
SYTYCD: Season 5

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Mar 2, 2009
So, I haven''t really been following the show, but caught today''s result show.
WTF is Kupono wearing??? It''s like a halter top for men. Or like chaps for your chest. What is with the outfit?


Dec 14, 2007
Awwww Kupono....

Not gonna miss Randi.

I still love Ade (what is up with the same solo, was it just me?), and Melissa. Kayla and Brandon are my next two.

I hope Jason and Jeanine go home. I don''t like them. I can''t even explain it, but it''s not good. Even after last night. Meh.

And MARY needs to SHUT UP.


Aug 8, 2005
Mary shuts up beautifully for me. I love DVR. Just fast forward right through her annoying mouth. Or put her on mute. Really, it''s the only way. I loved the way Debbi blamed Mary for Randi being on the chopping block and saying she hates the PD. Sometimes I think she''s the most genuine of the judges, I like Nappy Tabs too as judges. I always enjoy it when Debbie''s on and when Mary is on mute. Seriously, a woman can get choked up and get that glimmer in her eyes only a few times without tears falling before it screams CROCODILE. And um... botox much? Maybe that''s why she hoots and hollers. That''s the only way you can be sure of her feelings cause honey, those face muscles are PARALYZED.

Yes, I know I''m a catty witch. I never claimed otherwise.


Nov 2, 2007
Date: 7/17/2009 1:00:41 AM
Author: FrekeChild
Awwww Kupono....

Not gonna miss Randi.

I still love Ade (what is up with the same solo, was it just me?), and Melissa. Kayla and Brandon are my next two.

I hope Jason and Jeanine go home. I don''t like them. I can''t even explain it, but it''s not good. Even after last night. Meh.

And MARY needs to SHUT UP.

The screaming has gotten out of control and I just hit FF when it''s Mary''s turn to talk. Unless she''s giving technical info on ballroom, I skip her.

Ade. I think he''s great, but I find him kind of boring as a soloist. I think I have a slight crush on him. No one tell Nate.

I think I''m with you on Jason and Jeanine. There''s just something I don''t know about. I didn''t get the standing ovation though.

Anyway, top four predictions! Brandon, Kayla, Evan, and Melissa.


Feb 20, 2008
Hahaha! I never watched this show until this season. I have a group of about 10 girlfriends, and we watch the show on Thursday night. We watch both episodes actually (Wed night too). We have a themed dinner and we each bring something to eat. Last night''s theme was some food starting with the letter "M" for my first name. Hee hee...I digress...

Anyway, I am getting hooked! I don''t really like reality TV and went just to be with my friends, but now I''m getting all into it.

The best part is that we each put 5 dollars in and randomly drew 2 names of the top 20 dancers (I guess that''s what they did). Anyway, I have Brandon and they all hate me for it. If I win, I get 50 bucks, and they hate it because I am not a "true" fan like they are. Hahaha! I told them if I win I will buy them all drinks with the money (which here in Houston doesn''t even equal one drink per person). OK, that''s all I can really contribute.



Jul 27, 2005
Well, Freke, I''m with you on Jason (even after that great routine) ... but I think Jeannine has a *really* good chance to win this. She has a Kelly Clarkson quality that America just lurves. And, as great as the dancers are this year - there aren''t many "stars".

My Top Four Prediction

And, honestly, I think only Evan could beat her in the "love with their whole hearts" category that makes people dial like crazy. I haven''t been on the fan boards or anything but I don''t sense the worldwide Brandon-love that I did for Danny (even though I hated him). We''ll see I guess ...



Aug 8, 2005
I don't get how people vote on these shows. So my predicitions are never on target. Still fun to make them.

I think Brandon and Karla are the best dancers. But as we've seen in previous seasons, that doesn't mean squat.

The two J ladies are surprising me week after week. But I much prefer Janette to Jeanine. Though Jeanine did really well this week. Yes, the kiss was totally too long.

Mellisa BUGGED me this week. She was totally hamming it up for the cameras. I thought that Brandon out danced her.

Personally I think Evan needs to go home soon with Jason and Melissa, and Jeanine (even aftter this week).

Ade's solo's are just flat out boring. But he's great fun in couples dancing.

Not sorry to see Randi go home after that performance (what was that??), and Kuppono has bugged me from the start.

My top four are:

I think Janette has a sincerity Kayla lacks for me. Plus, she's closing the gap techinically. So as much as I like to watch Kayla, I am rooting for Janette as the top female-- she actually reminds me a little of Katie, she's a great dancer and she really commits. Kayla is like... one of the dolls in the Dollhouse programed to be the perfect dancer with a fixed smile on her face. Ade and Brandon, well... Brandon is just THAT much better, which will probably cause everyone to vote him off because we can't have the best dancer winning the popularity contest after all
. He's doing better than Will did last year though. People really hated Will.

And about Debbie, I think I was on crack when I said I love her. She's actually just so poetic and flowery and... artsy fartsy that by herself she's annoying. I think it's just that after Mary, she's a relief, but then, who wouldn't be? Um... except for the guy who makes up his own words/and or meanings to words. He's worse.


Aug 17, 2007
Pretty much agree with Gypsy.

I am bugged by the popularity thing. I know that this is a popularity contest, but it really irks me that Evan has such a huge following when he is clearly out of his element. Again, in his style, he is amazing, but he can''t do any of the other styles well enough. Watching him in the group dance (African one) was sort of painful. Yes, he "kept" up, but come on, that is nowhere near enough at this stage. I cannot understand how Ade was in the bottom 2 and not Evan.

Same with Kayla. I know she was "safe" this week, but seems like people hate her b/c the judges like her? And Will last year. I don''t know, I don''t really care about their "personalities" on this show, as long as they bring it and dance well. Of course, they need "personality" when they perform.

I miss last year. I miss Katee and Joshua and Twitch and Chelsie and Will. Hope they are some of the ones back next week for the 100th episode.

My top four are:

Oh, and I can''t wait for Ellen DeGeneres to be a "judge" next week. She cracks me up. I''m waiting for her to "make up" her own words a la Tyce and Lil C.


Nov 17, 2004
Well, I agree it was time for Randi and Kupono to go after that hideous dance of theirs this week.

My favorites remain Brandon and Kayla; IMO they are pretty clearly the best. Of course, this means they will not win

China- I agree with you about Evan. I like him a lot. However, I do not think his dancing outside his own style is up to the level with the rest of the remaining dancers. I was a little shocked that Ade was in the bottom two instead of Evan.

I miss Katee and Joshua from last season too. Crossing my fingers that they make an appearance on the 100th show.


Nov 2, 2007
Ade is a horrible soloist. There is something I don''t like about his movement. That''s why I pick Evan over him, because at the end of the day, it''s about the individual dancer.


May 18, 2008
I am not convinced Ade can really dance. His solos, while full of power and stunts, leave something to be desired. He was carried by Melissa and Jeanette, so I am really interested in seeing him steal the spotlight. He and Melissa were my favorite couple, but I know she was carrying them.

I was ready to see Kupono go. I *LOVED* the Mia routine with him and Kayla--seriously the best thing all season--but otherwise he was always meh for me. FI hates his outfits, too, MakingtheGrade and his commentary to this effect every time we watch may color my opinion of him.

I also am starting to really hope they get some real hip hop dancers for the Fall season. I think the reason NappyTabs are getting so old, Freke (because I totally +1 you on this) is because they are choreographing all the hip hop this season because none of the dancers are strong enough in hip hop to actually pull off a Shane Sparks or Lil C routine (i.e. real hip hop). The reason they go with this slow hop light garbage, IMO, is that it is easy for a trained dancer in jazz or contemporary to make the transition (unlike real hip hop) because it really is just jazz with a couple hip hop moves for good measure.

And, Gypsy, we also must DVR to ff through all the Mary-moments and the God-awful performances. Do I want to hear see Kelly Rollins sing lip sync her crappy single? Nope.

ETA: Nothing makes me snippier than the SYTYCD thread for some reason. I'm not usually such a spitfire (not on PS anyways).


Nov 2, 2007
Date: 7/20/2009 1:52:52 AM
Author: katamari
I am not convinced Ade can really dance. His solos, while full of power and stunts, leave something to be desired. He was carried by Melissa and Jeanette, so I am really interested in seeing him steal the spotlight. He and Melissa were my favorite couple, but I know she was carrying them.

I was ready to see Kupono go. I *LOVED* the Mia routine with him and Kayla--seriously the best thing all season--but otherwise he was always meh for me. FI hates his outfits, too, MakingtheGrade and his commentary to this effect every time we watch may color my opinion of him.

I also am starting to really hope they get some real hip hop dancers for the Fall season. I think the reason NappyTabs are getting so old, Freke (because I totally +1 you on this) is because they are choreographing all the hip hop this season because none of the dancers are strong enough in hip hop to actually pull off a Shane Sparks or Lil C routine (i.e. real hip hop). The reason they go with this slow hop light garbage, IMO, is that it is easy for a trained dancer in jazz or contemporary to make the transition (unlike real hip hop) because it really is just jazz with a couple hip hop moves for good measure.

And, Gypsy, we also must DVR to ff through all the Mary-moments and the God-awful performances. Do I want to hear see Kelly Rollins sing lip sync her crappy single? Nope.

ETA: Nothing makes me snippier than the SYTYCD thread for some reason. I''m not usually such a spitfire (not on PS anyways).

Quite the opposite. When he''s choreographed, he''s excellent, he just can''t choreograph himself. It''s a big overstatement to say Melissa carried him and even bigger one to say Jeanette carried him because Jeanette was totally horrible in the hip hop number they had. And I think the reason she is still there is because of Brandon.

Were you referring to Kelly Rowland? She didn'' lip sync. And even though I don''t personally care for the song, it''s a bonafide hit. I can listen to her over Beyonce any day of the week.


Jun 19, 2008
Date: 7/20/2009 1:52:52 AM
Author: katamari

And, Gypsy, we also must DVR to ff through all the Mary-moments and the God-awful performances. Do I want to hear see Kelly Rollins sing lip sync her crappy single? Nope.

ETA: Nothing makes me snippier than the SYTYCD thread for some reason. I''m not usually such a spitfire (not on PS anyways).
Haha Katamari I think I commented on the lip-synching earlier in this thread, the week that it happened. If we''re talking about the same girl (I don''t know what her name was), it was SO obvious she was lip-synching that I was kind of offended they''d let her on there to do that. The one I talked about was some girl in a teeny skirt with backup dancers all in bright colors, and they were alll (lead singer included) gyrating and bouncing ALL OVER the stage, while she was supposedly singing all these runs and hitting notes octaves above the melody. But her mouth wasn''t moving anywhere NEAR the amount it would need to be to actually make those sounds come out of her mouth. Plus the singing was spot-on, compared to someone who would obviously be faltering, even just a bit, if they were moving around that much while singing. I mean, I kind of compare it to Fergie this week - I think it was pretty obvious the BEP were at least really singing then, because if you listened closely, there were a few times she didn''t do the run exactly like she''s supposed to, or she wasn''t right on pitch, or something like that. Still a great performance, but it''s at least believeable to me. It''s just not possible to be so active on stage and sing like you''re in the studio.

Hehe this stuff makes me snippy too.


Jun 19, 2008
Date: 7/16/2009 9:34:04 PM
Author: MakingTheGrade
So, I haven''t really been following the show, but caught today''s result show.
WTF is Kupono wearing??? It''s like a halter top for men. Or like chaps for your chest. What is with the outfit?
MTG not sure if you know, since you said you haven''t been following it all season, but Kupono makes his own outfits. He takes pride in all that. Haha you''ve missed some interesting ones - one night he wore neon green fur over just one shoulder.


Jun 19, 2008
I watched the results show this weekend. Kind of missed Nigel, since he''s generally the most rational of all the judges (with some definite excepts, though, haha). I remember thinking while FF through the commercials, that it''s only 15 minutes into the show, and they''ve already revealed the bottom 4. What they heck are they going to do as filler? Hm, ok they''re showing some snippets from next season''s auditions. Ok, the Black Eyed Peas are going to perform - yay! ... WHAT? They''re performing solos?? Again??? Haha, just to "show us why they deserve to be here, even though the decision is already made???? Yeah.... and to ask Mary and Debbie WHY they were in the bottom 2?? Umm... popularity, of course!!! Anyway, I thought all that was pretty dumb. They could have made that a 30 minute show if they''d kept the pace from the beginning. What a waste of TV airtime and my time. (Hehe ok, rant over.

I enjoyed the BEP - thought they gave a great performance. I like how supportive she said they were of the show and all.

ETA: Oh! Meant to ask this last week. How did they make Cat''s hair so short last week? I wondered that and couldn''t figure it out - I really thought she''d cut it, haha. Naive me.


Jul 27, 2005
Okay ... I know everyone was crying over that one routine ... but, honestly, I thought it was just okay. Not Emmy material. C''mon people. Watch that again on tape. I dunno. Yes the subject matter is moving but this is a dance competition & I think they paid too much attention to the subject matter & not enough to the *dance*.

Moving on ... I am not a Kayla fan -- at all -- but I thought she really shined tonight. Real star quality for the first time. That first number of hers was very glamorous and the 2nd was so fun &, um BUCK. Jason really shined in the 2nd one also. Maybe he has something.

Loved the Battlefield Pop/Hop too ... not much else stood out for me tonight. Including solos. The group number at the beginning was pretty good. I bet whathisname becomes a frequent choreographer. Travis Wall ... that''s it.

HOWEVER -- I really don''t know who I think should go home. This is a strong final group. Even if the choreographers aren''t doing their best work -- its hard to find a lot of flaws with the dancers. Before tonight''s show I would have said: Kayla & Jason to go home ... now? They were real stand outs tonight. And Mia Michaels said Jeanette was her fave dancer of all. Is that the kiss of death, ya think? I can really see her going home now as her fans might be complacent. And maybe Ade? Or will Cancer Dance save him & Brandon get kicked? I can''t imagine Jason going home after those two strong, flashy dances & being the closing #. And having a good solo. Real nailbiter.

Still kinda feeling Jeannine for the win. Kelly Clarkson-appeal, as I''ve said before. Or Evan? Just pure crowd swell support?

Kinda wish no one had to go home & we could do the final from here ... oh well.


Apr 6, 2005
I agree with Nigel, it was pretty darn boring until the battlefield number. I was moved by the cancer one but not so much by the dancing but from everyone crying. I sure hope it''s not Branden going home.


Jan 1, 2007
I LOVED the Battlefield was so good and Brandon was so powerful in it! I do like Jeanine but I didn''t think she gave it as much feeling and oomph as Brandon did. The judges said she kept up with him but I disagreed. She was still good though, and her solo was probably my fave.

The Cancer Dance was good but not mind blowing. I liked the lifts-they did a lot of cool ones I don''t think I''ve seen before. I really liked the one where Melissa jumped on his back with like her shins. That probably made no sense but maybe you''ll know what I''m talking about!

Melissa''s solo SUUUUUUCKED. That''s basically what a solo would look like if I choreographed it. I wasn''t crazy about any of the solos tonight either.

What else...hmmm...I thought Nigel was giving Evan a hard time. I thought he did a good job in both numbers, really. Nothing else really stands out. I''m not too impressed with the choreography this season. I always end up disappointed after the performance shows.


Mar 29, 2008
I just finished watching the battlefield number and it has been :::yawn:::: boring. I had to pause the DVR to catch up to the commercials. All solos have sucked tonight. Poor Evan. Thank gawd Ellen is there tonight to prop him up...and Mia. I swear Mia is brilliant but I'm also convinced she's bipolar.

ETA: I changed my mind already (she maybe I'm bipolar...whatever. Jeannine had the best solo. But then again, I am a huge Citizen Hope fan, so maybe I was seduced by the song.

I still think it's Brandon, Jeannine and Jeanette.

ETA: Okay, I just watched the "Cancer" routine. It made me cry. Melissa and Ade were amazing. I'm so torn now.


Dec 14, 2007
That dance hurt to watch.


Oct 25, 2006
I''m so sorry Freke..... Major Hugs


Nov 2, 2007
So, my grandmother died from breast cancer. However, I still think it''s time for Ade to go. I''m convinced that this is his week.


Mar 29, 2008
(((((((((((( Freke ))))))))))))<-----big long hug.

I''m sure your face looked something like Mia''s afterward. I know that mine did.


Dec 14, 2007
So what did you guys think of the show tonight?


Aug 8, 2005
Okay so. Wednesday's show.

First routine... I never been to see Evan and bondage again. Still like Janette a lot. NO chemisty with these two though.

Second Routing.. Brandon and other J. SNOOOZE. Boring. Bordering on bad.

Third Routine... Cha Cha. HOT MESS with Ade and the Ballerina. HOT MESS.

Fourth Routine... Kayla and Jason. I really really enjoyed it. First time I've liked Jason. Kayla is of course "perfect"... I swear she's programmed for dancing. Agree with Mia's "Broadway by Stom" (Agree Mia's just uneven)

Fifth routine... Evan does NOT work as sexy and passionate. Just too far a stretch. Still like Janette (sound familiar?) a lot. No chemistry between these two though.

Sixth routine... Battlefield routine... They are out of synch but much better MUCH better than their first routine. Brandon outdanced her and won that battle. Didn't do enough for me, but it was interesting. Still compared to last season's Bleeding Love or the Doorway piece... completely flat.

Seventh routine...Cancer routine. Made me cry. Music, costume, and choregraphy just perfect. First time I think Ballerina had REAL sincerity for the first time in a long time. It was a beautiful. AND absolutely memorable. I rewinded and watched and watched again. It really emphasized Ade's strengths as a strong partner, and just effortless lifting and a MAN. Great partnership. Still dripping (I'm typing as I watch). Saving the episode on DVR just because of this number. ((HUGE HUGE HUGS TO FREKE)). Okay need to stop watching this one for now. It really was amazing.

EIGHTH dance .. Kayla and Jason Hop Hop. They killed it. And it was so MUCH FUN to watch (and boy did we need that!) And for the times time JASON was my favorite dancer in a routine. Zombie routine rocked. Rewinded it and really loved it. Great way to end the evening.

Wow. Now I get to watch the results show. Who should go?

Evan. Evan needs to go. And the "other" J girl (not Janette).

Let's see if America agreed with me (thank god for DVR so I can fast forward through most of it) though the highlights from previous seasons were great. Is anyone else grateful someone took Nigel's and Mary's hair in hand and got it under control??


KAYLA is bottom TWO?

Okay that's just not right. Top two females in terms of skills and technique? CRUD.

JASON IS BOTTOM TWO after yesterday? I can see how OVERALL he would be. But NOT after the show the other night.

I hate results shows.

Okay so the Cancer routine threw the results off. It HAD to have. That's the only reason WHY the dancers that are in the bottom four are in the bottom four.

(The Bench and Giesha routine's rocked)

ASIDE FROM THE RESULTS, this was the best results show yet. HELLO Vampire Goth routine. That rocked.

SO SAD about the female dancer that left. It was WRONG. Just freaking wrong. America got it wrong, is right Nigel. That did ruin the 100th episode.

Well, I can't say that I'm happy about the guy the went (since I have to watch ANOTHER week with Evan), but between the two... they got it right. I am ticked that he got kicked and Evan is still on.

I am officially ANTI EVAN. AND THE OTHER "J" GIRL. I want them GONE next week.


Nov 2, 2007
Date: 7/24/2009 2:24:49 AM
Author: FrekeChild
So what did you guys think of the show tonight?

I didn''t think it as good as the hyped it up to be. I figured it was going to come down to Jason or Ade for the guys and Jeanette and Melissa for the girls. I think Ade and Melissa were kind of given a bye (my mom voted for them, and she doesn''t usually vote) for the week, but I think next week, they should both be in the bottom. You guys know I''m all about some ballet. I trained a dancer for years, but I can do more than turn my feet out and I don''t remember who it was, Mia I think, that commented on how she was turning her feet in and out in the ballroom number. It was a trainwreck. Ade was all over the place.

One thing I have to say is that the best technically trained dancer does not always win. The only time that happened was in season 1, Nick Lazzarini. It came down to him and Melody. A lot of people thought Blake should have made the final, but Blake was too arrogant and I think that kind of did him in.

Season two probably should have been Travis or Donyelle. I didn''t think Benji was that great.

Danny was by far the best trained dancer from season 3, but if you watched every episode of the season and judged on growth and performance from week to week, Sara should won. I was happy with Sabra, however; because she was a great dancer to only have been dancing for less that 3 years.

Last year, Katee. That''s why they gave her money for being the last girl.

This year, it should be Brandon (like him or not, he''s the best of the lot. I think he''s great, but I like Evan more.), but I personally want Kayla to win. I think he is the best guy and she is the best girl. She hasn''t had a bad showing yet.

Top 4 revision:


At any rate, at least the top 4 will all be trained dancers this year.


Jul 27, 2005
Date: 7/24/2009 3:32:01 AM
Author: Gypsy
I am officially ANTI EVAN. AND THE OTHER ''J'' GIRL. I want them GONE next week.
Hon-aye ... those are the FINAL TWO. Believe it!


Dec 12, 2008
I''m so sad that Jeanette is gone
She really was amazing. I agree with Gypsy that the Cancer dance threw off the results.

Did anybody else think the Katie Holmes dance was ummmm....bad? I''m still confused as to why she was their guest start. She barely even knew anything about the charity she "co-founded."


Jan 1, 2007
Date: 7/24/2009 8:28:13 AM
Author: lucyandroger
I''m so sad that Jeanette is gone
She really was amazing. I agree with Gypsy that the Cancer dance threw off the results.

Did anybody else think the Katie Holmes dance was ummmm....bad? I''m still confused as to why she was their guest start. She barely even knew anything about the charity she ''co-founded.''

YES! Katie Holmes wasn''t even dancing! What was the point of that?! I thought last night''s show was kind of weak, honestly. The Hummingbird and Bench routines really didn''t blow me away. I did love the Wade Robson group number, though-I had never seen that one and it was awesome.

As for results, I think Melissa and Evan should have been cut. Jason is sort of whatever for me but he really killed it Wednesday so I was surprised, especially considering how hysterical all the teenage girls get for him.

And something about Melissa''s attitude annoys me. It seems like she doesn''t take the show as seriously as the others/isn''t as into it as they are. Maybe I''m just imagining things but that''s what it seems like to me.

I love Brandon. He is awesome and I LOVED his solo-so fun. I don''t mind Jeanine but she''s definitely not as good as Kayla. I would really be happy with Kayla or Brandon winning it. Ade is sort of up and down for me. Sometimes he''s amazing, other times it seems like he''s not trying that hard.

I think the bottom line is that guys are almost always going to win SYTYCD because the audience is probably like 90% female and a lot of them are probably teenage girls. It''s a bummer because last season I really think Katee should have won. She was AMAZING and Joshua was really not that good.


Nov 23, 2008
The results show was fabulous! It was so great to see those routines again! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Wade Robson routine. I liked it the first time around and it was just as good last night.

I am highly disappointed with the results. Evan should have went home. I love Jeanette. I didn''t want to see her leave.

What was up with the Katie Holmes number? That was more struting around than dancing!!!

I think the luck of the draw in the choreography plays a huge roll in the results. It will be interesting to see what kind of dances happen next week. I think Ballroom puts you at a disadvantage . . . especially near the end.

Is anyone going to see the live show? I really thought this season would be amazing and tight competition. Overall though I think I''m kind of disappointed. And a bit more so in the choreography I think. . . *shrug*
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