
The new WF ES 2.32 J SI at last!

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Oct 30, 2002
Okay I'm rested with 8.5 hours of sleep and feel slightly more chipper and fresh, well not really but close. Last nite before we went to bed I spent a bit of time scanning through pictures while eating a cold burger that my darling hubby was so nice to get me 3 hours before (aka when my flight was supposed to arrive) and cropping, resizing, saving etc. So I have ALOT of images. But guess what? I HAVE MORE!!! I took over 500 pictures with my camera on our trip to Houston this time, and you guessed it, about 90% of those are my diamond or my rings or whatever. It's truly a sickness. Anyway, I plan to post and post and post because some of these shots are just awesome. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I do...for more details refer to the Hmmm What's This thread ( with all the specs and some stone images and pre-trip excitement...hehee.

First off WF got some new camera equipment and used my stone along with some other ones they had in inventory to experiment with some new pohtography backgrounds etc. These first 4-5 pictures of the loose stone are the results. I love how some of these came much fun. Can I just say that I think their fabulous photo guy, Mark, has the best job ever? He just takes pictures of diamonds all day. Woo hoo!

where''s my drool icon? i would be using it repeatedly for the next 5 minutes here.




Holy cow, it''s gorgeous! I mean gorgeous! ...beautiful, wonderful, amazing.
it was really hard for us to get clear crisp shots of the loose stone, we took tons but not many came is a mediocre one showing all the brilliance. it was flashing off so many lights when loose that the camera was just focusing in the wrong spots!! my partner in crime, alj, may have gotten some better loose diamond shots with her camera.

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so then we saw the is a modified stuller solstice 6 prong trimmed and shaped and this and that...unfortunately with my existing ring we were a bit constrained on what we could do with the peg i told them what i wanted and they told me what they could do. here is the head after the first round of modifications to it alongside my old ring head and stone!!! amazing the difference eh?

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and here it is finished and polished up. because most of the mods were made before i got there, they were able to set it for me to take the next afternoon which was fabulous!!! i really love it, i am still getting used to the 6 prong look but i LOVE the side view!!!!!! one of my pet peeves about my old 4 prong was the icky side view.

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and here is a shot that WF''s photographer, mark, got with my own Canon SD550...who knew my camera could do this? i just love how the focus is on a few of the melee and the stone is still crisp but a little blurry.

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OH! I am so excited to watch this thread unfold and see more and more and MORE photos of your new stone!!!!

It is simply BEAUTIFUL, Mara! Just glorious!!! I ADORE it!
Those glamour shots are to die for, aren''t they???! John promised me some of my stone, too... and I can''t wait to get them.

Your new head is going to look beautiful! It will really change the look of your whole set, I think! (Plus that brilliant, blazing, ***HUGE*** firecracker it will be holding won''t hurt matters any, either!!!) WooHoo!

Congratulations! This is sooooo exciting. Now... MORE! MORE! MORE!!!!!
and the finished rings on the hand. i love this shot with the colors inside the diamond....

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OH! Just saw more pictures were added while I typed my reply!

IT''S DONE AND YOU ARE WEARING IT???! OHMYWORD!!!! HOW EXCITING!!!! You weren''t expecting that, were you???! OH!!! I am soooo excited!

They modified the little block under your head, didn''t they??! It looks like the rest of the band! HOW COOL IS THAT!!! WHO KNEW????! Tell me more, tell me more!!!!!

Ahhhhh! The blinding beauty of it all!!!!
and here is a closeup of the new stone in my rings on Aljdewey''s hand...i love the crisp colors in this shot, icy blues!

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It''s STUNNING!! It turned out better than I could have imagined. Congrats, girl! It is just breathtaking and perfect with your set. The proportion of stone size to band width is divine!!!! Waiting for more pics.....
Wow, I just happened to be on PS when you posted your new ring!! Mara, it is gorgeous. I can't believe these last weeks have passed so quickly already! (Probably not for you!) Love it. Love the new head and stone and how there is no longer that solid metal place right under the head on the band! It is really beyond words. Will look forward to all the rest!
WOW!!!! Mara I LOVE the new head and the way they put it on your ring. It''s absolutely gorgeous. That stone is on fire, I''m blinded!!!! So happy for you!!
lol lynn, you crack me up girl, your excitement is so infectious, i love ya!!!!! keep posted cuz i have WAY more pictures coming!

another awesome shot i love, i like how the stone is blurry but the rings are kind of focused and icy white sparkles yum!!!!

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I guess photos will keep being added while I type!!! Yippeee!

What does it look like on the band at the base of the new head? Can you tell that there were modifications to the little block of metal, or not? Does it look like a smooth, flowing design, right up to the new head? I am sooo intrigued by how they did that!!!! It makes me wonder why they don''t always just do it that way... why break up a design (any design) by a little piece of plain metal if they don''t have to???!

More pictures, please!

And OH! Your new stone is a KILLER! And it LOOKS GIGANTIC!
and okay one last one of the rings on the black background, all blurry and the stone looks extra huge!!! i had bad hand shake on this one!!! hehe.

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I want a few full-hand shots, please!
YUM!!!! this shot is just all crispy like new cereal.

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Just goes to show what a great job WF did on putting the new head on your ring. I don''t know how they did it, but to me it makes all the difference in the world!!! It''s perfection. I do love the 6 prongs and the buttercup head is lovely. Can you explain how they did that?? I bet it wasn''t easy??
I tought I''d check PS before stepping out.... glad I did.

My fav so far is the close-up with the pink hues inside the stone, but I know there will be more..

And I agree, the side-view on the 6-prong looks great! I am generally a 4-prong girl too but you can''t get that gorgeous side-view with them.
OHMYGOSH! That last photo is to die for! Simply breathtaking. I can hardly type and I think I am hyperventilating!!!!

okay lynn, for you, the full hand shot....excuse the french ipaintedthemontheplane nails please....

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Ahhhhh. *happy sigh*
okay picture-gasm halted so i can answer the head Q''s from you gals...

basically i still have the same block of metal on my e-ring as i did before but WF shaved it down and then put the head on and sculpted it kind of up the sides. when the e-ring is worn alone from the angled side view it looks just a wee bit odd, because of how the diamond head protrudes over the side of the ring, but it''s not like they could do anything with the pre-existing ring, so with what they had to work with it looks awesome. it''s only if you scrutinize it very closely does it look a little odd, but when both rings are worn together, from all angles it looks fab. i also wear my e-ring alone maybe 1% of the time if even that, as i prefer both rings, so i was totally fine with the view and i don''t think the ''average'' person would notice it if that makes sense, let me dig up a picture to show what i mean.
It''s soooo pretty on your hand, just amazing!!! The prongs are perfection as well. Are ya used to it yet???
YOWZA! We want more pics more pics more pics! And how did they get rid of that empty spot on your ring? It looks stunning!
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