
My BB imperial Malaya garnet

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Sep 20, 2008
I typically don''t like ovals, but I saw this on BB''s website, and he sent me a much better color corrected picture. The picture on his website showed a bit too much beige.

In diffused sunlight, it''s very salmony.

This you buy this one, TL?? It's gorgeous!

ETA: I guess you did, LOL!!
One of my favorite colors! Cut is nice too.
In incandescent, more pink with some red flashies.

The last one didn''t upload, sorry.

Aha! You're the lucky lady you bought that! I've been eyeing it for awhile but I couldn't convince myself to spend the money after just buying the spinel. Congrats dear! It looks amazing!

And I'm totally jealous
Date: 1/31/2009 1:48:56 PM
Author: coatimundi
One of my favorite colors! Cut is nice too.
Coati, it was your gorgeous Malaya that got me started on the hunt for one of your or a similar color.

Thank you BEG and Mochi.
Date: 1/31/2009 1:53:12 PM
Author: tourmaline_lover
Date: 1/31/2009 1:48:56 PM

Author: coatimundi

One of my favorite colors! Cut is nice too.

Coati, it was your gorgeous Malaya that got me started on the hunt for one of your or a similar color.

I''m so enamored of this color. Yours is a beauty--with a great cut to boot! How will you set it?
Beautiful TL - I love this stone, can''t wait to see more pics and hear how you decide to set it
Date: 1/31/2009 1:55:25 PM
Author: coatimundi

I''m so enamored of this color. Yours is a beauty--with a great cut to boot! How will you set it?
I don''t know, I think I would like a Princess Diana type setting, or perhaps something with rose gold, although these stones look nice in white gold as well since they have a metallic sparkle to them (if that makes any sense). You probably have a better word for what I''m talking about.
One more in diffused sunlight. Since I''ve been taking pictures in macro mode with my portrait setting, I think they come out a bit more true to live and clearer.

Date: 1/31/2009 1:58:36 PM
Author: tourmaline_lover

I don''t know, I think I would like a Princess Diana type setting, or perhaps something with rose gold, although these stones look nice in white gold as well since they have a metallic sparkle to them (if that makes any sense). You probably have a better word for what I''m talking about.

One of the reasons I love garnet is that polish luster. The word I use is sub-adamantine.:) I think white or rose gold would look lovely, though I am currently in love with rose gold. It will look great paired with diamonds, as their luster is close. This stone will make for a very special ring. Glad it went to a good home!
Date: 1/31/2009 1:44:43 PM
I typically don''t like ovals, but I saw this on BB''s website, and he sent me a much better color corrected picture. The picture on his website showed a bit too much beige.

What is it about ovals you don''t like? I''m interested to learn about gem shapes so I wondered if your preference was a personal thing or based on something technical?
Beautiful! Great photo skills on this one!
TL: I love that stone, Love the color. It is just beautiful and so brilliant. I can''t wait to see how you set it. It is really gorgeous
I wondered who bought that stone. I knew it had to be someone from here! It''s beautiful!!!!

I''m looking at buying my first colored stone, but don''t know nearly enough to actually make a purchase. I keep looking at the inventory of each vendor in the thread at the top of the page, and I stopped on that stone more than once. I can''t wait to see what you do with it!
Wow that is gorgeous TL!
Gorgeous! I love the colour! I think it would look nice set in both rose gold and white gold (if you don''t mind two tone) - with diamonds as Coati suggested...either way - it''s a beauty!
It''s gorgeous and surrounded with diamonds will look beautiful I think.

I''m curious though - it''s not a colour I thought you''d go for because it has brown undertones - did the colour just scream "buy me"?
Date: 1/31/2009 4:51:12 PM
Author: LovingDiamonds
It''s gorgeous and surrounded with diamonds will look beautiful I think.

I''m curious though - it''s not a colour I thought you''d go for because it has brown undertones - did the colour just scream ''buy me''?
I fell in love with Coati''s Malaya garnet, that''s why. While it''s true it does have some brown in it, but it''s more peach, salmony and pink. Truth be told, it''s really difficult to get that orange-pink color in nature without some brown in it, even in tourmalines, and rhodochrosites are just too soft ad I don''t care for pads becuase the only ones I like cost a fortune, and sapphires are too desnse (you get little bang fot the buck). I also love the sparkle, and the admantine luster as Coati puts it. It has other qualities that make it distinct from just another salmon colored stone. I have purchased another Malaya from Multicolour and it was very brown and disappointing, so I know what you''re saying.
Date: 1/31/2009 3:44:58 PM
Author: klewis

Date: 1/31/2009 1:44:43 PM
I typically don't like ovals, but I saw this on BB's website, and he sent me a much better color corrected picture. The picture on his website showed a bit too much beige.

What is it about ovals you don't like? I'm interested to learn about gem shapes so I wondered if your preference was a personal thing or based on something technical?
No, it's just a personal thing, something about that shape is just blah and boring to me, especially since it's the #1 shape for native cuts. However, the chunky facets and cutting make up for the shape.

Thanks to everyone for all the kinds words. I think I'll try taking some pics of it at night in my kitchen hallogens to get the more pink color to display.
What a gorgeous salmon color! A Princess Diana ring would be stunning!
Under my kitchen hallogens, pink with red and orange. Sorry for the fuzzy shot and the camera shadow. It''s an amazing stone, I think everyone one who loves colored gems should have one in their collection.

I was eyeing this stone for one of my settings. I am happy that you got it! I actually love the cut and find the color very pretty.
It''s very pretty!
Very nice! Much more padish (now that''s a word...) than most pads. Rose gold might make it look less brown (not that it''s obvious in photos, cause it''s not), but I''m not sure white diamonds would help in that department.
Wow, that is exquisite TL!! What an amazing colour, and the cut is stunning!!
Date: 1/31/2009 1:44:43 PM
I typically don''t like ovals, but I saw this on BB''s website, and he sent me a much better color corrected picture. The picture on his website showed a bit too much beige.

OH, TL, I absolutely love this stone!!! The color is exquisite (I''m partial to peachy tones) and oval is one of my favorite cuts (faces up longer and larger). I know you mentioned you don''t typically like ovals, but it''s beautiful. I was never into ovals either, especially in diamonds, but my oval twillight topaz just looks right on my hand somehow. Your malaya is the second I''ve seen on PS. The first one was Coati''s pear, and they are both just mesmerizing! The peachy pink is just delicious!

Have you thought about how you are going to set this? I can totally see this in a rose gold head or all rose gold.

PS: I agree with you about pads. I think the color is gorgeous, but they face up a little small. And they are very very pricey. I''d take a malaya over a pad any day! Similar color, more sparkle, more affordable and faces up bigger.
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