

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
oh poor sad kitties
but they still love mommy and daddy
poor Ollie
maybe he is being a teenager
i got kind of punched in the head by Tibby the other day and i must say it hurt my feelings but as soon as i put him down he was rubbing around my legs and purring
maybe they just get frustrated and impatient that we don't always do like what they want
Tinky was more cantankerous and when he got grumpy it was funny even if we got the odd scratch
however this is mostly all positive, with alot of fur growing back
poor dear Tommy
but he's eatting

slightly off on a tangent but may i ask how indoor cat families insure their kitties don't make a run for it when you bring the groceries in ?


Jun 8, 2008
oh poor sad kitties
but they still love mommy and daddy
poor Ollie
maybe he is being a teenager
i got kind of punched in the head by Tibby the other day and i must say it hurt my feelings but as soon as i put him down he was rubbing around my legs and purring
maybe they just get frustrated and impatient that we don't always do like what they want
Tinky was more cantankerous and when he got grumpy it was funny even if we got the odd scratch
however this is mostly all positive, with alot of fur growing back
poor dear Tommy
but he's eatting

slightly off on a tangent but may i ask how indoor cat families insure their kitties don't make a run for it when you bring the groceries in ?

Yes he is eating though I have to add not as voraciously as usual.::)

The cats know better than to rush the door as we are opening it. They have never ever run out though in our Brooklyn apartment Francesca used to run into the hallway (she knew it was OK) and we would play there lol. Such is the life of an urban kitty. Oh I miss my sweet girl so much.

One of our funny and sweet memories is when we would get back from the beach and be in Brooklyn and Francesca would start meowing when she realized we were not at the beach anymore and she would go to the B line door (we are 2 and half apartments in one) and she would start wailing to be let out and we would open the B line door and she would run into the hallway and look around and then look at us as if to say, this isn't where the beach is...where is our beach house? LOL even though we just spent an hour and a half in the car traveling she always would still run to the B line door meowing to go back to the beach thinking it was right outside that door. I want my baby girl back. :cry2:

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Oct 11, 2011
RW update:
So they all had their L-S dips yesterday and the vet looked them over.
She said Oliver has no active lesions but Fred has an area on his hind leg that is not growing hair. All the rest of Fred's balding areas are growing hair albeit slowly. Bobby has some crusts on his back but his hair is regrowing as far as they can tell. Tommy's hair is overall thinning but no lesions that we can see. And Fred is regrowing hair except on his hind leg which is concerning as he isn't getting the oral anti fungal but we just have to watch that area and keep applying topicals there. Though I read that spot applying topicals could put the RW into a subclinical condition but not cure it so some veterinarians don't recommend spot topicals for that reason. However we are going with our veterinarians recommendation.

This is a great update! I know it's still a slog but they are GETTING BETTER! You're beating it, even if it's hard and stressful for everyone. I'm so happy to read this.

Maybe the overall stress is making Fred lethargic? How old is he?

<3 that story about Francesca. What a darling. It's so hard to lose a pet, especially one as dear as Francesca was to you.


Jun 8, 2008
This is a great update! I know it's still a slog but they are GETTING BETTER! You're beating it, even if it's hard and stressful for everyone. I'm so happy to read this.

Maybe the overall stress is making Fred lethargic? How old is he?

<3 that story about Francesca. What a darling. It's so hard to lose a pet, especially one as dear as Francesca was to you.

Thanks @distracts. Fred is around 17 yo. We got him late 2002 or early 2003. He was around 6 (?) months old at the time. He was living a cage at a Vet Clinic and was being used as a blood donor kitty. Poor baby. Anyway my sister contacted me about him (his name was Oreo then) as she usually did in those days and how we ended up with 1 then 3 then 4 cats lol. But anyway my sister asked me to please take him. He had asthma and was miserable there. So I asked Greg and he was like sure and so we added Oreo renamed Fred to our family. Come to think of it at that point in time we only had Billy as Butch and Buster had died. Darn. They are with us for too short a time.

I don't know what is causing Fred's extreme lethargy. I had to stop his steroid pills (arthritis and asthma) due to RW but added Gabapentin for his arthritis. I now only give Gabapentin to him every other day as I thought perhaps that was making him lethargic. He moves OK so I don't think it is his arthritis but who knows. His face looks awful now. Black stuff from the fungus. Greg thinks it is crust that keeps coming up and out and not the RW per se. I just don't know.

Thanks for your kind words about Francesca. She was special. She had just turned 10 less than 2 months before she died. :(


Jan 9, 2015
I was just checking in on you guys and the RW (be da**ed forever, RW). I think the development looks cautiously optimistic. Sk even though it doesn't feel like it yet, I think it's going into the right direction! Keeping fingers crossed !!
Was truly shocked though, when I read this
He was living a cage at a Vet Clinic
how horrible.

Lucky Fred that you rescued him. You WILL rescue him again from RW. (((hugs)))


Jun 8, 2008
I was just checking in on you guys and the RW (be da**ed forever, RW). I think the development looks cautiously optimistic. Sk even though it doesn't feel like it yet, I think it's going into the right direction! Keeping fingers crossed !!
Was truly shocked though, when I read this
how horrible.

Lucky Fred that you rescued him. You WILL rescue him again from RW. (((hugs)))

Thank you @kipari. I so hope you are right. They all had rough beginnings.

Tommy was a mouser confined to a basement at the building where I worked.:nono: When I found out I started doing everything I could to rescue him. Greg and I would visit the building on Saturdays (it was closed Sundays) and feed him and hang out with him. He was kept in horrid conditions. Little food (to keep him hungry for mice), dark and dirty and just horrendous. Unfit for life.

It was heartbreaking and he was there for 2 years before I found out! TWO years:cry2:. Anyway with lots of sweet talking to the Superintendent (and a little bribery to reinforce the superintendent's good deed) and gentle persuasion (he was a macho man so I had to tread lightly) I was able to get Tommy out of there. And I made the Super promise NOT to get another cat. He swore he wouldn't. And while I was working at that building he didn't but then he moved and left that job and I have no clue what is happening there now. The owner of the building was the one who authorized getting Tommy as a mouser and so hope he didn't get another cat there.

Ugh I hate people sometimes. How do they think that is OK? Tommy's original name was Tigre so I kept the T. Tommy was there for 2 years and my sister estimated his age at the time at around 2. That was in December 2009.

We adopted Francesca in June 2009 and then Fred wouldn't play with her so we adopted Bobby (who also had a sort of rough beginning and might have been abused grrr) in Sept 2009 but then Tommy came along that December and well we couldn't not adopt him. I actually had a home lined up for Tommy (as 3 was our max or so I thought) but when push came to shove we couldn't give Tommy to someone I didn't know well after his tough life. So we adopted him as our own. And that made 4. First time we ever had 4 cats.

Anyway here we are. And our cats are suffering because I foolishly didn't isolate Oliver for a full 4 weeks. RW incubation. I didn't know about RW and you don't know what you don't know but I wish I had been smarter and realized a new cat should be isolated for 4 weeks. That I should have known. 27 years of having cats in our family and I had no freakin clue. We isolated Oliver for 3 weeks due to his herpetic eye ulcer but then the Vet Ophthalmologist said to introduce him to his brothers and so we did and the rest is history. I think they had just a few hours of contact each day (we kept Ollie in our bedroom at night separate from the other cats) for a few days before RW gate started. :blackeye:
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Jan 9, 2015
Please don't beat yourself up regarding the isolation. You didn't know and sometimes it just happens. Three weeks of quarantine and then still RW. Just bad luck. Horrible consequences for everyone involved but nobody's fault!
And yih already saved his eye!!! Major accomplishment!!!
Ugh I hate people sometimes. How do they think that is OK?
and yes to this... If someone is cruel to animals I always think "that's how all mass murderers start out". I can't imagine how those people were socialised. My children instinctively wouldn't ever kill ants/spiders, let alone be cruel to any other animal. I didn't have to teach them. It's just (or should be) normal. I get angry and sad when have to imagine how on earth people become like that???


Feb 2, 2015
I'm so sorry for the exhausting and worrisome work - bless you for saving them. I know what that is like and you deserve serious appreciation for it.

I lost my 'true love' cat to cancer and WAY overcompensated during my grief by fostering... fifteen rescues later I am down to only 3 cats and have abandoned the rescue community entirely due to burnout. The animals were amazing and wonderful but the human colleagues were less so. I never in a million years thought I would say something like that. But the work wiped me out.

Best wishes for your babies and for rest and healing for you as well!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Yes he is eating though I have to add not as voraciously as usual.::)

The cats know better than to rush the door as we are opening it. They have never ever run out though in our Brooklyn apartment Francesca used to run into the hallway (she knew it was OK) and we would play there lol. Such is the life of an urban kitty. Oh I miss my sweet girl so much.

One of our funny and sweet memories is when we would get back from the beach and be in Brooklyn and Francesca would start meowing when she realized we were not at the beach anymore and she would go to the B line door (we are 2 and half apartments in one) and she would start wailing to be let out and we would open the B line door and she would run into the hallway and look around and then look at us as if to say, this isn't where the beach is...where is our beach house? LOL even though we just spent an hour and a half in the car traveling she always would still run to the B line door meowing to go back to the beach thinking it was right outside that door. I want my baby girl back. :cry2:

Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 8.07.58 AM.png
she's so beautiful
i still miss Tinky every day


Jun 8, 2008
Please don't beat yourself up regarding the isolation. You didn't know and sometimes it just happens. Three weeks of quarantine and then still RW. Just bad luck. Horrible consequences for everyone involved but nobody's fault!
And yih already saved his eye!!! Major accomplishment!!!
and yes to this... If someone is cruel to animals I always think "that's how all mass murderers start out". I can't imagine how those people were socialised. My children instinctively wouldn't ever kill ants/spiders, let alone be cruel to any other animal. I didn't have to teach them. It's just (or should be) normal. I get angry and sad when have to imagine how on earth people become like that???

Yes it is unimaginable yet far too common. It is up to us, the decent people, to make sure the animals are safe. One cannot just expect that all people care about animals or even just would not harm animals. It's horrible what happens to many animals. Beyond imagination awful. :cry2:

Thanks for your good wishes and kind words. Hoping and praying for our cats to recover and do well.


Jun 8, 2008
I'm so sorry for the exhausting and worrisome work - bless you for saving them. I know what that is like and you deserve serious appreciation for it.

I lost my 'true love' cat to cancer and WAY overcompensated during my grief by fostering... fifteen rescues later I am down to only 3 cats and have abandoned the rescue community entirely due to burnout. The animals were amazing and wonderful but the human colleagues were less so. I never in a million years thought I would say something like that. But the work wiped me out.

Best wishes for your babies and for rest and healing for you as well!

Thank you so much @PreRaphaelite. I too used to be involved in rescue work. I did it all through my twenties and thirties and it was exhausting and took its toll. Like you I burned out. There is only so much heartache one can take and well one day maybe I will get back to that but I needed a break from it. I understand completely how you are feeling. The animals amazing the humans ehh. Though I know some wonderful rescue people. Really wonderful. I have the hugest girl crush on one of them. She is tireless and selfless and the best human being I ever met. She loves the animals and goes above and beyond for all of them. Her heart is HUGE.


Jun 8, 2008
she's so beautiful
i still miss Tinky every day

I am sorry Tinky is gone and I feel your pain. I like to think Francesca and Tinky are playing together at Rainbow Bridge. Frolicking and running and having fun together. And waiting for our arrival and reunion one day...

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
how are things going today/ last night
i know your all so busy but i worry when we dont see a post
maybe your all vegging (i bet that's a word cats would never use) on the couch watching Mr Fussy pants on netflex - its age appropriate for Ollie


Jun 8, 2008
how are things going today/ last night
i know your all so busy but i worry when we dont see a post
maybe your all vegging (i bet that's a word cats would never use) on the couch watching Mr Fussy pants on netflex - its age appropriate for Ollie

Hi Daisy, thanks for caring. Sorry I didn't check in here yesterday afternoon. We are continuing taking things one hour at a time. Oliver is now sleeping with us on the bed and we let him out of the playpen every night at 8PM (when I head to bed lol that early I am exhausted) and allow him to be out all night until we start cleaning at around 6:30 AM every morning. Or so give or take an hour depending on how energetic we are feeling. So if he still has RW we are in trouble as he is all over us. He eats my hair and sticks his face into my face and generally spreads all his germs on us so if he has RW uh oh. But we had to let him out for his emotional well being. He was definitely getting depressed being in the playpen for 22 hours a day. We cannot let him be around Tommy, Bobby and Fred yet because I don't want them reinfecting him. However all of them appear to still have something as Oliver still has black crud coming up and off his face. Greg feels it is not RW per se but the aftermath but we are not veterinarians so really hope it isn't RW. If we get RW we can give it back to the cats and this cycle will never end. But with 7 weeks of Itrafungol and 8 lime sulfur dips under Oliver's belt we are hoping he is not contagious anymore. :pray:

LOL Never heard of Mr Fussy pants but will have to check it out. Oliver loves birds and he can watch out our window for a long time enjoying the flight of the birds and the sound and motion of the sea.

No real update to share as everyone appears to be the same. Fred is listless and not moving most of the day but eats some when I bring him food early AM and in the afternoon he generally gets off the couch and wants more food. Tommy and Bobby appear to look the same as they did a few days ago and Oliver still has black stuff on his face that keeps coming out. Fred too. That black stuff worries me as that was Fred's first presentation of the fungus but Greg feels it is different and more the aftermath of the fungus on his face. I am not as sure but hope for the best.

Tommy yesterday afternoon. He loves boxes.

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Thanks for asking Daisy. How are you? How are your sweet furry babies doing?

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Tommy is beautiful
i mean every single kitty on the plannet is beautiful but Tommy is the quintessential tabby with the beaitiful green eyes (like me heehee)
Tibby is a much darker Tabby with really really short fur with its still really thick and very soft
he is still in the dog house after spraying repeatedly in the house and he wants to come inside for our cuddle.
but i just find time for some quality time a few times a day and i go out and spend time with him - he's out at the moment night clubbing or something
-last night he didn't go out at all
as soon as i get a job he's off to the vet to loose his manhod and get microchipped

its a beautiful warm night - no heatpump
the moon is huge and the stars are out snd the wind has dropped
Borris wanted to play and took ages to come in for the night
i think having Brooklyn cats would be alot eaiser sometimes
Mr Fussy pants is a kid's movie but if you need a night off netflex's sex and violence its really enjoyable with a bottle of wine
sometimes i watch old fashoned kid's movies to veg out ... and if anyone deserves to veg out its you and Greg and the kitties
it must be nice for all 3 of you to get up close with little Ollie, im sure they just enjoy our company
My OH isn't a cat person but he was patting Tinky in bed one night and Tinx had the loudest pur - Gary said this cat thrives on effection
like dauh !

i hope that black stuff on Ollie's face is not RW, maybe its just old skin from stress ? ??

things just have to get eaiser on you guys, people and cats
like you have said i would now not wish RW on my worst enemy


Jan 9, 2015
Oliver is now sleeping with us on the bed and we let him out of the playpen every night at 8PM (when I head to bed lol that early I am exhausted) and allow him to be out all night until we start cleaning at around 6:30 AM every morning

Great idea, this way Ollie's happier and Fred isn't stressed and you get to cuddle Ollie!!!! Keeoung fingers crossed !!

like you have said i would now not wish RW on my worst enemy
You're a better person than me @Daisys and Diamonds, because now I know EXACTLY what I wish upon bad people  :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Jun 8, 2008
i hope that black stuff on Ollie's face is not RW, maybe its just old skin from stress ? ??

Hi @Daisys and Diamonds No it is definitely from RW. The question is, is it active RW and contagious or just crud from healing skin damaged by RW and is no longer contagious. The only way to know for sure is by doing a culture and the results take 3-4 weeks. It took 28 days from culturing Oliver's first RW spot to getting a definitive diagnosis.

Tommy is beautiful
i mean every single kitty on the plannet is beautiful but Tommy is the quintessential tabby with the beaitiful green eyes (like me heehee)

Aww thank you @Daisys and Diamonds and Tommy meows thank you too. He is as we like to say Devastatingly handsome. And after RW his gorgeousness will be even greater.

Tommy as a baby (well not technically a baby as he was 2 yo when we rescued him from the basement but he was malnourished and looked like a baby).

We got him healthy quickly and he gained weight and got along with his siblings so well.

With HRH Francesca a few years ago.


and with Bobby

Sadly Tommy has lost too much weight and weighs 9.4 lbs vs 12 lbs. Waiting for RW gate to be over to bring him to my sister in Long Island to get his thyroid evaluated. It is hyperthyroid right now and while it was borderline 2 months ago we have to take care of it.

My OH isn't a cat person but he was patting Tinky in bed one night and Tinx had the loudest pur - Gary said this cat thrives on effection
like dauh !

Haha same here. Greg had no experience with cats and was terribly allergic but we won him over 20 years ago and our lives have never been the same. Mostly for better and this is the only time we ever had second thoughts about rescuing kitties. It's amazing what immunotherapy can do. Greg can be around all animals now and control his allergic reactions with meds. And the reactions are much less than before the allergy shots. He did those for 15 plus years.

Cats are thought of as aloof and distant and independent by people who don't know cats. We know differently.

i would now not wish RW on my worst enemy

You're a better person than me @Daisys and Diamonds, because now I know EXACTLY what I wish upon bad people  :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I will go you one further. I don't wish anything on my worst enemy but for her to leave me the heck alone. That's all I want. I wish her no ill will. I just want to be far away from her. Thankfully I don't really have "enemies"- just one or two people I don't care for (and with good reason...I am not a psychologist but this person is not mentally well) and all I want is not to interact with them and please let them not interact with me. Please and Thank you.

Great idea, this way Ollie's happier and Fred isn't stressed and you get to cuddle Ollie!!!! Keeoung fingers crossed !!

Thank you Kipari. Hopefully Oliver isn't contagious and we won't get RW from him now that he is touching us and us him.
Fred isn't looking great and he remains my biggest concern though I am concerned about all of them but concentrating on the fact that the adult cats are growing hair back and hope the fungus goes away. Far away.


Aug 5, 2018
@missy I had to Google to keep up with your news - a group from my side of The Pond mentions most of what you are seeing WWW [don't take my word for it!]

Your pictures are fantastic!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
well fingers and toes crossed plus holding thumbs like the Swedish that its old RW
i was also so allergic to cats before Tinky
i must say im really impressed that they all get on so well
Before Tinky came to live with us he had a brother Chubb - but they were not litter mates and one of the reasons we got Tinky is because they were starting to fight
also Chubb was 'more friendly' and Tinky's old dad got a new girl friend and they were moving and she had other cats and didn't really like Tinky boo hiss but good for us because he had been our friend for 5 years first
but anyway im very impressed your cats sit beside each other
Borris occasionally takes a swipe at Tibby but its not at all affectionate
i think of my mother yelling at us kids
i just want you children not to fight !

its good your big fella Tommy was 12 lb to begin with and he'll still have some meat on his bones
i hope this RW thing is turning into the home stretch so Tommy can get sorted out soon
i love this picture tommyandbobbyonstepladder.jpg


Jun 8, 2008
@ecf8503 I am sorry to disturb you again but there is a new development and I would greatly appreciate your input.

This AM I saw a bloody oval area on Bobby's back right in the middle of the affected RW area where Bobby's hair had been growing back. I am remaining calm but I am scared about this new development. It is around 3/8 inch to 1/2 inch oval in size. Like a bloody abrasion. I guess it is possible he and Tommy were rough housing overnight but right in the area where the fungus was on his back? Of course it is super early and Saturday so the veterinarian we see is not in and I texted my sister but I think she is away this weekend.

What should I do? We haven't been spot treating his fungal areas with topicals anymore and we are just continuing Itrafungol and L-S dips and shampoos but his last treatment of L-S was Tuesday and all was fine. Shampoo was Monday. So this AM when I saw that I sprayed an antiseptic topical from J Kat marketed as antibacterial, antiviral and anti fungal. I don't know if that was the right thing to do but it is a bit bloody and I do not want it to become infected. Could this be reinfection of the fungus? It seems coincidental that it would be in the same area so now I am thinking it can be a relapse of the fungal infection.

And how can this be since we were doing Itrafungol straight for all these weeks?

And in other news Fred is once again refusing all food. Yesterday he ate less than usual and today he will not eat anything.
Do we give him Mirtizapine or should we just let him be? If he has pancreatitis is this one of the symptoms? IDK what to do with him either. Should we stop torturing him and give him peace? I thought he was doing OK since he was eating and hair was regrowing in almost all affected areas. I don't want to give up on him but at the same time I don't want to keep torturing him if no end is in sight.


Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
oh missy
i promise everyone is in my prayers tonight

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
sending hugs to NJ from the bottom of the world


Jun 8, 2008
oh missy
i promise everyone is in my prayers tonight

sending hugs to NJ from the bottom of the world

Thank you Daisy. For your continued well wishes and support and prayers. And (((hugs))) to you and your furry crew too.

We are going to give Fred Sub Q fluids today and hope for the best. I feel like a broken record. I feel like my whole family is broken and I cannot pretend to be upbeat or hopeful at this time. I am truly filed with despair right now. I thought we were all turning a corner and getting a handle on tihis and now Bobby might have a reinfection of the fungus and maybe a secondary bacterial infection and Fred is perhaps on his last days. I am heartbroken and scared and it seems nothing we do is helping.:cry2:

@missy I had to Google to keep up with your news - a group from my side of The Pond mentions most of what you are seeing WWW [don't take my word for it!]

Your pictures are fantastic!

Thank you @AV_ I sure hope that it is not photos I am left with and no cats because my babies aren't doing great right now. :(
I am scared for them.

During happier times
Screen Shot 2019-09-14 at 6.10.45 AM.png

LOL look how Bobby is draped over Francesca. I miss my sweet girl.
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Bobby just a short time ago...heathy and happy
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Tommy and those eyes. Devastatingly handsome. Your color green Daisy? Gorgeous eyes.
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Fred just earlier this summer. How did it all go so bad so fast?

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and I might have shared this photo before but look how precious and sweet Bobby was as a baby.


Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
dear missy
its ok to feel heartbroken and beaten for a few hours
but tomorrow you can talk to your sister and have a regroup and a refocus
do you have icecream in the freezer ?

Bobby looks like Mog from English kid's books, they are all gorgouse and life is just too unfair right now


Jun 8, 2008
Here are some photos of his new area. It’s within the larger RW area on his back. At the outer edges of it.

B656437C-DD35-4D67-A41B-270B197D2CF7.jpeg BDFD14BC-C772-4611-B078-8173139698DD.jpeg A4A24CA0-95BF-4248-B7E8-E995DC4A233C.jpeg


May 11, 2012
I hope you can take Bobby to a vet soon, it looks like another ringworm lesion area to me because of the general shape but it could be something else, so a vet is going to be the best person to look at it.

We were all hoping that you were turning a corner, and things were improving for the poor cats and you and Greg as well!!!!


Jun 8, 2008
I hope you can take Bobby to a vet soon, it looks like another ringworm lesion area to me because of the general shape but it could be something else, so a vet is going to be the best person to look at it.

We were all hoping that you were turning a corner, and things were improving for the poor cats and you and Greg as well!!!!

Thanks Arkieb. Looks like RW to me too. I don’t know what else we can do. 7 lime dips. Shampoos and almost 7 weeks or more of Itrafungol. We’re seeing vet Tuesday for LS dip eight so guess she’ll see it then. I don’t know what else can be done.

And Fred is doing very poorly. RW is healing for the most part it seems on him but he isn’t eating again and he’s super listless. Staring straight ahead with no emotion. It’s painful to see. :cry2:
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Aug 5, 2018
Bet: good skin from under matted hair or scab.

IMHO they are healing, and this may well be more apparent here via details goten every few days (benchmarks!), than to you seeing slight changes all the time.


Feb 14, 2005
@ecf8503 I am sorry to disturb you again but there is a new development and I would greatly appreciate your input.

Hi Missy! It's hard to tell from the pics, but as AV said it certainly could be the lifting of another scab or adhesion. I would be shocked if it's another rw lesion, but you can't rule anything out. Keep putting the spray on it - can't hurt, may help.

I'm so sorry about Fred - when was the last time he had bloodwork done? Thyroid ok? Kidneys, liver, CBC? Has anyone palpated his abdomen recently? There's supportive care (like SubQ fluids, B12 injections, steroids, etc), vs additional diagnostics (bloodwork, urinalysis, blood pressure check, and more as indicated). Keep him hydrated - and use the mirtazapine (or periactin if the mirtaz isn't working) as appetite stimulants. That said, side effects of mirtazapine can include drowsiness / sedation, and low blood pressure.

You're doing good - really!!!! Keep your chin up - >^..^<


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Missy! It's hard to tell from the pics, but as AV said it certainly could be the lifting of another scab or adhesion. I would be shocked if it's another rw lesion, but you can't rule anything out. Keep putting the spray on it - can't hurt, may help.

I'm so sorry about Fred - when was the last time he had bloodwork done? Thyroid ok? Kidneys, liver, CBC? Has anyone palpated his abdomen recently? There's supportive care (like SubQ fluids, B12 injections, steroids, etc), vs additional diagnostics (bloodwork, urinalysis, blood pressure check, and more as indicated). Keep him hydrated - and use the mirtazapine (or periactin if the mirtaz isn't working) as appetite stimulants. That said, side effects of mirtazapine can include drowsiness / sedation, and low blood pressure.

You're doing good - really!!!! Keep your chin up - >^..^<

Thank you so much @ecf8503.

Fred just had blood work a couple of weeks ago and all was OK but one thing. Possible pancreatitis but of course one cannot diagnose that from blood and the other rule out possibilities are lymphoma and IBD. We put off doing an Ultrasound for now because we don't want to put him through any more tests until we beat this RW. He is just lifeless.

We got home a few minutes ago and someone (probably Fred) threw up a little hard food. The last food Fred ate was last night before bed and it was a little hard food. We are doing supportive care for now. Sub Q and Vit B12 injections. No steroids just because of the RW. They didn't check his BP as far as I know just did urine and blood work and all was OK but for the possible pancreatitis/IBD/lymphoma. My sister looked at the results and said not to worry right now about that. She felt it was nothing that required immediate attention.
We gave Fred Mirtizapine around 9AM today and Sub Q around 8:30 AM.

We are going to continue treating Bobby's "new" area with spray topicals and cream topicals. Alternating b/w J Kat dioxiguard and Miconazole 2% to cover the bases just in case because it if is a bacterial infection the Dioxiguard should protect it (it's antiviral, antibacterial and anti fungal) and it if is a RW recurrence (and please let it not be that) then the Dioxiguard and Miconazole both should help. Plus L-S dip #8 this Tuesday and shampooing him the day before on Monday with Malaseb shampoo.

Thanks so much for all your help.
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