
Oily/hazy/milky diamond - jewel or rock?


Aug 9, 2019
Hello everyone,
First of all want to say sorry for my English. I'm from the East Europe and my English is really far far far from perfect.
I'm a new here (ohhh, I wish I found this web-site earlier:cry2:).
Here is my LONG story:
Unfortunately, that is not common to have an engagement ring with a diamond in my country, actually, we have not had this tradition even 15-20 years ago. I do have some small diamonds in my collections because it is becoming more popular in recent years and less expensive. But the knowledge about the gems is so poor.
So, my husband and I had a trip to the USA this summer, and we bought a diamond ring for me at the NYC jewelry store at the so-called Diamond district. I know nothing about the table, cut, depth, fluoro, etc. I only knew that a good color, clarity and cut (symmetry, polish) are the key to have a good diamond, ha-ha-ha :(2
I prefer an oval and pear shape, and our limited budget didn't give me so many choices available at the stores. So we stopped with the pear diamond 0,73 ct with strong fluoro (will attach a GIA certificate). No pressure from the jeweler while we were choosing a stone, but the lack of knowledge allowed me to buy the milky diamond. To be honest, the light at the store makes all diamonds sparkle almost like fire. I saw that the diamond is to whity as for me, but I thought if the clarity is good the diamond has to be clear as water. I saw the brochure that strong fluoro can lead to oily/hazy effect, but I thought that it is really rare and has to be visible VERY good.
On the way home I saw that my stone looks milky or hazy, I thought that accidentally got it dirty with a hand cream. But now I know that is not hand cream. I started reading all the information about fluoro and found this site and one Russian forum for travelers. One diamond seller from Israel wrote there that such diamonds cost nothing.

Now I need your help to understand how bad is my diamond? :geek2:
Cause for me it is sparkly, but at some light it looks milky. I don't see a strong blue effect under the sun as many wrote here, but my stone is sooo unnaturally white and not so clear (due to a fog) as I expect. I hope I'm wrong and just didn't have a chance to compare with really white diamonds in real life.
I tried to check him by this cut class table, but I couldn't (for ex. the table is 60%, but this amount is shown at six column):

The store promised that we can upgrade our diamond and pay the difference next time, but that are just words as we didn't get any recipe for the diamond, only the GIA certificate (I know, I know, all that diamonds blew my roof, we were in rush and I lost my mind for a couple hours). Would be appreciated to all advises what can I do with this stone, and what discount I have to give if I want to sell it.
diamond 4.jpg diamond 3.jpg diamond1.jpgdiamond 6.jpg diamond 5.jpg
Thank you to everyone who read my long post. Here the GIA certificate:GIA certificate.JPG
It doesn’t look milky or hazy to me. Hazy and milky at a VS1 clarity would be uncommon. Especially when the grade setting inclusion isn’t clouds. At an F color it is undoubtedly white. The ring looks very pretty on you.
I know it is just from photos, but your ring looks VERY pretty to me! Super white (which I love). You got beautiful color and beautiful clarity. The mounting looks of high quality and substantial. And it looks WAY larger than it's size. When I first started reading your post, I only quickly scanned it and then saw the part about "upgrade" and then saw your photo... so at first I thought that the photo was of the UPGRADE, not your actual ring! So that tells you how attractive your diamond looks to me. Getting back to the lotion, have you had it cleaned REALLY, REALLY well? You should take it to a jeweler and tell them you would like a really good, thorough cleaning with steaming. At home you should use VERY hot water with a little bit of Dawn dishwashing liquid (grease fighter) and let it soak. Then take a small soft clean toothbrush and "scrub" it really well, especially the underside where dirt gets trapped between the prongs and the diamond. Rinse it in the hottest water you can handle (be sure to COVER the sink drain first!!!). Then REPEAT everything I just told you. Dry with a soft, lint-free cloth (that doesn't have stuff like fabric softener or anything on it that will leave a residue). Honestly, I just use a clean paper towel. I think you are experiencing a few things: 1. I think there is probably a lot of greasy dirt on the pavilion. Diamonds are grease magnets. 2. I can't tell from the photos, but I think the way your mounting is (like mine) is that it is prone to collecting dirt. 3. Something I've noticed with my E color stone (and a D color I had many years ago) is that sometimes the super, super colorless (white) diamond gives off an "opaque" appearance that you don't have in the near-colorless range. This is especially true for me when in some lighting conditions.
Try the cleaning and send us more photos. It honestly looks beautiful and really flattering on your hand!
Thank you, ringo865!

I know it is just from photos, but your ring looks VERY pretty to me! Super white (which I love). You got beautiful color and beautiful clarity. The mounting looks of high quality and substantial. And it looks WAY larger than it's size. When I first started reading your post, I only quickly scanned it and then saw the part about "upgrade" and then saw your photo... so at first I thought that the photo was of the UPGRADE, not your actual ring! So that tells you how attractive your diamond looks to me. Getting back to the lotion, have you had it cleaned REALLY, REALLY well? You should take it to a jeweler and tell them you would like a really good, thorough cleaning with steaming. At home you should use VERY hot water with a little bit of Dawn dishwashing liquid (grease fighter) and let it soak. Then take a small soft clean toothbrush and "scrub" it really well, especially the underside where dirt gets trapped between the prongs and the diamond. Rinse it in the hottest water you can handle (be sure to COVER the sink drain first!!!). Then REPEAT everything I just told you. Dry with a soft, lint-free cloth (that doesn't have stuff like fabric softener or anything on it that will leave a residue). Honestly, I just use a clean paper towel. I think you are experiencing a few things: 1. I think there is probably a lot of greasy dirt on the pavilion. Diamonds are grease magnets. 2. I can't tell from the photos, but I think the way your mounting is (like mine) is that it is prone to collecting dirt. 3. Something I've noticed with my E color stone (and a D color I had many years ago) is that sometimes the super, super colorless (white) diamond gives off an "opaque" appearance that you don't have in the near-colorless range. This is especially true for me when in some lighting conditions.
Try the cleaning and send us more photos. It honestly looks beautiful and really flattering on your hand!

Thank you, headlight, for the compliments and for your recommendations! I will definitly use your instruction for cleaning!
Almost all the time my diamond looks "opaque" as at the 1st foto and really rare it looks transperent as at the 3rd picture. That is why I'm a little bit upset.
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It’s very pretty! I think it is probably dirty, which you could see If you bought a 10x loupe (from eBay maybe). It would be great if you can find a Magnasonic Ultasonic jewelry cleaner where you live.

Diamonds get filthy quickly and I personally find the ultrasonic is the only way to get a diamond really clean.
I totally understand! I'm always second-guessing myself, especially about my diamond! But try getting it really, really clean. Also, remember that you still have a highly-prized colorless diamond, a very high clarity stone, and a high quality mounting. Also, the shape of your pear is very pleasing, and that is like the big challenge with the fancy cuts... to find a pleasing shape. And, quite honestly, while I have a round... I'm really into the fancies right now and wish I went with something other than a round. So you have a very elegant and timeless diamond. I want you to feel good about so many elements of your ring that you should feel good about :-)
It’s very pretty! I think it is probably dirty, which you could see If you bought a 10x loupe (from eBay maybe). It would be great if you can find a Magnasonic Ultasonic jewelry cleaner where you live.

Diamonds get filthy quickly and I personally find the ultrasonic is the only way to get a diamond really clean.
Absolutely! And, for me, I could not LIVE without having a steamer attachment on my home cleaner. One time I thought it was broken (but then realized it wasn't plugged in lol!) and my husband thought I was a complete lunatic over the thought I wouldn't be able to steam my ring!!! It is just that it is night and day how my stone performs based on how clean it is. My mounting is extremely comfortable, but I had such better luck at keeping a diamond clean with a basket setting where it was open on the bottom and only had 4 prongs. Tradeoffs.
You could try to soak it overnight in HOT (very hot) distilled water (so no minerals in the water) with cleaner like Mr. Clean or Dawn or ammonia and then scrub scrub scrub in the morning and rinse with distilled water and then blow dry with a hair dryer.
I wondered too why my asscher stone suddenly looked a little grey and milky. I louped it and it was so filthy that it took me soaking and scrubbing it and using very hot water for days before I got it all off. (Then I bought an ultrasonic)
I think what you're seeing is a lack of contrast in certain lights.

I think a lack of contrast is not necessarily a huge deal, especially for fancy shapes. Keep in mind that when you see photos online with tons of contrast, a lot of times the black camera is being reflected back into the diamond and making it look more dramatic than it really is.

Pear shapes with tons of contrast tend to have 'bowties' which are their own problem.

All in all, I think your stone looks good. Don't compare it to rounds as that's a completely different animal.
I doubt there is anything to note about the transparency of this diamond. EXTENSIVE internal graining or clouds (as GIA calls them) would enhance the the glow of strong fluorescence into a blue-white bright mist only when it is turned on under direct sunlight or some other UV source, but your stone does not have these other internal characteristics, and appears to be particularly brilliant.

I think it’s very pretty as well. I have a question regarding your lack of receipt, which you will need, in case you ever want to upgrade. How did you pay? If you used a credit card, great! That’s a record of the sale. Can you contact the company and explain that you failed to get a receipt and a written copy of their upgrade policy? (Could that policy be online, where you could find it and then print it off for your records?) Perhaps the company will send you a receipt. I don’t see why not!!
58FE3B80-6CA9-4FFF-A4C1-1ACC0C4E3F94.jpeg 4E841BAE-EBED-4D50-BAC9-44E860DEDE84.jpeg Hi, you actually have a very high quality diamond and it isn’t supposed to be “see through”. It looks “white” because it’s an F colour and the facetting stops it being see through.
Here’s an example of a milky diamond diamond and also a rose cut, being a “see through” type cut.
It looks like a pretty pear to me. I dont see anything of concern. Pears tend to have a "mushy" area down towards the tip. It is the nature of the cut.
This may be what you are seeing in certain light. I also have a pear for an engagement ring. Do you not like the stone anymore? Fancy cut stones usually sell
second hand for 30-40% off what you paid but it can depend on a lot and that's just a guide. People rarely get anywhere close to what they paid originally.
It looks normal to me? You either may just not really know what diamonds look like, which is common, or aren’t cleaning it enough, which is even more common. My diamonds are noticeably dirty to me after 8-10 hours of wear and I clean them at least weekly. There are some people on here who clean their diamonds every day. I would recommend adding a regular cleaning routine if you don’t have one already.
There are some people on here who clean their diamonds every day.

:wavey: And sometimes several times/day.

OP: as suggested, just start incorporating a daily cleaning routine and you should be fine. Your ring & diamond are lovely!

Just curious @headlight & others: I get soaking/scrubbing the ring in hot water, but I have always thought it was best (especially when using dish soap) to rinse in cool water because cold/cool water helps rinse soap better than hot water, and cold water doesn’t contain as much hard water minerals that can microscopically ‘stain’ a diamond. I’m honestly not sure where I heard/read that though. :confused:
@europeangirl your ring is beautiful
but don't take my world alone for it because all these other good peeps know so much more than me
how wounderful you got to go to NYC and get a diamond ring in the process
really interesting about you guys not having a diamond engagement ring tradions
i hope that where ever you live your country holds on its own tradions - i imangine since the fall of communism you would have been bombarded with western ideals

and your English is just fine
enjoy that beautiful ring
All of the people that have posted above have possibly never seen haziness in a diamond caused by fluorescence and I don't think you can tell either way from your photos above.... I have seen it a couple of diamonds, yes it is possibly your diamond is simply really dirty. It is also possible that it is impacted by the strong fluorescence. Outside in the shade near but not directly in sunlight does it look hazy, in direct sunlight does it look hazy? Stones with it in the shop would also look like they are straining to sparkle or less bright and fiery than the rest of the stones so while it will be worse outside in natural lighting you should have noticed the difference between it and the other stones then, if you did not then possibly it is just dirt and nothing else.

Soak it in windex for half a day, scrub with a softish toothbrush and dishwashing detergent then soak in really hot water and give it another scrub and another soak in hot water if that fixes it then it is just dirty.

Is there anything on the certificate that says it was clarity enhanced or has any type of treatment? That is the other other reason it might become frosty over time.
:wavey: And sometimes several times/day.

OP: as suggested, just start incorporating a daily cleaning routine and you should be fine. Your ring & diamond are lovely!

Just curious @headlight & others: I get soaking/scrubbing the ring in hot water, but I have always thought it was best (especially when using dish soap) to rinse in cool water because cold/cool water helps rinse soap better than hot water, and cold water doesn’t contain as much hard water minerals that can microscopically ‘stain’ a diamond. I’m honestly not sure where I heard/read that though. :confused:
Okay, so good to know I'm not the only one doing this lol! I had not heard about cold water rinse (although that IS how I do my laundry lol!). I figured the hotter the water the best shot and eliminating the gunk that builds up in like SECONDS on my ring!!!
It’s probably the cut of the diamond, it doesn’t look milky to me. A bit mushy/splintery but common for pears. It won’t look as sparkly and scintillating as a round. It has strong Fluoro and high colour so in the sun this is what you’re probably seeing.
I’m sorry you’re disappointed in your ring. I think it looks beautiful and BIG on your hand.
Okay, so good to know I'm not the only one doing this lol! I had not heard about cold water rinse (although that IS how I do my laundry lol!). I figured the hotter the water the best shot and eliminating the gunk that builds up in like SECONDS on my ring!!!

I think soaking/washing/scrubbing in hot water makes sense; it’s the rinse that I would think should happen in cold water. I also do the same for laundry and any dishes I clean by hand ... wash in warm, rinse in cold.
Ohhh, I'm sooooo happy that found this forum. Thank you all for comments, support, and advices. :kiss2::kiss2::kiss2::kiss2:

It’s very pretty! I think it is probably dirty, which you could see If you bought a 10x loupe (from eBay maybe). It would be great if you can find a Magnasonic Ultasonic jewelry cleaner where you live.
Diamonds get filthy quickly and I personally find the ultrasonic is the only way to get a diamond really clean.
@whitewave I'm going to buy a loupe and inventory all my diamond:roll2: and maybe buy an ASET-scope (I'm sure that I can't find it in my country, even at jewelery store).

You could try to soak it overnight in HOT (very hot) distilled water (so no minerals in the water) with cleaner like Mr. Clean or Dawn or ammonia and then scrub scrub scrub in the morning and rinse with distilled water and then blow dry with a hair dryer.

I'm going to jeweler and clean it with the steamer tomorrow. and then following all your advises how to clean it. Thank you!

I think what you're seeing is a lack of contrast in certain lights.
I think a lack of contrast is not necessarily a huge deal, especially for fancy shapes. Keep in mind that when you see photos online with tons of contrast, a lot of times the black camera is being reflected back into the diamond and making it look more dramatic than it really is.
Pear shapes with tons of contrast tend to have 'bowties' which are their own problem.
All in all, I think your stone looks good. Don't compare it to rounds as that's a completely different animal.
OMG, @Jujeh , you are right!:clap: I didn't realize that, but after reading your comments I'm sure that I don't see so much contrast as I expected based on pictures/videos from the internet. I was looking for the stone with a less visible bow-tie, but even wasn't thinking how it is connected with the contrast. Thank you that open myeyes for that!

I think it’s very pretty as well. I have a question regarding your lack of receipt, which you will need, in case you ever want to upgrade. How did you pay? If you used a credit card, great! That’s a record of the sale. Can you contact the company and explain that you failed to get a receipt and a written copy of their upgrade policy? (Could that policy be online, where you could find it and then print it off for your records?) Perhaps the company will send you a receipt. I don’t see why not!!
@malone, to be honest, we were in rush, bought that ring in a couple hours before our flight in the end of working day (we weren't sure that could find something that meets our expectation and budget, spent a couple of hours at the different stores), so after receiving my certificate I forgot to ask the receipt. Also, you can't change or return your jewelry by the law, in my country, so I used to think that receipt gives me "nothing" and didn't think about it. Their online web-page doesn't work, will write them on a facebook or yelp. :think: And we paid in cash...

It looks like a pretty pear to me. I dont see anything of concern. Pears tend to have a "mushy" area down towards the tip. It is the nature of the cut.
This may be what you are seeing in certain light. I also have a pear for an engagement ring. Do you not like the stone anymore? Fancy cut stones usually sell
second hand for 30-40% off what you paid but it can depend on a lot and that's just a guide. People rarely get anywhere close to what they paid originally.

@tyty333 I like my ring and stone, I take a look fo that a thousand time per day. But I was upset that it becomes milky, and not so sparkly as it was. Now I understand that sparkles are different because of a lack of a contract. And that jeweler from a Russian forum said that milky diamond with strong fluoro cost nothing, I was sooo upset because of that, felt myself like o fool :cry2:

@europeangirl your ring is beautiful
but don't take my world alone for it because all these other good peeps know so much more than me
how wounderful you got to go to NYC and get a diamond ring in the process
really interesting about you guys not having a diamond engagement ring tradions
i hope that where ever you live your country holds on its own tradions - i imangine since the fall of communism you would have been bombarded with western ideals

and your English is just fine
enjoy that beautiful ring

@Daisys and Diamonds Thank you!:kiss2:Recent years it became more popular with the young people, but all my brothers who have 40+ years didn't give e-rings to their wives, the same with the oldest generation. Even now, it is a diamond ring in a very rare situation. Diamonds are more expensive here, maybe in a couple of times. But you know, almost all present some jewelry to their wives/girlfriends on the occasion of childbirth.
All of the people that have posted above have possibly never seen haziness in a diamond caused by fluorescence and I don't think you can tell either way from your photos above.... I have seen it a couple of diamonds, yes it is possibly your diamond is simply really dirty. It is also possible that it is impacted by the strong fluorescence. Outside in the shade near but not directly in sunlight does it look hazy, in direct sunlight does it look hazy? Stones with it in the shop would also look like they are straining to sparkle or less bright and fiery than the rest of the stones so while it will be worse outside in natural lighting you should have noticed the difference between it and the other stones then, if you did not then possibly it is just dirt and nothing else.

Soak it in windex for half a day, scrub with a softish toothbrush and dishwashing detergent then soak in really hot water and give it another scrub and another soak in hot water if that fixes it then it is just dirty.

Is there anything on the certificate that says it was clarity enhanced or has any type of treatment? That is the other other reason it might become frosty over time.

Thank you @arkieb1 , will be sure if it is dirt tomorrow, as I'm going to clean it very well at the jeweler.
I really don't remember what was the difference between my stone and the others, I do remember that this stone looked whiter for me than the others, but it was a little stressful situation and I definitely hadn't had a cold head :wall: (I was buying the "big" stone for the first time and was in stress, and my husband said that all the stones equally white, sparkle, etc..)
It looks more hazy at shade near but not directly in sunlight, in direct sunlight it looks hazy just a little bit, with no blue accent.:confused2: and there is no information about enhancement and treatment at the certificate.
I’m sorry you’re disappointed in your ring. I think it looks beautiful and BIG on your hand.

@motownmama Thank you so much! I was so happy until saw that obeque effect. I'm still happy to have this ring, just a little bit upset that didn't prepare better before buying and a liiiiiiiiiittle bit different than I expected.
@motownmama Thank you so much! I was so happy until saw that obeque effect. I'm still happy to have this ring, just a little bit upset that didn't prepare better before buying and a liiiiiiiiiittle bit different than I expected.

Believe me ,most of us purchased our first diamonds without much knowledge! I bought and sold like 3-4 diamond rings before finally found the right combination for me ! So don’t be that hard on yourself . You can always change the setting ,add a halo , put in necklace and make a second purchase less stressful and with more diamond knowledge. PS-where are you from ?
And that jeweler from a Russian forum said that milky diamond with strong fluoro cost nothing

I will take them, if he just lets go such diamonds...
Thank you @arkieb1 , will be sure if it is dirt tomorrow, as I'm going to clean it very well at the jeweler.
I really don't remember what was the difference between my stone and the others, I do remember that this stone looked whiter for me than the others, but it was a little stressful situation and I definitely hadn't had a cold head :wall: (I was buying the "big" stone for the first time and was in stress, and my husband said that all the stones equally white, sparkle, etc..)
It looks more hazy at shade near but not directly in sunlight, in direct sunlight it looks hazy just a little bit, with no blue accent.:confused2: and there is no information about enhancement and treatment at the certificate.
good luck at the jewler tomorrow
im sure it will sparkle up like crazy
im crossing my fingers - but as my Swedish friend holds thumbs i got to wonder what you do !
and i think that's just as significant a tradions that the men in your family/ country buy their ladies jewlery after their child is born
Believe me ,most of us purchased our first diamonds without much knowledge! I bought and sold like 3-4 diamond rings before finally found the right combination for me ! So don’t be that hard on yourself . You can always change the setting ,add a halo , put in necklace and make a second purchase less stressful and with more diamond knowledge. PS-where are you from ?
@Golden_bird thank you. I'm from Ukraine.

I will take them, if he just lets go such diamonds...

good luck at the jewler tomorrow
im sure it will sparkle up like crazy
im crossing my fingers - but as my Swedish friend holds thumbs i got to wonder what you do !
and i think that's just as significant a tradions that the men in your family/ country buy their ladies jewlery after their child is born
we are holding cams=)2
Haven't had a chance to go to the jeweler yet. really looking forward to this, although I do not hope for too much.