
Mark Morrell. 3 years. I never gave her the ring!!

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Aug 29, 2003
So here is the deal. Three years ago all of you helped me design a ring. The center round brilliant, 2.86, H, VS2, HCA 0.6, sides (it is what she wanted) - trielles (0.4 ct each). I always wondered about the idea of trielles on the sides, and thought that the stones would overly contrast. But the saving grace was the AMAZING setting you see in the link below by Mark Morrell.

Well, the "she" who wanted the trielles never got the ring, and has been gone 2 years. Now there is a new "she." The right "she". I am really thinking to convert over to pears for the sides. Easier on the eye.

1) What do you think of keeping the ring the way that it is (not from a moral perspective about that i bought it for another woman who never saw it), but from a purely aesthetic point of view
2) If I do switch to pears, what proportions do I need to complement big mamma 2.86 (9.29*9.34*5.54) in the center
3) How hard do you all think it would be for Mark to convert this setting idea to pears from trilliants (I have not bothered him yet I know he is busy)

here was the finished project we all made three years ago, and she never got the honor of receiving

It''s perfect as is, if neither one of them ever saw it leave it alone, welcome back!
Don't give a left over ring designed for another woman.

If she finds out she will probably be very upset.
good point- but i am trying to stay away from that moral question and focus on my specific 3 diamond/ring related questions above.
Hi CandidE.

Sorry to hear the first engagement didn''t work out, but I''m glad you found someone new. The ring is simply stunning, just as it is. I can''t comment on the feasibility of switching to pears, but it''s not necessary aesthetically. I could totally understand from an emotional perspective though why you''d want to make a change to the ring before proposing to your new gal.

I''m guessing MM is the one to talk to....good luck!
Thank you.

My two major concerns were:

1) the triangular bias of trielles contrasted too sharply with the center round brilliant
2) the fact that I asked Mark to set the center stone low so as to not have her bump things and not be to flashy has taken away from the true look of my $$$$$$ 2.86 AGS0 HCA0.6 center and made it look like a HUBCAP!! Am I being paranoid?
The ring is gorgeous but I think you should get a new complete setting since when she learned that it is a left over from someone it might upset her and ruin everything.

Well, firstly I think that the ring is just GORGEOUS as it is....well done for designing such a beautiful piece....

.....and....drum roll please.....while this may not be the feeling of every girl here, I think that if the ring was never given to your ex and not ever accepted by someone else then there shouldn''t be any problem.

As a newly engaged gal, I would be upset if I was given a ring that had been given/proposed to an ex....but in my opinion the emotions attached to an engagement ring are those that are felt at the time he slips it on your finger, and those that you feel when you look at it for all the days after....this ring is technically still a ''virgin''....hehe....

This is such a beautiful ring that I think it would be a shame to ''redo'' it if you love it....

Hi Candide

Originally the design was something you had made from YOUR heart. Possibly the ex-she, said she wanted the Trielles, maybe it was you concept to make it into the design you wished to present her with it.

The ex she, I am assuming never got the ring, so it isn''t like it was presented as a symbol of your feelings which failed.

Large round stone tend to look "hubcapish" but a 2.86 shouldn''t appear that way, regardless of whether it set low of high.
Actually, that style prong (lucida or trellis like) should be set a bit lower.

What you might want to consider is adding one or more small, bezel set, ''surprise diamonds ( or a colored stone) which probably Mark could do for you quickly, minmizing further expense, and making a ring that is different that the original one, should presenting in to "new she" in the old style configuratiion cause you to feel a little "guilty".

As long as it comes from your heart, it is "pure" and not tainted.

Hope this helps.

As a fiancée, I would be upset if my man gave me a ring he had designed with another woman in mind. I understand what RockDoc said about it coming from your heart, but it was still designed with "ex-she"''s tastes is mind, not "right-she"''s, and since "right-she" will be getting it, well...

That said, I like this setting very much. I don''t know if just switching to pears would be feasible, but I think it would be even lovelier!
I think the most important factor is how she would feel if she found out.

People vary.
Date: 12/13/2006 8:44:51 PM
Author: candide

2) the fact that I asked Mark to set the center stone low so as to not have her bump things and not be to flashy has taken away from the true look of my $$$$$$ 2.86 AGS0 HCA0.6 center and made it look like a HUBCAP!! Am I being paranoid?

I wish I had hubcaps that looked so good! Ha-ha! You are being TOTALLY paranoid! The diamond does NOT look like a hubcap - Puh-leez! That was a great idea to set it low. The diamond on its own SCREAMS and the setting is elegant. It definitely looks "$$$$$$"!
Date: 12/13/2006 8:30:50 PM
So here is the deal. Three years ago all of you helped me design a ring. The center round brilliant, 2.86, H, VS2, HCA 0.6, sides (it is what she wanted) - trielles (0.4 ct each). I always wondered about the idea of trielles on the sides, and thought that the stones would overly contrast. But the saving grace was the AMAZING setting you see in the link below by Mark Morrell.

Well, the ''she'' who wanted the trielles never got the ring, and has been gone 2 years. Now there is a new ''she.'' The right ''she''. I am really thinking to convert over to pears for the sides. Easier on the eye.

1) What do you think of keeping the ring the way that it is (not from a moral perspective about that i bought it for another woman who never saw it), but from a purely aesthetic point of view
2) If I do switch to pears, what proportions do I need to complement big mamma 2.86 (9.29*9.34*5.54) in the center
3) How hard do you all think it would be for Mark to convert this setting idea to pears from trilliants (I have not bothered him yet I know he is busy)

here was the finished project we all made three years ago, and she never got the honor of receiving


Since we''re keeping it 100% real. No it is not ok with ME. Fortunately you are not my intended. SO I guess you need to ask yourself if it would be ok with HER.. I have a feeling that answer to that would be no as well.

I don''t think I would mind gettnig the center stone reset since I am a realist and know it''s not feasible to sell a diamond that large without suffering. Is it eligible for a trade?
If I found out that my *fiance* gave me a ring he originally designed and had made for someone else he''d become my *EX-fiance* pretty damn quick.

Second the idea of looking in to trading it. At the VERY least reset the center stone into something TOTALLY different.

(Just my 2 [opinionated] cents... )
well, I think it''s a gorgeous setting. As a married gal, who isn''t really sentimental about my rings (no longer have the diamond I was proposed to with but still have the setting) I would be upset if I found out my hubby had purchased a ring and designed a setting for another woman and then gave it to me, it wouldn''t matter whether he proposed to her or not, he purchased that ring with her in mind. However, I wouldn''t care if he chose to reset the diamond b/c the size whore in me would love a stone that size
. I love, love, love rounds with side pears so I think you should definitely talk to MM and see what can be done. Personally, even though it will be more $$ I think you should have MM make you a new setting and see if he''ll let you turn that one in on a trade. If not, you could take out the center and probably easily consign the ring at Pearlmans or Good Old Gold or somewhere where the MM name is known and at least recoup some of your $$.
Date: 12/13/2006 9:21:59 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
If I found out that my *fiance* gave me a ring he originally designed and had made for someone else he''d become my *EX-fiance* pretty damn quick.

Second the idea of looking in to trading it. At the VERY least reset the center stone into something TOTALLY different.

(Just my 2 [opinionated] cents... )
I think I would keep the center stone, it is a great one after all...and set it into something completely different, designed by HER tastes not your ex''s. Even though you are trying to get around the moral issue of giving this ring to her that was designed for a different woman, I don''t think you can. It''s not like this ring is an heirloom passed down or was created for an ex girlfriend.
Those sidestones (are they similar to trilliants?) are not the ones I would pick to go with a round stone. But since they''re already done, I''m not sure how feasible it is to switch. I do think the ring looks amazing!!!
I''m not sure how I would feel about an engagement ring designed for someone else. I suggest talking it over with your intended.
Have you seen the Leon Mege Kristy Darling with pears? The pears are TINY, they look like wings.
I’m with Kenny, how she is inclined to feel about it is of paramount importance and trumps everything else.

How about this? Take out the center stone and work with Mark to design a completely new ring around it to be special for the right girl. Replace the stone in the ‘old’ ring with a sapphire or some other gemstone, which would be nicely offset with the trilliants, won’t look like an engagement ring and will no longer be the ring that you designed for some other woman. Changing from trilliants to pears is basically going to require him to remake the whole ring anyway. Present this one for an anniversary, birthday or some other occasion that doesn’t have quite so much emotional involvement as the engagement ring.

If she’s really the sort to be upset about a diamond bought for another woman, consider a trade-in of the center stone with whoever you bought it from. Many are fairly cooperative about this sort of thing and that looks like a knockout stone. This would make the entire ring just for her without leaving you taking a financial bath on the transaction.

I must say, I really like the low to the finger look. For active women or women who are inclined to wear gloves a lot, like medical or scientific people (or people who live in Colorado) it makes a piece with a large diamond far less difficult to wear every day for the rest of your life.

Neil Beaty
Professional Appraisals in Denver
Do the right thing... Keep the stone. Trade in the setting. I know it will cost you, but you''re lucky to have found Miss Right and you shouldn''t give her a ring designed with another womans tastes in mind.
This is too much trouble.

Have you considered getting that other woman back?

I''m not Dr. Phil (and appraisers usually don''t give advice about relationships) but somehow I''m not comfortable with you giving your special lady the original ring "as is."
A fresh new start would be nicer. You have many options, as the wise folks here on PS have suggested. Best wishes.
If I found out I was proposed to with a ring that was intended for someone else I''d be very angry. But then I would see that it is an almost 3 CARAT center stone with sides made by Mark Morrell and I''d quickly be happy again! Just kidding! Well not really! OK, kinda.

I think you need to ask yourself what kind of personality she has. Some women would be devastated by this and some couldn''t care less. How involved was your ex FI in the ring design? I''d be really upset if another woman designed a ring for herself and then you gave it to me.

I love the idea of pears, though I could not answer if that is plausable or not. I think pears of at least .5, but, probably up to .8 on each side. That setting would look FAB with pears. I love the way it is set in an arch rather than with the center up higher. This design is my very favorite for a three stone!

Good luck with this potential project! I wish you the best!
Date: 12/13/2006 9:46:56 PM
Author: kenny
This is too much trouble.

Have you considered getting that other woman back?


Date: 12/13/2006 9:46:56 PM
Author: kenny
This is too much trouble.

Have you considered getting that other woman back?


You are TOO FUNNY, Kenny!

Guys, we have really bludgeoned CandidE! He didn''t even want our opinions about the moral/emotional side of it. Ha-ha!
I''d probably send the whole ring to Bill Pearlman to sell for me (It''s magnificent...surely SOMEONE will pay good money for it) and start all over choosing the perfect ring for Ms Right.

Even if you choose to keep the stone and sell the mounting, I think it important that your girl knows right from the get-go where it came from. Learning much later could be VERY upsetting.

Starryeyed wrote, "Guys, we have really bludgeoned CandidE! He didn't even want our opinions about the moral/emotional side of it."

That is what happens on an Internet forum when so many people feel so strongly about something that is so important.
We would be negligent to pretend this side of the question can be ignored.

Also, I think I have read many times here that men frequently think reusing a ring/stone is no big deal but women do.
Isn't it better he gets annoyed at us than experience her wrath, or worse, later?
If the center stone vendor has a trade up policy you might want to consider using it...
It wont bug some women but some it would really hurt.

Mark can answer the question about switching the sides better than we can.
Date: 12/13/2006 10:08:14 PM
Author: kenny
Starryeyed wrote, ''Guys, we have really bludgeoned CandidE! He didn''t even want our opinions about the moral/emotional side of it.''

That is what happens on an Internet forum when so many people feel so strongly about something that is so important.
We would be negligent to pretend this side of the question can be ignored.

Also, I think I have read many times here that men frequently think reusing a ring/stone is no big deal but women do.
Isn''t it better he gets annoyed at us than experience her wrath, or worse, later?

no matter how much we are "bludgeoning" Candide, this will in NO WAY compare to the bludgeoning his girlfriend will give him if she finds out she is getting a ring designed so specially, FOR ANOTHER WOMAN!

It''s cheap, impersonal, and the ULTIMATE RE-GIFTING sleeze-ball move. Period.

Aussie : p
Kenny, I agree with you 100%! And who knows, maybe the gal signs onto this forum while searching for studs or something and reads all about it! And sees pictures of her ring, i.e. - the other woman''s ring! Yikes!

It could happen and CandidE will have to buy her a new 3.5-carat D IF to get out of the doghouse! CandidE, you had better think about preemptive damage-control!
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