
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Jul 20, 2009
first and foremost, ladies, I whole-heartedly apologize for posting the following in this thread, but am unable to find a way to direct this question behind-the-scenes to "mrssalvo".

mrssalvo, I am sorry to track you down like this, but was hopeful you could message me or email me (this forum is strange, seems that there is no way to send a Private Message?) a little more about your rectangular cushion cut halo? I stumbled upon a picture you put up in a thread, and it is absolutely jaw-dropping!! The rectangular ratio and how the halo looks is exactly what I am seeking out, and was just hopeful in knowing what the size of the diamond is and your finger size, as that ring looks enormous on your hand!! Trying to gauge proportions and so these two things in addition to the ratio, will definitely help!! I also set "track this topic via email" in case you simply want to post a response here, I will get it.

Thank you so much, and again, ladies, I completely apologize for butting in on this thread. Resume your dirty-diaper and workout discussions.
Just trying to find and gather as much info as I can, as am in that very exciting (and nervous!) stage where I am researching the most perfect ring for my g/f.



Jan 3, 2005
Date: 7/25/2009 3:10:44 PM
Author: btomasie
first and foremost, ladies, I whole-heartedly apologize for posting the following in this thread, but am unable to find a way to direct this question behind-the-scenes to ''mrssalvo''.

mrssalvo, I am sorry to track you down like this, but was hopeful you could message me or email me (this forum is strange, seems that there is no way to send a Private Message?) a little more about your rectangular cushion cut halo? I stumbled upon a picture you put up in a thread, and it is absolutely jaw-dropping!! The rectangular ratio and how the halo looks is exactly what I am seeking out, and was just hopeful in knowing what the size of the diamond is and your finger size, as that ring looks enormous on your hand!! Trying to gauge proportions and so these two things in addition to the ratio, will definitely help!! I also set ''track this topic via email'' in case you simply want to post a response here, I will get it.



Hi Brian,
It''s totally fine that you popped in here. This forum doesn''t have pm''s and this was a good thread for you to be sure to find me. you can however just start a thread in Rocky Talky with saying attn mrssalvo or something and I would have seen it there or I''m sure someone would have alerted me to the thread. I''ll go ahead and answer you here though. The diamond was a 1.67 cushion and I wear a size 3.75. please let me know if you have any other questions


Nov 20, 2006
lili before you know it, J will be talking in full and complete sentences and saying the funniest things that you will never forget. i swear every time he says something funny that really makes me laugh, i tell myself that this has got to be the funniest thing that he has ever said. i think i''ve said that at least 15 times in the past day or so. haha. how''s that cute little girl of yours doing?

mrsS thanks again for the reassurance. as for now DH and i have decided that we will go just us, but who knows, i''ll probably change my mind at least another 100 times before we actually leave. it would help a ton also if when we do leave, B isn''t crying and screaming for me. i know i will have a good time with just DH but i also know i will miss B so much that it might be hard to enjoy myself.

tacori B loves the zoo. when i take him, he never wants to leave and throws a fit every time it''s time to go. he will say, "just 5 more minutes," or "why now?" everything with him is "why?" lately. and sometimes i just run out of explanations, so i just tell him because mommy said so. haha. so when i ask him why he wants to wear those shoes or why to anything, he will say "because brady said so." i''m sure T will love the zoo and the pool!! she is going to be cutest flower girl!!


May 9, 2006
mrss~Thanks for the support with T''s crazy sleep. Jake''s lunchbox and backpack sound so cute! I can''t believe how fast summer has gone, either! I have to go back for teacher work days on August 12th!

puffy~I forgot to mention that the groom has a 9 year old daughter too! Weird. DH had a nice time, but I''m still a little upset T and I couldn''t go. I''m sure it''s a tough decision to make about Vegas but I really think you''ll enjoy some time for yourself and for you and your DH. I haven''t left T for long (one night), or with anyone but DH and it''s never easy and I miss her like crazy.....but she always has a great time and is very well behaved and I''ve always found a way to enjoy myself!

B cracks me up. Isn''t the "why" phase usually for like 3 year olds? Seriously, that kid is amazing. I wonder if your next one will be the same?

lili~Thanks! She''s doing okay with the bedtime but would much rather be up playing!

Tacori~That''s funny that T calls you "ma"
We did a 2 nap yesterday and the little stinker only slept for an hour!
Some days that kid. Awesome deal on T''s dress! My T had shorter hair for my sister''s wedding so we just put it half up with a bow. Tessa''s is longer so you could put it all up. Have you checked Etsy for anything cute that you could put in it? They had a TON of cute stuff when I looked for my sister''s wedding but in the end I just bought a chocolate brown bow. You''re creative, too, so you could probably make something cute!

I need to do some IT guy at school re-imaged my work computer before asking me. Usually it would be no big deal since I have everything backed up on my lap top. HOWEVER, my laptop crashed in May and the hard drive had to be erased so I haven''t gotten everything backed up so I lost pretty much everything for school and volleyball!
I have paper copies of most everything but it''s a lot of stuff to have to re-produce electronically. It seriously makes me want to cry every time I think about it. Okay, enough whining, time to do something.

Hope everything had a great weekend!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Hey mamas. Those of you on FB know that poor little T is sick
I thought her 4 hour nap yesterday seemed off. She woke up crying at midnight (last night) crying. I walked in there and she just looked up at me and said "help." Break my heart now. Poor thing was BURNING up. Had a really high fever. So I rocked her for a bit and gave her pain reliever to get her fever down. Today I took her to the Urgent Care FIL works out to look at her ears. I was concerned b/c we are flying on Wednesday. Her ears were clear. She has yet to have one. Hope I didn''t just jinx myself. She hardly ate at all but is still drinking so that''s good. Before bed she climbed on my lap and said "hug?" So sweet. She doesn''t cuddle much so I did enjoy it. I took her temp before bed and it was 101. Poor baby.

puffy, B is so funny. He talks WAY more than T. She is getting better though.

Burk, I haven''t even thought about it and doubt I have time to order something online. Maybe just get an ivory bow since her dress is all ivory. Sorry to hear about your computer! You will get it all done.


Nov 20, 2006
tacori OH NO!! poor girl! i know she isn't sick too often, so it must be pretty hard on her and you. i hope she gets well soon, especially by wednesday for your flight. that's so sweet that she wanted a hug. sounds like she os talking a whole bunch now.

burk sorry you lost everything on the computer. that must suck, but i'm sure you will get everything done. how has T been with bedtime, is she still fighting it? i ask DH all the time of our next child will be like B and he says that he hopes so. he loves that B is such a talker, although i will admit that sometimes i am annoyed by it and just wish that i could have some peace and quiet, but that only lasts a few minutes. how is T doing? did you get your work schedule straightened out?


Sep 21, 2006
hi ladies,

things are good here--my trip will be for 6 nights and leaving in just over a week. Will be going to the UK (for wedding obligation), then Nice and driving South towards the coast. Excited but scared to leave C, but I know it''s for the best for all (we need a vacation!).

C is doing well--took her to a pedi opthamologist due to the line in her iris. Good news is he thinks there is no issue, just extra pigment that is hardly visible. Doesn''t think it''s a coloboma, and even if it is, he says it is an "aborted" one as everything is closed up so wouldn''t cause any issue. I hope he''s right! Because, C cried bloody murder the entire visit and I don''t know how he saw anything! I know everyone says all babies hate doctors, but she truly freaks out and points at the door, eyes sealed shut and screaming as if there were shots, but it was as easy as doc visits come! The whole office heard and felt bad for us. She just gets scared or something, even the doctor (who I assume is used to babies and is quite reknowned in his field) said he didn''t get a perfect view but that she''d probably have to be sedated for that (being sarcastic I think..).

In other areas, I''m still kinda worried that she isn''t standing or showing interest. I bought her a Leap Frog table (yup in addition to exersaucer, Fisher Price Super Star), and if I prop her up she''ll stand (sometimes on tippy toes?) but she has no interest in trying on her own or moving around once up. I won''t really worry much until 1 year, but just hoping it kicks in at some point. She does love to crawl and go on her knees though! I better start buying some more educational toys instead of the big plastic ones in the meantime! (maybe blocks or big lego pieces).

And in sleep news, C is pretty much going to sleep on her own! It''s not perfect but basically I get her real tired (crawling around on the bed, drinking bottle), then put her in the crib with a paci. If she''s really tired, she''s out. If not she''ll need to be picked up a couple of times, but only for a few minutes before back to the crib. Let''s hope it sticks. I honestly think she just outgrew the rocking--she was back arching and not wanting it. I guess it''s not comfy now and she prefers stretching out in the crib. Sometimes she changes her mind and wants to be picked up, but eventually always knows she needs to be in the crib to sleep.

Onto you ladies now:

Qtiekiki: how are you doing?

Tacori: your little girl is hilarious. When C lets one loose, I admit I laugh too, so she probably learned it''s funny from me,hehe. You are amazing with your workouts by the way. And sorry to hear T is not feeling well..poor thing, hope she''s better today.

Burk: how''re things going with work?

MrsSalvo: thanks for the pediped feedback--I think I''ll hold off until she''s actually standing! How''s Jake doing?

Lili: thanks for the feedback on babylegs etc. C loves corn kernels too! I not only pick them out, I squeeze out the inside b/c I''m afraid she''ll choke on the skin!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/26/2009 11:00:15 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Hey mamas. Those of you on FB know that poor little T is sick
I thought her 4 hour nap yesterday seemed off. She woke up crying at midnight (last night) crying. I walked in there and she just looked up at me and said ''help.'' Break my heart now. Poor thing was BURNING up. Had a really high fever. So I rocked her for a bit and gave her pain reliever to get her fever down. Today I took her to the Urgent Care FIL works out to look at her ears. I was concerned b/c we are flying on Wednesday. Her ears were clear. She has yet to have one. Hope I didn''t just jinx myself. She hardly ate at all but is still drinking so that''s good. Before bed she climbed on my lap and said ''hug?'' So sweet. She doesn''t cuddle much so I did enjoy it. I took her temp before bed and it was 101. Poor baby.

puffy, B is so funny. He talks WAY more than T. She is getting better though.

Burk, I haven''t even thought about it and doubt I have time to order something online. Maybe just get an ivory bow since her dress is all ivory. Sorry to hear about your computer! You will get it all done.
I have a lump in my throat....


Dec 29, 2004
Hi gals!

Tacori - aww...poor thing. That is so heartbreaking...hope she feels better soon.

Puffy, B is so stinkin funny. I would love to see video of your dude talking!

QT, have to say, I''m still so glad that avatar of M is still up!

lili, J is talking a lot! Some day I am going to hear a little girl at TJ''s or BRU and turn around and it will be J!

Amelia is officially done with Occupational Therapy! Her eating is normal now, although she still doesn''t love to eat everything. Chewing skills are all fine, so that''s the most important thing. We will still go to physical therapy once a month or so until she can walk. Her foot is still really torque out. It''s disconcerting.

She''s been smiling "on command" now so I got some pictures of her really goofy smile. I''ll have to post them up on that other site soon.


Sep 21, 2006
Tgal: Yay for Amelia being done with OC!! How is her weight or is that not related? And what do you mean by torque foot? Just curious as I have a feeling C might need some help in this dept eventually. Hopefully not, but I''d like to at least be prepared. Wish I could see these pictures as I''m sure they''re gorgeous!


Dec 29, 2004
Janine, I have not taken her to her 15 month appointment yet, as the appointment wasn''t made. She will be going in about 2 weeks.

She''s getting skinny, no doubt about it. I do worry, but remind myself that kids start thinning out at this age. She is so active and yes, she doesn''t eat much, but she doesn''t look sickly. It is a concern of mine however so I will be bringing it up to the ped and perhaps ask to be referred to a nutrionist.

I mean a very pronated foot (left foot tilts inward and her ankle bone really protrudes. I think something is wrong but will wait to take her back to the orthopedic guy when he suggested I return. Even the PT says that once she starts walking, it should correct, but I don''t know.


May 9, 2006
Tacori~Is Tessa feeling any better? Hope so! I bet you could find a cute bow. I bought one that had a clip so I just used a ponytail holder to make a ponytail and then just clipped the bow in over top. I''m sure T will be soooo cute!

puffy~T had been doing much better with bedtime but today''s nap was an absolute nightmare. She cried hysterically and screamed "no mommy, mommy out peeeese" for almost 30 minutes before she fell asleep!
I don''t get it. She has always been so good about sleep and usually tells US when she''s ready for bed. As for peace and quiet...don''t think there''s such a thing!
T doesn''t have near as many words in her vocabulary as B but she still talks constantly! I''m working afternoons and I think I''m okay with it. I worry about her napping at daycare but I also think if she could nap well (her normal 2 hours) almost all of her time there will be spent napping and I won''t miss much!
Isn''t your big u/s coming up?

janine~Sounds like C is doing great! I''m sure she''ll be pulling up in no time! My work schedule isn''t exactly what I wanted but it''ll be okay. I teach from 11:45-2:50. So, she''ll be in daycare about 20 hours a week which is what it would have been had I worked mornings. Hopefully next year they''ll be able to get me a schedule in the morning. How are you liking working from home (one day a week correct?)?

Tgal~Yay for no more OT!! T is really skinny, too, but her pedi is not worried. She goes through phases and some days eats a ton and others barely eats and drives me crazy (like today...she will only eat blueberry muffins today


Dec 29, 2004
Amelia is walking! She beat her slow a** mother by 4 days (I walked 16 months). I missed her first steps (gotta love being a working mom, even though it''s from home) but this girl has decided to toddle around. Her first steps alone are steps...she''s gone from 0 to 60 today. She''s only ever taken a half step to nearly a full step but today she''s walking all over the house (10 wobbly steps at a time!)


Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Date: 7/27/2009 5:45:45 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Amelia is walking! She beat her slow a** mother by 4 days (I walked 16 months). I missed her first steps (gotta love being a working mom, even though it''s from home) but this girl has decided to toddle around. Her first steps alone are steps...she''s gone from 0 to 60 today. She''s only ever taken a half step to nearly a full step but today she''s walking all over the house (10 wobbly steps at a time!)


YAY YAY YAY Little Amelia
. Bless her heart T-Gal. Gotta love those little wobbly baby steps. I used to call them wobbly duck steps, ha ha ha ha. I bet she looks soooo cute. I imagine she is quite proud of herself toooo.. BIG HUGS TO MISS AMELIA!!!!!!!


Nov 18, 2004
Awww..poor Tessa.
Hope she feels better and gets well soon for her trip.
Sounds like T is becoming quite the chatterbox

That's too funny about her asking for her snack while lounging in her chair.

I don't know if J will speak in sentences.
That girl is early to start, but slow to finish :razz:
Your big us is coming up soon huh? How exciting.
So have you been feeling kicks already?

for A walking.
Get the video camera ready and give us some clips of her toddling!


Nov 14, 2004

Ok self-centered post again. Been busy.

Thanks ladies for your advices/comments/concerns with M’s milk allergy/sensitivity. It seems more like sensitivity than allergy, but I’ll definitely ask pedi to send us to an allergist or for the allergy test. He told us he was going to send us to an allergist last time, but ended up sending us to the dermatologist instead. So I’ll ask him why this Friday at M’s 12 months.

I got a letter from my HMO, and they denied a follow up with the perinatologist. So I guess I won’t get a follow up with that dr. But I am sure my OB will go over the results with me this Friday. I will ask him about my uterus then. Can’t believe I’m going to be 14 weeks this Thurs. Passed so fast. I guess I should announce to my friends now.

M’s Bday party is this Sat, so I am trying to finish up some work since I am taking Thursday off and Friday is my furlough day. I decided that I won’t make cupcakes. I am making some fondant decorations for the cake since there wasn’t any ladybug theme at the bakery. We are ordering most of food – chow mien, chow fun, Vietnamese spring rolls, and etc. I am going to do some appetizers and a salad, also thinking about two lasagnas (not sure though since we have those other Chinese noodles). Do you think that’s too much noodle/pasta type food? The appetizers will be meatballs and buffalo wings. Haven’t decided on the type of salad yet, and if we do the lasagnas, they will be one meat and one veggie. MIL will be making a green jackfruit salad, and will be marinating the short ribs and chicken for BBQing. Some of the aunts will bring food also – egg rolls, papaya salad, Thai dessert. I feel like I need more desserts. Maybe I’ll make some brownie or cookies. They are faster and easier than cupcakes. Any suggestions for quick and easy dessert?


Nov 14, 2004
Yay for Amelia walking!!!


Jan 3, 2005
will post more later but had to say...

YAY for Amelia walking....let the real fun begin


May 9, 2006
Yay Amelia!!!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 7/27/2009 6:01:09 PM
Author: lili

for A walking.
Get the video camera ready and give us some clips of her toddling!
I''m on it. Give me a couple of minutes!

Thanks everyone...I''m surprised actually that she''s walking "early." I figured 18 months!


Jul 12, 2008
WOOHOO Amelia! Congrats Tgal!


Jan 3, 2005
qt-you are throwing one heck of a party! I vote brownies, but that''s because I puffy heart brownies..hehe...

tacori-poor Tessa! How is she doing today? I''m so glad the ears are clear, especially with your upcoming flight! I hate the glossy eyes they get with a fever. It makes me so sad for them.

puffy-Do you have your ultrasound soon?

lili-How is J doing? any more luck with her drinking her milk?

Burk-I hope Tessa gets back on a schedule for you soon and gets back to being that easy sleeper asap!


Nov 20, 2006
tgal YAY for amelia
and YAY for her being done with OT!

burk nap time sounded ROUGH! poor girl. i hope tonight was much better during bedtime. that''s good that you are fine with your work schedule and being such a social butterfly she is, i''m sure she would much rather play than sleep anyways.

lili yup, i have definitely been feeling kicks lately. i felt flutters all the way through this pregnancy which i thought was weird, and not gas bubbles either. then i guess maybe 2 weeks ago or last week, i felt a real kick, so it was pretty reassuring that there is a baby in there. B tells his "brother or puppy" to kick all the time cause he wants to feel it. poor kid doesn''t get it that he can''t feel it, but hopefully someday he will. so have you been to the dentist yet?

qt WOW, 14 weeks? where did the time go? M''s party sounds like it''ll be perfect. i also vote brownies because they are YUMMY and you can never go wrong with brownies. and i love oatmeal cookies too in case some people don''t like things too sweet, but who doesn''t right?!?

and thanks for asking everyone, YES, my ultrasound is coming up on wednesday. i am super excited. but i have been having some awful dreams about the ultrasound, just that i cried because i was having another boy and that i was even going to hate the rest of this pregnancy because i found out i was having a boy. anyone who knows me, knows that i WANT and HOPE for a girl someday, doesn''t have to be with this pregnancy, just someday. but i know i am fine with having a boy this time around which makes my dreams all that much weirder. seriously strange!!


Dec 29, 2004
QT, M''s party sounds awesome! You know, Mara posted some dessert back in the cupcake thread that sounded totally easy and delicious. Something with nilla wafers I think? Maybe if you page her she can help? She said it was really good and I made a mental note but didn''t copy the dessert.

Puffy, I''m excited for you...I''ll be on the edge of my seat waiting. I do hope it''s a girl since you want one so much. I like girls.


Sep 21, 2006
TGAL: Yay for Amelia!! Is that how it really happens--all the sudden they start walking?? Wow, what a relief I''m sure. Even though we all know all babies have their own schedule, it''s still reassuring once they do hit the milestone! Now bring on more shoes!

Burk: working from home is going great, thanks!! I love it...even if not a huge amount of work always gets done, I just work 2x as hard when I''m in the office and in the end everyone''s happy. I do like having both in my life (work in the City and some SAHM days in the ''burbs). Moving to 2 days should be interesting, but I can''t wait. So do you have T in daycare 1/2 days in the morning? When did you first put her in and how is the transition? How''re you feeling otherwise?

Puffy: EEK, I can''t wait till Wednesday! I''m predicting girl, but if it''s a boy...well then there''s always #3!!

Qtiekiki: can I come to M''s party--everything sounds so yummy! Bring on the Vietnamese spring rolls! It is a lot of lasagne, but if you have vegetarians, makes sense. How many are invited?

And C has 4 teeth coming in up top...poor thing!


Dec 29, 2004
Janine, I read somewhere awhile back that when babies walk later, they may do so with less wobbling and more steps at a time. Maybe because they are more developed?

And yeah, I was surprised. She may have taken a step (but it was like moving her foot before falling) before yesterday but nothing ever more than that. To go downstairs and seeing her toddling around was really weird!!! Something just clicked for her. Remember, we had taken her to PT on Friday and did all sorts of things to try and get her to take steps but she would not. So between Friday and Monday, she decided to walk. Obviously she could, but just had to find the confidence somewhere. It''s so weird for me.

I have a feeling my kid will be like that in pretty much all things. Just checking things out and then one day, bam! They say it''s like that with talking too...late talkers will speak with more words and longer sentences when they first begin speaking.


Oct 6, 2004
janine, have a wonderful vacation! I know how you feel...excited but also dreading being away from baby. That''s how I feel too about my upcoming trip. 4 teeth on top? Poor girl. How many total will she have? Come find us on the other site!

TGal, yay for Amelia walking!

QT, Meena''s party sounds awesome! I can''t believe she''s going to be ONE!!! And I can''t believe you''re in the 2nd trimester!

puffy, wow, I am so excited about your u/s tomorrow! Can''t wait to find out what you''re having! I hope it''s a little girl in there. :) Come find us on the other site!

Hi to all the other mommies!


Apr 9, 2005
Hi Everyone! Just a quick self centered post to check in. I''ve been going through a lot--my boss who is also a dear friend passed away on the 17th of July after an 8 month battle with stomach cancer. He was only 50 and has a wife and 3 children. It''s been really devastating for everyone. I was out in LA last week for his memorial service which was attended by over 500 people. It''s all been very surreal--we''ve worked together for 10 years and knew each other through our business before then. Our team is really, really close and it''s all because of this man who brought us all together like a family so it''s been tough as we try to figure out how we''re going to continue to carry the torch but we''ll manage somehow. My heart just aches for his family. Cancer is bad.

Other than that, things are going well with the girls. Lily is just talking ALL THE TIME and is always surprising us with what she knows. The other night, we were all sitting together for dinner and she said, "Mommy, daddy, Lily, Lucy. Our family." DH and I nearly burst into tears. She can be really mean to Lucy but then she''ll hug and kiss her and call her "sister" so I guess it''s just regular sibling stuff. Meanwhile, Lucy looks at Lily as if she''s a goddess. Even after Lily has snatched a toy out of her hands, she will still follow her around and stare at her with admiration! It''s cute. Lucy is growing up faster than I ever could have imagined. She is now 10 months old, still only has 2 teeth but eats only table food, crawls like she''s in a race and has actually taken a few steps! She can stand unassisted and will take 2 or 3 steps before falling down. I''m so not ready for it but I guess there''s not much I can do to stop her. She also waves and says "hi" and "bye" and loves to dance and clap! She is seriously one of the happiest babies I''ve ever seen. If only she would sleep through the night again, she''d be almost perfect! But honestly, it doesn''t even bother us when she wakes up because she''s so pleasant!! So I guess her separation anxiety is happening during the night rather than the day. She has no problem being dropped off at daycare or when we leave the room but she just doesn''t want to be alone at night. Fortunately there is room for her in our king size bed! Yes, I''ll admit that we are semi-cosleeping with her and we all love it so it''s ok. For now!

Anyway, I''m glad everyone here is doing well. Sorry for the me-centric post but I''ll try to get caught up with everything again soon!


May 9, 2006
QT~M''s party is going to be so fun! I wish I was coming....all the food sounds so yummy.
Hopefully hers is just a sensitivity! Let us know what your pedi says!

mrss~Thanks! I am at the end of my rope. I don''t know what to do for her. We''re strictly on a one nap a day schedule now and she''s back to crying every time I put her in there. Today was at least better...onlly 5 minutes of crying. I just don''t get it.

puffy~yep, nap time is beyond rough. I just don''t understand what has happened. DH thought maybe something happened that she''s scared of her crib (she sounds THAT hysterical when she cries when you put her down) but I don''t think so because when she wakes she plays and talks and has a good ol'' time.
Sorry about your bad dream. I have crazy dreams when I''m preggo, too. Can''t wait to hear what you''re having!

janine~Glad your work schedule is going well! When will you transition to working from home 2X a week? That''s exciting! T is at home with me all day now since I''m a teacher and we''re on summer break but in August she''ll go to daycare from 11:00 or so until 3:30. She absolutely loves daycare (she calls it school) and her teachers and her friends there. Some of her first words were the names of her friends. She was 7 months when we first put her in daycare and I started her in an in-home. It didn''t work out and we moved her to the center she''s in now at about 9 months and it is a perfect fit. She gets a perfect mix of one-on-one with adults (the ratio at our daycare is 1 adult to 2, sometimes 3 kids which is practically unheard of) plus she gets to play with all her friends whom she adores. I read your daycare thread and kept meaning to respond but for us the center has been amazing. I know some say that as young as she is (18 mo)there''s no way she''s getting the social aspect out of it, but I guarantee she is. Just this morning when I took her there while I ran some errands she ran over and gave all her friends hugs and said "miss you" to them!
Let us know what you end up deciding!!

curly~So sorry about your boss. So sad. Oh a happy note, the girls sound like so much fun!! Too cute!!


Dec 29, 2004
Burk, I just think things like that happen when kids realize the good times have to stop when they go down. My BFF is a sleep nazi...I learned everything I learned from her. Sure enough, her darling sleep training angel decided to give them HELL for 2 weeks. I mean, serious, rebellious hell over staying in her room and sleeping. There were never any issues before this. She just decided she wanted to be in mommy and daddy''s room at night. It was a very concentrated effort to get that to stop.

Curly, I am sorry to hear about the loss of your boss. Just pop in when you can, we love seeing you here.
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