
Now I really did it :((


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Just popping in to wish you all a very happy New Year.

I’m sure we’ll all be very glad to put this one behind us, and hope that the new year brings better times for all of us.

Thinking of you all tonight as we say goodbye to this ’Annus Horibilis’ to quote the Queen, and wishing you all nothing but good times, good health, and better things to come.

Big love and hugs to you wonderful ladies. XXX


Aug 18, 2013

@mrs-b we should all make a chart of our rings; everyone has such pretty pieces.

Marty was rather cranky last night over no car and how much we will be paying for a renal and deductible so when he got up at 4 am today to eat breakfast and head to the gym I got up to talk to him. I told him I'd check my company's benefits section today for car rental discounts, see if it's too late to add car rental on our auto policy and let him know what I find. Being a small town with a tiny airport we have limited car rental places and I only get a 5% discount so phooey on that. Marty went to that place first and got hassled over some things plus they wouldn't rent a car before tomorrow so he went to the one with Ford and got a Fusion through the 15th and got a nice military discount. He said it sounds like it is powered by a singer sewing machine engine. He probably can't get a speeding ticket with that car. He seems in a better mood now that he has his own wheels again.

Marty took his sister's truck to the gym bright and early then I ran her over to the gym at about 9. Marty tortured her by having her lift then they went to the car rental dealers.

I had a busy day working from home. I think I'll take down my Snoopy village here shortly and all of my Snoopy lights. That way I can crank on the fireplace when I am cold. I am sure things on the mantle are fine but my plastic trees by the fire probably not so much. Or I might watch a movie. My SIL is still sleeping and I know I'd make a lot of noise getting storage bins out. Phooey I'm ready to tackle that project.

Take care.

I think the chart idea is great! I have trouble keeping a track of everyone's beautiful pieces.

And I'm glad Marty has got wheels again - being stuck in the one place during Covid would just be to add insult to injury.

So my back seems to be going downhill daily. And I'm probably going to need to have my knees done, also. The most common side effects of Crohn's disease, outside of the gut, is a thing they call peripheral arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. Both of these affect the major joints and are at their worst during a Crohn's flare. Both conditions eat away at the cartilage, grow bone spurs, cause osteopenia, and a host of other fun things. These things can also be associated with inflammation around the heart. The drs never did find out what was wrong with my heart in May - tho they cautiously ruled out heart attack. They did think, tho, it had some relation to auto immune. So. All that to say....

I see the electrocardiologist on Monday. The neurosurgeon on Tuesday. The orthopedist on Wednesday. The rheumatologist on Thursday. And somwhere in there, I have 3 appts with my physical therapist and have to have an MRI. With contrast - just to add insult to injury. After all of that, we'll start scheduling surgeries.

So I'm typing this to all of you to stop myself from screaming. My legs are buzzing perpetually with pins and needles, my back is aching more than I can articulate, and I can barely exercise - which has come on so fast. The exercise keeps the cramps at bay, so not exercising is a real problem. Three weeks ago I was pounding around the neighborhood happily and with gusto. Now, my godkids asked me if I could be on cam with them at midnight this evening, and I had to find a humorous, polite way to say no, since I just don't think I can hide the discomfort. I'm currently taking oxycodone - which I HATE - but there's just no way around it.

So far, 2021 is shaping up to be worse than 2020 - which, almost unbelievably, was worse than 2019, and I could just put my head in my hands and cry. This will be year 3 of endless medical issues, procedures, illness and pain, and I'm all out of emotional resources.

I'm so sorry to be Debbie Downer, and I'm sorry if this isn't the place for this sort of post. I just needed to verbalize everything and put it out there. I'm over being stoic.

ETA And I'm so sorry this was all about me. I do wish everyone a way better 2021, and for those of you who are struggling, my thoughts truly are with you. I just can't type it all out right now.


Jan 23, 2016
I'm so sorry to be Debbie Downer, and I'm sorry if this isn't the place for this sort of post. I just needed to verbalize everything and put it out there. I'm over being stoic.

This is the place and I’m here for you if I can help you in any way. I’m so sorry about all this. But I really do hope and believe 2021 will be better for all of us. Hugs.


Mar 31, 2018
I think the chart idea is great! I have trouble keeping a track of everyone's beautiful pieces.

And I'm glad Marty has got wheels again - being stuck in the one place during Covid would just be to add insult to injury.

So my back seems to be going downhill daily. And I'm probably going to need to have my knees done, also. The most common side effects of Crohn's disease, outside of the gut, is a thing they call peripheral arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. Both of these affect the major joints and are at their worst during a Crohn's flare. Both conditions eat away at the cartilage, grow bone spurs, cause osteopenia, and a host of other fun things. These things can also be associated with inflammation around the heart. The drs never did find out what was wrong with my heart in May - tho they cautiously ruled out heart attack. They did think, tho, it had some relation to auto immune. So. All that to say....

I see the electrocardiologist on Monday. The neurosurgeon on Tuesday. The orthopedist on Wednesday. The rheumatologist on Thursday. And somwhere in there, I have 3 appts with my physical therapist and have to have an MRI. With contrast - just to add insult to injury. After all of that, we'll start scheduling surgeries.

So I'm typing this to all of you to stop myself from screaming. My legs are buzzing perpetually with pins and needles, my back is aching more than I can articulate, and I can barely exercise - which has come on so fast. The exercise keeps the cramps at bay, so not exercising is a real problem. Three weeks ago I was pounding around the neighborhood happily and with gusto. Now, my godkids asked me if I could be on cam with them at midnight this evening, and I had to find a humorous, polite way to say no, since I just don't think I can hide the discomfort. I'm currently taking oxycodone - which I HATE - but there's just no way around it.

So far, 2021 is shaping up to be worse than 2020 - which, almost unbelievably, was worse than 2019, and I could just put my head in my hands and cry. This will be year 3 of endless medical issues, procedures, illness and pain, and I'm all out of emotional resources.

I'm so sorry to be Debbie Downer, and I'm sorry if this isn't the place for this sort of post. I just needed to verbalize everything and put it out there. I'm over being stoic.

ETA And I'm so sorry this was all about me. I do wish everyone a way better 2021, and for those of you who are struggling, my thoughts truly are with you. I just can't type it all out right now.

This IS the place for it @mrs-b...I feel so bad that you are in such pain. You have been through so much the last year with going in and out of the hospital....I know that you’re a trooper. If you say it’s bad it must be a thousand times worse. Don’t discount 2021 yet. You WILL get your surgery...The doctors WILL find out what the heck is going on...and patch you up like new. Hang in there. You have people here that care about you. One day we will have to have a get together for a covid free, pain free, trouble free, bling filled fun time. Big but Gentle hugs... ❤️


Jun 17, 2009
Hi all! - as usual, will do my best to catch up -

@Austina, such happy news about Bertie - So wonderful of Adam and Kim. He seems like such a sweet dog. Lol to your announcement, I admit I fell for it! Sorry I missed your anniversary - congratulations on 42 years, that is wonderful. I hope you and Colin can get the vaccine soon.

@Scandi, your new bracelet is really beautiful. It looks perfect on you and so sweet of your dh to gift it to you.

@missy, I'm sorry to see there's a complication to Greg's surgery. His surgeon sounds very capable and seems to have a good understanding of the situation. I know all of this waiting adds to the stress so it's good that his surgery is in two weeks. Very sorry you guys are dealing with this and I'm keeping good thoughts that all goes well.
Your new earrings are truly stunning, very gorgeous diamonds and the settings are so pretty too.

@MamaBee, what a beautiful diamond and great upgrade, you must be so excited.

Hi there @rainwood and @LLJsmom!

@Bayek, I was glad to read your family is doing well...I hope things are ok with you.

@marcy, I'm sorry about Marty's gym windows and the stress of the accident. How bizarre that the police reacted that way. Love the pics of your sapphire ring, so pretty. Very nice that your sil is visiting. I'm glad the rental car worked out for Marty and he's in better spirits. It does feel really weird not having a car.

@MMtwo, I was glad to see things worked out well with your friend's car situation. It was really nice of you to do all of that for him. How great that he will have more independence now. Your new gold pearl earrings are so pretty and look great on you.

@mrs-b, oh no, I am so sorry you've taken a turn for the worse recently and are in such pain. I hope something can be done soon to help you. I truly hope 2021 is a year of recovery and good health for you.

@GK2, what an incredibly difficult thing to go through. I can only imagine how hard it's been. I am so sorry about your husband's illness and I hope he continues exceeding expectations.

Not much new here...things are good. We got to see ds and dd over the Christmas holiday so that was really nice.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIRDI’s! Happy New Year!!!

@MamaBee nice to move your cushion to a simple ring. It’s always fun to change rings up with a new setting.

@Austina you have been in 2021 several hours already. Sweet.

@mrs-b the NIRDI’s Bling chart - sounds like a winner. I am so sorry you are in such pain; that makes everything a challenge. Good luck with your tests and appointments this coming week and sending you mega dust to find some much needed relief. Big hugs to you.

@junebug17 we were talking today about how we understand the difficulties people have when they do finally decide they need to quit driving. It is totally about independence. That is great you spent time with DD and DS at Christmas.

Hi @Scandivanian @LLJsmom and @Polabowla

We picked up takeout from Olive Garden for supper. I had chicken parm and already had to make an Alka Seltzer. I'd best not eat chicken for a while. Phooey. We had cookies and mini cheesecakes as well. I have some Austi chilling. We've been watching movies tonight.

Work seemed to last forever today. Marty and his sister hung out downstairs while I worked. About 3:30 I started taking down the Snoopy village on the mantle and small decorations around the living room. Tomorrow the tree comes down and hopefully the snow melts enough Marty can take down the outside decorations this weekend.

We got a honey baked ham delivered today from my aunt so that will be lunch tomorrow. I'll put out the last of the Christmas cookies and dinner rolls. January 2nd will be back to reality.

Take care.


Nov 15, 2019
Hi everyone; apologies for not being able to read & respond to everyones posts, but sending gentle hugs & healing dust to all!


Jun 8, 2008
Happy New Year lovely ladies!

@mrs-b Greg and I are sending bucketloads of healing dust and much love your way. May relief be yours sooner vs later and may this year of 2021 become sweeter and sweeter and leave 2020 behind in the dust. Wishing good health and blingy joy to you and your loved ones. XOXO.

@Scandinavian aww thank you sweetheart and right back at ya. You and your family are in my thoughts and sending you lots of love.

@Austina sending you love and light and all that is good. I am holding your words of optimism in my heart. Thank you. Happy New Year. XOXO.

@LLJsmom my dear friend, thank you for allowing me along on your journey. It brings me joy to see you happy and I thoroughly love seeing your thought process as you evaluate and decide. Wishing you and your sweet amazing family all the best in this New Year. Hugs and love.

@rainwood thank you for your unwavering support and love and sending you much love and all the best for a healthy New Year filled with love and joy.

@MamaBee my companion in blingy delight. Wishing you a sweet New Year filled with love and goodness. XOXO.

@Slick1 wishing you and your wonderful family health, happiness and lots and lots of joy. Hugs.

@marcy dear happy New Year. Hope you and Marty have a wonderful holiday weekend and wishing you all the best. Hugs to you and all your furry bears and even the killer bunnies.You are quite right. January 2nd will be here fast. But we will be ready. XOXO.

@bling_dream19 dear friend sending you big hugs and lots of love and wishing you a 2021 filled with all you hope for and dream deserve nothing less. XOXO.

@canuk-gal dear Sharon sending you much love and good wishes and hoping for you a year filled with sweetness and health and lots of love. Hugs.

@junebug17 thank you for your good wishes and sending you lots of good wishes and hugs. May you and your family have a wonderful New Year.

@GK2 I am keeping you and your DH in my thoughts and prayers and sending you so many good wishes. May you reach your 25th wedding anniversary and beyond and may your DH keep astounding and amazing the doctors with his recovery. Big hugs to you all.

@Keeliamira hope you are doing well my lovely friend. Wishing you continued good health with a full recovery and much love today tomorrow and always. XOXO.

@sarahb NIRDI namer, you are in my thoughts. Wishing you and yours a 2021 filled with love and good health and blingy joy. XOXO.

@SallyBrown happy New Year to you and your family. May your operation go smoothly. Hugs.

@MarionC wishing you a year filled with love and blingy joy. XOXO

@Polabowla thank you so much and wishing you the best year filled with lots of love and good things. XOXO.

@AV_ I don't know if you are reading but I am thinking of you and hoping you are doing well. Sending you hugs.

@Niffler75 happy New Year dear and wishing you all the best. XOXO.

@PierreBear happy New Year to you and your DH. Hugs.

@Bayek Great Kate, the wise and wonderful. May your new home bring you much happiness and good health. Hugs to you and your incredible warm wonderful family. XOXO.

@MMtwo wishing you all the best and a happy healthy New Year. XOXO.

@CJ2008 sending you lots of love and all the best to you, your DH and your sweet kitties. Hugs to you all.

To anyone else I missed I am sending you lots of love and good wishes.

We had a great hike yesterday and a really lovely walk the day before. My new earrings arrived the other day and they are stunning. I cannot capture them in photos properly but will continue trying. I admit I am not patiently taking photos and got spoiled by Bubbalah because taking photos of her is effortless. She cannot take a bad photo. LOL. So yeah I am out of practice since Bubbalah practically takes photos of herself so easily.

Right after they arrived on Wednesday we went for a long walk along the trail and Greg took a perspective shot.

Screen Shot 2021-01-01 at 5.08.21 AM.png

And here's a selfie close up but it's not a great pic. I cannot seem to capture her beauty. I will keep trying when I have more energy.

Screen Shot 2021-01-01 at 5.09.50 AM.png

I took a few videos but they don't translate well on youtube as the quality is poor. I cannot get HD on youtube (probably because I am not paying for a youtube upgrade lol) so the video is fuzzy on youtube.

Here's the profile.


and face up.


On that note I am wishing each and everyone of you a happy, healthy and bright New Year. Filled with lots of love and blingy joy.


Sep 26, 2011
Hey @mrs-b this is absolutely the place to post what you're going through, especially if it makes even a little difference in how you feel. You are such an energetic, productive person and it must be torture not to be able to do the things you usually do. Your surgery cannot come soon enough, as far as I am concerned.


Jun 8, 2008
Hey @mrs-b this is absolutely the place to post what you're going through, especially if it makes even a little difference in how you feel. You are such an energetic, productive person and it must be torture not to be able to do the things you usually do. Your surgery cannot come soon enough, as far as I am concerned.

@springerspaniel! Happy and healthy New Year to you! I wanted to say (but of course forgot in my first post this AM) how much I appreciate your friendship. Wishing you the best in 2021. Good health, much love and lots and lots of blingy joy. XOXO.


Feb 24, 2017
Happy New Year wonderful NIRDIS


@missy, I’m so glad your earrings arrived safely, beautiful bright sparks in what’s been the most challenging of years. I continue to try and only think positive thoughts because after last year, I can’t not, it’s the only way to cope. Colin asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I said nothing, but now you have me thinking I’d like some OEC or OMC studs. Geez, you ladies are such enablers :lol: I’ll think about it for next b’day and Christmas, because I don’t want to deal with international shipping.

Ugh @mrs-b I’m so sorry you have so much to contend with, it’s always so cruel for one person to have to suffer with so much. I hope all your appts go well and you finally get some resolution and respite from all this crap life has dealt you. Sometimes getting it out helps, so let it all out!

Have a peaceful and restful day @marcy, I just couldn’t face the thought of packing Christmas stuff up, that’s why I didn’t bother to put any out, and I can’t say I’ve missed it. Oh no to the chicken parm causing you problems. Just hoping next year will be completely different.

Thank you @junebug17, Bertie is a little sweetheart and doing so well with them, we can’t wait to meet him. How lovely to be able to see DS & DD over Christmas, that must’ve been so great and really brightened your holiday.

Do you know when you’ll be getting ‘Beauty’ @MamaBee, you must be so excited? Shatzie may not say how much you’re loved and appreciated, but in this instance, actions speak louder than words. Hope all is well with your gang.

To all the other lovely NIRDIs, I may not have written the sentiments in the above quote, but I’m sending them to each and every one of you, and really hope that we all go in to 2021 and achieve them.



Jun 8, 2008
Ummm @Austina all I could see is you might be interested in getting old cut studs. Girrrrl I’m on it. Just say the word. No one ever *needed* bling lol. Think how much Bella would enjoy some company. :halo:


Jan 3, 2013
Happy New Years dear NIRDIs!!

@missy gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. ‘Nuff said! You know I adore these and they are perfect on you!! Warm vibes and hugs for you and Greg!

@mrs-b good lord, I am so sorry you aren’t feeling well at all! I’ve been there with spinal nerve pain radiating down the body. I had neck surgery (harms cage and discectomy etc) so if you’d like some reassurance/support (shoulder to cry on) please reach out. I think you have my email? Good luck this week with your appointments.

@MamaBee cannot wait to see your new diamond and bling projects come to life!!

Blessings for a healthy and happy New Year to you all!! What a wonderful group of ladies you are!! ❤️


Sep 20, 2009
Good Morning and Happy New Year!

@missy those studs look AMAZING on you. I am in awe. When you can see them that white at ...what 10 feet away? :) I am so happy for you and I hope they make your heart sing.

MamaBee...Looking forward to your ring pictures too.

For all the NIRDI, all you beautiful ladies, I am sending love and wishes for a healthy, prosperous new year full of love and joy. XOXOXO


Aug 18, 2013
Happy New Year, NIRDIs!

@missy - I love those earrings! And you look SO AWESOME in cobalt! How are you holding up? And how are YOU feeling, health-wise? I've been thinking of you, as always....

@marcy - you are so right about getting back to reality re food. We've managed to get rid of all the cookies, fruit pudding and chocolate - so keto is starting to approach once more. I'm looking forward to it, in fact, as keto tends to lower my inflammation levels and all my joints feel better when I don't eat sugar of any kind.

@Austina! Diamond studs?? Lordy - it was like throwing a juicy steak into a lion's den! I swear my head shot up and my ears pricked! I vote DO IT! Thank you for your kind words re my health; I'm hoping one more round of blood tests will confirm ankylosing spondylitis, and at that point I'll go on Humira - which I've already been approved for, for my Crohn's. I've been trying to put it off till I got the vaccine, but I know when I'm beat and I'm beat now.

@Slick1 - Happy New Year to you! How did the cage surgery work for you? Did you get relief? Man, if we all combined all our health issues, we'd be able to cover a lot of big bases: neck surgery is no joke.

@springerspaniel - thank you so much! I'm counting off the days myself - not that I have a date, mind you, but one should be coming pretty soon.

@MamaBee - I can't WAIT to see your new diamond! Will you do tapered baguette sides? You have three very different, large diamond rings at this point - I admire your fortitude in selling any of them! Since they're each so different, personally, I don't think I'd have the self restraint. I don't wear my EC terribly often, but I don't think I could sell it. For the occasional time I *do* wear it, I get so much pleasure from it, it's worth it.

@MMtwo - happy new year to you, too! Did you do anything for New year's? Did you wear your beautiful new pearls??

@GK2 - the story of your husband's health journey is remarkable. Prayers that it continues to defy expectations and that this year is one of health and happiness for you both.

@junebug17 - hugs to you and very best wishes for an outstanding 2021! (...and I feel, after the year we've had, that I need to qualify that I mean that in a good way!)

@Bayek - Happy New Year, my friend! How goes the new house? How goes your peace of mind?? House moving is one of those things designed to send one out of one's ever-loving. I hope all is well with you and that life in 2021 is calm and wonderful. ox

@canuk-gal - I hope all is well with you and that the coming year is one filled with all good things.

@bling_dream19 - wishing you a happy, blingy new year! Altho - your 2020 bling year was extraordinary, so I'd be interested to see you top it! I loved seeing your 'best 3 of 2020' post - what a gorgeous collection you have! One day soon, you need to do a "Bling's collection" thread: I'd love to see that!

@Sally Brown - how are you? I saw Missy refer to an operation, but have missed this up till now. Can you share what's coming up? And how is your dog? Is he/she doing well since the new drugs regime? Happy New year to you and yours!

@Scandinavian - I hope all is well with you and your beautiful canines! I posted a couple of new photos of my setters in the fur babies photos thread and thought of you. Happy new year to you!

@Niffler75 - how is everything going? I hope all is well in your world....

@Polabowla - best wishes to you for a happy 2021 and a year filled with peace and good health!

Not a lot to report on my end. Waiting for next week and all the tests and appointments that, hopefully, will bring some clarity on what's been going on with my body for years now. Ankylosing spondylitis is the one thing that would explain everything. It was eye-popping for me to read the disparate, random list of symptoms and recognize every single one in myself. Things I'd never even bothered to tell doctors because it just sounded too weird and made up. Like - itchy, inflamed eyes. Calcified lumps on my shins. A fluttery pulse. Pain in my ribs. Aching knees. Pain in my butt - literally! I mean, who'd have thought there was one condition that generates all those random issues?? Now, of course, I look back and wonder why on earth I wasn't told about this before. About 30% of people with Crohn's have arthritis as a result of their Crohn's - why did nobody ask about this or put this together? I put it down to the over-specializing that goes on in the medical field these days: my gastro won't look at anything outside the gut, while my cardiologist won't look outside the heart. But what happens when the gut generates problems in the heart? Those things slip through the cracks. Anyway, fingers crossed that I get a diagnosis along with Crohn's, and that Humira proves to be the silver bullet I've been looking for.

In the meantime, love and hugs to every single NIRDI. May 2021 be all good things for us all! And, as a friend of mine posted on her FB page....

"I don't want to hear anybody claiming 2021 as 'their year'. We're going to to keep quiet and walk in softly. Don't. Touch. ANYTHING."

Ain't that the truth?


Aug 18, 2013
Last year, NPR asked listeners to write a rhyming couplet to celebrate the new year. I wrote a whole poem and thought I'd share it here, if that's ok. It's called...

January 2nd


By end of year the world will see
That I am a much better me.

Instead of nagging at my spouse
I’ll drop some pounds and clean my house.

I’m keto-bound to lose some fat
And staying right off Facebook chat.

Instead of coffee, I’m drinking tea -
The herbal stuff – oh, holy me!

Tho this one’s pretty sure to tank -
I’m putting dollars in the bank.

And I’ll be gracious instead of mean -
And the whole damn household’s going green!

A better example I will set
On how to treat the family pet:

I’ll walk the dog an hour a day
And throw the dog-walker away!

I’ll be more sober and full of grace
And use less chemicals on my face;

I’ll try more of those fructose peels
Without loss of my feminist ideals.

I’ll teach my kids some better morals
And how to skip the petty quarrels.

I’ll be so good you won’t believe
How much my new self will achieve!

I’ll live my life to inspire others
Sister, brother, fathers, mothers!

So awesome will I strive to be
That all will want to be like me!

I’ll smile through all the rainy weather
Now I’ve got my life together.

And people will look at me in awe
Compared to how they did before..........

The weeks will pass and time will tell
If I’ll do this badly or do it well.

I’m guessing badly – I know myself -
Half of these plans are on the shelf….



Mar 31, 2018
Last year, NPR asked listeners to write a rhyming couplet to celebrate the new year. I wrote a whole poem and thought I'd share it here, if that's ok. It's called...

January 2nd


By end of year the world will see
That I am a much better me.

Instead of nagging at my spouse
I’ll drop some pounds and clean my house.

I’m keto-bound to lose some fat
And staying right off Facebook chat.

Instead of coffee, I’m drinking tea -
The herbal stuff – oh, holy me!

Tho this one’s pretty sure to tank -
I’m putting dollars in the bank.

And I’ll be gracious instead of mean -
And the whole damn household’s going green!

A better example I will set
On how to treat the family pet:

I’ll walk the dog an hour a day
And throw the dog-walker away!

I’ll be more sober and full of grace
And use less chemicals on my face;

I’ll try more of those fructose peels
Without loss of my feminist ideals.

I’ll teach my kids some better morals
And how to skip the petty quarrels.

I’ll be so good you won’t believe
How much my new self will achieve!

I’ll live my life to inspire others
Sister, brother, fathers, mothers!

So awesome will I strive to be
That all will want to be like me!

I’ll smile through all the rainy weather
Now I’ve got my life together.

And people will look at me in awe
Compared to how they did before..........

The weeks will pass and time will tell
If I’ll do this badly or do it well.

I’m guessing badly – I know myself -
Half of these plans are on the shelf….


I loved this @mrs-b! I smiled reading the whole poem..=)2


Jan 23, 2016
Last year, NPR asked listeners to write a rhyming couplet to celebrate the new year. I wrote a whole poem and thought I'd share it here, if that's ok. It's called...

January 2nd


By end of year the world will see
That I am a much better me.

Instead of nagging at my spouse
I’ll drop some pounds and clean my house.

I’m keto-bound to lose some fat
And staying right off Facebook chat.

Instead of coffee, I’m drinking tea -
The herbal stuff – oh, holy me!

Tho this one’s pretty sure to tank -
I’m putting dollars in the bank.

And I’ll be gracious instead of mean -
And the whole damn household’s going green!

A better example I will set
On how to treat the family pet:

I’ll walk the dog an hour a day
And throw the dog-walker away!

I’ll be more sober and full of grace
And use less chemicals on my face;

I’ll try more of those fructose peels
Without loss of my feminist ideals.

I’ll teach my kids some better morals
And how to skip the petty quarrels.

I’ll be so good you won’t believe
How much my new self will achieve!

I’ll live my life to inspire others
Sister, brother, fathers, mothers!

So awesome will I strive to be
That all will want to be like me!

I’ll smile through all the rainy weather
Now I’ve got my life together.

And people will look at me in awe
Compared to how they did before..........

The weeks will pass and time will tell
If I’ll do this badly or do it well.

I’m guessing badly – I know myself -
Half of these plans are on the shelf….


You’re really talented! Such a good laugh! But so true LOL


Jun 8, 2008
GM lovely ladies!

@mrs-b that doesn't surprise me sadly. You are so right. Specialists are focused on their area of expertise and often miss looking at the person as a whole being with everything connected. I am relieved for you to have figured out the diagnosis that puts it all together for now true relief can and will be yours. LOVE your poem. Whimsical and meaningful at the same time. XO.

@Slick1 thank you sweet friend. You rock. Sending you so many good wishes and much love.

@MMtwo thank you so much and wishing you the sweetest New Year filled with love and blingy joy. XOXO.

@bling_dream19 hope your New Year is off to a fantastic start and you have a wonderful New Year weekend. Hugs.

@Scandinavian thank you sweet lady. Are you wearing the studs you got when you visited us daily? Did you ever do a thread about them? Gorgeous photos. The snow is bright and alive and your pups are picture purrrfect as my crew would say haha. Hugs to you dear Scandi.

@MamaBee speaking of smiling I cannot stop smiling thinking of your new ring to be. It's going to be a rocking New Year for the NIRDIs :)

@springerspaniel when you have the energy and time please update us as to how the paper was received and how all is going in your world. Hugs.

@GK2 continuing to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers and sending ((((hugs)))) and healing vibes your way. XO.

@marcy happy New Year and hope you are off to a good start enjoying a wonderful weekend. XO.

@Austina let me know when you are ready and I am ready to search for you. I have (been told) a keen eye for old cut bling. Just saying...:)

@junebug17 did you spend New Year's Eve with your children? How are they doing? Hope all is well and life is sweet. XO.

@Bayek Great Kate, happy New Year in your happy new (and gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous) new home. Lots of love.

Hi to everyone else. Keeping good thoughts for everyone.

We had a lovely walk along the Ocean's trail yesterday and saw awe inspiring wildlife. Seals all over the Bay. AMAZING.
I took video but I haven't shared it on Youtube yet so will share some photos of it here instead for now. I mean it was incredible seeing the seals enjoying themselves playing in the sea and playing they were. Snorting and jumping and frolicking. It made our hearts sing to see them so happy.

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And of course there were deer everywhere now that the crowds have gone. Thank goodness.

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Literally everywhere there were sweet does and bucks.

We had a wonderful walk and it was a great way to welcome the New Year in and hopefully the start of good things to come. Wishing everyone here good health and lots of love.



Aug 18, 2013

These photos are delightful! Your other house is in....Brooklyn, yes? How long does it take you to get from one to the other? I've always wanted a vacation home within 2-3 hours drive from my main home. Unfortunately, living in Boston, I picked...Sydney for my second house. Hmmmm...what's wrong with this picture?

I can't believe you have such amazing animals just hangin' out so close to where you live. How wonderful this world can be! Happy Saturday, @missy!


Jun 8, 2008
These photos are delightful! Your other house is in....Brooklyn, yes? How long does it take you to get from one to the other? I've always wanted a vacation home within 2-3 hours drive from my main home. Unfortunately, living in Boston, I picked...Sydney for my second house. Hmmmm...what's wrong with this picture?

I can't believe you have such amazing animals just hangin' out so close to where you live. How wonderful this world can be! Happy Saturday, @missy!

Thank you @mrs-b! Yes the 2 homes are about 70 minutes apart or so depending on traffic. It's one of the reasons we chose the Jersey Shore. The proximity to our other home is excellent and it is also close in distance to the city.

I pinch myself daily with all the amazing wondrous wildlife we are surrounded by. It's heaven for animal lovers like us.
Looking forward to the day we can have you and Tim as our guests here.


Jun 8, 2008
My sweet friend called me this morning telling me her husband wants to drive us to the hospital January 13th because he loves his friend and wants to help. I cried. I also said thank you to both of them but we cannot impose during Covid.

I mean it’s putting her husband at risk plus it’s a loooong drive due to the surgery being on a weekday and we have to be there by 10AM. Unfortunately Greg is the second surgery that day. My guess is the surgeon wants to get the first easier surgery done first and then concentrate on Greg’s complicated surgery.

But I am so touched that her husband offered. Sometimes I feel isolated here during the pandemic not being able to see our friends. And I didn’t even tell her til last night when she called to catch up. Like I said in a previous post I haven’t been up to discussing it in real life. Online it’s much easier.

Just wanted to share that.
Thanks for listening. :)
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