

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
just checking in to see how things are in NJ today ?
you'll need a propper holiday when all this is over


Jun 8, 2008
just checking in to see how things are in NJ today ?
you'll need a propper holiday when all this is over

Hi Daisy, no changes. Today is L-S dip Tuesday so just praying the cats can get through this and do OK today. It's a very stressful day for cats and their humans. ::) I shared a photo of Fred on the previous page just a moment ago. He is a dear. They all are. Thanks for asking and thanks for your continued support and good wishes.


May 11, 2012
Did the vets make any new suggestions about treating the cats? And how are they all generally?


Jun 8, 2008
Did the vets make any new suggestions about treating the cats? And how are they all generally?

Hi arkieb, so the veterinarian just called. She examined all of them again and said she thinks they all look like they have improved!

She said Fred looks great and he is the one lagging behind and still looks improved.

She agrees with me we need to wait to culture them til they all look good enough to culture. This way if we have all negative cultures the chances they will reinfect after a negative culture is slim.

I asked her about the hair loss I see on Bobby's face and the newest ones on his back and head and she feels they are improved. The thing is the hair loss on his face was not there before. But she sort of skimmed that and said he looks improved all over.

Honestly there is a little doubt nagging at me because I am worried she is not sharp enough re RW as they don't see RW often. Their staff told me months ago the last RW case they had was 10 years ago. :geek2: Perhaps Raquel was wrong or perhaps she should have kept her mouth shut but in any case I hope the Veterinarian knows her stuff and that she is right.:pray: I mean she did diagnose Oliver right away and cultured him correctly so no reason to think she isn't sharp enough. I am just a worrier and perhaps my eyes are deceiving me. She knows more than I do re veterinarian info right?

TBH I am so relieved to hear good news I don't want to push it and keep saying but what about this. What about that if you kwim.

They are all still at the vet drying from the L-S dip so we aren't getting them til later and I don't know how they did with the dips today. I think the vet examined them before they were dipped.

Thanks for asking and for caring. I know I sound like a broken record but it makes me feel less scared somehow knowing I have PSers rooting for our cats. And being so helpful with info and advice. Means more than words can say. Thank you.


May 11, 2012
All of us are sending you dust, positive thoughts and anything else that we can, that the cats all start getting better soon!!!!


Sep 1, 2009
One of my boys is going in for a dental the day after tomorrow. It should be easy. Probably just a cleaning. Some chance the front pointy tooth may need removed (though unlikely since he is eating again no problem). I am already worried! @missy I think all of us worry and second guess the vets who care for our animals. Most of the time, they are good and we never had to worry. I keep reminding myself of that and wanted to remind you too. You aren't alone. I hope you are past this nightmare soon.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
ignorance is bliss
i always have complete trust in the vet ...well most of the time
Borris was a neighbourhod stray and after a wee while of her seeming to have no actual home but ours we thought we better do the right thing
so we went down to the vets to get her microchipped- no problem all done and paid for
the vet did not think Borris had been spayed so we booked in for that latter that week
the next day we got a call from the practice saying we had to prove she was ours before they would spay her - yet the night before they chipped her ear and took my money ???

anyway a couple of weeks before this Borris had gone missing for a week - Gary thought maybe her actual family had moved- i had put up lost posters all over the neighbourhod also asking if she was someone else's cat and if so could they just tell us
anyway exactly a week latter she returned - we think she was locked in a shed
she was a bit hungry but none the worse for wear and happy to be home
that's what promoted getting her microchipped
anyway so i had taken one of the lost posters down to the vet so that kind of but not completly convinced them she was our cat
anyway anyway
so Borris goes in for her hysterectomy and they ring back a few hours latter and say when they shaved her tummy they found the scare and she was already fixed
the vet that did the micropchipping had actually also shaved some of Borris' tummy fur and couldn't see any scare
poor Borris went through that winter with a very cold tummy

only once have we ever got a vet who was a real cat person not a dog person
I think Tinky's mum was a feral, he was picked up off the street and he was always a very timid cat around humans -
anyone this one time only at the vets we got this really lovelly Scotsman and he was a cat person and it just made all the difference


Aug 5, 2018
... the veterinarian just called. She examined all of them again and said she thinks they all look like they have improved!

She said Fred looks great and he is the one lagging behind and still looks improved.

She agrees with me we need to wait to culture them til they all look good enough to culture. This way if we have all negative cultures the chances they will reinfect after a negative culture is slim.

Even in your frequent reports here improvement is obvious! Then, you worry.

It is all too slow ,(
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Feb 8, 2014
I am just horrified at all of the events on this thread, and that I've missed all of it...until an hour ago when I found it and read the whole thing. @missy I wish I would've known about this thread, I'm certified to do cat grooming and would have been happy to come out there and shave your kitties if you needed it, and would gladly go ASAP if you need me. I'm really glad the dog groomers were too afraid of the RW to attempt grooming your babies, as grooming cats is far different than grooming dogs. The epidermis of humans is at least 10-15 cells thick, dogs are only 3-5 cells thick, while cats are .01 to .07 cells thick, making them INCREDIBLY delicate to groom. I would never recommend that an owner do it themselves without training/experience and precisely the right tools and blades. Even those with experience and insufficient patience can VERY easily injure a cat, I've seen it. My Griffy had RW 2 years ago on his snout and I noticed it right away. He had a scraping, meds and it cleared up in two weeks, but it was scary. He is a Doxie so he LIVES to dig and root around in the dirt, and RW is a fungus that thrives in dirt..... I'm SOOO sorry for the nightmare you and the babies have gone and are going through. You've been given loads of amazing advice on this thread so there's not a whole lot to add, except to say that with all the meds the kitties have been taking, I would DEFINITELY consider a probiotic for them, specifically Feline FortiFlora ( Much like humans, medications interfere negatively with the microbiome in the gut where the majority of our immune system resides. Fortifying their gut CANNOT hurt and will likely help a great deal recover from the effects of the meds. Before freaking out about other conditions, I would try to get them back to their normal condition and re-balance their immune system, then have them retested.

@yssie I'm so sad to hear about Alex having cancer!! ;( I think you did the exact right thing with the amputation. I have two tripod doggy clients and one kitty tripod. Once they heal, it seems as if they never got the memo telling them they were disabled and they go on with life as before, adjusting perfectly. We suffer for them more than they suffer for themselves. My Lola had knee surgery three months ago and I was SEVERELY stressed during her two month convalescence, I won't even tell you about how much sleep I lost, while she was just worried about getting out of her forced bed rest and getting more treats. Animals and their resilience are very inspirational to me as they can go through and survive horrendous ordeals and come out the other side happy to be alive and seemingly non-traumatized, while we humans are often totally disrupted and derailed by the most trivial events.... I sincerely hope that nothing more is found by the oncologist and that this was caught early enough to prevent metastasis.

Not that anyone is listening to me, but I will definitely keep both of you and your babies in my prayers until they are well.

Griffy, post scraping


Jun 8, 2008
only once have we ever got a vet who was a real cat person not a dog person

Hi Daisy, yes I agree with this. Most veterinarians I know are more dog people than cat people though you have a few (like my sister) who are firmly in both camps. She has both dogs and cats and loves them equally. I think. More research is done for dogs than for cats and RW is a perfect example. There is but one big (relatively speaking) study on Itrafungol and L-S dips on cats but more of the research for RW is done with dogs so we have to extrapolate and hope for the best. But as we know cats and dogs are different.

Your cats are lucky to have you @Daisys and Diamonds!


Jun 8, 2008
How are things today @missy?

Hi @facetgirl about the same. I fed everyone at 3:30 AM (a bit earlier than usual as we have a hectic schedule this AM) and we gave them their Itrafungol this AM. No topicals right now as they were just dipped yesterday so probably going to apply topicals tonight. We are running into the city as I have an endocrinologist appt which I wish I could have postponed as this will take half the day with traffic at the UN and waiting at the doctor's office etc but I have to keep the appt so just sucking it up. That means cleaning and disinfecting will have to be done later this afternoon but so be it.

Fred is still constipated but a few hard balls came out of him earlier and I just don't know what else to do. We will give him fluids later when we get back and I will continue feeding him the Benefiber and omega 3 oils I have been giving him. His arthritis is pretty bad and I stopped giving him Gabapentin so I will start that up again.

The vet feels the L-S dips are drying out Tommy's hair and causing him to lose it but she wants him to continue with the dips. Poor Tommy. Fred didn't get off the couch this AM to eat but he did eat most of the food I brought to him on the couch so that is good.

Little Ollie is adorable and waking us every hour still but he has to stay with us in the bedroom til everyone is clear as we don't want him to get reinfected.

Thanks for asking and thanks again for your support.


Jun 8, 2008
Even in your frequent reports here improvement is obvious! Then, you worry.

It is all too slow ,(

Agree completely. This is excruciatingly slow. We are just going to continue what we are doing and take any improvement we can and hope and pray they will all eventually clear RW.
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Jun 8, 2008
I am just horrified at all of the events on this thread, and that I've missed all of it...until an hour ago when I found it and read the whole thing. @missy I wish I would've known about this thread, I'm certified to do cat grooming and would have been happy to come out there and shave your kitties if you needed it, and would gladly go ASAP if you need me. I'm really glad the dog groomers were too afraid of the RW to attempt grooming your babies, as grooming cats is far different than grooming dogs. The epidermis of humans is at least 10-15 cells thick, dogs are only 3-5 cells thick, while cats are .01 to .07 cells thick, making them INCREDIBLY delicate to groom. I would never recommend that an owner do it themselves without training/experience and precisely the right tools and blades. Even those with experience and insufficient patience can VERY easily injure a cat, I've seen it. My Griffy had RW 2 years ago on his snout and I noticed it right away. He had a scraping, meds and it cleared up in two weeks, but it was scary. He is a Doxie so he LIVES to dig and root around in the dirt, and RW is a fungus that thrives in dirt..... I'm SOOO sorry for the nightmare you and the babies have gone and are going through. You've been given loads of amazing advice on this thread so there's not a whole lot to add, except to say that with all the meds the kitties have been taking, I would DEFINITELY consider a probiotic for them, specifically Feline FortiFlora ( Much like humans, medications interfere negatively with the microbiome in the gut where the majority of our immune system resides. Fortifying their gut CANNOT hurt and will likely help a great deal recover from the effects of the meds. Before freaking out about other conditions, I would try to get them back to their normal condition and re-balance their immune system, then have them retested.

@yssie I'm so sad to hear about Alex having cancer!! ;( I think you did the exact right thing with the amputation. I have two tripod doggy clients and one kitty tripod. Once they heal, it seems as if they never got the memo telling them they were disabled and they go on with life as before, adjusting perfectly. We suffer for them more than they suffer for themselves. My Lola had knee surgery three months ago and I was SEVERELY stressed during her two month convalescence, I won't even tell you about how much sleep I lost, while she was just worried about getting out of her forced bed rest and getting more treats. Animals and their resilience are very inspirational to me as they can go through and survive horrendous ordeals and come out the other side happy to be alive and seemingly non-traumatized, while we humans are often totally disrupted and derailed by the most trivial events.... I sincerely hope that nothing more is found by the oncologist and that this was caught early enough to prevent metastasis.

Not that anyone is listening to me, but I will definitely keep both of you and your babies in my prayers until they are well.

Griffy, post scraping

Aww Sandy, thank you so much. I will order that probiotic. And thank you for your generous offer. It has been quite the challenging ordeal and we are doing all we can to help them get better. At times I feel overwhelmed and want to give up but know we have to keep on going. I am hoping we are getting nearer to resolution than we were months ago but sometimes dark thoughts take over and I worry they will all relapse. But we are continuing to treat them and give them as much love as we can and hoping they start doing well soon.

One of the challenges that most people whose animals have RW don't have is that we are away from our main home since RW happened. We don't want to infect yet another home. I have not been back to NYC for months and it is hard. Greg hasn't been physically in the office since this happened. He has to go back and is planning to next month and I will be at the beach house during the day by myself with the kitties. Our regular lives cannot resume til RW clears fully. And that is an extra challenge we are dealing with at the moment. It isn't easy being away even though the beach house is great I am ready to go back to our primary home. This is the longest I have ever been away. 4 plus months and counting because when Francesca got sick we decided we would stay the duration since she preferred the beach house and then when she died I wasn't ready to go back and then BAM this happened a few weeks later so we have been here since May.

Glad your sweet doggie is all clear from RW and doing well. Thank you for chiming in and for your advice @SandyinAnaheim.


Jun 8, 2008
All of us are sending you dust, positive thoughts and anything else that we can, that the cats all start getting better soon!!!!

Thank you @arkieb1!

One of my boys is going in for a dental the day after tomorrow. It should be easy. Probably just a cleaning. Some chance the front pointy tooth may need removed (though unlikely since he is eating again no problem). I am already worried! @missy I think all of us worry and second guess the vets who care for our animals. Most of the time, they are good and we never had to worry. I keep reminding myself of that and wanted to remind you too. You aren't alone. I hope you are past this nightmare soon.

Thanks @TooPatient. And I am sending your boy bucketloads of good luck dust at the dentist tomorrow. And gentle hugs.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
oh missy
any other situation and id be soooo excited you got caught up in that UN traffic
you live in the most amazing city in the world and have a beach house in the greatest state to boot !
please kitties, please please get better soon.


Feb 8, 2014
Aww Sandy, thank you so much. I will order that probiotic. And thank you for your generous offer. It has been quite the challenging ordeal and we are doing all we can to help them get better. At times I feel overwhelmed and want to give up but know we have to keep on going. I am hoping we are getting nearer to resolution than we were months ago but sometimes dark thoughts take over and I worry they will all relapse. But we are continuing to treat them and give them as much love as we can and hoping they start doing well soon.

One of the challenges that most people whose animals have RW don't have is that we are away from our main home since RW happened. We don't want to infect yet another home. I have not been back to NYC for months and it is hard. Greg hasn't been physically in the office since this happened. He has to go back and is planning to next month and I will be at the beach house during the day by myself with the kitties. Our regular lives cannot resume til RW clears fully. And that is an extra challenge we are dealing with at the moment. It isn't easy being away even though the beach house is great I am ready to go back to our primary home. This is the longest I have ever been away. 4 plus months and counting because when Francesca got sick we decided we would stay the duration since she preferred the beach house and then when she died I wasn't ready to go back and then BAM this happened a few weeks later so we have been here since May.

Glad your sweet doggie is all clear from RW and doing well. Thank you for chiming in and for your advice @SandyinAnaheim.
You're welcome missy. I love animals, like, REALLY REALLY love animals. I would be happy to come to your rescue if you need me. I've always wanted to volunteer for disaster relief for animals, but my long working hours do not allow that at this point in my life. So I try to help in smaller ways with rescues and grooming homeless people's pets, just to help the pets. I am certain that you're overwhelmed, who wouldn't be?? But I need to remind you that kitties are SUPER-SENSITIVE to your emotions, more so than dogs. Try to stay upbeat and believe that you and they will all overcome this dark episode.


Jun 20, 2008
I'm thinking about you @missy. So good to hear that Fred is eating, even if just a little bit. Maybe try a humidifier to help with the dryness after their dips? I wish I could offer better suggestions.

I'm wondering if once you get the all clear on Ollie (and you will get it!), maybe your husband takes him to NYC and when Tommy gets the all clear, he goes and then Fred you both go? I hate saying that because it separates all of you and sense you all want to stick this out together. I also know you want to prevent spread into your other home (smart move). Sometimes separating them out of the environment might help, and it might also help give you a view of progress and the light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm sure you've though through all of these and many other options. Consider this a rambling from a night owl. I just really feel for you and your boys.


Jun 8, 2008
oh missy
any other situation and id be soooo excited you got caught up in that UN traffic
you live in the most amazing city in the world and have a beach house in the greatest state to boot !
please kitties, please please get better soon.

Thanks @Daisys and Diamonds. Your posts always bring a smile to my face. Positivity and enthusiasm. Great qualities. I agree I love living in NYC and at the Jersey shore. Best of both worlds. Though there are so many places I feel we would be happy living in...but I do agree. It does not suck living here. Thank you for your continued good wishes and encouraging support. XO.
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Jun 8, 2008
You're welcome missy. I love animals, like, REALLY REALLY love animals. I would be happy to come to your rescue if you need me. I've always wanted to volunteer for disaster relief for animals, but my long working hours do not allow that at this point in my life. So I try to help in smaller ways with rescues and grooming homeless people's pets, just to help the pets. I am certain that you're overwhelmed, who wouldn't be?? But I need to remind you that kitties are SUPER-SENSITIVE to your emotions, more so than dogs. Try to stay upbeat and believe that you and they will all overcome this dark episode.

Thanks @SandyinAnaheim yes we are being super careful to not let our stress affect the cats. We are positive and cheerful around them as much as possible. We cannot be 100% all the time but we are aware and we are trying. Greg is always talking sweetly and encouragingly to Fred who is by his side most of the evening. It isn't great because the cats know something is up. With all the meds and L-S dips and shampoos and vacuuming they are aware. But we are upbeat as much as we can be around them. And thanks again. I won't lie. I am tempted because right now you are like a Knight in Shining Armor but I don't think (I hope at least) they need to be shaved. There really is no one here competent or capable enough to shave them. Veterinarian included I fear. She would not entertain that idea either. For now I will hold off but will keep your generous offer in mind. Where are you located?

As for volunteering I used to love volunteering with homeless animals and did so for almost 2 decades til I burnt out. I thought we were giving back by taking care of the ferals in our neighborhood and doing TNR and finding homes for cats who are not feral. But I guess the universe had something additional in mind for us.


Jun 8, 2008
I'm thinking about you @missy. So good to hear that Fred is eating, even if just a little bit. Maybe try a humidifier to help with the dryness after their dips? I wish I could offer better suggestions.

I'm wondering if once you get the all clear on Ollie (and you will get it!), maybe your husband takes him to NYC and when Tommy gets the all clear, he goes and then Fred you both go? I hate saying that because it separates all of you and sense you all want to stick this out together. I also know you want to prevent spread into your other home (smart move). Sometimes separating them out of the environment might help, and it might also help give you a view of progress and the light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm sure you've though through all of these and many other options. Consider this a rambling from a night owl. I just really feel for you and your boys.

Thank you @facetgirl we did discuss that option but we need 2 people to administer the oral meds not to mention all the other things we are doing to care for the cats. If we separated we wouldn't be able to take care of them individually. And because this could go on for months and months separating isn't an attractive option. If it were for a week or 2 we could perhaps manage but for months and months no. So combined with the fact we need 2 people to care for the cats re meds and also the fact that we do not want to be apart for that long we will have to make this work as best we can. We have already uprooted our lives for the past few months and we are willing to do what we can to get our cats well but we draw the line at separating. Even if we didn't have the added complication of administering the meds.

Thank you for brainstorming and please know how much I appreciate any and all input.
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Jun 8, 2008
Oliver is behaving like a hellion cat right now. He was literally in my face every hour throughout the night. I slept very little. I am exhausted. And have a pounding headache. Greg didn't sleep well either. The Feliway isn't helping to calm Ollie. But it's not his fault. He is confined to the bedroom all day and night and is a kitten and needs to play with his siblings. He has been separated from them for months. It's upsetting because I feel we are affecting his personality and development and don't know what to do. Greg is insisting on keeping Oliver separate from the others because we don't want Oliver to get reinfected (if he is clear now which we are not sure about either) but at what cost? It's a frustrating and aggravating situation and I don't want to ruin Oliver's personality.

Little Ollie once his eye was treated. Look at this precious little baby.

Screen Shot 2019-09-26 at 5.07.32 AM.png

Someone vomited overnight. Probably Fred. I think the Benefiber is doing the same thing to him as the Miralax. He cannot tolerate it. He is constipated still. We are continuing every other day Sub Q fluids. He continues to purr when he is around us. I take that as a good sign though I know we cannot draw any conclusions from purring as it could mean many things. But I look at it as preferable to not purring if that makes sense.

Screen Shot 2019-09-26 at 5.06.15 AM.png

Bobby definitely has hair loss on his face. How could the vet not see that?

Screen Shot 2019-09-26 at 5.12.08 AM.png

Tommy is losing hair but not in any specific sites so hoping he is RW free and the hair loss is *just* stress induced. Not great that he is losing hair due to stress but it beats the RW alternative. Of course I am just guessing and going by what the veterinarian thinks.

Screen Shot 2019-09-26 at 5.08.44 AM.png

That's the update for today...reporting from the (@Daisys and Diamonds) Jersey Shore.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
thanks for the update and photos missy
they are all darlings
if i could im come round and play with Ollie
but he'll be ok no matter who he grows up to be
he can see and you gave him back a future with vision and that was a wounderful life changing gift


Jun 8, 2008
thanks for the update and photos missy
they are all darlings
if i could im come round and play with Ollie
but he'll be ok no matter who he grows up to be
he can see and you gave him back a future with vision and that was a wounderful life changing gift

Thank you Daisy. From your mouth to g-d's ear...I hope that comes true.


Sep 1, 2009
I wonder if there is some sort of play thing that would help Oliver? Something to keep him busy so he isn't going stir crazy. You could look at cat trees on Amazon. I'm seeing some that are very affordable and you could throw out if it became necessary to keep RW away.


Feb 8, 2014
Thanks @SandyinAnaheim yes we are being super careful to not let our stress affect the cats. We are positive and cheerful around them as much as possible. We cannot be 100% all the time but we are aware and we are trying. Greg is always talking sweetly and encouragingly to Fred who is by his side most of the evening. It isn't great because the cats know something is up. With all the meds and L-S dips and shampoos and vacuuming they are aware. But we are upbeat as much as we can be around them. And thanks again. I won't lie. I am tempted because right now you are like a Knight in Shining Armor but I don't think (I hope at least) they need to be shaved. There really is no one here competent or capable enough to shave them. Veterinarian included I fear. She would not entertain that idea either. For now I will hold off but will keep your generous offer in mind. Where are you located?

As for volunteering I used to love volunteering with homeless animals and did so for almost 2 decades til I burnt out. I thought we were giving back by taking care of the ferals in our neighborhood and doing TNR and finding homes for cats who are not feral. But I guess the universe had something additional in mind for us.
@missy unfortunately, I am in Southern California, but I'd be willing to fly out there to spend a day grooming the babies, if you decide you need it. You can cover my airfare and I'll donate my time and services. The biggest obstacle in grooming cats is having the time and patience to do it carefully and work around the struggling cat. For most groomers/vets, time is money, so it generally is not worth their time to do it, or if they do attempt it, they resort to non-holistic and very aggressive methods of cat restraint to get it done, which is obviously not optimal for sick babies. For me, I have all the time and patience in the world for pets and money is not my motivating factor.

As for medication administration, please take a look at this video to see if this might possibly help you in restraining the babies while you medicate them.

Lastly, the constipation is very likely due to the meds being given. I know you're also doing Sub-Q, but hydration is key to getting things moving in the bowels again. The FortiFlora I mentioned earlier is a digestive aid, supplying the healthy microorganisms needed for good digestion, and may help to alleviate the constipation.
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Jun 8, 2008
@missy unfortunately, I am in Southern California, but I'd be willing to fly out there to spend a day grooming the babies, if you decide you need it. You can cover my airfare and I'll donate my time and services. The biggest obstacle in grooming cats is having the time and patience to do it carefully and work around the struggling cat. For most groomers/vets, time is money, so it generally is not worth their time to do it, or if they do attempt it, they resort to non-holistic and very aggressive methods of cat restraint to get it done, which is obviously not optimal for sick babies. For me, I have all the time and patience in the world for pets and money is not my motivating factor.

As for medication administration, please take a look at this video to see if this might possibly help you in restraining the babies while you medicate them.

Lastly, the constipation is very likely due to the meds being given. I know you're also doing Sub-Q, but hydration is key to getting things moving in the bowels again. The FortiFlora I mentioned earlier is a digestive aid, supplying the healthy microorganisms needed for good digestion, and may help to alleviate the constipation.

Dear @SandyinAnaheim I had a feeling you lived in Southern California. I wouldn't dream of asking you to come here but you are so kind and wonderful to offer. Thank you for the video. I will watch it right away. We wrap the kitties in a big towel when we give them Itrafungol so hopefully we are doing it right. It works well. Fred is not getting Itrafungol and that is why I am scratching my head why is he so constipated? It could be IBD though we haven't seen the other extreme of this condition or it could be something else. Right now focusing on RW but yes I plan on giving him the probiotic you linked. Thank you so much for that suggestion. He is eating and drinking knock wood. Just not having BMs.

Thank you again Sandy. Your kindness brings tears to my eyes. Honestly it does. Just knowing there are loving and kind people who care makes it easier to bear. (((Hugs))).

ETA: Just watched the video, thanks. We wrap their entire body in a towel to give them the oral anti fungal liquid but I can see where this technique would help when needing some of their body free to administer topical meds. Thank you for this.


Jun 8, 2008
I wonder if there is some sort of play thing that would help Oliver? Something to keep him busy so he isn't going stir crazy. You could look at cat trees on Amazon. I'm seeing some that are very affordable and you could throw out if it became necessary to keep RW away.

Thanks TP. We have a scratching post for him in the bedroom that I disinfect with Rescue every day. I also give him a new plastic ball every day for him to play and run with. Sadly we had to get rid of all his material worms that he loved. He used to go crazy for them. Until I know he is clear I don't want to start buying lots more stuff. We threw out so much. Though we did keep all the trees and bigger scratching posts and bleach or Rescue it every day.

How did the dental work go today? Thinking of you and your sweet furbaby and hoping it went/goes smoothly.


Jun 8, 2008
@SandyinAnaheim the probiotic says it helps with diarrhea. You still recommend it for Fred's constipation, correct? Thanks.


Aug 6, 2014
Missy, could Fred be administered a prescription laxative? I know with my Tager after he had his enemas and was disimpacted, the vet had us put him on a combo of prescription laxative (whose name I can't remember) as well as a twice daily dose of hairball medication for several weeks after. He was a challenge to get medication into, so we had to dissolve both of these things in hot water and then dribble them into his mouth with a syringe, but it really helped.

I do think Fred is looking better in terms of the ringworm in his pictures. I will continue to send him dust that he starts to feel better overall soon.

Poor Ollie! He must be a bundle of energy being cooped up all the time. I can only imagine what it's like to share your bedroom with a bored adolescent cat!!! Could you tired him out with one of those toys on a string? I bought one once that was like fly fishing lures that the wand and the lures were sold separately, so that the lures could be tossed and replaced when needed. Might save you some cleaning issues and give him a way to work off some of that energy.

Hopefully things are turning a corner and are just not obvious yet! Keep hanging in there. There has to be an end in sight.
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