
Round Brilliant E-Rings Like Mara and Finally Decisive

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Class n Sass

Jan 14, 2007
Hello All,

I am new to this forum and am looking to hopefully get engaged by the end of this summer. I went looking for e-rings with my boyfriend and I think he has a pretty good idea of what I like. It was about 5 months ago when we went and we really weren''t sure when we wanted to get engaged but he just wanted to get an idea of what was out there and prices. I would love more than anything to go shopping with him again for rings so that I can try rings on again now that we are definitely serious, but he is big on doing this himself. That scares me a bit because his taste is sometimes questionable but my desires are pretty safe and I don''t think he can mess it up too much if he stays with that style. I love him dearly and I know he wants to make my happy. So in the process of all of this I have been looking at the e-rings of everyone on this site and found a couple that mirror my taste perfectly. If you click on these links you will see pictures of what I like.

The ring of Finally Decisive

The ring of Mara

If anyone else on here has a ring with a similiar style I would love to hear from you. I''m especially intersted in knowing the specs of your ring along with pictures. My ring size is 5.5 and I ideally want nothing less that 1 carat however my boyfriend is a medical student and has been working hard to save money so I need to be realiastic. I was trying on .80/.90 stones and I was comfortable with them. He has already told me that once he starts making more money he will upgrade it.


Jun 29, 2006


Dec 17, 2006
I have the exact ring that Cehrabehra posted from Whiteflash. The center stone is a ACA RB from Whiteflash and the setting is also from Whiteflash. I posted a thread a few weeks ago regarding the details of the ring. I personally love the ring and find it very easy to wear. I was initially a little worried about the comfort of a full eternity band, but it doesn''t bother me at all. Here''s the link to my e-ring. Hope this helps.


Class n Sass

Jan 14, 2007
OOHH I just love this ring!!!! Absolutely gorgeous!!! I tried on other rings but I keep going back to this style and I figure my boyfriend can''t go wrong on selecting a ring with this type of setting. I don''t believe I want to have the diamonds going all the way around because I think it will bother me. I am a teacher and am constantly doing things with my hands and dealing with the children..I don''t wanna bang it around. What size ring do you wear??


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 1/15/2007 12:07:11 PM
Author: Class n Sass
OOHH I just love this ring!!!! Absolutely gorgeous!!! I tried on other rings but I keep going back to this style and I figure my boyfriend can''t go wrong on selecting a ring with this type of setting. I don''t believe I want to have the diamonds going all the way around because I think it will bother me. I am a teacher and am constantly doing things with my hands and dealing with the children..I don''t wanna bang it around. What size ring do you wear??
whiteflash has this EXACT ring in 3/4 eternity...
joking: they should call this "diamonds for MOST of an eternity" hahaha


Dec 5, 2005
I actually had Whiteflash custom make Mara's setting for my fiance. It is a eternity, individual prong setting. It is about 2.5 mm wide (20 .03 ACA melee's about 90% around the shank; ring size 4.5). While I was on the phone with Brian Gavin, we both came to this site and I showed him Mara's pictures (he knew exactly who she was). He said it would be no problem to make, and it came out just as I wanted. The head on my fiance's ring is a 4 prong solstice (Sp??) head. There is a 1.7 ct F SI2 ACA as the center stone. She gets stopped quite often and is told how beautiful it is. I never posted pics and the pics from WF are on my parents computer. Either the shared prong or the individual prong setting would be a beautiful choice. Good Luck.


Jul 19, 2005
Here is my whiteflash shared prong ring. It is half eternity and the center stone is .948. The melee is .03 cts each.

Link to Jelly's Thread


Lynn B

May 9, 2004
Date: 1/15/2007 12:24:52 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

whiteflash has this EXACT ring in 3/4 eternity...
joking: they should call this 'diamonds for MOST of an eternity' hahaha
I love the shared-prong style of this ring... but FWIW, I just do not care for the look of the prong shafts. I don't like chunky, blocky, squared off prongs like that... it reminds me of dime-a-dozen, run-of-the-mill mall rings. BUT, the good news is that I know that upon request, those prongs can be shaved down and shaped to be made rounder, softer, and much more delicate looking. Now THAT'S a big *YUM*!!!


Oct 30, 2002
hi C&S...

the link you posted is actually to my original e-ring with a stone from a few years ago...i have a new 6 prong head on my ring now and it's much better looking in my opinion than most of the 4 prongs that go on this type of ring.

the other thing to note is that my ring setting and Finally Decisive's are NOT shared prong rings, they are individual prong set melee. so the rings that cehra and other people posted here are not the same as my style or FD's ring. it's important to know that because the look in person is totally different. there are different styles of melee setting that can give the rings different looks.

personally i am not a fan of the whole 4 prong head slapped onto the top of a ring shank. that is how my original ring was done (not shared prong though) and it always bothered me. my head now is a bit more flattering to the whole setting i think and i think 6 prongs makes the diamond look bigger. so having had a 4 prong for a few years and now 6 prong, i would not really ever WANT to go back to a 4 prong...personal preference. just some food for thought on 4 vs 6. also i think you can get a more buttercuppy sculpty feel with 6 prong. but out of all the 4 prongs i have seen, lynn's is by far the prettiest on that type of eternity setting.

in any case here is my new head with stone etc to give a better idea:

on the same original ring shank. in any case, be sure you know what you are looking for/asking for. shared prong is diff from my prong-set, just like lynn's fishtail pave is diff from shared prong or prong-set. there are different styles. so just be sure you know which one you want for your setting so you get the actual setting you love!! have fun!

Class n Sass

Jan 14, 2007
Thank you to everyone for all your help....I feel so welcomed as a newbie
A couple more questions regarding shared vs. non shared prongs. I guess this should be directed to Mara since her ring is what I''ve been looking at so much.

You mentioned that yours is an individual prong setting which gives it a different look from a shared prong setting. In which way does it look different? I know that it may be hard to describe but it would be helpful if you could try and describe the differences as best as possible. I never considered the differences and from looking at the pictures its hard to tell that there is a difference.

Another thing, you mentioned that you like a 6 prong setting better. That is something I''ve been thinking a lot about. Unfortunately I know I won''t be receiving a ring as large as yours(maybe when I get an upgrade years later..hehe),so would you still advise getting a 6 prong setting? From my understanding smaller stones look better with 4 prong settings because they show more of the stone and make it look bigger. I could be wrong but you seem to know a lot about rings and since you have what I want I will look to you.

I would love to also hear from others regarding 4 prong vs 6 prong.

I love Lynn B''s ring as well and want to look into her type of setting also.


Jul 25, 2005
Six prongs are just more romantic.


Oct 30, 2002
i dont know if i have posted a picture but i have a 10 stone shared prong as well as my rings, but i think that the best way to describe is that my rings have a slightly more subtle sparkle than a shared prong. and fishtail to me has an even subtler more sparkle than my rings. i have seen slammie''s ring over at toppers who made her ring and the sparkle is SUPER subtle compared to my ring. i didn''t really love it...which was funny because i just love that setting in general. so i would say shared prong is the most ''blingy'', 4 prong setting like mine is kind of middle road and fishtail 2mmish kinda thin is super subtle sparkle. it''s hard to gauge from pictures i would imagine.

in terms of 4 prong vs 6..i used to like 4 prong for smaller stones but i don''t long as 6 would not overwhelm a smaller stone then it might enhance it and make it bigger. i just like the look of the HEAD typically better on a 6 prong but lynn''s head is pretty darn cute for a 4 prong, gotta say!!!

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
Hope this isn''t too far off the subject, but Mara, how would you say three-sided pave would compare to shared prong/individual four-prong/fishtail pave in terms of subtlety of sparkle?


Oct 30, 2002
Date: 1/16/2007 5:06:06 PM
Author: Kim N
Hope this isn''t too far off the subject, but Mara, how would you say three-sided pave would compare to shared prong/individual four-prong/fishtail pave in terms of subtlety of sparkle?
hmmm i think that it''s kind of between my setting and a shared prong. the tiny melee with beads tends more towards subtle for me but 3 rows of it definitely blings it out more in comparison, aka tiny little melee on three sides with relatively little metal is pretty darn sparkly to me!! the fishtail is so subtle for me because it''s only one row...and so thin..aka 2mm or so.

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
Thanks, Mara!

Class n Sass

Jan 14, 2007

What are your thoughts on flourescence?? Is it needed in stones of a certain color, size? How does it affect price?


Oct 30, 2002
Date: 1/17/2007 1:17:01 PM
Author: Class n Sass

What are your thoughts on flourescence?? Is it needed in stones of a certain color, size? How does it affect price?
Fluor typically makes price lower...I personally love some fluor! My stone now has light fluor and I swear I can see it in things...hehee. I would love a lower stone like an I or J with med blue fluor, total sweet spot. Some people don''t like it in the higher colored stones, but I say bring it on as long as it doesn''t look milky (only really strong fluor and only sometimes then). I think the old school mentality is that it''s a flaw but I figure anything that makes the diamond look that much cooler in certain lighting can only be good. hehee.


Jan 10, 2007
Along with Mara's comments about the look of a 6 prong head for the center stone,...........

Wink did a WebCast earlier this week about Custom Settings. Wink showed a ring with a broken prong. Fortunately for his customer, the stone had a 6 prong head. Had it been 4 prong, the lady would have lost her center stone. So safety is a consideration as well.

Class n Sass

Jan 14, 2007
Awesome!!! Thanks Mara and Finding Neverland. I''m thinking a six prong may be better for me due to security reasons and because I''m a teacher. That''s another reason why I don''t want a full eternity band setting. I''m afraid of beating up the underside of it too much!!

Class n Sass

Jan 14, 2007
I could go on and talk about this stuff forever and a day!!! Now I''ve got to convince my boyfriend to take me shopping with him one more time before he makes the final decision. I''m doing a lot more research than I know he has done and I''ve been bringing up the different things that I am learning from you all to him. So he joked and said that maybe I should be shopping for my own would be fine with me...I guess thats the control freak in me coming out.

Lynn B

May 9, 2004
Date: 1/16/2007 5:06:06 PM
Author: Kim N
Hope this isn't too far off the subject, but Mara, how would you say three-sided pave would compare to shared prong/individual four-prong/fishtail pave in terms of subtlety of sparkle?
Not Miss Mara, but thought I'd chime in.

I used to have a shared prong set with .05 and .03 ACA melee. My new fishtail pave set has ACA melee, just under .02, and there is a definite difference in the overall "look".

In terms of *bling* there was surprising little difference between the .05s and the .03s. But when I went to the .02s, there was a noticeable difference. The .05s and .03s definitely sparkled like crazy; but the .02s (while VERY LOVELY) are definitely less of a *bling factor*. Rather than sparkle, I would say that these size stones give an entirely different look... more of a subtle shimmer, or glimmer. Very beautiful, but definitely "different" than their big brothers.

So, if you want a very narrow band (mine is 2mm) that's probably a trade-off you should be expecting, and willing to make.

Class n Sass

Jan 14, 2007
Thanks Lynn B....I''m not quite sure what size band I want. I know I don''t want it too thin but not too think either. Do you know what the average width is for a size 5.5 finger. I was thinking 2.3 mm. Would there be a noticeable difference between 2mm and 2.3 mm?

Lynn B

May 9, 2004
Date: 1/17/2007 5:27:39 PM
Author: Class n Sass
Thanks Lynn B....I''m not quite sure what size band I want. I know I don''t want it too thin but not too think either. Do you know what the average width is for a size 5.5 finger. I was thinking 2.3 mm. Would there be a noticeable difference between 2mm and 2.3 mm?

There''s really no such thing as an "average width" ring for any size finger. The choices are endless, and it''s all so subjective as to what you love and what you want.

But I will tell you that my old set (shared prong) with .03 melee was 2.3mm wide. My new fishtail pave set is 2mm wide... and I definitely saw a visual difference. Particularly times two... (e-ring AND w-ring)... my two rings together (now) are 4mm wide. My old set was 4.6mm wide... and THAT''S a visual difference that I think ANYONE would notice.
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