
Now I really did it :((


Mar 31, 2018
@Jimmianne Here is my little table I painted with the blue paint. It’s all banged up..I need to give it a little sanding and repaint it..I love the back because it reminds me of waves..Your dresser is beautiful...


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Feb 21, 2019
Hello lovelies

Hi @Niffler75, we’re fine here thanks. Just wish the weather would buck up, we’re sick of rain.

Love the photos @AV_ we have daffodils in bloom, and my camellia is covered in flowers. A little earlier than usual this year, but we’ve had a mild winter.

Glad to hear you’re feeling better @Mamabean, but sorry to hear your mother’s not feeling too good. Hopefully she’ll be better soon.

I understand @missy, but if it doesn’t work out with Cookie, I feel sure someone else will take her, she’s such a little beauty, and ultimately, you have to take care of yourselves first and foremost. I know you will find a way to deal with your latest health issues, it‘s frightening and overwhelming to think that something else is wrong, but you WILL get to grips with it. I’m so sorry you can’t get an appt any sooner than June, is there anyone who specialises in online coaching to get you started straight away with effective exercises? I know it’s not the same as Greg, but my friend who had surgery on her foot was still getting swelling for several months after, but it’s all settled now.

That’s great that your DH is now ‘at home’ with you @bling_dream19 - now all you have to do is find room for all his stuff! Has your gorgeous ring arrived today?

How are your DS and DH doing @canuk-gal, hopefully they’re both feeling good.

I though that was a purple sapphire @marcy, it’s lovely, I have some rhodolite garnet pieces, they’re a lovely raspberry jam colour. Yuk to your weather, at least we’ve only got rain. How’s your knee feeling?

I think this Corona virus is going to be a waiting game @Tekate, it puts it into perspective when you hear that 40,000 people die every day from TB. It’s sensible not to expose yourself unnecessarily, so if you don’t need to go to affected areas, then stay home. We’re going on holiday in 2 weeks, as far as we’re aware, there’ve been no reported cases in the Caribbean, and there are no travel restrictions there yet.

Colin had another physio session this morning, and she said if he’s feeling ok tomorrow, then cancel his session for Thursday, but go again next week. He can also start hitting golf balls from Monday. I’ve got a physio session tomorrow, (hopefully my last), I think part of my problem is that I do tense my shoulders unconsciously.

I hope all the other lovely NIRDIs are OK :wavey:

So I went out for my appt and missed UPS. I knew it. I missed them by 30 min. Oh well I'll probably have to pick it up at pick up center. Sorry little frustrated. Hope everyone is having a great day!


Mar 31, 2018
So I went out for my appt and missed UPS. I knew it. I missed them by 30 min. Oh well I'll probably have to pick it up at pick up center. Sorry little frustrated. Hope everyone is having a great day!

No @bling_dream19! I hate that!


May 11, 2013
@Austina Hi, I've read zero about the Caribbean and I would go also, John's physician recommended that he not go to Washington because of his bronchitis, he's on 3 different meds (glad he's finally gone in really), my son Mike of course is not wanting to travel with the baby, and Chris? don't know, I do know he moved into his new place today. Seattle is a place where Covid19 is rearing its head so we think it prudent to not go. I have to call our nephew :( another gray day here in Austin town, rain tonight though, we always need rain. Austina I tend the tighten my neck, and physical therapy always always helps that! xo

@missy I'm sorry about the osteoporosis.. between you and Greg you guys could climb Everest Missy, I believe that, they say lifting weights is good.. I have lost a bit of height this year and am overdue for a bone density test so I'm hoping it's all okay. I'm sure Cookie would be a great little love.. I'd make the appointment in June, you can always cancel. You need to catch your breath Missy, luxuriate yourself in your tub, be nice to yourself.. you have had on helluva year Missy.. Let's just take care of you.. You need to give Missy the same time you give everyone else. I mean it. xoxoxo love you.

@Mamabean sorry your mom isn't feeling well. sending healing vibes your way and take care of your back.

@bling_dream19 how's things and hubster is home with you? that's wonderful. ETA that stinks about missing the driver :( sorry

@Niffler75 hi! glad things are going well! xoxo

@marcy Hi Marcy, hope things are going well with you and hope your knee is feeling mucho better! xoxo

@Jimmianne what are they saying in France about coronavirus? how's your kids? xoxo

@AV_ you have given Missy great ideas and thoughts.. you are a good friend :) xo

we went up to the lot today, it looks different with the trees knocked down, but we still have some left so that is good! nothing else new.

sending huge hugs to everyone!


Feb 27, 2007

@canuk-gal how are your patients doing?

@bling_dream19 thank you. I like to repurpose sentimental pieces of jewelry (or save myself some money). Marty would enjoy your Thai dinner; that is one of his favorites. Nice you are settling in to your place and cooking dinner. That is awesome you have an offer to stay at the Jersey shore. Gorgeous picture. Oh no you missed your ring. Aak!

@missy I am glad to hear Greg continues to do so well. I am glad Oliver isn’t drawing blood anymore; hopefully he gets less aggressive with biting. Awe that he runs Tommy off. Thank you - I love gemstones too. I hope to visit my favorite sapphire store in a few weeks. Who knows what I’ll find. Most of my sapphires are one of a kind. I ask for a Q5 or better (that is their cut ratings); they usually have about 5 - 10 in the store. Sometimes they have a keeper for me; sometimes they don’t. That is good you are being proactive. I get your worry about breaking; my knees are so bad I had that concern myself. Definitely a good to go with a professional to at least get started, sorry getting an appointment is so hard. I hope you learn to like the resistance training. I am honestly surprised I like lifting. We can both do this! Go us! I am sure you’ll quickly learn what you can and can’t do plus figure out how to lift and bend. Sorry you have to deal with this new challenge. We had decent weather today and will for a few days. Woo hoo!!! I hope you are having spring like weather too. Great t-shirt. I totally agree.

@Mamabean your little table is very cool, I like it a lot. I am glad you got over your cold so quickly. I hate to hear your mother is sick; I hope she is doing better now. Sorry your back is bad and I’m glad you added that important note to hold on to something.

@AV_ that’s great you like lifting too. I agreed to try it to get Marty to quit asking me; I found I could do it and that I like it. Gorgeous sights on your walks.

@Niffler75 I wasn’t a pink girl until my first pink sapphire ring then I bought pink clothes, pink purses, etc. Now I’m back to my favorite color - blue. I hope you get some baby ducks. Glad your weather is decent.

@Austina I agree with you about the color of rhodolite. It’s a great color. That ring is one of my favorite rings. Glad you are only getting rain; hopefully not too much though. My knee is slightly better still. I was actually able to walk normally sometimes today and didn’t take any Advil. That would be great for you and Colin to graduate from physio sessions and be able to get in to playing golf. Wishing your aches and pains away.

@Tekate I am doing good, thank you and my knee is doing a little better. Darn that the trees are gone but hopefully they’ll be start excavation and foundation soon. I hope John gets better soon. We talked to my in-laws tonight and my MIL has bronchitis; she sounded awful. Have fun with cute Auti!

I had fun today - I did real work instead of my paperwork. My one team was 4, then NN was gone and so we are shorthanded anyway. With one of the 3 on vacation this week I am helping them out. It was fun.

Marty didn’t have any clients tonight so we met for supper.

Off to read; sadly it’s almost 10 pm here.

Take care.


Aug 5, 2018
Good morning!

@Tekate re. 'thoughts' - the worst illnes I have ever had must have been a broken nail, so I am dead-worried; if anything, I can wipe off the worst news until my [long] ToDo list is calling, but only my news, else, what 'to do' when there is nothing to do ,(


Mar 31, 2018
So I went out for my appt and missed UPS. I knew it. I missed them by 30 min. Oh well I'll probably have to pick it up at pick up center. Sorry little frustrated. Hope everyone is having a great day!

Are you going to be home to get your ring today? Fingers crossed you will have it on your finger soon!


Feb 21, 2019

Hope your mom is ok. Missy I am just thinking about you and your health. Y
Are you going to be home to get your ring today? Fingers crossed you will have it on your finger soon!
They will attempt delivery again and hopefully it will go to ups pick up center. I won't be able to get to a pick up center til thurs or fri night. I need to hire someone for bling deliveries lol! Hope everyone has a great day!
I love the piece you refinished mamabean and jimmianne.
Missy sending you hugs and bone health restoration.
Marcy I love your pink sapphires and all your sapphires.
Tekate your granddaughter is such a cutie!!
Gotta run!


Mar 31, 2018


Jun 8, 2008
GM lovely ladies! Rather, good afternoon! Waiting for Cookie to be delivered to us and I am on pins and needles.

@Niffler75 oh I so wish you could drop around and we could go out for coffee and a good chat. I would love that. Maybe one is your son doing? I hear you re not being aware of our bodies in space at times. I know ED carries its own risks for OP and other issues. Sending you big hugs and lots of good thoughts.

@Austina good news Colin is doing better and I hope he can skip his physio session the rest of this week and hope you guys get to play more golf this week. Thank you for your wise words. (((Hugs)))
And yes it is a waiting game indeed. People are insane and panicking and it is crazy as we are just at the very beginning and we must remain calm. It isn't generally a fatal disease and people need to keep their heads about them. We went to Costco yesterday and it was insanely busy for a Tuesday late morning and they were out of so many things. Purell, Lysol etc. People have gone mad. I hope everyone calms down as this Coronavirus continues because it is only going to get worse before it gets better.

@Jimmianne Here is my little table I painted with the blue paint. It’s all banged up..I need to give it a little sanding and repaint it..I love the back because it reminds me of waves..Your dresser is beautiful...

Oh that is super pretty Joanne. Lovely.

So I went out for my appt and missed UPS. I knew it. I missed them by 30 min. Oh well I'll probably have to pick it up at pick up center. Sorry little frustrated. Hope everyone is having a great day!

Oh no! I hope it is delivered today while you are home...excited for you to receive it!

Missy sending you hugs and bone health restoration.

Thank you and (((hugs))).

@missy I'm sorry about the osteoporosis.. between you and Greg you guys could climb Everest Missy, I believe that, they say lifting weights is good.. I have lost a bit of height this year and am overdue for a bone density test so I'm hoping it's all okay. I'm sure Cookie would be a great little love.. I'd make the appointment in June, you can always cancel. You need to catch your breath Missy, luxuriate yourself in your tub, be nice to yourself.. you have had on helluva year Missy.. Let's just take care of you.. You need to give Missy the same time you give everyone else. I mean it. xoxoxo love you.

Aww thank you so much Kate the very great @Tekate. I am sorry you have lost some height and I I hope your bone density test is good and shows no bone loss. It is what it is for me and sadly I cannot go back and do things differently. If I could I would take BHRT. I had no clue. That is no excuse and now I pay the price. Smart to make the appt in June with her and then I could cancel. But she never responded to my last email so now I don't feel she is the one for me because no response is rude. I guess I will see how next week's appt goes with another PT I did contact and I will take it from there. We are waiting for Cookie right now and I know she will be nervous and probably hide. Hope she likes it here and that Oliver and Cookie get along well. Yes it has been one helluva past 12 months. Last year at this time I was having my hand surgery. It never ends. But this bone business is probably the worst fear I have dealt with to date. I know you get it because of your poor sister. We have nothing if we are too frail to move and enjoy life. Anyway thank you for your always loving words and generous comments and sending you big hugs and much love. And yay for having trees left. It will be beautiful when the house is built.

@Slick1 sending you continued healing vibes and big hugs. Hope your week is going well.

@marcy I know your sapphires are stunning and special. I hope you get to visit your favorite sapphire store soon too. I am so sorry about your knees. I know you have dealt with and still do deal with challenging issues and I am super impressed with your weightlifting skills. I tried some new Pilates exercises on my own today. No good at all. I got seasick. This is going to be a long haul. Thank you for your positive words and enthusiasm and yes we can and will make it work. Yay for your weather being nice right now. Long may that continue. We are losing an hour's sleep this Saturday night. Feels like it is coming early this year. Darn going to bed at 7:30 when it is still light out doesn't feel as good haha. As one of my close girlfriend's said to me yesterday on the phone...she hasn't hibernated enough this winter and isn't ready for the longer days. LOL and yes I agree.

Glad you got to meet Marty for supper last night and that work wasn't crazy. Sweet. Hope you got to read too. And hahaha one sit up. Love it. With osteoporosis there are no more sit ups or crunches. But I never did that anyway :lol: No forward bending/flexion. You would be surprised how often one needs to bend forward.Which brings me to @Mamabean
Have a lovely day marcy and (((hugs))).

@Mamabean can you explain that trick about sticking our leg out so we don't bend the spine? And how does that work if I have to get down low and pick up something or clean the litter box on the floor? Is there a trick to that? Right now I am doing the hip hinge but it doesn't work for really low stuff like cleaning the litter box. Poor Greg is doing more than ever and I don't like it at all. I have to become more independent and make this work.
Thanks for your input. (((Hugs))).

@Scandinavian thinking of you. XO.

@bling_dream19 did it come yet? OMG cmon let it be delivered to you today...fingers crossed.

@Jimmianne thank you love. Really appreciate the info.

@rainwood big hugs and thinking of you. Please let people remain sane and calm. I know that is a big ask but still.

@LLJsmom hugs... Sending lots of good thoughts your way.

@canuk-gal hope your week is going well. XO.

Went to PT with Greg today and then came back home and exercised and now waiting for Cookie. It's very windy out but mild and sunny so nice enough. Hope everyone is having a good day. Hugs.

They know something is up...
(I took it with Greg's phone so not as good..I definitely see the difference in photo quality).

Screen Shot 2020-03-04 at 1.52.24 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-03-04 at 1.53.06 PM.png


Jun 8, 2008
@missy I wish I could help both you, and the two physiotherapists down the street who have more free time than they can handle & went through a few years of medical school for it too. Arrgh!

Dear @AV_ thank you sweet friend. Just knowing you want to help and are keeping good thoughts for me means everything. I am going to see another PT next week and will see if we are a good fit. Fingers crossed. How is your day going? Any nature walks? Missing ours today (besides the one we took to go to Greg's PT this AM) since we are waiting for Cookie...they are late so not sure what is going word from the caretaker yet. OK she just this moment called. They are stuck in construction traffic and will be here soon. Woohoo!
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Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Woohoo, can’t wait to hear how it’s all going @missy. I hope Cookie proves to be a tough Cookie and isn’t intimidated by Ollie. Bobby and Tommy look like they’re waiting to see what all the fuss is about :lol: I’m glad you’ve found someone else to train with, hopefully they’ll be a good fit, and you’ll get on famously.

Oh phooey @bling_dream19 I hope your ring is delivered today, it’s so frustrating that you missed them.

That’s so cute @Tekate, Dottie used to sunbathe in the garden when it was sunny, I often had to go and get her in because she didn‘t seem to mind being so hot.

Glad your knee isn’t feeling too bad @marcy, and that you actually enjoyed work yesterday. Nice that you got to meet up with Marty and eat out.

We went to the driving range this morning, I hit some good shots with my new clubs so I was really pleased. I had physio this afternoon, and have decided to have one more next week as my right shoulder is still very knotty. Colin has decided to keep his appt tomorrow and he feels it’s really helping.

Big shout out to all the lovely NIRDIs, I hope your day is going well. :wavey:


Mar 31, 2018

I bend like this all the time. I need to hold on though..If you’re cleaning the litter box then put it closer to a chair or wall..When you need to get up again you can let go of the litter box and use the wall to get up the same way you went a lever..When you kick one leg out it keeps your back straight..I hope this helps..


Jun 8, 2008

I bend like this all the time. I need to hold on though..If you’re cleaning the litter box then put it closer to a chair or wall..When you need to get up again you can let go of the litter box and use the wall to get up the same way you went a lever..When you kick one leg out it keeps your back straight..I hope this helps..

Thank you Joanne. Appreciate the info.


Jun 8, 2008
We went to the driving range this morning, I hit some good shots with my new clubs so I was really pleased. I had physio this afternoon, and have decided to have one more next week as my right shoulder is still very knotty. Colin has decided to keep his appt tomorrow and he feels it’s really helping.

I am glad you had physio this morning and hope it helps your shoulder. And hope Colin's appt goes well tomorrow. It's smart to continue as long as it is helping you both.

Woohoo, can’t wait to hear how it’s all going @missy. I hope Cookie proves to be a tough Cookie and isn’t intimidated by Ollie. Bobby and Tommy look like they’re waiting to see what all the fuss is about :lol: I’m glad you’ve found someone else to train with, hopefully they’ll be a good fit, and you’ll get on famously.

Well Cookie is hiding behind the couch in the Library. We just went out and got a new carrier (we won't use Fred or Francesca's carriers) and we have her in the Library as we let her get used to things. When we have dinner we will bring her out in her new carrier and let her hang with us in the carrier. We need the cats to slowly get used to each other before we let her room free. But right now I am in the library with her and she has not come out for food or anything. Poor baby is scared.


Jan 3, 2020
@missy Yay you have Cookie. I am not going to give you settling in advice, but it will just take a bit of time. Will wait patiently for cute pics! :kiss2: Grrr to the PT not emailing, not very professional at all. I hope you find a good PT you can work with!

@Austina Sorry to hear your shoulder is still causing problems but glad you are able to still play golf. I tried golf many moons ago and was totally a health and safety risk with the clubs. I have quite poor spatial awareness!

@Mamabean How are you? Hope you are not getting too worried about Coronavirus.

We are all ok here. The weather is bright and sunny and will be tomorrow so have promised my son a game of football.
Take care everyone x


Feb 21, 2019
Leaving work now and driving to UPS pickup! David decided to send it to ups pick up center. So I'm leaving work shortly and will pick up and post pics can't wait!!! You guys are making me SO excited!!!


Mar 31, 2018
Thank you @Niffler75 I’m not too worried...I’m more concerned...My husband has now told me he will not fly to California...He will also drive to other states instead of flying.. That puts my mind at ease because that was the thing that worried me the most. I hope he can stick to that..I have supplies should we need to stay home. My doctor said my mom at 94 would be extremely high am concerned about that. She totally trusts me to take care of her so she’s not worried. Talk about pressure..Are you concerned?


Mar 31, 2018
Leaving work now and driving to UPS pickup! David decided to send it to ups pick up center. So I'm leaving work shortly and will pick up and post pics can't wait!!! You guys are making me SO excited!!!

Hurry up @bling_dream! lol


Mar 31, 2018
I am glad you had physio this morning and hope it helps your shoulder. And hope Colin's appt goes well tomorrow. It's smart to continue as long as it is helping you both.

Well Cookie is hiding behind the couch in the Library. We just went out and got a new carrier (we won't use Fred or Francesca's carriers) and we have her in the Library as we let her get used to things. When we have dinner we will bring her out in her new carrier and let her hang with us in the carrier. We need the cats to slowly get used to each other before we let her room free. But right now I am in the library with her and she has not come out for food or anything. Poor baby is scared.

Bailey was like that @missy..It took him a while to trust us. He was three months old when we adopted him. She will realize soon you both are the good guys.... <3


Mar 31, 2018
Omg it's not here!! She said the truck hasn't gotten back to ups yet. :angryfire:I should've read email more carefully bc it says 3/5 pickup. I'm crazy. And we all get a little kookoo when it comes to bling pick up. I'm soo sorry ladies!!! :cry2: Tomorrow I will pick it up :appl::love:

It’s okay..Waaaaah!


Mar 31, 2018
I decided to email David today to check on Ashlee. I couldn’t stand it anymore. He said it was almost finished...He was waiting for the last corner diamond...David said it looks beautiful..OMG I hope so..


Jun 17, 2009
@Mamabean, I can't wait to see your new ring, I'm sure it's going to be stunning. Glad your mind is at little more at ease now that your dh has said he will limit his flying. I feel the same as you...not really worried, just concerned for everybody. You did a beautiful job on your table. Is your mother feeling better?

@Austina, so glad you like your new clubs and are doing well with them. I'm sorry your shoulder is still bothering you. Sounds like Colin is on the mend and hopefully he can get back to golf. It's really nice to hear that Shirley is taking an interest in the baby. Ugh, it's a shame it's still raining a lot, you must be feeling water logged by now.

@marcy, so sorry your knee has flared up...sounds like it's doing better and I'm glad. Your pink sapphire rings are really beautiful, such pretty colors. Love that you used the earrings as side stones. Your rhodolite garnet is just gorgeous too...I love garnets so much, I should just break down and buy one already! Game night sounds like fun. The butcher paper is a really good idea, I'll have to try that. Those veggies end up everywhere lol. That meme is hysterical!

@missy, it's understandable you'd be feeling worried and stressed about the OP. I know you're not thrilled with the meds available but there's a chance one will help you. It's too bad the first PT didn't work out but great that you're seeing someone else next week. Hopefully this PT can allay your fears and give you appropriate exercises and suggestions for moving. I hope Cookie settles in soon. This is a big change for her so it will just take some time. She sounds like such a sweetie.

@Jimmianne, your dresser looks fantastic. What a transformation. And yay to being able to have a burn pile. Sounds like that will be a big help to you. Just be careful! Not sure if you went for your visa yet...if you did I hope it went well.

@Tekate, wishing John all the best on the 11th. I'm really glad he finally went to the doctor and is on meds. Hopefully they kick in quickly and he's feeling better soon. Chris will have a great time in his new neighborhood. These young people like lots of activity...I sound really old LOL. It's great he's across the street from Danny, go figure! DD is still pretty close to where she works, maybe just a bit farther. There's a grocery store across the street so she's thrilled. Love your pics, Auti is the cutest and you and John look really good and very happy. I think it's a good call to skip the celebration in Seattle, very understandable under the circumstances.

@AV_, beautiful pictures! Your scenery is just amazing. And nice that the work you're doing right now is something you enjoy.

@bling_dream19, have fun settling in with your dh! What a beautiful picture, such a peaceful and pretty place. LOL to hiring someone for bling deliveries, you might be on to something! It's maddening to miss a bling delivery. You must be going crazy with anticipation.

Not a whole lot happening here. Some shopping, a few errands, and a little cleaning thrown in for good measure. Ds had band practice here last night and then he and I watched The Outsider on HBO.

Wishing everyone well!
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Dec 9, 2013
Thank you, June. I have to drive back to the “big city” for a second visa appointment tomorrow, as I happened to get a very strict by-the-books interviewer and needed my paperwork better organized.
But it may all be for naught because I learned that I must stay in France at least 6 months or lose long term visa status. I had not planned on such a long visit this time. But with the virus, plans change anyway so maybe the longer the stay, the safer the travel. Who knows.
Wow...little did I know how complicated life would be when I arrived in France for the first time! What an unexpected adventure in being constantly outside the comfort zone. LOL
(One little visa appointment involves; at 7am...finding my way to the big city ...on back roads due to my tiny car, finding (non-existent) parking, navigating confusing streets on foot, sitting in an overcrowded waiting room trying to avoid breathing as people cough, and being interviewed in French. All with spacey-headed jetlag. It’s like an intense video game :lol:).

Missy, glad to know your new kitty is in-house and on her way to being integrated! Sending her calming happy dust.

Mamabean! You are having bling drama! Sorry... We are all waiting to see! :dance:



Aug 5, 2018
@missy Kitten in the house! Yay! ... yoy... YAY! I sure did remember this ten times since morning; it is 08:52

Good morning, all who are reading!

gotta run


May 11, 2013
@missy Cookie! what a wonderful name.. it's great to have a cookie in your life Missy! I wish there was a safe HRT because I think for women it helps their skin, dryness :), and overall feeling of being in good health, unfortunately its benefits were outweighed by cancer and heart disease... so I hear you, now that you have been diagnosed and under a physician/practitioner care hopefully your bone loss will abate or at least totally slow down. When we first got Salley we bought a big 'house' for her because we needed to crate her so she didn't run amok when we went out, well in the beginning she stayed in the house and if we went out she wailed, broke my heart, but now she only uses the house when she is scared (the doorbell basically).. we recently bought her a huge daybed and she sleeps on that constantly.. I'm so glad you adopted Cookie, it's good for he soul and Missy girl you have so much love for animals.. Cookie is a lucky little lady.. xoxox

@Mamabean we have decided to forgo our nephews marriage celebration because John has been so sick with this virus thingy (he's got antibiotics, nasal steroid, and a stronger allergy pill) he's been coughing for 6 weeks and feels crappy, so we are trying to get him better, Seattle just recommended over 65 people to only go out for necessary items and we are over 65 and thought it best to not fly there at this time, hope our nephew isn't mad, good thing we will up his gift! :)

@AV_ well it's 2;20 A.M. here in Texas, USA I just couldn't sleep cause my husband finally came to bed and woke me up coughing :) but after I finish this note I'm off to bed! hope your day is going great AV.

Rainy all day yesterday in Austin but today/ ltr it will be sunny and cooler YAY.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday!
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