
so you think you can dance 2008

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Aug 8, 2005
omg. mia. ouch.


May 9, 2006
Date: 7/9/2008 9:42:45 PM
Author: jcrow
yeh, i love gev & court! i''m shocked at how good he is every time. not that i don''t think he''s capable, just surprised coming from where he''s coming from dance wise.

Huge Ditto to this! I keep expecting him to hit the ceiling of his talent, but I was blown away by his safari number, because all the little head flourishes and nuances that I find street dancers miss when trying to master routines he just hit and hit hard. I don''t think he''ll make it to the top because he doesn''t have the "oomph" of Mark, Joshua, or Twitch, but I find him more compelling to watch than Will, who is always technically flawless but doesn''t pack any punch for me.

Courtney can shake her lil tailfeather and I thought she rocked the salsa number, but comparing her to Chelsie, who also shakes that lil tailfeather, Courtney falls flat. I don''t dislike her like I dislike Kherrington, but she just seems blah. I honestly feel like Jessica has more personality when she dances than Courtney does.
She''s a solid dancer but I don''t see any star quality about her. I want to like her, but she does nothing for me.

And what the hell with the judges forgiving Kherrington for pooping out at the end of the Crumping routine?!
If that was Jessica or even Katee, who I think is the best girl by a mile, she''d be hung up on a meathook like it was sausage making season! I''ve never liked Kherrington, but seriously, I don''t see the angels popping out of her rear like the judges seem to. Maybe the camera process filters them out?

I wasn''t blown away by Mark and Chelsie''s routines tonight, but thought they were solid and entertaining. I like hearing that Chelsie is such a tomboy that Mark is shocked by how sexy she is when they''re working on a routine, because it means that she''s more than just a good dancer. As a former dancer, I want to see dancers who feel music in their soul and show it to us through their dancing. I want to see art. I want to see something that is more than the sum of it''s parts.

Again on the judges dinging the gay dude + girl chemistry. DUH! Shocker! I want to see Twitch and Gev perform together and get lambasted for not having enough sexual chemistry.

Last note: Katee and Joshua''s last number was so amazing, I can''t even remember what the rest of the routines from the night looked like.

Katee might think she''s not pretty, but I think she''s the most hands-down compelling and attractive girl on the show. If I was a dude, I''d be smitten.

Edit: Wow, that was a lot of emoticons.


Aug 8, 2005
galateia: ooh goodie! i''m looking forward to josh & katee then! (i''m a little behind - dvr''d and ff commercials.)

gev''s feet bothered me in the safari routine.
i think they''ve been masking it with choreography using flexed feet...


May 9, 2006
Date: 7/9/2008 10:31:24 PM
Author: jcrow
galateia: ooh goodie! i''m looking forward to josh & katee then! (i''m a little behind - dvr''d and ff commercials.)

gev''s feet bothered me in the safari routine.

i think they''ve been masking it with choreography using flexed feet...

Wait until you see Katee''s necklace!


Aug 8, 2005
Date: 7/9/2008 10:37:42 PM
Author: Galateia
Date: 7/9/2008 10:31:24 PM
Author: jcrow
galateia: ooh goodie! i''m looking forward to josh & katee then! (i''m a little behind - dvr''d and ff commercials.)

gev''s feet bothered me in the safari routine.

i think they''ve been masking it with choreography using flexed feet...

Wait until you see Katee''s necklace!


and oh! that necklace! that''s the first thing i was going to comment on!!


May 9, 2006
Date: 7/9/2008 10:41:23 PM
Author: jcrow
Date: 7/9/2008 10:37:42 PM

Author: Galateia

Date: 7/9/2008 10:31:24 PM

Author: jcrow

galateia: ooh goodie! i''m looking forward to josh & katee then! (i''m a little behind - dvr''d and ff commercials.)

gev''s feet bothered me in the safari routine.

i think they''ve been masking it with choreography using flexed feet...

Wait until you see Katee''s necklace!



and oh! that necklace! that''s the first thing i was going to comment on!!

Does this mean you have screenshot capabilities?
If you do ... well, you know what you must do, O Fellow PSer.



Dec 14, 2007
Uh I''m anxiously awaiting the Bollywood routine-but for the NECKLACE. And because you guys seem to be saying that it''s pretty awesome.

Joshua and Katee, and Mark and Chelsie are my top two couples.

Twitch is up there, but you guys are right-Kherington has GOT TO GO. She totally gave up on the crumping routine at the end.

I''m looking forward to next week just because I think tomorrow''s show is a non-show. Comfort and Thayne will likely go home, and that''s all there is to it...


Aug 8, 2005
i''m on my 3rd time watching it now. wow.
i will take pics


Dec 14, 2007
Dude. That was even better than you guys implied.



Aug 8, 2005
here it is



May 9, 2006
jcrow, I love you. Can't wait for those pics.

Edit: Dang, you're fast! Yay! It looks like she's standing at a bit of a strange angle that makes it look smaller, but you can tell how big it is by it size relative to her shoulders.

Date: 7/9/2008 10:52:09 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Dude. That was even better than you guys implied.


Did you still manage to appreciate/notice the dancing despite the large, glorious sparklie?


Aug 8, 2005
hehe. i have further away pics but they are a little blurry.


Dec 14, 2007
Yeah. Dude. The dancing was amazing and her bling!


Mia wasn't kidding when she said that Katee should always dress like that. She looked amazing. From what I can remember when I wasn't staring at her neck. Lol. But that was amazing. All of it. Him, her, the choreography, and the wardrobe.

Finally the wardrobe people did something good. 'Bout time.

ETA: I'm so glad they didn't send her home in Vegas. Even if she was being a little bit of prima donna.


May 9, 2006
Predictions for tomorrow night?

I'm guessing either Comfort or Jessica, if she and Will wind up in the bottom. It seems like Mia is just gunning to punish Jessica for making Will 'carry her'. I feel badly for Jessica; she obviously has talent but no confidence, and nothing builds a girl's confidence like being constantly told how much she sucks week after week.
I feel like it's partly because Will is so good, it makes the contrast worse. I don't think she'd get the same flack if she wasn't paired with such a strong partner. I love, love Twitch, but he's not consistent (eg, tango tonight) and can you imagine how he'd be blown off the stage if Katee was his partner? Every mistake he'd make would become so obvious in contrast. Or Courtney + Joshua?

I'm really charmed that they brought in Bollywood dancing.


Jul 27, 2007
Galateia, can I just "ditto" everything you say? Seriously, I agree with everything you type about this show.

I thought Will and Jessica''s first routine was going to be my favorite for the night and like Mia, I soooo wanted for Jessica''s confidence to finally turn a corner and stay en pointe (pun intended), but only 20 minutes later she fell flat. In this competition, personality trumps technique (so long as there IS technique, and Jessica definitely has that), so if she would just commit to things that are out of her comfort zone, she could go far. Anyway, I thought that piece would be my favorite until the Bollywood piece blew it out of the water. Josh and Katee are both such STRONG dancers. That routine would have kicked my butt. Jumping up from what is essentially a grande plié is so darned hard--I just tried doing it a couple of times and fell over. Kherrington would have never gotten through that routine.

I was also frustrated that the judges completely blew off Kherrington hitting a major wall at the end of her routine. She deflated so quickly I thought she''d injured herself!


May 9, 2006
Date: 7/10/2008 12:07:31 AM
Author: NewEnglandLady
Galateia, can I just ''ditto'' everything you say? Seriously, I agree with everything you type about this show.

I thought Will and Jessica''s first routine was going to be my favorite for the night and like Mia, I soooo wanted for Jessica''s confidence to finally turn a corner and stay en pointe (pun intended), but only 20 minutes later she fell flat. In this competition, personality trumps technique (so long as there IS technique, and Jessica definitely has that), so if she would just commit to things that are out of her comfort zone, she could go far. Anyway, I thought that piece would be my favorite until the Bollywood piece blew it out of the water. Josh and Katee are both such STRONG dancers. That routine would have kicked my butt. Jumping up from what is essentially a grande plié is so darned hard--I just tried doing it a couple of times and fell over. Kherrington would have never gotten through that routine.

I was also frustrated that the judges completely blew off Kherrington hitting a major wall at the end of her routine. She deflated so quickly I thought she''d injured herself!

I love being about to discuss this show on here, because my best friend back in Canada is also a former dancer so the two of us used to discuss each show to death, whereas my guy is like "Uh huh. Uh huh. Mm. Uh huh. That''s interesting, dear" as he valiantly tries to care for my sake and pretend he has a clue as to what I''m talking about. Poor guy. Thank goodness for this thread!

Do you think Mia has mellowed at all? I''ve only seen season 2 and this one (I worked nights for most of season 3 and didn''t know about the show until season 2) so I can''t tell. I seem to remember her being a lot grumpier in season 2, and less forgiving with non-contemporary dancers than she is this season.


Nov 2, 2007
Last season was better, even though this years dancers have seemed to get some awesome routines. Personally, I like Comfort and I would rather her stay than Jessica (I'm thinking about the tour and who I would want to see, ya know?). However, I was extremely shocked when Mia was like, "Will you look tired. Tired of carrying her. You've been carrying her throughout the entire competition." I was like, oy, ouch, wow. Like I sorta of feel the same way, but I don't know if I would have said that, on national television.

Like, tonight it was like blatantly obvious that the judges were pointing at certain people. It's like they are showing favoritism to a certain few. They have been doing it for a while now, but tonight it was just like obvious. For example, ignoring Kherington and Twitch's Crump (which was pretty "buck" if you will) and I think Mary told two couples, "Thankfully, you had that other number." And then a few weeks ago, Mark and Chelsie's hip hop. I'm sorry, but she was dancing like a cheerleader. It was so like high school dance team/competitiony that it made me sick. I love Tabitha and Napolean's numbers, but like Shane said, they really like cotton candy hip hop. Also, Kherington was AWFUL in hip hop and so was Will. However, I will totally give it to them because I have the same background and it is hard to move your body like that. The only contemporary dancer that has been great in hip hop this year is Courtney. She has the fluidity and musicality.

I thought Comfort and Thayne's hip hop number was great. I won't lie, I'm am/was a contemporary/ballet dancer, I gave it up when I started college. I still have a kicka** turnout! But anyway, that's a big reason of why I like Thayne. I never really felt like there was no connection. and yeah, she had some awful feet in the contemporary number, but I really like seeing her do those types of numbers. There's just something, I'm not sure what it is, but I think overall she is an amazing dancer. Then comparing Will and Thayne as contemporary (ballet) dancers, Will is definitely better. However, I think Thayne has LOADS more personality. Will is like great to look at, but he's really boring. Further, I really feel like there is something fake about him or his performances. I don't know where to aim it at, but I've been feeling it for a while.

Yeah, Thayne is gay, but so is Will and I really start pinging with Josh. Like, if he isn't I'd be extremely surprised. A lot of the guys from the past seasons have been gay (Travis, Blake, Danny, Nick (who won despite Nigel's constant homo bashing.) - like, some of the best dancers are, but they still make it believable. Some of them anyway . . . I think overall, there have been more gay guys than straight guys on SYTYCD.

The bottom three are definitely Comfort and Thayne, Jessica and Will, and I'm thinking Kherington and Twitch. If God intervenes, and blesses Comfort with an AMAZING solo, I could see Jessica going home, However, for the guys, I'm pretty sure it's Thayne. Even though I think I would be pleased to see Will go. He bores the ever living snot out of me.

I'm really loving Gev and Courtney. Even though they're going to be broken up next week. I am excited to see how that is going to go over. And then I also love Josh and Katee, but I have a theory, I think a HUGE factor in whether someone stays or goes home is based on the choreographer that he or she receives. Like Mia pieces are like pretty much sure things. And then with the routines themselves, I feel like some of the choreographers give their best routines to their favorite couples and I don't think that is fair. I'm really thinking that it's kind of rigged in a way. I mean, I can't refute that America votes, but I think people that really don't know dance are lead to vote for certain couples.

More than anything, though, I was really P'oed with the favoritism. I can handle some of the harsher comments, because that's what makes one better as a dancer, but I didn't think Mia should have said that. But she does have this kind of holier than thou type attitude though. To me, anyway. But what can I say, I gave up dancing. (dancers can be MEAN!)


Nov 13, 2007
Date: 7/9/2008 10:12:26 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Ditto Fancy.

Except that Katee and Joshua are my #1, and have been since pretty much the beginning.

I think Comfort and Thayne are going home. They have received nothing but bad feedback all night.

Will is keeping Jessica afloat.

Having said that, the second hour has just started here, so I'm not totally educated on the rest of the dances.

ETA: I'm really looking forward to Bollywood.

And not looking forward to Jessica and Will's quick step.
I haven't even seen the show yet, but here are my predictions for tonight:
Thayne. He and Matt are alike, in the fact that they are "1 trick ponies".

The girls on the other hand... I'm going to have to watch. Comfort lasted long enough to get her "hip-hop" dance, so they won't get rid of her this week. I guess initially, I will go with Jessica, but I'm still on the fence with Chelsie. The only good showing, IMO, she had was a few weeks ago, and the only reason it was good was because she zoned her emotions really well. I don't think that Kerrington will be this week, becasue she is VERY lucky to have a partner that sooooo many people are voting for, and I don't see him being in the bottom 3 just yet. Maybe next week.


Dec 14, 2007
Date: 7/10/2008 3:40:02 AM
Author: pennquaker09
Then comparing Will and Thayne as contemporary (ballet) dancers, Will is definitely better. However, I think Thayne has LOADS more personality. Will is like great to look at, but he's really boring. Further, I really feel like there is something fake about him or his performances. I don't know where to aim it at, but I've been feeling it for a while.

Yeah, Thayne is gay, but so is Will and I really start pinging with Josh. Like, if he isn't I'd be extremely surprised. A lot of the guys from the past seasons have been gay (Travis, Blake, Danny, Nick (who won despite Nigel's constant homo bashing.) - like, some of the best dancers are, but they still make it believable. Some of them anyway . . . I think overall, there have been more gay guys than straight guys on SYTYCD.

The bottom three are definitely Comfort and Thayne, Jessica and Will, and I'm thinking Kherington and Twitch. If God intervenes, and blesses Comfort with an AMAZING solo, I could see Jessica going home, However, for the guys, I'm pretty sure it's Thayne. Even though I think I would be pleased to see Will go. He bores the ever living snot out of me.

I think that Will is an amazing technical dancer, but he has NO PERSONALITY at all. I think that his life is dance, and he is entirely one dimensional because of it. The judges love him because of his technical abilities, but when you compare him to Joshua, Twitch, Gev and Mark (who is one crazy character) he's about as interesting as watching paint dry. Seriously, I do not find him compelling in the slightest, and I honestly hope he goes home soon, because I think there are far more interesting dancers on the show. To me, he is forgettable. If he's been carrying Jessica technically, she's been carrying him personality wise.

Sorry for the rant, I just don't see whats so great about him besides his lines and his musculature-which is impressive, but not enough to me to want him to stick around.

And I'm not sure about Joshua's sexuality because of a couple of weeks back with his checking out Katee and calling her hot, and some of the appraising looks he's given her-not to mention their "chemistry". I think either he's an amazing actor and can fake "chemistry" really well, or he's bi/straight. Either way, I don't give a rat's patootie because he's an amazing entertainer, and I love to watch him.

ETA: I've watched the Bollywood dance online another 3 times...going back to watch it some more...


Nov 13, 2007

Date: 7/10/2008 2:29:40 PM
Author: FrekeChild

ETA: I''ve watched the Bollywood dance online another 3 times...going back to watch it some more...
Where are you finding them online?!?!


Jul 27, 2007
Date: 7/10/2008 1:36:00 AM
Author: Galateia

Date: 7/10/2008 12:07:31 AM
Author: NewEnglandLady
Galateia, can I just 'ditto' everything you say? Seriously, I agree with everything you type about this show.

I thought Will and Jessica's first routine was going to be my favorite for the night and like Mia, I soooo wanted for Jessica's confidence to finally turn a corner and stay en pointe (pun intended), but only 20 minutes later she fell flat. In this competition, personality trumps technique (so long as there IS technique, and Jessica definitely has that), so if she would just commit to things that are out of her comfort zone, she could go far. Anyway, I thought that piece would be my favorite until the Bollywood piece blew it out of the water. Josh and Katee are both such STRONG dancers. That routine would have kicked my butt. Jumping up from what is essentially a grande plié is so darned hard--I just tried doing it a couple of times and fell over. Kherrington would have never gotten through that routine.

I was also frustrated that the judges completely blew off Kherrington hitting a major wall at the end of her routine. She deflated so quickly I thought she'd injured herself!

I love being about to discuss this show on here, because my best friend back in Canada is also a former dancer so the two of us used to discuss each show to death, whereas my guy is like 'Uh huh. Uh huh. Mm. Uh huh. That's interesting, dear' as he valiantly tries to care for my sake and pretend he has a clue as to what I'm talking about. Poor guy. Thank goodness for this thread!

Do you think Mia has mellowed at all? I've only seen season 2 and this one (I worked nights for most of season 3 and didn't know about the show until season 2) so I can't tell. I seem to remember her being a lot grumpier in season 2, and less forgiving with non-contemporary dancers than she is this season.
You know, until last night I thought Mia was softening as a judge, but she was back to her old self last night and I liked it.

I don't think Mia has softened in her teaching style, though. I think she's very demanding as a choreographer and expects everything of her students--her choreography is HARD in a very understated way. Remember when Heidi started crying in Season 2 because she coudln't grasp Mia's vision? And remember last week after Josh & Katee's (amazing) Mia routine--Josh said "With Mia, it's so much more than dance". I really get that, she demands more than just dancing and the end result is always something fantastic.


Nov 13, 2007
Agreed... she''s great, but I agree, some of these peeps need a little slap on the wrist. They''ve been treating them like gods. I appreciated it last week when Nigel actually barked back at the audience when he was trying to give constructive criticism, and they began boo''ing him.


Dec 14, 2007


Nov 13, 2007
Date: 7/10/2008 3:53:56 PM
Author: FrekeChild

Date: 7/10/2008 3:05:35 PM
Author: meresal

Date: 7/10/2008 2:29:40 PM
Author: FrekeChild

ETA: I''ve watched the Bollywood dance online another 3 times...going back to watch it some more...
Where are you finding them online?!?!
Lookie! Only Bollywood though!
I said it 3 weeks ago, and he still hasn''t proven me wrong... He is sooooooo adaptable!!! It''s amazing that he can pick up all these different personalities each week, and do such an astonishing job. I think he''s my front runner at the moment. I''m really excited to see what he can do on a stage by himself. I hope he doesn''t dissapoint.


Dec 14, 2007
Me too Meresal!


May 9, 2006

GET THEE BEHIND ME, WILL AND KHERRINGTON! *jumps up and down on couch when the bottom 3 are announced*

Sadly, I don't think those two will be cut, but I may streak through our communal lawns wearing nothing but victory paint, screaming in jubilation if they are.

Um, I mean, y'know, whatever. I'm not, y'know, obsessed or anything ...

I compare Will with Travis, as they're the same style, and Will just pales in comparison for me. They both have technique, but Travis also had charisma, personality, and made an emotional connection, IMO.

I love this show.

Edit: I can't believe that Cat's outfit fits her, is flattering, and now that I can see that it's got an obi-style belt and a black-on-black texture detail, I actually really quite like it. Not sure about the hair, it looks a bit like the hair ornament is pulling away at the top and the hair is kind of a combination of scruffy teasing and old hollywood glamour Veronica Lake style waves.


Aug 8, 2005
i''m a little behind (tvo''d) but what''s up with that shirt that 3 of them now have on??! will + josh + comfort all are rockin a version of the same shirt.


Aug 8, 2005
ok, now twitch has it on too.


Aug 8, 2005
ok... all of those ppl are in the bottom. i don''t understand.


May 9, 2006
Woah, wasn''t expecting that (girls). I won''t spoiler for those watching it at a later time. For a second I thought it was the other way around until the ''best of'' montage.

I didn''t notice the shirts, but I am now that you mentioned it.

I''m going to hope against hope about the guys, but it''s pretty much a forgone conclusion by now.

Edit: Knew it. Blargh.
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