
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007

@springerspaniel you know I keep thinking of the song “Great Balls of Fire” - goodness gracious. Good luck with success on your article.

@canul-gal what is even sadder is my great work of fiction must have been so unbelievable what I filled in was gone this afternoon. I tweaked it this morning and forgot to choose on option at the bottom so went in this afternoon and it was a blank form again. I asked my boss if maybe he pulled it and was doing his review but he said no. I did tell him it was some of my best fiction work.

@missy I can spot Greg in that picture. Yay for getting the new generator up and running. Be careful with that ankle but yes I know you have other things on your mind. Glad you keep enjoying lovely walks.

@mrs-b glad my “incident” brought a smile to your face. The 3 of us were laughing about it most of Sunday. Last night though I started accusing my SIL of tripping me because she wanted to see me cry. It’s all in good fun. I do still have that one sore spot on my buttock but I only notice it on certain surfaces. I enjoyed seeing your smiling face, tree and garlands. I miss my lights in here but the outdoor lights are still going.

@Austina I think I’ll copy your line and put it in my appraisal - since it appears I need to do it again. I can make up crap about myself like crazy. Darn that you are in lockdown again.

I did wake up about 5 and kind of slept off and on till 6. Work was busy and cold; I love have cold air blowing on me all day. I wrapped up in a blanket, scarf and put on an extra sweater and survived the day.

My SIL called me about 4:15 to see what I wanted for supper. She picked us up some Arby’s and we watched some more episodes of Yellowstone. Down to 12 episodes left to watch. She will be with us through January unless she gets sick of us first. She has an AIRBNB rented for February right now.

We have a lovely snow storm blow in about 4 today; kind of nasty out there,

They called Marty about his pickup today. They don’t expect it to be done until the 26th. The liner in the bed has a bend in it; they are going to try and pull it out. If that cracks though they will have to replace the whole box and get it sprayed again. He has an app on his phone for his pickup and he kept getting alerts today that his parking sensors weren’t working. Too funny. And he got the window replaced finally at the gym. He called the glass company yesterday and they said “we’ve had it in since last week but you didn’t call us” - um maybe they might want to notify the customer - hey your glass is ready. A novel idea.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
GM lovely ladies!

@marcy I'm sorry Marty's truck won't be ready til the 26th but at least they are going to do it right and not rush and do a sloppy job. Glad he got the glass window replaced at the gym. Lots of crazy stuff happening but one thing at a time. Ugh to another snow storm and hope it's gone by now and nice and calm by you. We are expecting a storm here Friday into Saturday. Fingers crossed our new generator works lol. Our original electrician Pat texted us yesterday AM to say hey he finally hired two new guys and they can come to install the generator next week. Oy to the vey. So Greg let him know it was getting installed at that moment and Pat texted back OK make sure they test that the Transfer switch transfers. I feel bad because I really like Pat but we waited three months and he sometimes didn't even text back to say hey you're still on the list. He couldn't get any help for those months. Anyway we are hoping we can still use him for the maintenance though Greg and I liked the new electrician guy who was here yesterday. We shall see.

Glad your SIL is staying with you through January and has an AirBnB for February. Hoping everyone stays well. Nice she picked up dinner for you yesterday. Glad you are enjoying Yellowstone. I never heard of it and will check it out. If I remember haha. I am sorry you are dealing with cold air blowing on you at work. I remember and don't miss those days. At all. The worst part of work for me was being uncomfortable temperature wise. Hope you are comfy at work today Marcy.

@Slick1 hope when the kids come back to school the appropriate safety measures are in place and yes to getting your vaccine as soon as you can. We are way down on the list but teachers should be near the top of that list.

@Austina hope you are getting to exercise/walk outside as often as the lockdown allows and all is going well. Thinking of you and sending you lots of good vibes.

@MamaBee woohoo you had a productive bling day. You go girl!

@Scandinavian hope this first week of the new year is going well for you.

@Sunstorm thanks for the earring love and right back at ya. Swoon!

@bling_dream19 how is your week going speaking of swoon I hope your swoon worthy collection is keeping you filled with sparkly joy and that your work week isn't too demanding.

@mrs-b how are you feeling? You are in my and Greg's thoughts daily. Sending you continued healing vibes and hugs.

@MMtwo hope you are enjoying a good week.

@springerspaniel good morning and hope all is going smoothly.

Hi to everyone else. Hope this first week of the New Year is going well. Sending you all hugs and love.

Leaving you with a sweet Christmas tree that is being left up for now in the woods on the river. Love it and I bet at night it is even more beautiful.

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Hugs to you girls.


Jun 8, 2008
Oh and Gracie is (can be) a love. Last night as we watched a murder mystery on HBO MAX (riveting documentary series actually) Gracie climbed onto my lap and kept me snuggly warm. Even with the fire going I could use some kitty love and warmth always. :)

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Jun 8, 2008
Greg took a photo for me to share with you. Haha PS. Bling, love, pandemics, health, food, trips, furry babies, wildlife, friendships and generators to name but a few of the many varied topics. :lol:

All new and shiny :)


Mar 31, 2018
Greg took a photo for me to share with you. Haha PS. Bling, love, pandemics, health, food, trips, furry babies, wildlife, friendships and generators to name but a few of the many varied topics. :lol:

All new and shiny :)

Very pretty! :lol:It actually looks like a cooler!


Jun 8, 2008
Happy birthday Joanne!!!
May all your dreams continue coming true. XOXO ❤️❤️❤️



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

@missy, I’ve just emailed you some information from Adam. Just in case you want to order some for Greg’s hospital stay.

Wow, that does look like a cooler, it’s very neat and compact, and I hope it’s working. Glad you had a good walk and awww to Gracie cuddling up with you.

Happy birthday @MamaBee, I hope you’re able to make the best of it given the circumstances, but at least you’Ve got your gorgeous diamond to look forward to. Any update?

Good news Marty’s got the window fixed, but oy to having to wait until the 28th to get his truck back @marcy. As long as they do it properly, it’ll be worth the wait. Feel free to copy and paste my appraisal, I’m sure it‘s accurate and probably doesn’t go far enough in singing your praises :lol:

We finished the stair well today, so I‘ve painted a few more doors, just to keep my hand in :mrgreen: My neck and shoulders are really aching now.

We were supposed to be going on our South American cruise today, but, well, it just wasn’t meant to be :roll:

We’ve decided that we won’t go out to the shops for the next 4 weeks, we’ve ordered fruit from the local man we used at the start of this, and will keep doing so, plus our regular delivery, so we’ll be fine. It’s freezing here today, so when I finished this afternoon, I didn’t feel like going out for a walk. Maybe tomorrow .

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well, I’m heading to bed early tonight, take care :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004

Happy Birthday @MamaBee !! Hope you had a great day!



Feb 21, 2019
Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday!
Happy wonderful birthday to @MamaBee we are all soo excited for your new ring and bangle!
@missy How are your earrings feeling? Hopefully glamorous and comfortable! I get the indention too when I wear my studs and jackets. Thinking about you and Greg always. Workweek is going well, I've planned in a little time for myself each day so that is helping. And my day was brightened because my honeymoon ring had been with DK bc a little diamond popped out and he fixed it and it was delivered back to me today. 804678
Oh how I missed her!
@marcy You write so well and you gave me a chuckle just like @mrs-b about you being blown over. You're strong and you survived thankfully!
@Austina I like modern furniture too and mid century stylings. You're killing it on the home updating!
Shoutout to all nirdis! Sending love and hugs.


Feb 27, 2007


Aug 18, 2013
Happy birthday, @MamaBee! I'm sorry I'm late - but I hope it was wonderful.

@Austina - I like all sorts of decorative styles, and I like calm, tho I'm not a fan of drab. I like an off white palette, tho. So I'm guessing I'll love your final look. Looking forward to seeing photos - but take it easy on your neck and shoulders - ouch!

@missy - T and I keep talking about getting a generator...and never do! We need to get around to it. I'm totally jealous of yours! I want to be that one, annoying house with all its lights still on when the power goes out! *Please* be careful with that ankle! Still sending out warm thoughts for you and Greg every day.

@bling_dream19 - I'm so glad you got your gorgeous ring back - I love that ring! I think it's a great idea to plan a little time for yourself every day - please take care of you!

@marcy - what a pain in the neck re Marty's truck. Hopefully they'll do a GREAT job with it tho, and it will be worthwhile.

@Scandinavian - dang, girl! I absolutely love your bracelet with that sweat - the color tones are just delicious! Very wintery and warm looking. Love it!

@canuk-gal - I remember those moonstone earrings - delicious!

I saw the orthopedist yesterday, and she said I'll need a knee replacement at some point - probably sooner than later. This is no surprise - persistent inflammation from Crohn's / arthritis has eaten away the cartilage in my knees, my spine, my neck and my shoulders. My wrists are going, too. Everything grinds when I put weight on it and clicks a whole bunch. She also referred me to an orthopedic oncologist for lumps in my shin and thigh. I was feeling pretty flat and sorry for myself, so decided to come home and take down my Christmas tree just to celebrate *another* impending surgery and 2 new specialists. :(

On the up side - my new bedhead arrived and I'm hoping T will install it this weekend. My bedroom looks SO haphazard at the moment - a little cohesion would be a good thing. Don't think it will happen for the next couple of months, but we'll get there.

Here are a few photos of my bedroom currently. How we arrived at this general mish-mash of furniture, I have no idea; I guess it just kinda happened. The chest of drawers has already been replaced with something much nicer, and the new bed matches that. I've ordered a new bench - coordinated in color, but not matching *precisely*, and bedside tables will be in a month or two. Then carpet. I have a beautiful new embroidery I want to put up, but can't quite work out where / how. It's big, Probably above the bed, and I'll move the antique etchings currently there. And so it goes on....






Jun 8, 2008
GM lovely ladies!

@Austina thank you so much for the helpful link. Hope you had a good night's sleep and much deserved rest. Sorry the weather is cold and not nice by you and you weren't able to walk yesterday. Hopefully today you can...winter is in full action here too. XO.

@bling_dream19 oooh your honeymoon ring is looking as good as new. GORGEOUS. Glad you had your day brightened yesterday and thank you always for your well wishes and warm support. Sending much love your way too and looking forward to a brighter year this year. Thinking good thoughts for all of us. Big hugs.

@mrs-b your bedroom is a peaceful haven from the chaos all around us. Lovely. I am so sorry for all your health challenges but I know in my heart everything is going to work out and will be OK. Continued healing vibes being sent your way and thank you for your well wishes for us too. Big hugs.

@Slick1 good morning and hope it's a good day today. XO.

@MamaBee happy day after your birthday. Sweet your DH brought takeout home last night. It's the best we can expect in a pandemic. Hoping we all get our next birthdays in a non pandemic. Are you finding out today about the new cert? I have no clue how long it takes and now thinking about it I am guessing it will take at least a few days. Good luck. XO.

@marcy hope the week is going well and that Marty gets his truck back sooner than expected and your SIL's visit is going smoothly. XO.

Hi @springerspaniel

Hi @canuk-gal

Hi to everyone else. Hope a good week is being enjoyed by all.
We had a good hike yesterday despite the very chilly winds and temps. Today is even colder. This morning Greg has another mole biopsy to rule out melanoma. It came back suspicious on his mole safe test so just another unpleasant task and hoping this biopsy is negative.:pray:

Afterwards we are planning to hike if time permits. Enjoy a wonderful Thursday. XOXO.

Some silhouette action. Can you tell what the second silhouette is showing? :lol:

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And a much better photo of the Christmas tree on the dock in the river.

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Tiny but mighty. Have a great day girls!


Jun 8, 2008
I decided to insure my OEC studs. I’m now covered for Bubbalah and Mary Ann and Ginger.


Nov 15, 2019
I'm trying (unsuccessfully) not to panic. My son might have tested positive on a spit test in school (results were unclear).
It will be so dangerous if dh or i catch covid because of serious medical issues.
He got a pcr test, results early next week.
I staved off the anxiety a bit today, but now i am truly terrified & trying not to cry.
I don't even know how he would have been exposed.


Mar 31, 2018
I'm trying (unsuccessfully) not to panic. My son might have tested positive on a spit test in school (results were unclear).
It will be so dangerous if dh or i catch covid because of serious medical issues.
He got a pcr test, results early next week.
I staved off the anxiety a bit today, but now i am truly terrified & trying not to cry.
I don't even know how he would have been exposed.

Oh @Polabowla I hope your son’s test comes back negative. It may be a good idea to wear masks even in the house. Can you isolate him until the test comes back? How old is he?


Nov 15, 2019
He is 15; tests were taken yesterday in school but we only found out today. So he hasn't been isolated or masked at home.
I think he is scared too but trying not to show it.
Dh is trying to be calm but is supposed to have a very crucial dr visit on Monday- idk if he can go (depending on how fast results get back). Im nervous about the outcome of that visit too. And all together im crazy anxious.


Jan 9, 2015
I'm trying (unsuccessfully) not to panic. My son might have tested positive on a spit test in school (results were unclear).
It will be so dangerous if dh or i catch covid because of serious medical issues.
He got a pcr test, results early next week.
I staved off the anxiety a bit today, but now i am truly terrified & trying not to cry.
I don't even know how he would have been exposed.

Gentle hugs to you and buckets and buckets of anti Covid dust!!!!

The non PRC rapid test has known false positives ( which is well documented and very openly communicated - in case anyone is reading along and not familiar with this). So fingers crossed it turns amount A -OK!!!!!!!


Jan 9, 2015
He is 15; tests were taken yesterday in school but we only found out today. So he hasn't been isolated or masked at home.
I think he is scared too but trying not to show it.
Dh is trying to be calm but is supposed to have a very crucial dr visit on Monday- idk if he can go (depending on how fast results get back). Im nervous about the outcome of that visit too. And all together im crazy anxious.

And more dust to speed up things for you guys!!!!


Jun 8, 2008
I'm trying (unsuccessfully) not to panic. My son might have tested positive on a spit test in school (results were unclear).
It will be so dangerous if dh or i catch covid because of serious medical issues.
He got a pcr test, results early next week.
I staved off the anxiety a bit today, but now i am truly terrified & trying not to cry.
I don't even know how he would have been exposed.

Sending you and your son bucketloads of good luck wishes and lots and lots of healing dust. ((((HUGS)))).


Mar 31, 2018
He is 15; tests were taken yesterday in school but we only found out today. So he hasn't been isolated or masked at home.
I think he is scared too but trying not to show it.
Dh is trying to be calm but is supposed to have a very crucial dr visit on Monday- idk if he can go (depending on how fast results get back). Im nervous about the outcome of that visit too. And all together im crazy anxious.

@Polabowla When did your son have the test to confirm? Even if he had the test done yesterday you should have the test results back before your husband’s appointment on Monday.
I would still wear masks in the house and have your son isolate until the test comes back. He’s old enough to explain to him that he would be a risk to you and your husband. I’m hoping it’s negative and your husband can go to his important doctor visit on Monday.
Big hugs...


Nov 15, 2019
Thank you @MamaBee he was tested last night. Do labs run tests over the weekend? Last time my kids needed tests it took 3 or 4 days to get results, not over the weekend.

My youngest dd woke up with a face rash but no other symptoms. Taking her to pediatrician today.


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Oh no, I’m so sorry @Polabowla, keeping everything crossed that your DS is negative and none of you have been exposed. Hopefully DD’s rash is easily cured. As Kipari says, a lot of those tests have been shown to give false positives, so try and keep positive that’ll you’ll all be OK.

So glad you got your ring fixed @bling_dream19, it’s such a lovely piece. Did you ever do anything with the pale pink sapphire you originally bought?

Here you go @mrs-b, this is our bedroom, and please don’t feel obliged to say anything, I know my taste isn’t everyone’s cup of tea :lol: Can you spot the Wombat?

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This was Adam’s room at the top of the house


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Feb 24, 2017
Other 2 photos are a couple of the other bedrooms.

I can’t wait to see your bangle @MamaBee, I nearly missed that exciting project.

I hope Greg’s appointment went well today @missy, and that it’s all good news. Will you get the results straight away, or do you have to wait? Glad you were able to get out and walk yesterday and I see the silhouette of 2 people who are still in love despite the years they’ve been together!

Another freezing day here, I didn’t venture out, I stayed home and painted.

We had a FT call with a realtor yesterday. We’ve met her numerous times at open houses so have engaged her to find us a house. We’ve decided to start looking now because property prices are booming there, and anything that’s coming on the market is getting snapped up really quickly. She sent us a listing today, the accommodation looks perfect, but we don’t think the garden is going to be big enough for a pool. Adam is going to take Bertie for a walk past later and let us know.

We FT Sue & Rob today and spent 2 1/2 hours talking to them, then I called my friend Tracey, so that was our whole afternoon taken up, just gabbing :lol:

Needless to say, no plans for the weekend, hopefully I’ll get out for a walk tomorrow.

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well, keeping safe and sane! :wavey:


Sep 26, 2011
@springerspaniel -

What is the paper you've submitted? I'd love to hear about it!

@mrs-b you may regret that you asked...It's a systematic review of instruments measurng aggression and violence in psychiatric hospitals. Perhaps you would like a copy to help you get to sleep tonight! I am looking forward to hearing when you are feeling more comfortable. I can't imagine how difficult some days must be, just getting through everything and managing the pain. And yet you still have such an upbeat and positive attitude, and a wonderful smile!


Jun 8, 2008
Happy FriYAY girls.

Thank you @MamaBee he was tested last night. Do labs run tests over the weekend? Last time my kids needed tests it took 3 or 4 days to get results, not over the weekend.

My youngest dd woke up with a face rash but no other symptoms. Taking her to pediatrician today.

Thinking of you and your family @Polabowla and hoping you get good news. (((Hugs)))
I do think labs run tests over the weekend at least on Saturdays. By us they do. And in fact Greg is getting Covid tested this Sunday for his surgery on Wednesday. He has to drive to Staten Island to get tested at a Northwell facility as there are none in NJ but he is getting it done this Sunday.

@Austina I love your bedroom decor. Beautiful. Thanks for your continued good wishes. His biopsy was yesterday and we should know by next week I guess. Praying it's not melanoma and that is one thing we can cross off the list but we will deal with whatever we have to. Glad you are starting house hunting. That's smart. And you can always have Adam and Kim check out any serious contenders. Nice you had a good chat with Sue and Rob and your friend Tracey. Nothing like chatting with friends to cheer us up. XOXO.

@springerspaniel that sounds interesting to me lol. Hope you are looking forward to a lovely weekend. XOXO.

@mrs-b keeping good thoughts for you. People who have been through the mill health wise are the most empathetic people I have found. We get it because we live it. Sending you love and hugs and healing wishes.

@Slick1 yay it's FriYAY. Hope the weekend is a good one.

@MamaBee please try not to worry. You are doing the best thing IMO. Worth peace of mind. Hugs.

@bling_dream19 my sweet friend happy FriYAY and I hope work wasn't too demanding of your time this week and that you are planning a wonderful relaxing and fun weekend. Hugs.

Hi everyone else. We hiked the past 2 days and it was cold but fun. Two pretty challenging hikes. I am enjoying hiking and it is a nice change from cycling and works in the colder weather for us. Hope everyone's week is going well and a good weekend is upcoming. (((HUGS))).

Yesterday was sunny and today is not.

Yesterday's hike.

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Today's hike. We went to a new place today.

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Feb 21, 2019
Happy FriYAY!!!
@Austina I love your decor, clean and steamlined without too much in the room. I'm liking less and less in a room lol. But then I have nowhere to display pics put books lol! I still have my pink honeymoon sapphire from NYC I think I'll always keep it. Maybe I'll set it in a pendant with a halo. It will go to one of my nieces or my goddaughter but its loose currently. I also have my very very pale tourmaline too and I'd like to sell or donate that.
@missy hi sweet friend! Any fun leggings today? I'm getting my hair chopped tomorrow! Always wanted to do the locks for love thing and I've not cut my hair since the wedding so I'm due lol plus I'm ready to get rid of the length. Its probably down past middle of my back. Thinking about you and Greg, love and prayers always. Wish I could have joined you all for a hike today! Beautiful pics and nothing like taking a walk in the woods!
Sending love and hugs to all!


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!! :wavey:

I had a busy busy work week and today was a dental appt and errands. Oh the fun never ends! At least my tooth is improving. I ate a giant hamburger, onion ring and some sweet potato fries today--my stomach is packed! I haven't eaten that much in a week! LOL

@missy, your scenic hikes look wonderful. It was chilly today here but the bright cloudless sky makes my heart sing. Anyway, I have warm coats!!! Hope things are going well.

@bling_dream19 glad your lovely ring is fixed!

@Austina good luck on the real estate!



May 11, 2013
Hi Everyone.. @missy I have not read this site in a month at least, but I will try to tonight. Lots of things have happened and one thing is that the toilets (5) in the new house backed up alllll over the place, my best friend, has been in the hospital on and off for 4 weeks, she was placed on the heart transplant list, BUT much much to do to even GET a heart.. the country is insane.. the house has been a nightmare we got another bill for 80K more than we thought, the whole thing is a clusterFFFFF. so I wanted to stop in to say hi and love you guys and once the toilets are fixed, the outside kitchen is done, the pool is done, the thermador stove is screwed up, the shower doors aren't enough, Salley keeps getting sick.. today is 21 years ago that my mom died, yesterday was Genevieve's bday! she would have been 70! hah.. forever 65 now.. anyway, lots of crazy things, so again I say I will try to read up and come on more I had thought by now things would be better, they are not.. love you all.
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