
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
GM dear girls. Hope everyone enjoyed a good evening last night and a good day is on tap.

@missy Yay you have Cookie. I am not going to give you settling in advice, but it will just take a bit of time. Will wait patiently for cute pics! :kiss2: Grrr to the PT not emailing, not very professional at all. I hope you find a good PT you can work with!

We are all ok here. The weather is bright and sunny and will be tomorrow so have promised my son a game of football.

Hi @Niffler75, glad all is well by you. Bright and sunny weather is the best. Hope your son and you enjoy a fun game of football. I will do my best re pics. I took some last night but it was challenging since it was dark and she is part black but I will share with you below. Enjoy your football game today! XO.

Bailey was like that @missy..It took him a while to trust us. He was three months old when we adopted him. She will realize soon you both are the good guys.... <3

Aww thanks @Mamabean I sure hope so. Cats are funny animals. And some are more loving than others. Cookie seems to be very sweet but time will tell her full personality since she is just a kitten right now and kittens can change personality quite a bit. I am glad your DH agreed to drive and won't fly when he needs to travel right now. I am getting a bit more anxious about this Corona virus mainly because my parents are elderly (dad almost 86) and not in great health at all. And then also worried about food and water supplies if lots of people get ill and factories etc have to be shut down...I wasn't worried before but now it seems inevitable this thing has just really started here and will spread. I just hope it remains mild for most. Your mom is in good hands with you Joanne. Her confidence is not ill placed. Hugs. Oh and OMG Ashlee is almost ready woohoo!

@bling_dream19 oh no darn! I am sorry you didn't get the bling yesterday and my fingers and toes are crossed today is the day. Sending you lots of blingy good vibes and hope you are having a lovely week despite the bling brouhaha and today will be a blinglicious day for you!

@missy Cookie! what a wonderful name.. it's great to have a cookie in your life Missy! I wish there was a safe HRT because I think for women it helps their skin, dryness :), and overall feeling of being in good health, unfortunately its benefits were outweighed by cancer and heart disease... so I hear you, now that you have been diagnosed and under a physician/practitioner care hopefully your bone loss will abate or at least totally slow down. When we first got Salley we bought a big 'house' for her because we needed to crate her so she didn't run amok when we went out, well in the beginning she stayed in the house and if we went out she wailed, broke my heart, but now she only uses the house when she is scared (the doorbell basically).. we recently bought her a huge daybed and she sleeps on that constantly.. I'm so glad you adopted Cookie, it's good for he soul and Missy girl you have so much love for animals.. Cookie is a lucky little lady.. xoxox

Aww thank you Kate the Great @Tekate we are lucky too that we have the resources to adopt another rescue who needs a safe and loving home and I hope this works out well for all involved. We want a playmate for Oliver as he needs this and we hope Cookie finds what she needs with us too. Lots to work out but hoping for the very best. We probably won't keep her name if she does become a permanent family member. I like the name Cookie too but we like to give them "people" names. Fred was Oreo originally when we rescued him and it took us a few months but we renamed him Fred. And he just seemed a Fred. Right now I am leaning towards Trixie or Francie (in honor of Fred and Francesca) but Greg prefers Trixie. I have to think about it and see more of her personality. I was the one who came up with Trixie but last night Francie popped into my head and I feel like she can be a Francie. But Greg has to be on board and if he doesn't like it then she won't be Francie. IDK if it is too close to Frankie but they are different names and in the Jewish religion you name a loved one after a loved one who has died. And Francie would satisfy both Fred and Francesca because it is the first letter of the name that honors the deceased loved one. But I digress. The name is unimportant but it is easier to think about her name than think about life in general right now if you kwim.

How is John doing now? What did the doctor say? I am sure your nephew will understand. Honestly it keeps everyone safe if those who are not completely well stay away from groups of people. It makes smart sense. Sending John lots of healing vibes.

I have done a lot of reading and I cannot find an OP med I feel OK about. I wish I could take BHRT but I believe that ship has sailed. I was leaning towards Forteo but because of my elevated Alk Phosphatase it is contraindicated for me...which is too bad because of all the OP meds it builds bone vs suppressing reabsorption. So I still have no clue what OP med is right for me. Prolia works great for Jimmianne but due to my high risk of skin issues I don't think it is the med for me. And because of my age it isn't either due to the fact once you are off Prolia (and you can only take it for a certain amount of time) you have to go immediately on another OP med or lose the gains. And there aren't that many out there (if any) I can safely take so that leaves Prolia out for me IMO.

Salley is a luck girl and that big bed is a great place for her to rest and relax and go when she wants safety and quiet. Glad today will be a sunny cool day in Austin @Tekate and hope you have a wonderful day. What is the time line re your new home? OK enough from me. Hope you went to sleep after you posted and are having sweet dreams right this moment. I am sending you virtual hugs and lots of love.

@missy Kitten in the house! Yay! ... yoy... YAY! I sure did remember this ten times since morning; it is 08:52

Good morning, all who are reading!

gotta run

Good morning @AV_ hope you are getting all you need accomplished right now and that the day is off to a wonderful start. Thank you for your joy. I for one could use all the happy thoughts and joyous wishes and sending lots of joy and good wishes to you too. Big hugs.

Missy, glad to know your new kitty is in-house and on her way to being integrated! Sending her calming happy dust.

Thank you much lovely lass and your good wishes are so appreciated. And I am sending bucketloads of good wishes your way. I hope your Friday Visa appointment goes better than the last one and I sure hope somehow you don't have to stay for 6 months but if you do I know it will be OK. I know you have plans in place and you are prepared. I so admire you @Jimmianne. I am in awe of your positive attitude and your can do mantra. Through it all you rock all the time. You are a special person in so many ways. And I admire and respect and love you. (((Hugs))).

Not a whole lot happening here. Some shopping, a few errands, and a little cleaning thrown in for good measure. Ds had band practice here last night and then he and I watched The Outsider on HBO.

GM Junie. Thanks for your kind wishes. Sounds like you are having a good week. Shopping, errands, cleaning and then hanging out with your DS after his band practice. Sweet. Is the Outsider good? I keep seeing advertisements for it whenever we watch HBO but haven't gotten around to checking it out. If you like it I think I need to check it out. Have a lovely day Junie. XO.

@Austina hope Colin's physio appt goes well today. How are you feeling today? (((Hugs))).

@Slick1 thanks for all your warm and lovely wishes. I am OK no worries. Please do get your bone density checked and in fact one of the reasons I am sharing details is for everyone to take a PSA and get their BMD checked if they haven't ever done so or if they are overdue. I don't want anyone to go through what I am going through. I want all my NIRDI friends to be and stay as healthy and well as possible. You are on your road to full recovery and I am sending you big hugs.

@Scandinavian speaking of hugs sending lots more to you.

@Daisys and Diamonds hope you're having a lovely week. XO.

@marcy hope the rest of your day went very well and that your knees are behaving today. Hugs to you my friend. What weight are you up to re lifting? Speaking of inspirations you are a big inspiration to me Marcy. XO.

So here are my Cookie thoughts as of now...she is hiding under the Library couch right this moment.
She is a sweetie but very shy and scared. But that is to be expected.

We went out yesterday late afternoon after Christine delivered Cookie and we bought a new carrier for her. Then we came back and took her from behind the Library couch where she was hiding and placed her on the couch and she started purring. We had her out for about an hour or so but then she got antsy so we weren't sure if she needed the litter box etc so we put her back in the Library.

And Greg hung out with her there when I went to bed and then early this AM. We are slowly introducing them and keeping her in her carrier when we let the others sniff her. It's going to be a slow process I can tell. But it is hopeful that she seems sweet and she was content on us yesterday albeit for a brief time.

She did eat a drop so that is good. I was hoping she would eat more because Christine said she loves to eat (uh oh so does Oliver lol and we know the havoc that has caused us and the other kitties) but so far she is too nervous to really eat much. We are going to take this as slowly as we need to and hope she feels more comfortable here soon. Time will tell if she becomes part of our family. Never before have we adopted like this. Foster to adopt vs just adopting but because we have a challenging cat in Oliver and want to find him a suitable playmate this is how we agreed (Tara and Greg and I) it should go down. It was Tara's suggestion and a good one. Though I hate that this is a conditional adoption because if we don't adopt her who will? Always before in our minds it was to save a life and give them a good home and if it doesn't work out with Cookie I will worry what kind of a home will she get? So of course I am hoping hard this works out well for all our cats. As I type this Tommy and Bobby are in bed with us and Oliver just left the bedroom as he was bothering Tommy and then he got tired of it and left. LOL and Oy. C'mon Oliver. Behave please. Interestingly enough he just sniffed Cookie in her carrier yesterday afternoon and then walked away. We will see how it all goes...

If you read all that thank you. I tend to go on way too much but just free thinking and writing my thoughts as they come. Here are a couple of pics from last night.

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Blurry selfie.
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and finally-Bobby at 4AM this morning.
On Greg's work desk. LOL.
Screen Shot 2020-03-05 at 6.35.46 AM.png

Have a wonderful day girls and stay safe. (((Hugs))).


Jun 8, 2008
And for an early morning chuckle...I mean laughter is the best medicine isn't it? Laugh or cry and I say we choose laughter. It is a powerful ingredient in our arsenal.

How to keep Coronavirus away and keep from touching our nose, our mouth, our eyes to stay healthy.

Screen Shot 2020-03-05 at 6.40.25 AM.png



Mar 31, 2018
@missy Cookie! what a wonderful name.. it's great to have a cookie in your life Missy! I wish there was a safe HRT because I think for women it helps their skin, dryness :), and overall feeling of being in good health, unfortunately its benefits were outweighed by cancer and heart disease... so I hear you, now that you have been diagnosed and under a physician/practitioner care hopefully your bone loss will abate or at least totally slow down. When we first got Salley we bought a big 'house' for her because we needed to crate her so she didn't run amok when we went out, well in the beginning she stayed in the house and if we went out she wailed, broke my heart, but now she only uses the house when she is scared (the doorbell basically).. we recently bought her a huge daybed and she sleeps on that constantly.. I'm so glad you adopted Cookie, it's good for he soul and Missy girl you have so much love for animals.. Cookie is a lucky little lady.. xoxox

@Mamabean we have decided to forgo our nephews marriage celebration because John has been so sick with this virus thingy (he's got antibiotics, nasal steroid, and a stronger allergy pill) he's been coughing for 6 weeks and feels crappy, so we are trying to get him better, Seattle just recommended over 65 people to only go out for necessary items and we are over 65 and thought it best to not fly there at this time, hope our nephew isn't mad, good thing we will up his gift! :)

@AV_ well it's 2;20 A.M. here in Texas, USA I just couldn't sleep cause my husband finally came to bed and woke me up coughing :) but after I finish this note I'm off to bed! hope your day is going great AV.

Rainy all day yesterday in Austin but today/ ltr it will be sunny and cooler YAY.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday!

I’m so happy you guys aren’t going to the wedding! I think when they get your check that will soften them up..:lol:
I hope John feels better..for him...and for you so you can get some sleep..xxxooo


Aug 5, 2018
@junebug17 I am lucky to be doing work that makes me happy & even how! It took some crazy stunts to have it my way, to be sure & who'd want my life [guys, maybe more; women, I've met only one that was not my mother! - with a hilariously girly husband, to boot.]

on with the day


Jan 3, 2020
Hi everyone, hope you are all well!
@missy We had a lovely game of football today in the sunshine! My son's coordination is really improving and he is chuffed he can now drop kick a ball without falling over! :appl:
@Tekate I agree adopting animals is great for the soul. We have always had rescue cats (black and white), as they tend to get overlooked for the prettier coloured cats. When the time comes I hope we can train a rescue dog for my son as a support dog.
@Jimmianne The Visa situation in France sounds like a bit of a nightmare. How long are you planning on staying there for?
@bling_dream19 Did you get your delivery? Missing bling parcels is just the worst! Hoping for photos! ;)2
@Scandinavian and @Daisys and Diamonds hope you are both ok. Sending best wishes your way!

I don't want to mention the 'c' word but hope everyone is ok, not getting too anxious and keeping safe!
Take care x


Dec 9, 2013
@Jimmianne Here is my little table I painted with the blue paint. It’s all banged up..I need to give it a little sanding and repaint it..I love the back because it reminds me of waves..Your dresser is beautiful...

What a pretty antique table! And love the rug too...

Niffler, everything bureaucratic in France is a nightmare. It’s a given.
I try to think of it as part of the charm :)

Goodnight, everyone. xx
Last edited:


Mar 31, 2018
What a pretty antique table! And love the rug too...

Niffler, everything bureaucratic in France is a nightmare. It’s a given.
I try to think of it as part of the charm :)

Goodnight, everyone. xx

Thank you @Jimmianne!
I would love to visit France..One day I will!


Feb 21, 2019
Ok friends my honeymoon ring is here!!! I was able to scoot out at lunch but then was slammed til now. So here are some pics! 20200305_122710.jpg 20200305_122845.jpg 20200305_123057.jpg 20200305_142551.jpg 20200305_142554.jpg
@Niffler75 The boxes are for you!
I adore the setting, the diamonds are super sparkly! And David's workmanship is superb. The sapphire is not the best. I will probably replace it down the road. But hey that's how marriage starts, you get what you can and upgrade as you can.
Hugs and love to all!


Mar 31, 2018
Ok friends my honeymoon ring is here!!! I was able to scoot out at lunch but then was slammed til now. So here are some pics! 20200305_122710.jpg 20200305_122845.jpg 20200305_123057.jpg 20200305_142551.jpg 20200305_142554.jpg
@Niffler75 The boxes are for you!
I adore the setting, the diamonds are super sparkly! And David's workmanship is superb. The sapphire is not the best. I will probably replace it down the road. But hey that's how marriage starts, you get what you can and upgrade as you can.
Hugs and love to all!

It’s gorgeous @bling_dream! I think the sapphire is a beautiful color...It looks stunning on your hand! Love it!


Dec 9, 2013
Ok friends my honeymoon ring is here!!! I was able to scoot out at lunch but then was slammed til now. So here are some pics! 20200305_122710.jpg 20200305_122845.jpg 20200305_123057.jpg 20200305_142551.jpg 20200305_142554.jpg
@Niffler75 The boxes are for you!
I adore the setting, the diamonds are super sparkly! And David's workmanship is superb. The sapphire is not the best. I will probably replace it down the road. But hey that's how marriage starts, you get what you can and upgrade as you can.
Hugs and love to all!

:appl:Yay!!! Enjoy! Beautiful!


Feb 27, 2007

@AV_ that’s not bad if the worse thing that’s happened to you is a broken nail. You are lucky to love what you do.

@Mamabean how are you doing? Has spring arrived there yet? Bailey is smart to soak up some sunshine while napping. How exciting Ashlee is almost done.

@bling_dream19 your pink sapphire ring is gorgeous. Fabulous color too.

@Tekate that is adorable. That’s me at work trying to soak up sun at the window.

@missy how exciting you got Cookie. How is she doing today? Oh no the new pilates make you seasick. Hopefully that gets easier for you if you give them another try. I’m with your friend we’ve haven’t hibernated enough yet this winter. It’s already light past 6 right now. The info you can find online about OP (or anything) can be overwhelming. I hope you find something that works for you. My knee is better but I am still having a higher level of pain at times. I love all the kitty pictures and I hope Cookie gets along well with the other kitties and likes to play with Oliver. LOL that is some mask.

@Austina that’s awesome you were hitting good shots with your new clubs. Sweet. Good plan to keep going to the physio since your shoulder isn’t quite pain free and Colin feels it’s helping. I could almost walk normal today but there are frequent bouts of pain in that knee.

@Niffler75 glad you are enjoying nice weather. That’s great you had fun playing football with your son.

@junebug17 I like garnets as well as sapphires; they are generally cheaper too which is a good. I use butcher paper a lot when I’m doing something messy. It really helps. That’s nice DS and his band practiced there last night. Fun to spend time with him.

@Jimmianne what a challenge to get your Visa - good luck with all of that. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow.

@Tekate that’s awesome Salley loves his daybed. Sorry you had a short night. I hope you get more sleep tonight. I hope John feels better soon.

@Daisys and Diamonds big hugs to you!

I finished my book today. Marty and I went out to supper again, what luck for me!

The guy who was coming in for an interview today withdrew his application so didn’t show up. Phooey.

I went to lunch with a friend of mine from work so that broke up my day.

Take care.


Mar 31, 2018
Thank you @Mamabean you are so sweet. I'm sitting here having a hard time bc my mom is fighting pneumonia that's turned into pleurisy. I'm helping her with supplements and nutrition and she's letting me help her which is new. Health stuff is very layered and I know you all can understand and everyone is going through what they are going through. Asking for dust and prayers. Hugs to you all.

Big hugs @bling_dream....You’re a good daughter..Sending prayers and healing dust to your mom...xxxooo


Mar 31, 2018
Ive been keeping a low profile so on catch up on all your news
Please i hope all are well and healthy
Ive just felt down and out of sorts so i just like to stay quiet when i feel like that

Hugs @Daisys and Diamonds...I know you like to stay quiet....but if you would like to talk about It...we are here for you...xxxooo


Jun 8, 2008
Ok friends my honeymoon ring is here!!! I was able to scoot out at lunch but then was slammed til now. So here are some pics! 20200305_122710.jpg 20200305_122845.jpg 20200305_123057.jpg 20200305_142551.jpg 20200305_142554.jpg
@Niffler75 The boxes are for you!
I adore the setting, the diamonds are super sparkly! And David's workmanship is superb. The sapphire is not the best. I will probably replace it down the road. But hey that's how marriage starts, you get what you can and upgrade as you can.
Hugs and love to all!

It is super pretty! I love it on you. And yes you an replace the sapphire at a later date if you still want to. In the meantime enjoy what is a very beautiful ring on you. :love:


Jun 8, 2008
@missy We had a lovely game of football today in the sunshine! My son's coordination is really improving and he is chuffed he can now drop kick a ball without falling over! :appl:

Yay! What a wonderful day! So happy your son is loving it and his coordination is improving too. Win win!
As for being anxious about the C word...I think it is going to only get worse and my only concern is getting our meds. But as with everything one day at a time. Hugs to you dear @Niffler75 and woohoo it's FriYAY!


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you @Mamabean you are so sweet. I'm sitting here having a hard time bc my mom is fighting pneumonia that's turned into pleurisy. I'm helping her with supplements and nutrition and she's letting me help her which is new. Health stuff is very layered and I know you all can understand and everyone is going through what they are going through. Asking for dust and prayers. Hugs to you all.

Oh no I am so sorry @bling_dream19 ! Sending bucketloads of healing dust to your sweet mom! And big hugs to you. Praying she recovers soon! Continued dust and prayers being sent her way!!!


Jun 8, 2008
Ive been keeping a low profile so on catch up on all your news
Please i hope all are well and healthy
Ive just felt down and out of sorts so i just like to stay quiet when i feel like that

I am sorry you are feeling down and out of sorts. I get that. Sending you hugs and well wishes. No pressure to respond. Just glad you are here with us and we are here for you whenever you want. (((Hugs))).


Jun 8, 2008
@missy how exciting you got Cookie. How is she doing today? Oh no the new pilates make you seasick. Hopefully that gets easier for you if you give them another try. I’m with your friend we’ve haven’t hibernated enough yet this winter. It’s already light past 6 right now. The info you can find online about OP (or anything) can be overwhelming. I hope you find something that works for you. My knee is better but I am still having a higher level of pain at times. I love all the kitty pictures and I hope Cookie gets along well with the other kitties and likes to play with Oliver. LOL that is some mask.

I finished my book today. Marty and I went out to supper again, what luck for me!

The guy who was coming in for an interview today withdrew his application so didn’t show up. Phooey.

I went to lunch with a friend of mine from work so that broke up my day.

She is doing OK. Hiding a bit but more courageous as the time goes on...I cannot believe the days are getting longer already. Crazy fast. I am glad your knee is a bit better but not happy you still have considerable pain at times. Thanks for loving the photos of my kitties and thanks for your good wishes. Yay for finishing your book and going out again with Marty for supper. Boo to the new applicant not showing up and withdrawing his you know why? Glad you enjoyed lunch with a coworker and friend yesterday. It sure does break the day up. Hope your Friday has a lot of yay in it! Hugs.

Killer and Snacks at the gym


Haha what a great photo. They get along so well seemingly...


Jun 8, 2008
Back from getting more coffee. Just a few more replies.

@Jimmianne how did it go??? Thinking of you and hoping it went as smoothly as possible!

@Austina how are you and Colin feeling? How did Physio go? Hope you are having a good Friday.

@Mamabean any Ashlee updates? You are killing me here with anticipation lol.

@Slick1 how did the rest of your week go? Weekend plans?

@junebug17 hope you are having a peaceful rest of your week and what if any plans do you have this weekend?

@Scandinavian continued healing thoughts being sent to your mom. Hope all is going well.

@AV_ how did writing go? Any weekend plans?

We had a good day yesterday and the weather cooperated so we enjoyed a nice long walk and I got sneakers in anticipation of PT next week. I had thrown out all my sneakers (Not a sneaker wearing girl) after 2014 PT thinking OK I am good. I won't do that again lol.

I am also wearing my weight vest and building up the lbs slowly.
The cherry trees are blooming already!

Screen Shot 2020-03-06 at 7.02.20 AM.png

Wearing my weight vest under the jacket. It's pretty low profile.

Have a wonderful FriYAY lovely ladies. Off for more coffee and not sure what the day holds but hoping it is a good one for all!


Mar 31, 2018
Back from getting more coffee. Just a few more replies.

@Jimmianne how did it go??? Thinking of you and hoping it went as smoothly as possible!

@Austina how are you and Colin feeling? How did Physio go? Hope you are having a good Friday.

@Mamabean any Ashlee updates? You are killing me here with anticipation lol.

@Slick1 how did the rest of your week go? Weekend plans?

@junebug17 hope you are having a peaceful rest of your week and what if any plans do you have this weekend?

@Scandinavian continued healing thoughts being sent to your mom. Hope all is going well.

@AV_ how did writing go? Any weekend plans?

We had a good day yesterday and the weather cooperated so we enjoyed a nice long walk and I got sneakers in anticipation of PT next week. I had thrown out all my sneakers (Not a sneaker wearing girl) after 2014 PT thinking OK I am good. I won't do that again lol.

I am also wearing my weight vest and building up the lbs slowly.
The cherry trees are blooming already!

Screen Shot 2020-03-06 at 7.02.20 AM.png

Wearing my weight vest under the jacket. It's pretty low profile.

Have a wonderful FriYAY lovely ladies. Off for more coffee and not sure what the day holds but hoping it is a good one for all!

You look adorable @missy..Is the vest blue that is coming out from under your jacket?
I emailed David a few days ago asking how Ashlee was going..I never do that. He said he was just waiting for a corner diamond to be cut...David said it looks beautiful. It’s all relative so I’m still nervous. I don’t know if you remember he made me a halo diamond setting for my princess studs this year..I didn’t notice on the cad that they were martini settings. I don’t like that setting because it makes the stud go flat against the ear like a sticker. The halos were gorgeous but it just bothered me about how flat they were against my earlobe. I emailed him and asked him to put a donut or something there to keep them out a little. He redid the back keeping the slant but created a flat basket. They are perfect now. He didn’t charge me anything. He is a class act..
I’m heading to Maryland this morning. I had to board Bailey in his we walk in the door they yell his name to say hello. His tail goes in circles. He loves it there..which makes me feel less guilty about leaving him. I get him all the bells and whistles when he’s there. He comes home happy and exhausted.


Jun 8, 2008
You look adorable @missy..Is the vest blue that is coming out from under your jacket?
I emailed David a few days ago asking how Ashlee was going..I never do that. He said he was just waiting for a corner diamond to be cut...David said it looks beautiful. It’s all relative so I’m still nervous. I don’t know if you remember he made me a halo diamond setting for my princess studs this year..I didn’t notice on the cad that they were martini settings. I don’t like that setting because it makes the stud go flat against the ear like a sticker. The halos were gorgeous but it just bothered me about how flat they were against my earlobe. I emailed him and asked him to put a donut or something there to keep them out a little. He redid the back keeping the slant but created a flat basket. They are perfect now. He didn’t charge me anything. He is a class act..
I’m heading to Maryland this morning. I had to board Bailey in his we walk in the door they yell his name to say hello. His tail goes in circles. He loves it there..which makes me feel less guilty about leaving him. I get him all the bells and whistles when he’s there. He comes home happy and exhausted.

Safe trip to Maryland. Just got off the phone with Cigna because I have concerns about my meds and being able to get them should Coronavirus make it impossible to get soon. The representative said I could get my Liothyronine refilled but I called the pharmacy and just like I thought it is too soon. Just wasted 15 minutes on the phone with Cigna who said it was OK. I swear they don't have people on the phone there who know what they are doing. I think I will just leave it be and hope for the best. It is stressful needing a med to live and not being sure if one can get that med if the pandemic worsens.

I am so glad the halo is perfect now yay! He is a class act indeed. I hope Bailey has a good visit at the hotel and glad he enjoys it there. What a great situation so you can go away and not worry about him.
I am super excited about Ashlee and I know she will be stunning. I feel as if she is part of the NIRDI family haha. Hugs!


Jun 8, 2008
@Tekate Kate Great Kate good morning and hugs! Hope you have a wonderful day and weekend ahead.

@canuk-gal how is it there? Snow all melted? How is your DH doing? And how are you holding up? Hope you have a wonderful weekend on tap. XO.


Dec 9, 2013
Hello dear Missy of the beautiful long legs :)

I am exhausted but cannot take a nap so I’m lurking here. Had quite a long day and a very successful one too; I now have my visa!
Must make the trip again to pick up the official card, but this time will do a little sunny day sightseeing in the big city as opposed to standing outside in a queue in the pouring rain waiting for the visa office to open LOL



Jun 8, 2008
Yay!!!!! So thrilled you have your Visa!!!! Woohoo!!!!!



Dec 9, 2013
Thank you!!!
Such a lot of todo and effort for one little piece of paper!
And this was just a yearly renewal. Whew! As much paperwork/fingerprinting/questioning as the original visa.

But SO worth it.
The sun just came out .. the colors here!


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you!!!
Such a lot of todo and effort for one little piece of paper!
And this was just a yearly renewal. Whew! As much paperwork/fingerprinting/questioning as the original visa.

But SO worth it.
The sun just came out .. the colors here!

That is so beautiful @Jimmianne ! This reminds me of the light in an Ed Hopper or Robert Cardinal (my two favorite artists) painting. You are so talented.:love:


Dec 9, 2013
That is so beautiful @Jimmianne ! This reminds me of the light in an Ed Hopper or Robert Cardinal (my two favorite artists) painting. You are so talented.:love:

LOL I am VERRY good at pushing the button on my iPhone for sure!
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