
Gooooooing to the Chapel and we''re gonna get ma-a-a-ried! [E-ring Pics!]

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Oct 10, 2004
To anyone who remembers me, I have not been back in a while (over a month - a while in PS terms though!) V. quick rundown: long distance relationship, he is in California, I live in Australia. We had a talk saying we would get engaged early next year, after I have moved to California (once I graduate college, in December). This had come as a bit of a shock and admittedly, a small disappointment, to me, as I thought we would be engaged during my June-July trip (i.e. the trip I just got back from.) However, I can''t fault his logic, as we will have a lot of expenses from setting up our house together when I move there at the end of this year. So I am all set on getting engaged next year.

Well, I go to visit him in June, and get the shock of my life ...

We''re engaged!

So, the story. (Skip this part if you just want to get to the pics!!)

I arrived early Saturday morning. We drove to our hotel, and when we got there, he had bought me a bunch of my favourite American foods and drinks (e.g. Lucky Charms, salsa, root beer) and an assortment of trashy celebrity gossip magazines which I just (sinfully) love. So I was so happy about all of that thinking I have the most awesome boyfriend ever, that he had all that stuff for my arrival!

I then spot a camcorder in the corner of the room. I''m like um you realize I''m not Paris Hilton
and he says he wrote me a song (he plays guitar and has an amazing singing voice) and seeing as I "always complain" that I don''t have any of his music recorded, he thought he''d tape it. Me (ignorant as I am) go oh, okay!

He then pulls out a photo album he compiled of a ton of pics of us from the very beginning of our relationship till now. I am like oh how sweet! So we start flipping through it, talking about memories of certain days. And all of a sudden, he is asking me to marry me and pulling out the most beautiful ring ...
. So naturally, I say "duh!"
Yes, I actually said duh ...

But that''s not it ...

He has also purchased these Tiff & Co champagne flutes that I love, that come in a special box. I bought a friend a set as a wedding gift, and he bought them for us, to be our "celebration" glasses for when something awesome happens and we have to celebrate!! And he bought a bottle of Moet & Chandon, and lemon meringue pie (our favourite desert) to share, to celebrate, and takes me out for Mexican food for lunch.

But the sweetest thing is later on, when he plays me the song. He was like I should have waited and played the song (it was beautiful, it ends in "will you marry me" - duh) to propose. But I think it is very sweet that he got so excited about proposing that he jumped the gun and did it earlier. He had set the camcorder up to tape his song, and his proposal, and had even marked a spot with lint of where I should sit so I was in the frame so he could get my reaction. It was all astoundingly sweet ...

Over the course of the next few days, I learn that everyone knew but me!!

My best friend conspired with him, by sending him a picture of the ring I loved (Mara''s ring, just FYI - in case it looks familiar! I thought it was so beautiful. Mara, I hope imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!!

All of his friends and family knew about it, and had seen the ring, and apparantly he was even nervous ... crazy, because of course I was going to say yes. A co-worker of his was like "oh, I''ve seen your ring before ... in fact, I saw pictures of it, sketches of it, and even all the little diamonds before they went into the ring!"

The ring turned out to be a size too big. I have a claddagh ring (an irish ring) that I wear on the fourth finger of my left hand. When I bought my boyfriend a claddagh ring he requested it be the same size as mine, so he could wear it on his pinky. Little did I know that was how he was going to choose the size for my e-ring! Very sneaky and thoughtful, because it was a teeny bit small for that finger but he wore it at that size waiting for the day he would buy my ring.) Lucky the ring was easy to resize, they simply removed one stone and it was the perfect size.

I also had a gift to give to him! A pocket watch by Longines, circa 1900. Luckily I had brought it with me to the US soley to find a beautiful box to put it in (I hadn''t found anything I liked in Australia.) Can''t believe the coincidence ...

Anyway, I have a ton of pics to post, but first I am going to take a brief trip down memory lane, for those looking for their e-ring who are completely indecisive (as I was!) you can see that you are not the only one! Here is all the phases I went through to look for my e-ring ... (and you''ll see why I called myself Indecisive!)

My first love, the (rectangular) Tiffanys Lucida (well, an imitation, anyway.) I''m glad I kept looking, because now I find the band too thick for my fingers.

My second thought - an emerald cut three-stone ring (either three emeralds or tapered baguettes.) I leaned away from it when I realized the difficulty of a wedding band sitting flush, and the less sparkly-ness of ECs.

I fell in love with this EC with a pave band ...

That is just the sweetest proposal story ever!!!! Congratulations!!!!! Best wishes to you both!!!!!
Who didn''t flirt with the idea of a split shank ring? I do truly love them. But the difficulty of sitting a wedding band with it made it problematic. Plus the fact that they don''t look as nice with more reasonable sized stones.

I fell in love with (and do still love!) the Ritani.

Oh and the Ritani again.

I think the price tag steered me from this, and also the alleged problem with getting Ritani to set YOUR stone, etc.

I even considered the Daniel K style with a sapphire, topaz, aquamarine or something!! Because I loved the setting so much. But again, the wedding band problem.

I even took a journey into coloured stone territory!!!

I saw the most amazing Ceylon sapphire in a setting just like this in Kozminsky, in Melbourne, and fell in love with it. I thought very seriously about a ring like this (although on a more modest scale), but with a pale blue sapphire, like an icy blue ...

But eventually I went back to diamond land ...

I thought a lot about one of the Tiffany knife-edge reproductions ... simple and classic.

But alas, my heart was taken for good by the beautiful shared-prong style rings, like Teebee''s (pictured), Lynn B''s, Mara''s and the like ...

I looked at the Facets one ...

And also the A Jaffe one, because of its insanely reasonable price.

I''ll admit I wavered a bit when I found this beauty on Pearlman''s ... (oh and that reminds me, I forgot to list my Michael B phase - but honestly, everyone went through that, it''s not unique!

14EE18 - from Pearlmans.jpg
But in the end, the one thing I loved and kept coming back to was the style of Mara''s ring. I loved the shared-prong rings (all of them) but I liked the added security of the four prongs, and also the straighter edges of the band (I didn''t like some of the scalloped looks.)

Which is when my friend stepped in and emailed this pic to my now-fiance! Sneaky girl, that one!

So, now we''re down to the ring pics!

mara 1-29ct ring.jpg
That is such a sweet proposal, and such a wonderful surprise! Now get on with the pictures of YOUR ring, silly girl!!
Oh, but first ...


The champagne flutes ...

The goodies .... (nearly there I promise!)



And here we go!!!

Specs -- sorry to disappoint, being PS I know how people love numbers, but I don''t have any. All I know is his vague description - VS1, H (or possibly I, I''m not sure). 1 carat centre, 1.5 total weight around the band. Ring size is 5.5. Not sure about anything else, but it sparkles like crazy!

My ring ... and polar bear PJs ...

This one shows some of the colours ... the yellowness is just the light in my kitchen!

Side view - the stone is actually quite high off the band. I''d have thought that would bug me, or get in the way, but it doesn''t, and it really makes the centre stone look bigger! I love it!!

More colours! Under many lights it is just like a mess of sparkles flying around off my hand.

Doesn''t everyone take pics of their diamonds at work?

The back of the band. (Before resizing, so it looks a bit big. I went from a 6.5 to a 5.5)

A close up ... (well, as best I could do.)

The prongs are kind of cool, they are V shaped, and make the stone look squareish sometimes, which I don''t mind at all.

Sadly, this is the best close-up, least-fuzzy shot I could get. I don''t know how so many of you take such amazingly details pics!

Congrats on your fantastic proposal and all those uber sweet and thoughtful celebration gifts! Your ring is lovely and looks great on your hands. Congrats!!!
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