
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


May 9, 2006
Tacori~Yay for being past the GRE!! What a huge relief that must be!! Is it odd that I''m relieved your pedi was not concerned about Tessa and her binky?
As for the forclosure, here''s the info we''ve received so far... the owner was a builder and the house was supposed to be his families dream house. He started construction in 2006 (so roof, furnace, A/C are all good). As he got to the inside he started running out of money. So, the cosmetic side is really all we''re looking at. The bank had an inspection, we had a friend who is in construction come look and DH called the sub contractors just to check out the quality of work and they all were getting paid at the time of framing, roofing, ect so the work was good. Also since it was going to be his dream home he had started off going "alll out" and the house even has 2 X 6 exterior walls, a lot of brick and some other nice finishes. They just cut corners in the inside (weird stuff like some doors have brass hardware, some have chrome, all the light fixtures don''t match and most are crap, countertops that aren''t the right size for bathroom vanities, ect) So, what we''re looking at is all the flooring (5000 square feet plus), paint, trim, light fixtures, complete kitchen and bathrooms (5 of them) renos. The fact that it''s ALL cosmetic is great....just a lot work since the house is large. DH wants to make an offer. I''m still up in the air. Great opportunity, but a ton of work. The plan would be to do the kitchen and flooring prior to moving in, but the rest would all happen while we live there.

puffy~You''ll have to let me know what you come up with for maternity clothes. I got an order of stuff in the mail from old navy yesterday and the skinny jeans I ordered are HEAVEN!
I don''t necessarily know if it would end up being more than 2 years but we would def. have to put the house off for a while because we''d be sinking our cash into the house, ya know? DH has plans to do a lot of the changes to the property up front so maybe not that long, but he does want to do most of the work himself to save on costs and that will take time because he''s not home a lot!

msb~Welcome back! We are in quite an odd situation..I''m sure it''ll work out. I trust DH''s instincts. Yay for the start of preschool! Good luck!


Jan 3, 2005
curly-oh you poor thing. I would have done the exact same thing in your situation. you are a great mom!

tacori-yay for you test being over!

burk-tough call on the house. I''m sure you guys will make the right decision.

lili-love the clip you posted of J. i''m impressed with all her words and singing too!

jas- Hi

jas12-how''s it going with you MIL and the snacks being given to Co?

msb-glad you had a nice trip. and yay for pre-school. i know it''s hard at first but he will love it and you will find you will enjoy a little time to yourself.

my ped. called yesterday that they finally got in the regular flu and the H1N1 vaccines. I have to call on monday to set up the appointments. as of today I''m going to go ahead and give them both but I could change my mind again between now the actually appt. day. all 3 of my munchkins have coughs and runny noses right now. cold season in full force at our house...


May 1, 2005

Thanks everyone for the well wishes, DH''s eye surgery went sell. He''ll have a very red right eye for about two weeks.

Curly, I''m so sorry to hear about Lucy, You must feel horrible. Don''t have any guilt, I''m sure the scar will be small that you won''t be able to see it at all. Little B tripped and cracked his forehead open when he was 16 months and the Dr. at the ER gave him 5 stitches, wished we had a option to go to the plastic surgeon''s. No parent like to see scar on the kid. big *HUGS*

QT, I''m feeling better, how are you feeling? Drink tons of water!

lili, sorry to hear J still have the cough, I''m like that in the morning too, coughing my lungs out to tried to get the mucus out.

Janine, little B is super attached to DH, but he''ll come find me when he want to play so I guess baby decide on their who they go to depending on what they need/want.

Tacori, yay on done with the GRE test! How about a spa treatment to celebrate




Nov 18, 2004
Glad to hear that the pain has subsided.
How was the appt w/ the OB?
Did you pass the stone? How do you know if you did btw?
Oh, you look adorable as usual.
I can see that the top of your belly is filling up more this week -- so cute.
Are you doing the maternity pictures too?

We do have some sort of routines w/ J.
DH will feed her breakfast and dinner.
And we'll alternate giving her a bath, but he does bathe her most of the time.
This routine sort of arose out of necessity when I was still BFing to give me a break.
J is more attached to me, but she'll cry for daddy if mommy doesn't give in to her

Story time or play time w/ daddy is always nice, but I think C will still be attached to you, at least for now since you are probably her source of comfort.

Yeah, your mom will definitely be more comfortable at her own home.
Just thought that it might be easier on B if he's in the comfort of his own home when you are delivering.
Plus, if you should go into labor at night, you don't need to wake B up and take him over to your parents.
I'm sure B will be fine and probably understand a whole lot more by that time.

J is a little chatterbox. Still alot of gibberish though. She'll be talking or singing something to herself when she plays w/ her toys.

Woohoo....your maternity pix session is coming up soon.
You better remember to post some for us to see.

Oh, you are so tiny.
I don't know what you were yapping about being huge.
But I guess that's how it is. We always see ourselves big.

we are waiting for your announcement of #3

Your little men are too cute and funny.
They've grown so much. I know it's going to be a comedy house at your place once those two starts talking.

Haha....Tayva no mout! Too cute.
So is true?

That's so funny that Tayva already have so much to talk about at this young age.
Wow....tough call on the house. Whichever it is, I hope you are settled when baby Kade is here.

no more GRE!
That is pretty funny someone would say that about a couple base on their heights.


Nov 18, 2004
Wow, Khalib is starting pre-school already?
Where has the time gone? Is he excited about it?

I''m not sure what you mean about the tummy pressure.
If you mean feeling tightness or your tummy hardening like in braxton hicks, I used to get those all the time.
How was your first prenatal appt?
Did they give you the EDD?

Hehe, thanks.
It''s hard taping her these days, so I save whatever I can get.
I may just have to do some editing and piece the various clips together.
Poor kiddies and poor mama.
I hope all your kiddies get better soon.
I was hesitant about the shots too....but since J is around other kids everyday, I just couldn''t take the chance.
J got her first dose of the H1N1 last week.
Will need to take her back in a few weeks for the booster shot.

Glad to hear that the surgery went smoothly.
How''s B doing?
Still refusing to eat?


Nov 8, 2005
Just jumping in hoping to catch the attention of


So I was up late with the baby the other night and was rereading the preggo thread. I just picked an old page at random and was enjoying following the pregnancies of the 2008 mamas especially the April babies. I cannot believe some of the similarities between your pregnancy and mine (a year later).

Conceived over 4th of july weekend when just started trying.

Many of the same feelings towards being pregnant and becoming parents.

Developed preeclampsia (toxemia) at end of pregnancy.

I was induced, but I wonder if I would have had an April Fools baby if he'd come on his own. Due date was 3/28 so it is possible, but we'll never know. Most people in my family have b-days on minor holidays so I was hoping!

Labored without epidural, with one (although mine didn't work very well - hope yours did), ended up with C-section.

But here is what prompted me to post this note to you. My son has the name you picked for your boy name. Complete coincidence, as I don't think I read that part back in the day or if I did, I had totally forgotten about it. (If you don't mind, pls don't say it here - I'm trying to keep us semi anonymous, although I know ppl can dig through the old thread if they want.)

Funny, right?? Well, I've always liked you, so I must say I've picked great footsteps to accidentally follow!! :)



Sep 21, 2006
curly: how''re things?

QT: I''m glad you''re feeling more comfortable--hope it passes soon.

msb: welcome back!

tacori: yay for getting the GRE over with--when do you find out results or is it instant these days?

bobo: how is little B. I love all the pics on FB!

lili: J is a cutie ... and a singer! hehe

mrssalvo: good luck with the h1n1 decision it''s a tough one! a friend of mine got the shots for both kids but in between doses one caught it, can you believe it?

burk: that is a tough one but in general I don''t think it''s a good idea to mix invesmtment and home. It sounds like a big fixer upper and with 2 little ones that will = stress. Plus moving again in 2-3 years plus more design decisions. That''s just me though. Best thing would be if you could stay in current house and work on the investment property and then move? I''m sure you''ve put tons of thought into this already so it''ll all work out. We''re in early stages of expanding/renovating as well..phew can''t wait till it''s done and it hasn''t even started!

Same old here meanwhile. I was telling DH that all babies go through the attachment thing and he''s like "she is very attached to me just spoil her that''s why she''s so whiney when you''re in the room". Haha, ok.

I do have a shoe ques--anyone have suggestions on ones that are a step up from pedi peds? She''s wearing hers out since she goes outside from time to time and goes on leaves, dirt. She needs something sturdier..maybe like a boot too--any brand recs that are also good support for little feet. I remember stride rites being mentioned?

Oh and anyone doing xmas portraits yet?


Dec 29, 2004
Janine, I love stride rites. They come in different widths and half sizes so it''s easy to get a good fit.

TDM, that''s very interesting! My due date was 3/28 as well! So you were induced because of the toxemia, I take it?


May 16, 2006
Burk--just based on what you described, it does sound like the house is a great opportunity. I know janine doesn''t like homes as investments, but i think they are very good investments. As long as you don''t overlook something huge (points tacori makes about all the ''hidden'' costs etc.) it is hard to go wrong with property. Esp when buying a foreclosure & markets are steadily improving. If it is in a desirable area, that''s all the better. You want to make sure your improvements put that home in a price range that matches the neighbourhood (that is one issue we are having with selling our current home--we did so much work that we kinda priced ourself out of the area. It''s not in a great location). Yes, it''ll be tons of work, but oh gawd, so is building. Mind you, charlie is hugely involved and the contractor so that''s quite different, but i am sure your DH will be closely involved in your new place too. So what i am trying to say in too many words is, don''t be afraid of the work, b/c it will be work regardless of what route you take. keep us posted.

MrsS. Yes! Made progress with my MIL. She has completely backed off with the sweet treats and ''reports'' what Co has eaten everyday. She still has wacky views on what constitutes something ''healthy'' and i do notice that she gives him juice (it''s 100% apple, but still, not something i keep in the house). Oh well. I''ll pick my battles.
I am still not sure about H1N1. It''s almost completely died off here now. I know there is supossed to be another peak, so i ''ll wait to see if that happens. Hope your household gets over the sickies soon!

Tacori--yay for completing the test

bobo--glad the surgery went well!!

Took Co to our area Santa Claus Parade yesterday. He is officially obsessed with santa! He just loves the guy, and cried the most heartbreaking crocodile tears when his float went by and he realized that the parade had come to an end. He cried the whole way home actually. I told him we''d see him at the mall and that seemed to make things a bit better--lol. I am curious to see if he''ll sit on his lap. He''s so shy, i think he''ll freak, but he''s been known to surprise me


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 11/16/2009 11:49:37 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Janine, I love stride rites. They come in different widths and half sizes so it''s easy to get a good fit.

TDM, that''s very interesting! My due date was 3/28 as well! So you were induced because of the toxemia, I take it?

I was. I developed it in the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy and they were just keeping a close eye on me. At my appointment on 3/20, the doctor said it was getting worse and the risks (to me) of staying pregnant outweighed the benefits (to him) of baking another week, so they induced me. When I pictured my L&D, it was nothing like what actually happened so it took me a little while to come to terms with that - even though I didn''t have a firm "birth plan" or anything. I had really hoped to labor on my own not hooked to monitors etc and walk around and all that and have it be an empowering experience. I am a distance runner and triathlete and I have a pretty good pain and endurance tolerance. I was planning to get an epidural eventually but I wanted to experience labor on my own first. I was not expecting to be hooked up to monitors and stuck in bed and pumped full of pitocin. I knew c-section was a possibility but I was still disappointed. As it turned out, it was a relief - by then I just wanted the pain to stop (as my epidural did not work very well).

OK, enough about my horrible labor. But lots of coincidences, right? Especially the name thing.


Nov 14, 2004
I guess there’s a little bit of competitiveness in your MIL. It’s interesting though b/c I wonder if my MIL is thinking the same thing. May have something to do with the fact that my parents are out of town, so we go out and do stuffs when they are in town. But we hardly go out with the Inlaws. We invite them, but they usually decline.

Good luck with your personal statement and finishing your application.

T is 33”. She looks taller than that. How cute that she says “tank you docdoc”. I am impressed with all the PS toddlers’ speech. M is nowhere near saying as much as most of your kids. DH asked our pedi about it, and he thinks she is fine but did give us the number to call for the state speech assessment. He said he would wait a couple more months before thinking about the assessment, but he wanted to provide us with info since it’s available.

DH is happy, but he kept saying that he would’ve wanted a girl if M was a boy. I guess he is basically saying he doesn’t prefer a boy over a girl, but that he just wanted one of each gender.

That’s good to know that the first shot provides most of the protection. Maybe they’ll have more vaccines made in a month. Our pedi office just said to set up the appointment, and they’ll call us if they run out of vaccines the day before the appointment.

You look taller than 5’, maybe b/c you are so slim.

How’s D doing?

We are here for you. I agree with you about feeling closer to you ladies, especially when it comes to toddlers/parenting related stuffs. Feel like we and our kids are growing up together.


Nov 14, 2004
How’s J feeling? M is full of mucous when she wakes up too, but lately it’s been much better in the morning.
I guess M will be taller than me based on the “2x their height at 18 months” rule since she is half my height now at 16 months. That’s a good thing.

LOL on J saying “pimples”. I don’t want M to learn that. Last thing I need is to have her point out my pimples to me. LOL.
Yeah I feel bad for her too, but I just stay out of it since that’s her parents.

Oh you bet my ILs are hoping for a boy. They’ve been telling M that she is going have a little brother since they found out I was pregnant. They haven’t done that lately though b/c they think I am having a girl now with the whole “surprise” thing. MIL said to DH “you are not telling me the gender b/c it’s a girl”. Well surprise for them. =P

My dr. said since I am not having back/flank pain anymore, the stones had probably passed through the urether into the bladder. He also said that I would feel it when they pass out of the body, but I haven’t felt anything different. I should be able to see the stones. I’ll probably ask for a x-ray to check for the stones after I give birth.

I do want to do maternity pics, but I am kind of lazy to search for a photographer with the holidays coming up and all. So maybe I’ll end up not doing it again.

We don’t have anything structured for DH to spend time with M. Most of the time M want me, but there are times when she only wants her daddy. I noticed that she started wanting DH more when DH started spending more time with her. So maybe just start with all three of you spending time together playing, and then gradually leaving her with your DH. Our nephew is very attached to SIL, but he doesn’t cry for mommy if we start playing with him or if he is occupied with toys. Hope you find something that works.

I think Stride Rite shoes are a good step up. M has a couple pairs of Stride Rite, and she had done great with them.


Nov 14, 2004
Seems like M is happy being fed again. I think I am going to feed her first, and then give her a spoon to feed herself after she had most of her food.

M is still not speaking a whole lot, but everything else seems fine. She loves tackling her stuffed animals. She is following directions more, so I am thinking maybe she is just one of those kids who don’t speak until later on. DH is more worried, but said we’ll give it a few more months before getting a speech assessment.

Maybe you need to catch the boat. The boys need a baby sibling or two. =D

Sorry about the house dilemma. I have no advice. Hope you guys can decide on the best situation.
I don’t know if M is that attached to her paci or if she just likes to put things in her mouth. During the day, she’ll reach for it and put it in her mouth if she sees it, but I can take it out without her putting up a fight. I always give it to nap and bedtime, so I don’t know if she could fall asleep without one.
Hmmm, I’ll have to check out a pair of maternity skinny jeans, since that’s Jas12’s fave last pregnancy. I was trying to not buy any more maternity clothes; I haven’t bought anything yet. We have a wedding to attend this Sat, and I am just wearing one of my pre-pregnancy dress.


Nov 14, 2004
Thanks. Kidney stones are awful. They were more painful than contractions (well the ones I had before I got the epidural), but it was harder to deal with b/c the pain is constant and there’s no recovery time in between like contractions.

The pressure on the stomach sounds like normal pregnancy symptoms. Rest up when you can; the fatigue is probably kicking in.
How did K’s first day at preschool go?

Colds are just hanging around full force this year. Hope your kiddos feel better.


Glad your DH’s eye surgery went well. Our eyes are so delicate, but the technology on eye surgery is very advanced.
I am pretty much back to normal. Thanks for asking.

How are you feeling? is the m/s better?
How cute that Co loves Santa. Can''t wait to see his pic with Santa.


Apr 9, 2005
Quick drive by for an update on Lucy. We saw the plastic surgeon again today and he confirmed what I kinda figured out--the stitches fell out on their own except for one tiny piece. He said she''s healing great. We just need to keep putting bacitracin on it daily till the weekend and then we should switch to Mederma for 6 weeks. He really doesn''t believe there will be a scar but if there is, it can be taken care of--spoken like a true plastic surgeon!
Anyway, thank you all again for your concern and support. It really means a lot to me!

Tacori, congrats on the GRE! I hope it went smoothly.

mrrsalvo, we''re going tomorrow to get the regular flu shots for the girls. Our pedi''s office still doesn''t have the H1N1 available for kids under 3 so we''re just waiting it out for now. I''m still torn on whether or not to do it so at least I don''t have to make that decision yet.

janine, we really like Stride Rite too. Be prepared though--they are expensive. Shop around online and look for sales!

qtiekiki, I hope you''re doing ok. I can''t even imagine how uncomfortable kidney stones must be.

Sorry, I know I''ve missed some people but I''m swamped at work--just wanted to check in and give you the update. I''ll be back soon!


Jan 3, 2005
hi all, i hope everyone had a great weekend. my kiddo''s are still fighting colds but are so much better, thank goodness. Jake just has a bit of a cough but no fever. My 18 month old niece was diagnosed with croup today. she was over last night with my sister and now I''ve got to hope Jake doesn''t catch it. Both girls have had it in the past but it still scares me when they get that crazy seal barking sounding cough. busy week for us with Thanksgiving programs at school etc. Hope everyone has a great week!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Oh man. T''s tantrums have reached a whole new level. She now flips around on the floor like a fish out of water and will literally run INTO closed doors and walls.
She gets out of control. I am trying to ignore her and not give into her demands. For instance today she really want to see DH but he needed to work so we closed his office door. She FREAKED out for maybe 20 mins. And I do get concerned she is going to hurt herself by throwing herself at closed doors. Ahhh...the joys of toddlerhood I guess.

MrsS, T has had a lingering cold too. I feel bad for her.

Bobo, I have NEVER had a spa treatment. Maybe I should treat myself. Glad Mr Bobo''s surgery went well.

Lili, he was a strange guy so I didn''t take much stock in it.

Janine, the score is instant which is really nice but I have to wait (obviously) for my essay scores. We really like See Kai Run shoes.

Jas12, I agree. A home can be one of the best investments a person can make. I try (very hard and sometimes fail) not to become emotional with our homes. Hope your house sells soon. Location, lot and layout are key for fast sells. Glad your MIL has listened to you. That is HUGE progress!

Q, my mom is not competitive at ALL. Just my MIL. But that is how she is with her friends too. How sad your ILs usually decline to visit. I am surprised! T has SHORT legs. The girl is all torso. I don''t think she looks short compared to other kids. Just normal. She blends in. Haha. I would wait until after M is 2. I think T''s speech REALLY developed between 18 months-24 months as did her comprehension.

curly, yay Lucy! Glad it all worked out!!!


Jan 29, 2007
Hi everyone, I don''t normally post on here, but I have a quick question that maybe you all can help me with ...

My son is turning 3 next week, and will be 3 and a half when his baby brother is born next spring. I would like to get one of those "sit and stand" type strollers, where the baby sits in the stroller and there''s a little platform seat for my preschooler.

Can any of you recommend a good "sit and stand" stroller? I would prefer one that you can click a baby carseat into. Right now I have a Graco infant seat that I plan to use for the baby. Thanks!


May 9, 2006
mrss~Glad the kids are feeling better!

lili~Yea, T''s a little chatter box. She went to timeout last night for not listening and the second DH walked in the door she told him she went to mout for not listening to mommy and that she was sowwwwy.....
I made it VERY clear to DH that if we do this we need to be in and settled prior to Kade getting here so I know that will happen.

janine~We''ve bought/sold and rented houses as investment properties before and it''s worked out well for us so I''m not too concerned about that. If we get it, I''m sure it''ll all work out and the plan is to get the major things done prior to moving in so at least I''ll have a great kitchen!
Hope your house stuff goes smoothly!!

Jas12~It sounds like we have identical current houses!! Ours is not in a fantastic neighborhood, we over-improved (knowingly) and are the nicest house on the block
! We finally caved and listed it with an agent this week and if it doesn''t sell we''ll rent it. We do think the house is a great opportunity (in a GREAT neighborhood, great size, only needs cosmetic help) so DH made an offer. They haven''t countered yet so we shall see. I will go from one stressful house project to the next...yay!
So cute that Co loved Santa so much! You must post pics on FB of Co at the mall with Santa!

QT~T doesn''t get her paci other than in her bed. We don''t even keep them on the main floor. But, lately she has been asking for it when she knows she typically doesn''t get it. So, I think she''s really needing the comfort...not sure why, though, because nothing has changed, YET!! I wasn''t a skinny jeans wearer prior to last year....and thought seriously, skinny jeans while preggo.....yep, LOVE my mat. skinny jeans. Weird. And, got them at Old Navy so they were CHEAP!

Tacori~Crazy, I read about your T''s tantrum about wanting to be with your DH and wouldn''t you know it my T had an almost identical tantrum this morning....wonder if she just wants to be like Tessa!
Not fun.

Vesper~I''m due in February and my daughter will be 2 so I''ve been looking for one, too. I wish I could say I had decided on one....if I do, though, I''ll let ya know!


Nov 20, 2006
just real quick....

tacori T''s tantrums sound so much like B''s!! when he gets really worked up, he will purposely bump his head into the door or wall. or if we are in the car, he will bang it against his car seat. then of course when he is done with his tantrum, he will tell me that his head hurts...DUH, you think?!?!? he still does it, but not as much anymore as he knows that he is only going to hurt himself, and i still won''t give him what he wants.

be back in a bit to catch up.


Jan 3, 2005
vesper, i hope you can find what you are looking for. I never used that type of stroller so I've got no good advice.

tacori- i hope t is feeling better.

burk-how are you feeling? do you feel any different carrying a boy than you did with T?

My kiddo's all seem to be on the mend. the ped called and the H1N1 vaccines are in so they are all scheduled to get them on thursday. the girls will get the mist which they are very happy about and Jake will get the shot. then the girls have dentist appt's. what a fun day for them
now that the weather is a bit cooler I'm trying to be creative in my cooking/baking. today I am attempting to make my first Cheesecake. it's currently in the oven so we'll see. cream cheese was on sale so I thought why not?


May 1, 2005
Thanks lili, little B is doing well, I need to schedule him for his follow up Thyroid, Carbon Dioxide test & MMR shot. I'm kind of stalling since nurse call and told me the doctor want him to have H1N1 vaccine first before the MMR. We're still undecided on the vaccine. His eating is still the same, unless he is very very hungry he'll take more then 5 bites, other then that we call him Mr.5 bites.

Janine, little B is doing good, I love all the pics on FB too. I have started laying out holiday cards and I can't find a "family photo" that is good enough to use for the card. I will love to do a xmas portraits but the thought of chasing B around to put something nice on him and doll myself up really tire me out so maybe when he is older.

Thanks Jas12. I'm too curious what little B will do this year sitting on Santa's lap. I just hope he won't slap santa.

Thanks QT, I'm just surprised that they didn't even put a eye patch over the eye after the surgery. The doctor said no need. Glad to hear you are getting back to normal.

Curly, yay, no scar! Thank god for plastic surgeon.

MrsS, sorry to hear Jake is sick, hope he didn't catch the croup from your niece.

Thanks Tacori, sorry to hear about the tantrums...I think little B is getting there too, he'll throw himself on the floor when things don't go his way. You should definitely threat yourself to a spa, it's good for the body and the mind.

Burk, good luck with the house!


Nov 20, 2006
msb how is K doing with pre-school?

burk went shopping for maternity clothes. got some super comfy jeans and cords and "nicer" shirts. haha, i''ve been pretty much living in tanks and tees so i thought since winter is coming around, it might get cold. but then by then i might have delivered already. haha. and seriously, who goes shopping for maternity clothes at 34 weeks preggo? did you guys decide what to do about the house? and how is T doing?

mrsS glad the kids are getting better!!

bobo glad to ehar that your DH''s eye surgery went well.

lili haha, i think you are right, no matter how tiny you may be, you will always see yourself as being "huge." it''s just the way it is i guess. sucks, but it''s reality. so cute that J is chatting away!! it''s super fun. my parents are actually really close to us so if i was to go into labor in the middle of the night, my mom said to just call and get ready to go and by then, they should be at the house. so hopefully that works out.

janine when B started to walk, we got him stride rite shoes, which he did fine in.

jas12 awwww, so cute Co likes santa!! B loves santa too cause he thinks that''s where he''s getting his presents from. haha. how are you feeling?

qt how old is M? as long as she is babbling, i wouldn''t worry about her talking. if your pedi is not concerned, then i wouldn''t be either. and do you gys speak different languages to her? glad she likes to be fed again...must be tons cleaner!!

vesper we''re probably just going to get the double BOB and then put the optional stand our bugaboo for B. i doubt B will want to be in a stroller though. so we''ll just have to see.

curly glad that lucy is healing well.

gotta run...B is up from his nap. long day planned with parks and museums for the kid.


Jan 3, 2005
hi everyone! another quick drive by from me..sorry for not responding to any of the threads here, but just thought id give u a quick update on K.

day 1-he was shocked, didnt know where we were and wat was going on..went in with him to class and stood a few feet away to let him know im there if he needs me...a few mins later i snuck out and he cried when he didnt see me, but quickly quieted down..i stayed on the premises but was hiding so he doesnt see me..i couldnt bring myself to leave! he didnt participate in any of the activities/classes and was 10 am (snack time) he was freaking out again and i went to get him..

day 2- he knew wat to expect so we had several mini crying sessions on the way there..we got there and he sits down but holds on too my hands so i dont leave..again gave him a kiss then i snuck out and more tantrums...
picked him up at 10 again..(i was not planning on leaving him for more than 2 hrs till he settles...their hours are 8 to 1:30!!!)...

day 3- same tantrums but now it switched from "mama dont want to go to skool" to "mama please no office"..(i.e. i dont mind staying but dont leave me to go to the office)...still..cried when i left...then i got a call at 930 that he threw up all over himself and he was i had to go pick him up earlier than usual..

day 4-same "mama no office" routine over and over in the car (he must have said it at least 50 times by the time we got to skool!)...went in...again..crying when i sneak out..but then i go to pick him at 10ish and hes sitting there with the kids!! he actually participated with them in the activities and sat there drinking his juice/water but wouldn''t eat his snack!!! PROGRESS!!! (the 3 previous days he would sit there with his eyes closed!!! he has this mentality that "if i cant see u then ur not there" he would sit there in silence with his eyes closed and his arms crossed on the chair all onhis own!! as funny as that sounds (and it is funny when u look back at it) but the three days i picked him and he was like that i just cried my eyes out in the car! it was just so heartbreaking!

BUT day 4 there was a bit of progress..i hope it gets better!! im worried that we regress after the weekend and start again from scratch, but hopefully he''ll be fine and start to enjoy it..

thats about it...just thought id give u a quick update..

with me, between the stress and worry of him starting pre-school and my nausea/hormones..oh man..i am NOT fun a person to be around...poor hubby..i feel bad for him but sometimes all i can do there at nite is scowl at the tv all wrapped up in my blanket..hahahaha!! things are good though as the nausea has eased the past two days and i dont feel like a compressed can (i dunno if u know that feeling, but i felt so congested and bloated and yekh and in ''pressure'' the whole time)..

anyhoo..enuf "me" thread

miss u ladies!!

gotta go give him a quick shower now and ill be back later..


Sep 21, 2006
ok will check out stride rites this weekend, thanks all! I''m sure they will be more expensive than my shoes (haven''t bought clothes/shoes for myself in ages, it''s all about C these days!)!

Burk: oh, didn''t realize you and hubby were pros in that area (inv properties and moving with them as opportunity arises), that''s awesome! I wouldn''t have the patience or energy for it! Curious what you come up with for combo stroller (toddler and infant)!

msb: awww, that''s a lot to go through but sounds like it worked out. I am not looking forward to that stage though! I''m sure your hubby is handling it fine, and sounds like you have a great one!

lili: so cute that J is a chatterbox, I can''t wait for that stage. I mean C is a chatter but in her own language accompanied by hand gestures!

tacori: i always get a kick hearing you describe T''s tantrums...the drama! Sounds like a handful but also sounds very normal for that stage. And I know I''m going to pay for smiling at the descriptions of the tantrums b/c in a year it''ll be me since C is already throwing mini-tantrums! It''s amazing to me how quick she can switch .. giggles to full on tears. One of our LO''s better end up in acting, haha.


May 9, 2006
mrss~Yay for kids on the mend! I feel okay lately. Thanks for asking. My MS has seemed to creep back up on me in the evenings, which has been a PITA. Last night was a bit better because I had a big snack around 3:30...we''ll see how tonight goes. I am pretty sure I''m carrying pretty much the same as I did with T. I carried her very low and he''s so low this time that it''s already uncomfortable! I''ll have to post a comparison pic on Friday with my belly pic.


puffy~I refused to buy maternity clothes until last week (26 weeks) and the only reason I caved was because I never had maternity jeans with T and I was desperate for comfy jeans since Kade is sooo low. So, I don''t think shopping for mat clothes at 34 weeks is crazy at all!
It is not near nice enough to be in tanks anymore and I have to dress up for work but I would live in yoga pants and tanks and tees if I could!! Where did you end up finding cute stuff? We made an offer on the house yesterday but haven''t heard back.

msb~Sounds like K is starting to ease into school. I''m sure he''ll be loving it in no time!!

Janine~Oh I wouldn''t call us pros at all...just had enough success and experience to not be scared of this one. I really enjoy this kind of stuff....I like renovations and decorating. I''m addicted to HGTV so to me it''s kind of exciting. If it works out and we get it for the number we are comfortable with, that''s great and if not, no big deal either.

Not much new around here. DH has been gone since Saturday and T is upset she doesn''t get to see her daddy. What kills me, though, is that she takes it out on me!! He''s the one who''s gone, but when he returns she''ll be soooo happy to see him and won''t want anything to do with me. While he''s gone, she''s crabby and testy and I have to deal with her drama. I wish I could be a daddy.....


Jan 29, 2007
I just wanted to share this charming anecdote from my 36 month old son.

Last night, it was time to for him to get out of the tub, so I told him, "OK honey, bathtime''s over." At which point he gave me a snotty look, and said, "Leave me alone and go do the dishes."

It looks like 3 is going to be a harder age than 2 ...

Puffy, thanks for the advice on the stroller - I have 2 friends with BOBs who love them - maybe I''ll look into them. We have a McLearen Techno right now that we love, but I think I''m really going to need a sit n stand when the second little guy arrives ...


May 9, 2006
Vesper~Isn''t toddler attitude fun?!?!
I don''t think I''ll be spending a lot of money on the double stroller because I really don''t think I''ll get a ton of use out of it. I know a lot of people love the double BOB''s but I can''t justify spending that kind of money when I''m not sure I''ll be able to talk my then 2 year-old into getting in it....hence why I have yet to buy anything!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
real quick, vesper they do make skate boards that clip on to strollers (can''t remember what they are called) . I don''t think a 4 year old needs a double stroller IMHO. Also I KNOW they have some sort of s''ng sit and stand b/c I have seen them at the mall. It help the infant carrier and I *think* there was a small seat for the older kid. I will look around.


Jan 29, 2007
Thanks Burk & Tacori!

I do know that a couple of companies carry the Sit N Stand type, I guess I''m just undecided on which brand to go with. For instance, I had a Graco & Combi stroller, both which were just OK, until I got my McLearen, which is great (and was recommended by a friend). I think I''m going to need to try to find a place that sells them & try a few ...

I love the idea of the skateboard that attached to the stroller - DS would really love that, so I''m going to look into it!
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