
New cluster earrings to match my cluster ring. Ka-POW!!


May 1, 2007
What a lovely post - thanks for touching base and the catch-up. :wavey: Three teens will do it to you, for sure! I'm sorry for the 'heavier stuff' you've been carrying lately, and hope it moves past you and leaves you in good health and peace - both you and your family. And bling fixes are always a good thing, I think. :))

My Crohn's disease, tho improved since I started on Humira, continues to give me stick. I'm doing what I can to keep my head above water, but it's a lot of work. My back, too, which I had operated on 17 years ago, has been having a rough go of it, and I've been recommended for spinal fusion. But my insurance has turned it down twice because I haven't tried steroid injections - which I *can't* do, due to their effects on my blood glucose. So they're demanding something I just can't do. Thanks guys. Awesome. :roll2: 2.5 years ago it was cancer (6 monthly check up on Monday - always terrifying), and some weird inflammation thing in 2020 that has left me with scaring in my stomach and off-the-charts acid, which is, quite literally, a pain in the gut. So it's a lot and it's basically been illness and intermittent strong pain for about 3 years now, which is exhausting and, in turn, sets of my Crohn's - and round and round we go. But I can do gentle exercise (and do), 6 times a week, I still live a normal life, and recently leased a beautiful townhouse in California to get me out of the MA cold and into the Cali heat, which is good for my Crohn's. So I go back and forth between the two - which I love, because I have friends and my God-kids in LA and I love the weather - and also hate, because it takes me away from my DH and my dogs, and the regular relocation, which can make me feel a tad disorientated.

But as a woman I once knew said to me - "It could be worse, Mrs-B, we could be ugly." Or even worse - I could have ugly jewelry! Wouldn't *THAT* be awful! So, on balance, I'm a very fortunate woman and more than content with my lot in life. Thanks for checking in and asking after me, and I still think regularly - both of you, and of the gorgeous ring in your avatar!

Thank you for your kind words and wishes! And heck yes, bling fixes are a fantastically good thing! They keep me going... especially when they are as exciting and gorgeous as PSers'... yourself top among them!! :lickout:

Dang. Any one of the challenges you face would be hard to bear. I am sorry you have been handed so many! With a bunch of catch 22s thrown in for good measure, like the insurance (Whaaaat? Insurance is so far from what it used to be. It makes me very sad these days, I know too many people not getting proper/effective care that is right there... but insurance is calling the shots, not the patient, not the health care providers. It's not right.).

Your place in CA sounds wonderful! It's wonderful that you have that! I imagine being near your God-kids and CA friends is amazing for the soul, though I hear you on missing your DH and pups. We have a place on the Cape that is my retreat where I can count on recharging. Sometimes I go alone and while it does wonders for me mentally, emotionally, and physically, I do miss my best-buddy DH and one kitty in particular who is my soulcat. How do you find the flying with your back and the Crohn's? Is it painful or uncomfortable, or do you do ok with it? Weather can be such an interesting player when it comes to our bodies and our health. I bet CA is amazing in that regard, as you say. Just the change from NH to the Cape, subtle as it is, has a noticeably positive effect for me.

Our youngest has a somewhat rare inflammatory autoimmune syndrome. She started having symptoms that required hospitalizations when she was three years old. She was seen at MGH for a couple of years - her GI suspected Crohn's and most of her symptoms presented as such. However there were a couple of symptoms that didn't line up. He was conservative with diagnosis and treatment (which was perfect for us as we were the same) and sent her to a rheumatologist to rule out the autoimmune syndrome I have (my symptoms are entirely different from hers). The rheum was set to go on vacation and squeezed us in as a courtesy to him, but she was dismissive and quick with us, so nothing much came of it. Fast-forward another year, us trying the SCD to no avail, and more tests and hospitalizations and he finally suggested we see rheum at Boston Children's. We did, and within minutes of me mentioning my syndrome, the two doctors there looked at us and said absolutely that's what she has. It's even more rare for it to present the way it does in her, but they have seen it and there was no question. At that point we were finally ready to say yes to Remicaid and methotrexate (scary to put anyone on, much less your five-year old!) and once she started, she has been SO good. Like, healthier than the rest of us nearly! I wish that were your experience too, with Humira. (At the time that was the only other option for treatment, and it wasn't approved in children yet. I think it is now?) All that to say, I am somewhat familiar with the pain and suffering you are in, some of the challenges you may have faced, and I feel so much for you! There was very little quality of life for her when she was yet untreated, and it was an hourly struggle. I am touched by how spirited you are, how much you embrace life and all of its joys.

Heehe, your friend is awesome. Perspective, baby! :D


Apr 29, 2019
Oh my goodness, your new set is perfection! I'm so glad you went with the best of the best melee, I do believe they make a visual difference. And I completely understand how its a relief knowing you did top of the line, no improvements niggling at the back of your mind -- my mind works this way too.

I love how the earrings and ring all work together, drawing the viewer's eye around the different "stations" on your body, from hand to ears, back to hand with the clusters' distinctive shape and sparkle.


Feel free to continue to update this thread when you are out and about town -- we'd love to see more actions pics! I see many fun, sparkly events in your future!


Aug 18, 2013
@oncrutchesrightnow - that made me laugh! And thank you. :)) I'm not sure what a a jewelry model precisely looks like, but I'm thinking it has to be a...good thing? In which case - I thank you! And if you're just pulling my leg - you are out welcome; I feel like a dork when I post these photos, but I always so appreciate it when people post perspective shots, I sort of feel obligated to respond in kind. I just wish the photos - taken on my phone with zero skill - did a better job of reflecting these gorgeous pieces of bling!

Thank you, @RunningwithScissors. :wavey: I owe you a debt of thanks for these. I've been kicking around in the shallows over this for so long - looking for ways to do this set easily, more cheaply - less painfully, really. But when you posted your list of what you'd acquired in 2021, I was inspired to stop mucking about and get on with it! My photos don't show how substantial, how glorious, how truly beautiful these earrings are. The light return, as you would expect, is spectacular. I'm looking forward very much to getting my peridot pendant done and completing the set. I did consider putting a diamond in the center, but in the end it just seemed too matchy-matchy, and I love the peridot I have and I love bright green with diamonds and white metals, so decided in the end that it would have an apple green center. :)) And green is also my favorite color - so this will be a wonderful piece to round things out.

Anyway, I'm glad you like them, and thanks for the inspiration! <3


Apr 29, 2019
Thank you, @RunningwithScissors. :wavey: I owe you a debt of thanks for these. I've been kicking around in the shallows over this for so long - looking for ways to do this set easily, more cheaply - less painfully, really. But when you posted your list of what you'd acquired in 2021, I was inspired to stop mucking about and get on with it! My photos don't show how substantial, how glorious, how truly beautiful these earrings are. The light return, as you would expect, is spectacular. I'm looking forward very much to getting my peridot pendant done and completing the set. I did consider putting a diamond in the center, but in the end it just seemed too matchy-matchy, and I love the peridot I have and I love bright green with diamonds and white metals, so decided in the end that it would have an apple green center. :)) And green is also my favorite color - so this will be a wonderful piece to round things out.

Anyway, I'm glad you like them, and thanks for the inspiration! <3

I think using the peridot in the necklace will be perfect. That way, your set of earrings, ring and necklace will harmonize and form a lovely whole without being matchy-matchy. Can't wait to see it!


May 28, 2017
Love them! I bet you will smile from ear to ear when you are wearing those sparkling stunners!


Dec 9, 2018
A while back I had a bezel set cluster ring with a sapphire in it and an all-diamond cluster pair of earrings. The ring had a 2ct blue sapphire and 2.1ctw of side diamonds - all colorless, eye clean, individually certed and ideal cut. The earrings had colorless, eye clean centers, both Astor Ideal from Blue Nile, ideal specs, GORGEOUS diamonds - with side stones that were, I think, around...12 points each? More than 10 and less than 15. That's as much as I remember. They were colorless and well cut and definitely very clean.

Together, they were lovely.

But over time, the earrings made my ears ache and the sapphire wasn't the hue I wanted. So I pulled the ring apart, sold the sapphire, let the sides just sit for a while, dismantled the earrings, let those sides sit as well, and used the centers as side stones in my 3 stone ring (which I think everybody on Pricescope has seen!)

But then I upgraded the ring and the sides were back in a box again, just waiting.

But *then* - Good Old Gold had a GORGEOUS 1.51 G SI1 diamond for sale on their site, which I snapped up, given that it was, honestly, the whitest G I'd ever seen. It was STUNNING. I had it set back into the 2.1ctw of individually certed sides that were just sitting around (26-27 points per stone, E color, VS/VVS), and came up with one of the few perfect pieces of jewelry that I own; my cluster ring.

But I didn't have earrings that could hold a candle to them, so after a false start and then some back and forth, David Klass at DKJ sourced me some absolutely top shelf 20 point diamonds - colorless, VS, ideal cut - to return my .95 and .96ct Astor Ideals to earrings.

And so we did. :))

I also have a beautiful peridot - a gorgeous apple green - and some other diamonds, fleshed out by a couple more sourced by DKJ - to make a pendant, but that will be later on this year and will complete the set. For now, here are my new earrings - F colored VS2 centers, Astor Ideal, .95 and .96ct respectively, with individually sourced 20 point sides - E/F, VS, ideal cut - snapped by the jewelry paparazzi out and about with my cluster ring.

The set equals 8.7ctw and we'll be throwing in another 2ctw for the pendant. I'll probably wear them all with my diamond bangles (another 10 ctw) - so at that stage I'll be all sorts of "Look out Liz Taylor - here comes Mrs B!!"

Ok. Not really. But maybe those stats explain why I say I'm at an end of it with diamonds. For me, there's a limit. Not for everyone, granted - and have at it, I say! But for me....I just want to set what I have left then call it a day. I am one very lucky woman who has more than anyone has a right to expect, and certainly far more than I ever dreamed. And I'm very grateful. Time to start giving more back.







Perfect, @mrs-b! Gorgeous clusters just like flowers! Just in time for spring!!


Aug 18, 2013
Ooooh - @Dmndsr4evr11 - I hadn't thought of that! Well, maybe subconsciously. This will be my spring set! What a lovely idea. Thank you. :))

@tkyasx78 - I've worn them a few times at this point and I did, indeed, smile ear to ear while I wore them! And even when I think of them, truth be told. They're pretty joyful right across the board. :)) I'm glad you like them!

@RunningwithScissors - at the moment, I'm thinking about the chain for the pendant and wondering if I could do something...spring-like with it. @Dmndsr4evr11 has put the whole spring motif into my head pretty firmly, and now I'm wondering if I could do more than just a straight chain. This is expensive, tho. I'm already some thousands (and thousands) over budget on this project, and the chain I have for the pendant is a platinum box chain - which doesn't really lend itself to tweaking. So if I want to start adding decals and diamonds to the chain, I'll probably need to start again from the beginning, which would be some thousands more. Perhaps a project for another time? I'm thinking 'yes'.


May 31, 2010
S S S S S T U N N I N G !


Aug 18, 2013
S S S S S T U N N I N G !

@mjea - you clearly need to get a pair of these to go with *your* gorgeous cluster ring!!

And I'm glad you like them. :wavey:


Feb 22, 2008
A while back I had a bezel set cluster ring with a sapphire in it and an all-diamond cluster pair of earrings. The ring had a 2ct blue sapphire and 2.1ctw of side diamonds - all colorless, eye clean, individually certed and ideal cut. The earrings had colorless, eye clean centers, both Astor Ideal from Blue Nile, ideal specs, GORGEOUS diamonds - with side stones that were, I think, around...12 points each? More than 10 and less than 15. That's as much as I remember. They were colorless and well cut and definitely very clean.

Together, they were lovely.

But over time, the earrings made my ears ache and the sapphire wasn't the hue I wanted. So I pulled the ring apart, sold the sapphire, let the sides just sit for a while, dismantled the earrings, let those sides sit as well, and used the centers as side stones in my 3 stone ring (which I think everybody on Pricescope has seen!)

But then I upgraded the ring and the sides were back in a box again, just waiting.

But *then* - Good Old Gold had a GORGEOUS 1.51 G SI1 diamond for sale on their site, which I snapped up, given that it was, honestly, the whitest G I'd ever seen. It was STUNNING. I had it set back into the 2.1ctw of individually certed sides that were just sitting around (26-27 points per stone, E color, VS/VVS), and came up with one of the few perfect pieces of jewelry that I own; my cluster ring.

But I didn't have earrings that could hold a candle to them, so after a false start and then some back and forth, David Klass at DKJ sourced me some absolutely top shelf 20 point diamonds - colorless, VS, ideal cut - to return my .95 and .96ct Astor Ideals to earrings.

And so we did. :))

I also have a beautiful peridot - a gorgeous apple green - and some other diamonds, fleshed out by a couple more sourced by DKJ - to make a pendant, but that will be later on this year and will complete the set. For now, here are my new earrings - F colored VS2 centers, Astor Ideal, .95 and .96ct respectively, with individually sourced 20 point sides - E/F, VS, ideal cut - snapped by the jewelry paparazzi out and about with my cluster ring.

The set equals 8.7ctw and we'll be throwing in another 2ctw for the pendant. I'll probably wear them all with my diamond bangles (another 10 ctw) - so at that stage I'll be all sorts of "Look out Liz Taylor - here comes Mrs B!!"

Ok. Not really. But maybe those stats explain why I say I'm at an end of it with diamonds. For me, there's a limit. Not for everyone, granted - and have at it, I say! But for me....I just want to set what I have left then call it a day. I am one very lucky woman who has more than anyone has a right to expect, and certainly far more than I ever dreamed. And I'm very grateful. Time to start giving more back.






WOW! Sheer perfection!!!


Feb 22, 2008
Herewith 3 almost identical, all crappy, photos of them in my ear.

Sigh. I hate ear shots the WORST. And, as I always say, if you are looking at these trying to get a sense of proportion for yourself, keep in mind - I have the largest earlobes on the face of the planet. Rabbits notwithstanding. These earrings are about 13.5mm in diameter - and that's allowing for a 1/2mm tilt. So - yeah. THE largest. ON THE PLANET.




I too have large earlobes so I feel ya! They look beautiful on you and I can see that they explode with firey sparkle!!


Aug 18, 2013
Hi @rainydaze :))

You have a home in the Cape? I didn't realize you lived in this part of the world! If ever you're down in Boston, pls drop me a line and feel free to get together! There are a few of us in this region, and I'd love to do a New England get-together again soon!

Flying with my back the way it is, is a challenge. Sometimes I get on the plane ok, and get off...not. It can spasm mid-flight, which then bites into the nerve and is just horrible. If it's bad, I can't walk, and more than once I've gotten onto the plane looking completely normal, and had to request a wheelchair before I got off. It's inconvenient, embarrassing, and a pain in the proverbial. The Crohn's is a different sort of challenge; if I have a flare when I'm due to fly, it just has to be cancelled - no negotiation on that. It is what it is and you just have to work around it.

I have one thing, tho, for which I'm unceasingly grateful: I don't look ill. For some reason, there's something about that which would make life so much worse for me. In my experience, if you *look* normal, people treat you as tho you *are* normal, and I'm so grateful for that. If anything, given that I'm almost 62, I actually look more well than most - which is odd. Here's a photo I took yesterday:


I'm hugely thankful for this, tho I find it strange. With all the inflammation I have (extreme), I would have thought my skin would have shriveled up and slid off my face by now.

Would you be willing to tell me what condition you and your daughter have? If not - I totally understand. I just have never felt as tho they've 100% nailed what's going on with me, and am always keeping an eye out for what might explain some of the stranger, less-Crohn's-like symptoms I have.

I cannot IMAGINE doing Remicaid with a 5 year old. That's *extraordinary*! How old is she now? Is she a reader? Let me know - I have a series of books I wrote and, if the fit is appropriate (she'd need to be 10+), I'll send them to her. Either way - please tell her that all we auto-immunies need to stick together - and I'm sending her a big hug and am very impressed by how brave she is!

And to you, too, as her mom. Well done, mom - well done indeed. <3


Apr 28, 2014
@mrs-b WOW I totally missed these but they knocked off my socks the minute I saw your pictures!!! :kiss2: Such a stunning set and they really have such presence and look amazing on you!!! Your collection continues to be sooo enviable!!!


Aug 18, 2013
Thank you, @ac117 - and it's nice to see you!

These have been earring goals for some years now, so I'm very happy to have reached completion. The matching pendant will come later this year and then we'll be done on this set. Yay! :wavey:

@cushioncutnut - thank you! The side stones are 20 points each, so they're large enough to show their quality...or not. If they'd been dull and/or badly cut, next to those stunning centers, I can't get past thinking it would have been obvious. So in the end I bit the bullet and went all the way. I think it was worth it, because the difference was incredibly obvious from the time I opened the box! And on the ear, they're a sparkle show. On the other hand...your sapphire ring continues to be #coloredgemgoals for SURE! :appl:


Feb 22, 2008
Thank you, @ac117 - and it's nice to see you!

These have been earring goals for some years now, so I'm very happy to have reached completion. The matching pendant will come later this year and then we'll be done on this set. Yay! :wavey:

@cushioncutnut - thank you! The side stones are 20 points each, so they're large enough to show their quality...or not. If they'd been dull and/or badly cut, next to those stunning centers, I can't get past thinking it would have been obvious. So in the end I bit the bullet and went all the way. I think it was worth it, because the difference was incredibly obvious from the time I opened the box! And on the ear, they're a sparkle show. On the other hand...your sapphire ring continues to be #coloredgemgoals for SURE! :appl:

Thank you!


Apr 28, 2014
Thank you, @ac117 - and it's nice to see you!

These have been earring goals for some years now, so I'm very happy to have reached completion. The matching pendant will come later this year and then we'll be done on this set. Yay! :wavey:
It’s nice to see you too!! I’m so happy you’re checking off your bling goals, that’s always such a satisfying feeling! I haven’t been as active because in some ways, it’s better for my sanity to stay away lol I also feel like I’m in a good place with my collection….it looks this this became year of the earring for me as well and then I’ll feel largely done. I’ve been selling off several pieces that I don’t wear/were pre-PS/just don’t make my heart flutter/bought for a project but didn’t use and I’m *really* trying to think through any purchases rather than buying impulsively (PS is bad for me in this way bc I end up “wanting” everything). I admire you for knowing your direction and going for a cohesive and seriously perfect collection! Hugs!


May 1, 2007
Hi @rainydaze :))

You have a home in the Cape? I didn't realize you lived in this part of the world! If ever you're down in Boston, pls drop me a line and feel free to get together! There are a few of us in this region, and I'd love to do a New England get-together again soon!

Flying with my back the way it is, is a challenge. Sometimes I get on the plane ok, and get off...not. It can spasm mid-flight, which then bites into the nerve and is just horrible. If it's bad, I can't walk, and more than once I've gotten onto the plane looking completely normal, and had to request a wheelchair before I got off. It's inconvenient, embarrassing, and a pain in the proverbial. The Crohn's is a different sort of challenge; if I have a flare when I'm due to fly, it just has to be cancelled - no negotiation on that. It is what it is and you just have to work around it.

I have one thing, tho, for which I'm unceasingly grateful: I don't look ill. For some reason, there's something about that which would make life so much worse for me. In my experience, if you *look* normal, people treat you as tho you *are* normal, and I'm so grateful for that. If anything, given that I'm almost 62, I actually look more well than most - which is odd. Here's a photo I took yesterday:


I'm hugely thankful for this, tho I find it strange. With all the inflammation I have (extreme), I would have thought my skin would have shriveled up and slid off my face by now.

Would you be willing to tell me what condition you and your daughter have? If not - I totally understand. I just have never felt as tho they've 100% nailed what's going on with me, and am always keeping an eye out for what might explain some of the stranger, less-Crohn's-like symptoms I have.

I cannot IMAGINE doing Remicaid with a 5 year old. That's *extraordinary*! How old is she now? Is she a reader? Let me know - I have a series of books I wrote and, if the fit is appropriate (she'd need to be 10+), I'll send them to her. Either way - please tell her that all we auto-immunies need to stick together - and I'm sending her a big hug and am very impressed by how brave she is!

And to you, too, as her mom. Well done, mom - well done indeed. <3

You are amazing mrs-b!

My kiddo is 13 now, about to turn 14. She would absolutely love your books - she enjoys reading and she would get a huge kick out of the fact that they are from someone 'on mom's jewelry-obsession forum'. :) What a generous offer! I think it is so cool that you are an author.

I will send along your hug, and right back at ya. Indeed, there is so much to be said for commraderie when it comes to ... well many things... but in this case, autoimmunes. We were unbelievably fortunate to have access to Boston Children's as they were incredible in so many ways, not the least of which is the team that does the infusions. They made it such a welcoming place to go that I think she saw it as seeing her friends, with the unfortunate side-effect of an infusion. She started out needing to be burrito-wrapped (and she would ask for it) and daddy bear-hugging her knowing that she was going to cry, kick, and squirm. Over the years she grew more and more accustomed to it and now she watches and helps out... while I am the one still squirming (I am squeamish) lol. It certainly helps that she feels the difference the med makes for her. I wish the Humira had more impact for you than it sounds like it does.

No question, you have a glow about you that is undeniable! It is wonderful that you have & appreciate that, though I do wish it was a reflection of what your body is experiencing on the inside. It is hard to wrap my brain around all the things you have been and are going through. It is a wonder that you appear so vibrant. I totally chuckled at your skin sliding off comment...

I couldn't imagine how you can fly with such pain, and with all that comes with Crohn's. That makes sense that it's a no-go with a Crohn's flare. I imagine that in addition to the pain and discomfort, it is emotionally trying to have plans hang in the balance. Are the flight crews kind and accommodating when your back spasms on a flight? When there is kindness, understanding, and compassion during such times - I find - it can help take some of the edge off. But what a nightmare on top of a nightmare if there is an absence of such things.

Oh, so my kiddo has Behcet's Syndrome. I have it too, but my symptoms are limited to the 'normal' presentation of oral ulcers and general inflammation (with sensitivity to stress, sun, and too much sugar). Her symptoms present very similarly to Crohn's, with a couple of abnormalities that gave her GI pause, such as regular fevers of 104+. When she had biopsies (endoscopies and colonoscopies as well as a camera study) they did not have the findings typical of Crohn's. She had severe inflammation in her small illeum - to the point that she would vomit every 15 minutes because even her saliva and stomach fluids could not pass through. During a flare she would be doubled-over indefinitely, with pain so severe and no relief in sight until we had to take her to the hospital where she would receive IV fluids (she would be dehydrated) and IV prednisone to try to bring down whatever was going on. A couple of doctors were excited by us, because we offered some sort of unique opportunity to do a study that ultimately led to identifying the mutation that causes Behcet's. It is within the REL-A gene. She saw a GI for over a year because her symptoms presented as if something was wrong with her gut, however Behcet's is seen by Rheumatology. Once (the right) rheumatologists (who were more familiar with Behcets) were seen, they recognized it right away. She has a rare presentation, and I have wondered if you might have it too, but of course who am I but some lady on the internet getting just little tidbits of your life here and there! Who is also *not* a doctor! :)

Thank you for the kind words around my mom-ing. It is challenging, that's for sure. Your kind words felt really nice. :)


May 18, 2020
Fantastic! It is so pretty! :kiss2:


Dec 26, 2017
@mrs-b I was out of action for a couple of weeks when you launched this thread and totally missed it. So glad to have found the thread, and have had so much fun reading thru it.

To be honest I've never been too enthusiastic about MRBs with halos, but you have changed all that. I could never have imagined such large diamonds in a halo, but you hit it out of the park! Your center stone and the halo stones somehow all stand alone in their own perfection but all work together to make the combination more beautiful than the parts. :love:

If you don't mind I've saved my favorite of your photos for my Inspiration file. I can see a pendant design along these proportions in DW's future! =)2

Diamond Halo Perfect Size @mrs b.jpg


Nov 26, 2013
Beautiful earrings. Well done!

FYI - I have RA. I don’t know if you can take steroids or not but when I fly my rheumatologist has me start a medrol dose pack. It does help. I’ve had three spine neurosurgeries so flying isn’t that comfortable! Hope you’re feeling better! (I’ve taken almost every RA drug known to man. So I understand what you’re saying Re: Remicade infusions.)


Aug 18, 2013
@ac117 - I have to agree with you re staying away from PriceScope being essential to feeling content with one's collection. I'll never forget that line from Silence of the Lambs - "What do we covet? We begin by coveting what we see every day." At the risk of taking my life's lessons from a fictional cannibalistic serial killer, that's actually so true. When I look at what I have, rather than endlessly adoring what I *don't* have, then I find I'm content with what I have. But when I look continually at what other's have, there's no end to the list of things I want. Having a list has saved me from going down a path that has no end and makes sure I get the things I truly do want. But having said aaalllllll that....I'll be fascinated to see where you go in the 'year of the earring'! :bigsmile:

@lihoo - thank you so much!

Hi there, @prs! I'm not at all a fan of halos on rounds. (To be clear - as I have ALWAYS said - this is the case for ME and is personal taste - not something that holds true in my opinion of others' jewelry at *all*.) Diamonds under about 5 points just look like nothing special on me, so I tend to avoid them. But *clusters* on the other 'em! I like to be able to *see* the performance of my diamonds, and I love a floral motif, so the beautiful scalloped outer profile of a nice cluster always makes me smile. Having a heavy tilt to the halo stones also allows the center stone to stand out and tends to give each of the cluster stones an individual presence as well. It's a design I like a lot. I used to have a cluster pendant and absolutely loved it. I pulled it apart to upgrade the center stone - which ultimately became the center stone in my cluster ring. It has a bezel edge, which I just found more sturdy for a pendant and less prone to catch on things, but it has a lot of impact and was very easy to wear. I've posted a few photos below in case you might find them helpful.





Aug 18, 2013
Beautiful earrings. Well done!

FYI - I have RA. I don’t know if you can take steroids or not but when I fly my rheumatologist has me start a medrol dose pack. It does help. I’ve had three spine neurosurgeries so flying isn’t that comfortable! Hope you’re feeling better! (I’ve taken almost every RA drug known to man. So I understand what you’re saying Re: Remicade infusions.)

Hi @caf :))

There's a limit to the steroids I can take, as I'm already on daily steroids and have been for about 2 years now. I occasionally have to take extra if I have a colitis flare, but I don't l ike it and realize it can't possibly be good for me.

Can I ask what spinal surgeries you've had? I've had one double laminectomy, but was scheduled last year - and again this year - for a double fusion, which never happened as the general opinion was that nobody was entirely sure it would help. The recovery period is also so long - I just don't want to go through all of that at this age.

In the meantime, I find that beautiful jewelry helps, so thank you for your kind comment about my new earrings; I love them!


Nov 26, 2013
Hi @caf :))

There's a limit to the steroids I can take, as I'm already on daily steroids and have been for about 2 years now. I occasionally have to take extra if I have a colitis flare, but I don't l ike it and realize it can't possibly be good for me.

Can I ask what spinal surgeries you've had? I've had one double laminectomy, but was scheduled last year - and again this year - for a double fusion, which never happened as the general opinion was that nobody was entirely sure it would help. The recovery period is also so long - I just don't want to go through all of that at this age.

In the meantime, I find that beautiful jewelry helps, so thank you for your kind comment about my new earrings; I love them!

I’m sorry you’re having back issues and no one can say surgery will help. I had:

C3-5 ACDF in 2015
C5-7 ACDF in 2017
L1-5 Lumbar laminotomy in 2019

I have bad spinal stenosis and it got to the point( before each surgery) where I knew I could not put it off any longer. I did spinal epidurals, pt, etc. too. Nothing helped long/term. The surgical recoveries weren’t fun but I had a cessation of most of the neurological symptoms after each surgery. Im not pain free but im much better. (Before each surgery I had either numb hands, parts of legs, fingers, feet and constant pain). My neurosurgeon is a miracle worker. I don’t regret having the surgeries.

Happy to answer any questions you have. Autoimmune disease plus spinal disease is pretty miserable.

And I agree - Jewelry helps with the pain. Or at least is a nice distraction.


Dec 26, 2017
Hi there, @prs! I'm not at all a fan of halos on rounds. (To be clear - as I have ALWAYS said - this is the case for ME and is personal taste - not something that holds true in my opinion of others' jewelry at *all*.) Diamonds under about 5 points just look like nothing special on me, so I tend to avoid them. But *clusters* on the other 'em! I like to be able to *see* the performance of my diamonds, and I love a floral motif, so the beautiful scalloped outer profile of a nice cluster always makes me smile. Having a heavy tilt to the halo stones also allows the center stone to stand out and tends to give each of the cluster stones an individual presence as well. It's a design I like a lot. I used to have a cluster pendant and absolutely loved it. I pulled it apart to upgrade the center stone - which ultimately became the center stone in my cluster ring. It has a bezel edge, which I just found more sturdy for a pendant and less prone to catch on things, but it has a lot of impact and was very easy to wear. I've posted a few photos below in case you might find them helpful.




@mrs-b, thankyou so much for the pendant photos. I really like the extra tilt on the halo stones! Also, I never really understood what was meant by a "cluster" ring. Thanks too for that education.

DW upgraded to a 2.05ct G color Hearts and Arrows MRB on our 25th anniversary. She wore it every day for 15 years but the diamond found itself at the bottom of her jewelry box when she upgraded to her 5.05ct OEC on our 40th. I think the 2.05ct it will make a great foundation for her new pendant, and I'm sure David will have no trouble sourcing perfect matching stones for the halo.
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