
So I walked into a pawnshop and found a 1.26

I'm super curious to see if you do end up getting it and what you do with it! It's tough when you have other projects to work on to try to keep on track with those when a pawn shop opportunity presents itself.

Definitely try and get it for less, even if they say this is the bottom line when there is $1,000 or more at stake you'd be surprised how fast that bottom line disappears.
So, the trip to the estate jewelry shop in my town netted 430.00 from old stuff AND found this little guy in 18k. I'm in love. He's even more than the diamond. I'm tempted but move on.
Focus Laura....focus.

Ugh...soooo cute. Anyone need a Simba?
So, the trip to the estate jewelry shop in my town netted 430.00 from old stuff AND found this little guy in 18k. I'm in love. He's even more than the diamond. I'm tempted but move on.
Focus Laura....focus.

Lion cub! So cute!!
Lion cub! So cute!!

Someone NEEDS this little guy LOL. Actually, he had an adorable collection of animal figures in gold and beautiful old platinum jewelry and fabulous estate pieces. It was hard to leave.
I don't know if this will help, but in 2010, I think it was, I bought a W-X, I1 diamond from Excel Diamonds. The I1 grade is from one fairly good sized feather, although I can't see anywhere that it reaches the surface. I didn't have it appraised, but 2 jeweler/gemologists (one of whom set it) have said they don't think it's particularly vulnerable. I stopped wearing it for a while because it was set too high and I was always knocking it into things, so I had it reset lower and am wearing it again. My point being that I am fairly klutzy and I haven't yet damaged the diamond in probably 7-8 years of daily wear.
The essence of pawn shopping:

When getting advice about buying diamonds, especially larger ones I think I hit the nail on the head a few months back.

That it, do it, do it! Lol

If diamonds were a drug, PS is like a crack house full of addicts strolling around with needles hanging half way out of their arms telling you there is no such thing as too high. :lol:
I don't know if this will help, but in 2010, I think it was, I bought a W-X, I1 diamond from Excel Diamonds. The I1 grade is from one fairly good sized feather, although I can't see anywhere that it reaches the surface. I didn't have it appraised, but 2 jeweler/gemologists (one of whom set it) have said they don't think it's particularly vulnerable. I stopped wearing it for a while because it was set too high and I was always knocking it into things, so I had it reset lower and am wearing it again. My point being that I am fairly klutzy and I haven't yet damaged the diamond in probably 7-8 years of daily wear.

This is very helpful. I'm still thinking about this purchase. Not as worried about durability anymore, but probably will not wear it as a ring. I have other plans that include a CBI when I can afford it in the future. This leaves me with too many engagement rings. I bought the .85 Ritani in yellow gold to hold me over for my future upgrade. Either a CBI, or if the budget gets tight, a larger GIA XXX. This isnt counting my original e-ring that is a platinum old cut cushion.

So that leaves this as a pendant option, only in my area, a 1.25 isn't really a normal diamond pendant size (I live in PS land in my head). I also have two diamond pendants already. One is a new .62 fancy canary diamond. I am not sure I need this diamond when I could use the funds to reset a 5 stone ring with DK. I'm still balancing everything in my head.

The essence of pawn shopping:

I posed for this photo. :)

When getting advice about buying diamonds, especially larger ones I think I hit the nail on the head a few months back.

That it, do it, do it! Lol

HAHAHA, right? Well, when you can only buy so many shiny things, I guess you band together to shop vicariously! ...I still might....I might not....that Simba was pretty cute, no?
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Haha, for me the Simba is a no.

Several years back my grandmother gave me a lion made of concrete. It was several feet long and had aged nicely so it had a cool patina to it. The mane was full and it looked like royalty in the laying down position it was cast in.

I had dug a big koi pond and put in a bunch of landscaping. The lion was at the corner of the garage by the koi pond leading up to the house.

When I moved, I regretted not taking that lion but it was a 2-3 man ordeal to move it and I elected to leave it. Last time I drove by that old property, the current owners still had it in place. For a few years I debated getting a buddy and doing a night time freedom lion op, but never did.
Haha, for me the Simba is a no.

Several years back my grandmother gave me a lion made of concrete. It was several feet long and had aged nicely so it had a cool patina to it. The mane was full and it looked like royalty in the laying down position it was cast in.

I had dug a big koi pond and put in a bunch of landscaping. The lion was at the corner of the garage by the koi pond leading up to the house.

When I moved, I regretted not taking that lion but it was a 2-3 man ordeal to move it and I elected to leave it. Last time I drove by that old property, the current owners still had it in place. For a few years I debated getting a buddy and doing a night time freedom lion op, but never did.

This sounds like a Seinfield episode waiting to happen. I wonder if the homeowner would sell him to you if he or she knew how much it meant to you. You could find a replacement lion. Hire a moving company to do your lion hauling :)
I'd buy it, then I'd set it in a pendant along with your fancy yellow!
Aww so cute :kiss2:

Pictures did not do it justice, it was absolutely precious. If you're interested, message me on LT and I'll tell you where to get him.
Pictures did not do it justice, it was absolutely precious. If you're interested, message me on LT and I'll tell you where to get him.

Thank you. I am tempted but I have too many adorable things like that and I am trying not to collect stuff anymore. My name is Missy and I am a shop-a-holic. :P2

Thank you. I am tempted but I have too many adorable things like that and I am trying not to collect stuff anymore. My name is Missy and I am a shop-a-holic. :P2


Ha...oh, I completely understand, dear Missy!
let me tell you a true tale of a princess cut.
It was loved even if it had a huge feather taking up 1/2 the stone, then one day it was dropped in a sink and shattered into bits but the side with the feather was intact and looked brand new.
It gave me a new perspective on feathers.
The vast majority of time something hard enough and at the right angle to damage a diamond with a feather would have damaged it if there was no feather in my opinion.
Some experts agree some don't but I would say that over the years more do than don't. There is really no way to prove it one way or the other.
If you are going to be thinking about "that pawn shop deal I let get away" every day for the next year, then go out and buy it. Put yourself out of your misery!!! =)2

On the other hand, if losing it will be no big deal, then definitely pass.
What prs said, my husband still talks about a chess set he didn't buy at an antique shop 15 years ago!
let me tell you a true tale of a princess cut.
It was loved even if it had a huge feather taking up 1/2 the stone, then one day it was dropped in a sink and shattered into bits but the side with the feather was intact and looked brand new.
It gave me a new perspective on feathers.
The vast majority of time something hard enough and at the right angle to damage a diamond with a feather would have damaged it if there was no feather in my opinion.
Some experts agree some don't but I would say that over the years more do than don't. There is really no way to prove it one way or the other.

Hi Karl,
How terrible a sink fall would shatter a diamond. That poor stone. Sometimes the universe serves a surprise like that that leaves you scratching your head. I guess that feathers may be stable sometimes. It's crazy that a fall into the sink shattered a diamond. I know they can break, but I would figure it would be in a tragic garbage disposal accident of something very traumatic.

If you are going to be thinking about "that pawn shop deal I let get away" every day for the next year, then go out and buy it. Put yourself out of your misery!!! =)2

On the other hand, if losing it will be no big deal, then definitely pass.

Oh man, I never thought about that but you are right! I have to give that some thought too. It needs to be part of my decision.
What prs said, my husband still talks about a chess set he didn't buy at an antique shop 15 years ago!

I'm going to mention that to hubby. Again, great point. I know he won't want to hear about this diamond for years.
@stracci2000 Hubby came home and I shared this comment and he said "... It's not a cat!"
He is less excited about this mighty opportunity.

Oh no! Don't worry he just needs more time, all the husband's start out with that mindset and then with a little time they come around :lol:
Ok, here are my 2 cents.
A little while ago a client walked in to have most of her jewelry redesigned. She used the word reset. That was dead wrong but sometimes people know little.
I could Tell she did not really think it was worth paying much for new bling and she even said so but I immediately noticed a large stone on one of her fingers that looked like diamond but the ring it was set in was horrendous. This was from afar.
Once I started louping I noticed many old cuts in a Dbty type necklace and her ring was an OMC, Still looked kind of ugly. But anyhow I took two starting projects for minimal money.
Once we started unsetting the OMC turned into one of the most beautiful old cuts I have ever seen it was so perfect its shape hidden by the horrid setting before and of course everything was so dirty.
The necklace had one OMC with a surface reaching feather too and two OECs. I was smitten, in love like a crazy. I called the client and told her I am willing to barter with her further on her next projects if I can have these three little stones.
They are the most imperfect little things and I love them and the 3 stone ring more Than anything valuable I have. Beauty is not always about value, it is about the story, the history as well. I figured if the center OMC stayed intact for over a hundred years she will most likely. And she used to be in a ring for a long time. My client threw in a pair of .8 studs for me to sweeten the deal of re making her jewelry.
It has been among my favorite projects and I adore my little ring. I thought I was nuts and I probably am nuts for diamonds and bling. OP you will feel what is right for you but seeing that feather here only on a photo I see little likelihood this stone will just fall apart.
Ok, here are my 2 cents.
A little while ago a client walked in to have most of her jewelry redesigned. She used the word reset. That was dead wrong but sometimes people know little.
I could Tell she did not really think it was worth paying much for new bling and she even said so but I immediately noticed a large stone on one of her fingers that looked like diamond but the ring it was set in was horrendous. This was from afar.
Once I started louping I noticed many old cuts in a Dbty type necklace and her ring was an OMC, Still looked kind of ugly. But anyhow I took two starting projects for minimal money.
Once we started unsetting the OMC turned into one of the most beautiful old cuts I have ever seen it was so perfect its shape hidden by the horrid setting before and of course everything was so dirty.
The necklace had one OMC with a surface reaching feather too and two OECs. I was smitten, in love like a crazy. I called the client and told her I am willing to barter with her further on her next projects if I can have these three little stones.
They are the most imperfect little things and I love them and the 3 stone ring more Than anything valuable I have. Beauty is not always about value, it is about the story, the history as well. I figured if the center OMC stayed intact for over a hundred years she will most likely. And she used to be in a ring for a long time. My client threw in a pair of .8 studs for me to sweeten the deal of re making her jewelry.
It has been among my favorite projects and I adore my little ring. I thought I was nuts and I probably am nuts for diamonds and bling. OP you will feel what is right for you but seeing that feather here only on a photo I see little likelihood this stone will just fall apart.

What a wonderful story.

I LOVE my OMC...and it is wonky and imperfect, but oh so pretty too.I understand the love. Please feel free to post a picture of your special ring, I would love to see it!

I am thinking out loud here. Working through on paper. I was charmed by this diamond. It was so pretty in "real life" and had lovely fire.

However, I just picked up a smaller (VVS .85) version from Ritani last week. Ritani has been outstanding and long-suffering with the order, and so wonderful about sending a 60/60 diamond back a few weeks ago. The new diamond on top, my wonky old cut below:


Ultimately, I want a CBI or, if the budget won't work for that, a larger GIA XXX from Ritani. But that is on a more extended timeline.

The timing to buy is off in every way. Also, this stone is NOT mind-clean for hubby, who saw the inclusion pictures. He has a very orderly and fastidious nature and those inclusions would drive him crazy.

He has been pretty indulgent this year. I have had several thousand dollars in bling in the last few months; new diamond studs, a yellow diamond, an opal, this e-ring. I have been on a jewelry binge (I do that every few years). He has been sweet and forgiving and genuinely happy when I buy something I love. It may be best for marital harmony to let this one go.

PS: I have so appreciated your thoughts and input into this thread everyone. It has been a fun adventure for me!


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Oh no! Don't worry he just needs more time, all the husband's start out with that mindset and then with a little time they come around :lol:

She doesn't complain when I want new tools, guns or cars. I don't complain when she wants high end appliances for her kitchen, jewelery, clothes, etc.

For us, it's just a matter of timing and what goals we have in place for our left over cash. Right now we are working towards buying/building a new home so I wouldn't be too thrilled to take on a new gun (well I'm always interested, but I won't buy) or new jewelry. Also we recently dumped $6k on a new fridge, washer and dryer.

We like to travel & vacation also, but those are limited as well until we reach our other goals.

Always be smart with your money and involve your partner. I'm not sure if your monthly budget includes a "blow money" allowance but ours does. It's just as it sounds, money to blow as we see fit. If I don't see anything this month I may save it. Maybe even 2-3 months then I buy a larger ticket item. There's been times I give my blow money to her for something she really wants.

I might add in the past I've made gun purchases with no intention to keep, but rather use as trade bait because the deal was too good to pass. One of my more recent deals I did that I was particularly happy with was trading an old Xbox 360 (maybe $100 value) for a German WW2 P9 pistol. Based on the pictures, my gunsmith valued the piece as minimum $600 with potential to creep to $10k+ depending on exact year, stamps, etc. I did the deal and spent $100 for a professional clean and some new internal parts so she's fire worthy. It has Nazi stamps and was marked 1943 which is more common. Still worth a few thousand bucks, so a great trade. I keep it in my office displayed. It's an interesting talk piece and I haven't decided when it's leaving yet, but when the right opportunity strikes I am ready.

My point is maybe this stone helps you trade or sell for a profit to close to your CBI goal. In the interim you get to enjoy the piece. So kind of a win-win, as long as the timing is right.
She doesn't complain when I want new tools, guns or cars. I don't complain when she wants high end appliances for her kitchen, jewelery, clothes, etc.

For us, it's just a matter of timing and what goals we have in place for our left over cash. Right now we are working towards buying/building a new home so I wouldn't be too thrilled to take on a new gun (well I'm always interested, but I won't buy) or new jewelry. Also we recently dumped $6k on a new fridge, washer and dryer.

We like to travel & vacation also, but those are limited as well until we reach our other goals.

Always be smart with your money and involve your partner. I'm not sure if your monthly budget includes a "blow money" allowance but ours does. It's just as it sounds, money to blow as we see fit. If I don't see anything this month I may save it. Maybe even 2-3 months then I buy a larger ticket item. There's been times I give my blow money to her for something she really wants.

I might add in the past I've made gun purchases with no intention to keep, but rather use as trade bait because the deal was too good to pass. One of my more recent deals I did that I was particularly happy with was trading an old Xbox 360 (maybe $100 value) for a German WW2 P9 pistol. Based on the pictures, my gunsmith valued the piece as minimum $600 with potential to creep to $10k+ depending on exact year, stamps, etc. I did the deal and spent $100 for a professional clean and some new internal parts so she's fire worthy. It has Nazi stamps and was marked 1943 which is more common. Still worth a few thousand bucks, so a great trade. I keep it in my office displayed. It's an interesting talk piece and I haven't decided when it's leaving yet, but when the right opportunity strikes I am ready.

My point is maybe this stone helps you trade or sell for a profit to close to your CBI goal. In the interim you get to enjoy the piece. So kind of a win-win, as long as the timing is right.

You sound like us. We often have had a little fun money and support each other in purchases. He is also a gun collector :). He said he knew I was a keeper when he opened the safe and I looked at the collection, but noted he had two open slots...he needs two more rifles :lol:

We bought a house a year ago and did so many upgrades, including a new custom shower glass install for a large corner shower, a new cooktop and a large solar panel install and custom solar shades over so many windows and custom tint so the big beautiful windows stopped frying us.
It's been quite a year.

Back to the diamond...Sending it in for a cert, wearing and flipping it is another angle I hadn't considered. hmm. It might help me long term.