
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Nov 14, 2004
Sorry you didn''t get to go to OC fair. Will you try to go again this weekend?

How funny that J got confused by the duck. I gotta say cartoon ducks are cuter than real ducks. hehe.
That''s great that J could ID some of the animals. All the PS toddlers are so smart.
Roasted corn is my favorite fair food. J has good taste. LOL. M was eyeing us when we were eating it, but we didn''t give her any b/c the last time I gave her corn, it just came out whole.
We didn''t go to the hypnotic show b/c I was worried that M won''t sit for the whole show. Maybe next year.

Thanks for sharing your experiences with transitioning J to milk. I''ve tried milk out of the straw cup and regular cup, and even tried spoon feeding her. She takes the one sip and then turns her face. I gave her some with her Cheerios, and she took more spoons that way. Tomorrow MIL will try the milk in the bottle without mixing with BM. We''ll see how it goes. I told her to just give M more solids and water if M refuses the milk again.

Her straw cup is Munchkin brand. She has this one. She drinks water very well from this cup.

B just haven''t found the dog that he wants to take home. What breed was the dog that he did want?
When I mixed the milk with BM, she gets it in her bottle. I''ve tried giving milk to her in her straw cup, regular cup and spoon feeding her, but nothing worked yet. You think it''s a good idea to try a different cup even when her straw cup for her water?

ETA: Just read your post about the dog B wanted. Sorry that he got scared. Hope it doesn''t turn him off from puppies.

What a scare you have. I think her swollen lymph nodes might just be her immune system fighting the tick bite. I used to get swollen lymph nodes on the back sides of my neck whenever I get sick. I was worried that there was something wrong and went to see a specialist (I don''t remember what kind of dr since it was back when I was in HS). The dr told me that it''s just white blood cells being produced to fight the infection/sickness. Maybe it''s the same thing with your daughter. Hope she is ok.

I''ll give milk a couple more weeks, and then I''ll try soy.

How funny that Amelia suck on the pen for the water.
I bet A will start walking by herself in no time. She just needs overcome her fear.
How often are you going to therapy for eating? Sounds like she doesn''t need it anymore.


Nov 14, 2004
Ok I am going to stop pumping tomorrow. I am just not getting enough milk to make it worth it. I will still nurse mornings, evenings and weekends when I am home with her. And if she doesn''t take the milk during the day, then she''ll have more solids and water. Hope it''ll go well.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Hello my mama friends! *sigh* My safe place!
Not much new with us. Tessa is parroting like CRAZY. Not sure if that is a real term but fits what has been going on in our house for the last few weeks. She will try to say anything we ask. It is SOOO funny. We went to the pool yesterday and she had a blast. She has been napping late (goes down between 1:30-2) which actually is really nice and then has been sleeping for 3 hours!
I still love spying on her in the video monitor.

Puffy, HOW ADORABLE! You need to try to get that on video. Oh! "Good morning brother or puppy" Hahahaha!

Q, my pedi has a boy a month younger than T who hates milk. He says he just makes sure he gets dairy other ways. I am lucky b/c T thinks milk is crack or something. When I ask if she wants some she follows me to the fridge, giggling HYSTERICALLY, saying "mellik!" It is so strange. I ask DH today if he was worried about T dating and he said he would worry about it when the time comes. Oh, he is so mature! Haha. Yay for a break from pumping!!!

Bobo, she tells us she poops when she doesn''t now. Not sure what that is about. BUT we did have progress today. This morning I told her she needed her diaper changed and she said "ick" and pinched her nose and laid down for me
So nice! T doesn''t cuddle much either. She will give kisses and hugs but rarely just lays on us. What is B''s favorite foods?

Lili, 20 months is fun. She is really blossoming. I have never taken T to a petting zoo. Maybe I should!

MrsS, Scary about the tick! I had one on my head when I was younger. I remember it being difficult for my mom to get out. I got mine from the beach.

TGal, maybe I will have to check out my Target! I can see T doing the same thing. I bet your girl will be walking soon!


Sep 21, 2006
tacori: hi, glad to see you back--you seem refreshed after your time away!

qtiekiki: hope it works out with stopping pumping!

Tgal: yay for Amelia sounds ilke she just wants your hand for extra sense of security, but has all the motions down which is the important stuff. Oh and when did you take A to Australia again? I''m trying to find out the best time to include C in our bigger travel trips..I really want to go to Argentina, which is a trek, but I also don''t want to leave her home again soon.

Not much else new here--going to europe in 2 wks..excited for some glamourous surroundings and alone time, but a little heartwrenching to imagine leaving C. She''s in good hands but stilll..

C still is not doing much standing of any kind, but crawling like mad. A few bumps to the head (fell back on hardwood one time) are making me a basket case, but I guess it''s part of the phase.
A few product questions for you ladies meanwhile:

*babylegs: can i used these to protect her legs while crawling or are they too hot?
*pedipeds: are these worth the price? Anyone have a favorite style? So far I lke the white Caroline ones, but not sure if white is smart.

Hope to hear more updates--it''s quiet round here during the summer!


Jan 3, 2005
janine-I would think you could use the babylegs while she''s crawling and take them off it she seems she''s getting too hot. I honestly don''t know if the pedipeds are worth it but they sure are cute. Jake goes barefoot most of the time. I do have a pair of crocs I got him to wear when we go out and he has to have shoes. I will probably get him a couple pair of stride-rite''s in the fall. I think he''s got wide feet and will needs wides and want to have him measured for proper fit.


May 9, 2006
Hello everyone!! Long time no see! So sorry I''ve been a terrible PS friend lately. Last week was LONG and so tiring. T had a great time at daycare while I was at camp, but she only napped 30 minutes a day!!!
By Saturday she was a wreck (even with a 4 hour nap). Then, Sunday night she was so overtired she couldn''t even function. We''re talking fussing, whining and crying for the latter part of the day and add to that since she''s been so over tired she has been crying when we put her to bed. Miserable. Today seems to be better so hopefully we''re back on track.

It''s going to take me a while to catch up but I''m off to start!


May 9, 2006
puffy~I wonder if I''ll be the same as you and show sooner too. Not that I really care...but I do remember *wanting* to show and wear maternity clothes with T and now I''d much prefer to hold off as long as possible. There''s plenty of time for that!
We haven''t started PT again with T. She is just not interested. If I ask if she wants to go potty she says "no mommy no potty" Stubborn. So cute that B said good morning puppy or brother!

Jas12~I think we''ll all love being at the beach but T will eat it up. I think we''ll do mat pics this time around with our photographer who does T''s pro pics. She''ll do it at our house so that will help me feel comfortable...and with T in the pics it won''t be all about me so it''ll make it easier I think. We just started telling more people since we had the ultrasound and everything looked great. I''m still a little nervous since I''m not quite in the second tri and that''s kind of "out of the danger zone." What can ya do? It was either we told people or my MIL would have.

mrss~Thanks! Not having MS constantly during camp last week was a HUGE relief!

Tacori~Where do you guys go next week? Flying will be much better than the 10 hr car ride we''ll be enduring! My T has been screaming and crying when I put her down the past few days and it''s so hard after months and months of easy bed time/nap time. Today she didn''t so hopefully she''s over that. Is Tessa still crying when you put her down for naps and bed?

QT~I''ve read that second pregnancies always show sooner. I doubt your stomach really looks that much different like the lady at work said. Maybe bloated? I''m way more bloated this time around! I hate that. Yay for being done pumping. What will you do with your pumping time at work....PS?


Nov 18, 2004
The cup you used is pretty much the same in terms of the straw. Just the cup is different.
I like having different cups for her milk and water so that it's easier for her to differentiate between the two w/o having to take a sip to see what's inside.
Also, since J was a stubborn girl, I didn't want her to refuse the water when we were trying to get her to take the milk
(just like she refused all milk when we put whole milk in the same cup as her breastmilk).
That's great that M is taking more spoonfuls of milk w/ her cheerios.
We also would put milk in her oatmeal and rice cereal (just so she's accustom to the milk taste).
It is nice not having to pump. That was a huge relief and gave me so much more freedom in term of time and what I can wear :)
Also, eliminating the pumping sessions at work helps w/ the engorgement when it comes time to completely wean her.

Haha, J do have kernels in her poo. Not too bad though. I find that the ones she eats from the cob digest better, probably because she's less likely to swallow the corn whole.

"Parroting", how cute is that (until it becomes incessant :razz:)

I think the babyleg would work, though I don't if that's going to make it slippery for her to crawl.
I like the pedipeds as their first shoes since they are really soft and almost like wearing socks.
I'd probably not get white because they can get the top really dirty, well, at least for J.
Her soles are still really nice, but the tops (tips of the shoes) are scuffed up -- maybe it's because the shoes are a bit big for her.

That's great about your ms-free week at camp.
Maybe it's going away?
Can't wait to see you w/ your cute belly.


Nov 20, 2006
lili surely after that incident yesterday with the dog, i thought he wouldn''t want a puppy for awhile. but this morning he asked if we could go look at some puppies. so i said sure. and we went to a few pet stores, but nothing that he wanted. he did want to get a bunch of toys and treats for our dog though. that was nice of him, i guess. haha.

qt hope the weaning is going ok or at least that M is ok with whole milk. the puppy he saw at the pound was an akita, one of the most beautiful puppies i have ever laid my eyes on, so i was wishing that we could take that one home, but nope. he seems totally fine now with dogs, so maybe it was just the moment it happened. when we got home yesterday, he cuddled up to our dog which is kinda weird cause he usually just kicks it or pulls his fur something along those lines. then he kept telling our dog that he loved him.

tacori it is so fun watching them say new things or try to say new words and just soak everything up isn''t it? B actually says good morning to brother or puppy pretty often if i go in to get him, he will call me over to his bed and hug me and say it then, pretty cute. when do you leave for your next trip? oh, DH came home last night and got me a slice of cake!! i was so excited and it was YUMMY!! so he does have his moments, but most of the time he is a food nazi.

burk that''s great that your MS calmed down while you were at camp. sorry it''s been tough getting T to settle at night, but like you said, hopefully it''s over with. i know i am definitely showing, but i''m not bothered by it. i''m up 2 lbs total for the almost 18 weeks of pregnancy, so i can''t complain. but i know i''ll probably gain a ton in this next month. PT is no biggie, she''ll be ready when she''s ready. my friend''s been trying to PT her almost 3 year old son, and the other day we were all hanging out and B said he had to go, so i brought him, and my friend thought she would try to have her son go as well. well, as soon as he saw B peeing in the toilet, i guess something clicked cause he said he didn''t want diapers anymore and he was ready for the potty. hope you are doing well!!!

i am going on 18 weeks preggo and i have finally brought out some maternity clothes. my regular clothes still fit, but it''ll only be for awhile longer now. i''m actually kinda excited about wearing maternity clothes.


Nov 14, 2004
Thanks again for the reassurance that M will be ok even if she doesn''t like whole milk. She likes her cheese and yogurt, so I just have to give them daily.
So cute that T giggles and says "melik" for milk. Parroting is a good descriptive term. It sounds adorable, but I guess it could be annoying.
I am happy to take a break from pumping. It was stressing me out the last few day.
DH always says he doesn''t want to think about it until that day comes when I asked him too.

Thanks. It''s a big relief. I wish that I could''ve make it to a year, but it''s no biggie.
I think that''s what they advertise the babylegs for - to protect knees of crawler. I haven''t use them on M for crawling though.
I love the look of pedipeds, but M''s feet are too chubby for them.
Hope you have a great Europe trip. How are long are you going again?

Poor Tayva. It''s really hard on them when they go off their routine, huh? I remember when I had a hard time getting M to sleep after the weekend trip to visit my parents.
Yeah you are right. I thinks it''s mostly bloated, but my waist had definitely thicken from before. Oh well it doesn''t bother too much now that some people know I am pg. I just don''t want them to think I am fat. LOL. I still haven''t told my supervisor. I was planning to tell him this week, but I keep missing him.
Well I''ve been rushing back to the office from the field to pump, so now I can it easier and not be so rush when I out doing field work. But definitely more time to lurk on PS if not post. =D

Good point about associating the bottle with water and milk. Yeah I told MIL to keep doing the milk and Cheerios so M can get use to the taste and texture.
Not pumping is a BIG relief. It wasn''t a big issue when I was getting lots of BM, but I was getting so stressed out since I got pg and the supply decreased.
Maybe I''ll try the whole cob with M next time.

Weaning is not causing issue on my end b/c my supply had dipped and I don''t get engorged during the day. I am not sure how it would be when I fully stop, but I''ll deal with that them.
Sounds like B is ok with dogs already. That''s good. I will have to look at the breed. I don''t know dog breed really well and haven''t heard of that one.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Hello ladies! I am doing something that I never thought I would...I am planning on going to two classes tonight!
I am kinda scared and not sure I can get through 2 hours but figured I should try. I am still carrying a couple pounds of vacation weight and am still 4 lbs away from my goal. Might not sound like a lot but for someone who is only 5''1" I think 4 lbs DOES show. I might join WW when I get back from WI. If I don''t lose it before I get preggo with #2 I am worried I will NEVER lose it.

Janine, have a GREAT trip! I know you will miss C. It helps me to bring some photos of her and my MIL is good at e-mailing me with what they did for the day. That really helped. I hate to tell you but C is going to get LOTS of bumps and bruises. I only get worried with the bloody mouth. I HATE THAT! I bought a bunch of babylegs that she has hardly worn. LOVE, love, love pedipeds! T had white ones (can''t remember the name) and they were great and went with all of her summer dresses and had two of the brown with dots (2 different sizes b/c I loved the style do much). T''s fall shoes are See Kai Run which are also super cute!

MrsS, I think pedipeds have some cute boy styles. I do love baby crocs though!

Burk, hope T''s sleep gets back on track before your trip! How are you feeling? We are going to WI. My sister is getting married next Sunday. T no longer cries when it is bedtime/nap time so it only lasted a few days thankfully. She has still been sleeping in (around 9:30ish) which I am NOT complaining!

Lili, her parroting is still in the cute stage but I can see how it would get annoying. T will have pea shell in her poop too. So gross.

puffy, it is fun watching her "grow." We leave a week from today. I am looking forward to it since it is my family *but* it will be nice not to travel for awhile after this. We do have to go back to Ohio for a wedding in September and are "talking" about going to Jamaica in October. DH''s cousin has a house there and offered it to us so we are thinking about it. I can''t believe you are only up 2 lbs! Wow!

Q, yes, if my own pedi wasn''t worried about his son you should not worry about M! T just had her first corn on the cob recently and liked it. I think b/c she saw all of us adults eating our corn like that. She likes being a big girl.


Nov 18, 2004
B is already exhibiting signs of a good and caring big brother.
That's good to hear that he wasn't traumatized by the unfriendly dog.
Wow, 2 lbs only and you are almost half way there.
I'm so jealous. I still have 5 lbs from J left and all of which go into my midsection (and I didn't have a tiny waist to begin w/) and butts

How fun about shopping for maternity clothes.
I hate shopping, so I'll be wearing the same thing from the first unless of course we have a different season baby.

Thicken my butt. You don't even look pregnant in your 10 wks picture

Haha, I find myself having to examine her poop sometimes (especially when she had a bout of diarrhea) and figure out what she'd eaten.
One time I almost freaked out when I saw these red clumps in her poo.....almost called the dr when I realized later that she'd been devouring watermelons like there's no tomorrow at daycare.
J got tired of me picking out the kernels from the cob, so she just grabbed my hand and went for it

Then later she just grabbed hold of the corn herself when I was busy talking to her daddy

I hear you on the 4lbs. Being shorties, we have nowhere to distribute our weight gain.
Like I was telling Puffy, mine seem to pad themselves around my midriff and butts


May 9, 2006
lili~It was such a relief to feel good during camp. It''s not away, though. Mostly comes on in the evenings. I can handle that, though. It''ll be a while until you see this belly....lots of bloat and it is nowhere near cute yet!

puffy~You''re doing great being only up 2 lbs so far. I gained a ton with T and while I''d rather not gain that much again, I know I was healthy (ate healthy and worked out) so if it happens again I''ll deal with it. I think I need to bring T to hang out with B...if him going is all it took for his friend I think it''s worth a shot!

QT~I hate being off routine! We leave for vacation next week so I''m really hoping to get back on track before then because I know all h*** will break loose when we''re gone! I hear ya on not wanting people to think you''re fat...I feel that way too and sadly I''m only 11 weeks. So glad you are less rushed without pumping!

Tacori~Did you make it to your 2 classes? I feel crappy in the evenings and tired all the time, but other than that good.
Your sister''s wedding is next week already. I feel like we were talking about T being a flower girls so long ago and it''s already here. I look forward to pics! Glad your T worked through her crying before bed. My T is killing me....see below.

So, I''m about to lose my mind. Since this weekend Tayva has been out of sorts. I thought it was just that she was over-tired and we just needed to get back into routine (which I still think but it''s taking WAY too long for my liking). She has gone down for naps better. Although, she''s so tired but only sleeping 1.5 hours or so and therefore I''m putting her down for a second nap and that one is usually harder to get her down for (she''ll cry for at least 5 minutes before quieting down and then another 5-10 minutes to fall asleep). But bed time. Oh my. She literally starts crying before we even get to the stairs. I have tried staying in there and patting her back and she is still hysterical and then gets up and asks me to pick her up and says "up peeees mommy" which kills me. She''s clearly tired. So tired. If she wasn''t tired she''d just play in there. I just don''t know what to do for her. I''m wondering if I maybe should just move her nap to later so hopefully it''ll be longer and therefore not need to fight the second nap? She was on a great 1 nap schedule prior to her week at daycare last week but is so tired that I''ve been having to put her down by 10:30 or 11 instead of the normal 12. Then, if the nap was longer for her one nap maybe she won''t be so overtired by bedtime that it won''t be so awful? Suggestions please. I want to cry I feel so horrible. I told DH tonight that if she''d let me, I''d go in there and rock her to sleep! Desperate I know!


Jan 3, 2005
tacori-2 classes...holy cow, I need to get myself back to the gym to at least one a day..

lili-I totally check out Jake''s diapers too. hubby got the honor of changing Jake''s morning diaper after a dinner of black beans, he was sure in for a shock when he discovered them still basically whole

burk-poor you and poor T. I honestly don''t know what to tell you. the "up peese mommy" would totally sucker me in too....sounds like you''ve got some good idea''s with juggling the nap schedule though. I''d probably try to push back the morning until later and get her back on one nap and hope she sleeps longer.


Nov 20, 2006
qt how is M doing? hope she is doing ok with her milk, but don''t stress too much if she isn''t as long as she is eating her cheese and yogurt. at 18 weeks, i still have a lot of bloat as well. as night, i must look like i am 6 months preggo. haha. but in the morning, my clothes fit perfectly fine.

tacori how did your 2 classes go? i''m sure you will drop the 4 lbs quickly. i had to laugh at the corn on the cob cause i gave it to B awhile back and he was like huh? then instead of eating it the first time around, he was playing with it and pretending to hit things with it. then the second time around, he "got it." he started eating it like a pro, and now refuses to eat it when it is all cut up for him. jamaica....WOW!!! i''m sure you guys will have a wonderful time if you go. how long will you be visiting your family for?

lili haha, shopping is my middle name!! haha. i go shopping so much, B actually asks if we are going shopping almost every time he gets into the car. haha!! , then and if we are, i have a favorite place i take him all the time, and when we get there, he''s like oh here again, then he will ask for a piece of sponge cake. the mall i take him at least once a week has a place that has really good plain sponge cake that happens to be low in sugar, so i give him 1 cake every time we go. how is J doing? being her usual troublemaker self?

burk man, sorry you are having such a hard time with T at night!! what time is she waking in the morning? if you put her down at 11 and even sleeping until 1, that''s quite a few hours of awake time before bed, i believe, just cause i''m not sure what time you put her to bed. even when B sleeps in until 930, i put him down for a nap at 1230 or 1 then he''ll sleep and wake up and be good for 4-5 hours before bed. maybe you can try to get her back to her old nap schedule slowly. i really have no advice, sorry. but i do hope that it gets better for you guys. and with your vacay coming up, i wonder if you guys would be better off trying to get her back to her 1 nap schedule after that just so she isn''t out of her routine again? how long is it taking her to settle at night?

we took B to this amusement park type place with animals and other things. he LOVED it. i mean we took him last year as well, but he has a much better idea of what''s going on this time around. we rode rides, he names the animals we saw, watched shows. we watched the killer whale show and at first, he was kinda scared, i think, but he calmed down and warmed up pretty quick. he even loved it when we got splashed and were soaking wet when the whale did a jump right in front of us. i wasn''t as thrilled about that. and he loved the sharks as well. we did get home a bit ate and he went to bed later than usual, but it was worth it since he had a great time.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I am SOOO sore today! Seriously sore. Sculpt was hard! It was my first attempt and I have realized I am NOT as strong as I think I am. I am going to take today off b/c I really think my body needs a break (I''ve done 5 classes so far this week). Then tomorrow I will need to decide between Zumba with a new teacher or another sculpt class. They are the same time.

Lili, I think being small bones has its disadvantages for sure! I have a friend who is taller and build differently and she holds extra weight really well.

Burk, I would try to stop that second nap. she might be tired for a few days but she will readjust. 10:30 is REALLY early for a one nap kid. T has been going down around 1:30 which I love b/c it makes the afternoon go by so fast! Don''t cave or start bad habits now. I know it is difficult to hear your baby cry but she will figure things out again. Hopefully before your trip b/c trips ALWAYS mess things up in my experience.

MrsS, it was hard and will NOT be an everyday thing for me! I am too lazy for 2 hours worth of classes. Also not sure I would feel comfortable putting T in the child watch for that long. DH watched her last night.

Puffy, I hope I lose it soon! I am sick of them! We will be in WI for 10 days. I am sure it will be exhausting! Sounds like you guys had a great time at the amusement park! I should do more stuff with T. She lives a boring life! Haha.


Nov 14, 2004
You are hardcore with your workout. I feel like such a lazy butt. Good luck with reaching your goal.
Did T like the corn on the cob? It''s one of my favorite food. M seems interested in trying it when we were all eating it.
I am pretty sure M is allergic to milk now b/c the day that I stopped pumping. MIL gave M cheerios with milk, and the whole area around her mouth and her neck got all red. It wasn''t like a bumpy rash, but just bright red and M was scratching. I am kind of upset with pedi b/c I call the day before M got the rash about transitioning to milk, but he never called me back. He was so good with returning call before. I guess I can just wait until next week at M''s 12 months appt to ask.

LOL. That''s a few weeks ago. But you know what, I''ve always felt big compared to other Asian girls.
J didn''t want to wait for you to pick the kernel huh? I am weird, but I do pick the kernels off and eat them that way.

You are 11 weeks already? So you are about 2 weeks behind me. Yeah it''s so conflicting, but on one hand I don''t want to show early and on the other hand I want to have a real bump so I don''t look fat.
Hope Tayva''s sleep goes back to normal soon.

I think M is allergic to milk b/c she got red around her mouth and her neck the other day when MIL gave her milk with cheerios, so we stopped give her any dairy products for now. I called the pedi about transitioning to milk (before she got the rash), and he didn''t call me back. I guess he doesn''t think it''s important or something b/c he was really good at returning calls. I''ll just wait until her appt next Friday to ask him since M is only drinking one bottle when I am at work, and I have two fresh bottles of BM and some frozen BM still to last until next Friday.
Oooh your big u/s is coming up soon. I am the same way. When I get up in the morning, my stomach looks normal. It just gets bigger as the day progresses. I need to get some flowy tees/tops to wear for this in between stage. All my regular tees/polos/tops are fitted and doesn''t look so good with the bloat.


Nov 18, 2004
Ahh, sorry to hear that m/s is bugging you.
At least it''s at night where you can lay down and rest (that is if Tayva would go to sleep).
Hang in there, honeymoon trimester is just around the corner.
Hopefully, your m/s will be gone by the time you go on your trip.
Sorry to hear that Tayva is fighting you so hard during sleep time.
Wish I can offer some help, but we all know that I have a nonsleeper on my hand.
J has been fighting me w/ her bedtime as well -- always stalling either wanting to read more books or taking her grand old time drinking her milk.
And when I took it away, she''ll cry "melk" or "eat, eat, buffest (since she only knows breakfast)"

Hope Tayva settles back into her routine and that your upcoming trip doesn''t mess her up

Haha, you and my sister alike.
I just get dizzy looking at the clothes.
I usually just let my sisters buy them for me

You are grooming B to be a good shopper and probably make some girl very happy in the future

J''s doing much better once her molars are in.
I think she''s got four now (can only see the bottom 2, but the caretaker said that she''s got the upper 2 as well).
I''m wondering if her canines are coming in too cuz she''s been putting her finger in her mouth in the last 2 days again.
Yep, still her mischievous self...and she''s starting her terrible 2''s early -- so very impatient.
Glad to hear that B enjoyed his outing to the amusement park.
Are you taking him again anytime soon?

Wow, you are pretty committed w/ your classes.
I have yet step foot onto the treadmill since I delivered J.
Ironically, I was in better shape while preggo since I was more motivated to exercise for the sake of my baby.
Now, as much as the layer of fat is bothering, it still couldn''t get me to stop eating chocolate and get off my butt to do some stretches even

Haha, what we''d give to be just 2 inches taller huh?

How funny, my sister and I eat our corn that way too.
J was much too impatient to wait for me to pick the kernels, so she decided to take matters into her own hands.
So you are about 13 wks?

Poor M....does she react that way w/ cheese and yogurt?
Or is it just milk?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Q, I think I just feel guilty since I am going out of town again. I always THINK I will workout but rarely do. T DID like corn on the cob. I LOVE it as well. Mmmm....corn....Sorry to hear she might be allergic to dairy. Can they test her? Hope your doctor calls you back tomorrow!

Lili, I might be too lazy for sculpt. It was rough. Don''t feel bad. I feel like some days I eat NONSTOP junk. Even when I am full I find myself stuffing my face. I would LOVE some extra height inches. Oh well.

So I think it is odd T likes to hang out and watch TV while sitting in her high chair. It is like her lazy boy. Another reason I love the Boon!


May 9, 2006
We had success today!!! No crying for nap or bedtime! I feel so proud. How weird is that? We had a busy morning with my MIL so she didn't get down for her nap until 1:20 but went down without a fight and was probably asleep before I even got back downstairs. She slept until around 3:40 and was up and happy until bed time at 7:30 in which she whined a little when I said it was time for bed (and tried to stall a bit with kissing the dog goodnite ect) but there were no tears and no sad "mommy no ni ni" or "mommy up peeeeese" so I'm considering it a good day. Thank goodness because DH is out of town until Saturday and I don't know if I could have handled more of what we've had this week by myslef!!

mrss~Thanks! Yea, the "up peeeese mommy" kills me. To the point where I was in tears last night because I just wish I could do something for her. Today was a much better day, though, so hopefully we're back on track.

puffy~Thanks! She's been waking around 7:45 which is earlier than normal, but I think that since I had to wake her all last week around 7:30 to get her ready for daycare that's why she has started that. She goes to bed around 7:30ish usually (with the ish being closer to 7 most of the time). So I think the 12 or 12:30 one nap like she was on before last week is really the best bet. Sounds like B had a great time!

Tacori~Yea, 10:30 is early for one nap, hence why I was doing two. Clearly that plan was NOT working!
Today she went down at 1:20 and it really worked out great. I can see why you'd like that routine! I'm not sure I can stretch to 1:30 every day, but I did like it a lot. I'm a little worried about all the work to get her back into routine to just screw it up with our trip. Oh well, if I mentally prepare now it won't be so bad, right?
Do you have Tessa's little flower girl dress yet? What do you plan to do to her hair for the wedding? Fun stuff!!

QT~I guess I'm not technically 11 weeks until Sunday. With the whole moving my EDD back, I'm all screwed up. With my LMP I would be 12 weeks Sunday. So confusing. Anyway, yea, a real bump is much preferred over looking fat. I'm in the bloated, constipate (sorry TMI) fat phase and it's SOOOOO not fun. Sorry about M's reaction to milk. I would def. ask your pedi about testing her. We tested T and while it wasn't fun (it's a blood draw) at least we had answers. Oh, and T wasn't allergic to milk, but her body didn't tolerate it for a long time (she was probably 15 months before she was consuming as much whole milk as the pedi recommends for a day) but she always did fine with yogurts and cheeses because the actual dairy content in those is so much less than the milk. Good luck and keep us posted!

lili~I think part of the not wanting to go to bed is just wanting to be up hanging out with us and playing. She also stalls like J. Last night she kissed pretty much every stuffed animal she owns good night trying to stall!
I really hope I'm MS free by my trip too. I girl can dream, can't she?


Nov 20, 2006
tacori good work girl!! you deserve a day off for sure. i''m sure the 10 days will fly by while you are away. does your DH have any plans to go golfing? B loves to go out. when we are home for maybe 1 hour or so, he will ask to go out, so i try to take him out as often as possible. sounds cute that T enjoys her boon as much as you do! B won''t even sit in his for mealtime anymore. so we got him a booster and he sits with us at the table.

qt well, that''s good you have enough BM to last. i have a ton of flowy tops that i love wearing for when i am really bloated. i can still do fitted but only when i don''t look fat. i know my belly shows so i should be ok with wearing fitted stuff, still a little self conscious. when is your big u/s? are you feeling ok?

lili haha, J sounds like a handful for sure!! terrible 2''s already?? sometimes B''s tantrums are so bad, i think he is going through his terrible 2''s as well. yup, B is a great shopper. i even ask him which color he likes more when i look at clothes. he doesn''t like dark colors, he will ALWAYS pick the lighter colors, pretty funny. we are thinking about taking B back there next week, MAYBE. and then we have a few fairs planned with some friends, so it''s going to be busy next week.

burk YAY for no crying!!! i hope it all continues and she gets back on her routine. is your DH out for business? how are you feeling?

so for my birthday this year, which was in april, we were supposed to go to vegas, but with B''s burn accident, we didn''t go. DH mentioned we should go before baby comes. he''s thinking september so it won''t be as hot. i''ll be right around 24 weeks. i think that should be ok. i know he wants to gamble, which is fine. i was just going to take B shopping with me and walk around and hang out by the pool. i''m sure he will love it there. but, DH isn''t sure if we should take B or not. i know he wants to do his thing which is fine by me cause honestly, i''m not a big gambler and i want to walk around with B and hang out with him. he doesn''t want me to spend the entire trip watching him and not enjoy myself. i''m not crazy for wanting to take B, am i?


May 9, 2006
puffy~Thanks! I think we're back on track. DH is actually in a wedding in Chicago. They sent an email saying no kids (like right after they got engaged) and my brother has a charity football event all weekend so we knew my parents couldn't watch T and we're on vacation with DH's parents for ten days starting next Friday so didn't want to ask them to be with her all weekend this weekend so I didn't go. DH was kind of pissed at his friend about the no kids thing since all the groomsmen have kids and it was all the bride(zilla)'s idea. I am feeling crappy at night but usually pretty good during the days. Hopefully I'll be into the second trimester energy and no MS soon! As for Vegas, I don't think you're crazy at all. However, I think you should consider taking the trip just you and DH because once that baby comes you'll be busy and it might be nice to just get away without kiddo(s). Ironically my SIL and BIL took a trip to Vegas when she was about 26 weeks preggo with #2 just to be the two of them before it was the 4 of them. Either way, I'm sure you'll have a great time!!


Jan 3, 2005
Burk-yay for a better day. I hope today goes just as smoothly for you.

puffy- I always hated that time where you just look like you''ve gained weight rather than having the real baby bump where you''re obviously preggo. I started wearing maternity at 12 weeks with jake. partly b/c i did pop way faster with him and the maternity clothes made me look more preggo
. I totally get why you want to take B with you but if it''s just a short trip I think you should consider leaving him. you can get a mani/pedi or just hang out at the pool without having to watch him all the time. take advantage of the alone time. seriously, once baby #2 comes you''ll have plenty of time just being a mommy. You have a lot of quality time with B and are always doing special things with him so I''d say to just go and enjoy the alone time and some one on one time with your hubby.

lili-I''m amazed at how many words J is saying. I bet it''s so cute.

qt: I hope M just has an intolerance and not an allergy. that''s what jake had and he''s outgrown it so hopefully she will to.

so last night we went to a park where my step-son was playing in an outdoor round table thing. It was fun but we didn''t get home until late and Jake didn''t get to bed until 10:00pm
my only hope was that maybe he''d sleep past his usual waking time of 6:00am and...nope, 6:00am this morning he''s wide awake playing in his crib. His little lunchbox and backpack for Mother''s Day Out came from potterybarn yesterday. it is so cute, blue and red and just so different from all the girly girly items that my girls have gotten over the years. School starts here 3 weeks from monday. I just can''t believe how fast the summer has flown by and I''ve have 2 kids in full time school this year with Lily starting kindergarten.


Nov 20, 2006
burk i hope T is back on track with her sleeping. sucks about the wedding being no kids since all the groomsmen do have kids. i bet T is going to have a blast on vacay!! i know, i really should leave B because i know it would be nice to just have me and DH time or heck just ME time would be great. i''m just worried that he''ll go crazy without me, haha. or maybe the other way around!

mrsS thanks, i know what you are saying makes so much sense. i think it''s more me...i''m not sure about leaving him. i know i would call like every 5 minutes to make sure he is doing ok. WOW, the summer for you really has flown by. 3 more weeks and school starts. maybe jake will take an extra long nap today since he woke up the same time but went to bed later.


Nov 18, 2004
Very true about being small boned.
My sister is pretty small boned but my height.
Though I'm 7 lbs heavier than her, I look anorexic (this was before I got preggo :razz:).
Whereas she looked ok and her arms are a little plump.
Wow, leavving in 10days already? I remember it sounded like a long time away when you first mentioned your WI trip.
Ooo..can't wait to see you and T all dolled up

That is pretty funny T use her high chair as a lounge chair.
J was using her carseat as a lounge chair when we took it out of the car because she threw up in it.

for bedtime success.
Hope she keeps this up.

I second MrsS suggestion, though I have to admit that I would worry about J since I haven't left her overnight yet.

Awww....can't wait to see him in his school outfit.
It is pretty cute when she said the words, until she starts screaming because we can't understand what she said sometimes.
Most of the words are still pretty inaudible that only a mother can understand.
She does say cheese, puffs, ball, eye (or I), and yak pretty clearly though.
I love it when she say "appie fis" for her smiley (happy) face snack.

Speaking of outfit, I have a bone to pick w/ Jas12.
I don't see a picture of Co w/ his diaper and boots on FB. Unless I missed it.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
T cracked me up tonight. She farted rather loudly which usually makes her giggle (as well as burping. Why are babies/toddlers such frat boys?) anyways she holds her bottom and says "oh no! Poo! Poo!" and runs over to me. There was actually no poop but I can see how confusing it could be. Too funny.

Burk, glad T has settled down. That is so cute she calls you mommy. I am mostly "ma" *sometimes* "mama." Today T didn''t go down until 2 and slept until 5!
You did need to keep her busy until 1ish and she will adjust. I do have T''s flower girl dress. I bought it at Marshall''s for $20!
I have NO idea what I will do with her hair. Any ideas?

Puffy, I have been super lazy the last two days to make up for it
I still feel a bit sore from sculpt. DH doesn''t golf when we go see my family. Tessa loves going outside and will grab my hand and say "come on mom" or "walk." She gets SOOO excited when I put on her shoes. T does love the Boon. She tried to climb in it and kept saying "snack Ma! Snack!" today. So bossy! Haha. I would NOT want to take T to vegas but she seems more difficult than B. MUCH more! So I would enjoy the time sans child. I went to Vegas when I was preggo too but I was only 9 weeks or something like that.

MrsS, is Jake going to Mother''s Day Out every week? What day is it there? I need to sign T up. Not sure how far in advance I have to. I wonder if she eats lunch there. It is 10-1 so maybe. How funny he didn''t sleep in! T has been sleeping longer since she has been staying up a little later.

Lili, I must be b/c I do NOT hold extra weight well. I always have to get small bracelets or get links taken out. And even though my pant''s size is small (in my mind) I am soft. Does that make sense? You are lucky that you can get away with a few extra lbs! I feel like I look plump
I am leaving on Wednesday but will be gone for 10 days. I hope she behaves at the wedding! Luckily MIL will be there so between her, DH and myself we should be ok.


Nov 20, 2006
lili yeah, i have never left B either and that''s why i am so hesitant. i am sure he will be in great hands, with my mom, if we do go without him. but honestly, i can''t imagine going anywhere without him. when i go get a mani/pedi and i leave him with my mom, i think about calling her the minute i walk out of the door. i am never going to be able to leave him. i can already imagine what a total mess i will be at his first day of school.

tacori haha, your story cracked me up. sometimes i worry that B will poop in his pants when he farts. so when i ask him, he will tell me, no mommy, just farting. kids love to be outside, that''s for sure. if i don''t take B out, he will grab his shoes and sit in front of the door and put them on. he makes sure not to grab the ones with shoe laces cause he can''t get those on without my help. B isn''t quite a handful, but he does have his moments. he''s getting to that phase where he doesn''t rally seem to care if he loses me or not, where as before if he couldn''t see me, he would look for me. do you guys have anything planned for your trip?

so here''s a funny B story...lately when he calls for "mommy," i say "yes, honey what do you want?" today i called for him, and he answers, "yes, honey what do you want?" i had to pause for a minute and call for him again and he replied with the same thing. i started laughing like crazy. my mom came over and called for him, but he said, "yes gramma, what do you want?" then DH did it, and he answered with "daddy," so he only replies honey to me. haha!!! it''s stuff like this that makes me think that i am crazy for even thinking about leaving B at home and going to vegas without him. i don''t want to miss any of these moments, but i am sure there are plenty more to come.

have a great weekend all!!


Nov 18, 2004
Ha, I wouldn't say that I could get away w/ a few extra pounds.
It's more like my sister CAN'T get away w/ the extra weight.
She honestly looked fat when she was 90 lbs.
Her normal weight is 78. This is a lady who weighed under 100lb on the day she delivered her first baby (full term too)!

Haha, J is the same too.
I thought that if she go to sleeps later, maybe just maybe she'll sleep in a little pass 8.
That little stinker wakes up almost right on the dot at 7 AM despite going to bed at 10.
I dn't think she'd ever sleeps more than 10 hrs for the night.

Puffy-- say the funniest thing.
That's so sweet that he'll only responds with "honey" to you ^.^.
I see where you are coming from about leaving B....but like you said, he's going to be in good hands.
Your mom babysat him before, so at least he's familiar w/ her.
Pamper yourself and enjoy some "me" time in vegas.


Jan 3, 2005
it''s always hard the first time you leave your kid. I remember the first time I left Lily. She was not quite 2 and hubby and I had to go to a wedding in chicago and were gone 3 days. the girls stayed with my mom. We said goodbye and when I got into our car I started balling. My hubby asked if I was sure I wanted to go. I really did want to go and have the time alone time with him but it was hard. and puffy, I did cal my mom a lot during that trip. I ended up having a really great time though and they had a blast with my parents.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Lili, your sister must be ULTRA small boned. I weighed just under 120 for my wedding (maybe 117-118) and think I looked good. 115 would probably be the lowest I would look healthy at. I just saw a picture at my RD and made me so sad. I was so thin!

puffy, B is hysterical. I wonder if your #2 will be as vocal as he is b/c he is a special boy! I am obviously the odd ball b/c I was relieved to leave T at 5 months. Then again she wasn''t sleeping through the night yet and I NEEDED a break. The last few times I have left her have been MUCH harder. I cried in CA the first time I spoke with her on the phone. It is normal to miss them terribly but good for your DH and you to have some alone time! No real plans besides my sister''s wedding. I might take her to the zoo since she has never been. Also my parents neighbor has a pool so I am sure we will be swimming almost everyday.
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