
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Dec 29, 2004
Diver!!! What''s up girl! We miss you around here, for sure! You need to come round more often!!

Since I''m here, just a short note to say I put Amelia on a waitlist today for preschool...I hear the wait is a year, so I figure it will work out well. I''m actually excited about it!

Will catch up after the holidays....


Dec 16, 2007
Hey moms! If you can remember way back to when you toddlers were nine months old, I posted a little sleep question in the newborn thread that I would love your opinions about!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Hey mamas. So NOT looking forward to tomorrow. Two flights with a two year old...blah. I bought her some color wonder markers/paper for the plane. Hope she likes them. Also packing the mini dvd player, regular crayons, a few books, maybe her doll
and LOTS of snacks. A few matchbox cars. Oh, her aqua doodle...that seems like a lot of stuff to bring. Hmmm.....I am just glad she has her own seat. Even if it is in a different row. Haha.

Kay, life is better with no expectations (people and events). We spend x-mas with my ILs too.

Janine, I should! I think they are hysterical. They used to annoy me but now she is SO over the top it is pretty funny. My DH thinks his parents are saints.

Q, I kept asking my SIL if T''s speech is on track. She said she was doing great. I was in speech therapy so I guess I am a little worried.

Diver! Hey friend!!! Thanks for the compliment. She still a sassy girlie girl. I want to see pics of D & J too!!! I bet they are adorable. Come find us on FB. Sorry to hear about your diamond. Hope you find your perfect stone.

Hey MrsS!

TGal, yay for the waiting list! Here we have to go stand in line with a million other people at 4-5 am. Yikes. I draw he line at sleeping in the parking lot. It is only preschool.


Dec 29, 2006
Just popping in really quickly to wish Tacori a great trip home! I''m crossing all fingers and toes that the flights go well with T.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Date: 11/23/2009 4:55:12 PM
Author: ZoeBartlett
Just popping in really quickly to wish Tacori a great trip home! I''m crossing all fingers and toes that the flights go well with T.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thanks Zoe. You have met her so you know what I am dealing with
Haha. We will have to wake her up to go to the airport so hope that doesn''t make her cranky.


Jan 3, 2005
tgal- getting a kid into preschool around our area is harder than college. the wait lists are so long. you were smart to go ahead and get her on. the mothers day out program Jake is in gives him an automatic spot in their preschool which is the primary reason I went ahead and got him started. it''s way easier to start in the mother''s day out program. if you wait until they kid is 3 it''s next to impossible to get them in. crazy.....

tacori- good luck on your flights tomorrow. you sound like you are prepared. I''m sure T will do great.


Dec 29, 2004
Tacori, safe flight tomorrow girl! You''ll be are always such a trooper and T is so darn cute she''ll charm the pants off everyone!

Re: Preschool, who knew? We have a lot of competition in the area, but the good ones are booked up. However I hear the waiting lists are getting shorter because the economy is so bad. People losing their jobs or just unable to afford preschool. Preschool full time is less than I pay my nanny so it makes sense for me to sign up. In the affluent town near me (Manhattan Beach), I hear only the most cost effective preschool has a wait list...the rest have none because it''s too darn expensive!!!

Tacori, I can''t believe you have to wait in line to sign up!!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
MsS, I am sure I will forget something. It is insane how much I have to pack/bring now that I have a kid. Don''t you love the mom''s morning out program? I think it is awesome. I WISH the Y gave me a spot but alas they do not just b/c she goes there. Oh well.

TGal, I know! I much rather have a waiting list b/c I am lazy and who wants to wait OUTSIDE for HOURS in the middle of WINTER?!? Yuck! I think the economy is affecting them too. Sad. Meanwhile A will love it. T loves hanging out with the other kids, arts and crafts and all the singing and dancing they do. I do try to encourage her to be extra cute while boarding so people will be slightly more kind. Haha. She is a crazy kid.


Apr 9, 2005
NYC takes the cake in terms of preschool. You have to APPLY. And that's only if they deem you worthy of receiving an application after you call them the day after Labor Day for the following September. You also have to pay $50-75/application, take a tour, take your child on a playdate, interview, etc. All for PRESCHOOL. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that a good private preschool costs anywhere from $7,000-$15,000 a year for 3 days/week, 3 hours/day.
I love that my kids are in daycare and it becomes preschool, it's full time and we don't have to deal with any of that other BS! It's beyond competitive in this city adn it's absolutely disgusting!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 11/23/2009 5:19:07 PM
Author: curlygirl
NYC takes the cake in terms of preschool. You have to APPLY. And that''s only if they deem you worthy of receiving an application after you call them the day after Labor Day for the following September. You also have to pay $50-75/application, take a tour, take your child on a playdate, interview, etc. All for PRESCHOOL. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that a good private preschool costs anywhere from $7,000-$15,000 a year for 3 days/week, 3 hours/day.
I love that my kids are in daycare and it becomes preschool, it''s full time and we don''t have to deal with any of that other BS! It''s beyond competitive in this city adn it''s absolutely disgusting!
Gak! OK, you win! I''ve heard of interviews...but really? What do they ask? Or are they trying the make sure the parents/kid is someone who they want to work with?

There are ones here you have to pay an application fee too. But wow, those are step costs. I think I''m hearing generally about $800 a month around here for full time care - M-F, from 6:30am-6:30pm if you need it.


Nov 14, 2004
Eek, curlygirl... it''s tougher than some colleges.


Dec 9, 2002

got it.

HI Tgal!!!


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 11/23/2009 5:25:14 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 11/23/2009 5:19:07 PM

Author: curlygirl

NYC takes the cake in terms of preschool. You have to APPLY. And that''s only if they deem you worthy of receiving an application after you call them the day after Labor Day for the following September. You also have to pay $50-75/application, take a tour, take your child on a playdate, interview, etc. All for PRESCHOOL. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that a good private preschool costs anywhere from $7,000-$15,000 a year for 3 days/week, 3 hours/day.
I love that my kids are in daycare and it becomes preschool, it''s full time and we don''t have to deal with any of that other BS! It''s beyond competitive in this city adn it''s absolutely disgusting!
Gak! OK, you win! I''ve heard of interviews...but really? What do they ask? Or are they trying the make sure the parents/kid is someone who they want to work with?

There are ones here you have to pay an application fee too. But wow, those are step costs. I think I''m hearing generally about $800 a month around here for full time care - M-F, from 6:30am-6:30pm if you need it.

If you are interested TGal there is an interesting documentary on the NYC preschool process called Nursery University. Think it was on TLC but not positive.


May 9, 2006
Hello friends! Been so busy, but trying to catch up.....

Janine~Yay for Miss C!!!

Puffy~I am carrying to weird this time that everything just fits weird. I bought some jeans when I was preggo with T that weren''t maternity but bought them in a size bigger and wore them below my belly.....well they are uncomfortable bellow my belly this time since I''m so low but they''re too big in my butt!!!
So annoying. We don''t have Pean in the Pod here...but I should go check out their stuff online. Have you decided what you''ll wear in your mat pics?

Tacori~Yep, my belly certainly can get in the way at times....pretty annoying when T is being a PITA!! Not looking good on the property...just not willing to pay as much as they want so I''m guessing it''ll end up being a no go. Not meant to be I guess. Good luck tomorrow!! I''m sure Tessa will charm everyone and it''ll go great!

Kay~When DH got home T was back to "normal" so I''m sure that was what was causing her to be weird. I also disliked being tall and am still annoyed by it at times (when I can''t find cute maternity dress pants in a tall!
) but it does have it''s good points....the grass is always greener I think!

Diver~Hey there!! Good to see you around, but so sorry about your diamond! Would love to see some pics of your beautiful kiddos. Like the others said, find us on FB!!

mrss~Hey there! Glad all is well.

Tgal~Yay for preschool waiting list. All these preschool stories are crazy to me....we have wait lists here but nothing like some of you are describing. No waiting in line, either!


May 9, 2006
Been busy around here with the whole house buying stuff....which we''re pretty sure is not going to work out. Had professional pics yesterday because I wanted to get some of T, have family pics and use them both on our Christmas card. It was an absolute disaster. T practiced her "smiles" all morning and couldn''t quit talking about getting her picture taken. Unfortunately our photographer overselpt and was an hour late....I think we missed our window and T was NOT having it. She barely smiled and was completely defiant the entire shoot. I wanted to pull my hair out. Looking forward to the holiday and long weekend. Since the house thing isn''t happening we''re actually going to get Kade''s nursery done this weekend and get our Christmas decorations up. Yay. Hope everyone has a great week!!


Jun 7, 2007
KAY - My DH is pretty much in charge of the Man Cave. The computer is down there but otherwise it's all his. Our basement is the same square footage of the upstairs and half of it is carpeted and finished and that's the Man Cave. The other quarter is the laundry room and the last quarter is just a storage area for now. I'd love to put a half-bath down here or turn it into a mega master suite someday.

JANINE - Congrats on C walking!! Now the fun really starts!

I'm on FB too under my real name. I'm friends with the mommies here.

CURLY - All that for preschool!? Wow. Makes me glad I live in the midwest! James may skip preschool since his daycare does educational activities but he's only going on 17 months so we have a bit before we really need to start thinking about it.

I'm swamped at work this week. We're only in Monday - Wednesday due to the holiday so I don't know how much 'puter time I'll have.

James is great - still full of energy. He was soo sweet tonight playing and laughing like crazy. I
my little guy so much. He's at a fun age right now.

If I don't check in have a happy Thanksgiving everybody!!

Edited to add:

DH and I were in Cincinnati over the weekend for a concert and we went to Tiffany's. I really wanted another Lucida band to put on the other side of my e-ring, but they didn't have any in stock in my size. Soooo....I got the platinum 2mm milgrain band instead. Makes for a nice stack! I will have to clear some stuff out of our computer so I can do a photo shoot of it!


Dec 9, 2002
Ok, I went on FB and made friends with Tgal. I don''t know everyone''s names!! Isn''t that awful? I see a handful I *think* I know... (MrsS, Elailla, Bobo, curlygirl, ) but I''m not sure & don''t want to bombard Tgals friends. That would be not so nice.

But I''m now one of Tgals friends and my first name is Jeannine. If you look at her friends and request me to be a friend..well, I''d just be so happy! :)


Sep 21, 2006
Yup NYC preschools take the cake!
A friend of mine who is much more "uptown" than me (i-banker husband, 2 bedroom apt before baby), recently moved out of the City partially for space and partially out of disgust with the whole preschool thing. She applied to a preschool and was rejected--she was so hurt (clearly not a native NY'er, haha). So she asked her co-workers/friends where theirs went to school and they wouldn't tell her!

TGAL: Good luck and keep us posted! Is it much cheaper than a nanny? The preschool here is only slightly cheaper than a nanny (can you believe it?), but I still would prefer it.

DIVA: Isn't a fun age? I love it, cute little munchkins with personalities, but not old enough for the full on tantrums yet! I can't believe how much C learns each day and communicates--even if it isn't with actual words.
. Oh and lucky girl with the bling, post shots soon!

BURK: Oh, sorry about the photo shoot--well hopefully you got one great shot! Great idea on the photographer--did you all dress up in xmas colors? I need to get on that...don't want to be cramming xmas cards the week before! Can't wait to see the nursery shots! Sorry to hear about the house, but now you can start nesting!

TACORI: Good luck! 2 flights is tough, you're very brave! Sounds like you have a great arsenal of toys and distractions though!


Nov 14, 2004
Glad you are back. I'll have to read up on your diamond issue.


Nov 14, 2004
We are hoping M can get in the daycare/preschool at DH''s work next year. They only take 24 toddlers (18 - 29 months). Once she gets in the toddler room, she''ll have priority for the preschool room.


May 9, 2006
Diva!Yay for new bling!!

Janine~T wore a black plaid dress (had greys and camel in it) and DH wore a grey shirt and I wore black. I really wanted to wear black since I''m all sorts of huge these days!
I also changed T into a red shirt for some additional pics and took some with a mini Christmas tree. I really hope we got at least a couple good ones. I''ll post the proof link on FB when I get it. Are you planning to go somewhere or do you have a photographer that comes to you? I LOVE that ours comes to our house. We even took some in our back yard.


Jan 29, 2007
Date: 11/23/2009 5:19:07 PM
Author: curlygirl
NYC takes the cake in terms of preschool. You have to APPLY. And that''s only if they deem you worthy of receiving an application after you call them the day after Labor Day for the following September. You also have to pay $50-75/application, take a tour, take your child on a playdate, interview, etc. All for PRESCHOOL. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that a good private preschool costs anywhere from $7,000-$15,000 a year for 3 days/week, 3 hours/day.
I love that my kids are in daycare and it becomes preschool, it''s full time and we don''t have to deal with any of that other BS! It''s beyond competitive in this city adn it''s absolutely disgusting!
I''m in the DC area, and we had a similar process for our son''s preschool. We had to pay a $50 application fee and apply in January for a September slot. We also had to interview so they could assess my son''s preschool readiness, and how well he listened and got along with other kids. Then, there are always so many applicants at this good preschool that only current students and alumni families are guaranteed slots - all new families, if eligible, have to win a slot through a lottery program. And it costs anywhere between $4-6K per year, depending on how many days/hours per week (they only do half days at this school). Our particular school is sought after for it''s affordability. Any of the Montessori schools in the area charge more like $7-9K per year.

It''s either that or a church basement type program, and since we are not religious people we wanted our child going to a secular preschool. The church programs are cheaper in our area, but not by much.

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
I''m hoping you don''t mind too much that this is a totally selfish post, I''ve lost track of this thread and haven''t posted in ages, sorry.

I could use a little advice / sympathy etc though.

DD is 18 months now and I''m back at school more or less full time. DH has become her main care giver - he works 4 days a week, but she goes to daycare at his office, so he travels with her, eats lunch with her and so on. Now, I do get plenty time with her, but I''ve gone to being the most important person in her world to being the second person she looks to when she needs anything, from a clean diaper to a hug. Daddy gets all the kisses and hugs.

I think some of that would have happened anyway, because they''re like two peas in a pod. She''s always adored her daddy and he''s just in love with his girl. Is it selfish and stupid of me to feel like I''m being edged out? We spend all weekends together as a family and if I have a day without classes, DH uses flexitime to stay home, so we have a lot of time with the three of us together. I''ve also applied for a job in the same organisation as DH, (a real dream job for me too, but hey, there were 600+ applicants, so I won''t count on it). Maybe it would help.

Has anyone else experienced this? I can''t tell if I''m just being over sensitive or if I need to change something. Also, we''ve decided that another baby isn''t an option for us, so while I know it''s the right decision, I''m a little teary about it sometimes and I think it''s making me feel worse about how independent Amelia is becoming. I''ve gone from being a SAHM (which I didn''t entirely love) to being well, spare. Any words of comfort / advice?



May 9, 2006
Awww Jen, I'm so sorry!! Big hugs!! I think what you're feeling is perfectly normal. I know if I was in your position I would feel the same way. I only work PT and my DH travels and works a lot so I'm the main care giver, but DH has expressed feeling much the same way you do at times...almost like he's second best. I'm sure T doesn't feel this way and neither does your A, but it has to be hard on you to NOT feel like they may feel that way. You'll always be her mommy and you'll always have a special bond regardless of who is primary care giver. Just try and enjoy the time you do have with her and maybe even plan a couple mommy and A only play dates?!?! Vent away here any time!!

Mommies who are my FB friends, I posted a link to the professional pics we had taken Sunday. If you have a minute, take a look and let me know which ones you like...I need to pick for our Christmas card. I'm either going to do one family pic for the card or a series of 4 which means I need to find 4 pics I like!!!

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
Burk, thank you for your thoughtful words. I was actually just thinking how whiney I sounded in that post lol. Like a toddler...

I think it was better when we used a nanny share / day care combination, but from A''s point of view, continuity is probably best, so the office day care is ideal. DH was working away today so I went to pick her up. That helped because her whole face lit up when she saw me and she hurled herself at me. It''s so extraordinary how much we love these little people and how completely they hold our hearts.

I''m off to look at your pics, but I''d guess that you''ll have no problem picking out 4 pics of T that you like, she''s photogenic.

Thanks again for understanding, I was having a bit of a wobble!



May 1, 2005
Thanks puffy, my baby is growing up so fast.

Tacori, Have a good trip and flight!

lili, love the new AV!!

Burk, heading over to check out your photos.

Diva, can''t wait to see your new bling.

Diver, long time no "see", heading over to FB to find you.

DH''s sister decide to come for a visit last minute and we''ve been busy driving her around to places. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone if I don''t get to check in.


Nov 18, 2004
haha, it''s amazing how tight their tiny grips can be huh?
bummer about having to redo your essay, but sounds like you got 2 helpful pairs of eyes to help you w/ it.
hopefully it won''t take you as long as your first try.

i know those arch back well.
J has mastered it too.
so much so that even DH couldn''t push her sticking belly down.
and when we got her in and buckled at the top, she tried to do a houdini--ending up w/ scratches on her cheeks and ears.
scratches didn''t even deter her.

anyway, good luck w/ the flight and enjoy your vacay.

wow, A is another tall one.
i can''t say that i''m surprised since the apple doesn''t fall too far from the tree.
she''s the about the same height and weight as J.
ahh...picky eater. don''t worry, it is a stage.
unfortunately, some stages can take longer than others.
it could also be teething too. J refused to eat anything when her canine and molars were coming in.

poor B w/ the fever. so you are hesitant about giving him the h1n1?
J didn''t get a fever w/ any of her flu shot.
but she did get one w/ one of her immunization shots during her 6 month checkup.

Burk--''s funny how we can''t wait for them to talk.
and when they do, they just can''t stop talking huh?
that''s too funny about T giving you her crabby side and saving the sunny side for daddy. to see the pictures.
w/ beautiful subjects such as T and yourself, i''m sure all the pictures are christmas card worthy.

Yay....go C.

true true. and it''s going to be too cold to lug a toddler and a newborn all over the place.
wow, 35 wks already. can''t believe how fast it has been.

i second janine on video taping T throwing a fruity.
this i got to see ^.^

no time no see.

eeek is right. that is way tougher than some colleges.
can''t believe how competitive it is.

awww, i''m so sorry. *hugs*
you are not being overly sensitive. i would feel the same way too.

love your avi too.
B is so big now.
have fun showing DH''s sister around.
been meaning to''s the situation w/ DH''s brother staying w/ you guys?


May 9, 2006
Hi mamas. I just feel like wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving...

I lurk here a lot, don''t have a lot to add to the conversation these days. Lots of drama right now, but happy, healthy babies (although, really, Logan pukes once every couple of weeks. I think he''s bored.

I''m posting because it just feels creepy to read your stories without you guys knowing I''m here regularly.


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 11/24/2009 8:35:48 PM
Author: jas

I''m posting because it just feels creepy to read your stories without you guys knowing I''m here regularly.

Lol Jas. I agree it does feel a bit creepy doesn''t it?

So my guys are turning 1 in a few weeks can you believe it???

Anyway, anyone have any great suggestions for toys? Everyone keeps asking and I have no idea what they will like tomorrow nevermind over the next few months...

I would prefer the imaginative types of toys vs. electronic ones. But I will take what I can get! I already got them this adorable wheelie thing that they are loving (Prince Lionheart wheelie cow).

I read over here regularly to see what I am in for. Plus I am in the in-between category-not quite with the younger kid moms but my boys were born after the boom on this thread. So it''ll be nice to chat with you ladies again every now and then!


May 9, 2006
Date: 11/24/2009 8:47:58 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 11/24/2009 8:35:48 PM
Author: jas

I''m posting because it just feels creepy to read your stories without you guys knowing I''m here regularly.

Lol Jas. I agree it does feel a bit creepy doesn''t it?

So my guys are turning 1 in a few weeks can you believe it???

Anyway, anyone have any great suggestions for toys? Everyone keeps asking and I have no idea what they will like tomorrow nevermind over the next few months...

I would prefer the imaginative types of toys vs. electronic ones. But I will take what I can get! I already got them this adorable wheelie thing that they are loving (Prince Lionheart wheelie cow).

I read over here regularly to see what I am in for. Plus I am in the in-between category-not quite with the younger kid moms but my boys were born after the boom on this thread. So it''ll be nice to chat with you ladies again every now and then!
Mine like their little Pooh bear trucks (I''ll try to find a linkie for it) and anything...ANYTHING with interesting textures. Plain ol'' balls are also fun. And bubbles. And drums. I fall over a lot of stuff that makes noises.

How on earth has it been a year????
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