
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
:) well we are just a bunch of diamond/jewelry lovers who have met in real life (some of us) I don't think this is 'public' I believe one must be a member of PS to read this thread, now I could be wrong, but I think I am right.

Happy Holidays to you!

ETA: @missy ooooohhhh that emerald.. I WANT an emerald cut diamond. :) and want a 3 carat MRB and a 4 carat OEC and a Marquis and a pear! and and.. and :)

@Tekate, So true. We came for the bling but met some true gems here. Better than any bling.

And I feel so very fortunate to have met so many of you in real life too. I consider you girls to be the genuine gems and authentic friends. I value our friendships and they are priceless...the true friendships here mean more than any diamond or any other gemstone.

Oh and I will share more pics from The NY Times insert this week when I have more time. It’s a doozy. Ohh la la :kiss2: Like you I wouldn’t mind a big old fat glamorous elegant emerald cut diamond. :love:
And dear Kate if I win a lottery I would love to buy you any and all diamonds your heart desires.


May 11, 2013
@morning NIRDIs... rain in Maine today! since our driveway is ice it's a good thing!

@missy thank you dear Missy! yes numero uno was me in a guy.. scary.. a roller coaster of emotions during his teenage years.. he's so happy, so in love, and a great software designer that when I think of him I cry :) (old age hormones I gues!).. Greg looks mesmerized by those bird houses! again, give him a hug and hope to you guys in 19! new grand neice is coming end of March according to my niece so I will be in Brooklyn either b4 or in May..

@marcy Hopefully this trial will end! now my son has just became a state employee BUT I sometimes feel people who are employed at state and federal level 'FOLLOW THE RULES' and strictly adhere to stupid stuff we out here in the working world have passed by, yes I know court is different but standing b4 being asked is a nothing ness! Hope DH's headache has abated and/or left... I get migraines at times and they are a killer... I feel for him!

@junebug17 Hello Junie! thank you for the great pep talk about the Danube! you made me feel mounds better! it's bought, it's paid for and I am looking forward to seeing this part of Europe! Glad the move for DS went well, he's close but far! dinner at mom's but sleeping at his place. you will love it.. I envy your being close to your boy. Have a great week!

@Jimmianne how's things? weather? hope all is going great guns in your neck of the woods!

@Sandeek howdy neighbor! hope you are feeling okay and I send you good, happy and healing vibes!

@canuk-gal Hi Sharon! hope all is good in your neck of the woods and the weather is okay. Here we expect all our snow to be gone 2morrow, high to mid 40s and rain today and tomorrow almost 50!

@AV_ have a GREAT week... lifetime!

@Austina Happy Christmas and Happy Boxing Day, otherwise known as shop till you drop if I remember correctly! Hope you are feeling well and sleeping as is hubster! hope you are seeing the kids at the holiday!

@LLJsmom have a great week and Merry Christmas to you! and your family.

I don't know if I will have time to log on and read etc while away, but know that you guys are really, truly and most def in my heart and I will be back hopefully b4 Christmas to catch up if I don't on the trip.

To any of our friends who have celebrated DIWALI! I hope you enjoyed and send you good vibes and happy thoughts for a wonderful December!
HAPPY KWANZAA to any and all (and we all should) celebrate Kwanzaa

Happy bday to me and my friends all born in December, we get lost in the shuffle be we rise like Phoenixes! we eat cake and we shovel snow (some of us anyway)...

Just wanted to get my best wishes out to everyone! I'll be around till Thursday so no rush but just wanted to say happy holidays to you all and let's enjoy it!



May 11, 2013
@Tekate, So true. We came for the bling but met some true gems here. Better than any bling.

And I feel so very fortunate to have met so many of you in real life too. I consider you girls to be the genuine gems and authentic friends. I value our friendships and they are priceless...the true friendships here mean more than any diamond or any other gemstone.

Oh and I will share more pics from The NY Times insert this week when I have more time. It’s a doozy. Ohh la la :kiss2: Like you I wouldn’t mind a big old fat glamorous elegant emerald cut diamond. :love:
And dear Kate if I win a lottery I would love to buy you any and all diamonds your heart desires.
I feel like I won a lottery when I found this place and you Missy! and Greg, I suppose it may seem odd to people dropping in here but finding diamond lovers who love the LIGHT and what it entails means the world to me, it's not for show I love diamonds and jewelry it's the light show I LOVE.. finding like people has been Godsend in a way for me, for years my family and friends think I just want to show off wealth, but you know that isn't true, it's the BLING! the rainbow, the art of jewelry, maybe when I was a kid I wanted to show off but for many a long year I just love to sit and look at color and sparkle! (((((((((MISSY))))))))))))) and everyone! hugs to us all for being good peeps.

ETA: and I don't big wealth, what I meant was just being a show off (I was called that believe me). xo


Jan 3, 2013
Thank you friends. It is the eve of my surgery. I report to my Manhattan hospital at 5:30am. I’ve been having a lot of anxiety about it! I’ll take your dust, prayers, thoughts and whatever else you want to send my way.
I’ll be back when I can. :kiss2: And ((Hugs))


Jun 8, 2008
Buckets and buckets of good luck dust dear @Sandeek !!!!!
Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
You’re gonna come through with flying colors. (((Hugs))).


Aug 5, 2018
@Tekate Many Happy Returns of December!
I hear you about diamonds & much else worth a PQR badge.

@missy Thank you for the views...

I am so not doing anything this weekend, lemonade is better than lemmon jam: lemmons, suggar, water - merely different proportions, temperature & - crucially, labour! :sleep:

Of course, there is an excuse for doing nothing: there is this little pile of pages on my desk, containing a hefty bunch of work done & ready to go out into the cold next week & later. Quite some gift to self, in more ways than one! I might have thought that writing things down will get them out of my mind, but it does not work that way o_O - the pile of paper is quite some temptation to build onto :whistle:

@junebug17 Trip to the beech got postponed. I got tired just thinking of it in the morning! It has to be, however. I have a custom to keep: doing a picture-taking round for the end of the year. Before moving to Granada, I came here a couple of times to do just this.

Have the best of times, all who are reading !

... just learning to keep up with this thread & may have missed replying properly - entirely unintended
Last edited:


Aug 5, 2018
@Sandeek ! Fingers crossed! - with the best wishes you might immagine! I hope all goes so well, you will not get to think twice about the intervention.


Jun 7, 2014
@Sandeek , Sending you all the dust there is for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. I didn’t start a new thread because I’m not sure if you have shared your surgery in other threads or wanted the extra attention. Please know there are many people sending good thoughts and wishes your way in the coming days. I’m so sorry you are having to go thru this. Hugs, Callie


Jun 17, 2009
@Sandeek, I'm also sending lots of support and good thoughts to you, and best wishes that your surgery is uneventful and successful. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts tomorrow and throughout the week as you begin your recovery. I am very sorry you have to go through this. I know it must be overwhelming but I hope you can stay positive. You are getting great care and you have many people pulling for you, so I hope those things bring you some measure of comfort. (((Hugs)))


May 11, 2013
@Sandeek it will be fine! I send you love. healing thoughts and a belief in good medicine! best of luck, don't be nervous (hah!) we are all here for you.

Thank you friends. It is the eve of my surgery. I report to my Manhattan hospital at 5:30am. I’ve been having a lot of anxiety about it! I’ll take your dust, prayers, thoughts and whatever else you want to send my way.
I’ll be back when I can. :kiss2: And ((Hugs))


Dec 9, 2013
Prayers to Sandeek, and dust and hugs and love.

Omg you guys. What a bunch of chatter boxes. So much information has gone over the dam that all I can say is
Tekate, happy travels....
Missy, that auto door is amazing, not sure what makes it open for a kitty, but I will go back and read for comprehension...
AV, I feel your pain, this thread can move at the speed of lightning or faster!...
June, cool beans that you ds has his own place...
Marcy, did the bears give Marty a headache?....
Sharon do you have your igloo ready for any and all weather?or is global warming showing its sunny face there?...
Austina, thinking of you with the Brexit news...
and to everyone hi...let us not forgot that Missy made a big sacrifice to get us all together!
When I first read the title of the thread when it started “now I really did it” I could not wait to see how big the new diamond was, because someone had REALLY DONE IT!
but it was Missy’s dear leg that was making the news. However, the ending was happy...the beautiful big diamond, B, came along later.

Yesterday there was a robbery at the fancy mall. A man drove a pickup truck through the glass doors of the mall, drove along inside the mall, and then drove thru the glass window of a jeweler. Insanity ...and he got away!
No, it was not me. Haha
There must be a better way to rob a jewelry store than to drive a truck through the front window lol


Feb 27, 2007

Junebug, I get they don’t want cell phones in the court but I don’t see why you can’t leave them in the juror’s room. They constantly remind you that you cannot look up things about the trial online but if someone is going to do that they’ll do it at home anyway. The lawyers are skilled at getting the answer they want you to give them; plus the system won’t let someone wander off topic or explain because they get instructed to answer the question. That is the perfect distance for your son; close enough to visit any time you wish. Nice. It sounds like his place is nice and shaping up with furnishings. i hope your DH feels better soon. Marty was better today; thanks. Sometimes your direct boss can override company policy for PTO and bereavement days so maybe they will give my boss some leeway but knowing him he won’t budge on it. Our new HR guy seems really nice so I might email him first. I get $30 a day from the district for jury duty but i think I have to turn that in to my company.

Kmoro, welcome to PS.

Missy, love all of your photos. Everything looks festive. The tree at Rockefeller Center looks great; as usual. That kind of stinks you didn’t get paid for your last jury duty. I know it’s not much; but it’s the principle of it, right? Of the 8 of us; 2 are retired, one doesn’t get paid for the time he missed and one other person only gets paid for 5 days. I am guessing 5 days is the average trial length. Our fee is $30 a day but as I mentioned to Junebug; I think I hand my check over to my company. Marty is feeling better today; thanks. He even slept in this morning. Love the diamonds on the lady for London Jewelers. Did you hear about the couple who lost their engagement ring through a grate in Times Square? I guess some city officials found it and is returning it to the couple.

Kate, it sounds like your wish list for diamonds is as long as mine. You are right that government jobs often involve more structure and strict rules. Marty woke up feeling better today, thanks. He didn’t want to try and eat much though. Sorry to hear you get migraines; I get them sometimes from stress. Have a fabulous trip!

Sandeek, good luck tomorrow. We are rooting for you and wishing you a speedy recovery!

Hi Callie and AV. I hope you are doing well.

We slept in today. I was drifting in and out of sleep but since Marty was still asleep I didn’t want to risk waking him up. I got our Christmas cards done today and even mailed them in the snow; I thought that was appropriate. I threw out a few more blankets from our hall closet and now have one open shelf in there. Sweet. I am going to move my table cloths to that spot. It dawned on me last night all this throwing things out and freeing up space may not even be necessary; soon I’ll have an entire dresser to fill and only about 1/4 of it is spoken for already.

i’ve been trying to find our furniture online to get pictures of it and found our bed with options for 6”, 8” and 12” rails. I kind of freaked out thinking that meant how how the bed rails were off of the floor. I stopped by the furniture store and they finally figured out what I was talking about; those options are for the side rails. Oops. Oh well, I’d rather make sure it’s right now than later.

While I was out I ran by the cemetery to see if the decorated pine blanket had been placed on my parent’s grave yet but it was too snowy to tell for sure. I picked up some cake batter and chocolate ice cream from Coldstone and am watching Christmas Vacation now.

Marty made it to the airport okay even though it’s snowy.

Take care.
Marcy, juror #4


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, we were posting at the same time. I am sure Marty would gladly blame my innocent teddy bears for giving him his headache. Don't give him the idea! You are right; Missy poor leg is what brought us together. Wow that is quite a stunt to rob a jewelry store. We had lady run off with a 2 carat diamond here in town once; she was young, tall and thin - looked nothing like me - but everyone told me I used a good disguise.


Jun 8, 2008
Just woke up and thinking of you @Sandeek and hoping your surgery goes very well. Sending you continued good luck dust and healing vibes.



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! I have had some coffee and feel a bit more human right now lol. I am pretty tired this AM. Supposed to have gone to the dentist but I am going to reschedule as it is too long a trip for today and Greg has urgent work matters that he needs to attend to so we decided better to reschedule and I am not too disappointed though I know I cannot ignore some dental issues that need attention but that will hopefully hold till 2019...fingers crossed.

@Sandeek thinking of you ((((HUGS))).

@junebug17 hope your week is good one.

@marcy hope today is your last day of being Juror #4. Fingers crossed the case is settled and resolved and over and done today. Glad Marty is feeling better. I agree it is the principle but I was so glad just to be done in one day I decided it was not important enough to spend any of my energy on but usually I am all about principle.

@Tekate hope your packing etc is going well and you are getting very excited for your wonderful trip.

@Jimmianne the door is controlled by wifi right? I of course am worrying it will get stuck and a cat or raccoon will get stuck inside but Greg reassures me not to worry. Of course I still do. ::) But Greg promised me he would take a trip there immediately should something like that happen. Let's hope that doesn't happen though and the remote controlled door continues to work well. So far so good. Though I do feel badly for the raccoons...:(( How is your mouse situation?

@AV_ hope your week goes smoothly and that you can enjoy a happy adventure this Wednesday. Looking forward to hearing about it.

Hope you are doing well @Calliecake.

We had a lovely time at my parents for the first night of Hanukkah and got attacked (in the most loving way) by Zena who scratched me up some lol. My goodness my parents and sister's family do not train their dogs at all. Wild child all of them past and present.

Zena looked super adorable with her raincoat was a drizzly day all day long.


You might not be able to tell here but she did hit us with some force and I am doing my best to hold steady. LOL.


And when we got back home and lit our own Hanukkah candles the kitties got into the action. So curious just like their momma.:lol:




Their feed us already look...:lol:

That's all girls. Have a wonderful Monday and sending you hugs. And @Sandeek not to sound like a broken record but keeping you in our thoughts and please when you have the energy let us know you are OK! (((HUGS))).


Aug 5, 2018
I got our Christmas cards done today and even mailed them in the snow; I thought that was appropriate.

Oh, thanks for the reminder! I found myself writing cards and wishing to send around books (The one kind of gift of a close friend, appropriate for more) - only to realize that the nicest local stuff is in the wrong language for anyone I could send books to back home - Spanish, darn!
@missy, thank you for the wish. In times like these, a good word is so good to hear .) I had no idea...


May 11, 2013
@missy yes I am getting ready to pack! sorta ;-) I am.. Your pictures are wonderful Missy.. just so much love in your family.. love reading and seeing your info...



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Everything crossed for your successful surgery today @Sandeek xxx. I’m thinking of you and hoping you’re in recovery by now.

Well done to your son @Tekate, it must be a huge relief to have a permanent job with benefits, even if initially, he’s on a lower salary. Oy, don’t talk about Brexit, it’s going to be a disaster. We needed another Margaret Thatcher to go and get us the best deal, not someone who let the EU dictate all the terms.

Sorry your DH isn’t feeling too good @junebug17 I hope he’s had a chance to rest over the weekend and recouperate. I’m sure DS will be round often if he’s living so close, nothing like a home cooked meal :D

The photo of the Rockerfella centre brings back happy memories of our trip to NY in July @missy, what a trip, one I’ll never forget. I only have to look at my hand everyday, to remember what a memorable trip it was.

Glad the remote control door is working fine, Greg is such a clever sausage working it out. :mrgreen2:

Happy Hanukkah, your day sounds like fun, even is Zena is a bit over zealous. When you visit, I promise you you’ll just be met with the wag of a tail and a polite sniff from Dottie :mrgreen: She’s not a jumper or licker, so you’ll be quite safe.

I saw this, and knew you’d appreciate the sentiment.


I hope today was your last day of jury service @marcy. You’re absolutely right, in this day and age, it’s not that difficult to find things out on the internet, so the phone ban seems a bit pointless. I hope Marty didn’t have any more headaches, and is feeing better today.

Hi @AV_ how’re things with you?

Hey @jimmiane, have the mice decamped to other digs? How’s Mildred’s new frock coming along?

We had a really busy weekend, the weather was foul on Saturday, quite a lot of people turned up for the walk, but by the end of it, we were all wet and blown around. We had our own room in the pub, so didn’t have to worry about the dogs bothering other people.

We were tired by the time we got back, and had an early night, as we had to be up early yesterday for the Spinone party. Only about 25 people came, quite a lot down from previous years, but then we didn’t even know when it was until just over a week ago. I’m afraid the Committee are rather stuck in their way, they want new blood, but don’t actually include us. I was asked to do the raffle, and honestly, I was having a hard time keeping my temper with the “Sonia does it this way” comments. It was only other committee members who were complaining because I wasn’t using different coloured tickets. Not one other person was bothered, and bought generously. I’m not doing it again, ungrateful bunch :x2

Had a busy day, got the tree and the decorations up, put together a shoe rack, which ended up taking 10 times longer than I thought it would, sorted through my shoes, and put together a bag of clothes for the charity shop.

Don’t know if anyone’s interested, but apparently, the new IPhone isn’t selling well, so Apple are offering a trade in to encourage people to buy. Adam’s going to trade mine in, and giving me his cast off :lol:

Barney has arrived at his new home, and he’s even more adorable than the previous photo. He seems to be settling in really well too, and has encouraged interest in Fred, Betty and Wilma, so hopefully, they’ll all have new home too.

Leaving you with a photo of the little cutie :love:



Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIRDI’s! i am no longer juror #4. Woo hoo!

Sandeek, thinking of you and hope your surgery went well.

Missy, oh no to dental issues; hopefully it can last until next month. I think I have my clean and check next week. Great pictures with your family celebrating the first day of Hanukkah. Zena is pretty cute in that raincoat.

AV, you should send those books anyway. Marty was in Serbia and Romania for work a few years ago and picked up a Gordon Ramsey cookbook in Cyrillic for a friend of ours. She always threatens to have us over and cook something out of there.

Kate, see below for a quick summary of what the trial was about. Safe travels.

Austina, I agree the phone ban is kind of pointless. Heck you can find out someone’s like story in minutes anymore. More information than you ever wanted to know. Sorry you had to deal with bad weather this weekend. Sorry to hear how the committee treated you about how you handled the raffle; I wouldn’t do it again. Our astronomy club can’t find anyone to take on positions because most people don’t want to bother. When I buy something for the club I always say I don’t want a receipt because I am trying to get fired. Nice you’ll get Adam’s hand me down phone. Barney looks happy.

BTW, we got a raise - jury duty now pays $50 a day. Looks like my company will dock $250 out of my check for my 5 days of paid jury duty. Phooey.

We started deliberating at about 11:15 - it only took us 90 minutes. Four of us stayed behind to see the closing statements and judge decision after we were dismissed. The case was about a lady who is in prison until at the earliest 2020 for her 6th DUI and her 3 minor children have asked to be released from her parental rights centered around neglect and abuse. They lived with their dad and stepmom most of their life and the dad died in 2015. Pretty sad all the way around.

I was going to make myself some mini pizzas for supper but since i have some leftover pizza in the freezer I think I'll heat it up instead.

I am actually looking forward to going back to work tomorrow.

  • Like
Reactions: AV_


Aug 5, 2018
Hi @AV_ how’re things with you?

Dare I say life might just be good... It will be a long story to tell! Taking the weekend trully off seems to have worked some magic - & I cannot tell you when it was before, that I had gotten work out of my head for two days in a row & not that I did not want to. Long hot showers & half a blue beer did it.

Hi NIRDI’s! i am no longer juror #4. Woo hoo!

Good to hear! What a story you got to listen to...

I am certainly taking your good fun ,) advice regarding Spanish books!


Have a great day everyone ! & thank you for listening...


Jun 17, 2009
Hi Nirdis!

Happy Hannukah @missy! Lovely pics of you, Greg, and your family...and Zena and the kitties too of course :love: Looks like it was a fun get-together. I love the pics of Greenwich Village and the holiday decorations. The city is such a festive and vibrant place during the holidays.

AV, I'm so glad you treated yourself to a much needed, and much deserved, break from work, and that it rejuvenated you! I hope you can make that trip into town this week. And good luck taking your end of the year pictures! And yes, I love lemonade! In the USA there is a drink called an Arnold Palmer, named after a famous golfer. Half ice tea and half lemonade - it's delicious!

@Tekate, I'm so glad you're feeling better about the trip, you will have a fantastic time! I laughed out loud when you listed all the diamonds you want, me too! :lol: Good luck with your packing, once you start putting things in suitcases you'll feel much better.

@Sandeek, thinking of you today.

@Jimmianne, yeah, I have to admit I'm struggling a bit to keep up with everybody! I know I'm missing some things. Wow, that really is a crazy way to rob a jewelry store! I can't believe he got away with it.

@marcy, I'm so glad your jury duty is over. Too funny that you're looking forward to going back to work! I don't blame you. I agree that it is ridiculous that you couldn't have cell phones in the jury room. What a sad trial, my heart goes out to those poor children. Do you know who is caring for them now? Good for you for getting some things done this weekend. It will be nice to have additional storage space in your new dresser.

Austina, too bad the weather wasn't better for your walk. Dinner at the pub sounds like it was fun! Ugh, how annoying that people were commenting about the raffle. I can see why you have no interest in doing it again. If those people aren't happy with how it was done, they can do it themselves next year.:roll Barney is just beautiful! I'm so glad he is settling into his new home.

Dh is feeling a bit better but still under the weather. In fact, he worked from home today. I ended up feeling exhausted today and had an amazingly unproductive day. Just couldn't seem to get going. I'm heading to bed now and hopefully I'll have a little more energy tomorrow.

Have a great night everyone!


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls!

@Sandeek We are thinking of you and hoping you are recovering from a very successful surgery. Sending you more healing vibes and gentle hugs.

@junebug17 thank you for the lovely holiday wishes. Hope your holiday plans are coming along and cannot wait to see your decorations and hear about your plans. I cannot believe it is December already. Wow. Hugs to you and your wonderful family. How is your darling son liking his new place? How is your dh feeling? I hope he is all better.

@marcy Woohoo done with jury duty hopefully for a long time congrats and nice going. Interesting case. Did you try getting out of it? I am just asking for info for my upcoming jury duty. IN that case I would have said my car was demolished by a drunk driver (in the 90s) so I would have not been a good juror. Hahaha I am working it. No worries right now I have no dental issues just one of the fillings my dentist put in this past year has to be made more permanent with a crown as it is only temporary and I have to get that done and have been procrastinating and do not want it to become an issue. That is all.
How is Marty feeling today?

@Austina love that pic you linked and yes I agree with the sentiment. Sad that in today's world there is so much hate but we can hope that love and light will drive out that hate. The words of MLK Jr always come to mind when I think of that. Love the photo of the precious pup.

@missy yes I am getting ready to pack! sorta ;-) I am.. Your pictures are wonderful Missy.. just so much love in your family.. love reading and seeing your info...


Thank you dear Kate. I appreciate your kind words. Hope packing is going well and cannot wait to hear about all your upcoming adventures!

@AV_ hope you are enjoying a not stressful week and yes pampering yourself. You deserve it. Looking forward to seeing any photos you are willing to share with us. And I love lemonade too as long as it is fresh and not too sweet. Yay for long showers and being off work to rejuvenate. That is the sweet you need.

@Jimmianne hope all the farm chores were easily completed yesterday and that you enjoyed a wonderful well deserved pampering session.

Yesterday was an impromptu get together with my friend M who ditched art classes until evening so we got to have a wonderful day outside as the weather was gorgeous. We walked a lot and talked even more.

Unfortunately this morning Greg woke up and found the power out to the cat door and cameras. I want to laugh but know it isn't funny. Plus I am worried that we are going to find something very wrong so more worried than it is funny but still. Those darn raccoons were swarming all over the cameras and well they did something to it so he is on his way to the beach house to the (hopefully) rescue of the feral kitties as their cat door is closed shut with no access to the food. Hmmm if I were the type of person to say you know what but I am not and I am hoping Greg can fix this today and that it isn't too challenging a fix. Those raccoons are super scary smart. ::)

Also the autopsy report came back for our friend and he died of a heart attack...major coronary artery disease. I don't think he ever had symptoms till the Thanksgiving weekend when he said he wasn't feeling well.

I am doing a PSA here to remind everyone please make sure you get your annual physical exam and do not ignore any symptoms. Please. It is a great loss to all who knew and loved J that he is gone and from something that might have been preventable makes it all that much harder to bear.

Sending loving hugs to you lovely ladies. Have a good day.
And leaving you with a photo of my niece's new ring that we got her. Fits perfectly.

Screen Shot 2018-12-04 at 8.18.30 AM.png


Aug 5, 2018
Catching up with all on NIRDI is now top of my To Do lit. How do you do it... (such a happy thing to do, though!)

@Austina, @missy - I feel thesame about the rabbi's saying: much that I see, faith understands faith better than anything, even (or even more so) a different one. To me , at least, this sort of exchange is the joy of travel: there is hardly any better spot to be among strangers than their local celebrations, by my taste, at least... Then, people are open for fun, there is too much food, rules are glitzy & simple therefore open ,) - blessing enough.

@missy Of course I am back to work: at 14:21 in the afternoon! I had the longest breakfast (there are local cookies called 'roscos' - small, but mercilessly good & tremendously energetic - so one or two & backyard tangerines & coffee with levander, add up to more than enough; Itook my time this mornign exploring a HUGE BOX of a dozen types of these little things; I doubt I'll be eating anything until tomorrow - at least... :whistle:), then went hunting for fresh beyleaves (OK, you can buy them as anywhere- which is perfectly ridiculeous, methinks; then, the fresh ones are incomparable & I am a huge fan). So now, that these important tasks are done, I am back writing - ostensibly, my thesis; nevermind this writing - this ain't 'Writing'!).

The meeting I had expected today stands postponed by another party. Not that I am left with nothing to do, rather the contrary: the little call has morphed into a little conference :nono: Yes, this is how things work when they do work :wacko:

@Sandeek Count two more pairs of fingers crossed!



Jan 3, 2013
Thanks ladies this one is much worse than last time :’( But I made it. In ICU. Will update when I can. This is DD typing for me. :) hugs and kisses


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks ladies this one is much worse than last time :’( But I made it. In ICU. Will update when I can. This is DD typing for me. :) hugs and kisses

(((((HUGS)))))). Thank you for letting us know how you are and sending you so many healing hugs and vibes and good thoughts.




Aug 5, 2018
@Sandeek Good to hear you are OK :) Thanks for good news!

In real life, I'd be showing up with a mound of flowers... and it so happens I was looking at these one another screen: WWW & more on (Dutch) walls WWW & my favorite place on Earth nearby WWW

It goes without saying: Get well soon!


May 11, 2013
@Sandeek girl I have been checking in to hear from you.. Tell DD we can't wait for her mom to be back in full force on NIRDI.. please please Sandeek take it easy, I'm so glad your family is there.. you know the drill, in 2 days it's gonna hurt worse so please take your meds correctly, on time and be good to yourself, there is no heroics in pain in my opinion. I sincerely hope this works and send you a huge or two or even 3. I am leaving Thursday a.m. to Beantown and will be gone over 2 weeks, will try to check in but not sure if I can so remember I am thinking of healing thoughts for you!

all my best Sandeek, you are my hero,


Thanks ladies this one is much worse than last time :’( But I made it. In ICU. Will update when I can. This is DD typing for me. :) hugs and kisses


May 11, 2013
@all the NIRDI's :)

I am not sure I will have time tomorrow to log in or check in, do people say log in anymore? probably not, old IBM term must be 30 - 40 years ago I started hearting THAT!..

Okay, you ladies I want you to know I will miss you guys! I will have internet on the ship (when I'm on a ship who knows!) but the whole purpose is to sightsee and visit the markets so we have lots booked, of course it will probably RAIN and SNOW, one time I was in Tallin and dang I was soaked, underwater, and just plain drenched... I wondered what Tallin really looked like and in St Petersburg it rained so much that I loved the bus rides and I hate bus rides.. of course I am digressing again as usual and lately comma's dont' seem to enter my writing ! ha things you can do when you are over 60..

So everyone if I can't sign in know I am sending glitter, love and sunshine to you guys and hope everyone is well, happy, has new bling to show (I won't all my money is going to Autumn Marie and hubster wants to sell this house and buy a condo in Austin and something in the Catskills he's a pain in the derriere but he is mine, Autumn is on his mind for sure) ... again digressing, please all know that in this season of remembrance, celebration of birth to some, rededication of the 2nd temple to others, and to others it's the joy of winter, and to many others it's a celebration of their heritage from Africa, it's a good and happy time.. I hope there's someone in everyone's heart that they love and love them.. To everyone I wish this season to be happy, and joyful and to anyone who doesn't celebrate for their own reasons, I wish you a good month and good food and drink.

You guys are special!

Thanks for your friendship here in NIRDI!

Kate The gReAt ;-)


Feb 27, 2007


Feb 27, 2007

AV, we even uses an online translator and wrote a message in the cookbook in Cyrillic. It was something like we didn’t think it mattered this isn’t in English since you never follow directions anyway. We tend to see who can play the biggest joke on each other at Christmas. It started when they had us deliver their kids Santa presents; we left a box for them that was full of junk. So of course, the had a box ready for us that has a chipped up wooden hand in it. Marty panted a picture of it for the next Christmas. Last year I got photo pillows made with a picture of the hand on it.

Junebug, it is pretty sad about those kids. They were living with their dad most of the time and he died in 2015. They are in foster care now but are staying with their stepmom. I hope that can become permanent. I feel for them. I will enjoy having more drawers to store things. I have our trashcan full of things to throw out in the morning. More progress. I hope both you and your DH are feeling better now.
Missy, I did not try to get out of the trial but some of the people chosen did raise their hands and say they’d been abused or had trouble with alcohol. I think anymore they just don’t excuse people. I am glad it’s just a temporary crown that needs replaced. It’s always something, eh? Marty is doing okay. He’s in LA this week. Oh no to the feral door quitting. I hope it was an easy fix. That is too bad your friend had heart disease; my dad passed his physical with flying colors 6 weeks before he had his heart attack. I guess you never know. Your nieces ring is very pretty. Does she take after her aunt with a love of jewelry.

Sandeek, wishing you a speedy recovery. Big hugs to you.

Kate, thank you for the lovely sentiments about this time of year. Have a fun and restful trip.

It was easier to be at work today and jury duty. I drank as much water as I wanted. I could come and go as I please. Such freedom. I spent quite a bit of time talking to people so that meant I was still doing my work late in the afternoon but I did get it all done. I didn’t need retrained but felt like I was disorganized. It seemed like I’d been out of there for a month.

Take care.
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