
SYTYCD: Season 5

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I watched. Happy Brandon and Kayla were safe. THEY ARE AWESOME... but sad to see who made up the bottom 4. Very interesting how a memorable choreography can skew the results.

Katie Holmes was adorable and SKINNY. That is all I could think of. WOW, LOOK AT HOW THIN SHE IS NOW! That and, wow her face is soo thin! She''s got that angular thing like really going on. I didn''t mind her dance moves. Some dances, well... are struts. i wasn''t blown away, but I was honestly entertained. But more so, I was distracted by the actress... and honestly, I couldn''t get much passed that fact. I was a little disappointed that she didn''t know more about the dizzy feet foundation, but I''m not that surprised, she''s just the name, the face, and the bank account... and that counts for A LOT. I also think it was awesome that she donated her fee to the foundation. Pretty sweet.

The old routines, well the hummingbird routine, honestly, lost its passion this time around. Maybe it was that I''ve seen it before... but it just felt as though they were out having fun, when that fear, that fire, of if I don''t get this right.. I may go home... was lost... and that fear, fire really made it magical the first time around. The Wade Robeson Group number was AWESOME. I really enjoyed that the most.
The cancer I''ve never been so moved by a piece of choreography. So sorry Freke, I can''t even imagine.

WTF was up with Katie Holmes?! I mean the singing was lip synched, the dancing was on a stage (not live)...all around stupid and pointless. Who knows how many takes they did before airing this one? Boo.

The voting on this show sucks. They shouldn''t leave it up to Amercia anymore!

It was fun seeing the old pieces again, but I was looking forward to the door piece. I thought they advertised it?
My thoughts on the season/show:

Katie Holmes piece was SUPER disappoiting. BF and I just looked at either other with this "how lame" face haha.

Bottom 4 was so ridiculous. Cancer dance definitely skewed things. I agree the dance was AMAZING but it wasn't the best dancers of the 6. I thought Melissa and Evan should have left last night. I hope the top 4 is:

Jeanine (I think shes the only one that doesn't really deserve to be there, I'm fully supportive of the other 3)

Also I just had a comment about everyone complaining that the best technically trained dancer doesn't always win. This is true, but it's important to note that the best technically trained dancer isn't always the BEST DANCER. Yes they can wow you with perfect turns and astounding leaps but there was something about Sabra that was intoxicating to watch that put her over Danny in my book. Or in season 1, Blake was incredible but you could totally tell that he knew it, what a turn off in a dancer. Idk, I just think it should be said that just because someone is the most trained doesn't mean they're the most talented.

I was glad to see the old dances, there were a few others that I wish had been included too (i.e. No Air dance from last season... gives me chills every time)

Can't wait to see who the top 4 are!
"Also I just had a comment about everyone complaining that the best technically trained dancer doesn't always win. This is true, but it's important to note that the best technically trained dancer isn't always the BEST DANCER. Yes they can wow you with perfect turns and astounding leaps but there was something about Sabra that was intoxicating to watch that put her over Danny in my book. Or in season 1, Blake was incredible but you could totally tell that he knew it, what a turn off in a dancer. Idk, I just think it should be said that just because someone is the most trained doesn't mean they're the most talented."

-This may be true, but THIS season, you can't say that about Evan. At all. I was a fan in the beginning, but he is seriously out of his element and is not only not the best technically trained dancer, he's not even close to the best dancer on the show, even from an entertainment standpoint. He can't keep up and it's starting to get embarrassing. There is no way that Brandon should have been in the bottom 2 instead of Evan.

As for the girls, I think Janette was probably the "best" dancer of the bunch- Kayla is obviously the most talented dancer, but Janette was pretty close AND brought that extra fire to her performances that I think people miss with Kayla. I understand if Kayla was sent home, not that she wasn't one of the strongest dancers, but I don't understand Janette. Janine, as cute as she is, should have gone home.

If Evan and Janine are the final two it will be a very sad statement. No one can seriously argue that they are the "best" either in terms of technique, personality, or entertainment.

Ok, sorry, just finished watching the results show and I'm still annoyed. DH told me to calm down, worried my angst is going to send me into labor.

I was sad to see Janette go...Boo....

Katie...oh Katie...that was Broadway 101...if that. Yea, she is skinny, but all I could focus on was the bum crease under her shorts. Realllllly??? Word to the doesn''t matter how skinny you are...there is such as thing as too short shorts.
Date: 7/24/2009 10:29:54 PM
Author: ChinaCat
''Also I just had a comment about everyone complaining that the best technically trained dancer doesn''t always win. This is true, but it''s important to note that the best technically trained dancer isn''t always the BEST DANCER. Yes they can wow you with perfect turns and astounding leaps but there was something about Sabra that was intoxicating to watch that put her over Danny in my book. Or in season 1, Blake was incredible but you could totally tell that he knew it, what a turn off in a dancer. Idk, I just think it should be said that just because someone is the most trained doesn''t mean they''re the most talented.''

-This may be true, but THIS season, you can''t say that about Evan. At all. I was a fan in the beginning, but he is seriously out of his element and is not only not the best technically trained dancer, he''s not even close to the best dancer on the show, even from an entertainment standpoint. He can''t keep up and it''s starting to get embarrassing. There is no way that Brandon should have been in the bottom 2 instead of Evan.

As for the girls, I think Janette was probably the ''best'' dancer of the bunch- Kayla is obviously the most talented dancer, but Janette was pretty close AND brought that extra fire to her performances that I think people miss with Kayla. I understand if Kayla was sent home, not that she wasn''t one of the strongest dancers, but I don''t understand Janette. Janine, as cute as she is, should have gone home.

If Evan and Janine are the final two it will be a very sad statement. No one can seriously argue that they are the ''best'' either in terms of technique, personality, or entertainment.

Ok, sorry, just finished watching the results show and I''m still annoyed. DH told me to calm down, worried my angst is going to send me into labor.


Oh I agree with you entirely. I never implied that Evan was the most talented at all. Evan and Jeanine should have gone, no question about it. But I also think the chances of either of them winning are slim. I was just making the point that those terms (most trained and most talented) are not synonymous. Brandon is the most trained and while I like him I don''t believe he is the most talented this season.
Oh sorry Callisto, didn''t mean to direct my Evan rant at you. I was just going off what you were saying b/c I thought it was a very interesting point and valid, but I was building on others''- not necessarily on this forum, just from other Evan fans- opinions on Evan. Sorry, you caught me in a rant!!!!

Interesting about Brandon, I find him the "best" because I think he is the most dynamic performer and always seems to outperform everyone else he dances with. I think Kayla is probably the "best" in terms of technique, she never makes a wrong move. But she''s not as dynamic. Ade is hit or miss- when he''s great, he''s amazing, but he is too inconsistent.

But, as others have said, neither Melissa, Evan or Kayla have had to do a real hip hop routine, which I find very suspect. Maybe the judges can''t even fathom having to watch Melissa or Evan pull that off! Though Melissa could surprise us, whenever they pan to her in the group dances she seems to be pulling it off.

I think it "should" have been Janette and Brandon in the end. Will be interesting to see what happens!

Did anyone else notice how awesome Wade Robson was as a performer? I couldn''t take my eyes off of him in the group dance, he was amazing.

Wished Katie Holmes had actually danced, b/c I think she can actually dance, or so I''ve heard. But I was impressed with her voice- I know it was lip-synched, but that was still her singing. But the whole thing seemed a bit awkward.
Date: 7/25/2009 7:23:40 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Interesting about Brandon, I find him the ''best'' because I think he is the most dynamic performer and always seems to outperform everyone else he dances with. I think Kayla is probably the ''best'' in terms of technique, she never makes a wrong move. But she''s not as dynamic. Ade is hit or miss- when he''s great, he''s amazing, but he is too inconsistent.

But, as others have said, neither Melissa, Evan or Kayla have had to do a real hip hop routine, which I find very suspect. Maybe the judges can''t even fathom having to watch Melissa or Evan pull that off! Though Melissa could surprise us, whenever they pan to her in the group dances she seems to be pulling it off.

I think it ''should'' have been Janette and Brandon in the end. Will be interesting to see what happens!

Wished Katie Holmes had actually danced, b/c I think she can actually dance, or so I''ve heard. But I was impressed with her voice- I know it was lip-synched, but that was still her singing. But the whole thing seemed a bit awkward.

I never post over here so it feels weird, but--I love this show! And, I agree with ya ChinaCat--Kayla and Brandon are spectacular. Kayla is just perfect, every time. I couldn''t believe she was in the bottom two ladies. Gorgeous, and she makes every routine look effortless.

It was a tough week because I loved the cancer piece. It was stunning choreography and I think the choice of dancers was perfect. At the same time, I really thought Melissa and Ade would go home this week. I was very sorry to see Jeanette go.

Lastly, Katie Holmes was horrific. That may sound harsh, but GAH. It hearkened back to the days of Dawson''s Creek when she sang a Les Miserables song on some episode, after so much was made of her ''Broadway talent,'' and it was truly painful. She''s cute and everything, but this is getting to be too much.
Date: 7/25/2009 1:27:41 AM
Author: miraclesrule

Katie...oh Katie...that was Broadway 101...if that. Yea, she is skinny, but all I could focus on was the bum crease under her shorts. Realllllly??? Word to the doesn''t matter how skinny you are...there is such as thing as too short shorts.

OMG, miracles, ME TOO! The girl looks waaaay too skinny, and yet, her butt was falling out! Not attractive. And a totally unimpressive performance. Kind of embarrassing for her, I would think.

I agree Jeanine and Evan "should" have been the ones to leave. Actually, I pretty much thought the bottom two should have been the opposite of what it was. As usual, I don''t vote though
Date: 7/24/2009 10:29:54 PM
Author: ChinaCat
If Evan and Janine are the final two it will be a very sad statement. No one can seriously argue that they are the ''best'' either in terms of technique, personality, or entertainment.
I''ll argue it. I think Evan and Jeannine have both shown way more personality than any of the other remaining contestants. And entertainment-wise, Evan''s solos are entirely unique to this series. A type of dance beloved by millions & millions of Americans yet absent from modern-day productions. They''re yearning for a new Gene Kelly ... Fred Astaire ... enter Evan. And the droopy hangdog face just adds to his appeal. Because these are the same people who like Humphrey Bogart or other quirky cool old Hollywood types.

Jeannine is just flat out Kelly Clarkson of dance. She has that wide goofy grin .. funny quips in all her interviews ... aw shucks demeanor ... yet is fierce & inventive in her solos. She adapts to every style as easily as Janette did ... but isn''t as desperate. She has a likeability that can only be matched by Evan.
Hmmm...I agree and disagree with you, deco.

I love Evan''s solos and he does have a great personality-I just haven''t been wowed by most of his other performances. But I won''t be surprised or even really disappointed if he''s in the finale.

As for Jeanine, I like her solos a lot, too, especially this last week''s solo. Plus she''s just plain gorgeous so I like looking at it wrong for me to factor that in?!

I just think overall when it comes to their performances, Kayla is always, always spot on and so is Brandon. (I LOVED Brandon''s solo last week...Kayla''s not so much, but her performances were great.) So as far as performances go, I think Brandon or Kayla should win it. As far as personality/charm/charisma, I wouldn''t be surprised if Evan won it.

Overall I''m not as into the show this season as I have been in other seasons. I think the choreography just isn''t as good as usual, and none of the dancers are as compelling to me as they were last season.
Date: 7/26/2009 10:22:39 AM
Author: decodelighted
Date: 7/24/2009 10:29:54 PM

Author: ChinaCat

If Evan and Janine are the final two it will be a very sad statement. No one can seriously argue that they are the 'best' either in terms of technique, personality, or entertainment.

I'll argue it. I think Evan and Jeannine have both shown way more personality than any of the other remaining contestants. And entertainment-wise, Evan's solos are entirely unique to this series. A type of dance beloved by millions & millions of Americans yet absent from modern-day productions. They're yearning for a new Gene Kelly ... Fred Astaire ... enter Evan. And the droopy hangdog face just adds to his appeal. Because these are the same people who like Humphrey Bogart or other quirky cool old Hollywood types.

Jeannine is just flat out Kelly Clarkson of dance. She has that wide goofy grin .. funny quips in all her interviews ... aw shucks demeanor ... yet is fierce & inventive in her solos. She adapts to every style as easily as Janette did ... but isn't as desperate. She has a likeability that can only be matched by Evan.

Ok, I can get behind you on Janine, you've convinced me. She does bring her personality to her dances, and I have been captivated by her, just not this week. I am cool with any of the girls remaining.

But what you said is exactly why I don't agree on Evan. WHERE is his personality when he dances? Besides his solos. Perhaps this is just a difference in what we are looking at. When I say personality, I mean when they dance. Not in their interviews. I could care less what their personality is when they aren't dancing. I mean, it helps for sure, but I would never vote for someone b/c they are cute in interviews but don't bring it when they dance. And that's my problem with Evan. I keep waiting for Evan's personality to come through when he dances and it never does. And yes, it does in his solos, but that's not enough, IMO. Now, I put way more emphasis on the choreographed dances than the solos, so if you are only going on solos, then I can see why someone might push Evan. But for me, the solos get them to the top 20, but after that, it's about the dances each week. And I love the Gene Kelly style, love love it when he dances it. So I keep waiting for his grace and joy that I see in his solo to come across in his other dances, but he just seems flat. I don't know if he is intimidated or uncomfortable or what, but I am disappointed when he doesn't bring that same grace. It isn't that I don't like Evan, it's that I want to see what is "Evan" about his other dances, and he never does.

So it seems like it depends on what your criteria is. Sounds like Deco and Penn put more emphasis on the solos, which I guess gets you to Evan. But if you put more emphasis on the dances, then Evan falls short.

Question: do you guys vote? I realize I'm being hypocritical here, since I don't vote and then get annoyed when "America" gets it wrong, or at least IMO.

And Thing2, I agree, I am not as captivated as last season. They keep saying this season has the "best" dancers so far, I assume they mean technically, but it just hasn't risen to last year's season for me.
I''m glad it''s not just me, ChinaCat. I''ve been kind of bummed this season because it''s kind of pathetic how much I look forward to the show every week!
And I don''t know why they''re saying it''s the "best" group of dancers, either! Even if they mean technically, last year there were some fantastic dancers. Will and Katee come to mind as being just as strong technically as some of the dancers this season.

I haven''t voted once this year...I guess I just haven''t felt moved to vote by anything! Last year I voted often-probably every week.
Date: 7/26/2009 12:29:03 PM
Author: thing2of2
I''m glad it''s not just me, ChinaCat. I''ve been kind of bummed this season because it''s kind of pathetic how much I look forward to the show every week!
And I don''t know why they''re saying it''s the ''best'' group of dancers, either! Even if they mean technically, last year there were some fantastic dancers. Will and Katee come to mind as being just as strong technically as some of the dancers this season.

I haven''t voted once this year...I guess I just haven''t felt moved to vote by anything! Last year I voted often-probably every week.

While there are some lovely dancers this year, the attachment is not there for me. Yes, I am a weirdo, but I cared more about the dancers last year. That is probably the major difference. Perhaps this has something to do with the poor choreography/ lack of memorable numbers?

This year I just don''t care who wins. Last year I was PISSED when Katee got screwed, enough that I did not watch the finale (on DVR).
I love Brandon... technically he''s out of this world. To be honest, I''m sick of Evan. Yea, he was fun and different at first... but he doesn''t hold a candle to Brandon in the technique department. In no way do I mean to offend Evan fans, but I couldn''t believe how Brandon was in the bottom two while Evan was safe. For me personally, the dancers with the best technique tend to be my favourite (I''m guessing it''s because of 16 years of dance training).
Hey Chinacat!

I think I''m actually putting more stock in the *interviews* & taped pieces & how they react to criticism & how they interact with each other & Kat than I am in the solos (though they are important). I know it doesn''t have a LICK to do with how good a DANCER they are ... but it has a TON to do with the "FAVORITE" part of "America''s Favorite Dancer".

Have had a bit of success in guessing the results for Idol & previous SYTYCD seasons -- and I weigh *heavily* on the likability factor. The *lovablilty* factor. I think it explains a lot about the Kris Allen win, and the Taylor win & the Ruben win & the Benji win & the Joshua win actually (though Twitch would have made a bit more sense in my theory -- Joshua''s edge on skill did push him ahead of Twitch''s charm). You don''t just have to be AMAZING to inspire votes ... you have to be intrinsically lovable in a way that makes people want you to win so badly that they''ll dial for hours & hours.

I''d guess differently if *judges* were deciding the winner ... or if I thought only educated dance fans were watching the show. But it appeals to such a wide mainstream dance-dunce audience that a greater percentage of votes come from folks who don''t know what the heck they''re judging on anyhoo. They pick who they *like* ... who dances to the song they know from the radio ... who doesn''t put their foot in their mouth or look snobby or seem overconfident or desperate. Its the "Layman Scale" if you will.

Agree that this season hasn''t been so awesome when it comes to choreography ... maybe its the fact that in retrospect we remember only the highlights of the whole last season -- when they really were spread out over 12 weeks or so. Maybe the hit quotient is as high *really* but it doesn''t seem it. Also: Russian Folk? Bollywood again and again? Are they getting too out there maybe?
Date: 7/26/2009 5:44:18 PM
Author: decodelighted
Agree that this season hasn't been so awesome when it comes to choreography ... maybe its the fact that in retrospect we remember only the highlights of the whole last season -- when they really were spread out over 12 weeks or so. Maybe the hit quotient is as high *really* but it doesn't seem it. Also: Russian Folk? Bollywood again and again? Are they getting too out there maybe?

I don't know if it's just me remembering the highlights, but that is a good point. I just liked the dancers more and I really do think the choreography overall was better. I agree on the dance style choices themselves being part of the problem. I mean, Nigel HATED the Russian Folk number, so why did they have it to begin with?! And Bollywood is cool but I don't know if we need to see it more than once a season.

And then they haven't had the best choreographers enough, I don't think. I LOVED the African group number so much-why haven't they had that choreographer do a paired dance? And what about that awesome contemporary number in the second or third episode by the Canadian choreographer? I loved that and they haven't had her back since. And they've only had a couple of Wade Robson numbers, and he's one of the best. Same goes for Mia Michaels-haven't they only had her do 2, maybe 3 dances? And what about the pas de deux last year? That was AMAZING. I know they did the Romeo & Juliet thing but I would love to see more like the one Katee and Will did last year.

And then Shane Sparks did not wow me at all with his first 2 pieces this season, and they had him back for a third time last week! (It was good last week, I'll admit it, but still!) ETA and I forgot about Sonja (sp?)! Her dances all look the same to me...I'm not sure if I need to see them so often even though I do like her.

I am looking forward to season 6 already, though. I'm so excited I don't have to wait until next summer to see more! Hopefully they'll step it up for season 6.
I just haven''t loved this season.

I mean after Danny, Sabre, Ian, Travis etc etc I just don''t think this group has it- the judge talk them up- your the best we have every had....WHATTT??? Do you remember Cameron and Lacy, Twitch, Ian''s Plank????

Least it comes back on in September.
Wade Robson... i big fluff heart you.

Who''s spot did he take in the line up?
Speaking of Wade- he was a star seach contestant in 1990! There is a youtube vid out there. If you want some good tunes search Itunes for the Wade Robson Project. AMAZING.
Hiya Deco!

Ah, so I think we are actually on the same page, the only difference is that you are predicting the win, and are ok with it, and I am lamenting your predictions and am bugged by the "layman mentality". I think you are exactly right in what you said up there. And I guess that''s what bothers me. I don''t generally watch reality shows for this very reason- American Idol is painful to me, seems like mediocrity is actually encouraged. Though it doesn''t bother me as much with AI, as I can see it for what it is- a reality entertainment show. But for some reason it bothers me with this show, guess I like talent to win out over being "nice"!!!!

You are right though, it IS a reality show, and I guess America has a right to their (stupid, wrong, lame) opinions.

I sound obnoxious when I re-read my opinions. What do I know? I guess I should shut up and vote now, huh?

Iwanna- don''t know if Wade took someone''s place or not- for some reason, I guess I thought they just "added" him, but don''t know. It is so fun to see the actual choreographers dance- would love to see Shane Sparks and Nappy Tabs. Not sure if I can see Mia dancing her amazing routines though. Hmmm.

And Deco, I do wonder if you are right, if our retrospective interpretation of last season is heightened, when in reality there were probably just as many lame dances. I don''t think there has been as many outstanding dances though. I would have gone to see last year''s tour, this year, not much I want to see again.

Ok, and don''t throw things at me, but I like Katie Holmes.
The performance was lame, I agree.
Date: 7/27/2009 4:39:15 PM
Author: iwannaprettyone
search Itunes for the Wade Robson Project. AMAZING.
that show was Da Bomb! (retro lingo = appropriate re: retro things?)

And China Cat,
Don''t know if I''m "okay" with popularity/niceness/likability seemingly always being the winning factor. Just resigned to it. For me its a game to see how well I can predict what "America" will do. It ties in a bit to what I do for work & helps keep me on my game so to speak. I used to wish talent would always win out. Until I met so many talented *holes! And until I realized I had a lot more control over niceness than I did talent. LOL!
Someone please give me an update!! I was at the movies tonight and missed it...
I thought it was the strongest overall night of the season. Lots of good stuff.

KAYLA really impressed me & I am not usually a fan. I think the producers have slipped her tapes of Julianne from DWTS. Seemed almost like an impression of Julianne tonight in the Disco number -- but it worked for her. She has a TERRIBLE time showing personality & somehow did in that number. Her other number was amazing too. And BRANDON was just as great in both of those numbers as well. Also not usually a fan. So it takes them being pretty remarkable for me to even "go there" w/ them. And I did. So there.

JEANNINE was phenom as usual. Didn't think they gave her enough credit for that first dance -- she rocked it. And the Hip Hop was one of the best Hip Hops of the season. Certainly the grimiest (in a good way). I want a belt with SMOOCH written across the back of it -- (as in Kiss My ***, I'm sure) ADE was great in the NappyTabs but only okay in the first.

Oh boy ... MELISSA ... not good tonight. Seemed absent. Like she knows she's out of her depth. EVAN was great I thought. And his solo TIPPY TIPPY TOPS. BRANDON's was pretty buck too. And JEANNINE's.

We'll see. Wasn't so crazy about either Trio number -- but give them all credit for not standing out in a bad way. EXTRA credit to EVAN who was such an underdog in that powerful company ... but nailed it.

Thinking about voting. If I did, I'd vote for JEANNINE. She's the total package ... personality, skill, versatility, strength, musicality, quips, star quality and that extra something that just connects with people. IMHO. Only EVAN could beat her at this point.

Oh: And the choreography was strong this week. Love the Canadian chick's "Mistress" routine, the Speed Devil Disco, Nappy Tabs Movin On Up and the very first number which involved Lady Gaga & some kind of Disco Stick.

EVAN BRANDON JEANNINE KAYLA. That's how I call it. Buh bye ADE & MELLISA What do you guys think?
Hiya Deco! Wanted to say about your comment above, about meeting talented a**sholes, I hear you, I used to work in the film industry in LA. Enough said.

I agree with you 100% on everything tonight!

EXCEPT Evan. Sorry.
I think he held his own in the group dance, i.e., didn''t embarrass himself at all and kept up, but was by far the weakest dancer in that trio dance. Ade and Brandon are just so much stronger. I thought he was better this week in his duo dances, but still just not enough by the other dancer''s standards. Sorry, I am really trying to give him more credit, but I think he is the weakest dancer out there. I think he is good, but not great, especially when compared with Brandon tonight, who was just unbelievable.

Brandon and Kayla are clearly the "best" dancers. But I think Jeanine is going to make a run for it, she is so gorgeous when she dances and definitely brings the personality. Kayla- best girl dancer, Jeanine- best "personality" dancer.

I think Brandon is far and away the best male dancer. Ade can be awesome, but he is too inconsistent. Evan is okay in his style, but Brandon blows him away.

FOR ME (not what I think America is going to do) (not in any order):

If I had to guess on what America is going to do (not in any order):

i did actually vote tonight.
Date: 7/29/2009 11:10:44 PM
Author: decodelighted
I thought it was the strongest overall night of the season. Lots of good stuff.

KAYLA really impressed me & I am not usually a fan. I think the producers have slipped her tapes of Julianne from DWTS. Seemed almost like an impression of Julianne tonight in the Disco number -- but it worked for her. She has a TERRIBLE time showing personality & somehow did in that number. Her other number was amazing too. And BRANDON was just as great in both of those numbers as well. Also not usually a fan. So it takes them being pretty remarkable for me to even ''go there'' w/ them. And I did. So there.

JEANNINE was phenom as usual. Didn''t think they gave her enough credit for that first dance -- she rocked it. And the Hip Hop was one of the best Hip Hops of the season. Certainly the grimiest (in a good way). I want a belt with SMOOCH written across the back of it -- (as in Kiss My ***, I''m sure) ADE was great in the NappyTabs but only okay in the first.

Oh boy ... MELISSA ... not good tonight. Seemed absent. Like she knows she''s out of her depth. EVAN was great I thought. And his solo TIPPY TIPPY TOPS. BRANDON''s was pretty buck too. And JEANNINE''s.

We''ll see. Wasn''t so crazy about either Trio number -- but give them all credit for not standing out in a bad way. EXTRA credit to EVAN who was such an underdog in that powerful company ... but nailed it.

Thinking about voting. If I did, I''d vote for JEANNINE. She''s the total package ... personality, skill, versatility, strength, musicality, quips, star quality and that extra something that just connects with people. IMHO. Only EVAN could beat her at this point.

Oh: And the choreography was strong this week. Love the Canadian chick''s ''Mistress'' routine, the Speed Devil Disco, Nappy Tabs Movin On Up and the very first number which involved Lady Gaga & some kind of Disco Stick.

EVAN BRANDON JEANNINE KAYLA. That''s how I call it. Buh bye ADE & MELLISA What do you guys think?

Thanks! Can''t wait to watch tomorrow!
What is that god-awful green sequin thing on what''s her name?!?
The voters got it right.
I think Ade is much stronger and versatile than Evan. Just my opinion though.

My guess is that Brandon and Kayla will be the top 2 with Brandon taking the prize.
One of my favorite dances (besides the Emmy nominated ones on tonight) Linky

(Demented French Burlesque w/ Courtney, Mark and Sonya)
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