
My Custom AVC project is about to begin!


Jan 30, 2016
Hey PriceScopers,

Little background about me...I discovered PS about a month ago on a quest to ensure I upgraded my current modified brilliant cut cushion G/SI2/1.52 carat with the best performing, decent quality 1.8/2 carat modified brilliant cushion. In my poking around, I noticed the thread "Show me your AVC/AVOEC diamonds" and wondered, "what is an AVC...?" ONLY TO LOSE MY MIND! :love: :love: :love:

Long story short, my amazing hubby and I booked a flight from sunny south Florida to NYC for this past weekend (we have a daughter who just moved to NYC for her first job - so good excuse to visit too), rented a car and drove out to Long Island to GOG! And OH WHAT A GREAT DAY IT WAS! Hubby had only gotten to know Jonathan from his voice and a few dozen "LOOK AT THIS!" turns of my computer as I watched 100's of Jon's videos over the last few weeks, but when he - Jonathan himself - came out of the back and literally spent about 4.5 hours with us, even my husband was intrigued, at ease, enjoying and trusting the whole process/afternoon.

Jon showed me an array of cushions in colors from D through K, as I was interested in learning how warm of an AVC I would enjoy....I learned I want to stay within the H - I range, J at the lowest. GOG's 2 carat stock in this color range is limited, so we are going to head down the custom cut road and I couldn't be more excited about the entire process!

So now, I am waiting for Jon to get back to me about a few details (hello, Jonathan?... :wavey: )

Among any unsolicited advice that I cannot even conceive of asking my new PS friends, I do have a question (kind of a new paranoia :shifty: ) I absolutely LOVE my ring setting that my eventual new AVC will go in. It is a platinum Varna setting. However, when I brought it into a jeweler down here in FL and then when Jonathan saw it, they both said "the prongs are huge!" When I asked him, Jon said my new 2 (+:pray: ) carat diamond, with the higher crown will minimize the "large prong look" (mind you, those huge prongs didn't really bother me until these 2 back to back reactions :eh: yikes!). Something else to note, while I was sitting at the store, one of the sales people was selling Michael M engagement rings to another customer and she said coincidently said, "that setting has the large chunky prongs, which are really the style right now." My ring is 7 years old, so perhaps I am way ahead of myself??? :confused: So I was wondering if anyone had heard of this trend? And I am wondering if I should consider getting the tips of the prongs revised and then who would do that? Or am I just being insecure now? UGH :wall:

Nonetheless, here are pics of my setting with the current diamond:




Jan 30, 2016
Perhaps a revision like this to my prongs....? And I am talking, just the tips that hang onto the diamond. Thoughts?




Jan 11, 2006
I am excited for your project! I totally get the attraction to AV stones! It is interesting to hear your color preferences. I have an I color AVR and probably would have chosen H if it was an option, but for some reason, I think I'd be fine with I or J in an AVC with those larger facets!

Gosh, I don't know if those prongs could be redone or not. It seems like your new stone would have to be cut to a pretty specific size to work in that setting. I know Varna also makes (or used to make) beautiful antique style settings, but the head of this ring just is more modern than traditional or antique. You'd need someone really good to try to alter the prongs and I am not even sure who could or would do it. You might be able to ask David Klass in LA. I know some of the custom ringmakers we like do not take this kind of job. You'd also have to send the stone to be set, so it could all be done at one time, if it is possible to change the prongs. It might be worth checking with Varna to see if they would do it. Maybe check with the jeweler you bought the ring from. But I still would not have it worked on until you get your stone and so the change to the setting can be done and then they can also set the stone.


Jan 4, 2015
LaineyRod|1456806757|3997719 said:
Perhaps a revision like this to my prongs....? And I am talking, just the tips that hang onto the diamond. Thoughts?

wow original prong are enormous they look big enough to have stones set in them which is a styles that some people love - not me - I do like your revision choice if they can be done much more elegant - good luck with your custom


Jun 30, 2015

How exiting! I look forward to following your story. :appl:

Re the setting: so you want to use your old setting, right? Not make a similair setting for the new stone? I agree with DS, this could cause some problems since the new cushion may or may not be the same size all the way round as the old one, not only the m.m size top down. You will have to ask a jeweler about this and I agree that you will probably have to have your new stone first to know...

Re the prongs: dont worry about them being big! The size is all about personal preference. I think the trend now is to have small dainty settings, but trends are what they are and change. In my town I think the dainty trend has just about arrived a couple of years ago, 5 years ago everything was very big and bulky. The "big" trend continues next to the "smaller" one, one of my friends recently got engaged and her engagement ring (custom made) has truly huge prongs. So what I want to say is that the most important thing is that you like it!

Someone here told me they had put small diamonds on top of the prongs too. :bigsmile:

Good luck!!
/aca :wavey:


Oct 24, 2012
Your prongs look huge to me compared to the prongs I prefer which are dainty prongs with sharp pointy tips. For me it's not a matter of what is trendy. The big prongs detract my eyes from the center stone, which I want to be fully complemented. But people vary. Maybe some people don't find it distracting and prefer it. That is fine too.

As to using your old setting, there are at least two issues, finding a stone that will fit and your plan to mess with the prongs. I think your prongs were meant to be big. If you try to shave it down, the end result may look awkward Since your prongs were designed to be big. That would be my concern.

Congrats on your project. You are gonna love wearing you new AVC. Can't wait to see it.


Nov 1, 2009
I too think the prongs take away from the stone, I think they tend to look like a "diamond holder" instead of an ering. I prefer dainty prongs as well, but respect that we all like different things.


Dec 17, 2008
lknvrb4|1456832183|3997782 said:
I too think the prongs take away from the stone, I think they tend to look like a "diamond holder" instead of an ering. I prefer dainty prongs as well, but respect that we all like different things.

I think you should let the stone be the main attraction. When I look at your setting my eyes are drawn straight to the prongs
(not good IMO). If you like this look...then go with it but I prefer the stone be the main attraction.


Mar 1, 2011
We will be excited along with you on your custom cut journey!

I have an AVC (see avatar) and chose delicate double claw prongs on my setting which is in a halo. I think keeping your current setting will make your cushion look too angular. I personally would have Steven Kirsch reset it for you.


Jan 30, 2016
Thanks for all the feedback everyone, I really am so appreciative! It's like having a beautiful hairstyle, but one day you pick up a hand mirror and realize you've got a giant weird spot in the back of your head that you've never noticed. My husband and I are sitting here reading all your comments and wondering how many times people have looked at my ring over the years and thought...YIKES! LOL. Good news is, he's open to the idea to revise, so :dance:

So now I am thinking, I would most prefer to go with someone a PriceScoper recommends over my own jeweler, as I have no idea of the custom work they do.

DiamondSeeker, I just sent a note out to Varna to see what they will say and M2B, I will definitely check out Steven Kirsch! You mean he might do the work to revise my current prongs & set my new AVC? Thanks for the recommendation, as I would be way too anxious to do "custom" work without you guys!

I know that sounds silly - I have run an entire custom kitchen and master bath (that is hard) remodel on my own, but a custom ring...the prong tips??!!! Now that terrifies me LOL :doh:


Mar 1, 2011
Oh, I meant a complete new setting from Steven Kirsch if you want to start over. Highly recommend him for your soon to be cut AVC!


Nov 17, 2013
I would strongly recommend a complete new setting, too. If you like your old one, maybe set a colored stone in it?

Congratulations on your AVC project!!!


Aug 29, 2014
Such an exciting project!

Personally, I don't love your prongs. HOWEVER if you loved them before you heard negative comments, I think you should keep that in mind. We aren't wearing your ring - you are! If you love something, then you love it. You wouldn't dump your hubby if someone said he was a bit bulky now would you?! :Up_to_something:


Jun 19, 2015
Agree with what others have said about you choosing what you love... with that being said, your new 2ct + stone is going to be to die for! and I assume you want it to be the focus. You may find that the larger prongs will pull the eye away from the main attraction...your new AVC. Just a thought :) And congrats on your new project!


May 11, 2013
LaineyRod, can't wait to watch your project come alive! I like something like this.. I like low settings, your current setting looks high to me and if you lean to the higher settings ignore my pointer! I have a 1.33 AVC K color in a pendant, I LOVE IT.. I would to die for a 2 carater.. there is something about these large faceted diamonds that shows the rainbow.. congratulations!!! and again, let us know how the project is progressing.. This the low setting:

I have never had Mr Canera create a ring for me, but many have here and love his work! he will not work with AV stones as he sells his own version so you could ask Steven Kirsch or some one you choose to design your ring.. Yay for AVCs!!!



Jan 30, 2016
Tourmaline|1456845205|3997865 said:
I would strongly recommend a complete new setting, too. If you like your old one, maybe set a colored stone in it?

Congratulations on your AVC project!!!

Thank you for all the encouragement everyone! I don't think a whole new setting will fit into the budget, as my current setting was expensive and a new one would be at least as much or more. While I do have a very sweet husband, I do imagine that would hit his "are you kidding me????" threshold! LOL Plus, if I had an extra $5-7K, I would probably rather minimize those prongs by upping the carat size! :appl: LOL Not to mention, giant prong aside, i love my ring for both aesthetic and sentimental reasons. It does have some beautiful elements nonetheless.

So can anyone explain why just REVISING my prongs to the more subtle claw tops vs how they are now would be such a complex undertaking when there appears to be resources here on PS who make rings from scratch? I am stressing a little.



Jan 30, 2016
Tekate|1456848500|3997890 said:
LaineyRod, can't wait to watch your project come alive! I like something like this.. I like low settings, your current setting looks high to me and if you lean to the higher settings ignore my pointer! I have a 1.33 AVC K color in a pendant, I LOVE IT.. I would to die for a 2 carater.. there is something about these large faceted diamonds that shows the rainbow.. congratulations!!! and again, let us know how the project is progressing.. This the low setting:

I have never had Mr Canera create a ring for me, but many have here and love his work! he will not work with AV stones as he sells his own version so you could ask Steven Kirsch or some one you choose to design your ring.. Yay for AVCs!!!



I just took a peek at your pendant and fell off my happiness chair!!!! That is my next "project." Congratulations on your stunning new stone and I love the size you got for a pendant - which is actually very large in comparison to most! Wear it in good health and I am here if you are ever in the mood to sell :wavey: ha ha!!!

I have three daughters who are now, all very interested in these gorgeous stones (boy will their future fiancee's have their paths laid straight and clear for them! ha ha) but I was telling my husband, I "NEED" to have three August Vintage diamonds, so that I can FAIRLY leave one to each of them! I think this seems reasonable, right?!! And all I want to do is BE A GOOD MOM, A FAIR mom :appl:


Feb 22, 2014
Hi LaineyRod :wavey:
What an exciting journey you are beginning! I can't wait to hear more as it unfolds. I can't speak for David Klass or Steven Kirsch, both of whom are excellent btw. I don't think it's realistic to refurbish your existing prongs into a split or claw prong. Your setting is very pretty and was designed for the heavier prong. I don't think trying to thin and split them will result in a proportional and pleasing look. But
by all means investigate, you've been given two excellent choices. I would not recommend a local jeweler attempt it however.
Good luck with whatever you decide and keep us updated on this fun journey! :appl:


Feb 18, 2016
I'm curious if you can share the cost for custom cutting and the exact specs that you requested. Just trying to get a better assessment of the custom cutting path.


Jan 30, 2016
furs|1456891281|3998255 said:
I'm curious if you can share the cost for custom cutting and the exact specs that you requested. Just trying to get a better assessment of the custom cutting path.

Hi Furs,

I am not quite there yet, as I am waiting for Jonathan to get with me this week to take all my specs are going to be:

2 Carat plus (not less)
V2 or higher
Color H - I
Jon says not to worry about fluorescence if it doesn't cause milkiness, so perhaps it might keep me in a bigger stone but still in my budget??

I would maybe consider an SI1 if SUPER EYE CLEAN because I see that Jon/Yoram generally try to put any inclusions off to the side, but the entire reason I wanted to upgrade my original SI2 stone was because in certain light, I could see one of the needle inclusions and it drove me "mind" crazy even though no one else could see it. So while that lower clarity grade might buy me a touch more size (yes, I am a size wh**re), I am very hesitant to go there.

As far as cost for custom cutting goes, there aren't any additional charges for this. There are some unknowns going into the process in that once they have your specs, they need to procure an uncut/rough stone (and you pay a deposit), the rough is estimated to be within range close to the size I requested +/- (no minus!!!), as well as, a range for all the other specs. So I won't know exactly what I will be getting until it is done...and then officially graded. I like surprises, so this bodes well for me. Plus, it seems to be a pretty controlled surprise as these custom cuts have erred on the side of higher carat/quality if they haven't been right on spec. As I mentioned, I am still waiting on Jon to finish the details, so I am not entirely clear on how you're charged for what kind of stone ordered or stone result in the end....but both Jon and I know my budget, so....whatever it is, we are entering into this thing with those specs and a set budget. I hope that makes sense and answers your question.


Jan 30, 2016
Ok, so the gods are looking out for me as I got a call out of nowhere to do some contract work! So that gives "tip money" whole new meaning as I now seem to find myself on a dual mission (1) to see if I can revise my prong tips so that my eventual AVC is as crazy beautiful as I really, really want it to be, and then (2) get my AVC cut. I spoke briefly with Jon today and he's helping me to sell my current center stone and he will be touching back with me on Friday to let me know if he's got a buyer or if I will be consigning it :dance:

So regarding the tip revision, because I really don't want to change my setting: I found this picture of a setting based on DiamondSeeker's suggestion of David Klass yesterday and wanted everyone's thoughts. It just seems that his prong is pretty similar to mine, but just finished off at the top more delicately, hence i wouldn't compromise the original design integrity of the ring (thoughts?). And then, it shouldn't be such an arduous task for a talented craftsperson to undertake that kind of reshaping of mine...should it? I haven't reached out to anyone yet, but now that I have this pic kind of demonstrating what I have been envisioning, does anyone have any recommendations? Do you think David Klass would do this work if he set my AVC as well?






Jan 11, 2006
I would call David Klass and talk to him. I just don't know what he will say. Otherwise, I think Varna is your best bet. Many jewelers will not want to take it on due to the high possibility of damage or a less than great outcome. In other words, the risk for them might not be worth what they'd make for the project. Varna made the setting and would be the best to do the work. Varna settings are very nice quality, so do not think we are being negative about your setting in general. I just think it is a contemporary style that worked with your modern cushion, but some of us have reservations style-wise since you are changing to an antique cushion. But certainly it is worth exploring changing the tops of the prongs.

Take a look at this thread going backwards (newest first) and you'll see how others have set these stones.



Jan 30, 2016
diamondseeker2006|1456947159|3998602 said:
I would call David Klass and talk to him. I just don't know what he will say. Otherwise, I think Varna is your best bet. Many jewelers will not want to take it on due to the high possibility of damage or a less than great outcome. In other words, the risk for them might not be worth what they'd make for the project. Varna made the setting and would be the best to do the work. Varna settings are very nice quality, so do not think we are being negative about your setting in general. I just think it is a contemporary style that worked with your modern cushion, but some of us have reservations style-wise since you are changing to an antique cushion. But certainly it is worth exploring changing the tops of the prongs.

Take a look at this thread going backwards (newest first) and you'll see how others have set these stones.


Thanks DiamondSeeker,

I actually did reach out to Varna and I am in communications with them and just sent off my little pics about 10 min ago to them.

Thanks for the extra explanation about the style mixing. I do decorate in an eclectic way, so I am wondering if I am bringing my personality into my ring....combining what everyone is seeing as a modern setting with an antique cushion. I personally view my setting as "transitional" if you will, as it has both smooth and shiny modern combined the micro-pave' and miligrane vintage feel. IDK, I am thinking once I can get the big square prong tops toned down, it will all come together nicely :angel: I am going to relook at the link you just sent. thanks again DS =)


Jan 11, 2006
I definitely agree that if the ends of the prongs can be altered, your setting would be fine! Just be sure GOG has the measurements of your current diamond and understand that the stone they cut has to be very close to the same dimensions of the current stone.

(I have to apologize because I know you were already on the AV thread!!!)


Jan 30, 2016
:errrr: uhhh, i just want a new, big pretty AVC and it's getting so complicated! LOL Thanks for your thoughts DS, if it weren't for you and all my new friends, I am afraid I would end up with a brand new AVC sitting in a box and a setting that either wouldn't hold it or it would look odd.

So, Jon has my entire setting in his possession, as he's removing the center stone for selling. My current stone measures 7.20x6.18x4.13 and while my new stone is still a twinkle in my eye, the stone I was ogling the most last Friday was 8.04x7.20x5.01. Since "close in size" is relative, is that close enough? Or is that something someone has to micro-measure my setting in order to tell me (i.e. Jonathan)?

Additionally, what if I end up lucky enough like PacMan to have .10+ extra carats added onto my AVC in the custom cutting process, then what? If I have, in theory, Varna revise my prongs, wouldn't they then just be able to add to the length of the prongs to accommodate any additional carat space?

This is REALLY outside of my scope of knowledge, so I know i am probably super oversimplifying what I envision as to how it all works. Thanks for the education....I feel so super lost. :wall:


Jan 30, 2016
So this has been a big week!

I spoke w/Marie at GOG and she gave me some good advice, combined with a few brief emails with Varna, I am pretty sure Varna will be working with me on my prongs :appl:

Even more exciting, the search for my rough diamond is officially underway as of today! The specs are:

AVC ...
o Color no lower than I
o Clarity *eye clean*, VS2+
o Size: No lower than 2.10ct
o Misc. details ... Ratio: 1.10:1 or very close to that and fluorescence no prob as long as it doesn't impact transparency.

Do you guys agree with the florescence thing? I cut and pasted my specs from Jonathan. I am trying to get over my "old" thinking about florescence but I still feel a little challenged.

So excited, I can't believe this is going to happen! :twirl:


Jan 30, 2016

So I spoke with Varna directly yesterday and they were AWESOME. They said it would be no problem to revise the prong tops to make them less bulky and that they actually have been getting that request every so often as of late.... Once I have my new diamond, I am to send it in with my setting and with pictures of my preference and they will work with me to revise and accommodate. So hey all, feel free to post your ideas as I have posted a few, but I'd love to see what you all have to share. Based on my conversation with Varna, it seems like they can just smooth them out at the top to something like I have attached below.

They also said that they would revise the prongs in whatever way needed to accommodate the new diamond - regardless of size! This is great news, since I am going up enough in size to have given a few of you a bit of concern, and I of course am HOPING we end up even BIGGER :dance: So this is a relief!

Jonathan says he's found a rough that looks amazing, but it is 70% an I/J or 30% a K with medium to possibly strong florescence. Due to the florescence, he/I/we think I will be happy with it being a J. If it ends up being a K (or I don't like the J for that matter), he says he will either keep it for his own inventory or he has another custom cut request who wants/will take a I am in the waiting game to see what this ends up being. I wonder if it is Furs for whom this other custom order is for...Furs? Is that you? :)



Nov 21, 2014
LaineyRod, Super excited for you!!! I love AVC's!!!!! Can't wait to hear more. :wavey:


Jan 11, 2006
Hi, Lainey! That is fantastic news from Varna!!! I felt that was your best bet! When I upgraded my 1.6 ct round brilliant to a 2.3 ct AVR, Vatche remade the head on my ring to fit the new stone (for a few hundred dollars). That is why I had a feeling Varna might be willing to help you so that you can keep your setting!

I love fluorescence and prefer it! I don't necessarily think it would make me like a lower color more, but I do just like it, period. That said, I have seen m2b's 5 ct AVC that is J color in a halo, so I know I'd be more than happy to accept a J, personally!


Jan 30, 2016
Thanks SparklySoprano!!

I'm so glad I had your advice and listened to you DS! Varna was totally accommodating and I haven't gotten any pricing from them yet, but I hope they are reasonable like the amount you just mentioned. That would be great!

I was excited, so I posted my update, and now just both your comments have me all silly! :appl: I've gone almost a month now without my ring (just my wedding band) and I have ??? many weeks to go...the anticipation of it!!! I don't think I have had this much raw excitement over a "thing" since I believed in Santa! ha ha Nothing like an AVR or AVC to bring a little magic back into one's life LOL
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