
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Nov 20, 2006
snlee it''s so good to see ya!!! the month will fly by and you''ll be in your new house before you know it. how is D doing?

tgal B has the taddooles crayons and the triangular ones by crayola and he used both in the beginning but he likes the triangular ones more. i liked those a lot too cause they wash off with water and soap so when he couldn''t keep the "coloring" on the page, it was no big deal and i didn''t have to supervise him too much. now, he''s onto using regular old crayons.

LC B used to not like to brush his teeth so much, but now he loves it. i help him in the beginning and then he''ll finish the job. at the sane time that i am brushing his teeth, i give him a toothbrush so he can brush my teeth at the same time. it works for him. and B loves his toothbrush complete with train sounds. the things they have now a days are insane cool!!

tacori first thing, LOVE that AV!!! what a great pic!! sounds like the gym is going well. i''d take 3 lbs for some ice cream and cake. is T going to bed later now? i haven''t really had too many sweets since i found out i was preggo. DH is a super food nazi and i know he means well, but i feel like i''m in prison. haha. when i go to lunch with friends, i secretly have 1 glass of lemonade and sometimes dessert too. if DH only knew...haha.


Nov 14, 2004
Sorry about these self-centered posts lately, but I need help with transitioning M with whole milk.

So three weeks ago, I started mixing BM with whole milk. First week was 1oz whole milk with 5oz BM, second week was 2oz and 4oz and the third week (this past week) I did half and half. M was doing fine the first two weeks. This week M had been refusing the bottles due to the taste of the milk. I know it's b/c I give M some whole milk to sip on today, she took one sip and refused to take another sip. Should I keep upping the amount of whole milk or keep it at half and half until she takes it before increasing? The thing is that I am only getting about 2oz from each pumping now, and I only pump 3 times a day since I start work later and nurse M before I go to work. My freezer stash is down to 15oz or so. I am not sure what to do. What can I do to help her transition? Or can I just nurse morning and night when I am home and have M eat solids only during the day?


Nov 18, 2004
Haha, that sound like something that my hubby would do too.
Love the new avi.
Such a little dare devil ^.^

I like to see what those guys would do when they have kids.
They probably let the wives do all the work

We were thinking about something like that for J.
But after yesterday''s excursion to the OC fair, DH thinks we need to get her a tracking device.
She didn''t want us to hold her and just want to roam about herself.
And I don''t think there is any way she''d let us strap her up w/ that harness.

for Co taking steps.
You''ll be chasing around in no time.
J was taking steps before she can stand up on her own.
It wasn''t until she knows how to stand up w/o assistance that she went into full walking mode.
You need to capture those wobbly and what my sister called "the cowboy walk" -- so cute.

That is just stinking cute that Co has an obsession w/ letters.
J doesn''t have any, though she is quite fixated when she sees TGal''s avi.
She''ll say bang and imitate banging her own head on the railing

Hehe, that is cute Jake makes car noises when playing w/ his cars.


Nov 18, 2004
Yea, they sure do. J can finish a whole can of lil crunchies in one sitting if I give it to her.
I''m sure A is over 33 inches -- she looks very tall in her video.

Haha, J will buckle herself (or attempt to buckle) when I offer to give her some crunchies in the car.
Oo....can''t wait to see her maternity pics.
When are you planning on taking them?
Don''t take them too early when your belly is not big enough.
And B is tall....can''t believe he''s 35 inches at his 18 month checkup.

Speaking of maternity pictures.
It was too bad you didn''t take any when you were preggo w/ Co.
You looked fabulous and so pretty.
YOu better not chicken out the next time around.

Wow, T is tall and lean.
Can''t say I''m surprised though after seeing pictures of your family
-- all the tall and skinny genes.
Glad to hear that m/s is not constant for you.
Hopefully it''ll subside earlier this time for you.
You are more than half way through your first trimester -- just hang in there.

Hehe....funny description of little B.
Sorry to hear that he''s not eating well.
Does he not like it when you feed him?

That''s great that T knows that having those accidents are no-nos.
Should make PTing easier no?
Glad to hear that you didn''t let DH off the hook for not listening to you about putting the diaper back on T



Dec 16, 2007
If any experienced moms have a moment to pop over to the newborn thread, I''d really appreciate your input about something! THanks!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Puffy, that would ANNOY me! I hate when DH comments on what I eat. (LilyKat anyone?) I have to eat something sweet/chocolate everyday. I *enjoy* it. You poor thing! Once we get back from WI I will be back to the gym full force. I am trying to be more relaxed about my body. I know I look SO much better than I did LAST summer so at least I am improving. Everyone tells me I look great so even if I don''t feel like I do, I still try to believe them if that makes sense. I went to Zumba yesterday and the lady at child watch was so impressed with Tessa''s verbal skills. I was like really? Haha. It is hard since I am with her so much to notice things. But she does say "good morning" and "good night" now which is adorable. Also she will say "thank you" even if the "thank" part sounds a little off. Those "th" sounds are tough.

Q, I was really lucky b/c T didn''t really have a problem with whole milk. She actually LOVES it and will come running if I tell her I have her milk. Hope someone has some good advice for you. Will she drink water? My pedi only likes me to give her one cup of milk in the morning and night anyways b/c it could affect her hunger so she gets water throughout the day.

Lili, I like the tracking device idea! We have independent girls don''t we? DH doesn''t get grossed out so he didn''t mind cleaning up her accident.


May 16, 2006
Qtiekiki--i only nurse Co once, maybe twice a day now (i''ve been slowly weaning for a couple months now). Your body will just adjust to this pattern. If i pump i get a few drops, my body just doesn''t respond to pumping very well but that doesn''t mean i am not making milk. You are probably similar.
During the day Co gets solids and water. He has never had milk or formula and as long as you have good nutrition there is no need for milk. So, that might make you feel a bit more relaxed, and maybe as M ages, you can keep introducing it and she''ll develop a taste for it.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I forgot to mention we had a mini block party yesterday and I am convinced T will be a cheerleader. The older boys (always boys in our lives!) were playing football and she was cheering and clapping for them. Also the twins (18 months) and her were playing in her water table and she just loves to praise (by giggling, clapping, cheering) them. It is so funny now that they interact more. Both boys call T by her name and sometimes fight for her attention. It is so funny.


Nov 20, 2006
qt sorry you are having trouble with transitioning M to whole milk. i was also super lucky and B loved his milk, so he had no trouble at all. when i gave it to him at first, i didn''t mix it with BM cause it wasn''t a meal or anything. i just gave it to him as a drink to sip on to see if he had an allergies to it, and to my surprise, he loved it.

lili i think i''m planning on doing the maternity pics around 30+ weeks cause by then, i know i''ll be huge! haha. B is definitely a tall one, but i think he''ll start to slow down soon. before when he was a young infant, his weight was always getting up there and his height was always at a little above average. then all of a sudden, it totally went the opposite way. he had only gained like 10 oz from 15 months to 18 months. haha.

tacori i know, i absolutely hate it when DH tells me i shouldn''t eat something, so to avoid it all, i just eat it when he isn''t around. haha. he did find a cake box in the recycling and was like huh? haha. he did ask me, and i told him i shared a slice with a friend. see, T is a smartie!! i''m sure it''s just harder for you to understand what she is saying since it all sounds the same after awhile. just yesterday, i was telling B that i was exhausted from the park and when my mom came over, he was telling her that HE was exhausted the he would pretend to wipe the sweat off his forehead. haha!! kids!

B did the cutest thing this morning when he woke up. he came running into my room, climbed in bed with me and went to kiss my belly then rubbed it and said "good morning brother OR puppy." haha. then he just cuddled next to me for a few minutes then he was on his way to get his toothbrush and clothes. he fell in love with this puppy at the pound, but that puppy isn''t compatible with kids, so every time he talks about a puppy, i feel so bad cause he really thinks he''s is getting THAT one. we have no problem getting him a puppy. we have even taken him to the pet shops look around and he says he doesn''t like any of them. he wants the one he can''t have.

have a great weekend everyone!!


Nov 14, 2004
How did J like the OC fair? M was really excited about the animals.
M likes the lil crunchies too; she just puts the whole thing in her mouth. Our 5 yr old nephew likes them too. Sometime when he is playing with M in her room, he''ll ask if he can have some.

M has no problem with water. She''ll gulp down a whole sippy cup of water when she wants to. I''ll ask pedi about milk and water intake at M''s 12 months check-up, and also if there is an alternative to milk in case she doesn''t take it.
So cute that T is cheering the boys on. Oh boy, she already has boys fighting for her attention. You''ll have to fight those boys off when she is a teenager. LOL.

Thanks Jas. Nursing morning and night be work for me. I really just want to stop pumping, so I can get a break before doing it again in a year. I am just worried that my supply will dry up when I get to the 4th or 5th month of pregnancy, so that''s the reason I am trying to introduce milk now.

Awww how sweet is that, B is really warming up to the baby now.
Wow B really knows what he wants. Hope he find a kid friendly puppy that he likes.
I still not 100% sure if M has allergy or sensitivity to dairy product b/c she does get red spots around her mouth when she has cheese, yogurt and the one sip of milk. But it''s not a full rash and those spots go away after an hour or so.


May 1, 2005
Tacori, love your new av. so cute! Sounds like Tessa is on her way to want to be potty train.
3 lbs gained isn''t much, I usually gained more then that when I''m on vacation.
How funny the boys fight for Tessa''s attention, wait until she is 16.

puffy, feedin little B on the weekend is a battle every meal. Usually he win at the end.
Today he refused to eat when I tried to feed him so after an hour try I gave up. After I clean up
he came running with a bag of goldfish in his hands and want me to open it for him. I told him "no"
but I was battling inside if I should just give in. Your B is such a sweet boy, little B never cuddle with me.

QT, the 4D ultrasound looks amazing...Don''t worry too much, if the doctor isn''t concern
then don''t worry about it. Don''t have any advice on the milk transition since little B don''t take whole milk.

lili, he doesn''t like it when either DH and I feeds him, I have no clue why...

Heading off to OC fair tonight...


Nov 18, 2004
I haven''t bought anything crayons for J yet.
Waiting for her to pass that stage of experimenting w/ her mouth.
She did get that set of crayola that MrsS posted.
She liked the characters, but they were just not that great in her little hands.
Plus the crayon breaks off so easily.
I''d look into the aquadoodle that Jas12 psted....those look pretty neat.

I was BFing J twice a day for while when she wasn''t taking the whole milk in a bottle.


Nov 14, 2004
Did you keep offering the whole milk to J until she took it? How long did it take?


Nov 18, 2004
You are lucky your DH doesn't get grossed out.
Mine will probably be wearing surgical gloves and mask, and will disinfect the whole bathroom afterwards.
That tracking device would be handy.
J wasn't fazed out by the crowd and was not afraid of losing us either.
She was a good 20 ft away from us when we let her walk on her own -- turned out the little stinker walked the opposite direction.

more later.


Nov 18, 2004
Looks like T is growing up really fast and learning so much more each day.

Haha, I think B will be a great big brother.
I told you my nephew did not like the baby in his mom''s belly one bit, but when his little brother came out,
he was the best big brother and loving his little bro to pieces.

J enjoyed the petting farm too.
She was able to identify some of the animals there and got a real kick out of it.
The funny thing is that she knows duck really well (it was one of her first animals), but
she was confused by the real ducks in the petting zoo. I guess they looked really different from the cartoony ducks she saw in the books

Plus, she loved the fair food -- couldn''t get enough of the roasted corn!
Did you guys watched the hypnotist? We always go there for his show -- funniest show ever (only if mark yusik is performing though).

Go to the hypnotist gotta see it.


Nov 18, 2004
will post more later about weaning, but I think we tried for 2 wks of offering her whole milk before she took it when we got her the munchkin cup.
don't know if it was the munchkin cup or something in her just clicked and say "i'll just take the milk".


Nov 20, 2006
qt lili brings up a good point, as sometimes it something as simple as a new cup that will do the trick for them. what are you giving it to her in now..sippy? we went to look at more puppies today and there was nothing that B wanted. i thought he would want this little teacup pomeranian since when he saw it, he kept calling it our dog''s name, but when i asked if he wants to take it home, he said no and he wanted to go home. so cute that M got excited about all the animals. maybe if anything, M might be sensitive to diary since the bumps around her mouth go away after an hour or so.

bobo how was the fair? did little B love it? we''ve taken B to quite a few fairs and he LOVES them! haha, B is either a hit or miss with the cuddling. i swear when i ask for a cuddle minute, he turns away and says no way mommy, but when he wants to, i HAVE to or else he gets mad. a few months ago, B went through the same thing, where eating was a struggle, but i wasn''t concerned with his weight. this may be really bad advice, but i would just give into the goldfish, maybe half a handful or something so at least he is getting something if he isn''t eating. is he getting enough milk, or soy?

lili how is J doing? we need pics!!! haha, some days B doesn''t like the baby and some days he LOVES the baby, so who knows what it''s going to be tomorrow. did you see the dentist yet?


Nov 18, 2004
Haha, my 13 yr old niece likes those crunchies too!
In fact, she loves almost all the snacks that J eats.

That does sound like M is slightly sensitive to milk.
I hope it is something that she''ll outgrow.

Anyway, was going to post about the whole weaning and getting J on whole milk thing,
but don''t know where to start. It has only been a little over a month that she is weaned, but it seemed like ages ago.
I really don''t know if it just took her that long to break her or if it was the munchkin cup that ultimately get rid to drink the whole milk.
She was never a huge milk fan from the get-go. I can only get her to drink about an ounce on a good day.
We didn''t mix the breastmilk w/ the whole milk because the first and last time that we did that, she went on a milk strike.
Refused to drink any milk (breast and whole). Only wants it from the source.
We sort of back off from pushing the whole milk on her until she reached 14 months.
By then, I was just so over pumping. So our plan was whole milk when she''s at daycare and nurse her in the AM and PM before bed.
Of course she refused the whole milk (and even water too), so the only liquid intake is when she nursed w/ me.
This went on for 2 wks. We''ve tried putting her milk in a normal cup, sippy cup, straw cup, tumbler, normal cup, etc.
I even tried cutting out the AM/PM feeding in hope that she would break down and drink the whole milk that is offered, but no such luck.
After reading TGal''s shoutout to the girls for recommending the munchkin straw cup, I decided to buy just one more cup.
Luckily there was one w/ Dora on it (a character that she is familiar w/ because her auntie had gotten some decals for her to play w/).
She was excited about her cup, so that afternoon I poured her milk in and she happily drink from it.
She still doesn''t drink much -- probably 5-10 oz a day depending on her day.....but it is alot more than the 1 ounce that we had to force on her before.
I think the driving factor is the cup since J is really a stubborn girl and I don''t think she was broken :razz:

Have you tried the munchkin straw cup?


Nov 18, 2004
Being the procrastinator that I am, still haven''t gone to see the dentist yet.
Will do so soon.

Anyway, don''t have any new pictures of J since I''ve been slacking.
She hasn''t changed much so most of the pictures look like those taken months ago.
Plus the fact that it is getting nearly impossible to get a good shot of her w/o having her shoving her face right at the camera.
Also, since the other mommies are not posting pictures of their kiddies, I feel funny about posting J :)
You need to get on FB woman since all the mommies here are on there.
You get to see the babies in action too

Sorry to hear that little B is not eating.
J goes through periods of not wanting to eat anything except her snacks too.
I know it is bad, but I do give in and let her have a little bit of it, otherwise she''d go a whole day w/o eating for drinking.
At least when she eat her snacks, she''d be drinking water and sometimes milk.
How long has it been that B is fighting you w/ meals?
J was especially finicky when her molars was coming in. She just didn''t want to eat any real food.


May 1, 2005
Puffy, We didn''t went to the fair at the end. The traffic was so bad and we couldn''t get into the fair
because there were just too many people. We went to my sister''s house instead and let little B play with
my sister''s kid. He is getting enough soy milk, the is like the only thing he''ll take now when he is with us
on the weekend.

lili, it''s been about 2 weeks that B is fighting with us w/meals. Maybe it''s his teeth now you mention it,
he got a lot of teeth coming out right now all at the same time. Did you guys had a hard time getting into the
fair? We went around 8 p.m. and couldn''t get in.


Jan 3, 2005
hi mommies....

things have been so busy around here with tons of family that keep coming into town. I love having them but i don''t seem to have any down time. not much in Jake news. He''s got two molars coming in and hasn''t been eating much either. We had a scare with my 5 year old who had 3 large bumps on the side of her head behind her ear. I called a nurse and while I was on the phone found a tick in head. My hubby got the tick out and we took her to the dr. first thing in the morning. the bumps are swollen lymph nodes from the tick which are just horrible here this time of year. I''m still not sure where she got it b/c we spray our yard as well as treat out dog. anyway, we have to watch her for 7 days for fever and headache, signs of Rocky Mountain Spotted fever
it''s been almost a week and she''s been fine so hopefully she doesn''t get it. Dr. said the lymph nodes swell whether the tick was infected with the disease or not and will take a few weeks to go back down. in other news our weather has been so nice, highs in the mid 70''s. so crazy, it''s normally in the upper 90''s or 100''s...

tacori-i can totally see tessa being a little cheerleader..

qt-hang in there with the weaning. Because of Jake''s eczema he still doesn''t drink milk and my ped. said that they really only need water. I wouldn''t worry too much about it and just try to get calcium and protein in her in other ways, like yogurt or cheese. maybe even try the soy milk. my niece will not drink regular milk at all but loves the soy.

puffy-that is so funny B didn''t pick a puppy. I guess he''ll know the one when he sees it.

bobo-bummer you guys didn''t get into the fair.


Dec 29, 2004
Thanks for the crayon suggestions! I bought some of the triangular ones!

MrsS that is a scare! Hopefully all will be OK!

Jas, did I say yay for Co talking those steps yet? I am a bit behind!

BTW, I got the aquadoodle (lili, they are on clearance at target for about $16 bucks). Cool product. Except that Amelia LOVES drinking water and started to immediately suck on the pen tips.

The girl is LOVING walking, but it has to be assisted. She just holds my one finger and toddles along. We walk the block or so to the park now. She just is too chicken to try it herself, although I got her to take ONE step yesterday. She does seem very unbalanced - not just the usual toddler balance thing, but she looks pretty week in the hips. I can''t quite describe it and am not sure if it''s normal, but knowing that she has loose joints makes me notice it more.

On the eating front, I am REALLY hoping we can stop therapy soon. She is eating really well and is wanting to try all sorts of foods now. She is finally starting to eat meats and seems to like it. Now if I could only get her to drink milk out of a sippy!!


Nov 18, 2004
Bummer about the fair.
We never go on the weekend.
Took a day off and went on Thursday.
W/ J, we can''t stay out too late, so we got there around 4 and stayed long enough for one of the hypnotist show.
Have you tried giving little B frozen veggies like peas or corns?
J ate those shortly after her molars broke surface.

Poor Jake. Those molars are a PITA. J wasn''t herself for a little more than a week when they were making their way up.
Hope he''s doing better.
Yikes.....that''s scary about Lily. Hope everything is ok.

That''s for heads-up on the aquadoodle. I''ll head over there and see if I can snatch one.
I think J will like that.
Haha, that''s too funny about A and the pen. I think J will do the same too.

That''s great that A is walking (even if it''s assisted). It sounds like she just need the reinforcement and not really rely on your finger.
J was walking with holding our finger for a while too. She still does when we go to places that she''s unfamiliar, except the fair.
She just ran wild there. We had to literally chase her down.

And yay for A eating and trying more foods.
Hehe, that''s funny about A eating meat now -- J is the same too.
Always spit out her meat before, but starting to like her meat (but only selective ones though like chicken, ham, turkey, and hotdog).
A will drink milk from her sippy soon enough.
Are you using the same cup for her milk as her water?
J seems to associate different cups for different thing, so I only use her Dora munchkin cup for her milk and nothing else.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 7/20/2009 2:44:23 PM
Author: lili
Bummer about the fair.
We never go on the weekend.
Took a day off and went on Thursday.
W/ J, we can''t stay out too late, so we got there around 4 and stayed long enough for one of the hypnotist show.
Have you tried giving little B frozen veggies like peas or corns?
J ate those shortly after her molars broke surface.

Poor Jake. Those molars are a PITA. J wasn''t herself for a little more than a week when they were making their way up.
Hope he''s doing better.
Yikes.....that''s scary about Lily. Hope everything is ok.

That''s for heads-up on the aquadoodle. I''ll head over there and see if I can snatch one.
I think J will like that.
Haha, that''s too funny about A and the pen. I think J will do the same too.

That''s great that A is walking (even if it''s assisted). It sounds like she just need the reinforcement and not really rely on your finger.
J was walking with holding our finger for a while too. She still does when we go to places that she''s unfamiliar, except the fair.
She just ran wild there. We had to literally chase her down.

And yay for A eating and trying more foods.
Hehe, that''s funny about A eating meat now -- J is the same too.
Always spit out her meat before, but starting to like her meat (but only selective ones though like chicken, ham, turkey, and hotdog).
A will drink milk from her sippy soon enough.
Are you using the same cup for her milk as her water?
J seems to associate different cups for different thing, so I only use her Dora munchkin cup for her milk and nothing else.
You better have some new pics for us then!

Yeah, I tried the different cup thing. No dice. I just used the take and toss one for awhile, which she took and tossed. Since those aren''t leakproof, it got messy!

We''ll get there, I guess!

And which hot dogs do you get? There are some nitrate free ones at TJ''s that I get. She''s tried the turkey and likes it and this week I bought the beef. We''ll see.


Nov 18, 2004
I wished I had some nice pictures of her at the fair...but most are either of her back or blurry.

I know what you mean about those take and toss cups.
J had a habit of sloshing the water in there and turning the cup upsidedown
(I guess I can blame DH for that because he''d poured some water out of that cup on her wash cloth to wipe her after a meal).

I got those nitrate free hotdogs at TJ''s.
I believe we gave her the turkey.
Haven''t tried the beef yet, but I have a feeling she won''t like it because she only eats the lil toddler''s meal w/ the chicken and turkey.
The beef ones, she''d spit them out.
Also, she''d eat the kahlua chicken that we got from this japanese market, but wouldn''t eat the kahlua pork.

Hey, have you given A edamame?
J loved those. That''s an excellent source of protein no?


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 7/20/2009 4:24:15 PM
Author: lili
I wished I had some nice pictures of her at the fair...but most are either of her back or blurry.

I know what you mean about those take and toss cups.
J had a habit of sloshing the water in there and turning the cup upsidedown
(I guess I can blame DH for that because he''d poured some water out of that cup on her wash cloth to wipe her after a meal).

I got those nitrate free hotdogs at TJ''s.
I believe we gave her the turkey.
Haven''t tried the beef yet, but I have a feeling she won''t like it because she only eats the lil toddler''s meal w/ the chicken and turkey.
The beef ones, she''d spit them out.
Also, she''d eat the kahlua chicken that we got from this japanese market, but wouldn''t eat the kahlua pork.

Hey, have you given A edamame?
J loved those. That''s an excellent source of protein no?
Yup, I buy the already peeled ones and give them to her. I wouldn''t say she LOVES them, but she eats them fine.

The only thing she loves are A) cheerios and B) anything we are eating.


Nov 18, 2004
lhseht ni seno eht yrT


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 7/20/2009 4:41:30 PM
Author: lili
lhseht ni seno eht yrT
yanno, I really don''t know how to respond to that.


BTW, only 2 left of the aquadoodle at target. I bought 2 so you should head over there if you really want it. It''s in the magnadoodle section. Bottom shelf.


Nov 20, 2006
lili i am on FB, well, i mean i''m not on there a lot, but i do have a FB account. one if these days, i have to chase you ladies down on there and look for new pics of the little ones. all of the fairs that we have taken B to, he has been all over the place so we had to keep an eye out for him the entire time. one time, he thought he lost me (i was on the other side of him) and he just kept looking around and looking up at strangers saying, "mommy?" with the most confused look on is face. then after that, he started to hold my hand again, which lasted all but 10 seconds. haha.

bobo awww, sorry about the fair. little B would have had a great time, but i''m sure he''ll enjoy it next time around. i hope little B starts to eat and not fight mealtime soon. hopefully it was his teeth, so after those are all in, he''ll be eating like a little champ. other than the not eating, how is he doing?

mrsS what a scary thing to go through!!! hoping she stays fever free for the next few days.

tgal amelia will walk all by herself when she is good and ready. enjoy this time while she still wants to hold onto to you and not run crazy everywhere! that''s great that she is eating well now, you must be relieved. that''s good that she wants what you guys are eating.

took B to the pound again today. we got a call that they got some new puppies that are ready to be adopted. so we get there and he looks and doesn''t really see too much he likes. then we see the puppy that he really wanted, but was not recommended for homes with children. another couple was playing with that puppy and B walked over there to look. then he tried to pet him and the puppy almost took B''s hand right off. he didn''t bite him or anything, but it was pretty close. that scared B pretty bad and all he kept saying as he was crying was, "go home now, outside mommy, outside!!" so we left and when we got home, he said he didn''t want a puppy anymore. we''ll see how long that lasts.


Nov 18, 2004
haha, something was screwy w/ the site.
somehow the letters get jumbled and typed backwards.

Anyway, I was saying that you should try the one w/ the shell on.
J seem to like it when they are in the shell. I remove the shell and pack them for her snack at daycare and she didn't want to eat any of it.
But when it is popped out of the shell as she's eating, she'll eat a good handful of them.
Also, try the organic one if you haven't already.

Haha, so if you are eating healthy, then you don't have anything to worry about :D
J is the same too....just love her snacks and mine not so healthy food -- TJ's yogurt cups, peaches and cream oatmeal, shortbread cookies, processed fish snack

Oh, have you tried the healthy baby puffs? It is organic and taste pretty good -- less sugary than the Gerber's puffs.

Wow, only 2 left?
I wonder if I should try some other targets.

Poor B. Thank goodness he didn't get bitten, but that must have slightly traumatized him.
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