customer service so far from IDJ, so I plan on heading into their show room after the new year to discuss the setting. I figure with this timeline, at least I'll get to sit with this ring for a little longer and see if I can get used to the size. I've been envisioning maybe an emerald or a rose de France amethyst from Jeff Davies. My youngest son was born in February so maybe turning this into a RHR to commemorate him would make feel less silly about this whole thing.


Dec 16, 2007
Aw don’t be too hard on yourself. I’m glad you are keeping the setting in some iteration. You never know how you will feel about it in 5 or 10 years yanno? Maybe with lab diamonds becoming so popular HUGE rings will become like a totally hip thing and you will be so far ahead of the curve! And with a nice gemstone set into it you can still wear it on special occasions or just drinking wine on the couch. As one does.


Dec 27, 2017
ok it’s here. I’ve been sitting in it for a couple days and have super mixed feelings about it.

First off, it’s gorgeous! Sako did not miss a beat with the details, and this really is a fine piece of jewelry and artwork. Also, his dad’s recutting of the pears were marvelous and I think it compliments my OMC really nicely.

Here’s where the mixed feelings come in. It’s huge. I mean massive. And goes beyond the width of my finger. It’s so big that I don’t feel comfortable wearing it.

SO, I am going to reset it. In a Stuller bezel, likely through IDJ. I’m going to take out just the center stone, and hold on to this setting, perhaps set it with a gemstone as @Rfisher suggested before. While I never would pay this much for a RHR, it may end up being one because I really don’t see myself being able to wear this everyday but I also can’t give up the setting, it’s so beautiful.

So yeah that’s where I’m at which is why I haven’t started a SMTB thread.
Here are some pictures and videos I took:
Oh holy hell that is insanely gorgeous.

I validate your feelings about size—it is, objectively, a large ring. You were not expecting that. It’s a shock.

If it helps at all, my thought when I see it on your hand is not that it’s too large, but that it is STUNNING. Just overall gorgeous. Would you consider trying to see if it shrinks for you at all as you wear it? I only bring it up as we all know diamonds have a bizarre ability to shrink.

That said, you have to be comfortable wearing it, and if you know you won’t be, that is the most important thing.


Mar 23, 2013
@sweetpea&babycorn It's a beautifully made ring. I am sorry that it is too chunky for your liking. I understand and see your issues. I have been on that side before. If that was my ring, I would ask him to remove the center stone and sell the mounting for me, with the pears in it. He can list it for you and maybe he has some contacts in trade that would be willing to list it. Heck, maybe even Grace would list the mount as a favor to him?

If you aren't happy with it now, it's probably not going to grow on you. I am in the same boat with the ruby gilda style ring he made me. I felt it was clunky/big and while made beautifully, it never grew on me. It's sat for sale with Gilded Lane like 9 months now.

I would not put more money into an alternative center on it. I doubt you'll reach for it, if this is your initial reaction after sitting with it and thinking on it. I'd see if he can help you recoup your loss on the mount and side stones.

Visually, I think it's nice on you, but that doesn't matter. If you aren't happy with it, that's what matters. I would ask what he would suggest for selling the mount with the pears, to recoup some of the funds you put in it. I wouldn't throw more money at a mount you don't care for as a baseline.


Oct 23, 2011
@sweetpea&babycorn It's a beautifully made ring. I am sorry that it is too chunky for your liking. I understand and see your issues. I have been on that side before. If that was my ring, I would ask him to remove the center stone and sell the mounting for me, with the pears in it. He can list it for you and maybe he has some contacts in trade that would be willing to list it. Heck, maybe even Grace would list the mount as a favor to him?

If you aren't happy with it now, it's probably not going to grow on you. I am in the same boat with the ruby gilda style ring he made me. I felt it was clunky/big and while made beautifully, it never grew on me. It's sat for sale with Gilded Lane like 9 months now.

I would not put more money into an alternative center on it. I doubt you'll reach for it, if this is your initial reaction after sitting with it and thinking on it. I'd see if he can help you recoup your loss on the mount and side stones.

Visually, I think it's nice on you, but that doesn't matter. If you aren't happy with it, that's what matters. I would ask what he would suggest for selling the mount with the pears, to recoup some of the funds you put in it. I wouldn't throw more money at a mount you don't care for as a baseline.

This. FWIW, I would have zero issues rocking this setting! Sigh.


Nov 2, 2012
Well that's a shame. It's a beautiful ring. :(

I usually wear my largest rings on my middle finger. They seem more visually balanced that way. Just a thought, if you decide to keep the setting and replace the center stone.


Nov 4, 2009
Thanks for your additional thoughts, all. I've been off work for the holiday and with my kids, and honestly haven't been reaching for the ring as often as I hoped I would. The size still hasn't grown on me, and with how wide it is due to the side stones, I worry it'll scratch the baby. So I think I am going to move forward with the reset. I'm heading into IDJ on Thursday, and Israel wants to see the center stone.

I found a prasiolite that could hopefully fit in the center, and I've messaged Sako to see if he'd be willing to set it and then resize the ring to fit my middle right finger. I'll be in Anaheim in February so maybe it would work out for me to meet up with him and drop off the stone and setting. I know I could recover some costs by trying to sell the setting, but I really do love it. It's just not the engagement ring style I want to be sporting every day.


Dec 17, 2008
@sweetpea&babycorn Is IDJ going to order the Stuller setting for you or are you getting it a different way? I asked IDJ about a
Stuller setting and they said I would have to get it and send it to them (they would be happy to set my stone for me).

Was kind of surprised that they didnt "work" with Stuller directly.


May 12, 2020
I am officially in the two week club! I just finalized the details for my WF 2.15ctw. 5-Stone ACA band. I'm so excited, but truth be told also a little nervous. I have a dark fear in the back of my mind, that the hype of the ideal cut won't be noticeable. Logic has little to do with that, but still....


Aug 27, 2019
Well I am moving way further away from the two week club. Plans for custom setting fell apart and the stone will be on it's way loose. Sad but figured it was best just to stop the project rather than spend when I am not 100% sure.


Nov 4, 2009
@sweetpea&babycorn Is IDJ going to order the Stuller setting for you or are you getting it a different way? I asked IDJ about a
Stuller setting and they said I would have to get it and send it to them (they would be happy to set my stone for me).

Was kind of surprised that they didnt "work" with Stuller directly.

That’s interesting. I’ve been emailing back and forth with Lisa and she said they could order it for me and was able to give me price quotes on multiple settings. Perhaps they’ve changed their policy??


Dec 17, 2008
That’s interesting. I’ve been emailing back and forth with Lisa and she said they could order it for me and was able to give me price quotes on multiple settings. Perhaps they’ve changed their policy??

Yes, perhaps...I am glad to see that they are working with them now though! Interesting!


Aug 27, 2019
I have a telephone call set up Saturday with a designer that I am so excited to speak to about the asscher! So still nowhere near the two week club but excited that this designer wants to discuss setting my stone!


Nov 4, 2009
I have a telephone call set up Saturday with a designer that I am so excited to speak to about the asscher! So still nowhere near the two week club but excited that this designer wants to discuss setting my stone!

When you're able to share more details, please do!!! This sounds so exciting!!!

In an update on my very annoying (and self-inflicted) setting saga, I went to IDJ today. As a side note (and this may be an unpopular opinion), I am so turned off by the diamond district. I know it's THE place to visit for diamonds, but I feel it's so congested, and taking a shaky elevator up a skeevy-ish building to a tiny unit it so weird and made this whole experience seem unwholesome. Anyway, I digress.

Lisa was not available today, but she said to ask for Israel, who had no idea who I was or why I was there, which was a bit of a turn off because I spent less time in the city just to see him than the time I spent traveling to get there. He complimented the setting and my center stone, but basically said I was a moron if I thought it'd be a good idea to set my stone in a Stuller setting. He was lecturing me about the setting Sako made me as if I picked it up off the street (hahahah little did he know), but I let him talk; I think it's maybe just a cultural thing? He said because of the shape of my stone, it wouldn't fit a standard Stuller setting, that he could get the setting in for me but would not set it.

So, he is making me a setting. Now thinking about it in retrospect, I should've walked away and go to OWD, or contact David to reset it back into its old setting. Something about making the trip all the way over there, plus knowing that I would not enjoy the ring the way it was, and being in that cramped office with multiple people listening on to our conversation and waiting for my answer just made me say yes. So now they have my ring, and they are going to make a plain 14k YG bezel setting for me. It'll be very simple and clean, no milgrain or anything.

So now I have to figure out which kidney to sell. Just kidding. I will probably start listing some items I no longer wear very much on pre-loved/LT and sell some scrap pieces to try to recoup a fraction of this mess I've created.


Aug 14, 2018
@sweetpea&babycorn if you are having misgivings can you just abort and go get your ring back? Having DK reset seems like a good temporary option since it’s a solitaire and a bezel that you mentioned wanting to go back to. Sending hugs - I’m so sorry this experience has been difficult.


Aug 27, 2019
When you're able to share more details, please do!!! This sounds so exciting!!!

In an update on my very annoying (and self-inflicted) setting saga, I went to IDJ today. As a side note (and this may be an unpopular opinion), I am so turned off by the diamond district. I know it's THE place to visit for diamonds, but I feel it's so congested, and taking a shaky elevator up a skeevy-ish building to a tiny unit it so weird and made this whole experience seem unwholesome. Anyway, I digress.

Lisa was not available today, but she said to ask for Israel, who had no idea who I was or why I was there, which was a bit of a turn off because I spent less time in the city just to see him than the time I spent traveling to get there. He complimented the setting and my center stone, but basically said I was a moron if I thought it'd be a good idea to set my stone in a Stuller setting. He was lecturing me about the setting Sako made me as if I picked it up off the street (hahahah little did he know), but I let him talk; I think it's maybe just a cultural thing? He said because of the shape of my stone, it wouldn't fit a standard Stuller setting, that he could get the setting in for me but would not set it.

So, he is making me a setting. Now thinking about it in retrospect, I should've walked away and go to OWD, or contact David to reset it back into its old setting. Something about making the trip all the way over there, plus knowing that I would not enjoy the ring the way it was, and being in that cramped office with multiple people listening on to our conversation and waiting for my answer just made me say yes. So now they have my ring, and they are going to make a plain 14k YG bezel setting for me. It'll be very simple and clean, no milgrain or anything.

So now I have to figure out which kidney to sell. Just kidding. I will probably start listing some items I no longer wear very much on pre-loved/LT and sell some scrap pieces to try to recoup a fraction of this mess I've created.

I will, thank you for the encouragement and I hope everything works out well for you. I wonder maybe if you could get your ring back and discuss things with David whether about your old setting or a new one.

I also want to say thank you for sharing your experience, it made me really think when I wasn't happy with the model for the custom setting I was working on. It was a different vendor than yours but a pricey one and I just couldn't see paying for something I wasn't sure I would want long term. I don't want to name them because I have to say they were awesome and handled the situation amazingly, it just was not a fit this time around.
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